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three things

1.   pumpkin waffles….

i put the recipe in the AWESOME recipes side button.
my kids looove them.

the recipe makes a bunch and everyone leaves the table full.

 2.  my laptop snuggie…. it's adorable.

Rags to Stitches gave me one at BLog Sugar.
it's happy.
it makes my laptop happy too.

mine looks like this one but the flowers are turquoise and yellow.

Rags to Stitches is a super cute shop...go check it out.

3.  winner for the book by Elizabeth Owen…..

Love books, love to find new blogs! Thanks for sharing with us!!

Posted by: Stephanie | October 28, 2011 at 02:29 PM


4.  this baby's cheeks are so chubby i can barely stand it.
     i bet her mama just kisses her all day long.
     i know i would.


5.  happy halloween.

does all the candy at halloween just kind of gross you out sometimes?

i feel like it's just TOO MUCH.


but whatever…it's one day….and 3 days later i throw it all away anyway….yes i really do.

and i guess it was 5 things instead of 3.  BONUS!    :)

April M - i just wanted to say that we tried the pumpkin waffles and they were yum and fun. (i used a whole cup o’ the sugar) thanks for sharing.
i was surprised to see some of the candy comments πŸ™ just bc they could’ve been a little “sweeter” ’bout their ideas for using up the extra candy πŸ˜‰
it’s great to make a suggestion to someone in a caring way if you think it will help, maybe that’s what they meant…
i wonder…have you ever received a gift that someone spent a lot of time or money or thought on and for whatever reason you just couldn’t use it or you already had one?
you loved the thought and the care the person put into it and you really appreciated that
so it wasn’t wasted even though you couldn’t use it like the person hoped you might.
anyway, pumpkin waffles – yum.

Shelley - I have to admit that I am very disgusted that you and soo many others throw the candy away. I agree with above comments- I spend my hard earned money on good candy and am excited to hand it out on Halloween. To know that it is just being thrown out because parents are sick of it makes me sick and mad. Yes, go to less houses, give it to a shelter, save it for later, pretty much anything but throw away. Our landfills are filled with enough garbage, we don’t need it filled with candy as well. Filled landfills will be more harmful to your children then a few pounds of candy.
So many people are giving up on handing out candy and just sit home with their lights out, and now I am understanding why. Why waste money on candy and time handing it out for people to just throw it away a few days later because the kids don’t have control to eat it slowly and the parents don’t have the sense to save it or do something useful with it.

4FabFranklins - Yep….I don’t through it away, but I do give it to the college students. Except for the really cheap candy that shouldn’t even be sold in the first place. THAT goes in the trash!
awww…love me some chunky baby cheeks!

Christine - There are also many homeless shelters and wonmens’ shelters that really appreciate offering some sweet treats to residents and guests. Even though the candy seems so unhealthy, there are some folks who would so enjoy the occasional treat!

kris - why don’t you cut down on the number of houses you visit- so they get less candy? I am a little disturbed thinking that the candy I buy to share with kids is just going to be thrown away. freeze it- put it in their stockings, use it in an advent calendar, give it to a shelter. put some away and eat it later- for rewards or something. just had to get that off my chest!

Clean - I really have to admit it’s quite a novelty to arrive at a relatively β€˜different’ blog like this, great job. I expect I’ll be coming back fairly soon and I look forward to reading your next post when I do.

linda lou - the laptop cover is so cute, and the baby adorable and with left over candies they go to the office with my husband, the guys in the breakroom eat anything!!!

amber - Yes. I am officially grossed out by the candy. And by the price of the candy. Yuck. I love what the first commenter said about dentists in your area. Awesome. I’ll be checking. Thanks for the waffle recipe. I have an almost 2 year old, who LOVES waffles. Especially the word;). And, the baby cheeks…sigh.

Tanya H - ooo! Thanks for the recipe! I will need to make these soon! πŸ™‚

mel - ha! i throw out the halloween candy after a few days too. well, after i go through and get out the good stuff. πŸ™‚
can’t wait to try the pumpkin waffles–maybe this weekend!

Kim - Love the laptop snuggie! Much better than the people snuggie πŸ™‚ That baby? Gives me some serious baby fever. I cannot have any more of my own but am thankful for a little niece arriving soon to help get my baby need filled! And halloween candy? Yes, I throw it out too after a few days. My kids get ugly about candy and that is as intolerable as the unnecessary sugar & dental concerns!

Catherine - My kids come home and sort what they won’t eat and put it in our candy for trick or treaters, that cuts down on some of it. Then I throw it out a little at a time, I can then say, “wow, how much candy have you had??” hahaha, I’m not that mean, or am I?

Alice H - I send our Halloween candy to my kids school, the teachers like to have it for little incentives. Or their dentist “pays” us per pound.

Stephanie - You have no idea how excited I was to see my name as the book winner!! Thanks so much Meg!!

Holly - I hope to get a new laptop for Christmas…then I will need a cute snuggie for sure!

Seriously Sassy Mama - I ration the candy. I need something cute to snuggle my laptop in.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I wish I could make myself throw out the candy…but I figure I might need a pick me up here and there πŸ™‚ xo

tiffany gardner - so funny… me too…i throw ours out after a few days. thanks for being my blog i go to everyday. you just make me happy….plain and simple. have a blessed day.

happygirl - I don’t miss having to have the candy. No trick or treaters come to my house. Driveway is too long. πŸ™‚

Cathy - I took all the chocolate out of my kids’ bags after the church party Saturday night. I left the tootsie rolls though. I don’t think that counts as chocolate but they do. They’re 3 and 4 so I figured it was my parently duty to reserve the chocolate for people who are old enough to appreciate it. People like me!

Amanda - My friend told me last night she saves the candy to make gingerbread houses in Dec. I thought that was a good alternative to throwing it out because I’m with you… it’s just TOO much. After a few days it has to be gone!
Our dentist buys it back as well. I guess that’s a popular alternative.

Diana - We always take our candy to the fire station and give it to the firemen. They give it to children when they go out on calls.

Sarah - I heard that some dentists are collecting candy and sending it to our Troops. Just a thought. I love reading your blog!

sally - Hey Meg, I was just reading the bonus and saw your comment about throwing away all the candy. I usually do that too; however, this year I am going to save it for our ginger bread house…just a thought! I read an article that suggested using all the extra candy for your winter crafts.
Happy Halloween! Sally

Adrienne S - Our orthodontist buys it back the day after for $2lb. and then $1 for the next 4 days. It is great because it is out of my house, but awful because the kids want to hit EVERY house possible. They just keep saying: BIG BUCKS! all night long.

TinaM. - we only make about 5 stops to friends or family. we live out in the sticks and have to drive anywhere to trick-or-treat. so luckily we aren’t on to much candy overload.

Kerry - that baby has melted my heart this morning – oh the squishi-ness!

kathy - when you say “can of pumpkin” is it solid pumpkin? we dont have canned pumpkin in australia. So would chopping up pumpkin be just as good or is it pureed?

Alison - I’m not sure what they do where you live, but a lot of locak dentists here in SoCal buy the candy from the kids and send it over seas to the troops πŸ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - and I thought I was the only “mean” mommy that threw away Halloween candy πŸ™‚

Lizelle - Oh those sweet, sweet baby cheeks – how adorable! Must be one of my fave photographs you have taken πŸ™‚

nicki - my daughter’s preschool collects leftover Halloween candy and uses it later to make their traditional mega-gingerbread houses at Christmastime (I’m sure the kids still sneak a few bites, even when it’s old & covered in Elmer’s glue!) πŸ™‚

Terrie - Oh how I have missed my time with your blog…hope to catch up soon!
Love those chubby cheeks! Can’t wait to see my little grand-one tomorrow.
It’s been almost 2 days since I’ve seen him! I’m dying here!! πŸ™‚

Mindy Harris - i am working on changing the focus of my blog and am taking an e-course. one of the exercises was to write down things you like about your favorite blogs. yours is one of my TOP 3, and it’s because of your honesty and GORGEOUS photographs. LOVE!!!! i so want to do jenny craig. maybe blogher will pick me!

nicole @ deliajude - i throw it out too.

leslie @ topofthepage - just got all caught up. looove the painted punkins. esp the chevron baby. too bad pumpkins are like a zillion dollars each here. becuase if they weren’t i’d get a giant porch full too. also i’m waiting for a footloose review. you were so excited. i want to know if it was naughty or nice. oh, and our rule is that the leftover candy gets thrown out on easter, and leftovers from easter get thrown out on halloween. serious rationing, ha! really, its just what we did in my house growing up. happy halloween tomorrow!

Leah - I’m the first to admit that I love Halloween and candy more than anything. But I’ll be happy when tomorrow’s over and I can put away my Halloween decor. My house is looking a little cluttered and the candy is now bordering on yuck. But I do love the pumpkins.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I love a bonus! Yippee!

Rags to Stitches - I throw my Halloween candy away too! That stuff will rot your teeth. haha.
PS I’m so glad you’re loving your Snuggie!!

Heather - Sell the candy to the orthodontist! Ours donates it to charity!

Jessica R - Before you throw away the candy you should check and see if there’s a dentist in your area that will buy it from you! I know there are a few in Wichita. They buy it from you and send it over seas to the soldiers.
Thanks for the new recipe. Sounds yummy!

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