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fridays are awesome.

it is SUPER windy here today.
i have some girls i go running with a couple days a week and this morning in the dark we were all texting each other hoping someone would want to bail out so we all could.
"is it cold out?"  
"YES and windy!"
"really windy!!!"
 "anyone want to run"  
"UMMMM…. i guess so"


we did it.
i am so glad.

it was miserable into the wind.
but the second half was fabulous.


WATER4CHRISTMAS…. (see the post below this one)

let me be clear:  where is says "make a donation"  it means a hand crafted item to donate.
not money.
you can give money to Water4CHRISTMAS right here but that is not through the etsy shop.
and you can SHOP in the etsy shop.
but donating money and donating crafts are two different things.

what are you going to make?!!!


yesterday i sat on my couch in my pajamas wrapped in an afghan in front of a space heater
with a stocking cap on….i get cold in this drafty house.

i worked on pictures and emails.


i looked out my window and leaves were blowing everywhere.
it looked it was snowing but it was all yellow leaves.


one of our trees lost ALL of it's leaves in about an hour.
i had to go capture it…. in my pajamas.

i wish i had a baby so i could set them right in those yellow leaves and take pictures of it.
i should have brought waffle out!
ha ha ha.
he's the closest thing i have to a baby now.



i was loving my bible study yesterday!
in BSF we are studying Acts.  
but last week we jumped over to Hebrews for a while.


sometimes i read the bible and it's like i have never read it before in my life….
everything seems so new and clear and means so much.
even though i have read those passages over and over for the past 20 years.
but God makes His Word just STAND OUT and SPEAK even after all those years.
after reading it maybe 100 times… suddenly it means something new to my new heart.
i don't want to ever stop growing in my faith.

the bible is just so stinkin' AWESOME!

can i get an amen?


my mom sent me this video in a chain email.
and i had to share.

this just proves how lazy waffle truly is….


mr. duerksen and i are getting away this weekend.
i am giddy about it.
i get him all to myself.
and we are off the clock.

it's going to R O C K.

when was your last getaway with your hubby?

do you need to get planning on that?


you will thank me.


Mulia - that Christ is ioncmg and He says He’s ioncmg quickly! This to me shows that we need to be prepared for His ioncmg at all times! Well what does that mean? It means that we need to be living our lives as if Christ is going to come back tomorrow. We don’t want to be living with the attitude of Oh I got time, I’ll start acting like a real Christian in college! You may or may not have time to do that, that’s why it’s so important for us to start living like Christ now! We need to be making an impact everyday not just when we feel like it, but the coolest thing is that we know that the grace of Christ is with us! It’s written right there in verse 21! We just sang a song in youth group two weeks ago called Your grace is enough. Your grace is enough, Your grace is enough, Your grave is enough for me! His grace is enough and it’s been given to us! these verses are amazing and a great reminder that we don’t know when Christ is ioncmg back but He said it was quickly, so we need to live our lives like each day is the last! & that should be living it out with a bang!

Kristin S - Amen sista!
Happened to me in Exodus and Numbers yesterday. Craziness. Awesomeness.

Anthony - Appreciate your making the effort to discuss this, I find myself strongly about this and lovmind updatie reading much more about this topic. Whenever possible, as you gain knowledge, do you mind updating your site with extra information? It’s very helpful for me.

jamie - the first photo of the leaves is absolutely GORGEOUS. i’m in love with it!!

Lisa - Amen! So thankful for His Word. I would be a mess without it. Heck I am a mess WITH it!! LOL. Hope you’re enjoyed your weekend away. Sounds truly wonderful. I think I will get to planning one of those…

Heather G. - Haha – that dog is amazing! The hubby and I got away for our anniversary for 2.5 days. It was amazing!

Gretchen - AMEN! I totally agree! Thanks for taking the brave road and speaking of your love for Him. Have always loved your blog.. now love it double!
The way your friends and you hint around that you’d be willing to NOT run b/c of the weather cracks me up! My exercise buddy and I do the same thing! Hilarious!
Have fun with your man. Weekends away are so important. Hugs!

emily hope - Love your leaf pictures. Such a cozy, beautiful time of year, isn’t it?
And I am giving you a huge AMEN on the incredible awesomeness of the Bible. I was just thinking the other day what it would be like if we didn’t have God’s Word written down in black and white. What a confusing mess we would be in!
Have fun on your getaway 🙂

Leslie Davison - Amen! Which version of rhe Bible do you study from?

Heather R. - Amen! I hope you have a great time with your hubby. Dog video=Amazing.

Cindy - Funny, we have a tree that does the exact.same.thing. And it’s always right after my husband rakes the rest of the yard. The next day, they all have dropped their yellowish-green leaves. Cool to me. Annoying to him. Second thing, about the Bible. It is amazing how God does this with his Word. Thanks for sharing those verses. I will go dig into it today. Seems like a good thing to do. Enjoy every second of the trip away.

Jen Brandt - AMEN!
Good for you for running! You go, girl!
Love the leaf pics.
Good for you for getting away with your hubby! Happy couple = stronger family.
My hubby and I got away the first weekend in October to a secluded cabin in a state park. It was WONDERFUL! My husband said, can we do this for a week next time?
Meg, I am very frustrated with my small, inexpensive camera and want one that will take decent pics. I take pictures of my family – playing outside, crafting inside, dance class pics, soccer pics, etc. What kind of camera would you recommend ($400 limit)?

Jody - We are in bad need of a getaway…been FOREVER!!! (we have a 6 year old son & 4 year old triplet boys)…I won’t even admit how long it’s been – it’s too embarrassing… our marriage needs it!!!! Thanks for the reminder to do something about it.
On a side note – just read “Heaven is for Real” last night – have you read it?! Written from a 4 year old’s experience of heaven – amazing!!!

Ani G W - We had our last real getaway in June to celebrate our anniversary. Before that though it had been three years! It was time and I made a pact with hubby that we wouldn’t wait 3 years before the next one. We try and have a date once a month, but sometimes it only gets done once every couple of months!

tiffany gardner - nope…no get-a-ways for us…its been years. not much help in the department of anyone wanting to watch our kids. our get-a-ways consist of watching movies when kids go to sleep…if we can stay awake! 🙂 happy for you though….count your blessing of wonderful grandparents who help.

Kat - My last get away with my hubby was bc (before children) and so that would be over nine years ago now.
We have 4 children aged 3, 5, 7 and 9.
We are lucky to get out for a date together maybe twice a year if that!!
Enjoy your break away and btw I looove those leaves!

shauna - love the yellow leaves.
love the Bible.
love babies.
hate running.
no idea what to make.
a banner?
guess what?
i don’t watch tv really.
but i just started watching parenthood.
reedo and i watch one or two very night (apple tv)
we are like half through the second season!
i want to come over to your house and get all bundled up with your space heater, watch the leaves fall and watch a freshy episode while not running.

Juli - AMEN!

beth - Amen!! It was crazy windy here, too, but fairly warm. Glad you got your run in!

Maggie Nunez - Your comment about waffle made me laugh..the one about him being lazy, poor waffle. I need to plan a weekend with my hubby, its been too long, can’t even remember when was the last time we had date night :(.

karla @ bluegrass jewelrydesigns - Ummm…..I can’t even remember the last time my husband and I got away by ourselves. Sad, isn’t it. : ) Have fun this weekend!

heyruthie - the first part of your post reminded me of George McDonald’s “At the Back of the North Wind.” a great read. - AMEN sister! I’m also giving you an AMEN for a weekend away…I’m planning that tonight. We don’t make that a priority often enough, so thank you and enjoy your time away to play 🙂

April M - amen 🙂
(and I’m so glad I’m not the only one who takes pictures of leaves)

Susan - Amen! I am in BSF also and am loving the study of Acts. I have been a Christian for many years, but am seeing now more than ever how it all fits together. My love of Jesus is growing daily! BTW-Your post last year about BSF spurred me to actually sign up this year. I love how God uses others-some who don’t even know us-to bless us! Enjoy your time with your husband. It is time well spent! Our nest is empty now and I think our time away when our kids were home is one of the reasons we have such a great time together now.

Kelly - Amen!
and we don’t have a whole get away planned but we do get to drive 45 minutes alone to Denver and have dinner with a gift certificate tomorrow and we are really looking forward to that!! Kelly

Short, Sweet Season - Amen! I’m in BSF too, and the study of Acts has been amazing. I’m so glad you mentioned BSF on here previously…when my friend asked me to join her this semester, I was afraid it would be too formal, but I felt like I already knew someone who loved it (you!). Thanks for that!

Melissa - Even if it’s for only one night or just dinner out I feel like our relationship is renewed. Spending this coming Monday with my honey and looking forward to lunch together. That never happens! Have a great time and enjoy!

Seriously Sassy Mama - How I love 3: 12-19 in your photo. AMEN! My husband and I got away for a weekend June 2010. It was for a wedding. It will be a long time before we get away again. Sad but true.

gina f. - AMEN! Have a fun weekend! Beautiful leaves photos!

stacie - Amen!!!
Have such fun going away with Mr. D.

TinaM. - It’s been three years since our last weekend getaway with no children. Although we do try to sneak in a date night more regular than that.
Have a great time!

Susan - Amen! Our last get away as April 2010 but before that it was August 2003. That must be a fruitless Mulberry…ours lost all it’s leaves in one afternoon several years ago. The temps dropped suddenly one fall and they all fell off and they were still green.

Logan - Have a great weekend with your husband! My nest is empty so I have mine a lot more often than those of you that still have kids at home, but getting away is still fun and romantic and important for us!

Jane - AMEN!!

CarrieBeth - i wish we lived close to you. i’d bring my baby right over and let you take pictures of him in those yellow leaves!

Denissa - AMEN! My hubbie and I have never had a getaway since we’ve had our boys. My oldest is 10! We need one and we’re planning one now, thinking it’ll be our Christmas gift to each other 🙂

Terrie G - AMEN!!!
SUPER windy doesn’t begin to describe today…
Love the leaf pics…that is one thing I haven’t done is take leaf pics.
And unfortunately it’s too cold and windy to take the new grandbaby out in it…maybe I should bring some leaves indoors…hmmmm
Have a GREAT time this weekend…we need to do that soon too!

Kati - I’m in BSF too and I’ve noticed many friends (some I didn’t even know were in BSF) posting on Facebook this week different verses from Hebrews. So fun!!! 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - what version is your Bible? HCSB? NIV? Inquiring minds want to know. or at least my one inquiring mind wants to know. :o)
Yay for a get-away!!!
It’s been too long for me and the hubs…

Kirsten J - Seriously? August 2004. Sad but true. I love when things happen, like seeing the Bible with new eyes. Excellent happy doodles!!

happygirl - Have a wonderful weekend. My dog is lazy, too. I think his job is sleeping. You are so inspiring. Running in the wind or like the wind or away from the wind. Inspiring. 🙂

Amy - AMEN, sister!!! Preach it!!! 😉
Is it sad that my man & I have never NEVER in almost 8 years of parenting gone anywhere just the 2 of us? We have never left our kids. He goes places all the time. Craft Weekend was the first time I left all 3 of my kids. {& it was sooooo worth it}
Is that weird?!?!?! We keep planning trips…but they never happen. Grrrrrrrrrrr.

Tanya H - I’ve had two husband-dates in a month, after going for at least 6m stretches, it IS so great!!!
I love your leaves! I swept my back porch yesterday and after our wind last night I sure don’t know why I bothered…! LOL!
and, AMEN. The Lord leads us to what we need to read.

shannon - Amen! I agree…I love the bible…I love my Jesus and I love when it He just speaks to me. Often at times when i think what the heck…..
Mr. Stout and I got away this past March….he mentioned a weekend away sometime again and I am all for it! Have no idea when that can be….probably around valentines day when the mil can come keep kids….:)

Lia - Haha you should have taken waffle out for pictures. I kind of love waffle posts. We are getting a goldendoodle in 2012 and I couldn’t be more excited. Have fun with your hubby!! Mine got home last night and isn’t traveling again for 7 weeks!!

Southern Gal - Amen.

robin - AMEN!! I’m fairly new in Christ, so it’s no surprise to me that it’s amazing every time I dive in, but I am filled with joy to know it will continue on like that all of my days. :):):) He is so good.
Enjoy your weekend!

Kimberly - AMEN! It’s living, breathing, and always surprising me with new insights. Love the image of snowing yellow. Not yellow snow though because that makes me think of something gross…
Happy Friday!

lisa willis - AMEN!
I’m in bsf too, and the words in Hebrews have been speaking loudly to me, comforting me, and showing me that Jesus is alive and at work TODAY!
I love bible study, I love Jesus!
…and I get to go out of town with my hubby in a couple weeks! So excited!

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