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i have laundry problems.
i do.
with seven people in the house we have a lot of dirty laundry!

so here is my NEW system…. their names on the wall… their dirty clothes in hampers under their name.
they aren't allowed more than one basket in the laundry room and the most important rule to me is

everyone gets a day of the week to wash their own clothes… even my 7 year old.
it goes oldest to youngest and then dad & mom.

IF they get it in the washer before school i told them i would help them by moving it to the dryer for them
if i have time and if they have been behaving well i will even fold it for them.
they are highly motivated to get their laundry started before school now.
BUT they have to take it to their rooms and put it away.

(thank you to the blog reader who gave me that suggestion!)

the other change in our laundry room is the addition of the Bounce Dryer Bar.

it has been so helpful for us especially with so many different people using the same laundry room.
this is one step that is already done.
with the Bounce Dryer Bar, it's automatic.

it does just what the box says it does.
"Stick it and forget it!" for up to 3 months!!


it looks kind of like a bar of soap when it's out of the packaging.
it's attached to the Bounce Dryer Bar cradle, which has an adhesive backing on it.
peel off the paper and stick it to the inside of your dryer.
like this:


it works the same as dryer sheets but i don't have to remember to put the dryer sheet in!
i was always forgetting and we had so much static in our clothes.

it's made from the same stuff as dryer sheets but just molded into a bar.
the clothes bounce around and the dryer heats up and it gets your clothes fresh and controls the static.
and no more worries about dryer sheets stuck to your clothes in embarrassing situations…..

it's great to have one less thing to think about when it comes to the laundry.
i get freshness, softness and static control for months…awesome!

i even LIKED their facebook page!
it has a bunch of videos with an awesome orange dryer that i fell in love with.
go check it out for yourself.

to win your own Bounce Dryer Bar and a $50 Visa gift card from BlogHer and Bounce, leave me a comment below. do you have any other laundry tips i can try?

Rules: No duplicate comments. You may receive (2) total entries by selecting from the following entry methods:
a) Leave a comment in response to the sweepstakes prompt on this post
b) Tweet about this promotion and leave the URL to that tweet in a comment on this post
c) Blog about this promotion and leave the URL to that post in a comment on this post
d) For those with no Twitter or blog, read the official rules to learn about an alternate form of entry. This giveaway is open to US Residents age 18 or older. Winners will be selected via random draw, and will be notified by e-mail. You have 72 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. The Official Rules are available here.
Good Luck Everybody!

For more opportunities to win, visit the Bounce round-up page on to read other bloggers' reviews!

Lynn Downs - I have a five-year old daughter who now knows the laundry. It is her task every weekend to separate the clothes before we put those in the machine. At her young age, she knows this task already and that makes me the proudest.

Sarah T - I think the location of the laundry directly correlates to how much I dread doing the laundry. In our current apartment, it is in a shared basement and I HATE going down there! We are moving to a house this week that has a second floor laundry which was the total selling point of the house! I think my biggest tip is to not get behind and try to do a load a day rather than a full laundry day on Saturday!

Eugenie - I always turn off the water at the intake valve afterwards to avoid possible dripping or flooding.

Lee - I use an old toothbrush to clean the lint filter.

Jammie - Only tip I have is wash as soon as needed because once it gets backed up it isnt easy getting caught back up. sweepmorey at gmail dot com

Sarah L - Fresh out of tips. I like your system.
Thanks for the contest.

angie lilly - My laundry tip is that MOST laundry detergents work just as well in cold water as in hot, so using cold water will save you money by not using your water heater as much!!

nanjhall - The best laundry I have is to get someone else to do it:) If that doesn’t work, I try to always stay caught up so it doesn’t seem like there is mountains of laundry to do.

Robin @ Our Semi Organic Life - this looks great! I’d love to win one!

lala r - i use a laundry zipper bags. each one has their own for socks and underwear. this way i dont need to sort them out and goes directlyto the closet after drying.
amramazon280 at yahoo dot com

Georgia - Tweeted here too!/gmissycat/status/143768219436584960
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Georgia - I really don’t have any tips but I am going to read everyone else’s for sure.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Fujiko Matsui - I’m trying to reduce the amount of clothing in our household. (Maybe less clothing means less laundry?) The kids have all gotten so many hand me downs from neighbors and friends and well meaning relatives that they wear something and throw it on the floor. Their drawers are overflowing and the pile on the floor keeps growing. I’ve put two bins (The large storage totes) one for each kid in the hall. After I do the laundry I put each kids clothing in their bin. They have to take out what they want to keep and put it away in their drawers and then I take whats left in the bins at the end of the week and take it out to donate. ^_^ Its starting to make a dent.

Christina Tong - I am trying to think of any laundry tip for you, but I can see you have been doing very well and your kids are already highly motivated to do their laundry. To me It’s perfect. Keep doing this way!

nan - i fold laundry and put it in baskets based on upstairs/downstairs for easier putting away
nannypanpan at

Lynn - My laundry tip is to NEVER dry clothes that have undergone color bleeding. Wash them again with regular detergent and color-safe bleach.

Cori Westphal - I use Rit Dye Color Remover to get my white whiter than ever! it’s cheap and works great!
coriwestphal at msn dot com

Donna B. - I installed a tension rod in the laundry room so I can hang up clothes out of the dryer, less wrinkling that way. That’s the only tip I can think of.

Tabathia B - We have a separated baskets for towels and wet clothing
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

cw - laundry tip….spray stains right away.

Ayed2016 - My laundry tip would be to teach a kid how to do laundry and make it their regular chore. My oldest does all of our laundry and I fold it when she is done and then they have to come pick it up. I fold it on my bed, that way it has to be put away before bed time. Haha.

karen M - Before taking clothes out of the washer, run the washer for extra spin cycle. This will get more water out of the clothes and they will not take as long to dry in the dryer
karenmed409 at comcast dot net

Rosa - I do love the product and like the ideas in your blog.

Nicole - I like to separate the colors into different piles before I got to wash them. Then I can just throw the piles in as I go. It goes much more quickly this way.

Laura Martin - The only laundry tip I have is get a tall hamper so your dog doesn’t steal your dirty clothes and hide them! I heard a tip from the guy who came to fix my mom’s front load washer. Apparently you only truly need to use a few tablespoons of detergent in the new high efficiency washers as they don’t use much water…the detergent companies don’t want us to know that dirty little secret!

Val - I always forget the dryer sheet – so the Bounce Bar is the BEST~

Tina M - I have no tips. I ask my hubby or little one to help me

Kelli Baker - I love the idea of trying the Bounce bar! I don’t have kids yet, so I should be taking tips from you! Wow!

rosemarie - i use these all the time

Dahbou - Doing laundry happens to be one of my most dreaded chores. This Bounce bar looks amazing, though. I do have one tip… turn anything that might get lint on it inside out. It’s a lot harder to get the lint off afterwards than it is to keep it off in the first place.

Lauren - I got my first Bounce Bar about a month ago. Now my clothes actually smell fresh! I used to never remember to put the dryer sheet in, but now I don’t have to.

Tammy EL - I don’t think I have any special tips, except to stay ahead of it or the piles overwhelm everyone.

Mandy - I only have to worry about my own laundry but I am a SNOB when it comes to how my clothes, towels, sheets, etc. smell when they come out of the dryer. I am excited to try the bounce bar.

Kate W. - I have no tips..I can’t even keep up with my own laundry, yikes!

Katelyn - The bounce bar would be great for my family, I will have to try it.

rebecca - Wow! What a great time saver!

Debra F - I have no tricks or suggestions….I don’t even separate my darks and lights.. oh the horror!

Jamie C - Put the kids to work – that’s all…lol. I, personally, wait until my kids are in bed…but they’re all very young and make laundry somewhat more difficult! 🙂
Thanks so much for the chance to win – love your site!!

Kerry - My only tip is to not get behind- I have done that before, and it takes way too much to get caught back up! I try to do a load every other day.

Anita B. - use less detergent it’s better for the environment. unless your clothes are filthy and covered in schmutz. i’d cut back atleast half of what you’re currently using. i use only half of the lil cuppy thing. all those chemicals can’t be that good for ya. imnotarunner at gmail dot com

Brandy - Use Oxy? Don’t let husbands sort clothes? I’m really hopeless. 😉

Holly - I have absolutely no tips… my hubby and I are expecting a baby in about 8 weeks (!!) and I can’t even keep up with our laundry!! I try to make a rule saying that as soon as a load comes out of the dryer I HAVE to immediately fold and put them away… but right now there are probably 5 baskets of CLEAN laundry sitting in the laundry room 🙁 Oh well, aren’t rules made for breaking?!

Laurie - Gotta love having one less step to keep up with! I have to try this out!!

Rachel - I’ve always wanted to try one of those!

Allie - At my house the laundry is all done by the hubby because he says I fold things wrong… My tip is therefore to fold poorly until someone else takes over (just kidding)

Miguelina Salvador - I don’t have any tips but we love bounce is the only brand we use


Claire - Ah! I am a teacher and static cling has been my very worst enemy, along with those hard-to-find dryer sheets; so, I always count how many I put in and remove the same number when they come out! It sound like a process, but I swear–it’s made me think so much less about what’s sticking to what!

Melanie - Great ideas! I like the Bounce Bar.

kim - That’s a lot of dirty laundry…..Glad they are all pitching in!

Nichole Larson - Love the dryer bar!!!!! I’ve used it for awhile now, I dislike the dryer sheets everywhere and could not control those.

Mary Anne - I could definitely use one of these! I am a young newly married woman and I am trying to start off right, with a good budget. I make my own laundry detergent (and LOVE it) but it doesn’t leave that nice scent. Having those dryer sheets in one, would not only help take away the need of all those sheets all over! And it would help get a clean fresh smell on the clothes!

Sylwia - I don’t mind doing laundry but the folding part is the one I hate. Sometimes they are days before I fold them or I just simply forget that thay have been washed and I wash them again!:)

Lauren - I got the Bounce Dryer Bar for free off of their Facebook page over the summer. I haven’t used it yet, I was waiting until my drier sheets were used up… I might have to break it out, though!

Amanda - I have seen the Bounce dryer bar in the store, but I haven’t tried it yet…but…I have a coupon for one and now I’ve read your post I am going to go pick one up! (I use Bounce, just the sheets…dryer bar here we come!)

Brandi - I love the bar simply because the little dryer sheets that end up all over the floor bug me! 🙂 My only tip is that I throw in a scoop of Borax with every washer load…I’ve seen a huge difference in my clothes since I started that!

Carol B - i’ve been wanting to try this ever since I read your post on the dryer bar!

Austin - I (mostly) won a fight against fish oil by leaving a load of laundry in the sun/rain for a week.

Shannon Chambers - I love my Bounce Bar! Been using it for over a year now!! Oh…and my kids do their own laundry too! A lot of my friends gasp when I say this and then chime in with my kids would just die!! And believe it or not, they’re both still alive!!LOL!!

Elizabeth Ann - I recently started using the Bounce bar too and I like it! Would be cool to win another one!

Stephanie C. - I only have one basket that I use for toting clean and dirty clothes around. So if its full with one or the other I have to take care of them before I can do any more laundry. It just forces me to do it.

Jachel - I’ve started my 21 month old helping with laundry. He helps me put clothes in the washer and the dryer. He also helps me put clothes away. He loves it and even if it takes longer, so do I.

Carrie - Sorry if this posts twice…I typed my email incorrectly!
We are only a family of four, but laundry adds up quickly here! My husband prefers to do the laundry on Saturday and spend all day doing it. I prefer to do a load every day to stay caught up…I think it’s easier that way!

Carrie - We are only a family of four, but laundry adds up quickly here! My husband prefers to do the laundry on Saturday and spend all day doing it. I prefer to do a load every day to stay caught up…I think it’s easier that way!

Jessie C. - Never pile them up. Do them by schedule, say at least twice a week depends on each case.

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - It’s only my husband and I living together, so I don’t think I could give you any tips for 7 people! But I’m amazed at how our two laundry hampers are full by the end of the week!

Rebecca - A dryer bar sounds like a great idea! I don’t have any suggestions for you, but I think I’ll be taking some of yours…especially regarding each member of the household taking responsibility for his or her own laundry.

steph - my only tip is to let most things air dry – less static and less electricity!

Whitney S - I hate doing laundry! And there’s only 2 of us! I have been eyeing the dryer bar for awhile now… glad to know you like it!

Ashley H. - I don’t have any more tips but it looks like you are doing just great.

Elizabeth C. - I definitely want to get one of these~ Sometimes I read a good book to the kids, and let them fold while I read. But it definitely doesn’t work on a regular basis! You sound like you have a good system going!

Susan Smith - My tip is to get the whole family to help with laundry.

FSB - With a family of 5, laundry is never finished. The Bounce Bar would be a welcome edition to our laundry room.

colleen - Laundry is not my favorite thing to do so saving a step sounds great to me! Sign me up!!

Franny - My tip is when the laundry situation gets overwhelming — declare laundry bankruptcy — get a roll (or 2) of quarters, load it all up and go to the laundry mat — gets it done in less time than you could at home doing one load at a time because you can use as many washer/dryers as necessary.

Andrea R. - We don’t have as many kids in our house – just 2 – so our laundry isn’t as much of a mountain as yours! But it is still quite the mountain to climb! We have started having the kids be in charge of all towels in sheets in the house. Fridays after school they start those. They are in charge of folding and delivering it as well. They also fold and put away all their own clothes. I had to give up control over the neatness of their drawers, but it has been a big help.

Melanie - I’ve seen the Bounce dryer bar ads in magazines but have never tried it. There’s “only” 3 of us in my household, but I do a ton of laundry, as I wash our towels and washcloths after each use (yeah, I’m a bit neurotic w/that)…and my hubby wears a uniform to work, then changes into regular clothes, and we both have workout clothes!
Nice to see that your kids pretty much do their own laundry. I trained mine to do that when they were young, too.

Emily - I love the idea for the bounce bar, but with a baby coming I have to think about the sensitive skin thing.. but once he gets older we’ll be switching back! It’s kinda a pain to stick it and then have to take it out to do baby clothes!

Courtney M - As far as tips go, you are a family of 7 and I have a family of 4, so your tips are probably worth more weight than mine.

nora - no tips since i have a two year old and a 6 month old and our laundry is made up of mostly bibs and tiny socks. the 2 year old really likes to help, so hopefully i can get him doing his own laundry in a couple of years 🙂

Bailey C - My kids are too young to do their own laundry…I would love to pay someone to come and fold and put away my laundry…that’s the part I HATE the most!

Nici - I find it best to separate the laundry and wash it per person as well, then I take the dried clothes into the room of the person and fold it in there…this way it gets put away right away!

Kari - I don’t really have any laundry tips but I am a huge fan of Bounce. Their dryer sheets are great for cleaning soap scum out of the bathtub.

Georgia - Tweeted too!/gmissycat/status/134969968080064512
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Georgia - No big laundry tips here. Not my favorite job but I am going to try this bar out for sure.
gmissycat at yahoo dot com

Missy - Great invention…….would like to try it.

Naomi Williams - Um…this looks amazing! My dear husband is always begging me to use triple the amount of fabric softener in his dress clothes b/c he HATES static, so this would make things super easy! Love this idea!

brenna - I want to try it! I just started using dryer sheets and this sounds even better!

Robin - So love that you are doing this with your kids! Such great life lessons you are instilling with them! Mine are grown and I wish I would have had them do this! Instead, I was very hard on myself and felt like it was MY job (even tho I worked full time) so therefore, there was always dirty laundry and always a stressed Momma trying to deal with it! Looking back…I WOULD have done that differently!! YOU GO GIRL! I would LOVE to try a Bounce bar too!!!

Lisa - I love this idea! I like the bounce bar too – who knew?!

donna - Lori Austin – YES it does come in free and clear.

donna - i love that bounce bar i just bought one and my clothes smell so fresh. i have 6 kids so i know what you mean about the laundry – however, you have trained your kids well and i have not 🙁

Lisa - Would love to try the Bounce dryer bar!

Christina Self - I stink at the dryer sheets too! This would be perfect.

sandee prince - good idea Bounce! I will def have to pick one up next time I go to Wally.
Thanks for the info!

jenn - I’m all about sticking it and forgetting it. Okay…I have to add in that about a year ago we “redid” our laundry room – translation: we replaced the single light bulb with a pretty chandelier (thrift store find + spray paint), hung some cabinets our friends were chunking during their kitchen redo – painted those and put glass knobs on them, and I repainted the laundry room. And now…I LOVE that room and it sounds ridiculous, but I promise it’s made me so much more motivated to tackle the never ending piles. In conclusion: making it pretty goes a long way towards motivation! After all, we do spend a lot of time in there!

christi @ burlap and basil - have you tried color catcher? never ever ever sort your laundry again. wash your whites with brights with blacks with stripes. toss n a color catcher. wash on cold. dry like you normally would. the color catcher catches excess dye – no bleeding. they have saved so many shirts and pants and sweatshirts in our house! buy them on amazon – they are cheapest there for a box of 12 boxes.

Christine - I just started using the bar this week and I LOVE it!! We have 5 in our household with three animals who shed like crazy so there is ALWAYS laundry to be done. But in order to keep my sanity, laundry days are Mondays and Wednesdays. Don’t get your clothes in the dirty piles by then, no clean outfits for you. Then after its all washed and dried, everyone has their own laundry basket that they all get sorted into and they are responsible for folding and putting it away. So far its working for us!

Maria - Sorry, no tips. That is a lot of laundry.

Stacy - We keep wooden, spring-style clothespins on the hampers in each bedroom. If you get a stain on your clothing, attach a clothespin to that item before tossing it into the hamper. Later, when laundry is sorted in our basement, items that have clothespins get stain treatment before being sorted into the appropriate pile. No more set-in stains…at least not because I didn’t know that the stain existed.

lacey poag - oh laundry! what works best for our family is to HANG everything that gets hung straight out the dryer…less ironing. win. win.

Allison - I like to throw in a handful of baking soda with a load of clothes when the washer starts to smell musty. My front load washer can get icky pretty fast if we don’t leave the door open between cycles!

Brandie - I have been very curious about these bars. I always forget to buy the sheets when I run out!

Diana - Wow! I am constantly behind on laundry and I only have 2 kiddos! I used to have a laundry “day” but now I’m realizing I need to do some every single day. My 3 year old “helps”, but it looks like you’re doing a great job actually having your kids do it themselves. They WILL thank you someday when they’re in college and they’re the only one of their friends who knows how to work a washer and dryer!

Michelle Whitlow - I used to use that dryer bar but now that I have cloth diapers for the littlest one I can’t…can’t use fabric softener on diapers 🙁

Elizabeth Ann - there is nothing like the smell of fresh laundry! and warm towels just our of the dryer! i like your ideas!

52scrap - I absolutely LOVE the bounce dryer bar. I have my three children bring their dirty clothes to the laundry room, they sort and I wash and dry. They then have to fold and put away their own laundry. Works very well for us. Then I only have to fold my own and I do that while catching up on my favorite tv shows. 🙂

Brooke Guevara - Just wanted to note that you have to remember to change it! I bought one and loved it, until it became so convenient that I forgot to change it. It ended up getting pretty worn down after 5-6 months and I finally changed it when I noticed some of my cloths were catching on it and tearing. love this product; I just need to remember that its there. hehe

angela - Don’t hate me…I love to do laundry! Your kids would love me! Just sayin….:)

Allison Muhlbauer - I really want to try the Bounce Dryer bar. One less thing to remember to do!!

Tracy - That’s a great idea! I’d love to forget about dryer sheets for 3 months at a time. Eco-friendly, too!

Jayne - I use dryer sheets and am excited to try this bar. I hope I win!

Jody H - I love the bounce bar. I’ve used it and it works great. I’m not sure I have any tips for you. I do all my laundry (for a family of 7) on Monday. I usually save all the folding til the end and watch a movie while I fold clothes and sort them into the kid’s baskets. The kids then get their baskets and take them to their rooms to put away. I think the way you have your kids involved is better, but this works for me. hickenfam at hotmail dot com

Leah - No tips here, but I am loving yours!

the domestic fringe - I use these bounce bars and I like them too. You’ve got a great system going on!

Kristin Hayne - The only MUST have item I have with laundry are laundry bags… they are fantastic for jeans or sweaters…. I always have the problem of all the legs intertwining and making a wonderful “jean bow” when it goes into the the dryer. Have you ever tried ironing those creases out? They seem like they are permanant!!! I swear!!
Sweet bar…. will have to try that one of these days… didn’t even know it existed!!!!

jodi - I’m glad I’m not alone.I have three girls. (two of which change outfits at least 3 times a day) Laundry is never ending at our house. These dryer bars look awesome. Would love to try.

Lisa Anibal - i LOVE the Bounce Dryer Bar!!!! No more dryer sheets found in pant legs during meetings 🙂

andrea - I would love to try the bar! I wash and dry my 2 kids stuff, but their job is to put it away…they’re not very good at that!! any pointers?? they are 10 and 7

Christy - Good lord you need your own laundry mat. I use the dryer bars and love them.

Stephanie Z. - family of 6 here too and I simply cant keep up, so your ideas might just be my best ideas too…beats the clothes on my bedroom floor waiting to get folded for a week!

Lori Austin - Only 2 kiddos in this house. I try to do a load a day to stay caught up and I always fold right away (except this week – been sick, sick, sick…) I also only own one laundry basket for the clean clothes (refuse to use same basket for dirty/clean clothes). This works for me – probably not everyone.
Wonder if the bounce bar comes in free and clear??

Lisa - We are a family of six and anything that will make doing laundry easier is a plus for me. I’m going to give the dryer bar a shot. 🙂

Kari - I don’t have any tips for you, since I am the laundry machine in my house. Everyone says I’m insane, but I actually LIKE doing laundry, AND folding it, so I don’t mind doing everyone’s laundry. I think your systems sounds like it will work great. Given the opportunity for you to finish it for them seems like it will keep them motivated to get it started before school. And I really like the idea of assigned days. I think I’ll start using that when i start making other people do their own laundry. Oh, and I wanted to say, I LOVE the dryer bar. The previous tenant had left one in an apartment I lived in, and I have been buying them ever since. :]

Kacy - I do a load a day, at least, to avoid a huge mountain of laundry. But, I only have 3 kids so this method probably wouldn’t work for you 🙂 My oldest is 11- I need to follow your lead and have her start doing her own laundry!!

Shawna - We have been using the dryer bar for a year now and love it. No tips but I make my 3 kids sort their own clothes in the color piles. I do all the laundry on weekends and then I put the laundry in their baskets and they take it to their room and put it away. If I have time I fold it for them, otherwise they have to do that also.

Wendy B. - No tips, but I do like that the kiddos are helping out…that might cut down on the multiple outfit changes. I like the Bounce bar because you don’t have to pick up and toss all the dryer sheets when you are folding – I have never gotten mine to last the 3 mos. though, I think that is for people who do a couple loads a week! 🙂

Nicole - Oh girl…no tips here. I generally do the laundry in one fell swoop, but we only have three people here. I love it that your kiddoes do their own laundry!

Dena - Am I the only one that hates the smell of Bounce? I’m a Downy girl, but this is a good idea.

Ruth H. - Ummmm…..I think you just answered my prayers! I’ve been hating our laundry situation. It has been no fun lately. Clothes everywhere. I’m starting to forget which baskets are clean and which are dirty. I’m totally going to try this! Thank you, Meg!

Laura - I also have five kids and was excited to try the bounce bar, but I was SO disappointed. It didn’t work at all for us. Everything came out of the dryer snapping and crackling with static. Went right back to dryer sheets.
Right now, it doesn’t matter though. We moved about three months ago, and haven’t had a dryer since! I just do a load or two a day, and it all gets done. 🙂

Elizabeth Jorgensen - I have not tried the bounce bar yet..I still use the sheets. My children now 18, 14 and 12 have been doing their own laundry for about 7 yrs now, it’s been heaven. The problem I have is they usually don’t get their clothes back in their dressers. Walked in the other morning to find my oldest sleeping on his bedroom floor because all his clean clothes were on his bed! REALLY…So now only to get them to put away their clothes!

Amy Smith - I tweeted here about the giveaway. Thanks!!/proverbs3116/status/134407368820793344

Amy Smith - This sounds great! I even have trouble remembering the dryer sheet sometimes!

Amanda - I have used the dryer bars before with good out come. For some reason I forgot about ’em so I may be buying some more in the future. My laundry is also never ending, but I’m the biggest offender of changing my clothes often and saying they are ‘dirty’.

Melissa - Sounds easy! Great job getting your kids to do their laundry…mine are 3 and 5, so not sure when we can start that!

Heather R. - Thank you for spoiling us! I’ll have to give the Bounce bar a go. I have hangers at the ready and don’t fold clothes. Everything gets hung and it is FASTER. Undies and socks get tossed in their drawers. 😉

Diana Yarborough - I need the tall laundry baskets. We seem to do a load of laundry a day – we don’t have enough clothes to go too long without doing a load?
Folding is the problem!

Danielle - We tried this bar about a month ago and have never turned back! With 2 little boys, we go through a lot of laundry, so we have definitely put it to the test. It’s performed beautifully and it’s so cool that is says “replace” when it’s all used up – which is where ours is right now! Perfect timing for this giveaway (:

Sarah - I am bad about not grabbing the dryer sheets out before grabbing all the laundry so I always end up finding dryer sheets strewn through out the house! Such a great idea that dryer bar!

Diana - Can’t wait to try this!! I use the sheets and I forget to add them sometimes as well! This just makes sense and takes one more thing off a busy mothers mind!

Jane - I have noticed several blogs that are encouraging the dryer bar. I will have to try that. I also like the idea you have used for a clothes basket for each member of the family. I will have to pass that idea on to my oldest daughter. Unfortunately, she has recently become a single mom of 3 young children and she has a huge laundry problem. I think this would help her and give the children some responsibility and also encourage them to know that they are helping out. Thanks!!

Carrie - I want to try one of those! I only have two daughters, but I do laundry every single day…

Juli - That sounds amazing and less waste in the waste basket!

Talia - Wow! I love your laundry solution. Honestly, it never dawned on me to have everyone do their own laundry. What a great system you have put into play! I am going to start doing the same. Thanks for sharing!

Michelle - You could get the kids names in vinyl and put them on the wall more permanently. You wouldn’t have to worry about the paper getting wrecked or torn off the wall and ending up in the machine with the laundry. Heck I would even offer to make their names for you if you wanted all you’d have to do is put them on the wall since I live in Canada! Let me know! Great system, by the way! (If you go to my blog there is a link at the top to my scrapjazz gallery, you can see some of my vinyl there)
Have a great day!

Christy - I also have a family of 7 with tons of laundry! That bar looks quite convenient, I’ll have to try it!!

Amy - I love this idea! Must try it!!

Jennie - My only tip is one that you are already doing. I make sure that our laundry never gets to be more than one hamper full for my husband and I and a separate one for our little girl. When either gets full, that means I MUST do laundry. As a general rule, though, I do a load of laundry every day. It keeps things from getting to overwhelming amounts and makes sure that people get to wear their favorite clothes when they “need” them. 😉

Penny - My girls are mostly grown, just the 17 year old at home now. I started them on their own laundry by the time they were about 12. So good for you getting the little girls going early! It always felt like we had tons of laundry when all three girls were living at home. We were constantly losing socks! Where do they go? That has always baffled me. I have been meaning to try this Bounce Bar. I would love to win one!

Deanna - Unless everyone in the family is naked when all the laundry is done there will ALWAYS be dirty laundry. That’s my depressing tip!

Chantel - Even for a family of four, laundry can be a nightmare. I tried the Bounce bar and liked the idea, but not the scents (I know, I’m an oddball). Then I saw that they just came out with one in Gain scent and I was hooked!

Kasey - I cannot imagine the amount laundry for 7 people!

Holly - I hear ya on the clothes, as I have 5 kids also. I do two loads a day, one dark and one light and have to immediately fold it or hang it as soon as the dryer finishes. And, according to facebook comments I am one of the last few who irons. I think I am OCD in the laundry department.

Katie Holeman - To save money on laundry detergent I make mine! It’s super easy, cheap and lasts a long time! I use a dove bar, borax and washing soda.

Jenn - Great product and blog!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love that you have your kids doing their own laundry and you’re a good mom telling them you will help them fold it 🙂

Lari - There are 6 @ our house and I’m the only girl so lots of smelly laundry here! LOL! My tip is to keep a stain stick in the boys’ bathroom and have them treat any stains when they get undressed. Since they sort the laundry too, it helps me not miss as many stains. Also teach them YOUNG to sort clothes! As soon as they know their colors…they can sort! I like to think my DILs will be grateful one day! 😉

Kris Timson-Bates - I have been meaning to pick up a Bounce Bar to try. I absolutely HATE picking up the dryer sheets that inevitably end up all over the floors, which become slipping hazards on tile. I am pleased to see that you have had success with the bar and can’t wait to get one to see how it works out for me. I have 3 kids (4 if you count my husband).
My husband and I like to fold laundry while watching a movie, so we can share the responsibility and spend time together. It works great catching up on shows we have on the DVR as well. The chore goes by quicker and on commercial breaks we distribute the clothes where they belong.
I also tweeted about this promotion here:!/krisinterrupted

Amanda - oh goodness the Bounce bar certainly looks like a time saver … one that my static clinged family could use. My laundry problems stem from having two little boys who think the floor is their hamper :/

Tanya H - no laundry tips for you…other than next year I am going to have my son use the washing machine and dryer for the family laundry. However, I am very interested in the dryer bar becuase this last time Walmart only had boxes of dryer sheets that were half as many as before, and for the same price. SO not cool!

Rosemary - I tweeted about the contest:!/Lupakitty

Rosemary - Me oh my this post came on an appropriate day. I swear I did about 8 loads of laundry today(none folding. doh!). I ran out of dryer sheets third load in. (double doh!)

Kate H - I was nervous to stick something into my dryer, but I got one about 6 months ago and I just replaced it. I am in love. No more dryer sheets all over! I don’t have any tips. I don’t have kids yet, but I was one of 5 kids. I started doing laundry at an early age because I got sick of not having my clothes when I wanted them or having them end up in someone elses room! And I am pretty sure my husband has more laundry than I do! I love the dryer bar! And my husband 🙂

Michelle - I have a small basket for each person in our family (6 of us) that I have sitting on top of the washer and dryer. As I pull socks and underwear out of the dryer, it automatically goes into each persons basket. They always know where to go for socks and underwear.

alphabetmomma - What a great idea! My tip: I give my little people their own stain sticks. With 6 kiddos there is a lot of laundry in this house too! Love your blog!

Kim York - Love the idea of sticking a bounce bar in and forgetting about it. I “try” to remember the bounce sheets 😉

Holly - I loved everything about the bounce bar but one small detail. I accidentally put a tennis shoe in the dryer and it knocked my bar plum off! Other than that I love it!

mollie b. - no tips…but i might steal yours! i’ve never tried the bar, but i usually use 2 or 3 dryers sheets because i want my clothes to smell really good 🙂

Marie - maybe getting some hampers with wheels on them to roll around instead of dragging baskets? i’ve always wanted to get some but they’re kinda pricey. 🙂

Karen - Yay for more effecient laundry!

Arlene - Definitely seems like a money saver not to have to go through all those dryer sheets!

Carla - Looks like a great product – thanks for the chance to win.

Amy N - Wow, I wish my kids were doing their own laundry! Soon I hope. I don’t think I have any tips for you!

Adrienne S - I love the idea of the kids doing their own. But, I am not there yet. I do have three different colored baskets in the hallway. One for darks, one for lights and one for underwear/socks. When they are full..I do laundry. It works for me. If the teenagers decide to not put their laundry in the baskets then it does not get done.

Tara Gallinger - I don’t have any tips for you but I sure am envious of the size of your laundry room!!! Mine is a glorified box…talk about needing some organization:)

Joy Kinard - We are learning to get landrydone around a new schedule and it has been so hectic! And… I ran out of dryer sheets today- for real. That Bounce bar would have come in handy!

Linda B - I also do laundry “by person”. The only other “tip” I would have is that I turn my jeans inside out so that they don’t fade as fast. I tried putting the kids socks in a lingerie bag to keep them together, but it didn’t work for me.

Katie @ explanationrequired - A few months back I was trying to find alternative to dryer sheets – they just seem so wasteful. This might be just the right thing!

Kimberly - I wish my kids did their own laundry. With one only being 3, it seems unfair to make the 8 year old do his separately from everyone else’s. Well, he puts his own clothes away.
The biggest thing that helps with laundry here is re-wearing. My husband and I both have sets of hooks one which we hang our favorites. The kids’ clothes get re-used less often, but if they are clean enough, they get hung up for another use.
I’d love the give the dryer bar a try. I use liquid and would be glad to change to something less messy.

Lynda M. - Don’t hate, but I like doing laundry 🙂 I’m only doing it for a family of 3 though – I’m sure I would feel differently if I had a family of 7!

Nichole - I’m intrigued. I’d never seen such a thing. I don’t have kids, so our laundry is simple: a load a day. But static is always an issue. My fiance and I have to touch before we kiss because, wow, it hurts otherwise. Bzzt!

Bethany - i love the dryer bar!! i have been using them for about a year and i will probably never go back to dryer sheets. it sounds like you have a great system set up for laundry. i just taught my 12 year old how to do her laundry. i realized that she was way too old to NOT know how to do her own laundry. if only my 1 year old could be trained…

sara @ it's good to be queen - wow, you’re kids are going to be set up for life! so…my ginormo laundry issue is the fact that my boys have mounds of clothes on the floor of their bedroom…it never even makes it to their laundry basket in the bathroom without me nagging them….sigh…it’s exhausting. and socks…everywhere. okay now i’m just complaining. 😉 i’ve tried the dryer bar and i like it. one less step is a definite bonus. now i’m thinking it’s time for them to put their own clothes away…however i don’t know if i can handle it since i know they will just stuff them in the drawers, willy nilly.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Pure magic! I’m intrigued.

Tori - I keep a bottle of stain remover in my daughter’s changing table. At the end of the day, I just spray down the evidence of her fun day and throw the clothes in the hamper. Everything then washes clean when I get around to doing that load!

Anna Marie - These are so great! I have been using them for a bit and then went back to sheets but I really do like them and need to get a refill.

Beth Ann - No tips, I am trying figure out how to get laundry done for myself, my husband and a 5, yr old, a 4 yr old and 6 month old….

Jen - my laundry tip is like an anti-tip, don’t let your clothes pile up for a month and a half…it takes forever to wash them all. learn from my mistakes!

Christy K - I’m not sure how it happens, but somehow the laundry in our house seems to pile up faster than we can wear the clothes! I too have experienced the ‘dryer sheet stuck to clothing and appearing at the most inopportune time’ situation… would love to give it a try… anything to make doing laundry in a household with 5 people more efficient sounds good to me!

Joleen - I hate doing laudry, this would be a great help!

April M - I have those same tall, narrow baskets 🙂
yeah for clean laundry that doesn’t shock you when you pull it out of the dryer!

Meghan - For stains I like the Dreft stain spray. It works miracles on my infant’s clothes so I’ve started using it on mine and my husband’s clothes too.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - Our laundry system is pretty simple. I do mom/dad laundry, then the boys, then the girls….(then towels or sheets) and its done. I’m seriously OCD about laundry!

Ana Hogan - I would love to try the bounce bar! I hate using dryer sheets anymore. I am always finding them on my kitchen floor, usually after I’ve almost slipped and busted my tail from stepping on one. I cannot do laundry without Resolve Spray and Wash. There is nothing that resolve cannot get out. With three small kids, and lots of clothes to manage, it’s a blessing to have.

Kimmie - I love that you are getting your kids involved with their own laundry! I will have to remember this in a few years when they are old enough to see the top of the washer 🙂 I will admit I was surprised you didn’t make the name labels in rainbow colors 😉

Alma - I have been wanting to try the bar for a while now, but I keep forgetting to buy it when doing my shopping; just like forget to put the dryer sheets in dryer.

Kendra - Our 6 yr old son will soon become responsible for running laundry through – towels, socks, and underwear. Then 5 yr old sister and 4 yr old brother will help match/fold. My laundry tip – wear things more than once!!! If I find clothes laying around my kids’ floors and it’s not smelly or stained, back in the drawer it goes!

bread and jam - I’m a laundry slave. I don’t think a bar would help. Except maybe I’d get something out of the laundry smelling better.

Dawn - I would love to try the Bounce Dryer bar. Does it leave any grease spots on your clothes? I was using another product that shall remain nameless and it was super convenient, but suddenly grease spots were showing up on our clothes…NOT good. But my laundry tip for you is how to rid yourselves of these grease spots. Believe it or not…a little Dawn dish soap rubbed into the grease spot stain should do the trick. Just rub it in with your finger and throw it into the regular laundry. Even grease spots that have existed for awhile will come out. Truly, Dawn “cuts the grease”. 🙂

Eva Scott - I just had baby #2 and it’s unreal how much more laundry there is. While my kids aren’t nearly old enough to do their own laundry, I’ll have to tuck these ideas away to use in the future!

Amber B - I’ve used the Bounce Dryer Bar and LOVE IT!

Terri Peters - I have tons of laundry for my family of 6 and try to do at least 1 load a day to help me keep it manageable. Also keeping darks seperated from lights helps with the time it takes in sorting. I love the smell bounce dryer sheets gives the laundry too, nothing like fresh smelling sheets and towels!

Jenna - I’m also big on the spiky dryer balls! They are noisy but worth it.

kimmie - I just got a new washer & dryer and decided to try the bounce bar. I am totally loving it!

Heather - I’ve been meaning to try that Bounce Bar! But force of habit I guess I mindlessly pick up the sheets everytime. Duh!

holly kurtzer - Family of 6 here, I always say if we would become nudists it would save a lot of hassle. My tip would be: hide the folded laundry baskets from the toddler or she will fling them all over. Or I guess you could just put them away?!?
and I tweeted about it too…!/fromhighway59
I have used dryer bars for almost a year and loooove them. Anything I can do to minimize my list with this A.D.D personality!!

Heather - I love that your kids are doing their own laundry. My girls have been responsible for folding and putting away their own laundry since they were 5 and 6. It’s a beautiful thing!

Ellen J - Hmm…being a single woman living by myself, I throw things in the washer as they become dirty. That way I just start it once it’s full.
I know that’s not a tip for you, but I unfortunately don’t have much wisdom in this department yet!! I do want to try the Bounce bar though!!

TinaM. - I like to do towels after everyone gets their shower at night. We’re a family of 5 so towels and washcloths add up quickly. I like to do this laundry at night because if I run out of time to fold them it doesn’t matter if they get wrinkles from staying in the dryer over night. Ironing is the last thing that I want to do!!

Terrie - You can have one of your moms come and live with you and have her do the laundry like the Duggars do…of course, then you would need to have 15 more kids!

Tracy - I’m wondering if the dryer bar stains clothing. I’ve had that problem with dryer sheets. Anyhoo, I center laundry day around tv programs or movies I want to watch so I have something to look forward to while I fold clothes.

Southern Gal - No better ideas for you. Looks like you’re doing well. I still do everyone’s laundry.

shara - oooh… these sound awesome!
i have 3 little kiddos and we always have some crazy stains happening. i’ve found that making a mixture of zout and oxi-clean on any stain gets it out. like ANY stain. so great.

Lori - I like the idea of the dryer bar. Hope it comes in unscented? My only laundry tip is to do one load every day, but I have a feeling that might not work for you!

Megan B - My goodness, I have no tips for you, but I wish I did! I have one child and he’s 3, so I do all of the laundry around here. The weird thing, though? I kind of like it.

Mary Susan McConnell - Love this idea! I’m always out of dryer sheets and NEVER remember to pick up more… I love the “Stick it and forget it” method.

nancy c. - I use the Bounce dryer bar too & I love it. I only have 4 kids…all girls & I also have laundry issues! But we’re getting there. Once I said no TV or computer until homework is done & rooms are picked up (including laundry being under control) things started getting done!

jackie grandy - Wow! I thought I did ton’s of laundry, but I take that back! I love that your kids participate in doing their own laundry. I have to start mine on that chore 🙂
I use those dryer balls in my dryer. They cut down on drying time and fluff up your clothes. You should try them.

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