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september in kansas.


right now in Kansas we are DRY dry DRY.
everything fried up in the 110 degrees and it's very crispy around here.
but every september these kind of sunflowers bloom everywhere even in the drought.



they line the ditches all over the highways……all around the crops… makes every drive so pleasant.


i wanted to do a family's photo session here but got nervous.
so i went afterwards alone to catch the sunset.
it was beautiful.
but so glad i didn't have a family session there…..grasshoppers….bees….BUGS everywhere.
kids would have been terrified.









i never knew i missed kansas when i lived in the "city".

and now even after being back here almost 7 years i think i say "i love it here" to myself on a daily basis.
i can't get enough of the fields, the trees, the crops, the wildflowers….the wide open spaces.
i love it here.


ok… clicks:

you can enter to win a Keurig Coffee Maker & Green Mountain Fair Trade Coffee right HERE.

click over HERE to see how my Glidden Paint project is coming along and enter to win a $150 Walmart gift card.

i wrote about being a sports mom and how Gatorade helps me out over HERE.


i forgot that LISA LEONARD said we'd give away TWO bracelets!
the second winner is…..

I love my family. And I look forward to your colorful posts every day! Thank you.

Posted by: Amy Bounds | 09/06/2011 at 10:19 AM

congrats Amy….email me at cdduerksen @ yahoo . com


i am off for a run….a very slow run….with dolly parton.  :)

and my house is a HUGE mess.
so i guess i will clean up a little.
pumpkin waffles for dinner!!

and i declared last week that every Wednesday is SONIC DAY after school.
so they would quit asking me
and then be mad when i would say no.

so now….it's something to look forward to!


feel free to copy this fabulous idea in your car after school.   ha ha ha
maybe i will see you there! 


michelle - these pics are just GORGEOUS Meg!!! seriously.

Nicole - Love thia post! Nice to find a fellow Kansas girl in blog world….I’m in SW Kansas…Garden City to be exact!

Kimberly Dial - Sunflowers are lovely. So is Kansas. 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Sunflowers are lovely. So is Kansas. 🙂

Chaos-Jamie - I think being away in the city makes us appreciate it more. I am unapologeticaly in life with the landscape here….now.
I’d buy one of your sunflower sunset photos. Been thinking about taking one myself.

Karen Gerstenberger - I only get to go to Sonic when we take David to college – there is one in Spokane, and I love the real fruit slushes.
Meg, please make a poster collage of those sunflowers and sell it on etsy. I think people would love it. You could include your favorite quotes or verses. The photos would make beautiful note cards, too.

Cory - I Love that you are there… in Kansas. One of my most favorite places ever. Part of my heart will always live there. My dad lived in the North West corner for my whole life before he passed. I lived there with him for a bit, and managed to make a trek to Beloit, Emporia, Great Bend, and Newton. Don’t ask.;) That was so many years ago, but my memories are fresh… and my heart smiles because of it.

Julie Cosby - those pictures are GOR-GEOUS!
I also go to Sonic every wednesday during Happy Hour! We call it “Sonic Wednesday” 🙂 A co-worker and I started at the beginning of the summer and have loved it ever since!

Courtney Walsh - awww, I love these photos. So pretty. Frame ’em!! 🙂

Rach - Maybe I missed your post on this, but how did you do with the summer list?????

Natalie - Whenever I see sunflowers I miss my home, which is in Kansas, too. I have pictures of my sisters and I in sunflower fields as little girls- such a fun picture. Thanks for stirring up some great memories!

stephanie - Gorgeous. I love sunflowers.

Shirley - Ilove the photos you take of flowers. I use them as my desktop background. Fantastic work.

happygirl - Love sunflowers. Hate bugs. Love sunsets on sunflowers. You are so brave.

Cassandra - Love the pictures, I live in SE Colorado & we have tons of those sunflowers too! We also got a really nice rain last night, hope you received some moisture too!

Sue Linse - I know you love Kansas, but you are still missed here in Des Plaines!

Jenny - These pictures are stunning, Meg. I miss the wild sunflowers, we had this in Ohio too…now I’m living in Annapolis, MD (military spouse!) and sunflowers are hard to come by! But Blue Crabs and traffic – we have plenty of both!

leonieke - wow….kansas looks so beautifull on your pictures!
be sure to call me when you want to change houses for a week or so :-))

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Ah, you are making me miss Kansas!! I was born there and have lived there on and off my whole life. My Mom’s side of the family all live there. Beautiful pictures!

Bobbie - Texas is in the worst drought in it’s history. There are rivers here that are so dried that you can walk from one bank to the other on the opposite side of the river! My inlays have a house at Toledo Bend (between louisiana and Texas) and their dock is sitting on dry land. It’s horrible. We need rain.

Laura - Thank you, Megan. I feel as if this post was for me as we are quite possibly moving to Kansas soon. I haven’t ever been to Kansas. It makes me feel better knowing that you love it so much. I hope I will, too. The sunflowers are definitely gorgeous!

Lasso the Moon - Hey, we have a Sonic day too! Ours is Friday, if the kids get a good behavior report all week. (they do. they’re little and sweet and still worship their teachers!) I’m new to your blog, and loving all of it!

Amanda - I was born and raised in Kansas…until I met my husband. He swept me off my feet and carried me all the way to Georgia. But, oh, how I miss it sometimes! Thank you for these lovely pictures of my home state!

Janie Fox - I love the pictures. We have those in the ditches or central IL. It has been so dry here too but it rained today! I love where I live too!

julia - We do Sonic after Walmart on Sundays. We’ve learned to do it AFTER Walmart so that we can avoid the Walmart bathrooms.

Stacy - Love your idea for a Sonic Day! I am a teacher and I have a project on Donors Choose and Sonic is having a contest where people vote and use codes from Sonic to help fund projects. I am asking for a Flip video camera for my classroom to use. My project is:
It’s free to vote and you can vote everyday until the end of the month.
Thanks so much!
Mrs. Costner
5th Grade Teacher

Suzanne - Beautiful pics. We have the same pretty sunflowers throughout Spotsylvania, Virginia. I live about a mile from the Chancellorsville Civil War Battle Field and let me tell you, September is just spectacular here. Sonic Wednesdays sounds like a plan!

shannon - my closest sonic is 35 minutes away!!! I have always wanted to go to one because of those dang commericals now even more so with you always writing about it. I think I see a 35 minute car ride for lunch coming soon 😉
LOVE the flower pictures, they just scream Fall!

Sarah - We have those same sunflowers in Manhattan. I love them. Will you post a recipe for pumpkin waffles? They sound delish!

Tracy Fisher - will you please share your pumpkin waffle recipe with us? my son was born on halloween and the two of us cannot get enough of pumpkin treats!!
thanks, tracy fisher

Lisa - I moved from California (LA area) to Bend Oregon. I absolutely LOVE being in a smaller town and having more nature right outside our door. When I am walking next to the river or with my family at a lake or drive through the area of town with fields, I breath deeper and feel so happy!

Jennifer - Gorgeous photographs. I’ve never made it up your way, but I’ve always heard Kansas is such a beautiful state.
I really enjoyed seeing all the pics this week from your craft weekend. It looks like everyone had a great time.

elisa - Love those sunflowers- great dreamy shots!

Kerry - Awesome-oh photos Meg! Love!

Dee - What incredible photos, wow!

Nicole - I never comment but I felt compelled to tell you that those are some gorgeous pics! I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere and now live “in the city” and that makes my heart ache as I miss it! Love your blog:)

Mindy Harris - gorgeous pics, meg, especially the last one. kansas is beautiful. have fun at sonic. if i were there i’d get a chocolate malt.

susie - I was wondering about the craft house your used for craft weekend?
Did you rent it?
Is it in
Was it furnished?
How big is it?
Were those your quilts on the beds?
I just loved seeing all
of the photos on everyone’ blog and think the details were amazing!

Melissa - It’s FINALLY raining here in CO.
I hope it’s heading your way next. 🙂

amy rhodes - Amazing Pictures, Meg. I have declared Fridays as Slurpee days because Sonic is too far to drive (probably a good thing for me) because my kids ask ALL THE TIME.
Your craft weekend looked amazing. I may need to get in on that next time!

Molly - Hi, found your blog through Crystal Beutler’s.
I love sunflowers! Makes me want to go buy a bunch for my kitchen table. 🙂
We had $1 Baskin Robbin scoop tuesdays, starting yesterday. The girls really enjoyed it and it was fun to talk about their day and enjoy our scoop before heading home and doing homework.

Lisa McCracken - Beautiful sunflowers!!!!

crystal - Sun flower pictures are A. Ma. Zing.
You captured the feeling.
I wish I lived in Kansas, I really do.
Cuz I’d get to drive down those long roads with farms, and sun flowers,
and I’d get to go to Sonic on Wednesdays and see you and your kids there.
And maybe I could even work at Hallmark.
Kansas is awesome.
Thanks for sharing it with me.

kat @ Pretty in Pink and Green - I LOVE sunflowers!!! LOVE them. What a happy place!

tiffany m gardner - pics are beautiful. and friday is our sonic day! yay for 1/2 price drinks.

Kristin - i’ve always lived in kansas and can’t imagine living somewhere else. BEAUTIFUL photos!

ktmade - What gorgeous photos. I love sunflowers!

mel @ the larson lingo - BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love Sunflowers! My first time I vistited Kansas was in the month of September. I was in college playing soccer for the University of Colorado. We played KU on a Friday & then took a bus to play Iowa State. I remember the sunflowers & was blown away at how pretty it was! Great photos, Meg!

casey - Can I move to Kansas?? Absolutely B.E.A.U.BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!

Lori Austin - Love the sunset as the back drop. Beautiful!
Pumpkin waffles – yum! My kiddos would totally love those.
I could make them with whole wheat flower and the pumpkin – bonus
fiber (fiber’s a big deal at my house – kiddos with colon issues – not that you want to know that!) Anywhoo – thanks for that idea.
Hope you and Dolly had a great run! 🙂

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - That is great idea… we have Wendy’s. Your photos are beautiful. And yes, once you’ve lived in the prairies, that sky and those fields. Nothing like it.

Judy @Considering the Options - Once again, fabulous pics! I was in Valley Center recently and cut cross country – thru Newton to Emporia on my way back to KC trying to find a big sunflower field. I didn’t find the kind I was looking for, but did stumble onto an old stone arch bridge and gorgeous sunset. It made me happy and fed my soul. Kansas is such a beautiful, peaceful place!
And I’ve cut myself down to only 3 Route 44 diet coke’s a week – gets my morning going:)!

Nicole Q. - THese pictures or BREATH TAKING ! ! ! ! FABULOUS !

robbie - did i miss the laundry room update?

Ryanne - I feel the same way about Kansas. I live in a small town outside of KC, where there are lots of open fields. Thanks for showing others Kansas’ simple beauty.

Lori - I love sunflowers! You are so lucky to be surrounded by them. Enjoy your Sonic Happy Hour!

katherine - These pictures made me smile….gorgeous pictures, love those flowers! Blessing to you! kathy

Karen - We have fountain drink Fridays! It’s been an after school tradition for years. Sometimes we have Milkshake Monday if I’m feeling extra nice 🙂

Lindsay - this post made me so happy! i love sunflowers and open fields, just the colorful start to my day i was hoping for, thank you!

Sharla - Oh wow, the pics are amazing. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks

Meg Carter - Awesome pictures Meg! I really like the one that is like a silhouette.

Lia - Your pictures are A-ma-zing as ever.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Yay for Sonic Day!

Molly - 1. love the sunflowers
2. we moved back to Iowa from Phoenix a little over 2 years ago…I know how you feel. Every day it makes me happy…will never take it for granted.
3. Your Sonic idea is brilliant!!! I teach and we don’t get out of school until 3:45 by the time I pick up my girls it is always after 4…grrr! i don’t know why they didn’t think about sonic happy hour when they decided on our school hours!

erlfisher - Kansas has the greenest greens and the bluest blues! And this time of year is best with the beautiful sunflowers – gotta love a flower that is always looking for the sun!
And I agree with merlin – had the same thought, “Waffle’s for dinner.” Ha!

Sarah - We have the lovely sunflowers in MO too! I’m 20 min. outside KCMO and it really is so fun to see the roadside colors come up every year. It’s the perfect transition from Summer to Fall. I love reading your blog every day. 😀 You inspire me to be more colorful and creative!

Jen Brandt - Thank you for all your uplifting, awesomely wonderful, colorful posts, but especially this one. My 93-year-old grandma is from Champan, KS – the small little farm town destroyed by tornadoes about three years ago. I am happy to see these HAPPY KS pictures. Love from OH…Jen

merlin - Glad it isn’t “Waffle’s for dinner” !
I had to reread that line several times to finally realize you meant waffles not Waffle, must be too early for my brain to think clearly, but I had a good laugh at my own expense.

Holly - Sonic day is a great idea!
I love the mountains here in Tn. Of couse I think the sunflowers are gorgeous also!

Laura - I love your “Sonic day” idea! Such a clever mama. I must remember this, because my kids don’t bug me daily like that, but it is sooo something they WOULD do. So when they do, as I’m sure they will, we wii have Sonic Day too!

seriouslysassymama - I feel the same way about living in Texas. I live in the suburbs, but I love the look of spring when driving down the road and all the bluebonnets are in bloom. It really is a beautiful flower. I need to run. Or walk, or do something.

Terrie - Don’t you just LOVE all the sunflowers beside the road?! I want to stop and take pictures every 50 yards!! Love the sunset in the background! I like taking pics of these as much as the big fields of sunflowers! Must be a waffle week…I made blueberry waffles for supper the other night, so good!

Gretchen - love sunflowers!! they make me smile!!

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