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i have made it 16 years and 4 kids without having a giant slumber party.

but it happened.
talby had her 10th birthday this weekend.
and she partied with 10 of her friends.

and we survived!

it was actually pretty fun.

i listened to them tell scary stories to each other in the dark and they were so CUTE!
this 10 year old girl wanted a Selena Gomez CD, pink converse low tops, glitter boots and new headphones.
and i found her a cute vest and hoodie at old navy… SUPER cute.
the best part… SHE LIKED IT.


we had an overwhelming response to the first CRAFT WEEKEND!
it is going to be January 27 – 29. 



we added another date!


February 17 – 19


there are some really exciting ideas and dreams coming together for Craft Weekends.
it's so cool.
i am really encouraged by the emails and kind words you girls pour out on me.
it keeps me dreaming BIG.


check your spam.
some people we didn't hear back from….what a bummer if it was in your spam.

CLICK HERE to get on the waiting list.  ( see…#10)
there are several hundred on the list but we are using a lottery to pick names
so you never know who we be picked next! 



and what is this???

Ashley ann christmas card design
Whatever christmas card design
Stitched christmas card new

heather has a REALLY fabulous surprise going on right HERE.



Penny Smith - MAN! I missed the post, and my spam doesn’t go out that far! Darn it! And February is my birthday month.
If we got an email and it spammed, are we now off the list?? Cuz it has been so crazy since my Dad got sick, I haven’t been on much. Is there a way to check??

Air Jordan Shoes - Happy Birthday, Talby! My god daughter had a slumber party recently, but the girls all just came in their pyjamas for the day and left again after a few hours! :o)

Jennifer - In regards to Craft Weekend, were there people who didn’t make the cut for either weekend? Just curious because I didn’t receive an email. Thank you in advance 🙂
Happy Birthday to Talby!

kim - hey there meg….a while back ….a long while i think :-)… showed some really cute camera bags/purses… you remember who made them??? thanks ~ kim

Live_Long_Day - Happy Birthday, Talby! My god daughter had a slumber party recently, but the girls all just came in their pyjamas for the day and left again after a few hours! :o)

andrea - My Abbe turns 10 in January and Eian turns 7 this week! LOL so funny. Abbe had a slumber party two years ago with only a couple of friends. But Abbe doesn’t like to stay up. By 8 or 8:30 she is ready to go to sleep and gets grumpy! Now she is saying she wants to have another one in January. I told her we could do everything but have them stay. Come in their jammies/watch a movie/craft/etc./but GO HOME at around 8! She wasn’t very pleased with that option.

Kat - Good to know you are in the b’day season like us.
We have just had two b’days in Oct and two in Nov and I am all baked out.
You have done well to avoid a sleep over for that long.
My oldest is 9 and only had and also went to her first sleep over this year, but it was one girl sleeping over so that was easy.
Talby is a stunner like her Mamma.

Linda - I’m so excited about your craft weekends. And I don’t even get to come. I live in the Northwest and the air travel is just way too expensive to swing. I wish you would do an online version. I participated in a couple of those. I’d love to learn how you did the aprons and the bunting. SO fun. But for now I will live by proxy through pictures!

happygirl - I’m glad she had a good time. Slumber parties for middle school are the BEST!

TinaM. - man I sew {get it,lol} wish I could come to one of the crafting parties. why does kansas have to be soooo far away ?!

Kim - oh slumber parties. i think you were lucky – but it sounds like it turned out awesome. as a kid i always wanted them, but they never were my favorite in the end. 😉
but looks like everybody had a blast. cute scary stories sound like my kind of story. 🙂
PS can’t WAIT for craft weekend, and to see you and Kimberlee again! 🙂

Leslie @topofthepage - darn it, meg. sophie turns 10 in may, and that is what she wants to do. slumber party. i don’t want to do it. i’m pouting.

Alice H - wow 16 years and 4 kids without a slumber party! LUCKY!! Haha! My daughter who is almost 13 has had 5 slumber parties and my son who is 11 has had 4 of them. Ugh!
When I saw the first card, I was like “hey they aren’t the Johnsons’ lol.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Slumber parties are a blast!

Ryan - Love those pictures of Ashley’s family! 🙂

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