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my morning.


loving my soft new pj pants.
on sale at target for $10….  go get some and we can be twins.

ran a bath for annie.
at 6:10 AM.

chocolate donut coffee?  yes please.

pumpkin waffles to fuel their wednesday…

our dishwasher is broken again.

we load up and leave.
the moon was still up and bright.
a full moon.

but on the other side the sun was coming up a lovely orangey yellow.

when annie said goodbye at the bus she shouted "SEE YOU LATER! DON'T FORGET….IT"S SONIC DAY!" 
how could i forget?



 when i got home i had heard
the Fugees
Tony Toni Tone and 

it was a pretty diverse morning on 90's on 9.

it was time to run.
i love to start with Roll Away Your Stone by Mumford & Sons blasting.
it was PERFECT weather today.

it's 2:00 and i still haven't showered since that run….gross.
i had better get moving.
how was your morning? 


mulberry handbags - I love your blog very much, more more info, I will concern it again!

Christina - I have to ask this question…do you like your waffle maker? I bought one not too long ago, and it stinks! I made waffles the other night (breakfast for dinner πŸ™‚ ) and the batter exploded out the sides and back! There is no way I can see to clean it off of the springy-hingey thing in the back! Anyway, yours looks kind of kick-butt…I am looking into a new one and wondered what you thought of yours. πŸ™‚ I know you are super busy, but if you get a chance to tell me about it, I would love to hear your opinion. Thank you!!

Kristin S - I’m a week behind reading blogs (40th birthday vaca trip!).
Girl, you have some awesome legs.
So proud of you for running 3.5 miles without stopping to walk! I’ve been running for 3 years and can’t do that. Press on! So worth it.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - comfy PJs. Is there anything better? So proud of you for running. Rock on!

Jennifer - love love love 90’s music!

Lynda - Meg please share your pumpkin waffle recipe – I’ve been craving them all day! Love your cute polka dot pj’s – I must get to Target soon πŸ™‚

Christie - Ha! I NEVER not shower right after a run….. errr…. πŸ™‚ You’re my must read everyday.

Anne-Marie from CT - Thanks for blogging in the midst of your daily days. You make me laugh with your words, and your photos are like drugs(good ones), for the eyes. In the midst of a busy blogland…yours is my favorite! just sayin’

Sandy - I can’t remember everything I saw that I adore, but your coffee cup and Annie’s comment are priceless!! I don’t use my dishwasher anymore with only 2 of us in the house, but I can’t imagine your crew without one. πŸ™

crystal beutler - My morning was awesome — bible study day. I wish I could ad Sonic to the mix. πŸ™‚
I want those P.J’s πŸ™‚

linda lou - where do you get your donut coffee???? amy d’s mom need to know πŸ™‚ blessings

Moriah - Cute post today. Just wanted to chime in that 80s on 8 is what I get movin to in the morning. πŸ™‚ Love it! Enjoy Sonic!

Kristen - showering is over-rated. πŸ™‚

Jenn - Love it all! My morning was good…very much like yours. Up at 5:10 (Boot Camp at 5:30), back home at 6:30, everyone up, dressed, out the door to school and work. Made a quick stop at Target for some deals. Now I sit and work. I love mornings minus the whining from the 5 year old.

TinaM. - I had to drive my boys to school so I could run next door to the middle school to drop off my daughters french horn mouth piece she forgot. Then quick ride back home for a cup of coffee with peppermint mocha creamer {my favorite}

Bobbie - now I’m craving chocolate donuts…. not chocolate donut coffee but chocolate donuts…. but I would have to stop and put gas in the car in order to go get them.

Janelle - When you get a chance we would all love your pumpkin waffle recipe πŸ™‚

jennyonthespot - Run. Gotta do that. Yes. Gotta. Today. Or tomorrow? πŸ˜‰

danielle burkleo - i will get those pj pants and i will be your twin…only pregnant.
i daydreamed about going to africa with you the other day when you blogged about it. i want to.
have a beautiful day, friend!

Heather - I’ve missed you. I’ve been in a depressed funk for a couple of months now and stopped reading all my blogs that lift me up, yours being one.
I actually started praying for God to bring my sorry ass back to reality and open my eyes to my blessings, rather than leave me wallowing in sadness over the thing I wanted and can’t have.
As soon as I started praying (which I don’t often do for garden variety angst, rather I save it for life and death stuff) the clouds cleared and I’m on my way back.
And so here I am, back to reading your loveliness. And today is lovely, as usual.

Kerry - aaah what a lovely morning Meg! love the bath shot. pumpkin waffles – yummo!!!!!! xx

Leigh - I want those PJ pants but I know if I buy them I will wear them too much and end up sitting on the couch with a movie and hot cocoa…daily. πŸ™‚

Catriona - My morning has just begun; it’s 9:25 here. Got up at 6:45 after a shocking night’s sleep – 1 child up 3 times for no apparent reason, me and the husband awake from 3-5. Made lunch for 1, breakfast for 5 then walked 6-year old to school while husband and 2 littlies stayed here. Friend randomly texted me a verse from Lamentations about resting in God’s sovereignty today. So timely and encouraging. Off to make coffee and hide from my children. Wouldn’t you know that the one who was up 3 times has the most energy…

Von - Another gorgeous, inspiring post. Big fan over here. I imagine lots of people have asked for a running playlist – it would be a community service, surely?!

Mel - Wow your kids go to school on a real YELLOW school bus…that is so cool. Can you tell I’m not from the USA?
PS: thanks for always keeping us informed as the what music you have been listening to , exactly the kind of random/useless information I love to know about people ( that, and what are they having for dinner) πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Jessica Johnson - um. that *almost* makes me like coffee. almost. but now i just want a donut.

Wendy Hagen - I love your pjs. I will be your twin. And then maybe you could be the twin who does all the dishes and never showers.. I did my INSANITY workout this morning and went to a special chocolate cafe to get hot chocolate with a a friend and her kid today. To counteract my workout, of course.

Maria - Seriously…”dit”? Wish autocorrect caught that…they need an auto grammer check I think…

Maria - I also have the polka dot pjs—white (Minnie Mouse) dot version…I pick dit up last year along with long sleeve grey super soft pj top…one of my faves!
Pumpkin waffles…sounds yummy…

Laura Phelps - i barely remember my is almost tomorrow morning!
but it looks a lot like yours πŸ™‚
and my toe polish is blue…and badly chipped

Heather G. - My morning was awesome!

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Oh My Goodness! That is one early bath! Also, I love that pic of your running shoes. Can I ask how you took it?

Sandra K - Rockin’ calves girl! Your house is amaze-balls!! Morning was swell, thanks for asking! Put the kids on the bus with a hug, highlander grog coffee from local coffeehouse, off to my fabulous part-time job. God bless you & your family!

Tiffany - Holy crap, baths at 610a. Whoa. Pumpkin muffins, u rock. Chocolate coffee, pass. Sweetness from Annie, yes please. Still sweaty at 2, story of my life.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Do you think I’ll run once all of the kids are in school? I like to tell myself yes, I will.
My morning was frazzly, as evidenced by the fact that I just realized that I only put one earring in. I wore just the one around all day long.
ps – Nice calves, Lady.

Julia - I was sitting in strings class with the 5 year old at 7am listening to d d d {rest} d d d {rest}
then same thing over again with g and f sharp.
Did my Bible study at Starbucks while mumbling Romans 1:16 to myself over and over again.
Bible study then back to school to have lunch (good news she didn’t cry when she saw me this time even though I didn’t bring cookies…again)
Stared at the ceiling for 15 minutes….pick up at two schools, was in the car for 5 hours this afternoon.
What day is tomorrow?

Kristen - I love the pj’s! I think you should share more of your workout songs. I’m curious now…aaaand I need a running playlist renovation.

Amy - Funny….I just brewed myself a cuppa chocolate glazed donut coffee at the kid’s dentist’s office this afternoon! Sooo yum and WAY less calories than the real thing! Loved it! And love those polka dotted jamma pants, too! πŸ˜‰

Risa - i love the running shot! awesome!

shannon - everyone keeps posting about pumpkin waffles and now I really want some!!! already have the same pj pants so we are twins, yay πŸ™‚
thanks for sharing your morning with us, mine was not too exciting unless you consider mopping exciting?

nicole @ deliajude - i love your ability to “keep it real”

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I loved this post! It’s always fun to see how others spend their day. πŸ™‚

Kristi Rediske - What a day you had-I think I know where you are running-I can tell from the background in your picture-Do you run along the creek on the trail?

Silvia - My morning was great. Got up at 5am to swim laps with my hubby and then after getting the three big kids off to school I sat around and watched PBS with my twins and scrapped for way too long. Then I started feeling blah from allergies-Houston can sometimes be tough on the allergies. But I’m thankful I have a child that’s driving so she can run to Chick-fil-a for dinner πŸ™‚
P.S. you’re so awesome for making homemade waffles on a Wednesday, I only do that Sat. or Sundays!

Michelle Rotner - better than yours starting at 6:10. we’re on fall break and sleeping in.
the pic of your running shoes and legs is stellar.

amy - Lots of wishing going after looking at your blog post….wish I could be out of bed by 6:10am, wish my brain function enough in the morning to make pumpkin waffles, wish I could motivate myself to run and more than anything — wishing that Germany had Targets. Blast.

jackie grandy - Love Target and their jammies especially Nick and Nora. My daughter (who is 11) and I have the same purple owl flannel jammies from last year! We love them. She is still young enough where its not embarrassing to wear the same jammies as mom! I’m a huge runner as well! Have you tried the New Balance barefoot shoe? Amazing! My knee problems are gone!!

Heather aka moreygirl - haha! Love that you haven’t showered yet:) I do that all the time. glad to know I’m not alone!

amy - Our dishwasher has been out for 2 months πŸ™ We finally decided to bite the bullet and buy a new one only to find that the one I picked wont be in stock until Nov. 2! Love the pj’s, BTW

seriouslysassymama - We will not talk about how I forget to shower, or just plain run out of time from being lazy. Having the husband move the DVD player in the living room so I can start my morning with a workout. Chocolate doughnut coffee? I must tell my sister about this. I wish sometimes I was a runner. Then I remember how much I jiggle when I run and it makes me sad. I guess if I ran I would not jiggle. Go figure!

Erin Whitney - Must try pumpkin waffles! In the past 2 days, I’ve made 5 loaves of pumpkin chocolate chip bread and 1 pumpkin cake roll. (As well as about 5 freezer dinners.) I’m assuming this is nesting, as I’m 6 months pregnant….and we’re buying a house. So since I can’t “nest” and organize, I’m baking. At least my house smells good. πŸ™‚

sarah - I love your yellow laces (and the bathroom tile).
My morning sort of sucks. Who says vacations are relaxing? Trying to pack, keep the house clean with 3 kids, one sick, and laundry is hours from being done. I still feel completely and totally blessed amongst the crap. That’s only the work of God, because I really want to go to bed and forget today.

meghan - i always read your blog but hardly ever comment. i don’t know why. but today…
on my way into the city this morning i heard the head and the heart and i love them so much! i saw you post on that a couple of weeks ago.
then…mumford and sons. i listen to that song over and over again when i run.
we might me music soul mates.

Melissa - I just got a waffle maker. Pumpkin waffles sound amazing…wanna share your recipe??

Tammy - Love this post. A wonderful glimpse of a perfectly normal morning. Love it.

Erin - i love posts like this – an inside look at our days. i wrote one recently like this – it was fun to pause and think about all that we do in our crazy filled days ( love your blog!

Jacci - it was great morning πŸ™‚ thanks for asking.

Tracy - I just found your blog (it’s lovely!) and scrolled through a few pages (Sept 30th is my birthday, too πŸ™‚ I just wanted to tell you that my 2 1/2 year old daughter kept saying, “gorgeous, gorgeous” at all the photos. And she’d occasionally add a sigh and a “I love babies!”
Hope your afternoon is awesome, too

Cindy - I don’t know why, but I always love your “random” posts so much. they make me smile. πŸ™‚

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - My new normal for mornings is to wake up between 6 & 6:30, make sure the girls get up and into their uniforms, get showered & dressed and we’re heading downstairs at 7am for breakfast and so I can do my hair and check emails. We feed the pets, brush teeth, make lunches and get out teh door no later than 7:30. We have a gorgeous ride up a mile long hill to get to school where I teach and the girls attend.
On a daily morning basis, we see deer(including bucks and fawns), groups of turkeys, foxes and even one time, an owl. Its like a nature reserve and makes me feel so close to God on that ride!

Southern Gal - I love to run to that song, too! How can you not be motivated with that blaring in your ears? πŸ˜‰

BriBedell - My morning was good. Hubby let me sleep in until 10 (even though he worked last nigt and got home at 6 this morning). Then I fed the kids toaster waffles, got my oldest ready for preschool. Then I have been printing off free templates to make baby number three (my first boy!!!!!) his very own bibs πŸ™‚

Nichole - I’m taking this week off from work. I exercised and have done nothing else! Which is bad, because I need to run to walmart to pick up a box for a wedding gift, which I need to have done by tomorrow! I guess I should finish the gift, too.
Does not quite match up to waking up in Vegas yesterday, but you take what you get. πŸ˜‰

AshleyAnn - You have awesome calves!

happygirl - You know, if I got up with the moon, I’m might get a lot more done before I plop my butt behind this desk. LOVE the jammies. πŸ™‚

Sarah - your morning was much better than mine! If it makes you feel any better I found out this morning my dishwasher is also not working.. such a hassel! Then I reminded myself that I might not have a working dishwasher but I have clean running water! Happy sonic day!

Holly - I have polka dot target pj pants from last year but mine have white dots. They are still one of my favs. πŸ˜‰

Nikki - I love to start any day with Roll Away Your Stone!!!

Aimee - I got the boys off to school and realized I hadn’t had any hugs. πŸ™ At least I made them smoothies for breakfast, though, and I made their lunches.
I rowed on the lake, and Mother Nature held back the rain until practice was over.
I ate a salmon & egg scramble, cuz rowing makes me huuuungry.
And I still haven’t showered yet, either. But it’s only 12:07 PDT.

Tanya H - awesome photo journal! πŸ™‚ Now I’m going to see if you’ve posted your pumpkin waffle recipe……….YUM!

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