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hostess yumminess

This is a sponsored review from BlogHer and Hostess

Hostess® products have been a part of my life ever since i can remember.
i have a deep love for the Hostess CupCake®.
it will never change.

when talby went to her first camp this summer i sent her a care package
and it had these New Frosted Devil's Food Donettes® and a card.
she was thrilled…said it was the best mail ever!
according to Hostess, Donettes are one of their most popular products. 
have you ever had them for breakfast?
we do on special occasions…vacation road trips, birthdays, or no-school days just to make it more fun!
kids think it's pretty awesome.


one of these goodies is always in my cart when i grocery shop.
the Hostess Chocolate Creme Twinkies® are NEW!
my kids thought it was great, combining two of their favorite things…chocolate and Twinkies!
with five kids we go through lots of Hostess snacks every week.
how cute is that little cowboy Twinkie dude?


having a special treat in the house is something i try to keep on hand all the time.
for rewards for good behavior like sharing or listening,
for saying "well done" on a test, 
for saying "cheer up"
or just because they are YUMMY.



my personal favorite is the CupCake.
the swirl of white frosting makes me smile.



school lunches at our house have a Hostess treat every time.
the type of snack cake varies, but there is always a sweet treat from Hostess in their lunch box.



when my children come home from school they have reading time, homework time, piano practice
and some basketball time. 
somewhere in there my kids have a snack.
they love the days where they get a big glass of cold milk and a yummy Hostess CupCake.

we usually get a little messy when we eat them.


you can't help but smile when you are eating one.
getting the whipped cream in the center is a treat in itself!
talby claims her favorite food in the world to be whipped cream so these goodies are the best!


we eat our snack over homework or while we read books.
they always ask for more.
"just one more pleeeeeeeease!"



it's cool to see my kids enjoying the exact same snack i did when i was a little girl.
there aren't a lot of things in life i can say that about.
they have iPods and DVRs and computers.
they use cell phones and text.
they have handheld video games, electronic books, 
light-up scooters and dvd players in the car with wireless headphones.


but when i was seven years old…i ate that same Hostess CupCake after school, sitting by my sister, 
laughing at her silly stories and she laughed at mine.
just like my kids are doing today.
that is pretty sweet.

You can learn more about the new products on the Hostess Facebook page.

thanks to BlogHer and Hostess, I'm hosting a giveaway for a $100 Visa gift card!

to be entered for a chance to win, leave a comment sharing your favorite memory involving Hostess snack cakes

Rules: No duplicate comments.

You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:

a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry.

This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here. This sweepstakes runs from 2/29/12 – 3/31/12

Be sure to visit the Promotions & Prizes page on where you can read other bloggers’ reviews and find more chances to win!

Kimberly - My favorite memory is coming home from school and eating Twinkies with a glass of cold milk.

Ashley Tucker - I always loved the cupcakes as a kid!
ajoy1332 at yahoo dot com

Eugenie - My earliest fave memory is getting home and dunking chocolate Hostess Donettes in milk.

Mari - My favorite memory is getting a hostess snack as a treat when I visited my grandparents.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com

ewhatley - It started with hostess treats in my lunchbox for school and for the rest of my life, I’ve never been able to resist those little chocolate donuts. Thanks a lot, Mom!

Betty Curran - My dad and I always shared Hostess cupcakes. It was especially nice when I got old enough to also have coffee with mine 🙂

ACMommy3 - A favorite memory I have was going grocery shopping with my mom as a child and we’d always buy a package of hostess treats to enjoy on the way home! Simple but so fun! 🙂

Christina Tong - I tweeted about this Giveaway:!/ctong2/status/185957762193309697

Christina Tong - I remember when I gave my children the Twinkies® after school they were so happy and we enjoyed the super soft cake that afternoon, this is my favorite memory of a Hostess® snack cake and it is nothing better than you see your loved ones feel so happy.

Anne K. - I was raised on Hostess snacks. We have an outlet store not far from where I grew up. There is nothing better than Hostess… except for discount Hostess! 😀

Sarah L - I remember always eating my Twinkie by first biting off each end and then eating the middle.
Thanks for the contest.

Diane - Ding Dongs! (not the doorbell kind) 🙂

Lee - My favorite memory of a Hostess® snack cake is the velvety sponge cake Twinkie and biting into the cream filling. Ummm.

Carmen - Grandpa would walk to the store a couple times a week when he lived with us and bring home Hostess snacks! We loved that!

ANGEL JACKLYN - I remember gambeling Twinkies in Elementary school. We traded them & stocked up on ’em for everything. It’s not one memory in particular that makes me laugh- it’s ALL of them lol =)
Good times!

Teresa Moore - I can remember the rare times my mom would buy ding dongs. We would get one if it was a special occasion!

Desi - My favorite memories are of grade school when I would pack hostess snacks and all my friends would say I had the best lunches and try to bribe me for my food. Takes me back to my childhood!

Shelley C - Can’t get enough HOSTESS!

Courtney M - I had a Hostess cupcake tower on my dessert table at my wedding…need I say more??

Jenn Guymon - I didn’t eat a lot of these growing up, but now that I have children of my own, we love to buy some for a special treat. The kids love the Cupcakes and DingDongs best.

Kris Bates - I remember as a kid, my mom would not let us kids have snack cakes unless it was a special occasion- which meant we coveted them. My dad would always buy Ding Dongs and hide them in the mini fridge in his tool room under the work bench. Whenever I would help him with whatever project he had to do [ from changing the breaks on the car to weeding the garden, and even building the brick walkway] he would sneak a snack cake to me as a reward. It was our little secret and moment we would share while bonding. Every time I see them at the store, I buy 2 boxes so I can share them with him. Makes me smile thinking about it. 😀

Kris Bates - I tweeted about this cause they are yummy treats!!!!/krisinterrupted

Maria Cantu - I like most Hostess snacks and I would get to choose a different one each week we’d go to the grocery store.

Jessica Wood - Cupcakes, yum!

Brenna - Best after school snack EVER! Yum!

rosemarie - love cupcakes pack them in kids lunches and i save mine for dessert

Gillian - I always used to get the Hostess fruit pies after school 🙂

Stevie - Hostess cupcakes…so remind me of my child hood!

Toni - It was a special day at the grocery store when we were allowed to buy ding dongs! We would then get home and divide them up between my sister and I. I would always eat mine so fast and she would save hers for weeks! Ding Dongs were a special buy at the grocery store!!!

angie lilly - mmmmm I love love love their Banana Walnut Mini Muffins! When I used to work, I would have a baggy of them with a cold OJ for breakfast nearly every morning. I miss that tradition, but not the working. LOL! Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Brenda - Love me some chocolate donuts! Yummy!

Analia - The hostess cupcakes are a favorite since we were little kids. We would down the block to the NY deli just to pick come up after school!

Kerry - I have always loved the donettes – especially in college. They were always a great study snack!

tara pittman - eating the cream filling from twinkies

Gina M Maddox - TWEET-!/CrazyItalian0/status/184049198721794048
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

Gina M Maddox - My mom used to pack them in my school lunches from time to time, and they always made me smile when I opened my lunch and spotted one. 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com

linda brooks - I was a little girl and my dad bought me my first twinkie it was so good.

sy - A coworker brought in 7 pounds of twinkies for his 7 year work anniversary, I ate a lot of it and was very productive. Twinkies are awesome. Thanks for the giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail

Jammie - one of my favorite memories is with my cousin. He was a twinkie nut. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Karina Lee - my mom always put a hostess cupcake in my lunch as a kid

Rita Alarcon - My family often went camping and our favorite breakfast for the road trip was Hostess Donettes with Chocolate Milk

rebecca morgan - got on twitter and it was 2:31 pm 20 mar 12 it was down this morning but it is working now i retweeted the site yummy

Melanie - My favorite as a kid was the chocolate cupcake – I would split it with my best friend at lunch!

rebecca morgan - twitter is down now i left a nice comment telling them how to reach you but the tweet feed back was out it is the 3:45 am on the 20 march 12

rebecca morgan - love anything from hostess, i loved it when i was little, field trips with the school i all ways had a cupcake 2 pack in my lunch bag those were the days i would run to Clark gas station and get 1 for my lunch the next day ,, by the way i tryed the new twinkies with chocolate filling good but i like the old white better but any snack is a good snack when it is wrapped with love i hope to win i could use the money to buy some ding dong and a snow ball thanks Hostess 4 the give away ,, p.s. cute kids

Melissa Johnson - I liked them all but as a child I would always pick the Pink Snowballs if given a choice. When I did, I never had to share, apparently they are the Lima Beans of the Snack treat world!

Leann Lindeman - My favorite as a child was the chocolate cupcake.. I didn’t get them often, so it was a real treat!

Claudia Davis - My favorite memory involving Hostess snack cakes is always having one , usually a twinkie, packed for lunch in my lunch box.

Erica Best - when i was little and my mom use to pack a hostess cupcake on friday as treat.
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com

Erika - I remember biting open the cupcakes to get to the filling inside!

Suzanne - Oh how I looooved Hostess cupcakes growing up and still am addicted!

Caitlynne - We had a crazy great aunt that would always bring a box of Twinkies to family functions for my sister and I (not twins). She would yell “Twinkies for the twinkies!” and then give us the box. My mom always tried to tell her that we were actually three years apart and not twins at all…but she wouldn’t have it. My sister and I were just excited for the treat.

meredith - i loooove ding dongs! I dont buy them usually b/c i dont want to ruin my diet – so they are only for special exceptions – like traveling

Btrflywmn - Hanging out with my little brother and eating Hostess cupcakes, playing and having fun together. My brother passed away many years ago, I cherish those memories.

Heather - Yellow Zingers- loved them then and now!

Tina M - I remember eating them with my brother after school

Courtney R. - When I was a little girl, I LOVED the Hostess Cupcakes because I thought it spelled my name on them (like a birthday cake). As a woman, I love them because, HELLO – they are delicious!!!

Tim - The twinkie I just had …

Kelly - How can one not love twinkies! Thanks!!

Elizabeth - Never met a ding dong I didn’t like 🙂

rosemarie - love hostess

jennibell - My favorite Hostess memory are Ding Dongs!! Remember the thin aluminum wrappers they used to come in? My sister and I would try to smooth the wrapper out without tearing it. Funny thing to remember, huh? I don’t like processed foods as a rule, but still can’t pass up a Ding Dong!

Diana Yarborough - Loved the cupcake, but cannot remember the last time I had one. Would be a good treat.

ashley - My favorite Hostess memory was going to the Hostess store with my aunt – a sugar junkie’s heaven!! Mmmmmm….thinking about it makes my mouth water. I have a problem.

Lisa - Coming from a family of four kids (in the 60’s)we always had homemade cookies (which is reguarded as a REAL treat nowadays!!)so when we got to buy TWINKIES,HO HO’S or SUZY Q’S it was a real treat!

Michele - We always had Hostess products in our house growing up, but my ultimate favorite are Ding Dongs. I would eat all of the chocolate off the outside first and then eat the cake and creamy center. Yum!

Lela Pohlmann - My great aunt Katie always had the Twinkies for us when we went to visit her. Loved it!

Melissa - Twinkies were my favorite as a kid. I think my grandma would let me eat two or three. That makes me want to hurl now. LOL

Heidi Tapley - Like many of the other posters, memories of childhood include mom’s delicious lunches, and what made them so delicious – the Ding Dongs or Hostess Cupcakes. Although I can enjoy their scrumptiousness on a daily basis like years ago, they are still a sweet treat full of yummy goodness and lovely memories.

Kathryn - LOVE Hostess!! I was never allowed to eat them as a child. Now, as a special treat during our family movie nights, I surprise the kids with a mix of different cakes and let them choose their favorites!!

erin j - I remember working really hard to eat all of the chocolate covering off the Hohos and then eating the cake in a single layer (slowly unraveling the swirl). It really made it last and was so fun.

Lisa G. - Hostess snacks were always a part of our ‘special’ packed lunches for field trips! Such fun memories!

mel - i remember sometimes getting twinkies in my lunchbox at school. yum! makes me want to run to the store and get some right now!

GB Jost - I have just a quick comment…Ding Dongs straight from the fridge (or freezer) during a hot summer day!
Need I say more?

Lelia - I have not had a Hostess cake in years!!!! Good memories of them in the lunchbox too though! =)

megan - my mom would only get us hostess products for special occasions like field trips and sleepovers…and the excitement over them was crazy. oh the little things in life!

Shiloh Walter - Love Hostess Cupcakes! Can never keep them in the house long enough with kids though.

secret mom thoughts - I loved eating Hostess cupcakes with my school lunch. It was the best part of lunch.

Andrea Siebert - mmm…anything chocolate is good…

Eileen Rosenberg - When I was young I lived with my aunt for a year. Every night after dinner she would pull out a massive hat box filled with different Hostess cakes. I was allowed one and it was one of the hardest decisions in my life at the time 🙂

Angie G - My mom used to pack the Hostess cupcakes in my lunch – yummy!

Nicole - I love the swiss cake rolls because we always had them in our lunch for school!

Katie Middlebrook - One of my husband’s best friends, old co-worker, and bachelor LOVES to take hostess cakes, cut them up, stick fun toothpicks in them and take them to every party he attends :).

Deeanna - When I was little my dad and I would go down to the corner store and buy hoho’s and to this day when I visit we have hoho’s in the morning just the two of us 🙂

Meredith - Ding Dongs are a personal favorite of mine. I need to get them for my kids as a special treat. My 8yr old would love to see that in his lunch box.

Kim Black - Ding Dongs are by far my favorite but who can resist any of their scrumptious treats!

Katelyn - The cupcakes are delicious!

Hannah O - i always get a hostess snack from the candy machine at work.. whenever i need a quick snack i always stand by the machine and wonder what I’m going to choose & what sounds good.. it ALWAYS ends up being something Hostess!

Leah - When we went camping as kids, my mom always packed those little donuts for breakfast for one of the mornings. I loved it!

Michelle - I remember always having the chocolate cupcakes for lunch during field trips.

Kathryn C. - Tweet:!/katbirdfl/status/179017671596183552
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com

Kathryn C. - One of my favorite memories of Hostess Twinkies is when my baby brother snatched a whole box of them out of the grocery bag after my mom got home from shopping. He tore out to his room and ate every last one of them. I remember he was so sick that night and my mom found the box in his room and figured out why he was sick. We loved twinkies as children and I give them to my children. I still love them but don’t eat them as often. Thanks for the giveaway!
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com

anna pry - i remember getting hostess snacks in my lunchbox as a kid

steph - i remember getting a special twinkie surprise in my lunchbox!

Sunshyn V - My favorite memory of Hostess is how I used to messily eat their Cupcakes, one component at a time. So yummy. 🙂
chainmail (at)iwon dot com

janet trieschman - I used to have hostess snacks in my lunch at school. My mom always packed them for me. The new chocolate versions seem so tasty. I can’t wait to try them, I haven’t seen them in the stores yet. We have a Hostess store in our town, so that might be a place to look as well! Can’t wait.

tiffany - My favorite hostess cakes will forever be the twinkies.. funny how as a child i could eat a box of them and never gain an ounce. now, i gain 5 lbs watching my kids eat them, lol

Jamie - My mom always packed Twinkies in my lunchbox in 1st grade (long time ago!) 😉

Debra F - I remember if my brother and I got good report cards as kids, my mom would let us pick out a special treat at the supermarket, and I would always pick a box of Twinkies.

Angela F. - I just love that everytime I see them in the store I want them. I know I can’t have them all the time but when I do they are yummy. I love the cupcakes they are my favorite… wish I had one right now.

Erin - We always had Ding Dongs when I was a kid. Remember when they came in foil wrappers? I miss that. 🙂

Mary Sovinski - Hostess items were on sale at the grocery store when I was shopping w/my children. For a special treat we bought a box of HoHos and Twinkies for lunch treats. The kids are in heaven!

Dahbou - My favorite memory is from about five years ago when I first tasted a Hostess cupcake. I was shocked that I’d never had one before and thrilled that they were so delicious!

Jeannette from Plant City - we didn’t get them very often but Twinkies were my favorite, I haven’t had one in years but I am tempted to try one that has been deep fried at the Strawberry Festival this year 🙂

Jessica F - I remember the awesome feeling in elementary school when I could eat a Twinkie as a dessert!

Sheila P. - I’m confused. I had heard earlier this year that Twinkies were being discontinued. I cried for a week. Not really, but they were my favorite thing to find in my lunch box growing up – but it didn’t happen often.

sandra - twinkies in my lunch bag were a real treat

Jill H. - I remember my Mom froze Hostess Cupcakes to keep them fresh longer and I ate it straight out of the freezer and I’ve been eating them that way ever since! Love it!

Karen - Mmm, cupcakes!

Susan Smith - My Mom would always pack a Twinkie into my school lunch and the kids would try to get me to trade something from their lunch for it.

Terri Upton - Our favorite is the Powdered Donettes. We get them for special treats. The are funny to eat together because the white powder get everywhere and if you laugh while eating it really makes a mess. Great memories.

Tracey Byram - My mom used to pack 2 Ding Dongs in my school lunch every day. One for me and one for my best friend. I was never sure if my friend liked me or my Ding Dongs more.

HollyWilcox - My grandma always kept her bread box full of Hostess. My brother and I would spend our summers swimming there. We’d run into the house, stuff a donut in our mouth and jump in the pool. We didn’t want Grandma to catch us stealing her treats. But, every time we went back, the breadbox was full again. 🙂

Natalie J Vandenberghe - A favorite memory is seeing the joy on my son’s face when he gets to have a Hostess snack 😉
Thanks for the giveaway!

natalie@thesweetslife - i traded every day in 8th grade for my friend’s ho-hos! 🙂

Kristin Hayne - I love Hostess products… they are a staple in our house. A fun one. My favorite memory is sticking our fingers inside the twinkies and eating the creme filling first…. ickky and messy but oh so yummy….

Christie - It is a special treat or occasion when my kids get powdered donuts and they love them. Great time and memories.

Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - Clearly I need to win this because I don’t have any hostess memories! I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a Twinkie in my life. Help me out with that, will ya? 🙂

lynette - Ding Dongs were my favorite as a kid and I still love them!

Jessie C. - I remember me and my sisters were allowed to have as many Hostess cupcakes for birthdays.

Amanda Larkins - My mom would always buy some for me and my sister at the local “bread store”. I miss spending time with them. We live 5 hours away now….

Jenna - Using the foil from the Ding Dongs on my foil ball: HA!

jessica - I didn’t discover the joys of hostess treats until I got to college! Hah. Twinkies are the best when studying international relations 🙂

shara - we didn’t have much growing up as my mom was a single parent. so the BIG treat for us was when she’d bring home those hostess pies. the cherry pie was, to me, like little bites of heaven.

Ashley K - My husband just heard that they might discontinue twinkies and we have a 17 month old boy. My husband said that our boy can’t live a life without twinkies. He went to the store immediately and purchased so many twinkies that I might need a bigger pantry!

Lorilei - I loved loved loved the Hostess Cupcakes growing up. I remember peeling off the top frosting part and saving that for after I’d eaten the cupcake part. They are so yummy!

karen peachey - Yummo!! The cupcakes are our fave!

Robin - Could anything be better than a refrigerated DING DONG? I love that chocolate frosting cold. I put one on a pretty plate and eat it with a fork. It lasts waaaay longer folks.

Annie - the cupcakes were my favorite. Now by daughter LOVES the chocolate mini donuts every chance she gets for breakfast!

Stacy M. - I am a ding dong fan! But I hide them from the family, they are all mine. I know shame on me. I do on occasion buy some for everyone. 🙂

Tori - There is no greater comfort food, than food that has comforted you all your life!

Juli - We would get donettes sometimes and eat them on Sunday mornings while getting ready for church. Great memories.

s - many hostess memories but one sticks out above all others – my family and I traveled for my niece’s graduation and one night, my brothers, my nephew, and I hit a super Walmart and picked up a ton of snacks including Suzy Qs and other hostess treats – I went to my room to change and then to my brothers’ and nephew’s room to find out in that short time that they had consumed more than 2/3 of the stash!!
I’ve made a suzyq ice cream cake for one brother’s bday. And my kids and I have done ding dong ditches with, you guessed it, Ding Dongs, at one of my brother’s houses. Just gotta love hostess!

Carrie A - My favorite memory is of hostess donettes whenever we have out of town family. I always say I’m buying them for the littles that are visiting, but I’m secretly buying them ’cause I LOVE ’em!

Debbie B - here’s my second entry tweet:!/bellows22/status/176509477107941376

Debbie B - memories of my mother putting hostess cupcakes in my lunch for school!

melanie - Ding Dongs were the travel snack of choice when we did road trips growing up. YUM. I still choose them from time to time when I stop at a gas station.

Routhie - I used to take a bite out of my twinkie and pretend it tasted/smelled funny. I would ask on my older brothers to smell it and right when they got their noses close enough, I would push the twinkie onto their nose. It was worth it every time they fell for it.

Megan B - We actually don’t keep Hostess products at our house BECAUSE – my mom always has them and wants it to be a special “Mimi’s house” thing. 🙂 My son always gets a Ding Dong when he visits his Mimi and Big Papa. 🙂

Julie Wetzold Schellin - Long live Ding Dongs!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Rebecca - Never met a twinkie I didn’t like!

Kasey - I used to love Twinkies when I was little. Can’t bring myself to put any of that
junk in my body anymore!

Nicole F. - Pink snowballs make me think of spending time with my dad at his shop when I was a kid. He loved snowballs so of course I did too! 🙂

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh man now i really want a bag of donettes. love those things. my mom would buy those for a treat on the weekends growing up. i haven’t really bought hostess snacks for my kids…not really sure why. i guess trying to be healthy. i do buy the donettes every once in a while for fun. and a lot when i was preggers. i think this would be a fun after school snack for my boys…i’m gonna do it.

Andrea - Twinkies were my favorite growing up and now my girls love them too!

Lisa Foster - My great-aunt Louise always kept a stash of Twinkies in a big bowl on her kitchen counter for my uncle. Every time I would vist them as a child I would run to the kitchen and plead for just one package (which she always obliged)

LibraryGirl62 - We got to go to the Hostess factory for field trips. We each received a loaf of bread, a white paper cap and a HOSTESS CUPCAKE!!!
Best. Day. Ever!!!!

Rebecca - Comfort food! Yum!

Library Momma - My grandma always had twinkies when we were little, mom not so much!

Michelle From Australia - I know I am not eligible for the giveaway as I am not a US resident 🙁 BUT, do you know I haven’t ever tried any of the products you pictured??? And my ‘things to do when next in America’ list just got about half a dozen things longer…..

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - I was raised by the greatest single mom in the world. She was a teacher and clearly ( I know this now) did not make much money…..but I didn’t know it…. Our favorite “treat” each weekend was purchasing hostess cupcakes or ding dongs….Ding dongs were her favorites. Every time i have a ding dong (probably more than I should)……i remember us enjoying our treat together. My favorite is still the yummy cup cakes!

Janelle - cute post 🙂

Stacey - Oh those pink snowballs, I haven’t thought about those in years. I should lighten up and let my kiddos try some of these treats out…. : )

Kelly Massman - I remember eating yummy regular twinkies when I was young–it was a rare treat back then… thanks for a chance to win!
And, have a GREAT day!

Cheryl - I remember that we didn’t get Hostess treats very often but sometimes my mom would get them and put them in our lunches. It was so special to open my lunch and find a cupcake inside.

Ronda - Cupcakes are my favorite as well. They were always in my lunchbox!:)

Alisa - this i a bit of a tease… we dont have hostess goodies here in NewZealand.. but man oh man I want to try now…

giving - yum! peeling the white swirly off the top of the cupcake and eating that first. then peeling the chocolate frosting off and eating it. then breaking the cupcake in half and licking the frosting out….takes me back to elementary school 🙂

Jessica B - I love pretty much anything Hostess, but my daughter and I LOVE the white donettes (or snow donuts as she calls them). They are usually a special treat, but now that I am pregnant again it seems like they are in the house more than they aren’t. 🙂

linda - we always had travel soccer tournaments for my brother…i always remember having hostess donuts for breakfast in the hotel rooms before we had to watch his games for the day–best part of the day! now my kids love the ho-ho’s, cupcakes and donettes!

Sarah - My favorite is the regular Twinkie! I used to love them dunked in milk like a cookie!!! YUM! I didn’t even know they had them with chocolate filling….may have to head to the grocery store! HA!

Cindy - My favorite memory w/Hostess brings me back to the farm. (I’m an Iowa girl!) 🙂 We’d walk rows and rows and acres and acres of soybeans in the summer pulling weeds for my dad. My mom would pack lunches for us if we’d be working far away or she’d bring us lunches if we were in fields close to home, but one thing was always sure~Hostess cupcakes to follow our lunchmeat sandwiches! I remember sitting in a pasture to eat lunch with my dad and sisters in the hot summer sun! At the time I despised it, now I look back and love the work-ethic it taught me.

Shelby A. - My mom would buy a package of Ding Dongs and hide them in the freezer. If we were having a bad day, she would take out a frozen Ding Dong and microwave it for a few seconds until it was warm and gooey. That always helped us feel better, (and still does!)

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Meg, thank you for this opportunity. I love Hostess! So yummy.

jen - my favorite memory of a hostess snack cake was when i actually got one!! my father owned restaurants, my mother is a caterer and i eventually had my own baking business so treats like that were just never around or thought of. but when we did breakdown and have them {usually at the pleading of my sister and me} they were wonderful!

Amy - Hostess treats are the best! I remember playing at a friend’s house one day and her mom took us out to get a special treat for being so good. I chose a Hostess cherry pie. I was pretty sure that I was the luckiest girl in the world! 🙂

Elizabeth Ann - Hostess CupCakes were always a special treat in my lunch box growing up. I remember trying to sneak them from the cupboard after school as well 🙂

Vicki - When I was growing up, we always knew that Grama B would have Hostess Ding Dongs in her freezer just waiting for our visit. We would wait a polite few minutes before we would put on our biggest puppy eyes and gather around Grama and ask for our treat. Pulling back the frozen foil and taking that first bite of icy cold chocolatey goodness with the still-creamy-when-frozen delicious center wrapped up in the perfect combination of waxiness and chocolatiness outerlayer… words cannot express… other than the words I just used. :o)
30 years later, when I was pregnant with my first child, the chocolate donettes were one of my most consistent cravings… obviously a comfort food for me from waaaaaay back. I still sneak them into my cart every now and then. But I think it may be time to free up some freezer space and return to my first love. YooHoo! DingDongs! Pack your bags, cuz I’m comin’ to gitcha!

Molly - I love how my daughters say Cruellers when they want me to buy a at the store 🙂

megan - I love when my preschooler comes home and says, “Thanks mom, I loved my lunch today!” (I know he means the extra special dessert/Hostess snack I packed). He is ALL ABOUT the dessert!!

Sandy - Ding Dongs were my favorite!!! Remember, Suzie Q’s, were they Hostess?? They were insanely good!!!

Betsy - Oh, my favorite memoryof anything Hostess is when we would camp on Cape Cod and find a couple bags of the Donettes in one of the big plastic tubs full of treats. Started when I was 8, and now my 8 year old daughter goes searching for them when we camp at the Cape now. Love it.

cw - I remember the stash of frozen ding dongs in our basement freezer. I loved eating them frozen!!

MeganM - Hostess Cupcakes were always a treat for my sister and me. We would peel off the frosting and save that for last! They are so yummy!

Peggy in TN - I grew up with a Hostess treat in my lunch sack every day too! My favorite part of the cupcake back then was lifting the frosting off and saving it for last. Happy times. Happy memories.

Jenn - The little chocolate donuts are awesome. I call them chocolate waxy donuts…so good. I haven’t had them in forever! Now onto the Ding Dongs, my Kryptonite. Yes, that’s right. I cannot have them in the house, sadly. I will eat the entire box in one sitting. Not good, but well good, but not good for me. I call them Dang Dongs, because they are so dang good. I know, cheesy. I’m anxious to see all that you will do with your new house. Exciting stuff!

Edie S. - Mmmm, I have great memories of those cupcakes as a kid! My mom very rarely bought snacks like that, but I still remember standing in the yard at a cousin’s house in the hot sun savoring a slightly melted Hostess cupcake with the white swirlies on top!!

Laine - I loved the cupcakes when I was a kid! (still do actually!) My mom only bought them on special occasions. And I always put them in the freezer before eating them, too…oh yeah, and peeled the icing off the top before eating it, lol. Here I am trying to lose my pregnancy weight and you’re making me hungry! =P

Kristy - Oh, how I love the donettes! I wish I didn’t. When I was little and my dad (who has a huge sweet tooth) needed a little treat he would take us to the store on the way home from school and let us pick a Hostess treat. Yum!

Julia F - I remember when I was a kid, eating the Hostess Cupcake in a particular order. Picking the white curly-q icing off, peeling the chocolate icing off in one piece, eating the whip cream center, then finally the cake. I’m putting these on my grocery list now…

Karie - Hostess snacks were a super special treat when I was a kid…my mom didn’t splurge on them often, so when she did, it was a BIG deal!

michelle@decorandthedog - I used to make fun of my for sticking her Hostess cupcakes in the freezer. Now I do the same thing!

Julianne Brimner - My mom never had store bought snacks in our house, only homemade cookies or pies. I loved her home baked goods, but when I went to my friend’s house she had twinkies…so yummy. And now that I know there are chocolate creme filled twinkies…oh my.

mary - For many years I taught second grade at an urban school. Every month we celebrated birthdays. Most months no one brought anything to celebrate so I would go around the corner to the hostess discount store and load up on treats. We would stick a candle in and a party was born. I love the chocolate rolls!

Amy Lynne - We we’re given a lot of sweets as kids, but during my long college days I would grab a pack of the orange cupcakes. Oh my word, such a good reward for tackling all my course assignments! My hubby recently brought me a pack and I had to giggle as the memories came rushing back!

Staci - When I was younger we would freeze twinkies when we took trips to the beach. They were GOOD! and refreshing. Thanks for sharing and making me hungry!!!

Melody - we always had a special hostess treat in our lunches growing up as well – the swirly cupcakes were my favorite – haven’t thought about them in ages…but I think a trip to the store is in order tomorrow to pick up a box. 🙂

Amy - I tweeted about this giveaway:!/uTry_it/status/175871101505765376
Amy [at] utry [dot] it

Amy - I remember I always enjoyed a Hostess Ho Hos after school with brothers. We would enjoy this yummy snack together, share (or fight over) toys and always have fun after school. I’m so glad to have this same memory shared with my brothers. That is my favorite Hostess snack cake memory!
Amy [at] utry [dot] it

Mary Beth Hunt - We keep our Twinkies in the freezer and I admit to eating them frozen a time or two……

yvette - twinkies remind me of middle school. they were sold in our snack bar and I think I ate one every day!

Kate W. - i wish they were not so delicious 🙂 so yummy!

Maria - We usually grab a few bags of the mini donuts when we go camping for our departure/end of camping morning breakfast…they are always welcomed and expected!

Amanda - The white powdered sugar donettes were a staple in my house growing up. Now I eat them a bit more “grown up” by dunking them in coffee. YUM!

Colleen - My friends and I in high school polishing off a box of twinkies and smearing the cream on their noses. It was so fun. And I love the Ding Dongs!

Wendy - A nice chocolate Hostess cupcake with white icing in the middle and a big tall cold glass of milk ….. yum!

Allison - Now I want a cupcake! 🙂

Laura Phelps - haven’t eaten a Hostess ANYTHING in a hundred years
not a hundred
thats stupid
I am only 41
I guess I was about 12 maybe, the last time I ate Hostess
Devil Dog…is that Hostess?
that’s what I ate
as for my kids now
I make all of their snacks from scratch
all homemade
no sugar
just kidding
I feed them crap
all for now
better go to bed
I am rambling…
and craving a devil a dog……

Thuy - I remember my parents packing these yummy cupcakes in my lunchbox and now I am doing the same for my kiddos! =)

Lisa - My husband has a love relationship with hostess cupcakes! Haha! There was something awhile back about hostess going bankrupt or something. Guess not! You are much more fun then I am! I stress about letting my kids have stuff like this for snacks. 🙂

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - The chocolate donettes are my fav!! My girls and Husband love them, too. Yum………………….

kribss - The cupcakes are my favorites too! Best memory, like so many others, was just getting them as a special treat since we didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up.

kendra - ahh, Hostess. My dad has delivered for them for years so we always had a cupboard packed with these goodies. I hated them. Now away from home for 13 years they aren’t so bad:) Try the ding dong warmed in the microwave for a few seconds……mmmmmm, that’s good stuff right there!

tara - My mom made the best lunches on the planet…all the other kids were jealous of my lunches. for real.
there was always a hostess treat in the box…I’m sure that’s what they were jealous of!

Gretchen - Hohos make me oh-so happy!!!
Ding dongs run a VERY close second.
Seeing your pictures suddenly gives me a CRAVING!!! 🙂

Tanya H - For my 25th birthday, we were moving 3 hours away and I was in preterm labor, lol. My mom came down last minute to drive me to our new home, so I could stay reclined in the front seat and “on bedrest”. When we stopped for a pitstop, she bought me HoHo’s and had our car-full sing happy birthday to me. It totally made me cry but was absolutely one of the highlights of that otherwise lousy day! 🙂

marci hurst - i remember sharing ho-ho’s at lunchtime with my best friend Mary–now my kids share them at school with their friends 🙂

Jen N. - I remember always, always peeling off the frosting layer of the Hostess Cupcakes and saving it for last. Delish!

Krissy - Hoho’s have ALWAYS been my favorite!! I still eat them the same way i did when i was little. I peel off the chocolate coating and eat it first. Then i “unroll” it and eat the layers one at a time. Then i eat the last roll with all the yummy goodness in the middle!! Mmm…might be time to buy some. :o)

Ashley Cook - They were always the treat in my lunch box. I have food allergies, and hostess powdered sugar doughnuts were one of the few things on my “Safe” list. 🙂

Naomi Williams - I am a BIG fan of the cupcakes! My mom used to give them to us on RARE occasions in our school lunches! We had a Hostess discount store in our town that sold the day old stuff…it was my favorite place to shop…every last item in that store was deliciously carb-filled and it smelled like those mini fried fruit pies! We got a lot of bread and more healthy items there, but I loved the Zingers (pink coconut ones!!!) and the other great treats we would get on occasion.
Once, when I was in first grade, that store held a coloring contest of Snoopy sitting on his dog house. My entry ended up having funny lines on the grass part b/c I colored it on the side of cardboard box b/c I was in such a hurry to turn it in. The judges called it creativity, and I WON! It is the ONLY time in my whole life I have ever won anything, and it was at the Hostess store! What memories!

beth - my grandma would keep the cupcakes and those chocolate covered whipped cream filled cupcakes in her freezer. so whenever we went there, I knew those were waiting for me. and they are so good cold! you’ve got my mouth all ready for one….may have to pop one (or more!) of those boxes in the car this shopping trip!

Lisa - LOVE Hostess cupcakes…my kids do too 🙂

Collette Ezzell - I have always been partial to Hostess Cupcakes the most but Twinkies hold a special place in my heart as well. After we left the box of twinkies out after making lunches, our cat Oogie somehow found his way up onto the kitchen countertop because we came home from work and on the family room floor was a twinkie wrapper with what looked like a deflated yellow balloon inside it. Upon closer inspection, it was indeed the outside of a twinkie, with all the creme filling out of it, Oogie loved Twinkies too!

Nicole B. - My Dad always did the grocery shopping, and he has quite a sweet tooth. He would always get some kind of Hostess treat, but the Ding Dongs were his/our favorite – I think partly because we loved the name, too!

Sabrina - My mom would never buy these for me, but once in awhile she would surprise me with some Twinkies! Best day ever!

shannon - I remember going to my Grandmas and I swear she would collect every Hostess dessert there was and always send us home with boxes and boxes of them! They are so yummy 🙂

Nichole - Ding Dongs. So, my fiance went looking for them like crazy a while back and we couldn’t find them. Then he did, and I think I ate more than he did.
He went CRAZY when he found them. Absolutely insane.

Karey - Hostess cupcakes are my favorite too!!! Yummy!

Lynda M. - Ho Ho’s were my fav! Cream swirled into chocolate cake and then dipped in chocolate – oh my! I used to have one after school too – great memories 🙂

Kati - I used to eat them EVERYDAY in my lunch at school. SO good. One year I gave them up for lent….that was a long season without yummies!

Toni :O) - Oh man, I so had those treats in my lunches too…my fav? Suzy Q of course!!! Woot Woot! The BEST!!! Although now I have to say I love me a King Don but they are very, very rare as I’m trying to eat healthier! hah! Fun post…your kids are just so dang cute!

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Too many to choose a fave! ~YUMLY~

Chris Lawlor - Yum says it best!

ko. s - They weren’t allowed in our house! Tsk…tsk…I use to trade lunches in elementary school to get one of those snacks! Now I’m teaching my kids moderation and they love these yummy snacks! I love tossing a pack to them after school and watching their faces light up!

52scrap - I was addicted to Twinkies while pregnant with my third baby. Had to have them, all the time!!! 🙂 Maybe why I am still carrying baby weight, even after my baby is 5!

GretchenP - my dad would get the 2 pack of cupcakes, eat one and split the other for me and my brother.. omg the best!

Juli - I wasn’t allowed these when I was a child. But once a year, traveling from Kansas to California, we were told we could pick one Hostess treat out when we gassed up the car. Just one treat, the entire road trip long. I always picked the pink “snowball” one. Heaven!

lauren - my mom and i used to devour the boxes of the powdered donettes on weekend mornings when we were both home…me from school and her from work. she was [and still is!] a very early riser, so i would pad out to the kitchen to discover her sitting there reading and enjoying the donettes! to this day, i still eat them and remember those mornings spent with her with a smile! 🙂 *

Vonda - I love me some Hostess cupcakes. Having said that, they don’t seem to ROCK MY BODY. lol

Emily - I’ve never really thought about that, that I ate hostess snacks as a kid and now my kids are. Chocolaty, whip creamy goodness…

Lori Austin - Twinkies have always been my fav. My parents raised us on
extremely limited means while I was growing up so to buy a box
of Twinkies was a HUGE treat. Yum…now I really want a Twinkie. 😉

Tiffany - It was always a special treat to see mom throw one in the shopping cart, or discover them in the grocery bag as we were putting them away when we got home.

tiffany gardner - pregnancy and cupcakes….need I say more????

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