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it was a good weekend…..


8:03 on my birthday is better than 6 AM .
craig took the kids to school for me….speaking my love language baby!


met my girls for a birthday run.

kleenex as a gift…because of all my tears everywhere…all the time.  :)

roses from craiggers.
i have been missing my coffee the old way since the Keurig…gonna try this out.

huge basket of all polka dot goodies from my friend.  :)

dorky dog.

cards from the kids.  

coconut cream cupcakes….oh my heck.

annie's soccer game.

talby's soccer game.


sean's football game.

i was ROASTING at sean's game.
i was definitely not dressed appropriately for 95 degrees. 




the moon.

smores over the campfire in the yard.


bedtime stories.


scott playing basketball hours of everyday.
rocks from lake michigan.

family soccer game.
waffle is a poser.


sean practicing his saxophone.  
he decided against the trombone….i think because we HAD a trombone so he had to try something different.

this was my gift from annie.
a family portrait.
i couldn't love it more.
especially the "Cireg & Magin" part.  

how was your weekend?


Beatrice Dalton - Those all picture looking awesome. I really like this photography. I hope you enjoyed weekend. Above everything is perfect for that. I appreciate you.

windows blu ray player software - I’m working all weekend, but I enjoy every minute of it. I would love to see the excitement on the faces of my girls when they get home.

Beatrice - ยกQue fotos tan bonitas haces!
Es un gusto ver tu blog.

amber reece - hope you are framing that portrait, it’s priceless! i love how the shirts “say” what each child is about! : ) love love love it!

jennyonthespot - OH friend! I missed you birthday! Looks like it was simply lovely… {hugs}

anne c - happy belated birthday! the picture annie made is so great! I love how everyone’s arms are behind their cute!

Jennifer - It’s so good to hear that someone else is a crier too! I cried 2 times yesterday in my bfa class. Once was over the review of the notes! Come on now. But those kleenexes were so sweet. I love how a super thoughtful gift doesn’t have to be expensive. Although, I wouldn’t turn down some diamonds….
Happy Birthday!

tara - whatever you do, please frame that family portrait that Annie made for your birthday.
put it on your kitchen countertops.
okay, that was bossy…put it wherever you want, but for the love of all things awesome, put it somewhere for EVERYONE to see and never remove it.
okay, the end.

jennibell - Sounds *perfect* — yea!

emily anderson - looks like your day was fabulous! and that family portrait is perfect. framer for sure.
happy late birthday friend!

andrea - Glad you had a great birthday! Love the picture of the white mums. I put yellow on the deck this year. My mom brought me some beautiful dark, dark red ones that I put on the front porch in place of the geranium that DIED. Never had one die before. Also, love love love the container of rocks. My kids and I are always bringing rocks home from everywhere we go – even a parking lot – much to my husband’s chagrin. lol. But if they sparkle or a neat shape, home they come.

lisa - Great family portrait! What does Talby’s shirt say? Soooo cute. ๐Ÿ™‚
Your Talby is a stunner. Just beautiful. What a lovely birthday weekend! Cheers to you!

jamie - i am {so in love} with the family portrait. absolutely love.

Maggie Nunez - Happy birthday! love the pictures. Had to share that i had a dream that i met you in real life and do you do it all? and you just smiled!…too funny…i tried the k cup because i didn’t think it was green to use the plastic ones and because i missed my favorite brand of coffee {yumyum hazelnut} but it just didn’t taste the same. thanks for sharing.

Jen - You HAVE TO get the family portrait framed!

Kim - love your running groupies.
and love that you ran ON your birthday.
you are much more devoted than i.
and that family portrait.
i think that might be my favorite “craft” i have seen posted on your bloggity blog, of all time.
it’s for sure a framer. ๐Ÿ™‚
have a great day friend!

mary elizabeth - you must frame that ๐Ÿ™‚

Kristin Hayne - 1. Happy Birthday…
2. Love Sean’s one eyebrow….
3. That family portrait is the best gift ever…
4. OK… maybe taking the kids to school was the best gift ever…
5. Your life looks three times as busy as mine… how DO you do it?
6. How did Waffle get his name?

happygirl - Happy Birthday. This was a wonderful post. LOVED the family portrait. ๐Ÿ™‚

Leigh - This entire post made me so, so happy. It looks like you had a great birthday- you are surrounded by so many great people (especially your family!!)!!

Sandy - I love that you got a pack of tissues. We gave our mom a box of tissues one year for mother’s day “because no matter what we bought she would cry”. She didn’t see the humor. ๐Ÿ™
I also love Annie’s family picture. You have GOT to frame that for safe keeping!

Kayla - So, is Lauren really taller than you? Thanks for the glimpse into your life with the kids….love it!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Great weekend. Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that bring so much joy!
Gemma x
P.s – I launched my website the other day and would appreciate a visit from you girls!

haulage scotland - You people enjoying well with so many things like sports,foods,stories,music,camp fire.I really like these all.

kathy - make sure you frame that portrait that annie drew. It is simply priceless
she is quite the artist, she has a good drawing style for her age

Tracy Fisher - Happy Happy Birthday. Loved your photos. What a great day!

dawn - Awesome birthday post. I come and go on a lot of blogs, but not yours — yours is solid. Thanks for sharing, it really is something I look forward to. ๐Ÿ™‚ Happy belated birthday.

Vonda - Happy Birthday!!! Wish I was just turning 36!I just turned 44!!! Love your family portrait, it’s beautiful!:) Glad you had a good day!

Genn - happy belated birthday meg!
what a nice day.
love your pictures. always do.
that drawing from annie is the sweetest thing. so stinking cute.

Paula @ Simply Sandwich - No comparison! Loved the handmade card. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kat - What a fabulous b’day and weekend.
That Annie is one little talented artist. How old is she five?!!
Wowzers, she is amazing. Love it!!
The homemade cards and drawings are always the best huh?

betsy - Happy, Happy (belated) Birthday! Love the picture catch-up posts ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to do more of those.
Annie is a fabulous artist! I was just laughing at some of the dogs my 4th graders drew for an assignment. Some looked like penguins, some like people, some like jelly beans. ๐Ÿ™‚ Not that I could do any better.
LOVE the polk-a-dot basket. That’s a great idea for a gift … I should start collecting now for my besties!

jenni - I LURVE the family portrait. You all look like you’re hiding something behind your backs with the best guilty grins I’ve ever seen.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I am SO glad you had a good birthday! That is awesome! So great!

Alicia @ La Famille - adorable everything ๐Ÿ™‚ love how you all have your hands behind your backs in annie’s portrait ๐Ÿ˜‰

Danielle - Happy Belated Birthday!!! Haven’t talked with you in a while,need my Meg fix:) I’m still praying for you friend. Love your heart rock jar, I may need to copy that;)

April - This comment if for Annie….please don’t ever stop creating…you have talent little Annie. That drawing is AWESOME. If I send you a pic of my family…would you draw us….happy to pay you in art and craft supplies ???

Lori Austin - Looks like your birthday weekend was filled with just perfect things. So glad for you.
Annie’s pic is fantastic! ๐Ÿ™‚ Frame that for sure!
Our weekend was filled with birthday celebrations too. My little guy turned 4 on the 27th. My house was filled with firetruck theme birthday craziness.

Toni :0) - Great great GREAT family portrait! Your sweet Annie is precious!! Loved all the fun photos! :0)

Janelle - Annie really drew that?? I’m 32 and I can’t draw that good!

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Annie is awesome… just like her mom!

Mindy Harris - i can’t handle the family portrait. so cute…she can draw! i love that you got a bunch of polka-dot goodies. how many miles are you girls running? are you doing a 5K or anything soon? i need to get my butt in gear.

Jenna@CallHerHappy - Tell Annie she has a gift! How cute ๐Ÿ™‚

Kirsten P - Meg, sometimes I put my rocks from Lake Michigan in a shallow glass bowl/vase and cover them with water. Water brightens the colors of the rocks and soon little bubbles form in the water. At times I like to use it as a centerpiece – I add tealight candles to float in the water.
I enjoyed the photos from your special day – thanks for sharing.

Theresa - What a great Birthday weekend! Love Annie’s family drawing! That is a framer for sure! All the best for an awesome year!

Amy @ dwell in the season - It looks like you did have an awesome weekend! Happy birthday to you! I love Annie’s picture; everyone is so polite with their hands behind their backs ๐Ÿ™‚

BeckyB - Looks like a wonderful bday! Love Annie’s family portrait. Thanks for your great posts!

Kerri - I feel like I need to rest now!!
๐Ÿ™‚ Look’s great! – Happy Birthday! ๐Ÿ™‚

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Reminds me of my sports mom days…I miss those chaotic weekends! Your dorky dog is so cute and you family is adorable.

Jenna - I was so happy to see that same moon in KANSAS this weekend! And I loooove Annie’s “hands behind the back” portrait. It’s perfect.

tiffany m gardner - looks like a great birthday weekend. happy birthday…again.

Amy G - I’m 29 and still can’t draw as well as Annie! What creativity and detail! Way to go, Annie. That looks like it could be the illustration in a book. Priceless gift right there.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Love the kleenex box!! My kids are always teasing me about how much I cry about everything…sweet commercials, them getting older, baby pictures, the national anthem blah blah blah. They don’t believe it when I tell them that I never used to be that way UNTIL I had kids. It’s true!!!

Lisa - Oh that picture by Annie is the sweetest thing ever! She draws people a million times better then I do! ๐Ÿ™‚

Christy - Love, love that card/portrait from Annie. So, so sweet! What a doll. Happy belated b-day. - Annie rocks!!!

Southern Gal - Lovely list of random. I would think a saxophone would be much better for the ears when practicing. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kirsten J - Happy Birthday a little belatedly, sweet girl! That does look like a good weekend. Mine was a softball tournament in Eastern Washington – yay for sunshine! – and then back to the drizzle on the west side of the mountains. Love Annie’s picture – that’s a keeper!

Kerry Wiebe - Megs, I’m so thankful you had a great day!!

Amy Griffin - by the way 36 is not old!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Amy Griffin - Sounds like you had a very busy Birthday weekend!!!

Kimberly Dial - Love, love, love the family portrait! Glad you had a good weekend!

Kimberly Dial - Love, love, love the family portrait! Glad you had a good weekend!

shauna - that family portrait is the best gift ever.
you are blessed momma

Jill - FUN STUFF ALL!!!!!

Kristy - Megan–LOVE the card from Annie! And, the coconut cream cupcake–I am in love with anything coconut. Glad you had a great day-I will always remember your day as it is also my moms!

Terrie - Love the family portrait! I patiently waited for my 1st grandbaby… yeah…patient is not what I’d call me. My poor daughter! Praying that it comes soon!
So, while I waited…I went to an awesome K-State game! (Oops…did I just say the bad K-word on your blog?) ๐Ÿ™‚
Went on a photo walk, but didn’t like most of my pictures…could be related to the impatience of waiting for THE call.
And finished knitting some pumpkin hats and a baby hammock (photo prop) for the grandbaby!
All-in-All…a good weekend!
Glad yours was awesome!

Katie Lockhart - I almost have to stop reading your blog every time you mention running because I am not motivated enough to do so for than a month.
That is the best family portrait I have ever seen. Love it.
And I want to hug your dog.

Julie - Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day. Love the family portrait that Annie did! It’s too cute! She’s a great little artist!

seriouslysassymama - I work every weekend, but I enjoy every minute of it. I love seeing the excitement on my girls faces when I get home.

Summer Crosbie - LOVE the family portrait! Looks like something to frame.

Melissa Bolton - Wow, Annie! That picture is awesome!!
Happy Belated Birthday, Meg!

Donna - happy birthday. i would guess that annie is an artist – that picture is so cute. i would love it if she would do one of my family ……….. i am serious it is beyond cute – what a great idea for a christmas card too!

Kompankansas - Huge fan of the Keurig Single Cup…just sayin’.

Jack - We’d a great weekend! we stole yet another idea from you and had our very own outdoor movie night. We’re having a bit of a freak heatwave here in England, so it was a rare treat to be sitting outside on an October night. Happy Birthday!

Danielle Grabiel - That family portrait is awesome.

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