you know that i love my kids.
and my husband.
more than anything…
but sometimes a mama needs a girls' night out!
my running buddies and i hit the town for a movie and dinner.
we were so excited to be out and off the clock.
for dinner we chose Olive Garden.
we drove to this brand new one, looked around, and there were only a few cars.
we found out they opened the NEXT DAY.
we got a great laugh out of our luck.
we drove to the next one, and it was time to relax, unwind and catch up with each other.
it was one mama's birthday.
when eating at Olive Garden, i look forward to the salad.
and the hot breadsticks…YUM.
the flavors are the same as they always have been.
i love that.
we ordered appetizers.
this was the first time i have had the Caprese Flatbread. it was so good!
Mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and basil on a flatbread crust.
it could be a meal on its own.
you can never go wrong with lasagna.
it's always good.
it makes me feel like i am enjoying a home cooked meal.
one friend ordered Capellini Pomodoro.
Roma tomatoes, garlic, fresh basil, extra-virgin olive oil and marinara sauce tossed with capellini.
i was debating on ordering it myself.
it is one of my favorite meals.
our waitress was very helpful and highly recommended the Stuffed Chicken Marsala.
doesn't it look tasty?
it was chicken breast stuffed with cheeses and sun-dried tomatoes with mushrooms and a creamy marsala sauce on top. it was served with mashed potatoes.
i ordered the Five Cheese Baked Ziti.
it was perfect.
i love that Olive Garden has big portions.
i was able to bring home half my meal and enjoy leftovers the next day!
that is a real treat when getting to go out.
or i get to share with my husband when i get home as a "thank you" for giving me some time away.
we decided to try several desserts…just to be safe.
you can tell which was the table favorite.
we ordered a Toasted Marshmallow Martini.
i think i found my new special going out drink.
seriously delicious.
we passed it around till it was gone to the last drop.
a clean plate is the sign of a good dinner.
spending time laughing and talking with my friends is necessary for me to be a better mom and wife.
everyone needs some down time.
i love sharing it with these friends.
when you get away from the chaos of everyday life to reconnect with people, you are blessed.
and having a fabulous meal while enjoying all that is even better.
Olive Garden is offering a new dinner special.
a 3 Course Italian Dinner for $12.95…the 1st course is soup or salad…the 2nd course is one of five new entrees, and the 3rd course is one of five Dolcini desserts. check out all of the options at
would YOU like to spend time with special people at Olive Garden?
to be entered to win a $100 gift card to Olive Garden from BlogHer just leave a comment telling me who you'd love to take to dinner.
Also, visit the Olive Garden page on to check out the other blogger reviews and more chances to win!
Desi - Hi have you chosen the winner for this giveaway?
Norma - I’d take my friend for her birthday
LAMusing - Tweet!!/LAMusing/status/181546542996537345
LAMusing - I want to take my mom!
Tabathia B - tweet!/ChelleB36/status/181508817870270466
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B - I would take my kids
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Betty Curran - Tweet –!/willitara/status/181484685078167552
Betty Curran - I would take my daughter. We don’t get to spend nearly enough time together.
Sarah L - Blogged:
Sarah L - I’ll treat my friend Sherrie who always feeds me well at her house.
Thanks for the contest.
Carmen (in WI) -!/cmouse01/status/181189948924379137
Carmen (in WI) - I’d love to take my husband. We haven’t gone out much since the birth of our daughter
Mari - I’d take my girlfriends.
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
meredith -!/mermont84/status/181025906217857025
meredith - i would love to take my husband for a wonderful meal – he works so hard for us!
Cori Westphal - Tweet:
coriwestphal at msn dot com
Cori Westphal - I’d love to be able to take my hubs out for a long awaited date night!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
helga - i would take my mom and dad:-)
Lynn - Tweeted:!/livelovelynn/status/180723715728883712
Lynn - I’d take my entire family!
angie lilly - I tweeted here:!/MsTofuFairy/status/180673725878910976
angie lilly - Olive Garden, or O.G. as I like to call it, is one of my fav chain restaurants! I would love to go with my hubby!!!!
whitney f -!/WhitneyFreeman/status/180529445134807040
Tweeted about it!!!!! =]
whitney f - I would LOVE to take my boyfriend on a nice date night!!!! What a great gift!!!!
Maria Cantu - My kids, all over 18 so they would be mostly well-behaved.
Stephanie Berry - My husband budgets for us to spend $40.00 every two weeks to have an eat out night on payday. With there being five of us we are limited as to where we can eat. I would definitely take the $100.00 and have an extra special, yummy, cheesy, cheesy, cheesy eat out night with the family.
Kerry - tweeted:!/KerryBishop/status/179751869994909696
Kerry - I’d love to take my hubby to Olive Garden!
Karla - Would love to take my best friend that happens to be my husband. I am so blessed with this guy. Love him to pieces.
Tim - Olive Garden is the best.
Kelly - Nice giveways, the Olive Garden…love!
Stefanie Santana - My mom! Her birthday is March 30!
Diana Yarborough - I would take my family. We all need to get out and have a break from dishes!
ashley - I would take the girl who intruduced me to the fabulousness that is Olive Garden, one of the best girls in the world!! I would love to go and enjoy the delicious salad, drink lots of wine, solve the world’s problems and, oh yah, eat some yummy lasagna. Let’s not lie…I’ll go anyways, but a gift card would be amazing!
Lela Pohlmann - It would so be my family! I’d treat my two kiddos and hubby to a night of appetizers, entree and dessert and wouldn’t worry about the bill! Ahhh, it would be heaven!
Paula C - I love spending time with my family and I love the Olive Garden. So….I would go with my family. I love their Pasta Fagoli soup. I get it every time.
Lisa G. - I would love to go with my (future) hubby – but I need to meet him and figure out who he is first!
Holly - I would take my husband, toddler and new baby. Get out of the house and let someone else cook for us.
megan - i love olive garden! i have many great memories from high school that took place in olive garden. great food with great friends = fabulous memories!
Lelia - I would have a girls night out with my daughter! We both love this place!!! =)
Shiloh Walter - I would take my husband on a hot date!
Eileen Rosenberg - I would take my husband and our kids! My husband is Scottish, my girls were born in Scotland, and we just moved back to the States so they have never been to Olive Garden! I need to show them the wonder and magic in their bread sticks
Andrea Siebert - my fav. restaurant ever!
Nicole - oh my stars…zuppa soup and their breadsticks!!! YUM!
Joann - We love Olive Garden!! I’d love to win:o)
I would take my husband and my 2 boys…although just me and my husband sounds good too!
A nice break and chance to talk…uninterrupted!!!!
Deeanna - I would love to take my sister out our birthdays are a day apart and we always spend it together but since we’ve moved away from each other makes it a little tough these days :)..
Meredith - I would love to go with my husband because we do not get out that much, but I would also love to take my best friend of 35yrs because I don’t see her as often and I would like to and she is having her first baby in Sept. So, it would be well deserved and so yummy!!!
Leah - I would love to have a girls night at Olive Garden!
Michelle - I would take my family with me.
Debra C - I would take my daughter and the Grands!
Dahbou - Tweet!/didyouyarnthat/status/178801962177929216
Dahbou - I’d love to take my mom out to dinner. She deserves it!
Debra F - I’d love to go out on a date with my hubby if I won.
sy - tweet:!/syytta/status/178405422619832320
songyueyu at gmail
sy - I would take my boyfriend, he loves Italian food. Thanks for the review and giveaway.
songyueyu at gmail
sandra - my husband
Jill H. - I would take my son to dinner. He always appreciates it and is great company.
Tina M -!/HappyTina0115/status/177090253197279232
Tina M - I would take my hubby
Kathryn C. - Tweet:!/katbirdfl/status/176501254950891521
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
Kathryn C. - I would love to take my husband to dinner. We rarely get out for dinner alone so this would be a nice treat for us.
katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com
noemi - I would love to take my mom, because she is the best! But what I don’t like is that the food is a little too salty.
Ashley Hatten -!/shuggysmommy/status/173845858423549954
Ashley Hatten - I would love to take my husband
Thanks for the giveaway!!
Lauren - i would love to take my mom and/or sister. they both love it and it’s a fun girl’s night restaurant.
Mary - Tweeted!/marybug2/status/173434009395793920
marybug2 @ yahoo . com
Mary - My kids of course. We all love pasta.
marybug2 @ yahoo . com
Davisesq212 -!/davisesq212/status/173190658528514048
claudia davis - I would take my brother. We don’t get to go out much now that he got married but when we do, its always to a good meal!
Erica Best -!/purplelover04/status/173185529632915457
Erica Best - good dining experience is when the food is great and leave full and happy
purple_lover_04 at msn dot com
Jamie - I’d take my husband! He’s been working like crazy lately and we could so use a date night!
Solducky - I would love to take my husband and daughters!
soluckyducky at gmail dot com
Brenda - I would love to take my family and my friend Elaine who just lost her husband to suicide to dinner.
Amy J - I would love to take a date night out with my hubby! We have two young children, and varying work schedules so we don’t get out on dates as often as we need to
Kelly Elizabeth - I would love to take my mom and two sisters to dinner
Love a good girls night with good food!
Kelly D - tweeted!/kellydsaver/status/171971486209409024
Kelly D - I would love to take my husband and two young children. They love Olive Garden.
Susan - Tweet!!/peelersh/status/171798220073222144
Susan - I would love to have an evening with my family but I also would love to have an extra special girls night out with friends.
Kelly Brannan - Oh, how I LOVE Olive Garden!! I would take my husband.
Maria Robin - We would love to be able to enjoy a meal out. My husband and I have been ill for many months with 7 surgery’s since may. Would be glorious. By the way I just found your site and found out what I have been missing.
Love it. Thanks
Natalie J Vandenberghe - Tweet!!/lexiquin/status/170973598490689537
Natalie J Vandenberghe - I would take my husband–only because the Olive Garden is HIS favorite restaurant! Thanks for the giveaway.
Your photos are beautiful! My mouth is watering already
Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I would take my hubby out to dinner with this since he’s been working so hard on the house since the fire. He’s such an unselfish person and never thinks of himself. (Plus I wouldnt have to cook, haha:))
Leann Lindeman - I would take my husband, daughter and her fiance out to dinner!!
Karin - Olive Garden is the favorite dining place for me and my daughter. Winning a $100 gift card would be awesome!!
Caitlynne - That all looks delicious! I would love to take my husband as a thank you for letting me stay home with our sweet baby boy!
Wendy - I would love to take my fiance out for a nice dinner! We could use a date night as we had our first baby in November and haven’t been out alone since!
Katrina - That’s a tough one. I would love to go with my guy of course but it would also be awesome to go with my best friend. I’d just have to flip a coin I think.
casey - i’d take my boyfriend on our “cheat night” of our diets!!
denise@victory rd. - i’d like to say i’d take a few girlfriends, but i know i’d take the family. i like them. i like eating for free with them. i like all the salad and bread stick you can eat.
K - I would definitely take my husband. Lately we have both been helping and concentrating most efforts on everyone else. Would be nice to reconnect and what better place than DELICIOUS Olive Garden!!!
Short, Sweet Season - I would also do a ladies’ night out. There is nothing better than endless soup and salad and not having to clean up after my family for dinner!
Joy - It would totally be my kids. They LOVE the Olive Garden. I make an entire Saturday available to them once a year in the spring where we go shopping and go to The Olive Garden.
martina Fegan - I love Olive Garden – the endless salad and bread sticks – YUM! But I especially love that they now offer Gluten-Free pasta dishes because my two grandsons (10 and 8) have Celiacs and they love eating at Olive Garden. I would definitely take them out on a night on the town at Olive Garden if I won!
Lora - My hubby and I. Times/money has been very, very tight. We struggle with our van being on its last “leg” (ha..a van with legs). I think a relaxing night out to dinner is just what the doctor ordered! Any way, just pizza with my hubby is fine by me. He’s a keeper.
lorena - Ooh, I would take my college friend Kari out to dinner!
Pam - I would take my teaching teammates. We need a winter “happy”!
Stephanie Z - i would take my family…way fun!
Anita754rn - I tweeted, and tweeted again…anyway I really want to win but I am not so tweet-knowledgeable so I don’t know if I did it right.
Anita - I would love to win this to take my mom out for dinner with the whole family. I didn’t get to do anything with her and it would really be something she would enjoy!
Erin P. - I would take my sister and my best friend! Our “dates” usually consist of Starbucks after the kids are in bed. But dinner at Olive Garden sounds tons better!
Alison - For $100, I could take out my hubs AND my bestie at the Garden (as we affectionately refer to it).
Elizabeths - I love Olive Garden. I’d like to take my sisters, ok that’s two people,but I can’t take one and not take the other
Shelley C. - Dinner with my husband. Sorry girls!
Cindy Brick - And yes, I mentioned this in my blog:
Cindy Brick - I would take my darling husband…and probably our college-aged girlies. They both adore OG’s soups, and their Alfredo dishes.
Jill Utecht - I LOVE the Olive Garden. Their Peach Bellini tea is my favorite!
Karenth - I would take my husband to Olive Garden – yummy!
Heidi - I’d love to treat the lovely ladies who live on my street to a girls night out. We moved in less than 6 months ago and they made us feel so welcome and are already good friends.
Vicki - I love Olive Garden – probably ONE of my favs!!!
Wendy - Love Olive Garden! I would take my mom because it is one of her favorite places, and she hasn’t been in a long time.
T.O. - I’d love to take my hard working husband out to dinner……sans the kiddos!!!!
Jenn Shock - I would love to take my entire mom’s group from church out for a girls night out! I think $100 would help all of us who can’t afford to eat out that often, to be able to relax and enjoy ourselves for a night out. It really does recharge your batteries to be with like minded women, and wine helps too
Thanks for the giveaway!
Merilee - I would love to take a friend of mine who I would like to get to know better. We are in a group together at church, but taking her and our hubbies to dinner would give us a chance to get to know each other even better.
Binz - I would take my husband of two months
Lisa K. - My husband is about to come home from another military training exercise. I’d love to take our family of 5 to Olive Garden. Going out to eat is a big treat for us, and my boys especially love Olive Garden. And what’s especially great is that we always have enough to take home for another meal, which means I don’t have to cook and clean twice in one week!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
kaholly - I would love to take my daughter and her significant other. They are very, very good to me!
janis - I would love to take my hubby and some friends out! It’s so hard to find time and $$ with little ones these days. We so could use a night out!!!
Carolsue - This giveaway is posted on my blog
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Carolsue - I would take my husband because our anniversary is coming up and it would be fun to surprise him with a nice dinner!
Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net
Tahra - I tweeted!
Tahra - I love Olive Garden. My favorite is the soup, salad and breadsticks. I love the Minestrone!
I’d love for you to visit me at:
Kelly Massman - i’d love to take my family! thanks for a chance to win!
And, have a GREAT day!
Pam Kuhn - They are building an Olive Garden in a nearby town as we speak! I would love to take my girl friends for a night out on the town!
AJ - I would love to go w/my family. We have been very frugal and haven’t eaten out in a looonnngg time. Olive Garden has so many interesting meals that I don’t think of making myself. What a treat!
Karen - My oldest son LOVES Olive Garden, he would be first on my list!
Tonya Crain - Tweet:!/Mom2LinzNOkie/status/167653481010823168
tonyamcrain [at]
Tonya Crain - My husband of course. Being parents of active kids and barely having time to eat together let alone go on a date together it’s always a real treat! Nothing helps rekindle a relationship than some quality one on one time with the one you love.
Thanks for the Chance
TonyaMCrain [at]
Desi - I’d take my fiancee. I love our date night dinners!
Tina M -!/HappyTina0115/status/167605029925175296
Tina M - I would love to take my hubby!
Janet F - I would like to take my sister with me to Olive Garden for dinner.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
MyLinda - Mmmm Olive Garden, one of my all time favorites that I don’t get to visit much because it just doesn’t fit into the budget. Who would I take??? Hmm I guess either my hubby and daughters or a group of friends…whoever is being nicer that week!
Sheri D - I would love to go with my husband. It has been our favorite restaurant since we were teenagers and finally old enough to drive to and afford a nice dinner. We have been going for close to 16 years and it is still our favorite date spot. It brings back many memories for us. Yummmm!
wanda - I’d love to spend some time with my family. My kids are grown up and busy — so dinners out are pretty special!
I’d love some calamari right now!
Jennalee - I would take my hubby. It’s one of our favorite places foresure! We went there on our honeymoon all dressed up, him in a suit and tie and me in a pink prom dress with my hair still done from the wedding! People just stared wide eyed trying to figure out why we were dressed so fancy in the middle of summer. When it came time for the bill, another table had taken care of it for us!!! We felt sooooo incredibly blessed and think about that everytime we eat there now!
Jeannette from PLant City - My husband, even though he is not a big fan of chain restaurants. We do not get out that often just the 2 of us and it would be nice to have a date night with some YUMMY Olive Garden and then maybe a movie.
Ashley Hall - I would take my sweet husband who never likes to spend much on dinner out!
The Lovely One - I also tweeted about this:!/looklucklove/status/167087645468528640
The Lovely One - I would take my sweet husband out for a date night! We love Olive Garden!
Barbara - I’d love to take my husband. As empty nesters, we enjoy dating again! Love Olive Garden’s salad and breadsticks!
suburbancorrespondent - My husband, of course!
Lori - LOVE Olive Garden! This would be enough to take my husband, my married son and his wife(and their baby-to-be would be accompanying them :)), our college-age daughter, and our 17 year old son—who might be able to eat $100 worth on his own, but of course, we wouldn’t let him!
crgw - we just LOVE olive garden!! i’d love to go there free with my hubby!
Mandy - I love Olive Garden… I would most definitely bring my sweetheart with me for a date night! mmmm sounds delicious!
Janel - I nice dinner out with my Husband, Mom & Dad would be great!
I love them all!
Sue - We haven’t been there in so long -….. the kiddos were younger and kept calling it “Olive’s Garden”. So cute. I would love to take my family.
Wendy W - I would take my best friend to Olive Garden; we haven’t had a real opportunity to catch up and have a girls night since she had her daughter in December. Besides, she deserves a break/good food/awesome drinks (*cough* Toasted Marshmellow Martini *cough*) since she’s been doing it all on her own after her husband started working nights. Thanks =)
tara - I posted about your give away on my sidebar!
tara - Oh! I want to go to Olive Garden!!!
I know this sounds ridiculous……but on our wedding night, we were SO hungry bc we never ate at our reception, so we stopped in at Olive Garden on the way to our fancy hotel. We felt so silly that we had just come from our wedding and were on our way to the hotel to fly out the next morning to BERMUDA…and all we really wanted was Olive Garden.
We could have eaten anywhere and we chose OG. :))
We need to win this so we can take our kids and tell them the story. :)))
With $100, I could take my family AND go out with some friends…..
Rose - My husband & I are both retired now and are on fixed incomes. So having dinner at Olive Garden with it’s wonderful ombiance and scrumptous food would be such a treat! I can’t wait to try one of their new dishes. My mouth is already watering!
Tammy - Wow, a $100! We’ve had our budget strings pulled tight so I’d make it a family dinner with my hubby, daughter, mom & dad!
Nicole - I would absolutely love to take a road trip to Wichita to Olive Garden! I’d take my sister and mom. We need a girl’s weekend!!
Marie - I love Olive Garden!
Karla - Would love me some hubby time at Olive Garden. Yumalicious!!
melissa - would love to win this. love love love them. the deep fried lasagne rolls rock
connie - My husband and I need to go out, we just do (and we love the Olive Garden!) Thanks for the giveaway!
Dana Summers - A free dinner from OG, I’m in love. I would take my wonderful husband out to dinner as a thank you for working so hard for our family. Thanks for the give away.
Megan Kemmey - I would go out to dinner with my Mom and Dad
I’m off at school, and although I’m only an hour away from home and I go home often, I still miss them too much! I’m such a home-body!
Olive Garden would be such a great treat!
Mindee - I think I would have said my husband, but you’re right – sometimes a girls’ night out is good medicine so I’d grab a few friends and go.
colleen - I would take my family – 2 girls and hubby! Yum!!!
Sara - Olive Garden sounds fantastic- especially in the middle of winter!
Leslie B. - I think I would take my husband. “Us” time is really hard to come by these days, so I would love the chance to go out to dinner without kids for a change. A gift card this size would more than likely give us 2 date nights, since we normally try to keep our menu selections to the cheaper items on the menu.
Kell - Would love to treat my family who have worked so hard this quarter in school to a delicious dinner.
WendyQM - I would take my children! They LOVE Olive Garden… as do I.
Tasha - looks delicious…would most likely take my best friend (aka my husband
Sarah - my hubby
Lyndsey Sander - Yummo! I would take my hubby on a date!
Caro - I would take my boyfriend. Money’s been tight, and we’re looking forward to a night out.
rachel - Oh goodness. The OG is one of my favorite places to go. You can always always count on good food. And that martini is totally making my mouth water!
jen - I love Olive Garden too! I would take my daughter because her favorite food is pasta.
E Jones - It would be a family night of great food that I don’t have to cook or clean up after!
Kim Black - oh i love olive garden. what a wonderful giveaway!
Laura Bean - I would like to take ,y nine year old daughter and her friend it’s their favorite place to set.
Jamie - Just introduced my two young daughters to the Olive Garden during Christmas break. They are 5.5 and 3 years old. Let’s just say in April, for my oldest’s birthday, her new request for her family dinner out is “The Olive Garden”. I could eat and eat and eat the breadsticks and salad all day long. SOOO GOOD.
Jill - Yum! Love Olive Garden! I think I could probably even be convinced to take the family with me. ;0)
Lindsey - My husband and I love Olive Garden! We both order the Chicken and Shrimp Carbonara…it is amazing!! One time one our server asked if I wanted to lick my plate…actually I really wanted to but didn’t want to be stared at! Love, love, love Olive Garden and would really love to have a night out since we have a baby coming in 3 weeks or less!! We’re going to need that alone time!!
Elizabeth - Mmm, I would love a night out at Olive Garden!
Mandy - I would take my best girls out to dinner with me. My best girls are the ones that it is easy to share life with, they know my heart, I know theirs. We would laugh together and probably shed a some tears. It would be a taste of heaven.
Megan - I would take my husband, who has been working 7 day work weeks. He needs (well, and so do I!) a night out!
danielle - Would totally love this! Girls Night Out! Yes, please!
laura arens - Yum! that all loos so good!
Robin - LOVE their lasagna but that chicken marsala might have to be tried.
jayne Barbour - Oh Olive Garden! It looks so good! I’d take that husband of mine and we’d laugh and eat our weight in bread sticks!
Kat - I’d love to take my family (mom, husband and 3 sons) to Olive Garden! It’s been quite awhile since we’ve all managed to go out and have a nice sit down meal. And we all love Olive Garden.
cyndiloohoo - I would take my husband, daughter, son and his girlfriend. It would be great and with the gift card we would even order dessert.
JP - Girl’s night with my sisters…we sooo deserve it! Too many things to deal with lately so it would be fun to be together relaxing for a bit.
Kristie - MMMMMMM…..Love me some Olive Garden. I sooo need to go. I haven’t been in such a long time.
Joleen - MMMMM…that sounds so good! I think I might treat my girlfriends to a night out (not that I don’t love the hubby & kids) but I could use a girls night out.
jeannett - tweet tweet!!/jeannettg/status/166601695596523520
jeannett - i’d take my husband out to dinner…he’s cute.
Beth - I love Olive Garden! My husband and I would get a sitter and go out for a great meal!
shannan - I would take my daughter. I love going out with just her and having girl time!!!
jenni - What a great give away! If I won I would give it to a friend that triple LOVES Olive Garden so she could take her hubby out to eat!
Libby - Tweeted:!/ACraftyBalance/status/166599422728339456
Libby - There’s something so lovely about dinner at the Olive Garden. It’s so reliable.
Kimmie - Yum! Breadsticks
Cate O'Malley - Haven’t been to Olive Garden in like forever. My kids (9 and 4) have never been. Your pictures are making me think we should change that.
Brenda - I would to take our Pastor and his family! They recently just moved back to Kansas and have started our new church home, Restoration Church!
Mandi Humphrey - I would love to take the Hubs for a Valentine’s Day/Anniversary dinner. Sounds nice.
Molly B - I would love to take my bestie (who lives so far away) to Olive Garden so we could catch up! love, love, love Olive Garden! and now I am hungry
cw - I would love to go out with my moms group.
jennibell - My husband and I just had date night last weekend and this is what we chose! I would definitely take him again….
herblady - I tweeted:!/hrbeck/status/166029375001739265
herblady - I’d love to take my handsome husband of 28 years. You can always count on having a good meal at Olive Garden!
Jessie C. -!/tcarolinep/status/166015267300847616
Jessie C. - I’d go with my family. We love Olive Garden.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
jodi @ back40life - my DH and I would sneak away together to go…he loves soup/salad/breadsticks and I’ve recently fallen for the baked chicken romana…yum!
shar - I’ve made this several time, quick and easy and always goes over well with guests or ladies events:
Cindy - I would take my family out. Now that my kids are a bit older(4 and 6) it’s actually nice to go out to eat!
Jeannett - The hubs sans kids!
Tricia Nightowlmama - I would love to take my husband, Mom and her husband to dinner. it’s been so long since her and I were able to spend time together and we all love Italian
Jerra - I’d take my husband and 16 month old son. “Noo-Noo’s” are actually something he’ll eat!!
Heather - I would take my hubby out because this is one of our favorite places to go and we never get the chance to!
Donna - I posted a tweet!!/p1gsfly/status/165162312968323072
Donna - My BFF and I always go to Olive Garden to do our Christmas gift exchange. We just went there yesterday for lunch to share some girl time. Love the food, atmosphere, & leftovers! I would take my best girl friend!
Shelli Jenkins - I would take my daughter, it is one of her favorite restaurants and it would be a great way for us to catch up her next trip home from college!
Stacy - here is my twitter retweet:!/BlogHerDeals/status/165155171159121921
Samantha Navarro - Olive Garden is my favorite restaurant and I need a girls night out! It’s great that Olive Garden is going to do this for someone – one more reason to love them!
Stacy - I’d take my hubby and kids out to Olive Garden.
Tara - Tweeted:!/MyWndrfulWalls/status/165130455463628800
Tara - I would take my son. He is a great young man and he is kind of suffering from that “middle child syndrome” especially right now because his sisters are having a lot of medical issues and my focus has been on them a lot. We love Olive Garden!
Cheryl Ann Evenson - I would love to take my husband out to dinner. He is the most amazing person and all he has to do is come into a room and flash one of his wonderful smiles and my day is brightened. Going to the Olive Garden is a special treat for us – great food, great company – life just doesn’t get any better.
Aubrey - I’d love to take my husband
littlegray88 at yahoo dot com
Christine Couch - Looks like you gals had fun!! I’d love to go out with my book-club girls! That would be a total blast
Thanks for the fun giveaway!
Amanda K - I would take my husband. We don’t get out very often with just the two of us. It would be a nice reason to leave the kids with my mom!
Cindy - Always start by asking for a take-out box. That way I get to enjoy the great food another day. This also leaves room for dessert!
Megan B - My girls and I always go to Olive Garden when we go out, but I would LOVE to have a date night with my husband!
Nicole F. - I would take my husband out! Now that our 6-month-old has reached the “babbling” stage, we can never get a word in edge-wise!
Tricia - I tweeted.!/triciabou
Tricia - Oh how I love carbs! And Olive Garden is a palace of yummy carbs! husband and I could definitely use a date night.
Amy - I tweeted about this goveaway!!/uTry_it/status/164829330873122816
Amy [at] utry [dot] it
Amy - I’ll treat my In-Laws to dinner. They both are big fans of Olive Garden and I can’t wait to take them there!
Amy [at] utry [dot] it
Julie - I would love to take my husband, mom and our two boys and THEN send the card to our son who is far, far away, in Santa Fe, NM going to school! I looked it up and they have an Olive Garden 3 miles away from him, so I know he would LOVE to take his little girlfriend out to eat there! I miss him and would enjoy sending him a special treat! I LOVE Olive Garden and just don’t get to go out much – with 2 college tuitions right now!!!
Estie - I would love to take my husband out! With a new baby, a date night would be wonderful!!
Lisa - I’d like to take my sisters out for dinner at our new Olive Garden in Derby! We used to get together every month for “craft night”, but we haven’t in over a year. This would be a great way to start up again!
Kerri - LOVE the OG!! Haven’t had a date night with my hubs in 2 years – yes, I am serious. Having a 4 and 5 year old and rough economic times = no bueno for nights out!!
Rachel Salinas - If I won the gift card, I would ask my handsome husband out on a date. We are newlyweds, and trying to be as frugal as possible, so a nice night out would be wonderful!
Lisa K - It would be fun to take my husband and two oldest kids – leaving the younger ones home with a sitter. A treat to have some big-kid conversation without interruptions (and I don’t have to cut anyone’s meat!)
shara - i’d love to take my hubby!
Kristel - I would love to take my 2 life long friends to dinner! One lives in Rome….if I win I am making her fly back
Christian Kay - Olive Garden is mine and my hubby’s choice at least twice a month! LOVE that we can both order an entree and leave STUFFED for under $30 including a 25% tip!! I would love to take my hubby to 4 meals with this gift card!!
Tim - A guy’s got to eat, right?
Jen - Oh I love Olive Garden! We just went last month and I had the 5 cheese baked zizi too, yum! I would definitely take my hubby and kids… we love sharing a nice family dinner
Stacey - my husband : )
sam - I have a friend coming to town next month, what a fun night for us to go over the the nearest “city” (we live in middle-of-nowheresville so city is a relative term), do a little shopping, and cap off the day by eating at Olive Garden. It is one of my favorite restaurants, I ALWAYS order the Capellini Pomodoro. I can’t help myself!
Michele - I would love to take my good friend to Olive Garden to celebrate her upcoming birthday. I love the idea of the 3 course Italian dinner for $12.95! Count me in!
Dena - I would take my daughter – it’s her favorite place!
Heather - Id take my friend Bethany for a mama’s night out!
Carrie C. in VA - i’d take my hubby out for a much needed date night
Rachael - this post seriously made a pregnant lady hungry. I would love to take my mother in-law out for dinner as the Olive Garden is her absolute favorite restaurant and bring my husband along too since I love him and he loves Olive Garden!
Maranda - I would take my husband. Olive Garden is one of our very favorites!!
Ami Lynn - I would take my hubby!
amy pugmire - tweet:!/1amypugmire/status/164507179104206848
amy pugmire - I would love to take my mom its her favorite place to eat and she has been going through a lot right now, my dad is in his finals days of stage 4 terminal lung cancer and she has been at home by his side for the past 3 months taking care of him. I would love to give her this gift.
courtney b - tweet!/MeandBells/status/164499694532308993
courtney b - i would take my hubby to dinner!
Cindy - No way! Great giveaway!! I’d take my husband with me. We’d have a great time. I’d order the chicken you showed. YUMMO! And dessert~ we’d get all that dessert too. mmmmMMmmMMMm
Jessie - I’d take my mama! She’s the best!!
Lisa - I would like to take my sisters and sister in law out to have a girls night out. But if they couldn’t make it a good family dinner with my husband and son would be great too!
Terri - I would have to take my family since I know everybody would enjoy a nice dinner out at the brand new Olive Garden here!
Brooklyn D. - I also tweet this giveaway also!
Thanks again!/preschoolinmom/status/164471849303027713
Brooklyn D. - Would love to do a dinner date with my Husband and sweet parents! Oh how fun! Thanks for the chance!
Naomi Williams - My husband’s FAVORITE place to eat is Olive Garden! I would take him in a heartbeat. He deserves some special time away…he is an amazing man and still melts my heart
Margaret - Olive garden is my favorite place to eat!
Traci - I would take my son’s teacher to dinner. She taught him how to read, how to add and subtract and to love learning. I can never thank her enough. She is patient and kind and puts up with him for 6 hours every day. She deserves a treat.
Natalie - My husband and I have a one year old, we both work, we are on a tight budget, and as much as we love our little Genevieve, we are desperate for a date night! Puh-leaze!
Amy R. - Hmmm, I would take my hubby and some best friends of ours who we don’t get to see nearly enough. That martini looked divine!
renee - i’d take my awesome husband
Ileana carlile - I love Olive Garden! Their new chicken potato florentine soup – I seriously hope it becomes a permanent menu item!! I would take friends. Especially Rosalyn who is in her 90’s. She is widowed now, but she and her husband of 70 years ate there regularly. Love the menu!
sonya - lil'soak + friends - can’t take my gluten free husband (unless we realize that whatever illness he’s got is not related to gluten) but I would love a chance to do a girls night out. I think that would be a ton of fun! Girls night with my small group.
Carrie K - I need a girls night with my sister and my best friend
yours looks so delightful!
Sarah - Olive Garden is one of my go-to restaurants for a guaranteed good meal. Plus I love that pretty much everyone likes Italian, so if a big group is going out it’s a safe bet that everyone will be happy with SOMETHING on their menu.
I am pregnant with three other little kids at home, so do I even need to say that any and all date/girl’s night out type evenings are VERY appreciated?!
me - I would take my family to a FAB dinner!!
Julie - Of course my husband and I would love to go. But it would also be a different kind of fun to take some new friends from my moms group!
Emma - Yummy, my mouth is watering. I would go out with my hubby or a fun girls night out.
Heidi hicks - I would normally say I’d take my hubby but I’m a new stay at home mommy (little guy is 2 months) and I’m realizing it’s the hardest job I’ll ever have. I’d take my other stay at home mommy friends. They deserve it.
Angie Lee - I’d love to go to Olive Garden with my hubby for a date night. We usually share their lemon dessert and he lets me eat almost all of it. I love him!
Natalie Doering - I’d take Ryan Gosling with me to Olive Garden. That’s a choice, right?
cassie o - that’s easy! my sisters for sure. we don’t spend nearly as much time together as we used to – they won’t be able to say no when there are breadsticks involved
Deborah - I’d love to take my daughter out. She’s been having a rough patch of it.
Becky J -
I have 10 family members that i would LOVE to treat for a lunch out after church…oooh yes, I can smell the breadsticks now!!! Thanks Meg!! Blessings!
Lisa - A girls’ night sounds pretty good to me!
Victoria - I LOVE Olive Garden but would probably send this to my friend who just adopted from Ethiopia and is too far away for me to take her dinner.
Karen - I LOVE Olive Garden the MOST! So many yummy looking things but I always order the same thing: Seafood Fettucine-too die for! And it would be a toss-up between taking my sweet hubby or (with $100 to spend) treating some special girlfriends for a fun night out.
TonyaElise - I’d love to do a double date with my hubby and my best friend with her fiance. Hope I win!
Tina I - I would take my hubby AND five kids. Olive Garden is one of the few restaurants where everyone can find something they like, and no one leaves hungry. We don’t eat out often, but for some reason my kids LOVE that place!
Jennifer D. - I’d probably take my mom and dad. I owe them a dinner or two and they both love Olive Garden.
valerie (in TX) - Ohh, would definitely love the chance to take my husband on a date to Olive Garden. We try to get out once in a while, take the kids to Parents Night Out, but usually choose the cheapest (non-fast food) place we can think of b/c, well, money’s tight just like it is for everyone.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Sky - I’d love to take my husband out to dinner – Olive Garden is a special treat!
Lynn - Girls night out, for sure!
Gina - If I win the giveaway, I will be taking my husband to Olive Garden
That is one of our favorite restaurants! :=)
Analia - Wow! I would take my husband on a date! No kids, just us. I love Italian food!!!
Emily - I saw the commercial last night and instantly started craving it! I love Olive Garden!
Kayla Keeven - I would love to take my best friend out for dinner. She always takes me out for breakfast and dinner and such and I’d love to take her out for once
Kerri - I would LOVE to win the 100.00. My husband just recently out of the hospital after being in for 40 days. He fought death and won! We need to celebrate on someone else’s dime
lindsey - if I won I would take my in-laws and my husband out to celebrate the first grandchild in our family, born this morning! I’m an AUNT! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
lindsey -!/Lindseymarcell/status/164353943722397696
that’s my tweet! Thanks for the great giveaway!
Kate - We LOVE Olive Garden, the food is yummy (the salad is my favorite) AND we can take our 2 children there without feeling nervous about it. Ours is verrrry family friendly, which is key. SO I would take my husband and 2 children and enjoy the time together!
hope - My husband!
Stephanie - I would take my sweet husband out on a date night..something we don’t do often enough:)
KelleyW - I love Olive Garden!! I would take my sweet husband. With a 2 yr old and 3 yr old and one on the way, we rarely get to do date nights anymore.
Linda - I would take my husbad and three kids. Eating out gets expensive, so we don’t get to do very often!
Hettie - My daughter loves Olive Garden, I would take her!
Ann Marie - I would take my husband. He deserves a good night out!
Leslie - My MIL and my daughter. They both adore Olive Garden…and I adore them!!!
beth - I would take 4 of my friends; we have really grown apart over the last year and this would help us reconnect!
Su@TheIntentionalHome - Oh what a generous giveaway! I would take my hubby. But you know with $100, I could take my hubby one night and my girlfriend another night
s - I’d take my kids and husband because I owe one of my boys an Olive Garden dinner – he has been begging but when we vote, he is typically outdated and this mama owes it to him to go! He and I love that salad too!!! Maybe I’ll even break down and buy the dang salad dressing to take home and really blow my boy’s mind!
Kate W. - With that gift card, I could take my husband and my best friend on a date
Lydia M. - I’m in grad school and my husband works nights, so we don’t get to spend that much quality time with one another, nor do we have the extra funds to eat out. With a $100 Olive Garden gift card, we could go on an actual date and catch up a little. Our absolute favorite thing on their menu is the stuffed chicken marsala!
alphabetmomma - My hubby and I are way over due for a night out! But with a $100 gift card I think it would be family night out! Thanks for a great give away!
Melinda - I would take my Mom. Her husband (my father) of 50 years unexpectedly passed away recently and dining out with someone is a true gift to her now. We could toast “to Dad.”
Kari - I LOVE Olive Garden. My dad took all 4 of my siblings and I there for the first time a couple of years ago. It’s kind of a new tradition for us. He doesn’t always have a lot of money, but when he gets a little extra, he still uses it on us, even though all of us are adults now. I’d love to be able to one day take everyone out and pay for it myself, but I can’t afford it.
annonymous - Olive Garden is a fave! I’d love to treat my hubby!
Jenn - Well I think I would take my mom and dad to lunch or dinner. Actually scratch that I would probably just give them the gift card. They watch our kids one day a week while we work, and we don’t pay them, so I like to give them gift cards to go out every now and then to say thanks! Also they love the OG, even though the closest one is an hour away.
Karen Galue - I would love to go to Olive Garden with my boyfriend who moved to Germany to study for 2 years. He is coming to visit me at the end of next month (yay!). I would be a very special treat for us, since we don’t get to spend that much time together. - I would take my 3 beautiful daughters out for an evening. My husband (their daddy) died in August and there hasn’t been much fun or laughter since. I don’t know what it is about eating in a restaurant but it’s a promised happy memory. We could use some of those.
Brooke - I would love to take my Fiance to dinner! He goes to school in Ohio and I live about two hours from him so when we see each other we always like to have dinner and Olive Garden is one of our faves!
Karen - I would take my husband and my friend Colleen. They are two of my favorite go-out-to-eaters.
Carrie - My mom and sister, they’ve both been going through a lot and we could all use some girl time.
Katie - would love, love to take my fam to eat their yummy food!
MJ @ 517 Creations - I’d love to take my sweet husband…we could use a date night!
SLS - Yum! I am a single mom and I would take my three children out for a night on the town!
Jenny Young - Yum! I love their salad. That sounds so darn good! Would love a date night with my hubby!
Christie - I love olive garden, and the new one just open 10 minutes away from me. It would make a great date night with the hubs.
cathy hobbs - I would love to take my 14 year old daughter out….the best way to have your teenager open up to you is over Lasagana and bread sticks:)
Jen N. - I’d love to take my sweetie to OG to say thanks for going on a long weekend trip with my family.
dixie - would love a girls night out!!!
Tiffany - I would take my husband. We get so few date nights
Michelle - Well, my husband took our sweet daughter on a date when she turned 13 a few weeks ago. Her requested restaurant? OLIVE GARDEN! Was this Mama a wee bit envious…….um, yup! So……I would LOVE to go to the Olive Garden! I would take a girlfriend that I haven’t seen for a while and we could catch up on “life”.
Anna - I’d like to take my husband to dinner. He’s been deployed since last Fall and coming home on R&R soon… It would be so fun to have a date night with him.
Lisa B - I need to win, so my hubby and I have an excuse and funds for a nice date night.
Heidi of Operation Organization - I’d take my hubby! We LOVE Italian food!
Cathy - I tweeted about the giveaway here:!/TCKK/status/164177271823929344
Cathy - I would take my husband because Olive Garden is one of his most favorite places to eat.
allison - i’d take my hubby out to dinner. we rarely get out just the two of us anymore.
Kellie B - I would love to take by best friend out. Last year was filled with death and cancer for her and her family, A girls night out would be an awesome treat!
Lin - I’d take my sister Tina, or maybe my Mom.
Jenna - I would take my best pal … we are pasta lovers!
Lisa Littlejohn - This is always where my husband and I go for date night! We always try to bring leftover’s home for the kids, as they like the Olive Garden as much as we do! With a family of seven it is always a treat to eat out!!
mary - I have 3 kids four and under so any night out just the two of us is always welcomed.
Connie S. - I would take my hardworking hubby for date night!
Terri - If I won I would give the gift certificate to my pastor. He and his wife have five boys eight years old and under. They don’t get to go out much because it costs so much for all of them. I know that that Shawna would love not having to cook and all of her men would love all of the yummy food (especially the breadsticks) at Olive Garden! It’s sooooooo good!
Library Momma - I would love to take my husband. The last time we went to Olive Garden was as a special treat the night before my beautiful, now 9 month old baby was born! Now that I think about it that was the last time we were out alone together!
Abbey - I am thinking I’d make it a no-kids double date night!
Elizabeth Gleason - Date night with the husband… Actually we have to drive 45 minutes to get to our closest one… So we make it a date day of perusing books then dinner at the olive garden.
Sonya Morris -!/catholicfanatic/status/164164630242009088
Thank you!
Sonya Morris - I would love to spend dinner at Olive Garden with my husband and kids!
Jenny L - Since I just ate out there with a friend not too long ago (a much needed mom/ wife night out too), I would take my husband since he is so good about making sure I get some me time. :0)
Tricia Hull - The very first Olive Garden in Alaska just opened this week in Anchorage!! Can you believe that? We have lived without an Olive Garden until now……I know, Crazy. It is our favorite restaurant to visit when we travel to the lower 48.
Definitely would take my husband. He loves the Tour of Italy and I love the Italian Margaritas (a shot of amaretto makes them Italian!)!! Oh, and definitely the Zuppa Toscana soup.
Carrie - I would take my husband’s 94 yearold granny and my 4 year old. We just went there for Granny’s birthday and it was not a great experience. She loves that restaurant but our orders were botched, my soup was not great and my 4 year old’s meal was awful. My 4 year old loves Pizza and thought she would get the same quality pizza as her father ordered, the regular one. What came resembled pizza you get from a box. She ate two bites, I tasted it and about gagged. It was awful. We like olive garden so we would like a do over!
andrea - My sweet husband, of course!!!
Heidi - Yumm!! That all looks so good- especially the Caprese flatbread! I would take my daughter out for a special date I think!
Laura - I would take my nieces(18 and 11) because they are AWESOME!
Tessa - I would totally take my husband. If he wasn’t available …
a girls night out would be fun too … with my mom and sisters!
Ann Parsell - I’d love to take my husband out to celebrate our anniversary of 9 years. I love Olive Garden-I crave their salad!
Marla Rae - I would take my husband whose work has been extremely stressful for the past 6 months and won’t be getting better anytime soon. So, I do what I can to make his non-working hours the best I can.
Jainatina - I would take my mom out for dinner. Girl time together would be great.
Susan Smith -!/susan1215/status/164152097321914368
Susan Smith - I would take my husband and two children to Olive Garden. We have one up the street and visit it quite often
Jessica - Olive Garden is my absolute FAVORITE restaurant!! My dad and I are currently in the process of losing weight and between the two of us, have lost 60 pounds. Going out to eat is always a hassle because it is hard to find things on the menu that fit into our weight loss journey. However, Olive Garden is has so many options that we can both eat that don’t make us get off track. Therefore, I would take my daddy with me.
Bethany - I always get the baked ziti too…
Cheri - I can already smell it! I would take my daughter who is turning eleven this weekend….we could have “the talk” because there’s always quite a bit of happy background noise and she would feel safe…and happy as she loves every carbohydrate on the planet…esp pasta! - Definitely my hubby. He works so hard and deserves a night out w/o his three kiddos crying at the table because they don’t like what mommy made to eat!
Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - ~My sweetheart husband and I are in need of a date so we’re hoping to go out soon!~ Olive Garden is one of our fave places and we’ve only been there 2x in the 6 yrs we’ve been together! Isn’t that a shame?
LibraryGirl62 - My babies (19 and 18
LOVE Olive Garden !
Tracey - I’d have to take my boys since Olive Garden is one of their favorite places ever. They LOVE the little Italian doughnuts with chocolate dipping sauce.
Monika - When my daughter comes home from college each spring, we try to go to Olive Garden. The perfect place to celebrate, relax, reconnect, and enjoy a great meal. I look forward to these dates at Olive Garden with just her!
Donna - I would take my whole family!!!! We love Olive Garden
Amy - Um, yum, that all looks amazing. I’d love to take my hubby, fo-sho.
Lea - - I would take my husband! We love the Olive Garden!
Kathi - I’d invite all the girls for GNO – we used to do this a few times a year and Olive Garden was the go to favorite. Thanks for the reminder to do it again and for offering the chance to win!
erin j - My hubby…we really need a date night.
Heidi - My wonderful husband, of course!
Elise - I’d love to go out with my hubby! We haven’t been to Olive Garden in a long time!
Lisa - My hubby of course
Karen - Olive Garden is my daughter’s favorite restaurant. I would have to take her for sure…and her twin sister so she wouldn’t think I am playing favorites…and as long as I had $100, I’d let their little brother come too…oh, and as long as they are all coming, we may as well bring daddy
Angela - My 3 boys would love to fill their bellies there!
Lynda M. - I tweeted the giveaway.!/mypinkmixerblog
Emily H. - I would take my wonderful husband. We have a 2 month old and are in desperate need of an actual date night!
Lynda M. - Oh my gosh – it all looks so good!!! I would take my husband since Olive Garden is his favorite restaurant and we need a date night.
melanie - mmmm. i’d love to take my dear man out to eat. we’ve been dating long distance now for two years, and he is such a gent, always paying for us
I would love to take him out to eat once in awhile. I think Olive Garden has the best salad (and yummy pasta, too, of course), I actually crave it!
Thanks for the yummy giveaway.
Tonya - I’d take my girl…it’s her favorite place to eat out! She always, always gets chicken alfredo…and numerous bowls of salad!
Karie - Olive Garden…yum!
Megan - I would LOVE to take my husband to dinner. He’s a high school girls basketball coach, so we don’t see much of each other these days.
Kim Elks - I would have a girls night out with my Mom and SIL and BFF!
Thanks for the chance
Ronnie - I love Olive Garden and I love my daughter, so I think I’d just combine the two and have a fun girl’s night out with my girl
beth - I’d love to take the whole family to dinner. My husband LOVES Olive Garden and my daughter is just nuts over any kind of pasta. Ours is near a movie theatre so it would be fun for a family date. We just finished reading “The Borrowers” and “The Adventures of Arietty” comes out right after Valentine’s Day. Perfect!
Kodi - I’d love to take my husband.
Barbara Nelson - I would take my sisters and daughter we always have a great time at a table. Thanks for the chance!
Tina Jacobsen - I would so take my awesome hubby along with our awesome neighbors!! Olive Garden is so YUMMO!!
Tina J
Krissy - I would love to take my BFF!!! She’s 6 months pregnant and a night out without her 3 kids sounds like just what she needs!!!
And btw, I have tried that Toasted Marshmallow Martini and it is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
Jessica Johnson - i would take… my children. since they haven’t eaten all weekend. miss beautiful, flat kansas already. craft month next time, ok?
ingrid lapp - I want to say that I would take my husband but really I think that I would like to take my daughters, we’d hit up Olive Garden then whatever big mall is closest. yep. def. my daughters but I would be thinking of hubs the entire time
Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - Oh, I’d definitely take the hubs. We could use some time away from 3 little kids and nursing school textbooks…
Rebekah from Simply Rebekah - This is crazy. You are the 3rd person today to talk about going to the Olive Garden! My MIL went there for lunch today. A friend on FB chatted about going. Now you are blogging about it. It must be a sign! I need to go! And I was going to say I would take my hubby, but maybe a girls night out is in order.
Melinda - I would take my amazing husband. He is a hard working, wonderful loving man!
mary - oh i would take my husband as we are on an ULTRA tight budget and my parent’s who have just started the retirement life.
Stephanie - I LOVED Olive Garden! I would take some of my besties!!
Misha - This would be great to take out my parents! They come in to town every week to watch my kids play sports and it would be so fun to take them out for a treat and to show our appreciation.
secret mom thoughts - I would take my hubby to dinner.
Melissa - I would take my mother and sister with me to Olive Garden. They help me so much and when we are together we have so much fun.
Mary - My best friend. She’s coming into town in a couple of weeks and Olive Garden would be the perfect place to go. It’s her favorite!
Carly C - i would take my boyfriend, we have the same taste in food so that would mean we could share everything we get!!! its like 2 for 1
Erin - Oh my, NOT 30-course meal. 3! THREE
Linda@Lime in the Coconut - I think I would do my kids and hubby! And…I am salivating from your pics. I found a recipe for the exact 5 cheese ziti!! YUM!
Erin - I had JUST commented to my husband that I wanted to go to Olive Garden for our next date, because of their commercials for the 30-course meal!!! I’d probably take my husband, but my work buddy who I love to take lunches with would follow in a close second!
Jen H. - Hubby. For sure!
happygirl - Tweeted about OG and your blog.
Alysa - hi there! i would love to take my refugee friend, Hiyam, to Olive Garden, as I know she has never been! She would love the food and atmosphere and it would be so fun to give her that experience!
Kacey - Yum! I love the salad and breadsticks, too. I’d definitely take my hubby.
Kari - I would take my dear friend, Jena, and her husband. Jena was recently hospitalized for a serious bacterial infection of they lymph nodes – her face literally swelled up like a basketball – they still aren’t sure exactly what she had. But after 5 days in the hospital I believe she and her husband need a night out (and bless her husband taking great care of the house and 3 girls while she was gone)…. Thanks!
Jen Logan - Did you come all the way down to Derby at first? We are so pleased to have an Olive Garden a couple minutes from our house now. I have already been twice. If I were to win, I would to take my family (a couple times).
Alison K - I would take my husband ! We love date nights and we LOVE Olive Garden!
Jessica - tweeted:!/jfong1130/status/164090178644885504
Jessica - I’d love to take my parents out to Olive Garden since they’ve treated me there so many times! $100 would go a long way there!
anna pry -!/annatiffany2/status/164088918009053184
anna pry - i’d love to take my sister out because she’s always the one taking me out for food
Karina Lee - tweeted!/karinaroselee/status/164084599327174656
Karina Lee - yum i love Olive Garden
Diana Quintero - I for sure would take my husband we love it there.
carrie - I would take our daughter, as Olive Garden is her FAVORITE restaurant. She loves the build your own pasta on the kids’ menu.
Becky K. - I would take my husband. We have had a stressful year with closing our business and trying to sell our house. We have cut back on dining out. When we do go out, it is a inexpensive meal at a quick restaurant. I would love a night with him at a nice restaurant with great food. Thanks for the chance.
Jenn B - I am hungry now! I would love to take my family to dinner at OG! I used to work there and still love it!
Diane - We are getting a new Olive Garden in our town! Yes! I would take my husband…and maybe a second trip with a girlfriend!
kristine cline - I would love to take my 15 year old son out to dinner…he loves pasta and he just finished his first set of high school final!
rosemarie - i would take my family kids and all!!!!!!!!
Carol B - MMMMMM I love olive Garden…I would take my friends..because my husband doesn’t really care for Olive Garden!! I often eat there by myself I love it that much!!
Emily - Looks so yummy! I’d love a night out eating breadsticks and salad at the Olive Garden with my hubby!
Angie - I would love to take my husband along with another couple out to Olive Garden! Normally we gather at our house for spaghetti night. It would be nice to have the professionals handle the food and clean up!!!
Agnieszka - Olive Garden is my favorite! I would take my husband and kids. They all love that place. Just few days ago hubby and I were talking about some food critic bashing Olive Garden for not being “real Italian food”. We decided we don’t care at all and still love it!
Ashley - I would take my hubby! We are about to add twins to our little family. And so I think a night out while our 5 year old daughter goes to the grandparents sounds glorious! AND…Olive Garden sounds really good to this prego girl!! Your pictures were almost too much to handle! :0)
Ani G W - I would take out my husband! We desperately need a date night!
Jessica J - I would love to head to Olive Garden with my husband and my adorable 2 1/2 year old lilttle man!!
Penny - I would love to be able to take my girlfriends on a night out. That would be perfect!!
Ann - I’d bring the hubby or girlfriend for her birthday-as my husband is not a huge fan of olive garden!
Southern Gal - It’s time for date night…long overdue. So it would be my husband whom I would take to eat at the Olive Garden. Our favorite spot, by the way.
Ashley K - I would love to take my parents out to dinner. They are always treating my husband and I. It would feel good to do something for them!
margo black - I would like to take my new husband to celebrate our second month anniversary. EVERYTHING is so fun to celebrate right now! ALL the food looks so good!
Melissa - Love olive garden!
Carolina - I run the Community Service Office at a college campus, and would love to treat college students that plan/organize volunteer opportunities! They are always hungry and broke
Amy - Olive Garden was one of my Gram’s favorite restaurants – she passed away in August, but I remember taking her out on a date to Olive Garden on several occasions. Good memories. Maybe I’d take out her daughters (my mom and her sisters) and drink a toast to her.
Molly - I’d love to take my husband… it’s very rare we go out to eat, pretty much only when we have someone from out of town visiting!
Janelle - I am away at college and would love to treat some of my friends to Olive Garden! It is so yummy!
susan - I would take my hubby because he loves Olive Garden and my sweet girl and my Mama – The sweetest crew I know!
shannon - I’d love to take my family out to eat. We seldom go out to eat as a family. We have four kids, two of which are teenagers and it just doesn’t fit the budget much now that they don’t all eat off the childrens menu.
Angie - I would take my husband. With three kids under 3, we don’t get to go out a lot and I would love to have a reason to go on a date night!
Kristin - definitely a date night with my husband! with two little ones, and a tight budget going out is a rare treat.
Tami - I’d bring the whole fam! This is my daughter’s FAVORITE place to eat!! I LOVE the bread sticks! I always bring some home! yummy!
Karen Martz - My favorite is Grilled Shrimp Caprese and of course the salad.
Jessica S - My handsome hubby!
Brenda H - I’d say hubby for me! WE don’t get out much, he works late and weekends spends time getting things done at home – Olive Garden used to be our ‘go to’ restaurant many moons ago when we used to go on dates! Love it.
chelsea leming - I would take my hubby!! OG is his very favorite!!!
Lori Austin - Every momma needs a girls night out now and then. I would take my 3 best gals.
Looks like you had a fun night – good for you!
Amy - With three busy toddlers, my husband and I don’t get away by ourselves very often. I’d love to take him to a kid-free dinner where we did not have to cut anyone’s food into small pieces or wipe anyone’s messy spaghetti face!
melanie simpson - I would take my husband! With four kiddos and a tight budget this would make a great date!
Molly - My husband and I love Olive Garden.
We very rarely get time out together, so I’d take him. Having a special needs child sometimes you need time to reconnect together.
If I didn’t take my husband I’d take one of my best friends. She could use a night out too. She helps us with our kids but has had a hard time of it lately as her father recently passed away and she’s not working and dealing with his estate.
Glad you had a nice evening out. Love getting out with friends when I have done it. You feel so recharged and ready to take on anything.
lindsay - I’d love to enjoy this!! Thanks for the offer Meg!
Cheryl - Love me some OG! Sometimes i keep it simple by just getting the soup, salad, and breadsticks.. otherwise, capellini pomodoro is my fave too!
I’d take my family – husband and 2 boys
Erin Whitney - I’d take my hubby. We just had our second son 2 weeks ago and he deserves a huge thank you for all he’s done for me.
Amy Naab - I would love to take my husband!
Cindy B - I would take my awesome workout buddies Sheila, Camela, Tracey and Raylene to the Olive Garden! Last year in January we started working out together 3x a week at the local YMCA. Now we try to make it 4x a week. When you don’t feel like going its your buddies that keep you coming back for more. We need to celebrate!
shaunna - I would take my husband. we have 3 small boys and haven’t been on a date in a few years. life just keeps getting in the way of “us time.” If we had a gift card to olive garden…well, we would HAVE TO go. Perfect excuse! thanks for the giveaway!
Heather D - I am original and would take my husband!
Laura - Love their salad! I would take my parents and my sister!
Marcella - Oh, the usual, the husband,daddy and my darling at our house!
Amy Bogan Griffin - I LOVE me some olive garden!!!!
Sarah Rollins - Oh my, $100 would go a long way! Certainly I would bring my sweet handsome hubby and maybe our parents as a thank you for all they do to help our family!!
Juli - My brand new hubby! And we both LOVE Olive Garden!
Diana Yarborough - ME and my husband of course. I need a night out badly!
Kay H - The town my husband and i went to college in is opening up an Olive Garden soon! I would take him, it is only about an hour away, and we could have a date night!
Sandra K - I definitely would take my husband & 2 kiddos. Thanks!
Taryn Smith - Olive Garden is my favorite restaurant. I love the lasagna and the strawberry dacquiri’s are pretty darn good too! I would take my husband. Was the new Olive garden you went to in Derby? We went there over the weekend and it was packed!
Wendy - I would love to go to Olive Garden with my hubby. We just don’t go out together enough–just the two of us. ♥ - Dying for a date night with my hubby! To be completely honest, we don’t have the money to go out much…. this gift card would be perfect!
Tiffany - I would take my family! Three teenagers and a husband makes it hard to go out to a nice restaurant very much, so this would be a nice treat!
Deanna Winne - The hubster…
sarah mc. - would take my husband, though he doesn’t love OG quite as much as I (embarrassingly) do. something about their salad and breadsticks, so delicious!
Michelle - I’d take my nine kids and my fab husband! We love Italian!!
nicoleigh - I would take my friend who gave me free tickets {including backstage passes for a Meet & Greet} to see Lady Antebellum in concert!
Lisa - I would take my husband!
Jessica - Yuuumm…love Olive Garden. Their soup, salad and breadsticks are a meal in themselves! I’d love to take my hubby with me.
sara matherne - I would love to go out to dinner with my sweet husband. He’s under so much stress lately, that I think a night away from the kids would really be a blessing.
elizabeth Ann - my husband, for sure!
Beth P - Olive Garden is a favorite around here. Would love to win a gift card!!!
Caitlin - I’d take my husband and girls! We live in Alaska and they JUST opened the first Olive Garden in the state in the last few weeks!
Samantha - Although I would love to go take my hubby out with out the kids, I think I would much appreciate a night out with my girlfriends!!!
Sara - With that much on a gift card, I could take out my husband AND my mother – the two people I adore and value the most.
Lynn - I would love to go out to eat with my husband! He has a new job and is gone 4-5 days a week. When he is home he spends time with our son who has had a hard time adjusting to his dad being gone. Honestly I cannot even remember the last time the two of us were able to go out to dinner. It would really just be a special treat!
mel - i’d take my family. we all love olive garden!
christine n. - OH, date night! or family night with both girls and dad (and me, of course!)
Lori H - Oooo. Olive Garden for a date night. Sounds wonderful!
Melanie - I would definitely take my husband. Its wonderful having some quiet time without the kiddos.
Sarah Williams - I would love to take my friend, Amie. She has been a blessing and a lifeline over the past year…would love to say thank you!
Jaima Schutt - Olive Garden is definitely my favorite “chain restaurant”. We don’t eat out very often, either, so I would definitely treat my husband, we could both use it! And with the $100, we could go TWICE! Heard they’re changing up their menu a lot which makes me kind of sad… Thanks for the giveaway, HOPE I win!!!
Caroline - I would love to take my 5 kids (ok, and husband too…) It’s their absolute favorite place to go! We can all find something we love and walk out a very happy family. But to have it free? Perfection!
Shauna - I would love to go alone. Just me and my italian food. just kidding! i would take my husband and maybe even our kids, too.
We haven’t been to Olive Garden in so long and i miss that tiramisu….
Elizabeth - Olive Garden is my mom’s favorite, I’d take her and leave the boy’s at home.
katie - LOVE olive garden, but obviously the best part of any trip out to eat is that we are OUT! no cooking, no getting up 30 times in one meal, and no dishes!!!
Shanalea - I would definitely take my husband out. We love Olive Garden.
Jodi Peck - Oh definitely the Mr. — We could go without the kids! Italian food is my favorite! Have you ever tried the alfredo sauce pizza?? Divine!
Nicole - I LOVE Olive Garden. I would love to be able to take my husband out to dinner at a nice place. We usually go cheap to stay on budget but having a nice gift card to Olive Garden would be wonderful!
Kendra - I’d take the hub!
Jen Boyd - I would love to take my bestie out for dinner. Things in her household have been crazy/hectic. This would be a great break and a chance to catch up.
Vonda - I would love to take my hubby and kids! It would be so fun! We don’t get out much, but Olive Garden is awesome!
Ruth Sperling - So fun! I would take my friend, Rhonda and her girls, my husband, and daughter. Five of my favorite people in the world to my favorite restaurant.
Mrs. B. - My hubby and 2 little boys
Joleen - I would take my boys there. We took them a couple of months ago and they loved it, and now ask to go there daily. But that is not in the budget, so it doesn’t happen often.
Katie H - My husband and I were just talking about how we need a date night! Olive Garden food would be awesome!
gboll - I would take my husband. he loves Italian!
Everything looks sooo good. I am glad I just heated leftover soup for lunch. - I would take my Mom and sister. They have helped me so much these past few years and it would be fun to have a night to ourselves.
Wendy - Although I need a girls night out … I would take my husband and 3 girls and have a wonderful dinner. We couldn’t afford to do it otherwise … so it would be special.
April - Anyone but my daughter – no offense, I love her dearly but I would really like to go and just have FUN (no parenting allowed!)
Candice - I would take my husband. He was just talking about wanting Olive Garden this weekend!
Gillian - I would take my girlfriends from church! We get together at least once a month and Olive Garden is one of our favorites! Would be so fun to treat them!!
Aimee - I would love to take my husband out for a date night! We haven’t had one in quite some time and are desperately due for one! We love Olive Garden but so do our boys. Its one of the restaurants where they always clean their plates (including salad!). $100 is enough to have a date night with my hubby and also a family night with the boys. :o)
Katelyn - I LOVE Olive Garden! I would have to take my mom!
4FabFranklins - Oh! Mygosh! I’d do just about ANYthing for that Toasted Marshmellow Martini!
Carrie H - I tweeted!!/carriehaughey/status/164037024398053376
Carrie H - I would take my hubby, date nights are few and far between with two under 2 in our house and not having to pay out of pocket makes a date even better!
chrissi - I would take my cutest hubby. We love Olive Garden.
Melissa Bailey - My Husband! We don’t live near family and don’t get any time to ourselves, since there is no one to watch the kids for us! So if I won, I’d drive the 7 hours up to my parents house and we’d go out to dinner every night until the gift card was used up! 3 date nights in a row, I would guess! Yipee!!!!
stephanie Janes - I would take my Grandma and Grandpa, they don’t eat out much, and O.G. is one of their Fav resturants. I think It would be a very special treat. and Since I love them to pieces.
Elena - tweet-!/ElenaIstomina/status/164035126240612352
Kara K - My husband and I had our first baby in June and haven’t been on a proper date night since then! We don’t have family in town, so we don’t really have readily available babysitters and we are on a budget to boot, so this giftcard would be a godsend! Oh, how I long for you eggplant parm … it calls me by name
Elena - I love Olive Garden! My husband and I went there two weeks ago and would be happy to go back soon!
Katie g - Definitely my husband!
Routhie - I would take the 2 girlfriends who were my first friends when I moved to the east coast. I was so grateful for their friendship then and love that we’re still friends almost 6 years later. They are definitely my sanity and we do not get out as much as we should. Thanks fro such a great giveaway!
Dawn O. - I would take my 14 year old son. He is growing up WAY too fast and this mom just wants time to slow down just a little. So a quiet dinner without his brothers and sister would sure be nice.
Lelia - I’d love, love to be able to spend $100 at Olive Garden! Yum!!! I’d take my daughter out b/c it’s her fav!! =)
Dana - I would either take my handsome, hard-working husband, or my 12-year old daughter for some mommy/daughter time.
Ingrid - I would love to take my husband and 3 boys! They can put away a lot of food.
Shelby A. - Oh, how I love Olive Garden! I would take my sister out to dinner if I won…she’s getting ready to move across the state and I’m going to miss her so much!
chantelle - I would LOVE to take my sis out on a well deserved girls night out! We both are overdue! Haha! Thanks for doing this promo Megan, your promos never sound like promos….
Janelle - Now I’m starving
I used to work at Olive Garden in college and after SO MANY meals there I still love their food. YUM! My oldest has always asked him to take him sometime to the Olive Garden but we’re on a tight budget. I’d treat him!
Chantel - I would love to take my daughter for a Mommy and Me date. She’s 11 now, with friends and hobbies and harder schoolwork, so time together is very rare and precious to me. Connecting over a great meal would mean so much.
Christy - I would take husband, our 5 kids and my parents! We would thoroughly enjoy a nice dinner together with someone else doing the cooking!
Kelly G - I would love to take my sister out to dinner! She’s one of my best friend’s and has hit a rough patch recently. Last week her car died and her manager declined her request for vacation! Thanks for sharing such a great giveaway!
Allison Troyer - Oh my goodness, I went to Olive Garden twice this weekend with my gal pals. We couldn’t get enough soup and salad! Their new low calorie Pomegranate Limetta and the White Peach Cooler are delicous as well! You should try them! Plus I’m on Weight Watchers and I love that my favorite Pasta e Fagioli is only 3 points a bowl! Mmm, mmmm, mmmm!!
Trudy - I would love to have a quiet, delicious dinner at Olive Garden with my husband. Last time we went we brought our 5 children. One of our three year old twins was getting antsy after dinner so I left with him to wait outside. He had fun running around and circling a tree when all of a sudden he lost his dinner in front of the crowd waiting outside. It was lovely. A romantic dinner at Olive Garden sounds wonderful.
Michelle - I too would take my husband! We don’t get out on our own much at all. Does an hour of Sunday school at church together count?
Melissa - I would love to take my friends out to dinner!
Megan - Yummy! It has been forever since I have ate at Olive Garden! If I could go I would nervously leave our 12 week old and 3 year old daughters with a sitter and have a quiet dinner with my handsome husband!
Wendy - wow, it’s been FAR too long since i’ve been to olive garden! these pictures look sooo good! man, i need to plan a girls night there! i would take my friends.
tiffany gardner - my mama and sister. Olive Garden is their very favorite place! It would make them so very happy! xoxo…
Elma - Oh I would love to go with my husband and kids:) We never go out because with seven kids it just cost way to much!! Thanks for this chance:)
Gina - I’d take my hubby and my three girls, they’ve never been there!
Laurie Johnson - The Fam, including husband, preschooler and toddler. My toddler is a growing boy and has been known to eat an entire adult entree, so $100 would be awesome! Thanks! How was craft weekend? Do tell soon!
beth - i think i like you’re idea. i’ll take out my momma friends for a nice night with no babies on our hips.
Sarah - I would take my BFF Colleen. We go to Olive Garden rarely, usually to celebrate something. With $100 we could both take our husbands too!
Bree - What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you.
I would def have a girls night. I havent had one in over a year and it would be amazing to enjoy that.
Katie Sellers - My hubby of course!!
Sharon - Hi, I would take my husband out for his birthday on March 1st.
Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!
I luv your blog.
zoraya - I guess I would take my husband. We need a date! just the two of us… sounds so good.
Thank you for the giveaway
Kat Atomic Grrl - I would take the group of ladies I belly dance with. We’ve been working crazy stupid hours to prepare for competition and this would be something to look forward to…being pampered and letting our hair down. And I REALLY want a toasted Marshmallow Martini right now and it’s only 8:43 a.m.!!!
Sarah Wolfe - Me! Me! I’ve actually been craving it lately
Meaghan - Yummy! Me and my girlfriend love chilling at Olive Garden! Of course, I should probably bring my fiance for a date, since he treats me all the time!
jen smith - i would take a couple girlfriends. nothing better than a girls night out!
Briana - I tweeted about the giveaway:!/SweetCGrace/status/164024098391998465
Andrea - Definitely go out on a double date with some friends of ours. No kids allowed!!
mami2jcn - tweet–!/mami2jcn/status/164023773652205568
Nicole Q. - A night with my man is always my favorite . . . . runner up is a night out with girlfriends!!! Both fuel me up!! Your pics made me hungry and it’s only 10:30am
mami2jcn - I would take my husband and kids! They love Olive Garden!
Laura in LA - I would take my mom! We don’t go out often enough and could make a couple of trips with this prize. Awesome.
Jennifer - I would take my husband…since our daughter moved back home with her two little ones, we don’t get much time alone anymore.
Briana - I would take my husband, because we haven’t had a date night in quite awhile.
Emily - I would take my mom and my sister, since my moms birthday is coming up and we could really use some time together just the three of us.
Erika C. - I also could use a Girls Night Out….you are so right, it is much needed to be a better wife! (I’m not a mommy yet.) So I would take some amazing girlfriends!
April R - I’d love to spend some time with my friends Bethany and Lisa. They are such a blessing to me and it would be awesome to treat them.
Amy James - You can never go wrong with Olive Garden. The food is consistently yummy. I would take my Mom if I won. She is 90 and does not get out often. Whenever I ask her where she would like to go she ALWAYS chooses Olive Garden.
Whitney - My BFF and I always go there for our Nights/Days out
She and I both love it! I usually stick with the trusty Chicken Alfredo
My hubs isn’t a pasta fan(unless it’s mac & cheese) and ALH can’t get to my left overs yet, so they’re all mine!
I love their Moscato…it’s the best!! I will have to try that Toasted Marshmallow Martini, I know I would LURVE it!!!
Alyssa - I would take my boyfriend. I love the “tour de Italy” that comes with fettuccine, lasagna, and chicken parm!
Sam - Olive Garden is one of my favorite restaurants! I have been reading your blog for awhile now and I would LOVE to take you to dinner! I truly respect what you put out there on your blog and really admire how you write about the good and the bad, but you do it in a way that is respectful to the situation and your family. I also love your pictures! You are very talented!
Jermaine D. - This girls night sounds fun, I think I’d have to take some friends out! We even have a new Olive Garden in my town!
Sara B. - I would love to take my fellow women’s ministry team leaders…to plan for our events next year!
ira lee - i love olive garden so much!!!
Jen - Oh, how would I decide? My sweet husband or my dear daughter, who is getting married in August and will be moving to Ohio to start her newly married life. Either way, it would be wonderful! We LOVE LOVE LOVE Olive Garden!
P.S. The chocolate tuxedo cake (I think that’s what it’s called) is TO DIE FOR!
Sarah Pinault - My husband doesn’t like Olive Garden so I’d take my small group gals from church.
Julie - My hubby for sure!
Seriously Sassy Mama - I love going out with my girls.
Misty C - I would take my hubs…it has been forever since we had a date night. must make that happen soon. thx for the daily inspo! and now for the temptation to go have some olive garden soup and salad with breadsticks for lunch!!
Andrea Siebert - date night with my hubby of course!
Rachel B. - I would take my Jon
Mollie - I would take a few friends. This mommy needs a night out!
nancy beach - Date night! Oh yes please. Maybe with a gift card we could actually order our own meal and not share and still have dessert! Oh Yum!
Tammy EL - An Olive Garden is opening near us soon. We live in the middle of nowhere and it’s the talk of the town! Glad you had a great time with girlfriends…we need that time.
MH Toth - my hubby! With three little girls in the house, we haven’t had a date night in ages!
Steph - Out to dinner! What a concept! My husband hasn’t had an income in over a year so beans and rice have been great food! But, an Olive Garden, actual out to dinner night would be awesome! I would take my husband and my daughters for a lovely evening out!
Enjoy your blog – you inspire me.
stephanie - I would love to go with my sisters! We always have a good time!
Jodi - I tweeted about the giveaway here:!/JodiEvans776/status/164016397385601024
Jackie M. - I would take my husband! It would be a fabulous night out.
Candice - I would love to take my husband and kids out for a special dinner! Seeing how they work so hard in school and sports and how my husband works so hard as well. I would love to say “My treat”. Hehe:). By the way, loved your setup for craft weekend! Could I be on your next guest list?
Jodi - I’d love to take my girlfriends to dinner! a girls night out would be awesome.
Larissa - I would take my husband. We rarely get a date night, so this would be an awesome dinner at an awesome place!
Sara - Humm.. probably the best friend, we have always had a thing for the unlimited salad and breadsticks!! We could do a little wedding planning while we enjoy!!
Margo - I’m so hungry now. Me and hubby need to catch up on our date nights, so he would be my date for sure. Thank you.
Jessica Kiehn - A date night with my honey!
Paula Caldwell - I would go with my husband. We rarely get a night out alone. On one of your visits you should try the Pasta e Fagioli soup. It is a favorite.
Jennifer - Tweeted too!!/JennJGreeley/status/164011972210327553
Rachel Matilda - I would love to take my son to have some one on one time with him.
Lisa S - I would take a couple of my best girlfriends, how fun it would be to treat them all to dinner!@ Love the Olive Garden!!
Rebecca - Olive Garden is my FAVORITE!!! I got a gift card there for Christmas…LUCKY ME, right?
the domestic fringe - I would take my husband. We haven’t had a chance to go out together in a really, really long time.
karen peachey - I LOVE Olive Garden!! I’d pick it every time my hubby & went out if I could!!;) The salad is definitely my fave!!
Joy - I am taking my sweet man! We need a night away!
Amber - Love the caprese flatbread! I would take my man! We love our kids, but we also love a night out to ourselves!
angela - i would have a date night with my 2 amazing kids! they are looking foward to our “first” valentines day just the 3 of us so it would be perfect for that!
Talia - I would take my girls. They are working their way through College and rarely get a treat. They are so deserving! We don’t go out to eat often so what a special night this would be!
Allison - I’d love to take my best friend, we haven’t hung out in a long time since she moved away.
caren wise - i’d arrange for a date night for me and hubs, for sure!
Jennifer - I love the Olive Garden and have for a while. Its always good and not expensive. I would definitely take my husband, but a girls night out is good too!
Lynn - I would treat all my mama-girlfriends. As the one without children, I always like to make sure they get out of the house a few times a year!
christy - Yummy!! Havent been to olive garden in yrs…:( And my 13 yr daughter keeps asking can we go ther,so id take her…:)
Jennifer - I would treat my wonderful, hard working husband to a night out. We would probably invite the kids too;)
Tami Veer - Would definitely enjoy a night out with my husband!
Caitlynne - Wow that food looks amazing! Definitely makes me want some Olive Garden! A date night would be fun.
abigal - i love olive garden. i would take my husband – we are in need of a date night and would love to spend some time with him before our 3rd child is born (just a few more weeks)
Molly - I would love to go out with my hubby! He works division I sports in the Big 12 and has been super busy since early October. I would love to have a nice quiet dinner out with him. And we are frugal so we would save enough of the giftcard to also take out our girlies. While we don’t go out to eat often, our girls love to eat out. They are so silly and go on and on every time about how it is their favorite restaurant and we should go to that place more often. Super cute:)THANKS!
FeFe - I would take my handsome husband. We are having to live apart most of the week (we’ll all be joining him when school is out. He’s two hours away). When he’s home it’s all family time, which is needed. But, I sure do miss “our” time! Toasted Marshmallow Martini? Yes, please!
Julie - love, love Olive Garden!! I would take my hubby out!
Staci H. - I would love to take my 11 year old daughter. She loves Olive Garden and that is usually where we go when we have our Girls Day Out.
Rebecca - WOW!!! 100.00 would go a long way at the Olive Garden!! I would love to win this one!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I will soon get to try the marshmallow martini!!
Andrea - I would take my husband. It is our favorite place to go for a date night!
jessica - Oh my gosh! This looks so yummy!
I would love to have a girls night out with my mom and sister!!
Laura Phelps - Olive Garden owes you BIG TIME Meg. Because honestly? I have been to Olive Garden. And while it is not a place I would put down, it certainly is not on my list of places to run to, either. I am kind of a doubter when it comes to “chains”…but remember, I come from L.A. and we don’t do chains there. We do over priced sushi with celebs and paparazzi.
YOUR PICTURES are BETTER than ANY Olive Garden print ad, or commercial.
They should pay you lots.
They should use YOU in their on camera advertising.
(just make sure you throw me 10%)
Susie - Oh, how I need a date night out with dh. I love their soup and salad.
Becca W. - I love Olive Garden!!! My husband and I have had great dates there. I’d love to have another..especially with our dating anniversary coming up on V-day
Maria - Link to my tweet about it:!/randomtink/status/164006736842334209
Mike - My wife deserves a girls’ night out. Pick me and I’ll give her the card to treat her girlfriends while I stay home and put the kids to bed.
Shar - I would like taking my grandchildren to Olive Garden if I were lucky enough to win this. I, too, love their salad!!
Stacy M. - Just having a baby five months ago I think I am ready for a girls night. I have some friends flying in to visit and a dinner at Olive Garden and a movie sound likes a wonderful idea.
Maria - Yum! Love Olive Garden! Especially on cold days so I can have their soup!
It would either end up as a date night (since I finally convinced dh of the yumminess that is their soup) or a girls lunch out.
Ashley - I would LOVE a night out at Olive Garden!!!! Pasta is the ULTIMATE pregnant lady food….at least for this preggo lady!:) haha!
Jody - I would take hubby & kiddos. We JUST said we should go to OG – bc of their breadsticks!!! Haven’t been there in fun!!
Diane Pierce - I would love to take my mother-in-law out to dinner. She doesn’t get to go to OG often because my father-in-law doesn’t like Italian. She is a big help with babysitting and it would be a great treat for us!
Thanks, Meg!!
Holly - I would take my 15 year old daughter. She has been wanting to go to OG for awhile. I am gluten free and just found out they have some gluten free options so I am so excited to try them!
Heather S. - I’d love to take my mom to dinner. We don’t have enough time together these days!
Jennifer - Olive Garden just opened in our town and we are all so excited around my house!! I’d have to bring my handsome husband and adorable kids because we all LOVE the OG!
Sharla - I love Olive Garden! But I wouldn’t take my hubby, because he does not. Your girlfriend night out sounds awesome – so I would take my BFF. Salad, breadsticks and minestrone – yum!
Sandy - Olive Garden is my college student’s favorite restaurant. I would love a GC to take her out and leave the card balance with her so she could return with her boyfriend.
Meg - Love olive garden! Would love to treat my hubby!
Adrienne S - I would take my husband who has been traveling for the past year and is finally home for the month of February!!
Carol - Oh! I would love to take my hubby there for our date night. I love the food there and I love him! Perfection!
shannon - Olive Garden is my most favorite restaurant ever….EVER! I LOVE that stuffed chicken marsala! On a special dinner I would take my hubby because he loves olive garden and he is my most favorite person and he works so hard for our family!
Melissa Hermon - My hubby and I love Olive Garden. Their salad and breadsticks are the best! I would definately take my husband
MegM - Yummy! I’d love to take my sister. We never get to do anything together without our husbands or kids tagging along.
Robin - I have a group of friends that I refer to as “The Hand”. This crew would do anything for anyone. This crew has been there for each other through thick and thin. What makes this bond solid is our faith in Jesus. When we get together for a girls night, you can bet there will be a time of prayer, a ton of laughter and lots of coffee. I love these ladies and I’d take them to Olive Garden.
kendra - their breadsticks are the best! and, anything with shrimp!
cristi clothier - OOh, I so love Olive Garden! I would take my Hubby out for a much needed date night for sure.
Heather R. - I’d love to take my family. We are always running around with activites. It would be nice to sit down and enjoy a yummy meal. Thanks for thinking of us!
Wendy - My friend Amy! She needs a night out, and so do I!
Andrea - I would take and husband, 2 kids and my parents surprisingly enough! Every time we go out to eat with them, my dad always insists on paying for everyone. I would love to take them out for a change and make him leave his wallet at home. =) Thanks for the chance to win!
Chelsea - I would take my small group ladies from church out
Jen D. - Yummo!!! Would love to go on a date with my husband!
Donna - My husband and I’s first date was at the Olive Garden so of course I would take him!
Jen - I’d love to go out to dinner with my husband!
Melissa Zangger - I would take my mom for a mother/daughter night out. She would love it! (and so would I)
Kristi Rediske - I would take my mom who is 83-my dad passed away 6 years ago and they loved to go to the Olive Garden so she would really enjoy that again. I would also take along my 2 kids and their families-the $100.00 probably wouldn’t take care of it all but thats ok-I want my entire family along-I can add to that just to have them all there. Thanks for the chance-you are awesome.
Kim Stachowiak - My husband and I need a date night! We just found a wonderful new babysitter who the kids love, and is cheap! We all love her!
Denise - I’d love to take my three daughters to dinner!
Jenn - I would love to take my kids to dinner as a special treat!
Angela B. - My “girls” and I get together about twice a year for dinner to catch up. One lives out of town and so it’s special when we are all together. We usually go to Olive Garden because everyone has something they love there. The past two times we have closed the place down! I need a girls night soon and this would be perfect!
Misty Schluchter - i would take my hubby for a date night. we have two toddlers, and we recently moved across the country away from family (say goodbye to regular babysitters!), so nights out are few and far between!
Cherie - Our family loves Olive Garden. Their curb side to go is fantastic and easy with a car full of screaming little ones. : )
kribss - Since we just moved and I don’t know anyone other than my family, I would take my family of course.
Dianne - I’d love to take my husband! We could use a night out without the kiddos…cause if dinner is paid for, we can afford the sitter!
Jill J. - I would LOVE a girl’s night out! But… Both of my best girl friends are gluten intolerant. BOO! So I would take my best boy friend. My husband!
Laura - Love the Olive Garden and would LOVE to win!
Robin - of course, I’d take my true love husband. We try to stay away from carbs, but would relish diving into Olive Garden’s lasagna. it’s the best!!
Terri Fretwell - I would love to take my family. Because I love them!! We don’t get to go out to eat much because I cook, all the time.
I love your pictures and review of the food. My mouth is watering.
Sarah - My 2 sisters and I are going to be living in three different parts of the country by the end of the year. I’m moving to Texas, my oldest sister is moving to Florida, and my other sister is staying in Kansas. We need a sisters night out before we split up and Olive Garden would be perfect!
melissa - i tweeted!!/jonahbonah/status/163997042597826560
Allie - I would take my husband – he travels for weeks at a time for work. When he is home we are so busy catching up on house stuff we never get a break. An Olive Garden date would be magical… especially that martini
sara @ it's good to be queen - i’d love to go to olive garden for a date night with my husband. i’d also love a girl’s night…both are fun!
Angie G. - Olive Garden is a favorite of my 6-year-old and 3-year-old sons! I’d definitely take them and the hubby too!
mimi - I would take my hubby out. We live on a pretty tight budget and it’s been forever since our last date. This would be so fun!
Holly S. - I want to get a babysitter and take my husband to dinner. He has been getting up with our newborn every night… and deserves a martini {and maybe I do too}!
melissa - i would take my husband. we NEED a night out together. just he and i.
Julie, momto7 - I would take my husband; we haven’t had a date night in FOREVER!
linda - yummy!!! i would have a much needed GNO!!! thanks for the chance to win!!
Amanda - I would take my best friends from high school. We love the olive garden!
Megan - I would take my Preggo Girlfriend– soon to be mom of 3. She needs a night off!:) I can smell the bread sticks now…YUMMY
Beth - I would take my mother and daughter. They love it there! So good! Thank you.
Ashley - I’d love to take my mom out to dinner. She has been taking care of my grandmother for the past few months and I’m sure a night out would be a fun change of pace. Thanks for the chance to win!
Kristen - My kids! They would go nuts.
Beth Ann - Olive Garden is sooooo Yummy! When my aunts come visit it is the first place we go, I would love to treat them next time they visit
Hannah - I would take my fiance because he makes me look good:)
Allison - One of my college friends is moving to my city this week and she LOVES Olive Garden… so I would definitely take her!
rae - i would take my best friends! the five us go on vacation together and LOVE to go out to eat!
Shawna - My husband!
Kim - I would take my family of five. Our kids love Olive Garden!
Amanda - I would take my aunt. Whenever her and my fiance go out some place she ALWAYS picks up the tab. We don’t expect but it would be super cool if I could get her back once.
Jessica - Love Olive Garden! Would be a great date night!
Amber - Yummmm Love Olive garden! I would take my hubby out for dinner
Blaire - I would love to take my husband out to dinner. We do not eat out often and being able to eat out without worrying about the tab would be so very nice.
Alice H - Love Olive Garden! Even my 2 year old flips out for those yummy breadsticks! I have to fight my older 2 for the olives in the salad. My favorite thing to order is the Pasta Fagoil (spelling?) soup! Now I want Olive Garden! Thanks for this giveaway!
Sara - Olive Garden is THE best. I’d take my pal Mitsy… if I had a pal mitsy..but I don’t. Wish I did. I guess in that case I’d take my mumma.
Sheryl - I would take my hubby and kids! The kids love the breadsticks and salad!
Kim - I would take my husband and kids. We rarely take a family of 5 out for a big dinner. That looked GREAT!
Beth K. - I would take my husband out for a date night. With four kids, work ,activities, etc. it has been a very long time since we have had a date night – like years! Or we could take the kids with us, but I will have to think about that. We love Olive Garden! Salad and breadsticks – could eat those everyday!
janet c - We LOVE Olive Garden! I would take my kids for a fun dinner out.
Mia - of course i’d love to take the hubs out, but olive garden is where my mom and i always go! this post made me soo hungry
JulianneB - I think I would take my oldest son who will be leaving for the Navy soon.
lauren - yum!!! i took my boyfriend on his first trip to OG a few months back and i’d really love to take him again! he LOVED the food and the desserts were fabulous!
Molly - I would take my husband and get away for the evening! It rarely happens!
Amy K. - I love Olive Garden! I would take my best friend out for dinner… she just had baby #3, and with three kids under 5, she doesn’t get out much. Also, she *loves* Olive Garden’s salad dressing. =)
Angie - I would take my son out to dinner…we both enjoy Italian!! MMMMMM Olive Garden!
Emily - YUM! I’d love to take my hubby for a date night!
Kris - Whoa! 100 bucks! I would definetely make it a girls night! Absolutely no boys allowed.
Tami - Seriously I would just take my husband. We have 5 kids and I am in graduate school so we don’t get much time for ourselves. It is a treat when we get to have a date night (which we do at least once a month). So it would be an extra special treat if we got to go out for free. Great giveaway. I hope I win this!
BriBedell - I would take my sister
we love us some Olive Garden!
Sharon B. - Love Olive Garden! And now drooling over the pictures!!! Yummy:)
I would take my husband – we have not had a date night in quite awhile and it would be a nice treat to take him!
Amy G. - I would take my husband and children. We all love The Olive Garden, but considering there are 6 of us, we don’t get to go out too often! My 17 year old son would FREAK OUT if we won this!!
Karen - I have been doing weight watchers for 3 weeks now and I am seriously drooling on my iPad now…
Amber B - I would LOVE to take my hubba hubba to dinner….WITHOUT the kids!
Valerie Alexander - Olive Garden is my FAVORITE!!! Just went there a few weeks back for my birthday with my girlfriends. It’s the best!! This time I would probably take my hubby, or who knows, maybe another girls night out!!!
Amy G - MMMMMM….. Olive Garden. Easily my husband’s and my favorite place to eat out. I could make a meal on their breadsticks alone! I would love $100 to spend there. And, yes, I guess I’d take hubby! =)