Masthead header


con: getting up at 6 AM is not fun for me…

pro:  there was a HUGE rainbow on the drive to the school bus today at sunrise.

(have you listened to the double rainbow song….please say yes….if not…go do it.)

pro: my kids bus stop is in the country.  it's beautiful
       and calm and quiet and no other cars around.
       i will try to take a picture sometime. 

pro:  holding babies in the nursery at BSF (bible study fellowship) this morning…rocking them to sleep

con:  missing BSF lesson to watch the babies.
        (one time in 3 or 4 months is ok) 

pro: shopping with my friend who sits and gives me input for almost 2 hours and then brings in the
       jeggings that saved the day.
       these pants are super cute and super comfy.
       they aren't as Olivia Newton John/sandra Dee as they appear….trust me!
       i bought a 31 (i am usually a 14/16)
       in the store they had 32 and 33 also….fyi.

       they actually aren't jeans…they are stretchy cotton.


con: never getting enough time together with my friend!

pro: getting an early birthday card with $25 Starbucks gift card!
       the perfect gift.   
       Venti iced coffee for me please!  

pro: finding an outfit for blog sugar, a starbucks and making it home in time to pick up my kids  :)

pro: kansas speed limits up to 75 mph.  

pro: everyone had homework!!!  i love homework.  not kidding.

pro:  PARENTHOOD is back on.  
        that makes me so happy. 

mostly pros outweigh the cons. 


i am taking some baby pictures today.
i am going for a run.
i am cleaning up my house….do you know if you are busy that your house gets dirty??  :) at least that is what happens here.  but it's weird….it gets dirty when we aren't busy too!
i am working on pictures i have taken.
i am writing a speech/talk/presentation/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. 
i am making meatballs for dinner.
i am …….

desperate for a nap. 

and for some reason i feel out of blog post ideas……anything you want to know or wish i'd talk about???


you can read about my favorite bag designer Elisalou over HERE and receive a coupon code for your bag!
come check that out.

also you can enter to win a Keurig and Green Mountain Coffee back here.



Janel - Where did you get those awesome sparkly shoes 🙂

Heidi Jo the Artist - I am desperate for a nap, almost always!!

Natalie - You really make me miss Kansas a lot. 🙂

Lana - I had no idea you did BSF! I am in year 7…never thought I’d make it that far! I love that I have sisters around the world that I am studying with and don’t even know 🙂 Yay for Acts!

julia - What local stuff do you do? Restaurants, gardens, pretty churches…that sort of thing.

Michelle Torres - I may not be one of the best commenters around, but it is a fact that I have to check out your awesome Blog every single day because you ROCK!!!!!! Love, Love your Blog!!!!!!!

Kristin S - Meg, Meg, Meg… you know these are my favorite posts of yours. The ones that are just normal, every day life. Though, you do a lot of those and that’s the main reason I follow your blog.
You also help me to step back and enjoy the little things in life as things go a bazillion miles an hour and can feel out of control.
Thank you.
I MAY try those jeggings. Just don’t know. The word still scares me… as I’m wearing leggings today and swore i’d never do that after 1987 either.

Lora ~ Charmed - I wish PARENTHOOD was on everyday!!

Ashley - I LOVE PARENTHOOD! It is seriously the best show ever! I would like to know if there are any devotional books that you would recommend?? I am 22 and have been looking for a really good one for a long time, but just haven’t found the right one yet! Also, since Christmas is coming up, I am wondering how you buy gifts for 5 children! Do you spend a certain amount on each child?? I hope you have a big family one day and just wonder how you and Craig do it! Thanks for being such an inspiration!

Michelle from Australia - I too am wondering whether you are taking Baby Mac photos? I know Jess is probably tired from what she’s had to do this week (insert laugh here!) but I’m hoping she’ll update soon!

Londen - Sounds like a good day, especially the starbucks gift card!
I always love seeing pictures of your awesome house…can you share more?

anna - share your testimony! tell us about your walk with Jesus and how your family incorporates your faith in daily life 🙂

Rachelle - I just recently found/discovered your blog and I’m completely enjoying your writing. I loved today’s pros/cons — such a calm ‘aaahhhh’ (sigh of contentment) moment. lovely. keep it up!

adrienne - I love reading whatever you write about! But since you asked .. 🙂 I am about 3 months along with my husband and I’s first baby and I would LOVE to hear some of your advice, tips or ideas for a new mom since I think you are an awesome one!

Meredith - Soooo what are you wearing to Blog Sugar? Did you find something to go with the sparkly shoes? Will be praying for your speech – that you’ll be calm and relaxed and fully able to enjoy it, rather than terrified:) I’ve just read Bear Grylls autobiography and he gets incredibly nervous when he speaks publicly. If Bear Grylls, former SAS trooper, part-super hero gets a wee bit nervous, I think you’re allowed to feel a little apprehensive too. It’ll just make you all the more endearing to the women gathered. Meredy xo

Toni :0) - You are so awesome and so real!! Your blog always makes me happy as does Starbies…mmmmm new Salted Caramel Mocha Frappachino makes ME happy! I love the idea of a question and answer segment with you and the love of your life. Also I think it would be cool for you to share how you are financially successful in your marriage, child rearing and the businesses you run, you are obviously doing something right that I believe we all could learn something from your good sense! Have a blessed day and thank you for sharing your awesome life with us! :0)

Kathryn - A question for you:
Is your home going to be on the historic homes of Newton tour this Sunday afternoon? Reply quick so I can extend my Saturday trip if I need to!!

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - I’m so jealous of your 75 mph speed limit! Although most people here in San Diego (including me!) drive at 70mph.
Yay for the early birthday present! Mine is coming up pretty soon too 🙂
I really love your blog. For some reason it always cheers me up, so just talk about whatever you feel like, it’s always great 🙂

kristina - anything you write about is great…even a pro/cons list 🙂

TamiV - I’d love to know what you plan on wearing with those jeggings. And…I;d love to see some more of your home. Love the bright colors and whimsical details in your living room, would love to see some more of your spaces.

Jenna@MomofManyHats - I love Pinterest posts! I can’t help sharing what I love with non-pinterest peeps!
Jenna (formerly momofmanyhats)

Jessica Johnson - jeggings! they make me NERVOUS. but jessica clearly likes them. so maybe i need to give them a try. alone. in a room by myself. can’t wait to hang out with you this weekend! you are going to do great.

Donna - I love Parenthood too and I am so happy it’s back on. I love those jeggings, I may have to try. You will do great at BlogSugar! Wish I could go.

Tracy Fisher - One more for you… My kids had to fill in the blanks for their mother’s day bookmarks. You should hear how they described me (I blogged about it a few weeks ago… cracked me up). ____ Hair. ____ Eyes. likes ______. Wears ______. Needs _____. Makes ______. Fears _____. Saves ______. Enjoys ______. Collects ______. Loves Me! Have your kids fill in the blanks for you. It’s fun. Tracy

Tracy Fisher - Blog ideas I’d love to hear from you… Top 10 treats for school lunches. One appetizer, and One dessert recipe you’d allow me to use in my new cookbook that I am frantically writing (with permission of course). 10 things you love about your life. 3 Bible verses on living a good life. 3 great quotes from famous women. Is that a start??? Tracy Fisher

Kate - I would like to know when you are coming to lovely er, Delaware…to take pictures of MY babies!!

Nichole - Jeggings creep me out. I touched a pair last time I was shopping for jeans and it made my legs itch, seriously. I prefer denim, I think.
I honestly just read your blogs for the day to day things. Seriously, my days are boring (no kids, I live in an apartment without pets and work 9 hours a day), so I don’t get the excitement of ‘people’. My fiance doesn’t really snap up my day unless, you know, he kills a spider and wipes it on the floor.

Lisa - I know you said at one point that you don’t feel comfortable giving photography advice. But what if you shared a few tips that helped you at the beginning? Things you learned from other photographers. A few tips that you use when you are taking pictures. I’d love to know what time of day you think the lighting is the best for pictures. I’m still trying to learn that. 🙂

crystal beutler - Happy Birthday Missy!!!!!!!! I hope you had a fun day celebrating with your family and friends. Here’s to another great year filled with amazing adventures.

tara pollard pakosta - a day in the life post of photos would be so aweseome! starting with waking up right down to bedtime stories!

karen - what outfit did you buy??
i love your random posts…but i would like to see another vlog…with waffle!
maybe more yummy recipes too.

Janelle - Would love more of your recipes, ideas for gifts that you have gotten your kids that have gone over well, what a day of your life is typically like…

Linda - I always love your post! I would love to see an updated home tour. I miss you craft Thursdays. Photography tips maybe? All your pictures are amazing. I love your decorating style! It has helped me find my own! A day in your life! Anything Love it All!!!!! You are awesome!

Penny - I love your blog. It is my favorite because you are honest and open and feel like you could be everyone’s best friend or sister. I would love to know more about your house. Do you know the history of the house. Have you found anything interesting as you have remodeled? The house just seems like it has a story. Anytime you post pictures of the inside of your home I feel all inspired. Keep on posting, we all love you!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Just keep doing what you’re doing. I’d love to know the story of your blog. I’ve been following/stalking (heehee) you for the past year…love to know why you started and how it grew!

Lori Austin - Being honest about your size….you rock!
You will also rock at Blog Sugar 🙂
Annie’s in 1st, right? How about a day in the life of Annie.
A day in the life with any of the kids would be great.
Not sure they’d all be willing….
You keep it real and I love that. Thanks!

Natalie - How about your recipe for meatballs? :0)

stephany - I LOVE Parenthood!
I didn’t watch last night since I went to bed at 8:30 with NyQuil and a box of Kleenex, but recorded it to watch while my kids have nap/quiet time today!
I find most days have more pros, it’s just that sometimes the cons seem so much bigger…good idea to list them and see how many more pros are in each day!

Kathi - You are my favorite blogger. I love that you love JESUS and are not preachy. You are godly by being authentic. You do not stage your photos and you don’t do things for the blogs sake. You tell us your good and bad, your ups and downs in words and pictures that make you YOU. Please keep doing the same. I check in on you everyday. You give me inspiration to create and to be who God created ME to be.

Jeannine - I just want to say that I think you’re awesome and I’m really, really bummed that you aren’t my big sister/friend/mentor. You inspire me daily!
That is all =)

sharon young - I really love your blog. I have a 4 year old girl who is a crafter. (she gets it from me) We seriously do a craft EVERY day. It’s like she’ll die with out it. 🙂 So, I always enjoy your crafty posts. Any house posts are great too.

Jill - I would love to see the finished project of the pillowcases from craft weekend and how to make it. Also loved the aprons!

happygirl - I love how you find the pros in the cons. You are a positive person, you.

Stephanie - House pictures, house pictures and more house pictures!!! PLEASE!! Got a glimpse of your hardwood floor with the design in the center and am dying to know more about that. It was from your post about painting the hallway. Also, more of your recipes!! You have no idea how many of “yours” that I use on a weekly basis. I need some new ideas please!

Lisa - Yea for an outfit! And amen to 75 mph in Kansas…I’m lovin’ that! Blog posts – how about “a day in the life” of each of your kids? That would fill a week!

Joy McLaughlin - I think that you and Craig should do a video and interview each other!

deb - Do you decorate for fall? I’d love to see your ideas if you do. I love your blog – its the colour in my week. I live in the Pacific Northwest and lately we have had a lot of grey!

Annie - I’d actually love to hear more about your BSF study, if only briefly. I’m considering joining one in my area, but I’d like to hear more about it from someone who regularly attends. Maybe a small part of an upcoming post??

Jen - I would love to hear more about Craft Weekend!! And, I just love seeing how bright and colorful your house is. AAAAND, I love how you blog daily, it is the first one I click on – your optimism makes me happy! (OK, so first it’s Facebook THEN, it’s your blog!)

Gina f. - What are your plans for your red /white chippy paint glass knobs (cabinet?) find?

Heather - I love your photos, I love your honesty, I love your posts like this that are really sort of just your random thoughts – no theme, just a window into your mind.

shannon - Love your home so more pictures please!!!
I wish I would have bought a blogsugar ticket so I could meet you 🙁 but I chickened out. Can’t wait to hear all about it though.

Jen Brandt - You make my day with whatever (ha!) you post, but if you’re looking for something…have any kick-butt, easy, yummy soup or crock pot recipes???

Jackie - I would love to see more house pics. Also could you share what paint color your kitchen,living area with all the windows, and dinning room are? Would you say they are close to the color you pick for the upstairs hall?

Jennifer - I too would love to see house pics, especially the third floor! I love pictures on blogs…so really anything with pictures is just great! I also love when you show what you cook. Its real and everyday like the rest of us.

LO - Maybe you already talked about this before I started following but here’s an idea:
Write about when you decided to move back ‘home’ and how you found your gorgeous home and you reno plans etc….xo

Kati - Love hearing about other people at BSF! We started back recently and my almost two year isn’t sure about it yet…. 🙁 She’s been going since she was in my belly….but of course doesn’t remember it!

Tiffany - What inspires you to be so creative? I find creativity is the first thing to go when I am tired, or stressed, or feeling blue and at the same time being creative gives me energy, is stress relieving, and cheers me up and makes me feel good about myself. Does this happen to you?

Cindy - how about a tutorial on the aprons you made at craft weekend? I’m thinking about making some for Christmas gifts- they turned out great!
and anything with your decorating – fall decor.
always love craft Thursdays too.
the hall turned out great- tips for painting the trim/doors. Would love to do that but it looks like a lot of work! 🙂
always enjoy your blog!

Rebecca - You posted your clothing size on the internet. I LOVE THAT! Brave and real and good.

Tiffany - “Olivia Newton John/sandra Dee” – I will crack up in my head on that one all day.

seriouslysassymama - DO you really like the jeggings? I was blessed with a JLo figure and just bought a pair of skinny jeans that I really like. I do not know if I am ready for jeggins. I cannot wait to hear about you trip and blogher. How does everyone doing their own laundry really work out?

Shellie Hanley - I would love to see more pics of your lovely home and the renovations you’ve made along the way. You’re home is fun, fresh and full of character. LOVE it!!

Christy - I second Sara Torbett’s comment – balancing being a wife, mom, friend, etc. Or photography tips/how you do things. Or some of your favorite etsy shops – holiday shopping is upon us! (PS – thanks to your blog, I just ordered 2 custom name pillows from Chrissie Grace and I’m beyond excited.)

FeFe - I just started BSF last week. I think I’m really going to like it. Though some of the study questions have already stumped me. Have fun loving on the babies!

Alicia @ La Famille - i’m feeling a little uninspired to blog right now too. we’re getting ready for a cross country move and it’s got me WAY distracted! um….how about your BS outfit? give us a tour of your blogging corner? show your favorite beauty products…wait, don’t do that one…i’m planning on doing one like that…everyone will think i copied 😉 ha! have a great rest of your week!

Jessica M - I love your post about date night from a while ago. Would you mind sharing more about being a wife ( joys and struggles)and how you balance that with having kids? Do you ever find it hard to make your marriage a priority when the demands of kids can be, well, demanding? 🙂

natalie (the sweets life) - i love whatever you write, seriously….but i especially love pics and stories about your family…maybe more about Lauren? We haven’t gotten an update on her in awhile 🙂
But really, I keep coming back because I love everything you post!

Danielle H. - Are you taking baby pics of the new baby mac? I have been eagerly awaiting an update on their blog 🙂 I just love hearing about all your favorite things – you really have great taste! What shirt are you wearing with the jeggings?

Renee - blog topics…the whole getting-paid-to-write-about-life-on-a-blog-thing, what camera do you use? when did you get into photography? i ditto the before/after edits

Rachel J - I would love if you told us how everyone AND their mom started reading your blog. Also recipes. And talk about what your bible study is about these days. Because of you I picked up Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. It’s awesome. You were right 🙂

Wendy - How bout some house pics … it’s been awhile – and I just love your house. Perhaps some shots of areas we’ve never seen before … foyer, back staircase, hallways. Did your laundry room get painted?

Holly - Remember way back when you said the kids were painting your laundry room? I think you should give us an update on that.

Naomi - I’d love to see some before/after shots of your edited photos.

Susan - I love the jeggings! I was thinking something like that or skinny jeans would look good with your sparkle shoes and then just about any top would go. Sorry I didn’t make the suggestion when you asked for them.
Yes, my house is the messiest when we have a busy week and it was awful when I was working outside the home and I only have one 11 year old girl! We homeschool so most days I have a little help;)

Alisa - I love it that you just posted what size you are. You are awesome, Meg.

Kat - How often do you run/exercise and for how long/far?
Favourite thing to do for yourself?

megan - Are you going to blog about Craft Weekend? What you did? Who was there? 🙂

Heather - I want to hear how you keep motivated. I’ve been following your blog long enough to know your house isn’t always perfect, sometimes you have bad days, that you’re actually human. 😛 But I’d like to hear about motivation to craft/create.
How do you just make yourself go and make stuff? I find that the rest of my life (keeping home, cooking, taxi-ing the kids around and trying to get a workout in) sucks all the energy out of me and my craft room FULL of supplies sits lonely and unused.

Kirsten P - I’ve heard/read that professional photographers edit photos from a shoot before they are ready to show to the client. What exactly is involved in the editing process? Maybe you could even show us a couple examples.
Have a great time at BlogSugar!

sarah - I really love your blog! 🙂

Meredith - Favorite ways to de stress? Favorite beauty products and guilty little pleasures shopping?

Jack - How did people discover your blog when you started to write it? Did you promote it anywhere?

jen marmen - Do you plan to redo your third floor anytime soon?

Sara Torbett - I’d love to hear how you’re able to balance being a wife, mom, friend, etc. I’m a new mom finding it’s difficult to take care of husband, baby, house, church, etc. And still have a moment for myself somewhere too! Any tips?

liz - we can’t wait to see you at Blogsugar. we all support you. you inspire so many. you give back what you put out and I hope you will be able to feel the love this weekend! my prayer for you that even among the nerves you can see the beauty of the fellowship, for we are all beyond joyed that you willing to speak. xo.
any must haves for flying?

Mindy Harris - what did you end up getting for blogsugar? i’ve gone shopping two days in a row and am leaning towards a cute flowery dress over skinny jeans…

Leah - Any recent Craft Thursdays? Would love to get some ideas. How about other recipes? Have you put up any fall decor? I always love your house photos, especially the seasonal ones. What do you want for your birthday?

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