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giving is FUN!!!

Give a Stove this Holiday – The Adventure Project Campaign on Vimeo from The Adventure Project on Vimeo.

Jody was the leader of the trip i took to africa.
she is the second woman speaking on that video.
she's awesome.
i am so proud to know her.


what an awesome cause!

can you imagine half a million people in tents????

can you imagine losing your child because of smoke from the fire you cook their food on?

these stoves save lives.

they provide income, jobs and diginity for women in port au prince.

they give TIME to women in haiti.

they make an awesome christmas gift too…. donate in someone's honor.


giving is fun.

visit for all the details.  


and in other news….

my friend Pam moved to africa on saturday.

it was a hard goodbye to say.
we cried a lot.



what an adventure!  
God is going to do GREAT things through them in Liberia.

pam…i miss you so much already!!!!!
you are amazing.

i am so happy God gave me Pam.
my life is completely different because of her.
i know about clean water.
i went to africa.
i love africa.
i love Jesus even more than before i met Pam.
because i understand Jesus more than before.
i see people differently than i did before i met Pam.
i want to give more because of the example Pam set.
i want to see my kids deeply like Pam sees hers.

she rocks.

pam…i hope you don't lose internet.


keep her family in your prayers as they all adjust to life as family in AFRICA.
it is so cool to have gotten to watch how God worked all of this out for them…
step by step.

they were obedient.
literally watching God provide their basic needs in his perfect timing.
i have never witnessed anything like it.

and now… they live in liberia!!!

i can't wait to go visit her. 

(i love this post about pam…..) 

Jenna - my sister and brother in law just moved to Ethiopia at the end of October. they are ALSO doing business as mission. they are involved with a group that gives micro-loans to African women [some men]. i am so proud that they were obedient like your friends. thanks for this post. i enjoy reading your blog. i will pray for Pam and her family. what an exciting adventure for them in life following Jesus…

The Orchard - What a fantastic opportunity for your friends! My friends from high school lived in Liberia as children. They just made a documentary about a trip they made and it is getting a lot of buzz. Here is a link to their page and documentary.
Thanks for sharing about your friends!

rental mobil - Very nice, thanks for sharing.

pam - Thanks so much for all the prayers everyone! 🙂 Meggie – this post came on the heels of a very homesick day. Wow. God’s timing is perfect. More tears. I love you. Can’t wait to see you on this side of the ocean!

Beth - Just lifted your friend and her family up in prayer. I mean, do we really know how hard it would be to pick up and move to ANOTHER COUNTRY? Wow, I am impressed! Her family is awesome!

amanda - this made me teary! I have a friend serving w/ her family in China and my heart nearly busts when I think of her. So proud of her … and she makes me love Jesus more too. what a sweet post … so glad I stopped by here this morning. Blessings – hope you and your fam have a happy thanksgiving. 🙂

Wendi - I love your heart, Meg. It’s so fun to see God moving in friend’s lives– and friends of friends. It’s a universal joy that sisters in Christ can get all excited about.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Pam, I don’t even know you but I Love your heart!! My family will be lifting you up very high in prayer!

Katy - this post brought tears to my eyes as my husband and i just moved back from living in africa. its such a huge adjustment but so wonderful. my heart has been heavy for my ‘2nd home’ this week. it steals your heart… but you already know that well. 🙂
praying for them right now.

Lisa - I love Haiti! Been there two times and fell in love with the people. What a simple and practical way to be able to help others!

Rebecca - thanks so much for the post about the adventure project!
i’ve been to Haiti and know a stove will be a perfect “gift” for someone on my christmas list!

Melissa - God is great! I’m so happy for your friend, it’s truly wonderful what’s she is doing. My family will pray for them in Africa.

Laura Phelps - “I see people differently because of Pam”…
can I just say…
this morning at mass that was my THANKS to GOD
because as I grow closer and closer to Him, I have noticed that my SIGHT is better
the people working at McDonalds
the man who bagged my groceries at Trader Joes
the lady that always sits alone in the back pew of daily mass
I have an overwhelming sense of “we are all brothers and sisters”
and yes
Pam and her family are in my prayers
it is beautiful to witness God working through people we know and love
just so awesome 🙂

Heather - Please email me! I have a question about your blog! 🙂

happygirl - I’d like to do this project. Do you have any problem with me reposting this? I think this may be my “after Thanksgiving” project. Thanks.

Lea Carter - In 2010 my sister, her husband and my 5 nephews moved from SC to Botswana, sent by their church as missionaries. Your words…
“it is so cool to have gotten to watch how God worked all of this out for them…
step by step.
they were obedient.
literally watching God provide their basic needs in his perfect timing.
i have never witnessed anything like it.”
…are exactly how I described their move. It is amazing to watch God work in their lives. His provision is amazing (so many stories I could share about this!).
This morning they boarded a plane for the 16 hour flight to the USA. I am so looking forward to seeing them! I can’t wait to spend some time with them. Because it is so short, it will be so special.
Praying for your friend and her family as they begin this journey! Go God!

Kimberly - What an amazing adventure awaits her. God is doing amazing things in Africa. I went to Namibia in September and I know someday I will return. I will keep her in my prayers.

TinaM. - Wow!

Elisabeth F - This would be a perfect Christmas gift for my MIL who loves to cook, but needs no gifts! Is there a quick link you can add to send us to these ladies site?

tiffany gardner - AWESOME

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