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a book….


i have read Liz's blog for probably 4 years.
i was drawn in by her decorating.
i liked her words.
and she enjoys turquoise like i do.

well…she wrote a book.

i am proud of her.
it's so cool to watch people change, become more confident, try hard….

and succeed!

go read Liz's blog and see her CUTE new baby.

tell her hi!

leave a comment HERE first for a copy of Liz's book… from me!


Tara - Looks like a great read! I have missed reading w/ the busy-ness of little ones and summer time, but am finally finding some spots of time to do so. This looks like a great one to add to the list — or win! 🙂 Hopefully it’ll be me..

robyn - looks like a good read 🙂

Amber Stewart - I would love her book!

Elissa - I just visited her blog at your suggestion and LOVE IT! I added her book to my wishlist. I laughed out-loud with tears in my eyes at some of her posts… would so enjoy a copy of her book.

Renee - i want to read it! 🙂

Nicole - Awesome! Thanks! I am now following her!

Amy - Just visited her blog. LOVE! Would love a chance to win her book! Thanks, Meg! 🙂

Mandi Humphrey - Looks like a very good book. Would love to read it!

Carla V. - I’m definitely going to check out her blog. Thanks for the hook-up 😀

Julie Wearmouth - I would love to win this book; love your blog Meg!

Amanda C. - I’d love to read this!!

Kelly W. - Looks like a book I’d like to try. Thanks for the giveaway!

veronica garcia - looks like a great book!! definitely going to check out her blog.

Casey - Oh I want to write a book! Her’s looks like so much fun!

Lisa B - I’m going to check her out!! Would love to read the book . . . Just from the title, I can tell I will relate to it 🙂

Emilee Prenevost - ooohh!!! Would so love to read this!!! 🙂

Tiffany - Looks like an amazing book, I’d LOVE a copy! 🙂 Thanks Meg!

Rachel - She seems so fun! I would love to read her book!

Juliann Brenner - sweet website!! This book looks great 😉

kathy - Yes Please. I could use a book by a kindred there really someone who doesnt like turquoise? Dont send me their book 😉

Andrea - I just went over to Liz’s blog and it was, after two posts, “added to favorites.” Anyone who realizes the house is ruled by the schnauzer, as ours is, and that Erma Bombeck rocked in a way that never ends, is a friend of mine! thanks so so so much Meg, for sharing her. I would have never known.

Joy Kinard - We must ne sister from another mister. Turquoise speaks my love language too.
I probably need that book now that you brought it up.

Karie - Would love a book 🙂

Stacey - Sounds like a fun read!

Alma - gonna check her out. the books sounds intresting

Iris - Would love a chance to win!!

Sylwia - I love to read books! I just wish I had more time to do it.
Someone ones said “So many books so little time” and I agree.

suzi failing - would love this book
suzi f

lisa willis - Looks like a good book…and a good blog!

julie - i wanna win!

Heidi - Yes! A book I don’t have to remember to take back to the library! Sign me up please!

Jennifer - Would love to read her book. Love her blog!

Sandy - Thanks for introducing us to Liz…can’t wait to win her book and go read her blog.
Btw, how did Lauren’s team do at state? When I get off of here I’m going to google to see if I can find out. I’m dying to know!

Melly Bee - I have only just discovered how inspiring blogs can be and I’m addicted !! But a blog book? Heaven !

sarah mc. - Love this book. Would love to win an extra copy for a friend!

Kimber-Leigh - oh, looks like a great read…adding it to my list! thanks for the chance to win!

jennifer - SO exciting! I love Liz’s blog. It’s actually how I found you.
Thanks for doing this giveaway. Super fun!

Trudy - Looks like a great book!

Marla - yeah a new book!!!!

Misty S. - I’d love a chance to win–the cover is adorable!

Ashley B. - I love turquoise too! I just went over to her blog and it’s awesome…I love how positive she is in her posts (you are too, btw, which is one reason I love your blog!). Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂

Lisa - I just read the little synopsis of the book on Amazon, and it sounds really good…I will be adding it to my wishlist for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!

FeFe - I love that cover! Looks liek a great read!

Tracy - Sounds like a great book!

Kristin - I would love to win this book! Thank you for the opportunity :)!

Lisa - oooh, I’d love to win a copy! 🙂

Kimberly C. - Looks like a great book….I know I would enjoy reading it. Thanks!

Roberta - The book sounds great. I definitely want to read it. Thanks for pointing out her blog too. I put it in my favorites. And you’re right- her baby sure is a cutie!

Lela Pohlmann - Love the title of the book. Sooooo true!

Beth - I love reading her blog too!! I would love to win her book:)

Tina - I would love it…how cool for her.

Tina Jacobsen - The book looks good and I’m excited to check out her blog!! Thanks Meg!!
Tina J

Annette - Would love to wrap this up for myself and be ‘surprised’ to find it under our Christmas tree!

susan brandano - I love Liz! Great blog and I follow her posts – thank your for the give a way!

Naomi - Love the cover of the book!

Denise - I’d love a copy of her book!

Sam Andrews - I am constantly searching for the next book to read.

Lisa - I would love to read this!

Tracy Fisher - I love her blog. Just went there to take a peek and couldn’t quit reading. I added her to my favorites. And one day I will update my favorites on my website… one day! Sounds like a great read. Tracy Fisher

Joy Foster - I’m going to go see her blog right now…you don’t know me.. but i read your blog everyday..i look forward to all you have to say. You are a great friend to me. I promise I am not a weirdo..well, sort of..but i mean it from the bottom of my are great!!! Thanks for that!!

Toni :0) - Love a good read and heart your blog so much-just makes me happy! Thanks for the chance to win!!! :0)

michelle - AH! That would be so awesome! 🙂

Lori Austin - Happy weekend!
Looks like a great new read.

Julie - I read Mabel’s House too! I’m looking forward to reading her book. Thank you for giving a copy away!

Lisa - yes please!!!!!!

Kara Tait - I totally see why you have been reading her blog for four years now, Thanks for introducing her to us! That book would be great to add to my collection!!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

~ Lollipop Doodles ~ - HOW MUCH FUN ARE YOU!! Wish I lived closer so I could attend one of your CRAFT WEEKENDS! OK…the TITLE of the book and the picture on the front cover are absolutely HYSTERICAL!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! Thanks for keeping it real… and for a new blog to follow. Would LOVE to win it! hugs!

Molly Pearce - I love Liz and her blog and her baby 🙂 Would love to win this book! I heard her interview on the Shellie show and was amazed!
~Molly P

Cindy - I love your blog! What a nice lil something you’re offering to your reader.

katherine - yay! i would love to win a copy of her book! thanks! 🙂

Sharla - Thanks for sharing another great blog! It looks like a great one. Thanks for a chance at her new book!

ivy - Awesome. I’d love to read it!

Christy - Going thru her old post, Would love a copy of her book. Her blog is pretty cool

Jenna - A new book? I’m in!

Lisa - I’ve been following Liz’s blog for quite some time now and would absolutely love to read her book. It’s on my wishlist!

Angela - I’ve been reading Liz’s blog for quite some time. Love the decorating. Of course. Can’t wait to read her book!

Alicia @ La Famille - yeah! love books and love new blogs! thanks!

Jessie - Super cute book! Can’t wait to peek at her blog!!

Julie A - The book looks great! So fun to actually meet you last Saturday on Mass St! 🙂

Chrissy Boerman - thanks for the chance to win.. Thanks for introducing us to Liz

marita - i would love to read this book!

Rachel - That’s awesome! My one, big life goal is to write a book. People like Liz give me faith that I, too, can be an author.

Sandy W - I am headed to her blog right now to check it out. Would love a copy of her book.

Lori Tacchino - Ooh! I would love her book!

cindy - can’t wait to check out her blog and learn more about the book. awesome all the way around.

Kimberly - I need a new book to read!

Elizabeth Macleod - I went to her blog. Thank you for the link, I love her writing and would love that book!!!

Lorilee - I’ve been following “Mabel’s House” for quite a while too! I loved the short stories that she put on her blog! I would love to read her book.

Jolene (Homespun Heritage) - ~Cute stuff~ The book looks great!

Carla G - The book looks GREAT. Would love to read it!

Sandy Johnson - I love her blog!

Alexis Hamilton - Would loooovvvee a new book to read. and this one looks just right for me. Thanks Meg!

lindsey - a book i would pick up at the bookstore (judged on it’s cover and word of mouth) 😉 i’m heading to her blog!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Id love a new book! Since going back to work full time its been hard to find time for “me.” Im behind on sewing I want to do and reading is much more “me” right now anyways. Off to check out her blog:)

Lora - I love books!!

Virginia Bibler - love a good read!

Kim - This book looks like a great read. Thanks for the suggestion.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Thank you for this opportunity!

lovethosecupcakes - I’ve been a reader of Liz’s blog for about four years, too, and her book is on my Amazon wishlist. As for baby Jane……….scrumdiddlyumptious!

Jaime S - Looks like such a fun book-all of the books I have had the chance to read from bloggers have been so awesome (Pioneer woman and Kisses for Katie for example)!

Candice - I love her blog and would love a copy of the book! Thanks for hosting this giveaway!

Misty Schluchter - looks like a great book!! love your blog, meg!

Christy Vincent - I LOVE HER BLOG!! She is an awesome blogger and I can’t wait to read her book. And you are right – her baby is CUTE!

Cheryl E. - Oooohhhh, just read the overview and it looks like a great read. Love new books! Thanks to your blog, I have found things, learned things and have become a “color me happy” kind-of-girl (compared to um, 30 plus years of gray, black and white)! Thanks for the info on Liz’s new book!

keely - I would love to win this for a friend!

Holly - very cool!

Anna Marie - looks like a good one 😉

mel - i just read the first page of her blog–going to have to subscribe now. her book looks like an interesting read.

TinaM. - people who write books amaze me!!

Georgia - Oooh i love a good book!

Heidi Henderson - Love books, will defanitly go and check out her blog. Would be neat to win.

Shar - Looks like a great book! On my way to see the blog…thanks for sharing!

Kerry - ooh ooh pick me! pick me! love the tea in mid-air on the cover – classic. off to blog hop x

Amy - Okay, now I’m hooked on her blog! I love the photo on the cover.

Melissa - I love the cover and title and am gonna go check out her blog!

Stephanie - Love books, love to find new blogs! Thanks for sharing with us!!

Becky - Looks like a great read!

Britta - I always decide on a book due to the cover -> i would have definitely bought it if seen in a book store <3
I want it 🙂

Janelle - Love the cover!

Megan - I would love to read her book!

shannon - I LOVE it when people succeed! Can’t wait to see more of her blog…I am going to be a new follower! 😀

Sheila P. - Oh I would love to win this book!

Daniele Valois - oh, this looks interesting. Love the cover.
off to see you blog!

Lisa - Good for her! Going now to check out her blog…

Pippa - Can’t wait to go check out her blog! Then I will anxiously be awaiting the book – that’s postive thinking that I’m gonna win!

Amanda - I love books!! How exciting for her, I will check out her blog for sure!! Thank you!



Lisa B - I would love to read this:) I have read her blog for a while now:)

Ashlyn@Pinecone - I love reading her blog too…and would love a copy of the book!! xo

Sarah Wolfe - Me me!

Dani - Thanks! I’d love to read this! 🙂

julie - I would love to win this book!

Ali - I love her blog. She is so genuine and real. As a young married wife, I can relate. Even if I don’t win I plan to pick up her book.

holly - i love her blog… and yours of course too! Two of my daily blog visits.

Melissa - I’d love a copy!

MegM - Oh my goodness, her blog is adorable. Thanks so much for sharing!

Maria - Looks like a good book, I need a new book to read. Thanks for the chance to win!

Danielle H. - Oh, I always love to learn about new blogs to read and enjoy! Thanks for the chance to win. On my way over to her blog right now!

Leah - It looks like Liz’s book has almost all my favorite characters in it…what a fantastic idea! Even if I don’t win, I’ll definitely be adding this to my list.

tiffany gardner - cute house. cute baby. cute book cover.

Nicole - Looks like a great read! Thanks for sharing another blog for me to follow! Love it!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Love the cover of this book! Thanks for the chance to win. Also, I love that you love watching people grow. It makes me so happy! You are just genuinely happy for people when they succeed, and that is a fantastic quality in a person 🙂

Jackie - This looks like a great book! I would love to read it!

Stephanie Woods - Love the title and cover!! Putting on my list of must reads!! Fingers crossed I win a copy!! Yeah- thanks for sharing Meg!!

Michelle - Oh, my goodness! Thanks, Meg, for letting me know about her blog! I can’t wait to keep up with Liz and getting to know her! 🙂

Maya Catching Butterflies - This looks really interesting. Yes, I’ll checkout her blog and thanks for the tip.

Laura Phelps - So you know that I choose my wine based on how much I love the label?
Well, I am the same way with book covers.
Consider it read.

Jill - Heading over to check out her blog now!

dotsie (aka podso) - I’ve been reading Liz’s blog for years and have sent many to her blog, as you have just done. I told her that I was at a shower recently where three women, from different cities in the southeast were talking about her like you would talk about a mutual friend. It just struck me funny that they were all “up” on her –and had never met her in person– it’s a “small world” in the blogging world too!

Ashley - looks interesting!

amy jupin - liz is a doll.
love her blog and can’t wait to get my hands on that book of her’s!!

Karen - Would love a copy of this book. Looks like a great read!
Karen H.

Jes - I love your blog recommendations, they are always a WIN!

christi - meg! you always recommend the BEST blogs to read! I want to know your whole reading list. 😉 I just ordered her book – looks great and my nightstand was empty!

Debra - I’d love to win this book! Thanks.

Southern Gal - I’m always looking for good blog reads. Thanks for passing this on. I love the cover photo!

Kristi - It looks great! thanks for sharing!

Mrs Skvortsov - i would adore getting this book! Woohoo! Let it be me 🙂

Tammia - That cover is GREAT! (I’m sure the inside is, as well). : )

Christy K - Looks like a good read! Thank you for the opportunity! Have a wonderful weekend Meg! 🙂

Deb A. - I just went and visited her blog – looking forward to spending more time there. Thank you for the chance to win what looks like a good read!

Stephanie - Love the cover!

Melissa - I’m always looking for a good book to read.

Leah - Looking forward to checking out Liz’s blog. Always exciting when a blogger gets a book published. We should all celebrate.

Rhonda Fendt - How truly exciting and inspiring! You were my first Blog experience… I totally enjoy your posts and miss you when you are away! Keep it up ! you are an inspiration! I will check out her blog too! Thank you

Lelia - Looks like a good read! =)

Shawna - I need a new great read!

Maria - Happy Weekend! thanks for the book suggestion…I love a good read.

Kimberly Dial - YAY for your friend Liz! I’ll read it … I’d sure like to win it! 😉

Kristen - I saw the book listed on her blog yesterday and forgot to look into. I would love to read her book and even more so to win it from you. How awesome posson could that and would that be. Happy Friday friend!

Mary Susan McConnell - Oh I can’t wait to check out her site & book! I love seeing people gain the confidence and courage to pursue their dreams… makes everyone else try a little harder and believe in themselves a little more.

Nikki - I can’t wait to read this! I’ve been reading Liz’s blog for about 3 years.She’s so witty 🙂

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - would love a chance to win her book! I’m headed over to check out her blog now. :o)

Juli - I’ve read her blog for sometime too. After all, she is a fellow Arkansan! Love her and would love to get a copy of her book. I’m so glad she is starting to feel better.

Ashley - I would LOVE to read this! Thanks for sharing! 🙂

Seriously Sassy Mama - Another book for my list. I love reading. I will check out her blog!

Penny - I wil be reading her blog and hoping to win her book! Thanks Meg for sharing some of your favorite blogs. It is fun to find new blogs that I like.

Carla - Looks like a great book! I’ll be heading over to her blog to check her out.

Kim - headed over there now! Sounds like a great new find, and I’d love the book, thanks!

Mrs. B. - sounds interesting!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Love her blog so I think I would love her book 🙂

4FabFranklins - Man you have some creative friends!

Cerella M. Di Mondo - Looks like a good book and I LOVE the cover! {And I absolutely LOVE your blog, Meg! You are the ULTIMATE Super Mom!}

Jennifer - love her blog…

Johanna - This looks like a good read:) Blessings!

Lexie - I have been anxious to read Liz’sbook. I am on a “me” spending freeze until January. Sure hope I win so I don’t have to wait that long! ADORE Mabel’s House & Whatever. Both blogs are often the highlight of my lunch break!

Mrs. - I never win, but I just keep on tryin’!

Amy James - I would love to read her book. Thanks Meg. Have a great weekend!

Anne-Marie P - I would love a new book to read. I too like turquoise…used to have a powder room that looked like you were on the inside of a Tiffany’s box!

Margo - I could certainly use a new book to read!

Ashley - I would LOVE to read her book!! 🙂 Hope you and your family have a wonderful weekend!

Meredith - This looks like a great book – thanks for a great giveaway!

Laura L - I just went and visited her blog – looks like another for me to follow! Thanks for the chance to win the book!

Jenny - Oooh looks like a great read!!

Rebecca - I can’t wait to see her blog!

Katie Lockhart - I love all things turquoise too! Does that mean we are all kindred spirits?

sharon - thank you for the chance to win! i love the cover picture, so creative! have a great weekend… i’m off to check out her blog!

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