Masthead header

hello monday….my back hurts.

i am sore from running after a two week break.
why in my back though?  ugh. 

how was your weekend?
i feel like it was a little too busy for my taste.
not any hanging out.
just go go go.
and if i was not going….i was thinking about what next?…where was i?….where is that thing?….just one more load of laundry….oh don't forget that….

that stuff will weigh you down you know?
your sleep isn't even good cause your brain is just on overload.

oh well….it's over now and it's monday.
a new week.
a BIG week.

annie made the cheese part of our lasagna this weekend.
it is my favorite meal.
it just IS.


how about some winners from last weeks giveaway??

for the SpunkyFluff sign……

You're killin' me smalls

Posted by: Mae | February 22, 2012 at 01:13 PM


for the 31 BiTS necklace…..

Wow. I can't believe those beads are paper? I loved the waverly necklace the best, until I saw the 87 cuff. LOVE that bracelet. Might have to save up and get it! Empowering women to live life and kick a** at their profession = awesome. Who knows how many lives have been changed by this!

Posted by: Jenn | February 25, 2012 at 12:32 AM


email me at with your address ok?


lauren had a volleyball tournament on sunday.
it's always fun to watch her play.
she seems happy when she's out there.


my little girls were cracking me up last night at bedtime.

oh that justin bieber….he is pretty special.

please enjoy this lovely performance of "Baby Baby" complete with my 10 and 7 year old rapping Ludacris, a very messy bedroom, giggling, baby dolls and iguanas and two very cool rock star sisters.
sometimes the bedtime stalling technique they have is pretty darn cute.

that iguana was definitely lip syncing……

i gotta get movin' on my monday list.
it is going to be a WEEK of lists.

and i am nervously gearing up to ROCK my body on thursday.
i feel like i should have kept quiet.
i hope you don't really expect much for a "plan" since i am not a nutritionalist, a fitness guru or anything remotely
athletic but i will tell you what my thoughts are….and what i am going to do for the weeks of march.
i guess.

i am making it up as i go along.
(that was probably pretty obvious)

have a great day today.



Heidi Jo the Artist - Oh and I missed the 31 Bits giveaway…such an awesome cause though and am seriously considering the 87 Cuff. Early bday gift to myself!? I like the yellow necklace too that was for the giveaway. When I was a kid we made beads and necklaces like 31 Bits, not as pretty though…because yeah I was a kid. 😉 Have a great afternoon!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Back pain sucks! I usually have it at least once a week from jogging. 🙁
Lasagna is one of my favorites too! My husband’s not so much, so thinking of trying some different cheeses in it next time around.
Love the iguana puppet, just love puppets in general! How fun are your girls; love kids. 🙂

Jena - My boys….6 and 4 are also fans of Justin Bieber. They caught this video of your girls and loved it. Watched it a couple times. And then decided they wanted to do their own. We have a snow day here in Minnesota, so it was perfect timing to goof off. You can see it here if you like….
🙂 Happy Leap Day!

Kristin S - I love how Annie protects the baby from the iguana!
Fun captured moment. AND every little girl’s room looks like that. so fun they share!

Victoria - Hope your back is better!
You sound just like my Mom. She always said she loved to hear us practice the piano too. 🙂 I am sure we drove her crazy whining about practicing and messing up at the same spot in a song, but she loved it.

Whitney - I seriously just “lol”ed at my desk!
I remember those days with my younger sister!

Stephanie - That video was hilarious! That is a common occurrence in our house as well but instead of sisters it is my daughter and son. They love the Biebs! My son ,Landon, is 6 and the only part of the song he knows is “and I was like, Baby, Baby , Baby oh, like Baby, Baby, Baby nooooooo…” and he sings it over, and over, and over…..
Anyway, love the videos! So fun! 🙂

amy h - Hi, Meg! I’ve been enjoying your blog for a while. (-:
I noticed in the comments lots of people said they have back pain when they run. I’m a massage therapist/former athlete/full of shenanigans and I do have a suggestion if you’re dealing with lower back pain: Stretch your legs! Stretch your glutes (butt)! Stretch! Stretch! Stretch!
A lot of low back pain is caused by pelvic tilt and by stretching the hamstrings, quads, and piriformis you can alleviate a lot of the pain. I like to do most stretches from the floor against a wall because that gives good support for your back. Hold each stretch for a few minutes.
1.Sit with your butt close to the wall with your legs straight up against the wall. You can increase the stretch with a strap/towel around the ball of your foot. You should feel this in your hamstrings.
2. Scoot away from the wall about 6 inches and bend one leg and put your foot flat against the wall. Cross your other ankle over the knee of the foot against the wall. Hold. Adjust the intensity of the stretch by being closer or further from the wall or placing a pillow under your butt. This should feel AMAZING for your hips. Hold as long as you want and switch legs when you’re ready. You should feel this across your butt-specifically your piriformis.
3. Place both feet flat against the wall. You want to keep your back as flat as you can on the floor but this should give a good stretch to the low back and you may feel it in your hip flexors.
4. Move away from the wall…stretch your quads by sitting on the floor with your legs apart (typically to stretch hamstrings and adductors) and bend one leg back-heel to hip area. Lean away from your bent knee and you should feel a good stretch.
Hope that helps with your back pain!

Jennifer - I have two “little” girls (11 1/2 and almost 10! Where does the time go?) and my two hate, or pretend to hate the Bieb. Also they wouldn’t be caught dead rapping, so that was the most awesome thing ever to see your two cutting loose having fun. They are absolutely adorable! Thanks for sharing.

nicki - 1. My back always hurts first when I go back to running too, in the lumbars. 2. I REALLY hope that Mae gets her SpunkyFluff sign with that quote! Classic. Well, to me. 3. Your girls crack me up! My daughter would get along just swimmingly w/them, even if she’s only 3. 🙂 keep rockin!

lacey poag - i know your March plan is going to ROCK…it is now going to be my plan too…so make it great! march is my bday month…the perfect time to rock this 30 something body…bring it on, cute Meg!

Alicia @ La Famille - your girls!!!! too much fun! 😀

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - hey! i needed that tonight. thank you for the smiles.

Chris - love the video – the lip synching iguana is classic!

rae - that video is cracking me up! i can’t decide what i like better, the iguana lip syncing, or annie pointing to the baby doll when she sings “baby.” hilarious.

Elizabeth - Oh that video makes me miss my sister! We ALWAYS were doing stuff like that…. Iam sure your girls will be best friends forever.

Amanda - I forgot to mention…about your back hurting from running. Mine always hurt when I used (yes used) to run. I found that yoga 2 or 3 times a week really helped.

Amanda - That video is so cute. Annie has some major rapper hand motions there. My 11-month-old son was dancing to the video too. He thought it was quite funny.

amy jupin - dear talby and annie,
i hope i can come to kansas with my mom next time she comes.
then we can play in your pink room.
and i saw your video of you singing with the iguana.
anna jupin

casey - I LOVE annie’s hand gestures (c; So cute! Made my night!

julie - Dying over the iguana. Dying. Best Bieber cover ever.

Tami - Can’t beat Justin Beiber. Love that they know all the words even the rap part. Your posts always make me so happy! thanks for that!

bread and jam - I’m with you on the back thing. I’ve been running regularly for two months and MAN! It feels like every bone in my back is hurting. But in a good way (she lies).
I really wanted that sign.

Lisa - It’s funny how creative kids can get, especially when trying to drag out bedtime!

iralee henson - oh what cuties!!!!! and um am i the only one wondering why volleyball shorts gotta be so stinkin short?!?!?!

Mindy Harris - “i will be making it up as i go along”
u r my kinda gal.

happygirl - Thanks for the video. It made me smile and since I’m home with a crummy cold, I needed the smile. Rock on sisters.

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Your week sounds like my weekend! Thankful for this new week. THanks for sharing the lasagna recipe. Looks simple and yummy. I’m saving and giving it a try!

Angie - I saw this ( today and couldn’t help but think of your blog!

amber - We love your lasagna too:). And…your girls are too fun! My own 4 year old bedtime staller would agree;)…thanks for sharing.

mollie's mom - Video is beyond cute… Lauren looks like a beast at volleyball… someday you will miss dashing off to HS sporting events… I do… my duaghter was a HS runner and still runs post serious injury and maybe it is your shoes or more stretching needed ( that’s what the runners say – the mom in me thinks your back might hurt because you do soooo much – lol)… the lasagna looks delish and I’m happy for the sign winner but sad because I want one of those signs so I guess I’m saving some mad money for that LOL!!! great post!

Christy - Love it! They are so much like my girls:)

Hannah - cutest video ever…but the best part is how annie keeps looking so sweetly at her baby….she is going to be a wonderful mother one day…:) keep up the running!! i never considered myself a runner until my crazy friends convinced me to sign up for a half marathon that is THIS WEEKEND! it’s my first race EVER…should i have started with something shorter?? 😉 but yay to a girls weekend! happy monday!

ginny - love the video!

Tessa - My favorite part of the video is when Annie keeps stopping to check on her baby. So so cute! It is hilarious how she is singing and giggling, and then she will stop to look down and make the sure the baby is okay. LOVE IT!

Sarah - My back always hurts from running-at least I remember it used to when I was running-which hasn’t been for 10 years? 🙂 Your lasagna always looks SO good. Can’t you start an Etsy lasagna shop?

Marianne - That lasagna looks great! I have never thought about mixing the cottage cheese/ ricotta with the shredded cheese. How can I be so dumb? It makes so much sense. I always spread them separately cause I’m a weirdo.
That iguana puppet is awesome.

amy - YUM on that Lasagna
Boo, on that no plan part 🙂
I can relate, to that brain always goin,
and FUN, to the singing Lizard

Sarah Wolfe - Is THIS what girls do? I never would have known 🙂 So cute.

angela - I love how she is holding a baby doll while rockin’ out to the song! Hilarious!
The lasagna looks amazing! Why have I never thought to mix my cheeses together instead of layering them? DUH!
P.S. The comment about Lauren seeming to be happy when she’s playing did not go unnoticed. Amazing how moody they can be at that age but let their guards down when they are enjoying themselves. How well I remember those ages!

the whyte house - i feel your back pain! mine hurts on the left-middle side. i drive from west wichita to east to go to the Base and the drive alone kills it. i noticed my back hurting a lot when i first starting jogging, but i think it’s gotten better/stronger over time. keep pushing on!

Laura Lee - we have been doing some home improvements around here so I feel you on the too busy weekends! I am almost happy for Monday lately…. almost.

Lori Austin - That video cracks me up. Thanks for the smiles today. 🙂

monica - oh my goodness those girls are just silly ! my little one was rocking back and forth ( this is her dancing )while they were singing. she loves looking at all of your children’s pictures and pointing and saying ” pretty babies ” .

Kerri - Meg – LOVE your blog and how you keep it REAL. Have been a follower for several years.

Jenn - No way I won that necklace? Amazing! First time giveaway winner here :). Thanks and I will email you. Ahhh Justin Beiber. My three year old calls him Justin Beaver. He also told me that he and his best friend Kalli were both planning to marry Justin Beaver. I think Kalli was his first choice but since she loved Justin… So did Olaf :). Funny babes.

AshleyAnn - I would totally stall bedtime too if I could rap like that.

Melissa - My two little girls, 5 and 16 months just watched the video of your girls with me and they were both dancing like crazy – it was too cute! My 5 year old said “I wish Sissy would hurry up and sing so we can do that too!” of course Sissy can sing Twinkle, Twinkle but I think she meant “cool” songs. We are Taylor Swift fans over here, have not done the Justin Beber thing, yet I should say. They are still young enough to have to listen to country with me, but Big Sissy still found a favorite (Taylor Swift) and knows the words to all of her songs. Anyway, I just had to tell you how cute it was to see my girls dance along with yours – and that Lilltle Sissy cried ” Again!” when it was over. So cute!

Anj - Totally with you on the march healthy thing! I was thinking the same thing too, then when I read your other post about it i was like, ‘well if meg’s doing it then I fer sher better do it too!’ Yay for peer influence 😉 It’s about time I stopped thinking about how I want to exercise more regularly and eat well and all the ways to do it and how fab i’d like to look and just DO IT ya know?!?! good on ya, I’ll be cheering you (us, haha!) on!!

Jen - The Lasagna looks YUMMY, the lip syncing iguana is Super Duper…

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Oh my goodness.. Cutest video ever. 🙂 I let my 3 and 4 year old watch this and Lauren (3) yelled “ANGRY BIRDS!!!” which had me confused, until she pointed out that your girls have an Angry Birds poster on their wall, haha. Ps I love how Annie yells “STARBUUUUCKS” Haaa. Thanks for the smile, girls. 🙂

Annie - Meg, your back is probably sore from running because your hamstrings are tight, give them a stretch, it may help. Good luck with your running 🙂

Meredith Salmon - Meg,
For your busy household, I just found this website called Cozi Family organization. It took a day or two to import stuff, but I love it. I have two boys and I am tired of being the holder of schedules. It is links to you android, iphone or blackberry. You can e-mail yourself your weekly schedule to print and you can check a single persons or sports schedule. Check it out. I am running again as well. Good luck.

Beth - Oh Meg D., that video made me laugh because my daughter and son jam out to Justin too. I love how Annie keeps tending to the baby….so real. Thanks for sharing.

4 Fab Franklins - Hey Meg…after your color run post I actually went to the gym yesterday and ran! I know it may not seem like a lot to some people, but this old gal has been sitting around all winter doing…well, not a lot. Also, made your Best Ever Chocolate Chip Cookies. They were soooo good! Hence, the running!
Thanks for the Boost!

seriously sassy mama - Girls are so much fun. My three love to sing and dance. Cut your calories, and move. Make your exercise fun! Good Luck! It is working for me so far!!!!!!

Laura Phelps - what? no plan?
I am expecting a full on blogger fitness video. With meal plan.
Ways to fit fitness into your blogging lifestyle…
get on it….

Katie - That lasagna looks amazing! I’m going to have to check out that recipe 🙂 I’m also a runner and I notice that sometimes my back gets sore too. Nothing else though. I’m starting to think it has something to do with poor form or something… let me know if you figure it out.

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