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sooo…..are you going to go see it?

did you see it IN THE THEATER when you were a kid?

i think i did.

i loved that movie.
watched the original so many times.
and i lived in a pretty conservative small town so it felt "relatable"
i don't know if it actually WAS….but as a teenager i thought it was.

i think it would be fun to go with girls my age now….

throw a footloose party for grown ups?

will i miss sarah jessica parker and kevin bacon?  
did you notice how much the new willard looks like the OLD willard????
did ariel's boyfriend scare you when you were a kid…..he scared me.
i knew i never wanted a boyfriend that hit me in the face after i watched that.
or….i had never thought about it until then and that made it official.
because i was 10???
and i loved when they taught willard to dance.

my favorite scene was when all the glitter falls at the prom and they yell "LET"S DANCE!!!"

but i am uncomfortable with group dance scenes in movies….and singing with dancing in musicals.
so i would probably think it was pretty lame.

AND i would probably be a little grossed out by the behavior that is portrayed by "high school" students in this movie….since i have a high schooler.
AND i really don't want to think about my teenager racing tractors or school buses…
or sneaking out to bars in the city to dance with old cowboys…..

i am on the fence.

what about you? 

Stefanie - I’m making my husband take me to see it for my birthday, wha ha ha!

Katrina - I loved the original movie!
This one? I think I’ll wait until I can Netflix it.
But it does look slightly entertaining. I think I’d be more interested in seeing it just so that I can compare it with the original.
My favorite episode of Will & Grace is when Will and Jack “stalk” Kevin Bacon outside of his house and Kevin catches Will outside and invites Will in and they end up dancing to the theme song from Footloose…. and then Jack runs in the house, all jealous and furious, because he knows that Will isn’t even a fan. Such a fun episode. Ever seen that one? YouTube it!

crystal buetler - I’ve been thinking about this very same thing. Footloose again. Can’t we stay loyal and love the old Footloose? That was filmed at one of my favorite small towns in Utah — which is no longer a small town. {sigh} My favorite part was when they taught Willard to dance. He’s dead you know. So sad. I’m all or an adult Footloose Party. 80’s wear rocks. 🙂

Emily Langston - One of my all time favorites… though I LOVED the intro credits with all the dancing feet! My sister and I would name which person in our family would be which shoes. I don’t have much hope for the newest version… I don’t think I’ll be wasting 20 bucks to see it in the theater. But I’m kinda a purist when it comes to childhood memories trying to be redone.

D9 - Hmmm ,
I am on the fence too.
Hollywood does SEX everything up now. With a teenager in our house you need to be picky about the things they view. PG is not all it is cracked up to be anymore.

susan - Jen,
SJP was the friend:)

susan - So remember the old one… there was a line around the theater to see it. I think it was my second movie to see:)
Hard to recapture that…. this one looks much more sexual.
Not sure –

leslie @ topofthepage - i’m out. sorry. i don’t have the nostalgia related to the first, but was out after seeing the trailer and how much sweaty sexualness was happening on the sly between cutie/angry boy and the pastor’s daughter. it bums me out that it’s marketed to children, that’s all. robin above makes a very good point. however, i am not a fan of all the sensuality in every teen movie these days. it’s way too much, in my opin.

Jill Franklin - I Loved the original! After seeing the movie like five times I went out and got me some Red boots! I thought I was all that in those boots. I will most likely wait till it comes out on dvd. It looks like it may be good, maybe even better…eeps! did I just say that!?!

TinaM. - I was trailer for this movie and think it will be cool to see. I think I may have only have seen the original one time, but I jam to the soundtrack on my ipod all the time.

Jen - Hi Meg!
I feel compelled to tell you that it wasn’t SJP in the girl role–it was Lori Singer.
I am a fountain of useless knowledge. It’s a gift.

Robin Heim - I think you need to take a deep breath, really remember when you saw the first FOOTLOOSE and what you did afterwards. Did you rush out to do all the crazy things it portrayed — even when you were finally old enough to attempt them? Probably not. And neither will your children. Why? Because you’ve raised them. You’ve taught them the difference between real life, reality TV, and movies –> and you’ve let them dance. 😉

Michelle from Australia - I’m 41. I think I am WAY too young to be able to remember the original clearly and have a remake out already. Maybe this is what happens as you age? Either way, I’m curious about how the new movie is different so I’ll probably wait for it to come out on DVD.
And as for Dirty Dancing, I saw that when I was 17. Just got my driver’s licence. If they remake that anytime soon, I will be most unimpressed. Well I’ve had the time of my life…… 🙂

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - i was too young to watch the original when it came out (not to mention my parents were ultra careful with the movies we were allowed to watch) i watched many, many years later, though and loved it. 🙂 being a preachers daughter and growing up in a small town with very conservative parents i could totally relate to the movie. however, i hate remakes when the original is so fantastic!! so i will not see this one, i can just about guarantee it’s going to be too risque and too cheesy…and i’m totally with you on group dancing scenes. lame.

Lisa - I saw the original in the theater TWICE! My sweet dad took me both times. I think I’ll have to see the new one…

jessica kiehn - If a movie is made by MTV you can count me out. That movie looks like straight up pornography. So sad and dissapointing. These are the kind of films that we have to chose from now?! I think i’ll stay at home with my sweet little family and NOT fill my mind with filth.

ingrid lapp - I don’t want to think about mine having sex in the woods either. Good grief I feel so old.

Christi Hoffman - I was 13 when the original came out! My older sister and I went. She was 18 and WILD. I LOVED the dancing! I remember thinking : Why do ppl drink?, it makes you act stupid! LOL! And I am NOT going to high school parties if that is what ppl do at them. I am excited to take my 13 & 20 yr old to see it. I often use(d) movies to start conversations with my daughter. It worked for us. It is working (so far) with my 13 yr old son. He went to his first “sevie party” on Friday. sigh…..

Jen Brandt - Footloose is one of my all time fav movies and I am shocked that so many of your readers have never seen it!!! I don’t know that I want to see the re-make because I’m afraid it will ruin the whole “Footloose fantasy” for me.

got2havefaith - Why do they always have to “sex it up”? And why can’t Hollywood come up with original ideas? Leave the classics alone already!
So, that’s what I think anyway. I will probably check it out when it comes out on Starz out of curiosity…but no one can replace Kevin Bacon.

Cori - I am going to see it for sure. I loved the original and I am excited to see what they do with the remake. The original was filmed in Utah in the community I live in. I have friends and family who are extras in the movie. It will be a little sad to watch the new one and not see anything or anyone that is familiar.

kristine - I don’t like remakes but this is one I am going to see….won’t be Kevin or the real WIllard but we’ll see…

kate - didn’t think it was sarah jessica…someone else noticed to…lori singer…but don’t think i’ll see it again…loved the cheesy!

Toni :0) - My family went and saw it last Tuesday at a special screening! I love the original so wasn’t sure what to expect. My coworker’s daughter is one of the extra dancers in the movie and I have to say we LOVED IT!! The guy who plays Willard (Miles Teller) is TERRIFIC and so are the little girls too. We thought it was updated nicely and it’s fun and we loved the line “The wheels on the bus go boom, boom, boom!” My son is almost 13 and he saw the original and this one and liked them both! I highly recommend!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Well Miss Meg, I was a grown up when I saw Footloose for the first time…HA! I don’t like remakes…leave the orginals alone is what I usually think. Of course my girls want to see it and I’m not sure I want them to 🙂 so like you I haven’t decided yet either. Let us know if you see it and what you think!

sara - not going to see the new one. no way. kevin bacon was IT! no replacing! i dont need the update either…i liked the clean version verses the updated skanky highschool escapades they will show. willard was the best…he was very underated.

Cathy - I probably won’t see it. But I do live in the city where a lot of the original movie was filmed. And I can see my Grandma’s house in one of the scenes…if I don’t blink. No kidding.

Kerry Wiebe - I’m looking for your super tight jacket and having your shirt made right now that says “Dance your ASS off!! HA HA Can’t wait!

Kat - Loved it then and I was probably 13.
It would be interesting to watch the remake but what if they ruin it, or it’s just not the same as I remember it?
Maybe I will check it out when it comes out on dvd.

Kerri - I am TERRIFIED they are going to RUIN it! I have been agonizing over this for months!

PrairieJenn - So, I was eleven when the original came out and loved it. But I’m absolutely sure I would see it in a different light now as I think about my own kiddos. Sounds like the remake might be s good choice for date night or moms night out:)

Jen - i just can’t. personally, there are some originals that can’t be messed with. this is one of them. kevin bacon, sjp, john lithgow, chris penn, & lori singer…nope, no, no, nope. bumping & grinding is NOT a way to re-make a classic. hollywood needs to leave well enough alone.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - This makes me laugh because now that I am a mom, I am viewing all of those types of things in a new light, too! I hate to say it, but I have never seen Footloose. Shame.

Christy - Take some girlfriends and go see it!! It’s not a duplicate of the original and the dancing is better! I think you will enjoy it and then you can decide whether your kids should see it.

jennibell - I have *no* desire to see it. . .I think they’ll probably ruin the original. Like you, even in the trailers, I don’t like the way the girls are portrayed. I saw that Redbox has the original in their kiosks and wanted to rent it tonight and share with our kids (12, 10, 9, 8) but my husband wasn’t comfortable with it. . .so I’ll watch it again on my own sometime. Have you seen the Kevin Bacon you tube video (I think it might be an advertisement. . .can’t remember)? I laughed so hard at it and it made me want to watch some of his old stuff 🙂
Are there ever any re-makes as good as the original? I never saw the remake of Dirty Dancing either (KNOW I saw that in the theatre). . .again, just didn’t think it could be as good.

seriouslysassymama - I will never see the remake. You cannot do better than the first. I am tired of Hollywood remaking good 80’s classics. It will be over sexed as most of the teen movies these days. - just buy the soundtrack… 🙂

ashley - nope, no way. wont ever see it. Should not be remaking it. It is a classic. Would they remake wizard of Oz or Gone with the wind? Hollywood just wants to make a buck

eliz. - not going to see it. Definately cant top the original and shouldnt have even tried. Do not like any of the remakes I have seen. Sorry, hope you enjoy it though.

Elizabeth - I don’t know — I saw the preview in the theater and it looked terrible to me. I remember watching the first — and my favorite line was when John Lithgow yelled: There will be no dancin’ in this town!

Amanda - Not so sure about the new Footloose … but saw Courageous this week and it was GREAT! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - I loved the original and will probably see this one. I’m a bit hesitant because Hollywood tends to ‘sex’ everything up to the point of ridiculous. Add that to the fact that I’ve been disappointed by more than a few remakes …. hmmmmm, maybe I won’t see it in the theatre … I’ll wait & rent it … (can you tell I’m undecided? 😉

Su@TheIntentionalHome - My hubby and I were just talking about this the other day. . .I grew up with Grease, Footloose (I was 14, 8th grade), Flashdance, Top Gun. I have a 14 year old now and would not want her watching any of those movies now. So the new one is out for her and me to go see. Perhaps my sister and I should go see it together. . .and compare the 2.

Missy - No way, no how. It wasn’t broke – doesn’t need to be fixed! Who could ever replace Kevin Bacon? Somehow this movie just seems wrong, wrong, wrong. LOL If you do go and see it, be sure to let us know your thoughts.

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - I have no choice but to see it.. I went to high school with the new Willard. 🙂

Janelle - Not that I saw the 2nd one, but I kind of liked how the Karate Kid remake was the same, but different – they used the same plot, but made it their own. This looks like an exact match, which is a bit lame. I won’t go to the theatre to see if but maybe I’ll put it on netflix. When my girls are older, I’ll let them watch the original!

Kimberlee Jost - I saw today that Redbox has the Kevin Bacon version!
And yes, I will miss SJP, but it’s been so long, that perhaps I need a Redbox refresher.

Jennifer - I am with you…still on the fence. I definitely want to see it, mainly because I want to see all the dancing in it. But, I’m just not sure how I feel about the idea of trying to remake such a classic movie. It will be hard to beat the original. 🙂

Jenny B. - I will probably see it because I loved the original, but I would be nervous about letting my kids watch it. The new one looks more risque (at least the dance scenes, anyway).

Grandma Honey - I am totally on board for this new Footloose. As long as they don’t mess it up. We’ll see 🙂

Michelle - No way!! I think it’s ridiculous to try to take a classic and remake it. It’s like trying to remake Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles, it’s just not possible to do the original justice. Who can replace Kevin Bacon?

Southern Gal - I thought it was pretty risque when the first one came out and I was 21 then. My sister was 16 and she and her friends loved it. (I guess it was to her like Grease was to me. I was 15 when that came out. If my mama had known what we were watching…) I’d like to see it just to see how it compares to the older one. I didn’t like Lori Singer at all, but I love Julianne Hough. No one can replace Kevin Bacon and Chris Penn. I guess you can say I’m torn.

happygirl - I’m such a purist. I mean, really, who could replace Kevin Bacon? And the truck scene with Ariel on the car windows? and Kevin’s mad dance? I’ll take the original ANY DAY OF THE WEEK.

Lori - I definately want to go see it! And maybe see the old one before I go… The original came out the year I graduated from college and I loved it then.

Christy - I got free passes for a screening of the new movie and took my two teenagers (14 & 17). The movie was pretty good, definitely pushed the envelope as far as a PG movie rating but overall not too bad. The original came out my senior year of high school, so it was kind of odd to take my senior child to the same movie! There are some suggestive sex scenes but I think it does convey the message (especially by the end of the movie) that it’s not the right thing to do. No I don’t want to think about my kids doing any of the dangerous things in the movie, but the overall theme was that they are kids and can’t be proven to be trustworthy unless we actually trust them. I would take your teens to see it – at least it can open the door for discussions if needed!!!

Kerry - oh my gosh i’ve never seen it.. im so lame! i know the song… does that count??? 😛 xx

Holly - I have to say that I dont think I have even seen the original! Sad, right? I guess I should watch it first, huh?

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