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a little of everything…..

um…. hello.

i am so random in my head.
there is a lot going on around here and i feel a little…. tired.

in a good way.

tired isn't bad necessarily….just showing me that i am getting stuff done.


yesterday….this room was raining.
water everywhere.
there was a crazy pipe breaking incident and now every towel i own is being washed again.
it was a river in here.

never a dull moment at the duerksen's!

but it was clean water so i was able to check "mop the dining room" off my list.

i took my old curtains that hung here and added the ikea leaf curtains to the top of the old curtains.
the polka dot chenille was from a martha stewart bedspread i bought when we lived in Illinois from kmart.

i think i will hem up the bottom of the curtains.  
unless i forget.


craig has been painting and painting.
and this was the window i washed….it's blinding in the mornings now.  
but so pretty.
i love that window.
i still need to hang pictures in this hallway ….soon enough.

IMG_5239-2 IMG_5235-1
this was the kid's bathroom on wednesday morning.  
old school.
it had a vintage charm/dirty insane asylum kind of style
it was cracked everywhere and the white would not get white any more…
and the mildew….and the rust.

and this is it now….
and that is what the water was from….not because there was a problem….just an accident.

so i have been spending time in the bathroom isles at home depot and am so looking forward to this new space.

um….side note:
while at home depot this week i went to use the bathroom and wasn't paying attention and i walked into the employee lounge….full of people.


my fabric found a happy home.
Coca-Cola sent me this adorable hat!!  
they are partnering with the world wildlife fund to save polar bears.
remember when i went to Coke for the Women in social Media conference?
that was awesome.
i want them to do that again!  it was FUN! 

the lady at the checkout said "whoa….that's a lot of sheets!"
i just smiled.
because how do you explain craft weekend in a quick way without sounding like a weirdo?
i picked up some cute new jewelry at Accessory City. (horrible name for a store…as bad as dress barn)


and i decided to change the rules and declare today to be Sonic Day!
we missed wednesday.

and i needed one.


what's up for saturday for you?



Elinor Haswell - First of all, I’d like to congratulate you for handling that leak very calmly. If that was me and I was home alone, I’d freak out a bit too, hehe! Second, I absolutely adore your bathroom! Your color combinations are so perfect and vivid. I love it! <3 Great job!

Darryl Iorio - Phoebe’s right. It would be a disaster to have to tear down the tiles again just because a pipe was not placed properly or worst, leaking. You might avoid another flooding disaster if you check on your pipes more often, too. πŸ˜‰ I love the way you organize your things, btw.

Mallory Dates - It’s hard to believe that the room was filled with water from the broken pipe, it looked so pleasant and well-decorated. It’s a relief that it’s been taken care of. You sure have a great taste when it comes to interior design. I personally love the star and the green curtains in your windows. They’re fabulous! πŸ™‚

Althea Tumlin - Oh my! That’s unfortunate. But the good thing is that the water is clean so there’s not much damage. Anyway, I’m impressed at how you handled it and how quick you resolved it. I like how you redecorated the house while cleaning. You’ve got good taste when it comes to design.

Phoebe Clarke - What a beautiful work of art, Meg! The pictures are very interesting and artsy, and it’s great that you’re having fun redecorating your kid’s bathroom as well. Are you done with the remodeling? Maybe you can put an interesting piece there, like a photo or a mosaic! But before anything else, make sure that all the pipes are sealed and the water ways are clear to avoid future repairs. Damp walls and floors might ruin the artwork you will place there. Good luck with the bathroom revamp. I hope to see another art in progress!

Dwane Zelinsky - It’s funny how you said “raining in that room.” Anyway, it seemed like you were so busy that day that you weren’t able to take photos of the pipes that leaked! Thankfully, nothing important got wet. How did you fix the leak?

Kitchen Benchtops - Fantastic bathroom the colours are stunning! This is lovely!

Zak - If you have a sec, could you let me know the wall color you used in the photo of your fireplace? Seems to be just the right amount of yellow!

Laura Magas - loooove your quilts – and the fabric stash makes me happy!

Courtney M - I always enjoy all the pretty details in your house. Do you mind sharing what the green color is on your wall with the leaf curtains?

Amber L Peters - You are too cute. and i love the architectural details of your house!
Love the curtains! Love your colorful, happy style.

Perkey - I want that you see reaction on my face, when i see this sweet leaf curtains.
OMG! I just fall in love and want to have it so badly.. >___^
Look so fit and good with the green walls.

Jen Harnett - I thought of you when I saw this Christian comedian doing a bit about the “dress barn” and thought I’d pass it on to you. Hope you LIKE it! Thanks for the great blog and honesty. Blessings! ~jen

JET_24_ - Hello Meg!
I love the green color of paint used in the above picture! If you don’t mind me asking where did you get it and what is the name of the color? Your home is beautiful and you are SO CREATIVE!

Juliann Brenner - cute hat – David (4) came up while I was reading and said, “oh, what a cute liddl powlaw bear”. πŸ˜‰

Diana - I go to Assessory City all the time. My thing is the purses. Lots of fun in that store.
Tons of fabric. Me, too. Thinking of quilting some curtains… or should I say making curtains by quilting. Haha. I’m sure you understand what I’m trying to say.

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - Wow you have a lot of projects going! I don’t know how you have the energy to do it all. This Saturday I got a new and bigger bed for free! A California King! and a new dresser, so I got to rearrange the bedroom a little! It was a good day.

tara pollard pakosta - I just LOVE LOVE LOVE how you document your days! I have been writing ours down in a 365 + 1 (leap year) journal this year and I love it, but I need to now blog it better! and take more pix!
love your random shots!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - my mom has those curtains. you would <3 her!

Karina - I can’t wait to see what you do to re-vamp the “insane asylum” bathroom, lol!
Is that inlay in your landing floor?? Wow.
And both windows are gorgeous, the bright curtains one and the one with no need for curtains at all.
Note to Andrea with the streaky windows: All you need is a spray bottle of water and a good microfiber cloth. Honest! I am NOT a rep for the company, but I swear by Norwex. I have stopped using Windex or anything like it COMPLETELY!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love seeing pics of your house, it’s so darn cute and if I were you I would “forget” to hem your new curtains, I like them long!

Maggie Nunez - love the curatins, i just love all the color you use throughout your makes me happy! Love love love te fabric storage, going on my pinterest!

shauna - i love that a picture of you.
and your curtains look great there.
perfect with that wall.

Heather - What do you do with all your fabric?? It’s so pretty. I want some just stacked up around my house. And I don’t even sew! HA.

LibraryGirl62 - I too declared yesterday Sonic Day! I got my usual Diet Coke with Cherry and Lime..and BONUS…Jenny was back from maternity leave-she makes them PERFECT-not to much lime, just enough cherry-PERFECT! I <3 Sonic πŸ™‚

Meg - We had one of those corner tubs in our old house, only it was PINK! The entire bathroom was tiled pink to match!

April R - window love
window love
window love
Thank you for sharing it πŸ™‚
Happy Saturday!

Cheryl E. - Love, love, love that window, too! So cheery! Where did you get the picture of the bird that is hanging by your fireplace/foosball (??) table in the dining room? LOVE THAT!

se7en - Busy, busy week and I totally love your hat!!! Pinned it!!!

Vera - When I got to the “after” picture on the bathroom my jaw literally dropped open LOL! Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s done!
Our Saturday is nice… birthday party this morning, piano lessons this afternoon, now – Legos.

Vera - When I got to the “after” picture on the bathroom my jaw literally dropped open LOL! Can’t wait to see what it looks like when it’s done!
Our Saturday is nice… birthday party this morning, piano lessons this afternoon, now – Legos.

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - I can’t wait to see how the bathroom turns out….can’t wait. Ok, I need your secrete on cleaning windows…..we have amazing windows in our kitchen and they are ALWAYS streaked after I clean them…..HELP…your window looks amazing and no streaks in sight!
Wish I was coming to craft weekend! Looks like it is shaping up to be a fun and crafty time! Just my cup of tea.

leonieke - o how i love the reality of your blog! i just visited the yvestown blog, love it, but it’s all so perfect, i’ll never get it this way. and then i visit your blog, and see; family life does that to a house. but i still do like it. ( not the water flowing through the room, not that part).
today i changed our livingroom, and honestly, i’m not sure if it was a good change, but my partner in crime wants me to give it a few days,…mm,. wonder if i’ll change my mind.

Jenn A. - That window is GORGEOUS!!!

Lisa McCracken - Oh, Meg, I love your blog! So colorful! It makes me cheery! Thank you for sharing your life with us!
Have a great day! (That’s alot of exclamation points, huh?:)

Anna Marie - My Saturday will end with something I have not done forever…a date with my husband πŸ™‚ We have reservations at a very nice restaurant (Em Chama’s) and I am so excited!
Can’t wait to see that bathroom all finished!

Elizabeth Walters - Girl, I LOVE your house!! SOOO stinking cute! I am also loving that brick in your bathroom… are you going to do anything with that???

Lisa Goldstrich - I gotta say, I just keep coming back to your blog πŸ™‚ Love it, so authentic. And also, I have serious window and hardwood floor envy. The inlay is gorgeous on those upstairs floors…whoa. Good luck with the bathroom redo (and LOL at insane asylum description…”insane asylum chic”??) Thanks for keeping it real πŸ™‚

Tami V - Just love to read your random posts! That window is gorgeous! And those curtains are so fun! Love the polka dot chenille! Can’t wait to see what you do with your bathroom!

Prudence - I had those IKEA curtains at my old farm house, wish I would have taken them with me when we moved πŸ™

Kimberly Dial - Meg, I love all the color you put here & there in your home. So cheerful – so you! Looks like you’ve got a lot done; me, on the other hand, will spend her Saturday putting Christmas away. My oldest son & his family left to go back home to FL this morning so Christmas will leave too. BTW,I don’t think any store will ever be as badly named as the Dress Barn … I mean, really? Why didn’t they such name ‘Big Farm Animal Clothing’? πŸ˜‰

Bobbie - For the record…. Dress Barn is so much worse. That is all. Love your house beyond belief. Happy Saturday

PrairieJenn - Our bathroom had a vintage charm/dirty insane asylum look to it too. Hmmm… must be an old house thing. Love the remodeling/rearranging/redecorating pics:) We are slowly restoring our old farmhouse, and I’ve gotten a lot of inspiration from your blog. We’re adding a craft room now- we really need another bathroom, but I have my priorities!

Lorie S. - Well it is a beautiful day in WV. 60 degrees and I am celebrating my birthday with my family. Doesn’t get any better than this. Happy Saturday to all of you. =)

Lisa A. A. - In a state of demolishment or not, your house is beautiful! SO full of character! When I saw those curtains… I need to do this! So tired of my dark curtains and I even have a Martha chenille bedspread not in use so maybe I’ll get creative, too! Thanks for an awesome blog!!!

Marla Rae - It’s my birthday! The day will be filled with an assortment of things..this morning …taking down Christmas πŸ™ (won’t get it all done but I do plan on starting) Then this afternoon dessert and gifts with my hubby, daughter, SIL and GRANDSON!! Dinner out with my loving wonderful fantastic hubby and THEN
*who knows* winkwink!! After all it is my birthday!! 52 wonderful years!

colleen from Alabama - I totally get the pipe thing – we live in a 90+ year old house. We just had to cut a hole in the wall to fix pipes (knobs in shower completely disintegrated)! I was soooo encouraged to see you have plaster walls! I NEVER change what is on my walls because of the hassle it is to patch and paint. You have given me the encouragement i need to switch things up a bit. We’ve redone both of the bathrooms in our house – the first when i was prego with baby #2! CRAZY! I’ll be @ my son’s basketball game, shoe shopping with my daughter and putting away Christmas decor!

Kayla - For the record, I think Dress Barn is a waaaaaay worse name

Ahh..Saturday morning…slept til 7:30 am. That is sleeping in for me! Bitty basketball at 9, Jacks bball g ame at 2, looking at the gym for gymnastics classes for Annie, baking a Kings Cake, Michaels for some project stuff, and lots of cake planning…got a little something in the works πŸ™‚
hmm…maybe you didnt really want to know exactly what my saturday was going to be….
oh well.
love you
miss you
want to craft weekend with you one day….

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh, one more thing: in my current choosing to see that it could always be worse attitude: arent you grateful that this leak(AKA waterfall incident) didnt happen during CW? That would’ve been a nightmare. The smallest blessings can be the biggest!:)

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I still have a patched area of drywall in the dining room ceiling where our master bathroom leaked down into it FOUR times since we’ve lived here. Thats why we’ve been working on the MBath for 2 years now. But Im thankful that its finally taking shape.
Literally three nights before the fire we had painted the walls this beautiful gray color and for Christmas I got the ruffled shower curtain from Urban Outfitters. Now we’re waiting for insurance estimates of our damage. Its such an awful wait but we couldnt get around it with the weekend.
All that to say, I cant wait to see what you do with the bathroom. Im sure it’ll be fabulous(I love that exposed brick behind the tub…very urban looking).

Heaven Bentley - I had a tub like that in my first apartment, but it was pepto bismal pink, and the wall/floor tiles were hunter green. It was such a weird tub – too small for a real bath (unless I’d have had children back then – it would have been the perfect size for a child), but I’d still fill it up and try to take a soak. The radiator was right next to the tub, so I’d crank up the heat and hang my feet out that side and they’d stay toasty warm.
Thanks for the memories.

Amy Lynne - Love you and all the crazy things that happen at your house! I hope you keep making progress on your list!

Jane - Love your blog! I’m from Canada (Nova Scotia to be exact), and we don’t have Sonic. Is it a fast food restaurant? Next time I am stateside (once a year a little trip to Maine), I’ll have to check it out. What do you get there? I always read about your sonic trips and wonder!!! Take care, and your house is beautiful!

Jen - Love it all but especially those glorious wire baskets that you have your fabric stored in! May I ask where you got them?? Happy Saturday! Mine will be filled with basketball games and homecoming dance preparations!!

sam - Just L O V E your blog and your happy family, beautiful homely pictures too, hope the wash room gets sorted soon.
Have a great day πŸ™‚
Mantha xx

nicki - How funny that you mentioned the Coca-Cola gift–one of my coworkers is best friends w/the girl who is in charge of their social media–they are working on a very special HANDMADE gift for you Coca-Cola bloggers come Super Bowl time! πŸ˜‰

Carrie - I am a week behind. I am returning Christmas to it’s boxes this weekend.

Kelly - wow, big difference with the bathroom! Glad you’re keeping the tub (looks like), it’s really cool. We hope to re-do our bathroom sometime soon. I joke that when we have our next baby, the bathroom is so small that there is no place to put a baby in a bouncy seat or whatever so how will I ever get to take a shower?!
Right now we are in the middle of redoing out basement, a craft room/family room + home office for the hubs/guest room/library – my amazing hubby made built in bookshelves for one whole wall (!) and a bit of laundry room re-do are all in progress. Whew! So you asked about Saturday, tomorrow will be painting first coats in two rooms, maybe painting the built-ins, deciding how wide I want my horizontal stripes to be in the craft room and what the second color for the stripes is going to be (I want it sort of white on white but you know you still have to pick a white)
Excited to see what you do with the sheets! Happy weekend! Kelly

Jennifer - We are headed to the zoo! It is 65 degrees here in St Louis! Also, are you gonna tell us whats up with all the sheets?! Did I miss something? Lol!

Amber Rae - I love your posts!!!

Stephanie - I take back everything I said about my husbands movies movie picking skills. The movie is “Warrior” and is turning about to be great! Haha

Barbara Nelson - That window is a work of art just beautiful!

Tanya H - Ahhh your house makes me happy! I try so hard to be content becuase our place is perfect for us in this stage of life but maaaan when I grow up I want a gorgeous old home like yours! and then you to come decorate it! πŸ˜€

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - So exciting!!!
But… you could always scrap the whole bathroom idea and just sling a couple of sets of bunkbeds in that room for more CW peeps! πŸ™‚
I mean, kids don’t need showers, right?
Just sayin’ πŸ™‚

jackie grandy - Wow, you have been busy!! Sorry about the pipe bursting πŸ™ That’s not a fun surprise.
I love your new header and you look adorable in that hat πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - your house is amazing. are you keeping the hexagonal tile and the big tub? that window is so beautiful!

Lindsey - LOVE what you did with the Ikea curtains. I have the same ones in blue and what you did really dresses them up! LOVE Sonic too, you are so lucky to have one close by!

Melissa l - Woohoo – awesome post. Today’s blog makes me want to sell our house and find an old one. The window is simply amazing! Ps. I’m going to our Ikea tomorrow in connecticut to find some funky curtains like yours!

Melissa l - Woohoo – awesome post. Today’s blog makes me want to sell our house and find an old one. The window is simply amazing! Ps. I’m going to our Ikea tomorrow in connecticut to find some funky curtains like yours!

Wendy - Geeze … no wonder why your tired!

Melissa - Why so many new sheets??

Jenn - Meg, I love your blog! You never disappoint. Always great photos, words and laughter. Thank you!
PS. Have you done anything with the third floor?

Amber - Adore that yellow cart and wire baskets for your happy fabric. And that window?! Crazy amazing. I wanna come to craft weekend! πŸ™‚

Seriously Sassy Mama - I have been at a girl scout cookie rally! I work Saturday like I do all weekends. I am so in love with your old house. Cannot wait to see the bathroom!

Stephanie - Its Friday night and I just sat down with my husband to watch a movie (his pick) I never learn that it is best for me to run to blockbuster or at least go with him:) this is some new release but as soon as I saw the title (something to do with a boxer) I grabbed the iPad before laying down with him to “watch” it. Anyway….I came to your blog first and am so glad that I did. Have I ever told you how much I love your blog:) my absolute fav. Can not wait to see the bathroom redo and also…that window is beyond amazing!
Have a super weekend!

Brooke - Oh boy…bathroom remodel!! We just remodeled our bathroom in our 1939 college hill home last year..i loved looking though all of the pictures of bathrooms in old homes…there are some amazing hex tiled baths out there!! the pic of you in the hat. How do you pull off looking cute in a coke hat?
Have a great weekend!!

Leah - I wish I had your courage to rip up a bathroom one day and do it myself. I admire you! My husband wants to know if you removed a shower next to the bathtub at some time because she spotted the drain on the floor.

bread and jam - That window in the stairway is amazing. I love the exposed brick in the bathroom re-do.
You make Dress Barn cool.

AshleyAnn - You tore out your bathroom before Craft Weekend!!! You are crazy. Around here we just hang a suitcase on the wall and call it good πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see it all. And the stairwell all bright white is AWESOME!!

happygirl - Oh my goodness you do a lot of great things. I wish my bathroom could be redone. I hate it. But, I don’t want water all over my downstairs. I just did that with the hurricane damage. LOVE the fact you think Dress Barn is a bad name. I don’t shop there just because of the name. Love the hat. Keep truckin’ girl. πŸ™‚

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