Masthead header

i am home.

and i am all sugared out.

what a fabulous weekend it was!!!
holy cows.

and i took my big camera all the way to california and back and i took ZERO pictures with it.

i took a handful with my phone.
1. palm trees!!   2. cool art at the OC Mix Mart   3. 31 Bits jewelry  4. julie and shauna and shane at claires.
             ( 1. IKEA  ( 2. new coat from H&M   ( 3. MAC-over   ( 4.  julie's guest room fabulousness
       (1. the baby i wanted to steal.  ( 2. dry bar beauty   (3. more DB beauty   (4. my SHOES!!!

kimberlee and i snuck in to the men's room to get ready for blog sugar…. HA!
(1. the cute table decor  ( 2. my first TWEET….i am on twitter now!  i tweeted on stage at blog sugar!
come follow me….  @megduerksen  i don't know how to tell you to follow me yet….i am too new!!

i was the last to go on at Blog Sugar.

i thought my heart might jump out of my chest.
i think you could see it pounding.
and i knocked my GINORMO earring out of my ear first thing….and then tried to put it back in…i got it.

i calmed down about halfway through….
i think.
i did cry.
it was sad stuff i was talking about though so that is to be expected.

i told the group about when God rocked my little blog world and showed me so clearly that He wanted me to blog for HIM and not myself…to be bold and OPEN about my faith.
it was during the Cora Playground Fundraiser.
recounting those memories was hard and definitely hard to talk about out loud.
but it was the story He wanted me to tell.

also that our blogs are a modern way of preaching on a hill like in the bible like the disciples did.
we get to speak to a crowd of people everyday.

i said "you have a plan that is unique to YOU….that God made for only YOU….created by HIM and for this……that NO ONE else can fulfill but YOU."

all the glory to God that he would take a kansas girl in sparkle shoes all the way to Cali to share the gospel.

thanks julie for being an awesome host…and fabulous shopping partner…and letting me hold your baby A LOT.
thanks rachel for asking me to speak! 
thanks Kimberlee for traveling with me and being my wingman and being awesome.
thanks shauna for letting me buy the same curtains as you.


janene@EverydayEO - Blog Sugar was what my soul needed. You helped to be a part of the healing. Thank you.

hannah singer - meg! thanks again for sharing part of your story with us at blog sugar. the lord used you, girl! so blessed. praise jesus. xo

tiffany m gardner - Thanks for sharing your blog sugar love. I can only imagine how many people you all blessed. I am so blessed by your blog. I read (as does everyone..I am guessing) everyday. You are a little part of my life and you didn’t even know it. Thank you for using this blog to be real, to show God’s love and power and to encourage us. Blessings..

Heidi Jo the Artist - I wish I could have been there, maybe next year!?! Glad you had an amazing time and all things went spectacularly. God sure is powerful and awesome!!
Love those sparkle shoes! I saw photos on Ruth Anne’s Photography blog–photos of you and I love the color of the blouse you picked to go with the shoes, perfect!

keri ~ forever folding laundry - Loved listening to you Sunday.
Not a single nerve gave you away!
You were poised and lovely and transparent.
It’s clear that God has a grand plan for you.
When you were speaking I was thinking
your story was so esther-like.
“For a time such as this.”
Love your story and you.

Kristin S - So glad it went well. Answer to prayer!

Lindsay Lee - Thank you so much for sharing your amazing story! You truly touched my heart. I wish I would have come up to you to say hello! NEXT TIME 🙂

Jenna@CallHerHappy - I’m going to follow you on Twitter right now! I am @callherhappy

Sonya - I love your sparkly heels. I have the same ones except flats and those were my wedding shoes!! 🙂

Crystal - Your makeup looks so good! Did you do it yourself, or did you go have it done? Is it all Mac? I’d like to know details on the products, if you’re up for a post on that!!!!

shauna - um. cannot believe you posted that picture.
that’s pretty funny/awful.
good thing i like you so much.
and im glad you found the jacket in the right size.
you found it at my mall.
the one i’ve gone to all my life.
thats fun.
and i want to see where you put your curtains.
i threw mine up last night.(not hemmed or anything)
they look….awesome!
PS. thanks for letting ME buy the same sweater as you 🙂

maureen - Any chance you have a written version of your talk that you’d consider posting? Wish I could have been there and I would love to read what you had to say!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - It was a fabulous weekend, all around. And you were one hot momma that night! Too bad we cant get drybar-red and Mac-ed every day huh?
Your topic was right on. I think far too many are afraid to blog for Christ. Yet Hes the one we should emulate at all times. Sometimes it takes heartbreak for Him to shine through us. Thanks for being vulnerable. I could see your hand shaking but honestly, Id have never known you were nervous. Your voice was very steady.

Su@TheIntentionalHome - Sure would love to hear the story that you shared at Blog Sugar.
Sure would love to see what you ended up wearing with those sparkly shoes.
Be bold, my fellow blogger 🙂

Laurie - I rarely comment, but I have always loved your blog and the fact that you have no reservations about sharing your faith. So glad that you are not afraid to share the good news through your blog! What an awesome way to spread the gospel! Congrats on making it through your presentation. I’m sure you were fabulous!

kasey - YOu probably don’t remember me introducing myself…i was just all ga ga over your shoes. I was the one with the mullet and unibrow……and pleather pants.

Lori Austin - So thankful God is using you in a GREAT way through your blog. Very thankful to have found your blog….God is good.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I remember telling a friend a couple of years ago that I didn’t know why, but I just wasn’t super comfortable blogging about my faith. Say WHAT??? I meant it. I thought it was totally fine. And I swear, within a month I heard the same truth. And I’m sure all of the decoratey people who started following me back when wondered what the heck happened.
Also, your haircut rocks.

Kris - Hi Meg. I have been peeking in on your blog long before I knew anything about Blog Sugar. I went to Blog Sugar with my daughter Gennifer (who follows your blog too) and several other friends. I knew that I was going to be in the minority, being a woman who’s kids are grown, and have kids of their own. But still I was eager to go. I am so glad I did. I wanted to come say hello to you, and tell you how much your speech touched me. I could identify with so much of what you had to say. And by the way, when my kids all went back to school every Fall, I hosted a “Hooray, the kids are back in school” party every year!!! At any rate….the words you used, the tender emotion you shared, the raw truth to it all, truly struck a chord in my heart. You are obviously a very special lady. I just wanted to tell you that.

Kim - it was a treat meeting you (and hearing you speak – of course!) and your shoes WERE ridiculously high – the pictures are blurry because i was shaking so bad in them haha!
and thank you for what you shared – about sharing Cora’s story – I could relate, a lot. Some sad stuff has happened to people close to me – but not me directly – and it is such a weird thing to share that kind of stuff – but God is using it! And he used you in tremendous ways! So thank you for doing that!
and i seriously may need a trip to Claire’s for Julie’s funky glasses. I think I could rock those. 😉

bonnie - yes indeed… like sharing the gospel up on the hill. thanks for sharing your story with us sitting in the grass listening.

kristen - i loved hearing you speak at blog sugar.
your message was from your heart. i appreciated your honesty and vulnerability. your message definitely challenged me.
thank you for being willing to step out of your comfort zone and speak to us. it was a blessing to me.

Lisa - Way to go – I knew you would do great! 🙂

Teresa Marie - Love the guest bedroom! What a fabulous idea. I’m new here, a friend sent me over because she knows I’ve been pondering my purpose for blogging and suggested that your words might help. Did they ever! Glad to have found you, love your photos and you honesty.

happygirl - You spoke about God at a blog conv? You are the bravest, most authentic person. I admire you.

Kristen - I wasn’t at BlogSugar to watch you share your story. I’m pretty sure you have never even heard of myself let alone my blog. But I visit your “Whatever” world atleast daily because you’re inspiring in everything that you do. Even through the simplicity of being blah (in reference to your vlog you did just shortly ago), it’s shows that even those that have it together can sometimes…not. So thank you. I’m praying that the next time you speak at a conference I’ll be able to sit in the crowd to listen and that maybe, fingers crossed, I’ll be able to make the list for Craft Week next year.

Kerry - Megs on Twitter. Whoop whoop! Megs on Twitter. Whoop whoop!!

Holly - You touched each and every heart on Sunday. The tears, the earring fiasco, the sparkle shoes, I keep hearing your voice in my head when you were telling us that at one point you believed you were “Awesome!” in that cute little sing song voice of yours. So glad I didn’t have to burp for you like i said I would,thank you for doing something that was way out of your comfort zone. It was amazing!

Rags to Stitches - Meg it was SO great hearing you speak!! I loved it!! I’m totally not that mom either. hahaha My heart is full and I’m inspired after a weekend spending time with you and so many other amazing women bloggers!!
Hope you and your new Laptop Snuggie had a safe trip home!

Meagan - Meg, thank you SO, SO much for speaking at Blog Sugar. You spoke right to my heart and I love you for that. It was so awesome meeting and chatting with you. Hope to see you in January! 😉 Maybe I can teach you how to make a ‘hoot’.

Emily - So glad I got to meet you and spend the weekend getting to know you 🙂
You in general and your message really encouraged me. I have had a hard time sharing Jesus through my blog and feel like I can more effectively and honestly now.
Love you and thank you for sharing your heart with us!

deb - you were fabulous….I loved your shoes, and your hair!!!!!!!
I was probably the oldest one there but I loved every minute of it!!!!!!

denise@victory rd. - great pix, even without your fancy camera.
your message was authentic and approachable.
i am going to be more intentional about this hill and the crowd God has me speaking too. i’m going to stop thinking i’m incapable and realize the Spirit is capable through me. i’m going to. i mean it. i am.

Gina f. - Go, Meg, go…. You are awesome!!

Juli - AMEN SISTER, preach it! 😉 I don’t blog but it is an awesome way for God to work through us women who were, previously, voiceless & so completely occupied with Mommyhood. You go, girl!

robin - your trip sounds awesome…
i have a question for you…
the wall art (quotes) that i see in the background of your pics (like in the guest room and where you’re holding the sweet baby… how do you make those, do you know??? someone told me to make them on picasa…but i have no idea how to do that…. please help 🙂

Melissa Bolton - 1. I would like to “like” Kimberlee’s comment for talking about urinals.
2. Meg, you are so beautiful! Sounds like it was an amazing trip. I hope you’re getting some time to recoup after a super-fun month!
3. Do those sunglasses have a moustache dangling from them?? GENIUS!

Kimberly Dial - How awesome is it that you had such an amazing time with some amazing women? Pretty awesome … ain’t that just like our God? YEP! Glad you’re back … I’ve missed you! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - How awesome is it that you had such an amazing time with some amazing women? Pretty awesome … ain’t that just like our God? YEP! Glad you’re back … I’ve missed you! 🙂

becky - i have meetings in LA a lot (almost three hours from my house) and i have dreamed about just hitting the road and hitting the dry bar when i get there. sigh. someday. and i heard it was only $20 bucks – which is cheap when you need to look all professional and together after a 3 hour drive – after getting up at 4 in the morning.
glad you had fun. from a fifth generation californian – it’s an amazing place and we hope you come back.

laura panfilio - loved your talk at blog sugar…so glad to hear your words of encouragement and your story in person…and though i only met you briefly in person, I’m glad i will continue to get to know you on your blog…keep doing what your doing…xoxo *laura*

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - You rock my socks.

Debby Graber - Cool Meg!! This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, right? What an inspiration you are to me!

No.17 - God used you.
My heart is full.

Tammy - You were completely amazing! Thank you so much for coming and talking to us!

Amy J. - Amen, Sister! 🙂 … if it’s not for Him, what’s the point, right? All else is futile. Glad you and Kim got to go!

Gina - Welcome back! You were missed:) Can’t wait to here more and more about your amazing weekend…you are an inspiration to all of us!

Kimberlee Jost - That might be my favorite picture of us together…urinals and all.

Mindy Harris - you looked like a million bucks at blogsugar. your beautiful heart matches your outward beauty, and i know you pulled on some heartstrings. there’s going to be a wave, in blogging, of letting go of “stuff” and selfishness and a move toward writing about what God wants us to write about. thank you for being our ringleader. thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart.
i may be stoned for saying this, but i was glad to get home to the gorgeous kansas weather…none of that fog. 🙂

Paula @ Simply Sandwich - I was at Blog Sugar 11 and I have to say your words touched me so much! I have been processing what you shared with us and so wish I had connected with you on Sunday. And BTW LOVE the shoes! 🙂

Laura Phelps - it is late
nick has been out of town for two weeks
i am too tired to read your words tonight
but i will tomorrow
i am glad you are back
i am still jealous you went
and i am happy you are home
and i miss you

Cindy@Crayon Wishes and Popsicle Dreams - Would love to have been there. But since I wasn’t 🙁 would love to hear more 🙂 Thanks for the beautiful reminder! I decided in the beginning that I would blog as long as God was in it. And that’s something I don’t ever want to forget!

leslie @ topofthepage - um hold it. if you got the same curtains as shauna did from ikea, i have em too. love them. my husband, sadly, does not. for the last 4 years. it was great to play in the OC this weekend with you. thanks for comin to our hood.

mel @ the larson lingo - Meg, you are great. So fun spending the weekend with you!
You are even more awesome in person. Thank you for sharing your heart & soul with us at Blog Sugar. Your speech was straight from the heart and I loved it. Thank you for your honesty & vulnerability and for encouraging us to be better bloggers for the Glory of God!

Genn - Hi Meg!
I wish I introduced myself to you at Blog Sugar!!
You looked beautiful. (and I think we had on the same black jacket? LC from Kohl’s? yes? maybe?)
I absolutely loved hearing you speak. You did great. You were so real and I think that is why so many people love you so much. You are so relatable. I left with such a happy heart and a renewed purpose for why i blog. thank you for that.

Candice - It was such a pleasure to be at Blog Sugar and to hear you speak! You definitely rocked it!!! 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - Meg, thank you for speaking at Blog Sugar…you were super amazing. You made me want to be a better blogger and a blogger that remembers to blog for God’s good. I started my blog wanting God to lead the way and sometimes I forget that. Thanks for the reminder. You are awesome and so are your sparkly shoes 🙂
P.S. I introduced myself to you. I’m sure you thougt I was a dork, because I know I was. I got all giddy to meet you and then I didn’t know what to say so I talked about your shoes. I’m not really that goofy, well, usually.

Karen Gerstenberger - Glad to hear you had a great time…welcome home!

Rach - Welcome to twitter. 🙂 I tweet too. @Rottenstinker

Jacci - sister. i like you. solo deo gloria.

Sally - Wow. Amazing. You are so inspiring and thanks for keeping it real.
As you wrote about Cora’s playground in 09′ that is when I discovered your blog and boy did I cry reading that post…whew!

Elizabeth - What a wonderful weekend!! I love the verse artwork in Julie’s guest room……..any idea where she got it?

Heather G. - Meg – what you said was awesome. I loved getting to spend time with you and get to know you a bit this weekend. Thanks for letting me buy the same shirt as you at Old Navy, by the way.

heather - so happy i got to hug you.
you are a delight.

Selina - But what did you wear with those shoes??
(I’m glad you made it through!)

Holly - SO glad you had so much fun! I am going to check out your twitter now!

Robin - I got a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye reading this. I love the way God works. He is reaching the masses through fabulous blogs like yours. Keep shining your light, Meg.

seriouslysassymama - I hope you know how awesome you are!

Michelle Torres - WoW!!!!!! This is so amazing to hear right now, because for awhile now I have been feeling lead to start my own blog, and I knew that thru having a blog and sharing many stories of my life and where God has brought me and my family, and keeping much Faith no matter what come our way that really there is so much to share with the world, and I am praying about this, and have already had several people tell me that I should start my own blog for other reasons as how I love decorating, baking, and taking care of my four Beautiful daughter’s, that is fine but I feel I could help someone out there that feels like they are ready to give up and that nobody cares! Thank you for sharing this, and It is so awesome that you were able to have so much fun and more importantly you talked about God!

jen - Super AWESOME… Looks like a wonderful was had by all!

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