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happiest pumpkins in town.

i was inspired by alisa burke's happy pumpkins.
and annie was dying to craft something.
so we got busy on saturday.

annie painted hers bright raspberry pink and painted the family's names on her pumpkin.
super cute.

i found this pack of paint brushes at walmart in the craft isle…by the popsicle sticks and pipe cleaners.
it was only $1.97.
i was really happy about it.


talby made a pattern of colored rows.


i made one that was rainbow striped…..naturally.



i LOVED making these.

i couldn't stop working on them.
the girls left with their friends and i kept on working.

it was such a fun surface to paint on!



annie has had orange paint in her hair for four days.
no biggie.


i am loving them.


i see three more in the back that need some painted loveliness.

this project cheered me up so much.
and i love walking by them everyday.


carving is out!

painting is in!  

ha ha ha.

i made a little VLOG about my two weeks into Jenny Craig.

you can come watch and enter to win a $100 visa gift card. 


winner of the Pleated Poppy gift card….

I know that family – so cute!!!! And I love everything at Pleated Poppy!!!

Posted by: amanda | October 15, 2011 at 07:07 PM

email me amanda…


Randi - Those are so fun … they look awesome all grouped together!

PrairieJenn - Love the pumpkins! We did the same thing at our house, but with mini-pumpkins for a centerpiece:) They do make me happy…what’s not to love about a painted pumpkin with glitter?!? I do like that you used the big pumpkins though. Hmmm…maybe next year we’ll do both!

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Oh GOODNESS! Those pumpkins are so cute! I can’t take it. 🙂

Meredith@count it all joy - We don’t really “do” Halloween in Australia, but after seeing these I think that needs to change. I’m sure these have already made their way to Pinterest…if not, I’ll pop them up and make sure everyone gets to enjoy your non-scary, rainbow Halloween. Meredy xo

Angie - Just adore these shots! I feel all Halloweeny now! Cheers.

julia - I was tempted to steal someone’s rainbow umbrella today. I’m blaming your influence!

Anne @ Baking Me - These are adorable! What a great idea 🙂

Heather G. - Happiest pumpkins ever!

Kerry - oh a polka dot AND a rainbow pumpkin?? Le Sigh…. beautiful-ness. Your vlog is GREAT and your hair was awesome xx

Tracie - We have our kids paint pumpkins each year at our family bonfire and they LOVE it. We were planning to carve our pumpkins this year, but someone smashed them. We have a few more that we’ve hidden in our back porch and inside to save them from vandals.

Jessica / Green Skies and Sugar Trips - beautiful!!! The colors are so bright and lively, a great change from the dark of fall!

kristen - it’s like halloween meets easter with those painted pumpkins. very cute!

Jenn - Love the pumpkins! I’m all about the no carving….what a mess! Plus you get to enjoy your pumpkins longer. Congrats on the weight loss. You are doing it, just think in 4 weeks its will be 8 lbs and then 16! Woohoo!

Kimberly Dial - What a cute project! Loved it!

Kait - We have three under age five – painting is going to be a LOT easier. What kind of paint did you use? (I’m not terribly crafty – sorry for the stupid question)

Kristen - They look so fun! I like the polka dots the most though…great color!

Chris - What happy pumpkins! I agree, the rainbow striped one is my favorite, too. Thank you so much for linking to my paper plate skeleton. My kids were so excited to pull ours out this year. 🙂

Kari - Those are awesome – so many paints in my basement I must try this 🙂

kelly - Love!

Melissa Bailey - We are SO going to do this! I have to tell you that I am a fellow rainbow lover, so I will also be making a rainbow pumpkin…and possibly a polka dot one because I’m a fan of those as well. Great idea! I love being inspired by all these great ideas we all find on the web – viva la craftiness!

Flor @ Life in Progress - We have painted out pumpkins too.. something about all the pumpkin mess is just eeewww. especially because I always end up having to clean it all up :I

Kacey - Ok, now I totally want to do this. So fun and unexpected!

AshleyAnn - Love these. Now to convince my boys we do not need to carve anymore Star Wars scenes into pumpkins.

Hannah - These look wonderful all bunched together!

Candice - We paint our pumpkins to because 1. Pumpkin guts=gross and 2. They last longer not carved. I love the bright colors you used. So fun and happy!

Lori Austin - Awesome idea.
So cute!
They look so happy all piled together.

Katie - These pumpkins are fabulous! I’d love to paint one or two of them – so cheery and eye-catching…

Dee - You continue to inspire. My kids and I are *so* doing this after school tomorrow. 🙂

julia - I thought the package for the paint brushes said “Paintin’ Brushes” and I thought “that’s SO Walmart.” But it doesn’t say that. I definitely spend too much time thinking about or being at Walmart.

Michelle from Australia - We Australians are only SLOWLY (and far too slowly in my humble opinion) embracing Halloween. The costumes seems to have caught on, our street Trick or Treats but pumpkins haven’t happened here yet. Probably because it is Spring and we are too busy thinking about swimming? Love the rainbow pumpkin!!

lorel - Love these! Have been noticing people in my neighborhood putting pumpkins out on their porches again. So far no teenagers have stolen/smashed them in the street. Might have to take a chance and join in…

Dianne - I absolutely luurrrrrrve these pumpkins. The Missoni pumpkin is my favorite by far and I can only imagine how hard it was to paint!!! I just finished a pair of Missoni style shoes for my 14 yo daughter and they took twice as long as any other shoes I’ve done. (I should post pictures on my blog – they turned out really cute.) Love your blog Meg, you’re always my “last” read because I save the best for last! An Okie Reader…

a pocket full of posies - OH MY GOODNESS!!!! THE happiest pumpkins EVER!!! LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!!! gathering my paints RIGHT.THIS.VERY.MINUTE!!
Thanks for inspiring!

jennibell - We are doing this! It looks like so much fun — thank you 🙂

Kristin - those look great! what an alternative to the typical halloween look.

Tracy Fisher - Love the pumpkins. I haven’t even started decorating our front porch. So sad and guilt ridden since Halloween IS my son’s birthday! Now I know what to do. Do you mind if I use your inspiration and make my own painted happy pumpkins?

Jenny B. - SO cute and happy! I love it!!! I may have to go invest in a few pumpkins, brushes, and paint myself. I mean paint, myself. I’m not going to paint myself. Though, that might be a good Halloween costume idea. Not! 😉

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Wowzers! And I thought I was in love with the polka dot painted pumpkins on Pinterest. These blow those out of the water! They make me smile instantly. Thanks for sharing.
Was Annie just thrilled that you did an art project with her? I think you’d said she was missing Crafty Thursdays, right?

Michelle - LOVE THEM!!! I may have to get some small pumpkins for my daycare children to paint! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

Alicia @ La Famille - TOOOOOO FUN! you are such a fun mama!

Lelia - Those are so cute!!!

Amyshka @ Kiwi Chic - These are the first pumpkins I’ve seen that I’ve actually loved. The pictures with them all piled together was gobsmacking! Coming from New Zealand we definitely don’t do pumpkins at this time of year (or any time of year, except for eating!) and I’ve never understood this AMerican thing about orange+brown every year… but these pumpkins knocked my socks off! Painted is the new black!
🙂 Amy

Courtney - These are awesome! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the line green with teal polkadots! SO fun!

Kati - Love these! They are SO fun!

Laura Phelps - we did this when we were kids! Thanks for the reminder…and great activity that we WILL be doing.
why are we not neighbors?

megan - cute-o-rama, meg. love the chevron one. yes, we will be doing this, too. have a lovely week!

Paula - you say “carving is out” at the same time I was reading and thinking…these might really be cute carved too. Just a thought, paint now AND carve later. Even more bang for your buck.

Mindy Harris - loved your vlog. i need to lose weight. ugh…

stephany - I LOVE these!
We just went to the pumpkin patch, so we may have to do this with our pumpkins!

Pamela Gordon - These are gorgeous! So bright and cheerful. Great idea for kids to do.

Terrie G - These are adorable! Maybe my new favorite way to ‘do’ pumpkins!

katie - adorable! totally copying you on this one! so cheery and different than normal halloween decor! In a really great way!!! LOVE!!!

Kimberly - You rock, Momma!

Holly - those are very happy pumpkins! I think we will decorate some this weekend!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - There is nothing better than a seasonal craft that puts a smile on your face. Also, I love this idea for smaller kids, too. I’m always leery letting a little one wield a knife!

happygirl - These are cute. I still can’t get over the fact that your children BEG to craft. I couldn’t get my son to draw a stick figure when he was young. 🙁

jackie grandy - I am LOVING these pumpkins! I especially love the polka dot & rainbow one. I am all about color as well! Going to try this with the kiddos! Thanks for the inspiration!

Gale - Sooooo cute!!!!! Love ’em 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - What kind of paint did you use? Looks like something my boys would love doing!

Janet Caldwell - I know we’ll be seeing these on Pintrest shortly! love them!

Leah - I was hoping you’d post pumpkin pictures soon. I LOVE the idea of painting them. We grew 5 in our yard this year (my blog has a post about it today) and was thinking I can’t bear to cut them up. So I think we’ll be painting them this year too. So cute!

Robyn Farmer - That’s it….no more orange plain jane pumpkins! I’m busting out the paint pronto!

Polderkolder - Love your pumpkins!

andrea - We painted faces on ours for years because the kids were too small to carve. Then, I would just turn them around and keep them through Thanksgiving.
Last year was our first year of carving and we made roasted pumpkin seeds (cinnamon sugar and salt/pepper). This year they were seeing which pumpkins had the most ‘lines’ because supposedly more seeds!

Tracy H - You inspired me…..I love them!!! They are so bright and colorful, what an awesome idea!

Rachel J - Oh my! I love the pumpkins! I think the green with polka dots is my fav. And Meg….talk to us about your lovely eye make up in the Jenny Craig vlog!? I’m loving it!

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Dying over the chartreuse spotted one!! xo

Chrissie Grace - I love these! They put a big smile on my face.
I wonder if I could talk my kids into this instead of me ending up doing all the carving???

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