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yesterday and today.

so yeah… not starting at 7 AM….not cool.
it was soooo cold.
i even tried bringing out my hairdryer to warm it up???
it was a long shot….i was desperate.

my neighbor got lauren to her school on time….thank you amy!

my friend picked me up to go get a different vehicle.

we were late to school anyway….so donuts would cheer us up right?

yum….carmel donut.

my kids LOVE when we get to drive the 15 passengar van.
and to be honest….i do too.
it's way loud so they can't hear me and i can't hear them….and they are far away.
i kinda want one.
for real. 

i dropped them at school at 9 AM and drove off into the sunshine.

waffle greeted me like a big puffy dork.

i threw dinner in the crockpots.
i got a second crockpot for christmas.  :)
i made kimberlee's italian chicken minus the potatoes in the silver one.
and filled the red one with foil covered potatoes.
we ate at 7 PM.


went to scott's ball game.
so fun to watch him play.



my mom came to town last night for scott's game.
we picked up my fixed car.
ate dinner late.
i fell asleep whle playing apples to apples with the kids.
but then got a second wind because of my 2 minute nap.

the car started this morning….YAY.
took my kids to the bus on time.
it was 18 degrees.
oh my.

i got some prints in frames and i was so happy just looking at them.

(left – print from  frame @ hobby lobby

right  - print katie daisy and frame from michaels.)

when the bathroom is finished i will hang stuff….too dusty now.

took a HOT HOT bath to warm up.
it was really nice.

smiled at my happy fabric that came from hawthorne threads this week.

got dressed for my day….
and i put my mom to work.
she is an excellent cleaner.
something i used to not like because she was always cleaning….but now….i need her.
and she is so good at it.

we are tackling all the kitchen cabinets.
IMG_5486-12  IMG_5487-13

do you think it needs it?
ha ha ha.

we are rockin' it.
thankful today for Magic Erasers, windex, bleach and pandora radio.

what should we do to reward ourselves tonight?


Tyra Shortino - I love that photo you took from inside your van, hehe. It seems like your kids like to have separate seats for themselves. Are those their permanent seats whenever you drive them to school? Who sits in the last row, btw?

cheap scooters - I am making your mom’s margaritas tonight for girl’s night. You should have one, too. Your reward.

Melissa - It’s awesome to see that another grown woman’s mom comes over to help her clean. I was having a really hard time recently and my mom knew I was overwhelmed so she came and did my kitchen and my bathroom so I could catch up on laundry.
Moms are incredible.

Jalissa - You need me. I would have your whole hosue spotless, and organized. You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself. Love the house though perfect!

Tammy - I LOVE your random scattered posts….your brain works similarly to mine! I love that crockpot recipe too!! I just stumbled across a new recipe blog…I think it would be right up your alley…it’s called I also discovered a nifty recipe tool via this site that allows you to save your favourite web based recipes in one place and make shopping lists etc all for FREE. (it’s called ziplist)
Keep up the inspiring posts…I love coming here for a daily dose of happy!

shauna - i like your mom.
cheers to realizing that the stuff that bugged you about your mom can somehow be awesome now!
i mean, i know not everything….but still

Jen - These pictures make me happy…the fabric, bath, framed pics. My Mom is the same way, I know whenever she is here she will be cleaning things, it’s awesome! 🙂

Heather G. - Happy that your car is fixed!!

Alicia @ La Famille - you are too fun, ms. meg. i hope your kitchen is all sparkley white and i hope you rewarded yourself with something super fun! 🙂

Lora Hill - I so enjoy reading about and SEEING your days! And your days gives me ideas about MY days! I work 40 hours a week at my computer. I am blessed, because I do work at home. I just wish I had more hours for ME! Thanks again Meg for sharing with us. “HE is faithful!”

elisa - 15 passenger van…. oh man. I would make them ALL sit in the very back, even if they had to sit on top of each other. Except the oldest, because he is quiet and has good taste in music.

denise@victory rd. - since i know from reading experience here at your blog that you are fine with random i am going to give a random and slightly awkward comment- we have the same feet, same toes, exact! now i know who my foot twin is and can sleep at night. 🙂
tell your mom to come clean my kitchen next.

She Loves Life - Isn’t it amazing how hosting something whether it be craft weekend or Thanksgiving dinner can make you clean all the nitty gritty and get organized? I love it and moms are the best! So glad your car is back running.
Thanks for sharing with us daily!

Lisa Goldstrich - OK, I’ve gotta tell you, my husband and I have joked that our next move up in car would have to be a 15-passenger van. I do NOT enjoy the outward look of them but I gasped in envy when I saw the amazing ROOM. Kids in their own rows is pure brilliance. Great pictures, lovely post, happy weekend!!

jess manier - I love the look on Annie’s face at the donut counter, “Can we put the camera away and order our donuts already?” I take my donuts seriously too, Annie! Cute picture. Your family is adorable 🙂

Lyna - Do you Pinterest? You should!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Okay so we have 4 cars. Two of which belong to our college students which means they are old and creeky so we have lots of mornings that we have car trouble and I really hate that, especially if hubby isn’t home. It really ruins my day so I so relate to you. I don’t think I’m going to tell you that is was about 75 and sunny here today. I even wore sandals 🙂 Okay, I think I just told you that, sorry 😉

Maggie - have i told you i love your blog? like others have said, you are an awesome mom! probably because you have an awesome mom, lucky girl! i can’t imagine 18 degrees, brrr! we have been having sunny 80 degree weather in california. what happened to winter on this side?

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You should definitely have margaritas! Also, the foil potatoes in the crock pot? Ok, i have to ask for the explanation…. are they like baked potatoes?

Kristin S - Another caramel donut with a huge cup of hot coffee and a hug for your mom.
Love this post.

Shannan - Off the topic of rewards you deserve!!!!!! I love the basketball pics! I played through high school and was number 23!!!!! Michael Jordan baby! I am sure Scott has a different #23 he likes! He looks like a fabulous player! I should take a pic of the strength shoes I had 20 years ago! Look like they are stone age compared to his!

tiffany gardner - glad that my cabinets look like someone else’s. thanks. have a milkshake and go to bed early. sounds like the perfect night to me! xoxo…blog girl.

Hettie - Busy, Happy, & Homey. You’re life looks awesome, minus the broken car. Have a great weekend and thanks for sharing it ALL!!

Kerry - love your mom 🙂 reminds me of my mom… xxx

Amy @ - Your fabric pictures make me happy. And your hair dryer on your car makes me laugh. I would love to get in my cupboards and deep clean them like that, although that’s almost impossible with a 3 year old and a baby ALWAYS by my side. You deserve some ice cream for sure. Or maybe Starbucks. Heck, get em both. Happy weekend!

April R - TonyaElise had a good idea – Cheers!
And while I was envying you having a mom who loves and helps out
it occurred to me,
well, if I can’t have that kind of mom then I can strive to be that kind.
So now I am going to go clean something and organize something. I might even end up w a margarita when I’m done 🙂

jamie - i LOVE that you are so real. those cupboards made me {gasp} and say oh my gosh! and then i laughed. waffle makes me laugh out loud. and your hair dryer warming up the car SO FUNNY. enjoy your weekend!

j - How about this for an idea?
Dinner at Olive Garden or whatever your fav restaurant is..and then go see the new “Redtails” movie about the Tuskegee Airmen!

TonyaElise - I am making your mom’s margaritas tonight for girl’s night. You should have one, too. Your reward.

jessicakiehn - 1. you have such pretty feet
2. moms helping clean are so awesome
3. my husband toured the country with his band in a 15 passenger van, and yes…they are very fun and practical.
4. you are such a good mom.

Marla Rae - PIZZA!!

Emily - You should take her out to dinner. And a movie. Just the two of you. Stay warm!!

Rachel B. - Moms rock!
Take her out to eat. Leave the troops at home 😉

AshleyR - Im thinking your going to need a massage after all the bending and lifting. Of course you should probably treat yourselves to a fabulous dinner afterward!

Dusti Mathews - Can you please do a photography linky party! Pretty please! I am dying to link and be challenged with my very first dslr! LOVE all your pictures…they are so fun! And that you have 5 kids, just like me:)and that you have given my husband and I a very good margarita recipe, he says his top 1 or 2!

emily - My mom is the best cleaner too. I love when she comes to visit because she always scrubs my stove. Love her.
And to reward yourself? How about a nice manicure & pedicure with your mama … that sounds delightful.

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Do you rent out your mom? For a reward….how about donuts? Really, I prefer Edie’s fudge brownie ice cream when I have been really good at getting things done….. did I ask, can I borrow your mom? (she looks real sweet too!)

Jacci - ha! I didn’t even read the comment above first! ^^

casey - You’re so fun! (c: Reading you posts every day brings a smile to my face. Thanks.

Jacci - have a margarita 🙂 it’ll feel like summer!

tina - I think we need to add Scene It to our families game collection… it must be good, it appears you have three different versions of it, lol !!
We love our mini goldendoodle.. aren’t they the best dogs?!
Have a great weekend.

Danielle H. - How about a good margarita and Mexican food? Maybe a movie, too!

Sarah Wolfe - My dream car is a Dodge Sprinter. The one where there is an aisle down the middle so that no child can touch another child. But I think they’re not cheap and now they are made by Mercedes. But for now, we all cram in the minivan… it’s paid for and we will drive it to the ground. Have a good weekend!

Vanessa - A trip to MOJO’s at Bethel would be a great reward! I also have to say I had the honor of watching your eldest son go through a basketball workout the other night in the CAC while I took my daughter to work on her skills. What a hard worker and talented young man! You have many reasons to be proud of him!

Nikki - You and your mom look so much alike!
I have to agree,growing up I hated my mom’s ‘Clean All the Things!’ attitude. Now when she is at my (messy,disorganized) house I quite love it!

Cathy - How about come and clean my cabinets? lol No really, you inspire me to want to get organized. My oldest goes back to college Monday, so I think that will be a good time to start.

amy - We’ve been looking at 15 passenger vans. We test drove one the other day and the kids were totally bummed that we did not buy it then and there! I have to confess thought, I am terrified to try and park one!

jackie grandy - OMG, you are cracking me up with that picture of the blowdryer in the engine. I just love Waffle. He is truly a fun loving dog 🙂 I also love how all of the kids chose to sit in their own row.

Kimberly Dial - What a wonderful momma you have! I understand what you mean … my mom cleaned all the time when I was growing up & when my boys were little some times I needed her & her expertise to come & rescue me too! I love your game cabinet! It just screams good times! I never knew you could put foiled wrapped potatoes in a crock pot … good to know … thanks for sharing. Enjoy ‘whatever’ it is you chose to do this evening … momma deserves it! 🙂

Mollie - Treat the whole family to a Pizza Night!! Fridays are always pizza night in our house. And this week I am really looking forward to it! Been craving pizza the last two days for some reason!

Brooke - You have by far become my favorite blog read. I originally got hooked on your blog because a golden doodle is my dream dog. I keep reading because you are a riot. Here is what I appreciate most about you today…
You keep WD40 in your game cabinet.
You take photos while driving 60 mph down the road.
You eat a donut and post a photo of your skinny hips both on the same day. 🙂
You have a perfect pedicure in winter.
You still have the cutest dog I’ve ever seen in my life. And I still want one.
You go, girl. Love to read here!! Blessings on your day tomorrow…and may your car purr like a kitten.

Christy K - My car wouldn’t start yesterday either! It’s -30c here with the windchill and I forgot to plug it in! Ugh. You and your Mom should treat yourself to a nice, quiet, ‘Mom’s only’ dinner somewhere… and for dessert.. Starbucks. Mmmmm.

Elizabeth Macleod - Love the blow dryer idea, very clever, too bad it didn’t work. My post today was about crock pots, but you use yours, so it won’t work for you! haha

Robin Canter - take yourselves out to eat – SONIC lunch break!!! 🙂
wish I was in Kansas – I love to clean/organize cabinets. nerdo, I know.

happygirl - Netflix yourself some Downton Abbey first season with a cup of hot tea. Then you’ll be all ready to get busy with season two. 🙂 btw, your mom can come and visit me anytime. I’m in MD and it’s not nearly as cold. just sayin’ 🙂

Gale - How fun that your Mom is there to help you – she looks nice (and I own the same jacket she has on – made me laugh). Since I’m in the middle of nowhere Kansas, too, I appreciate the photos of school dropoffs – but at least my youngest is 18 and way too “cool” to be dropped off any more (YAY!) Your prints look great and you’re going to be all ready for craft weekend!! I still hope I get to come to one sometime 🙂
Reward for tonight – anything chocolate! 🙂

Lisa McCracken - A mani/pedi? That sounds like a good reward! When it comes to color, my wardrobe is filled with blacks and greys. I will through in the occasional beige or brown. The colors of my house are very Pottery barn neutrals. I don’t consider myself a “colorful” person. But for some reason when I see your picutres of that awesome, colorful fabric that you seem to be throwing in alot lately, I catch myself smiling…happy. Maybe it’s becaue I secretly like color, I’m just afraid of it? I don’t know, but your fabric makes me happy? What do you do with all that colorful fabric?

Seriously Sassy Mama - Starbucks!

Heather aka moreygirl - I always like the pics you take after you drop off the kids “at school” cuz it always looks like you are out in the middle of nowhere:)
Car not working stinks! I always need my mom to clean too!

Jen Brandt - Glad your car is fixed. Magic Erasers ROCK! Happy long weekend!

Elizabeth Walters - ugh! I hate it when cars act up… especially when you really need to be somewhere. Mine decided to poop out at a gas station once and some random guy, in cowboy boots, had to help me… so embarrassing! Glad yours is up and running 🙂

Kirsten P - Reward yourselves with takeout Chinese. Rent a fun movie for later. Make hot chocolate and popcorn. Cuddle under some warm blankets while watching the movie – not the ones for the craft weekend. Take some photos to share with your bloggers.

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