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you would think i have tons of photos to share of presents and family time.
umm…yeah….i don't.
i just haven't felt like picking up my camera.

BUT i did not have a meltdown.  (woo-hoo)
i have had a relaxed and laid back holiday.  (double woo-hoo!)
i was able to just go to to bed on christmas eve because i was prepared.
that was a w e s o m e.

this video was played at the end of our church service christmas morning.
they turned out all the lights and it was just this on the big screen.
i was crying by the end.
it's kind of rap….kind of poetry….kind of preaching….definitely praising God.
i hope you enjoy it.

thank you pastor adam for getting this to me.


well…two christmases down….three to go.

so far it has all been lovely.
and i have eaten WAY too much.



Crystal - Thanks for sharing that video. It got me. 🙂

Emily - great video thanks for sharing it

Carrie - Oh that video. I am crying. Wow.
Thanks for sharing. God is indeed with us.

Gretchen P - powerful video! thank you for sharing, sometimes we need to be reminded we are not in control.

Tracy Fisher - 5 Christmases? You beat me! We had 4 (and even combined 2 into the same day..woo hoo). I loved your holiday posts this year. So real. So loving. So true. I wish you and your family the best in 2012.
Tracy Fisher

Starting a New Business - Very inspirational. Is this a first timer? Hope to see more of your creations.

Randi - That’s Isaac Wimberley doing the spoken word on the video … he’s from my church. Every time I hear that video I get goosebumps and cry … it’s even more amazing in person. It’s the most awesome presentation of the gospel, isn’t it?

Jennifer - love this! thanks for sharing

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Something must be in the air, no meltdowns here either…I let so many things go this year and it was amazing! Merry merry!

Toni :0) - Beautiful and powerful! Thank you for sharing! :0)

Jenny B. - I also have same concern/question as Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails. Coming home on Christmas Eve Eve after having Christmas with my family is what put me over the edge. That mound of toys, no where to put it all, and still more to open! I just have two boys, and I have been wondering how families with more children handle it all. And how do you (or anyone) get the grandparents to stop buying so. much. stuff. ? I feel guilty for being stressed about having too much when so many have too little, and I just keep thinking that there’s got to be a better way. I said, “I hate Christmas” more times than I want to admit this year, and it just shouldn’t be that way. Anyway… Sorry to vent! But, I just wondered if you had any tips. 🙂

Jenny B. - That’s awesome that you didn’t have a meltdown. I thought I was going to make it through this year without one… but sadly, no. It is a definite goal for next year, though! 🙂 I’m so thankful we went to our church’s Christams Eve service. I didn’t want to go (so much stress and stuff to do at home), but it was just what I needed.

Beth - Beautiful. Meaningful. Powerful.

Lindsey Jo - that video is awesome!

jennifer - Yay for no meltdowns! None here either. Just a nice peaceful day.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

Kelly - Wow. Thank You, Jesus!

happygirl - Rap isn’t my favorite, but this was very good. Thanks for sharing. I’ve eaten WAY too much, too. And I had the best Christmas, EVER… Love Christmas. 🙂

Holly - very good video! Without Christmas there would be no Easter!

Lori Austin - I was meltdown free also this year. So thankful for that.
Powerful video. Thank you.
Enjoy the remaining celebrations.

Kelly - Thanks for sharing this video. Wishing you all God’s best in 2012!

Kayla - I would have loved to experience that video in a darkened church….very powerful! Is your pastor Adam Hamilton? Good luck with the rest of your Christmases! I pray for no meltdowns….from anyone in your family!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Hooray for being present in your Christmas celebrations!!!!!! Making memories is the most important thing for us…and our families. Capturing them is the next best thing:)
And wow, I though we had alot of Christmases to attend with 3. You have 5?! Question:how do you keep up with all the new STUFF coming into the house? Each year the grandparents ask for a list and I make it. This year they stuck to it well but still went (way) over and beyond. And now the living room is chock full. I know they just want to bless us but it gets overwhelming. Id love any suggestions.

Southern Gal - It didn’t play for me, but if it’s what I think it is it’s an awesome video. They play it at our church around Easter.
I made my kids stand in front of the Christmas tree yesterday just so I’d have a picture of all of them “on Christmas Day”. Ha! I was too busy watching a granddaughter say, “Wow” and “Oh!” all day long to get many photos. You’ve got memories and that’s what counts.

flowerpowermomma - “thank You God for blessing Megan with peace, no meltdowns and good rest. ”

Trudy - I know how you feel about not wanting to pick up the camera. I hope I don’t regret it someday, but it seems I’m just out of gas these days.
Thank you for sharing the video and your love of Christ for all to see. Definitely using your blog for all the right reasons. Thank you.

Lisa - Thank you so much for sharing that video. My husband is a pastor and we are in the beginning stages of starting a new church. An adventure of trusting God and being obedient to say the least. Anyway, I know he would LOVE this video and would want to use it on a Sunday. So powerful!

kim - ugh. so glad i listened to the whole thing. the best part is the end.
truly the message of Christmas engraved on my heart this season is EMMANUEL. God WITH us. Unreal. Crazy. In the best way possible.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - The video…Just beautiful Megan.
I didn’t feel like picking up my camera much either.
Just wanted to be present.
Enjoy the rest of your holiday.
God Bless and Merry Christmas,

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