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um….yeah…it was glamourous.

today was interesting.

not sure if i should share…. or just go to bed.

i took some baby pictures this morning which was wonderful because 
1. i was FORCED to clean my kitchen really well
2. i got to snuggle a newborn baby that was absolutely perfect.


i am almost done with the christmas decorating…i got out some glitter and glue today.
i was so smiley.
i WILL finish up tomorrow.

guess what next week is???

our past two craft weeks are HERE.

i am planning it all out tomorrow….cute stuff coming.

this afternoon i went to walmart.
gotta love the walmart.
but today i had to go because i was out of paper towels and bleach.
i needed them because there was an…..incident….in the kids' bathroom during the night last night.
sleep walking? i don't know.

it looked like a crime scene.
except with….. poo.

i am not kidding.

and i needed paper towels because i STILL do not have a working washing machine.

i had to throw AWAY the shower curtains, a towel and a sock.
they were not salvagable.

and also…..the dog found this bathroom mess before i did.

G R O S S.

i now had the paper towels and bleach.
BUT i had to give the dog a bath first…. one of my least favorite jobs.
then after that i began on the bathroom.
i decided it was THE TOP of my least favorite jobs.

craig came home in the middle of that task and i said "i don't think i can make dinner….it's too much."

he agreed.
he took the kids to another ball game.
he asked me to go as i was standing in the bathtub fully clothed wearing purple latex gloves and holding a toilet brush and sponge.  my clothes were all wet from waffle's bath…because it's a full body experience.
i smiled and said "i'm too far gone at this point honey"

they left.

about 10 minutes later i hear a crash of glass.
i thought "is someone breaking in?"

i came down stairs and there was glass all over the kitchen floor.
THE DOG tried to get a turkey sandwich left on the counter and he knocked over the lid to my big glass jar. 
i know this because the sandwich was halfway still there near the glass.

i yelled at him.
because i felt like it.

i cleaned it all up….this is the kitchen i already cleaned once today.

some days are great.
and some days you have to clean up poo off the walls.

put that on pinterest.

i think i will sleep like a  ROCK.


jess - bless your heart! man, this mom-job is glamorous!

crystalbeutler - I am laughing my head off. Poo days are thee absolute worst. My gag reflex gets so worn out. But on the bright side, It’s a great diet aid. I don’t feel like eating much after all that, do you?

Lisa - I agree with the previous Lisa . . . give us all your washing machine repair man and we’re gonna start a telephone campaign that will drive him absolutely crazy until he gets your machine running again!!! Love your blog every day!

Sarah - My stupid dog rolls in poop every single weekend and I have to give him a bath and I hate it as much as you do…even though he only weighs 6 pounds. You make me laugh.

Tami - Oh my gosh! I totally feel so sorry for you because I have days like that all the time. I have 5 kids too so they can’t be avoided but most of the time the good days outnumber the bad. Your blog is the highlight of my day because I can so easily relate. Thanks for making my day everyday.

Tiffany - you always find the right words. hope today is better, i’m sure it will be. cheers to a new day. pinterest thats, hahahaha

deborah@applesinwonderland - Sorry for your troubles. Our jobs as mommas are so glamourous. My fav line, “put that on pinterest”. LOL!!!! For realz.

Darcie - Wow! That rivals mine, and beats me I think, because yours involved poo and mine did not. (
Ah, the life of moms. I love that you told Craig, “I can’t make dinner. It’s too much.” That’s what I feel like saying a lot of the time. Maybe I should just be direct like that. “It’s too much!”

Ann - Oh Meg…I had one of those poo crime scenes when my dog had bloody diarrhea in my kitchen. It was horrific. REALLY BAD. I thought she was going to die. But she lived. And I had to clean it up. And my husband was sooo thankful for me!!!

Melanie - This post is hilarious…but yet it’s not. Sorry! I’m glad that you’re one of those bloggers who post the real life stuff, too. 😉
Hope you get a good night’s sleep and that your house stays miraculously clean!

Heather - What, no pictures? 😉

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - UGH. All I can say is that I hope the rest of the weekend has been relaxing and 100% poo free for you!

Niki - Saw you in the Mpix ad in Popular Photography! I don’t know how long this has been going on or how much you’ve mentioned about it but it was a surprise to me! Felt like “hey I know her!” =)

becky - i had a day like that this week too. only my poo was from a 1 year old. in a bathtub. yay, poo! happy christmas craft week! can’t wait to see what you come up with!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - OH Meg, sweet, sweet dreams! I may have giggled at your post. Don’t me mad. Mkay?

Katherine @ Grass Stains - Soooo sorry about the poop! I know we’ve all had those days, and I suppose it’s sort of therapeutic to blog about it. It’s either laugh or cry most of the time … and hopefully most of the time we choose to laugh. 🙂 GREAT story that will be much funnier to you later.

Sharla - Craig was at a KSU game?! Oh, there is hope. JK!

beth - oh NO!! What a day! I truly hope tomorrow is MUCH better!

Mindy Harris - oh my! you poor thing. i saw craig from afar at the k-state game. 🙂 he is a celeb too. ha.

Candy - I think I need that on a plaque, “some days are great and some days you have clean poo off the walls”. We moms all have good poo stories and they all crack me up, even my own!! I was just reading your post to my husband and he was dying! Thanks for being so transparent and sharing your life with us, you always make me smile!

beth e. - Sounds like this could be the first page of a novel titled “Are you there god? It’s me Meg”
For anyone who was a Judy Bloom fan back in the day….
I am wishing you ALL THE LOVE in the world for your tremendously shocking day.
And no washer still…..HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??!! THAT’S CA-RAZY!

Toni :0) - Wow-that’s a crappy (sorry no pun intended there honestly) day and I’m sorry it was such a drag! I’m glad you shared real life with us-we all have those and those types of days make us appreciate the fabulous ones. Merry Christmas to you and your family-I heart your blog soooo much, I know I’ve told you that but I can’t help myself in telling you that-stay awesome! :0)

Brooke - Okaaay, you win.
I vow not to complain about my day because as you have just so clearly exemplified……it could have been worse.
If you’re still mad at Waffle, send him to me. I’m in love with him. 🙂

karen gerstenberger - You have my heartfelt compassion for a “crappy” day. I hope you slept like a rock and got to sleep in. May tomorrow be much sweeter, cleaner and nicer for you!

Elma - Oh what a day!!! Sometime it just sucks to be a mom and all the gross things we have to do:) Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!! ( go buy a new wash machine)

Courtney - LOL, I love you and your crazy family, and your crazy normal life! I agree with the commenter above – this is why I read your blog! It’s so real, and sureal all at the same time!
Officially, I’d also like to add if you made one of your beautiful prints for your etsy shop this year to read “some days are great.
and some days you have to clean up poo off the walls.” I would totally buy it – several copies actually for myself and gifts for family and friends, because it’s so hillariously true! I also know you would take it one step further into awesome but putting the text over and awesome cheery background like rainbows of crayons or candy, or your pretty pretty flower pictures hehe!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Meg as weird as it sounds, this is why I read your blog, because we all have days full of poo…heehee.

Lisa - OH. MY. WORD.
That is seriously crazy – I love you for sharing!
You are an amazing blogger!
Love Love Love WHATEVER!!!!!
Good Grief, Charlie Brown!
you need to give us (all) the number of your appliance repair man!!!
we could get that rollin’ for ya!
wouldn’t that be something?!
oh man!

tara - bad day at your house BUT you got fifty comments on your blog for talking about it.
and that makes you a rockstar.
sleep tight and sleep hard!
thank God, it’ll be a new day tomorrow…and hopefully without poop.

Lisa - Well that takes the cake! But thanks for making the rest of us feel human.

Amanda Fuentes - Can I just say how happy I am there were NO PHOTOS in this post… LOL

Elisabeth F - Reminds me of the quote:
Some days you’re the pigeon,
Some days you’re the statue.
Sorry you had a statue day!!!

Andrea @ Big Creek Cottage - Meg……thanks for keeping it real…..poo….glass….messes….a mother’s work is never done……Happy HOlidays!

Kate - Were you like Nancy Poo trying to solve the hiney-ous crime? (Nancy Drew trying to solve the heinous crime…get it, get it?) baaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha! I just cracked myself up. Thank you for sharing…aint Motherhood grand?

alaina - For the love of pete!!!!!!!!!! I seriously almost started bawling over this post. I “feel” your pain! Oh Meg, you’re a rock star….just sayin!

Cindy - You CRACK me UP!!!

Elle - May I suggest a field trip to the laundromat??? I’ve only been in college but they aren’t that bad. Have the kids sort their dirty clothes first. If each kid goes and does their own loads, you’ll have clean clothes in no time.
Then you can go have burgers and fries somewhere special.

Aby - you’re a much better woman than me Meg. I think I would have to move. Or at least I’d want to!! I’m sure today will be better!

Jenn A. - oh man. I have to admit, all I could think was, thank God your shower’s still working! Because after all that, I think I would have to stand in the shower until all of the hot water was gone. My days of up close and personal poo experiences are just beginning as I am due with our first babe in the beginning of March. I hope today is better!

Lisa - Oh my, I am so sorry for that craziness. Yuck! But I do what to say thank you for sharing this type of stuff. I think sometimes I feel like we are the only family that has so much crazy going on… these kind of posts make me relax more and realize all of us mom’s (parents) are in this together! Hoping today is better for you!

Kerstie - Some days are like shoveling you know what against the tide. AND, that REALLY happened for you!!!
So so so sorry!

Jessica R. - Thank you, thank you for keeping it real. And thank you for keeping your sense of humor (at least after the fact!) The icing on the cake was “put that on pinterest.” Awesome 🙂

Tracy - Oh my word…the things we have to do as mothers! Bless your heart!

Kacey - Ack! How awful! Really funny to read, but I’m sure not funny to experience. Your weekend HAS to be fabulous!

janet @ ordinary mom - OMG! I feel so much for you. Isn’t it always the way that when something like that happens, a bunch of other craziness happens too. But I have to said I laughed out loud (literally not LOL-ing) when you said “put that on pinterest.” Glad to see you kept your humour. Some days it is all we have.

kristine cline - Keepin’ it real sister! Hallalujah! Amen!

Leslie Davison - Oh my gosh! I’ve had jobs like those…4 kids brings you all kinds of stories.

jackie grandy - So sorry Meg. That is the one thing I hate as well, cleaning up poo, throw-up and blood. It’s just plain gross. I wish there was a service that could come out on a whim and take care of those messes. I could never be a nurse.
I hope today is a better day for you and you get some much needed pampering.

Terrie - Been there…..done that.
I think I’d ‘repin’ that one!
Hope today is better!
Can’t wait for all those crafts!
I’ll be in mine too…hopefully creating something cute!

Gina Mitchell - You are my all time favorite blogger! I am sorry about the rough day, but you sure know how to turn everything into a great read!

Kelly - Put that on pinterest!!!!! Ah ha ha ha ha! Love it! Kelly

Jenny B. - Oh, that is TERRIBLE! None of the kids would claim the scene? Are they blaming the dog? CRRRAZY!!! Maybe it was Ashley Ann’s elf on the shelf… you know, Mr. Tinkles Poopsalot? 🙂

Ani G W - You made me LOL. The Pinterest comment got me. Sorry you had a poo-filled day. I hope today is better!

April M - you rock even though your day soooo didn’t.
i have to go do laundry now
and now i can do it w a grateful heart
bc it’s not “poo-crime-scene” related
and bc my washer works
(pray yours does too immediately amen)
p.s. I love your photos but I’m so glad this post didn’t come with pictures 😉

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Meg! Thanks for sharing this 🙂 Out of your poopy day you reminded us that, yes, sometimes you have to clean poop off the walls! A good thing for everyone to keep in mind!

Kelly - Yuck. I hate days like that. Not that I’ve had a day exactly like that but days where you can’t imagine one more stupid thing happening…and then it does.
And you know someone really will put that on Pinterest now right? 🙂

Sandy - Meg, I am excited to see what you are doing for craft week. I tried this last year and it was great! 2 of my kids have already asked about WHEN we are doing crafts. I’ve been putting it off because I like to cheat off of you. You are inspirational to me. I love reading about your daily life!

Lynnette Ross - This makes me feel so much better. Sounds evil but my number 2 is always up to something and sometimes it’s nice to know I’m not the only one who has days like this! Love your blog.

tiffany gardner - ahhh…i only laugh because oddly enough…i have had that same day in my life too. (not yesterday..but with kids and a has happened several times.) sleep…my favorite blog girl…sleep! xoxo

Michelle - I love you Meg! That’s all. xo

Sandy - sending you lots of hugs!! some days huh! sweet dreams!

Randi - Gross, gross, gross. But your comment about “put that on Pinterest” just cracked me up. Motherhood is not glamorous.

Emily - Oh no! Hope today is better for you! By the way, at least you made me smile. LOVE your last sentence…so very, very true.

Holly - oh yikes! Got to love those days!

Susan - Meg..I love your blog for SO many reasons…your keeping it real …..makes me love it even more! Merry Christmas!

Southern Gal - Oh, and I’m sorry about your cleaning duty. Sounds like more than I could have handled.

Southern Gal - Love your craft week posts. Have you seen this Ruffled Christmas Tree?
I can see you making this with wonderful rainbow colored fabrics!

Sandy - Oh that sounds just terrible. I’m sorry you had to go through all of that but the good news is … TODAY WILL BE BETTER! 🙂

Meredith@count it all joy - The Glamour. You are just living the dream baby. Some days are diamonds, some days are….not so much. I can imagine you had the best hot bath EVER afterwards. Happy crafting. Meredy xo

amy - …just think of how many “life points” you earned! 🙂 I always try to wake up and reflect on the verse “This is the day which the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”…..I’m sure that when I’ve recited that on a “poo day” (and I’ve had’em too), the good Lord is like, “Yeah, we’ll see how you feel about that in about 8 hours….” Tomorrow will be better. 🙂

Tanya H - Well, I have decided that a- today was a pretty lousy day for most of us, and b- you win. Tomorrow WILL be better than that!!

Rebecca - ugh! that’s pootastic!
but the pinterest comment made me laugh!

Tracy Fisher - It’s after 11:00pm… I am up… alone… finishing up Christmas orders…and I am exhausted…. and this is soooo what I needed. I will laugh and smile myself to sleep. Great story. Maybe I’ll have to paint that quote… I get it even though it was you it happened to. Mother’s just get it.
Sweet dreams. Tracy Fisher

Leah - That sucks, Meg. Isn’t the case when you finally feel like you’ll never have to clean up kid and animal pee and poo off the floor, it just starts happening all over again! We seem to be going through something similar. What the heck? … And so excited for Christmas Craft Week. I was about to ask if you’re doing that again this year. Can’t wait!

Jennifer - What a day! You definitely sound like you deserve some rest tonight…hope tomorrow is less stressful for you. Enjoy the zzzz’s…

brooke - girl….a day like that earns you an afternoon at Healing Waters…or at least the seedy pedicure place down town 🙂
praying tomorrow is less poopy

hannah singer - oh my heck. sending you a hug. also laughing.
much love to you and prayers for sweet, rock-like rest!
and a poo free weekend, of course.

Mindy W - Ha! Totally real life. Hope your machine gets fixed- I would be going bonkers. Hold on. Heads up, girl!

Johanna - [cyber hugs] & thanks for sharing:) your glamorous day made me smile, sweet dreams… may there be no more poo or sandwich thieving but a fixed washing machine immediately, amen!

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