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how are ya?

i am good.

really good.

i spent a couple hours at the barn/antique shop this weekend with kimberlee gathering quilts and a few beds.
i went to talby's basketball game.
i went to a birthday dinner with girlfriends and we had a blast.
i saw new year's eve… was….fine…..predictable…exactly like valentine's day.

except WHY WHY WHY bon jovi?! 
he was 25 years too old and i do not like his music from the past 20 years.
his song ruined it all for me.
everytime he would come on i completely lost interest…and rolled my eyes…and said things like "OH Puh-leease!"

oh well.

over the school break i took my kids to see We bought a Zoo.

that was good.
i think its not for little kids neccessarily but better for big kids.
and i do not like hearing 7 year olds say bad words in movies….at all.
but it's only once.

i did like the movie.

it helps that matt damon was in it….


annie got a set of legos for christmas from her grandma.
she really wanted legos but we had a hard time finding a set that was "her".
until we found the Creator sets.


it is the cutest little house with an apple tree in the front yard and a blue roof.
A D O R A B L E.

and unlike sean….she is still working on it.
he would get his legos on christmas morning and have everything built by christmas night.

she has it all on one table and stops by and puts a few more touches to her home and then moves on.
i was surprised at how good she was at following the instructions.

legos are really cool.
even for girls.


christy - We have this lego set too & it’s a hit! I think my son made 2 of the 3 houses. It even has a basketball hoop. How awesome is that?

kristine cline - Ok, LOVED New Year’s Eve…figuring the couples out…I thought it was cute and entertaining….I’m sappy like that! Legos the great imagination builder…we got several of the architecture series at our house this year…small but cool replicas a famous buildings!!
ps a friend put a urinal in his house BECAUSE he is the only man in his house, surrounded by girls! 🙂

Julie - I totally agree on all of your points about Bon Jovi. It just felt like a miscasting…and the song at Times Square was not at all cool enough for such a party!!!

Briana - Ha, everyone else beat me to it. I was gonna say – Did you know they came out with Lego sets for girls? Wah-wah… I’m defeated & deflated. Meg from whatever… will never know who I am. Haha. That was my in. J/K. Sort of. Haha. 🙂

Pink and Green Mama MaryLea - Just checked in to catch up on your blog and this is too funny!! “E” just added the exact same creator set to her birthday wish list because it’s totally her. We need to be next door neighbors so we can play and craft and eat yummy stuff while our kids all play and build and craft together too!! xoxo MaryLea : )

Carrie - I loved Legos when I was a kid. Loved to build stuff. Which I brought into my adulthood with me. My favorite set was a horse stable. I would make all different kinds of houses out of it. I am so jealous of the creator sets! I am thinking maybe I should buy one… I am surely not to old to play with legos. 🙂

Heather R. - Liked “We bought a Zoo”…didn’t like the curse word…
Have a great day.

mollie's mom - Love your blog. So fun. Where ,oh where, did you find all that glitter duct tape??? I have other designs but must have the glitter tape asap!!!!

Jenny - Legos???
Funny. I have never heard the term “Legos” until now.
In Australia it is just LEGO. Never the plural. 🙂
Love your blog.

tammy - I LOVE Legos! I’m 36 and still get a little set each Christmas from my husband! This year it was a little boat and the lego person has a life jacket on!

Mindy Harris - i am so “buying story” one of those lego sets.
and i agree about new year’s eve.
i was stumped by bon jovi.
his songs were DORKY.

shasta - Those Legos look fun! My kids are still kinda small for Legos, but I can’t wait until I find little Lego houses all over my house! Love those sparkley shoes Annie was wearing too!!

beth - LEGOs ARE cool for girls!! My girls loves them, too, and it’s so nice that they have the CReator series. Much more varied than StarWars and Ninjago, which my boys love. We bought a zoo looks cute!\.

Lynn - When did Legos become gender specific?

Jenn - Legos are way cool…my son loves playing with them. But for a mom—they sure are a pain in the bum to pick up or when you accidentally step on them in the middle of the night…in the dark…argh! 🙂

Sandy - I saw We Bought A Zoo too….very good! Let’s just say I cried several times. 😉

amy jupin - my mom took anna and josh to see ‘we bought a zoo’ over the break.
when they came home, i asked them what they thought of the movie.
the only thing they said, the ONLY thing, was “they said a curse word!”

Lisa - I wanted to take my kids to see We Bought a Zoo but I read a review that talked about some underlying sexual talk from the dad’s brother I think? Is that true? Thats the stuff I hate exposing my kids too. My older two are 10 and 8. Anyway, just curious to hear from someone who saw it! 🙂

Lindsey@ PiecefullyHome - i stayed away from taking my family to see we bought a zoo since two of mine are 7 and 3, i figured the 10 year would be okay. i heard about the language and didn’t want the younger two to hear it. so we go see the adventures of tin-tin instead….big mistake! great for the 10 year old but WAY to bloody and violent for the younger two. i had to take my 7 year old OUT of the movie b/c it was too upsetting for her and kept shielding my 3 year old’s eyes while we were in there. why oh why can’t there be more FAMILY friendly movies!!

Michelle - I want to see “We Bought A Zoo”! I loooooooooove Matt Damon! I have a favor, no you do not know me so maybe that’s kinda weird but you are an amazing photographer and I would love it if you would stop by my blog as I am doing a 365 photo project. It would be great to get some feedback from someone who knows what they are doing! I am very much a beginner but I love taking photos and have been asked to be the photographer for my brother’s wedding in October. I really enjoy visiting your blog too. If you have time, please stop by. Thanks for listening to my ramblings!!!

Jodi - I kind of like that New Year’s Eve was predictable. I think that’s why I love movies like that. Just about everything in my life is unpredictable now a days, so I love predictable where ever I can get it! And, well… I just love Jon Bon Jovi. I can’t help it.

Melissa - Have you seen that they are introducing Lego sets that are just for girls??? What the heck took them so long???
I love seeing your Annie. She’s such a cutie!

Stephanie - Go to the Lego website, there are a bunch of new kits geared for girls. All pinks, purples and adorable. I think one was a pet shop and maybe an ice cream parlor, super cute! I want one!

Penny - Great photos Meg. My oldest LOVED legos. From the age of 3 until about 13 she played with them every. single. day. She is now an Electrical Engineer. Annie looks so cute concentrating on her building. Brings back memories!

happygirl - You don’t like Bon Jovi??? Umm… this may be a deal breaker. I wish I did not know this about you. Like legos, don’t like the forced marketing regarding buying “kits.” I’d rather have a bunch of legos and make anything I wanted. 🙂

Cecilia Madden - I felt the same way about New Year’s Eve. Bon Jovi and Ryan Seacrest as Dick Clark…yes, there was some definite eye rolling.
And I feel the same way about legos! I’m a little conflicted about the girl-themed legos though. Do girls really need a purple and pink lego bakery in order to find legos engaging? (nothing against purple or pink or baking…i like them too) Your daughter and countless others have clearly been enticed without such pandering. Those Creator sets look awesome!

Jen - I have to disagree about Jon Bon Jovi. He is adorable and I, for one, love his newer songs! Also, I have boys who are so into LEGOs – we are planning that for this year’s birthday party (they’re twins). I saw Wal Mart was advertising some girl centered sets to hit the stores sometime in January. They had purple and pink and girl minifigurines.

PrairieJenn - Liked We Bought a Zoo- except a couple language issues.
Loved the homeschooled girl and how they portrayed her in the movie. Matt Damon is my all-time fave:) I think I’ll pass on Bon Jovi…though I really liked him when I was in ninth grade. How old is he anyway?!
My youngest just asked for one of the Lego Creator sets for her birthday. Looks like fun- she would love it! Thanks for sharing:)

holly - hi meg,
since i have boys and an embarassing amount of legos in my house, we get the magazines. guess what they came up with? legos for girls. about time! you can see it on the lego website.
by the way i am bummed that i didn’t get picked to come to craft weekend. i need a trio somewhere and a trip to go somewhere cold and craft would be the cherries on top!

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I took my grandgirls to see “We Bought A Zoo” over Christmas break & enjoyed it but I totally agree with you about the language. I did not enjoy (attempting) to explain (while actually trying not to) that the word in question was another word for ‘jerk’, which isn’t a nice thing to call someone but infinitely nicer than the one in the movie. I just love your Annie … I’ve said it before & I’ll say it again, my Emily & her would bond instantly … they’re so alike I’m not sure they weren’t separated at birth! 😉 Thanks for sharing.

Sarah - Abbey would have loved to build those Lego houses-and my Andrew had every set finished by the 26th too! It was like a race against time. Love your photos.

Mrs. - When my girls were young they made a set called “ello”. they loved it, because it wasn’t really legos at all. We recently downsized and those are some of the few toys we saved for future generations.

sam - LEGO rules in our home .. my son just loves it..we have too much ..and i like to play it too haha i’m 32 lol
Have a great day 🙂
Mantha xx

Han - I love Lego! My brother used to get at least one set a year lol. I even asked my Mum for Lego two/three Christmases ago – I’m 25 now! I was like 22 then lol I could spend like an hour in the Lego Store!
I saw New Years Eve with my “little sister”. We really enjoyed it but I’m pretty sure there was a massive plot fail with SJP but I need to see it again to work out if I’m correct lol.

Heather Mattos - Oooh, I can’t wait to see more of the beds and quilts! Chayse got those creator sets too this year, and I am FREAKING OUT over the new Lego Friends sets for girls. So fun!!!

Katie - Jon Bon Jovi was the only decent part of the movie! Even though they made him do lame covers.
Agreed Leslie, the costumes were awful. Halle Berry looked so hot and they put her in an awful pink dress. Katherine Heigl’s blue latex-looking dress?!

Leslie @topofthepage - saw new years eve on my birthday last week by my big girl self b/c my other peeps were sick and i was making lemonade out of those lemons. sat staring at bon jovi’s RED leather jacket baffled. is this the 80s? 90s? what is wrong with those costuming people? {did you get my email?}

Maria - Bleck…I feel the same way about Bon jovi…why why why?

Kim Garner - My 10 year old daughter loves Legos too…she has the Log Cabin and that same house. I don’t know if you have seen, but on January 1st Lego came out with a set of Legos called “Friends” for girls. They have a few good sets. Just thought I would let you know.

Jill - My girls LOVE Legos! For so long I complained that they did make much ‘girl stuff’ but we love all the houses they have now! For Christmas my Abigail {my 9 year old} got the Lego VW van, have you seen it? I don’t know who enjoyed putting it together more, Abigail or her assistant {daddy}.

Tanya H - We love legos around here. My son got the log cabin set you showed, becuase we cannot afford the Harry Potter or Star Wars sets he so desperately wants! 🙂

Jennifer - My girls love Legos! We have that same house. I also just found out about the new Lego Friends for girls. One of them is a photographer! Too cute! I actually want them for myself. How pathetic is that?!

Jenn - I love that Annie likes Legos :). I was totally into Legos growing up – I still have all of my sets, in their boxes, with directions… Yes I am a nerd I know! (i am totally not letting my sons play with them till they are a bit more responsible with the million pieces… Though my husband has informed me that no boy will ever be that anal about Legos so I should just give up…). Anyway, keep on encouraging her building, and not just the ‘girl’ sets…! I still don’t think girls get enough encouragement to pursue professions like engineering and science these days. Who knows where her creativity with blocks may lead 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Meg, tell me it’s not so, Bon Jovi…hello!?!? Super cute. Maybe that’s because I’m so much older than you?! Saw New Year’s Eve with my youngest (15) and every time he came on the screen I tried to not let her know how cute I thought he was, because after all, my hubbie’s so much cuter! She was like, “mom, Bon Jovi’s in this movie, you’re going to really like it” and I did. I will give you he was miscast, I think technically Kathrine Heigle could have been his daughter….yuck! Don’t worry I’ll still follow your blog 🙂

Kristin - i would have loved a set of those legos… always wanted to be an architect. 🙂

Tanya - I like Bon Jovi but I didn’t think he fit at all in that role…
I bought my 4yo a little lego firetruck kit for Christmas.
It was ME who spent ALL day on the 26th building them for him and they were taken apart again within 5 minutes.
He’s asked me to build them for him again.
I said…

Robyn Farmer - We liked “We bought a Zoo” also but felt like it didn’t totally classify as a children’s movie or an adult movie. Still good though.

Alicia @ La Famille - i wanna go to that barn place too!! and legos are SUPER DUPER cool! go annie!!

BON JOVI - But I love you, Meg….

laura phelps - our relationship won’t change if I tell you that I like Bon Jovi, will it???
FYI…I am PEEING over your comment re: games.
Sure! Because we NEVER fight when we play games! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

shauna - jake says, “whoa. boooyaaah” (about legos. obvs)
ty says, “LEGOS roooooock!”
i say, “hi megan, i reeeeeeaaalllllly want to go to that barn place. bad.”

Hanni Stones - Thank you for this post. I have a little girl that loves legs and have never seen these. She would love them!

Amy @ - My kids are 3 and almost 1, and my husband has already started a lego collection for them. I KNOW he is secretly looking forward to the day he can play with them and not feel foolish 🙂

keri - forever folding laundry - I miss that store!
I’ve never seen such an awesome quilt selection.
I may stow away in my two NorCal buddies’ suitcases: just to warn you. 🙂

Southern Gal - I’m drowning in Star Wars Legos over here. My only daughter didn’t like Legos. So I missed out on the girly ones.
Thanks for the heads up on We Bought a Zoo. i was considering taking my 9yo. He used to love The Devil Went Down to Georgia, but when we accidentally played the version that doesn’t say “son of a gun” he won’t listen to it anymore. Even when I tell him I’m sure it’s the clean version! Stupid Playlist.

seriously sassy mama - They have lego sets for girls! They are too cute!

Kelly - Legos are great even for girls! I’m sure someone’s already said this but just in case, Lego just released a new girls line. It’s pretty cute. Some of them have adorable little animals in them. My niece used a gift card she got to buy two little sets and she loves them. Lego has also (finally) joined up with DC comics and will be releasing Batman & Superman Legos this summer. 🙂
I’m kind of undecided about going to see We Bought A Zoo. Even considering Matt Damon. I think we’ll wait for Redbox.
Can’t wait to read all about Craft Weekend!

tina - I can’t wait to see the new Marky Mark {please tell me I’m not the only one who still calls him that} movie Contraband!
And my fingers still hurt from the 5,000 pieces of legos i put together after Christmas 🙂

Laura in LA - This is totally off the subject…but have you seen the latest Boden catalog? There are a ton of things you are going to like! Polka dot tennis shoes!

tinycandi - I took my kids to see We Bought A Zoo on New Years Eve…that’s where we were at midnight. 🙂 I thought it was a really cute movie! And we LOVE Legos in this family!

Mindy - Did you know that there are new girl legos out now? Cute ones. I saw a bunch of sets at Target the other day and my hubby saw them advertised on TV. I have no idea why they would wait until after Christmas to put them out but it’s something to keep in mind for Annie for the next gift giving time.

Jenn - So funny how much we are all alike. My oldest has the exact same Silver boots as Annie, both of my girls got the girly pink legos for Christmas and I don’t care for Bon Jovi either.

Claire - I agree with you about Bon Jovi being in New Years Eve – I didn’t like that either. Although I still managed to enjoy it (despite it being predictable and cliche) for it’s feel-goodness. 🙂
I used to love Lego when I was young – it’s good to see they’ve got some sets for girls. I would have loved those houses back then!

Kacy - So funny I was just posting about how much fun Legos are a few days ago :)…even for moms 😀

molly - I think your Annie and my Ellie would make good friends. My Ellie really likes legos too:)

Tami - Did you know that they recently came out with a series of Legos for girls. They had a couple of sets for $5.99 on Amazon. Not sure how many pieces or the details but might be worth checking into for a future present. 🙂

No.17 - I secretly want Annies shoes.

cheryl - If you visit the lego site and put in Valentine they have a valentine box you can buy for the holiday. 🙂

cassie - I felt the same. exact. way about We Bought a Zoo. WHY OH WHY can’t they leave the bad language out? It ruined the movie for me. It’s been a week since we saw it and I’m just now starting to remember all of the good parts. 🙁 It was a good movie, maybe in a few years, when it’s on ABC Family and edited for televsion, it will be a GREAT movie!

Heather - I would have loved those Legos as a kid! My grandparents had Lincoln Logs for me to play with, and I think were originally my uncles’ toys. I loved building houses with them!

Meg D - My son loves legos and my 8 year old daughter has recently become interested too – I just noticed this year at Walmart that they have a series called Lego Friends that are sets geared towards girls. They are compatible with all other lego bricks but are more “girly”. It looks like the only difference is the people are more like little action figures rather than the traditional lego mini figures. They have a lot of cute sets online and also on the lego website. PS – love your blog!! i haven’t commented until now but I’ve been catching up on the last 4 years and loving every minute : )

Terrie - I never thought I’d say this, but I miss having Legos all over the house!
My son would play with them All. The. Time.
He would build the ‘kit’ once and then use his imagination to make tractors, combines, anything farm related! I think he should go work for them!

Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - Oh, how fun! I have an 8 y/o old daughter who would love a Lego set. Maybe for next Christmas…

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