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three things

Pam Garrison was a little overwhelmed by my awesome readers' love for her prints.  
she said "pick three winners instead of just one"
yeah….she's cool like that.

so here they are:

Love it. Thanks for sharing.

Posted by: Susan | January 03, 2012 at 05:11 PM

Oh my!! I LOVE it!!

Posted by: Ellen J | January 03, 2012 at 07:57 PM

whoa nellie. SUPER giveaway! mama want me some prints! 😉

Posted by: the.mrs | January 04, 2012 at 01:40 AM

email me at  to claim your prizes ladies!  





                           jeanne oliver has an e-course that starts on monday, january 9.

                                                                   jeanne says:
        "join me for a four week online class rediscovering the beauty of your gifts." 

                                      all the details can be found here.

                                                you should try it!


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kimberlee and i had fun today getting stocked up for craft weekend!

sleeping under these cozy, worn, well loved quilts on a winter kansas night = dreamy!!

everyday i get more excited about craft weekend.
and a little freaked out.
but mostly super excited.
i can't wait to meet all the girls coming!

and say "let me show you to your room…."

ha ha ha

happy weekend.
it's almost over already….BOO.


jennie w. - You definitely need to take Craft Weekend on the road!

Amy @ - Meg! I woke up this morning in a sweat realizing I didn’t even leave you my email address! So sorry about that. But a pleasant surprise to find your comment here, thank you SO much for taking the time to answer my question! There is a quilt I REALLY want for my daughter’s bedroom up on ebay right now, bids are already up to $90. Yikes! It might just be worth it through, i’ll watch it through tomorrow and see what happens. Thanks again. You’re the best 🙂

Meg Duerksen - The most we paid was $65….the least was $20. But Kansas is different from other places. Things don't sell if they are priced higher.
Good luck.

Amy @ - Meg, I tried to email you through your link on the right but it wasn’t working for me. Anyways, i’ve been searching ebay for awhile now for a patchwork quilt, but I have no idea what a decent price to pay for one is. Would you mind emailing me and giving me a range of all those ones you purchased? If I went to that store of yours it would feel like I died and went to Heaven. I know this is kind of a crazy request, but I would appreciate it sooo much and finding an email from you in my inbox would make my day 🙂 Thank you bunches!

suzka - Woo hoo hooooo hoo hoo hoooooooo! I’m going I’m going I’m going to Craft Weekend!

kristi borden - Oh, love those quilts, wish I could go to craft weekend, sounds like fun:)Crossing my fingers that my name comes up for craft weekend 2012:)

Kirsten P - Meg, I know you like posters and turquoise and I think you like
cupcakes. So I thought you might like this poster for $.98 is having a sale and I thought of you when I saw it.
I got this for Christmas from the same website:
It’s a 12 x 16 photo of birch trees – my favorite tree.

angie - Oh my! I collect vintage quilts and the photos have me swooning!

Maija Lepore - Just looked at the first of Jeanne’s videos- love it so much it gave me chills!!!!

Betsy Jo from Elizabeth St - Oh, those quilts! Lovely, lovely!

Tiffany - crack me up: “let me show you to your room….” WAHAHHAAAAA – when and IF I ever get off the east coast, I’m COMING OVER!!! & bringing dinner so I can negotiate my way in 🙂

Robin Canter - I feel like I’m on the dodge ball team and will get picked last. ha! I hope my name comes up for one of the 2012 craft weekends. I love crafting and would love to visit Kansas!!

Mindy Harris - i’m so hoping i get picked for one of the craft weekends!! can’t wait to see all the gorgeous pics. what a fun, fun thing and amazing ministry, megan!

Rach - So bummed I didn’t get picked but looking forward to all of the pics. Have fun!!

Pat allen - Oh I wish I were going, if only to sleep under those quilts. Meg, please tell us how you came to have so many!

Katie - I love your photos the quilts are beautiful. I am your newest follower.

Amy @ - Those quilts are heavenly! I’ve been searching for the perfect patchwork quilt for quite some time…still looking 😉 I was dreaming of your craft weekend last night, maybe the stars will align and I will get chosen for one inbetween nursing a baby (almost 1!) and getting pregnant again! Happy weekend!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Too bad I live on the West Coast. The craft weekends sound so much fun!

Tracie - Oh the quilts the quilts! They are so gorgeous! Where do you find them?

amy jupin - SIGH.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - OH those quilts look amazing…esp that darker colored one on the top left(L-O-V-E). Enjoy the rest of your Sunday afternoon:)

Kimberly Dial - Those quilts look so warm & cozy … nothing like sleeping under one (or two or three! 🙂 I wish I was coming to craft weekend … maybe someday … enjoy (& don’t be nervous 🙂

Midwest Magnolia - Melissa Lewis - Oh my, do you have A LOT of quilts. I love quilts and am fortunate enough to have two, one made by my grandmother, Mama C, and on made by my husbands grandmother. But I must say, I am jealous of your 2 massive piles. So colorful and comfy looking.
I wish I could come to your craft weekend. As a recent stay at home mom, that just moved to a new city/region, the thought of having a weekend filled with adults/women and creating/making/gabbing away seems so like… heaven!!!!! Can’t wait to see and hear all about it.

Lori Austin - Quilts – they make me happy and remind me of my Grandma who passed away 7 years ago. I like to think about the history of a quilt: who made it, who slept under it….the stories they could tell.
Have a happy Sunday!!

Carrie - I love quilts. My grandmother is an expert quilt maker and someday I hope to make one too.
Sad I didn’t win… so I ordered a print. Lookout beige walls you’re getting some color!

Elizabeth Walters - I am pretty much in LOVE with the quilt that has the polka dots! I wish so much that I was able to come to your craft weekend!

Wendy - AMAZING quilts! Where do you get such great things?

Tanya - I love to love some quilts 🙂
My great-grandfather was a quilt maker in his spare time. How cool is that?

Emily - Crossing my fingers I get picked to participate in the next craft weekend!! Those quilts look like a big hug from Kansas to Florida:)

sam - Oh those Q U I L T S = the most amazing thing ever ..
Have a great day 🙂
Mantha xx

Jennifer - I want to be wrapped up in those quilts so badly! My mom has always collected quilts and they make me feel at home! Those look perfect! 🙂

Maggie Nunez - How awesome, i wish i could go or that you lived close to California. maybe next time or maybe you can offer a craft weekend in the summer? just planting a seed. I look forward to living vicariously through your craft weekend in pictures.

Laura Phelps - I think she should pick 4 winners…
or 5…
or 520 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Oh how fun! Those quilts look amazing! Have a restful day tomorrow!

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