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so far…

we had our christmas.  :)


new jammies….the kids loved theirs and i bought some for me too…thanks aunt jan for the gift card!!

family gifts… we give one gift for each of our kids to open that is for the whole family.
the sandwich maker is a HIT.
they were so excited about it.



the headphones are to stay attached to the desktop computer and no one is allowed to take them off.
this way there is always a pair of headphones when i say "turn the sound off your game" or "i don't want to hear your music turn it off please" and so now they can listen to their game and i keep my sanity.

sibling gifts….they each got each other little things this year with their own money.
that was really cute.
they got us gifts too.
IMG_5111-4 IMG_5112-5

annie made these personalized travel mugs for me and craig.  i could not love them any more!!! they are perfect!


talby gave me these sweet birds. 
and scott picked a starbucks gift card for me.
sean got me a neck massager pillow but i couldn't find it to take a picture.
i think one of the kids confiscated it already!

then we gave our gift to them.
we give ONE gift to each one of them.
we started this three years ago? i think.
it was to the point of ridiculous with all the gifts they were receiving.
we knew we could not control what others would do so we changed what we could do.
buying less.
they have ENOUGH already.  
they have TOO MUCH already.
so they get one gift and they have been fine with that…it's just the way it is.

annie got a keyboard.  (my friend suggested the headphones…best idea ever!)
talby got an iPod dock/clock.
scott wanted strength shoes….for basketball….muscle building shoes.

sean got a 3DS that we found a fabulous deal on.
and lauren got an iPod classic that we got through craigslist.

we don't get them whatever they want….but we try to get them something nice that would enjoy…
but that we can afford.
and we do not do gift cards.
or money.

it has helped cut back on the excess.

AND their stocking (gift bags) are filled with little goodies that are picked just for them…
like basketball socks, saxophone reeds, lipstick, squinky sets and candy.

we had a chirstmas dinner.
craig made a ham…so good!!
i made cheesy potatoes and cream corn and fruit salad.

and cream puff for dessert.

we went to my parents house and had another BIG dinner there.
my mom made all the little girls matching fur vests…super cute!

17 people in one room opening gifts….chaos.

my dad had this shirt made for me.

he is so silly.


and today
i am sitting in a quiet house because scott is at basketball with craig, sean and talby stayed with their grandma and aunt, annie is playing with our neighbor and lauren is asleep.
so i frosted cookies peacefully.
and i will make some gingersnaps now.

then we are onto craig's mom's for christmas there.

how is your holiday going?
everyone getting along?


Lisa - I remember Craig wearing those strength shoes all the time. Every time I saw him in the gym, back when I was in middle school, he always had them on! 🙂

Christy - Sandwich Maker – Best thing EVER! We’ve had one for over 10 years now. Best “I don’t know what to make for dinner” fix ever. Some of our favorites – Tuna melt, Egg and cheese (One egg per sandwich cook for 3 minutes for a runny yolk), Chilli and cheese, and finally Spaghetti (I know that sounds weird but sprinkle garlic salt on the buttered/outside side of the bread and fill with pasta and sauce premixed. It’s good.
Blokus is a great game. Quirkle is another good one.
Good choices!

crystal beutler - I am dying over those handmade cups — I think I would cry every time I pulled one out of the cupboard. I have this little shrinky-dink heart Claire made me when she was four. Something about the handwriting — love it.
Big question: How goes the muscle building with those shoes???? 🙂

Kathy (kathyb) - I love your approach to gifts Meg and will be making a note ready for next year. I too would love to hear if/ how you do Santa. Also how do you approach stockings? Do you have a set number of items or set budget or do you work more flexibly? Thank you for sharing your family’s traditions.

Tracy Fisher - I love what you say about Christmas gifts. Our family is the same. I was so proud of our son when friend of mine asked if he got everything he had on his list… he said, “I didn’t have a list, but I got the perfect things”. Almost makes me cry since we cut back this year more than ever. So, I thank you for your post. And I loved the ginger bread houses. I must get to those next year.

Laura Phelps - love the mess of family and wrapping…after ten years of Christmas with no family, it is such a special gift to have a room full of noise.
off to get Jack and show him those sneakers….I would love to get our boys together to shoot some hoops.
miss you

Cheryl - @Heather Bachman – Lauren got an ipod classic… didn’t you read the whole post?
Always love your posts, Meg. Sounds like a really nice Christmas. What a great idea to just give one gift.. i also like the 4 gift idea as some of your readers have mentioned.
Happy New Year!

Kelly - Did you get your red and white polka dot glitter ribbon at Michael’s? I had that too. yea!
LOVE the Cosby show!
I also like the one gift idea. We got our little guy three and I already felt like that was showing a lot of restraint. 🙂 Kelly

Kimberlee Jost - Yo! Tell Annie her mugs rock.
And that I miss her. 😉

Jenny B. - Meg, thank you so much for sharing about the gifts! I have been stressed about the excess of Christmas for the past few years, and you’re so right – you can only control what you buy – not what everyone else buys. It is so helpful and encouraging to see/read about how you do things in your family. Thanks again! 🙂

julie - Those shoes are CRAZY!!!
One gift is my fave.
Sugar cookies are not.
Unless they show up on my door. Then they too are my fave.
Merry more Christmas friend.

amy - i love the idea of everyone getting a family gift and then one big gift each. ooooh… but the sesame street fever t-shirt? awesome. this child of the 70’s needs one, too ; ) happy new year!!

JennyW - meg thanks for sharing the great photos!! Our family does 3 gifts each – just like Jesus received on his “birth”day. It really helps me to limit myself too – with all the good deals and holiday hooop-la it is easy for everyone to get carried away. Enjoy the new year!!

megan - Blokus is really fun. I actually enjoy it when the kids want to get that one out. Unlike some others–I’m looking at you Chutes & Ladders.

Kimberly Dial - Looks like a Merry Christmas was had by all!

Tanya H - Nope. Christmas Eve was mostly peaceful, Christmas Day was fabulous. But since then? I swear my kids have a bi-polar relationship. They are either going to kill each other or they are so happy they are collectively and excitedly OUT OF CONTROL.
I like seeing how you do Christmas in your family.
And I love the Cosby Show. My husband gave me the whole series a couple years ago. Its so handy to stick in a 1/2 hour happy show. 🙂

Heather Bachman - What did Lauren give and get? I miss her when you don’t mention her. 🙁
We stick to four gifts: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. 🙂

Staisha Klein - I love your new shirt! It’s A seriously thoughtful gift. I loved that album as a kid and at 36 I’m not ashamed to say so. lol “Do’n the pigeon!” Happy New Year! Love the blog. God Bless!

Trish - good for you for sticking up for not going crazy on christmas. we do three gifts for each kiddo and that works great for us. it does seem to control the madness and it is way less stress for me!

Shannon R - I would like to know also if you do Santa. We have three little ones (1,3 and 6). We do not do big Christmas for several reasons and it’s hard trying to balance our gifts and Santa gifts. I see some pictures of people’s living rooms covered in gifts after Santa comes. It makes me feel sick. One because all that money was spent on toys when so many people have nothing, and two I get that guilty feeling for a second that in some way I’m depriving my kids. Then many times I wonder, if we really are serious about teaching our kids about giving to others should we skip the gifts all together and use that money and energy to give to others who really need it.

Joy Kinard - I feel like my Christmas went by way too fast, but left me so tired! I love your one gift for each kid and lots of family gifts! Great idea!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Your Christams looks like it was wonderful. Just the way it should be with lots of family, food and fun. P.S. Would love me a Dr. Pepper cup 🙂

erin - I had that grover album. Did you? Doin’ the Pigeon… That was my favorite song on it.

Nikki - I love reading how others do Christmas and sharing ours.
A few years back I felt the gifts were getting excessive as well.
I remember a friend from when I was little. Her family did 3 gifts per kid. Jesus got 3 gifts so if it was good enough for him…..
So we do a big,medium and small gift. They all take turns and then open one shared family gift and stockings.PJ’s are opened the night before.
So much easier now that we have 4 kiddo’s.Chaos free 🙂

Jennifer B - Sesame Street Fever was my favorite growing up…I still have the album :-). Grover is the BEST & always my favorite!!!

Vonda - We have done the four gifts for many years. They get one present that is very special to them, and the rest are little things that they need or are practical, like pajamas, or a book or a family game. We do fun little things in their stockings too. Our older 2 boys have moved out now, and one of them wanted a new pasta pot and a set of wooden spoons(they went in his stocking)! I love it that they are so content and that they know they will not get everything-but they know they are very loved!!! Your Christmas pictures made me smile-I love your colorful cookies!:)

Holly - we only had one Christmas this year. It was great except the part where I was sick! But our little break has been going great! I love spending time at home.

Meredith@count it all joy - Headphones! Brilliant! What better way to encourage peace on earth & goodwill to all:). Merry Christmas to all at Chez Whatever. Meredy xo

Alicia @ La Famille - sounds like a good time. i love your idea of one gift. they all really do have enough stuff. my kids got way too much again! i saw a thing on pinterest where you do four gifts: 1. something to wear 2. something you need 3. something you want 4. something to read. thought that was a good idea too 🙂 have fun christmassing!

mary - omg my sister had sesame street disco…still does
last year we played “doing the chicken” song during my mom’s birthday dinner…hillarious!

Erin - I love that you changed what you do because you can’t change what others do with respect to gift-giving. We have our entire family within 3 miles of us. My 4 kids really don’t want for anything and it is overload. I love the idea of one present, especially as the kids get older — ours are 10, 8,5 and almost 2. Happy New Year! — a reader in San Diego!

Monica - Cute PJ’s…where? where? where? 🙂

angela - Everyone getting along? NO. You asked. 🙂

Sophie - I got a sesame street related gift too! My parents bought my sesame street finger puppets because I’m training to be an elementary school teacher! ^_^

Christine - @Sarah@Handbags–my son did that when he was 4. It was awful for everyone, him refusing to open one more gift. So we have been trying to find a way to cut back. Meg, I would love to hear more about this (of course, only if you want to share).
Do you do Santa? Both my boys still believe in Santa. This year it was ridiculous with EXCESS. After 4 Christmas parties with family, my children have MORE than enough to have for all year. We haven’t opened the boxes to nearly half of the gifts so I put them all up in the closet and plan to just pull them down randomly. What did your kids think the first year you changed this and how did you explain it to them? I think the one gift idea is a fabulous one.

Emily W - Hi Meg! I would LOVE to know where you got that Big Badminton set! My daughter LOVES badminton, but due to a stroke she suffered years back, struggles with the small rackets and birdies. And it wouldn’t hurt for this 37 year old(and little too fluffy around the middle)momma to have some extra help as well 🙂 I have looked everywhere I know of(online) and cannot find it annywhere. She has a birthday coming up at the beginning of March and I would LOVE to get it for her! If you could just email the info to me I would really appreciate it!

shannon - Can I just say that I get so excited everytime I see you have a new post up, it’s like opening a Christmas present for me 🙂
Love all the pictures and gifts! It looks like everyone got some great items and I’m gonna have to find those Cosby DVD’s that was such a great show back in our days 😉
We are all done with all of our Christmas celebrating now but we have moved on to Birthday celebrations, we’ve got 3 to celebrate in the next week along with New Years, it’s hectic but so fun!

Gemma - Sounds lovely Meg!!! I’m with my boyfirends family tomorrow for another christmas.
Gemma x

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - We’ve ALWAYS done very little for our two girls because everyone else does so much for them. For instance, when our oldest was about 2 or 3 she was in tears crying “PLEASE DONT MAKE ME OPEN ANY MORE GIFTS!!!” Im not bragging here; it was a nightmare for her and for us.
We’ve started doing special things with the girls to create memories as opposed to giving them one more thing to open. Taking them on a date, doing something special as a famile, etc… It works much better for us anyway.
Sounds like you had a very nice Christmas. Im enjoying a semi quiet home today too- such a special treat to be on vacation from school for a week!
And I just commented on Twitter about the shirt from your dad.WHATEVER! 🙂

Sarah - i love hearing how other people do christmas. and i love how you guys do gifts, it’s probably more meaningful and it probably helps focus more on the reason/meaning of Christmas than just on the gifts. hope your Christmas with craig’s fam goes great!

Hannah - I love the one gift idea. I think I will have to use that when I have kids (way, way in the future:).

Terrie - We are finally done with our 6, yes SIX Christmas’s!!
So crazy tired, but so much fun! And everyone got along!!
Seeing the grandson 5 days in a row…priceless!!
Loving those slippers! Just my color!
I think your idea of one gift is great!!
I would have a hard time with that…I LOVE giving!! 🙂
And the family gift ideas…super!!

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