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mumbo jumbo.

when i see this post it makes me so mad that i don't make myself scrapbook anymore.
i used to get so much joy from it.
for now that outlet is filled other ways….and that is ok too.
but i want ALL of that stuff just to look at it!  
it is totally adroable!
i mean seriously???? wood die cuts?!!



do you have one of these?
i found it by the microwaves at walmart and it has been a smashing success for breakfast around here.
i buy the circle shaped sauages in the big bag in the freezer section.
they can make their own egg mcmuffins!!

and how cute is this little cupcake holder?! 
what a treat for a lunch box that would be.
very sweet.

i got these burlap hanging shades today. (from world market)
i think with some crochet cuteness….some ribbon….maybe some mini bunting….they will be fabulous for CW.


and get this…..
these lamps were $3.27 for BOTH at our thrift shop.
they were shiny brass.
i spray painted them gloss white and bought white lampshades from target.
they are really great. 
i am smitten.

finding old wood tables instead of plastic folding tables for CW is so fun!

finding chairs on clearance is another big B O N U S.
waffle can't believe the deal i got…..
the bathroom has walls…..almost.

something about annie's crossed legs and sitting ON the island was too cute….had to photograph it.

my friend gave me this cup for christmas.
don't you love when you receive a thoughtful gift?
i had picked up that cup so many times and then talked myself out of buying it.
and then there it was!
i can fill it up for the drive to the bus and i still have coffee on the drive back…i needed that!


as you may be able to tell….my brain is totally all over the place.
my thoughts jump from my kids, the house, my GIANT to-do list and craft weekend, and repeat.
over and over.
and over.
and i sneak in a thought like "mr. duerksen is a hottie"  every once in a while….
but then it jumps right back to "how many yards of fabric will i need for that" and "don't forget the light bulbs"

what is on your weekend schedule?
around here there will be painting, cleaning, basketball, more basketball, more painting and some sewing.
good times.


Tanya B - Based on your post, I went to Wally World and bought the egg muffin “thing”. How awesome!!! I just love it. I already gave my 9 year old a lesson so he can expand his breakfast menu — right now it is cereal or instant oatmeal. He thanks you!!

Carla V. - LOL! I have both the muffin maker and the cupcake holder! I love them!

merlin - I thought you might enjoy the beauty of this short video:

Rachel - Meg,
Looks like craft weekend will be just as fabulous, if not more than before! I love the feeling of staking out thrift stores and coming out with a find like those lamps!! I love re purposing, always unique but environmentally friendly! I am so excited to see the bathroom as a finished product! Have a great week!

Maggie - just got back from a woman’s retreat that was awesome! your blog was the first one i opened up, made me happy-er! i have that mug but in the 16 oz, i need a bigger one too to have coffee on my drive back from droppingmy kiddos.

Kristin S - Can you ensure that Annie will never grow out her bangs? They just seem to suit her personality so – I mean, I don’t know her but in all your pics her bangs are just HER! - Love watching your bathroom progress and egg mcmuffin maker, are you kidding? I’m heading to WalMart 🙂 Happy weekend, happy basketball!

April R - I feel the need to go spray paint something,
take a picture of something,
and tell my Mr. that he’s hot
Have a great weekend!

Tanya - The table is the winner for me 🙂
My weekend consists of…my birthday!! Spa visit tomorrow ~ so dreamy…
Happy weekend to you lovely!

Kathy - Liking the microwave McMuffin pan. I have one from Tupperware that I use all the time. havent added sausage though. I started selling Tupperware again and it keeps coming into every conversation, forgive me;)
Chairs are hard to come by! Loving the legs to that table! So jealous of all those going to craft weekend! Wanna host a giveaway for all of us not lucky enough to go? I’d be all over that:)

Emily Kinsaul - I loved this mumbo jumbo post. My weekend is going to be full of girly fun. A friend of mine is expecting a baby girl so, a couple friends and I are giving her a baby shower. We all have boys already to we’re very excited there’s going to be a little girl in the mix.

Mindy Harris - love this post it’s so cute! here’s my latest lamp makeover if you want ideas.
someday i WILL GET INTO craft weekend. 🙂 don’t know how i will pay for it but i can’t wait. hehe.

Mandy - Please share where you found the chairs! I’ve been searching for some like that and need to buy 8!

Trudy - Meg, I’ve silently followed your blog for over a year now, and you never cease to inspire and uplift me. I love your optimistic nature and your happy blog, but I also love that you’re a mom who runs into all that “life” stuff as well, and that you are not afraid to share it. Thanks for keeping it real!
As for scrapbooking, I missed it too, but there was just no way it was going to happen in my busy life. And then I found Project Life and it made a huge difference. I don’t want to sound I’m advertising here, but it truly got me scrapbooking (and enjoying it!) again. If you haven’t looked into it, it might intrigue you.
That said, you do realize that you ARE scrapbooking, right? Every time you write here, post a picture, and document life, you are “scrapbooking.” And I must say, your “scrapbook” is beautiful!
Thanks for sharing it with us.

Laura Phelps - OK, so I was just at Target getting SO inspired…and was thinking of you so much..saw those plates you love, and nearly bought some for me…not the scribbled design…the plain red, blue and mustard ala fiesta ware…should have gotten them…only $6 for 4 plates. Anyway…there was lots of color and polka dots and fun stuff, and you came to mind…and you should know that..and that I adore you…
and we are getting snow this weekend
I am counting on no sports and lots of coffee, laundry and cake making!
have a beautiful weekend!

Kerry - I just wanna go buy ALL that stuff!! Happy Weekend Duerksens xx

Mae - So jealous of all the ladies going to CW. It’s going to be so much fun!! Can’t wait to see photos!

Kelly @ from here to Maternity - LOVE those chairs. And on clearance?? may I ask where? I’ve been on the lookout…

PrairieJenn - My brain has been jumping all over the place too…glad I’m not the only one! Such great finds this week:)

Lori Austin - Couldn’t you use those awesome scrapbooking supplies for other crafting goodness. Like on a canvas for wall hangings…for the new bathroom….with pics of the kids from vacations….okay I’ll stop. 🙂
I have a can of spray paint and a lamp just waiting for me to get busy. Thanks for the push.

Lindsey - I love the burlap shades! I can’t wait to see how they turn out when I come to your house for CRAFT WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOOO!

Melissa l - Okay. I’ve been meaning to ask for awhile. Where did you get the giant number 5 and the hanging bell in the kitchen?

heather - I love that you mention that your husband is a “hottie!” So sweet!

Amy @ - Oh, the wonders of a can of spray paint. Those lamps are super adorable. Love all the color in your life…you are such a happy gal and reading your blog makes me happy too!

Terrie G - Scrapbooking…I’m sooo behind! My goal is to sort stuff and get organized so I CAN do it again.
Die Cuts, awesome, but not as awesome as yours!! LOL!!!
Love your lampshade idea!
Painting and all sounds much better than taking down Christmas decorations! It will take me all weekend I’m sure! 🙂

mollie's mom - Don’t have the Egg Muffin pan but do you have the Egg Poacher for the microwave?? On the same aisle, less than 2 dollars, and you have 2 perfectly poached eggs in a minute and 15 seconds. Perfect if you are not eating muffins in the a.m. or if you love. Eggs Benedict. I do. And I feel a trip to World Market coming on. I’ve been wanting to and tried to resist but the burlap shades have pushed me to it. And my brain is always pinging around like yours… my friend calls it my “pinball mode!!” That’s exactly how it feels too – in a good way. Painting going on here, too.

Sandy - I do have the egg mcmuffin thingy. It is amazing. I’ve even been known to make them in advance and heat in the toaster oven. I love the lamps you bought and painted white. Nice job! Have a great weekend.

jen - love seeing the everyday. inspiring.
saw this today and thought of you {sounds kind of creepy but you have kind of creeped into my daily routine..there i go again..a little creepy….}

shannon - I cannot wait to see the bathroom finished! I am so happy you go random sometimes b/c that’s USUALLY how I operate! My weekend plans are full…the kids at school today so I have got to clean b/c I have put it off all week. I have a sunday school lesson to prepare and another to finish up to get into the church bulletin. We have a cheer camp tomorrow morning and then we pick up my mama at the airport! She lives 1500 miles away and only gets to come twice a year so I am VERY excited!!!! 😀 Have a lovely weekend Meg!

jen@thecottagenest - I’m really looking forward to seeing that bathroom finished. I love your other bathroom. We have 3 that need to be redone eventually so I can use the inspiration!
It sounds like you have a lot to pack in to your weekend. I’m planning on doing a little painting, doing a chalkboard project and lots of creative play time in my newly finished studio. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Juliana Salinas - Hi!!
Can you believe I am veeeery far away from you and you reached me and reeeeaaaly touched my heart??
I am from Sao Paulo, Brazil…and thank you for so many great ideas to make my house comfortable for me and my daughter. I am getting a sewing machine and guess who is going to be my teacher?? YOU!! lol
Im saving some fabrics from old clothes and I will cover my potted plants with them just like you did with something wlse you made, which I forgot the name in english…
Well, I will show your job and your care to other people here that are looking for cute ideas as I am.
Thnak you one one more time!!!

mary elizabeth - I seriously need the new lamps you painted!!!! 🙂 No seriously! Did you prime them??? Before painting????? I need new lamps for new bedroom at new house!
Also where did you get those small clear lamps you are playing with for the craft weekend? I need those too!
I love your blog and so do the girls at my school I have shared you with.
Have a SUPER Friday!!! 🙂

Michelle From Australia - I love your posts. WHATEVER (sorry, couldn’t pardon that pun) they are about 🙂

Kristen - While I know you seem tremendously buys, I have this feeling that one day this week, or next, God is going to give you the glimpse of the Super Meg that is tucked inside. I’ve seen her several times on here before and she always seems to amaze me. I’m pretty sure of this. Can’t wait to see how those burlap shades turn out.

Gemma - Looking forward to seeing what your new bathrooms like!

amy - That table is go-geous!

jen marmen - Can’t wait to see your bathroom finished… your hubby doing the work?

Leah - I agree with the gal above — your random and mumbo jumbo posts are always fun! I can totally relate about the scrapbooking. Only I have SO MUCH of the stuff in my home and I haven’t scrapped in years. I love doing it and creating stuff. But it’s just the last thing I ever think to do. I look at starring at me — the empty albums, totes of stickers, pretty paper. Sigh. Maybe one day!

Amber - Loved your Mumbo Jumbo post, It’s totally the way I think too, lots going on in that head of mine! I just watched “I don’t know how she does it” over the weekend and loved it. You would too. Beautiful blog! Thanks for sharing.

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