Masthead header


you know how when you have a BIG event coming up and there is so much to do…….

what do you do?
you probably get the stuff done.
i get overwhelmed and have a tendency to crawl back in bed….can't face it all.
but i can't do that.
i just can't.

don't let me.
ha ha ha….how could you stop me?
i just won't.


i keep forgetting to tell you….like forever….that i am leaving tomorrow for a
Blue Lily GoPro Reunion!! 


wendy + tyler are hosting a reunion for ANYone who has attending ANY of their GoPro workshops!
in utah.
i am so excited.
ready to learn even more about my camera….hug wendy….laugh (because tyler is a very funny guy)…..take photos in the mountains…see my utah friends……YAY!

so that is tomorrow.

do you think i should pack?  ugh.
YOU need to go to one of their workshops.
you do.
and you need to go sit at their blog with a big cup of coffee for an hour and read about their travels…see their AMAZEBALL photos (wendy's word)…..thier love for life and color……and you will leave happy.
you will.

FIND THEM in YOUR area to take YOUR picture….thye travel the entire world!

and i need to get our family's pictures done again already….time flies….and hair colors change!


DON'T FORGET to go sign up to win a spot in
Ashley's SnapShops….
winner picked tomorrow.

                                            Ashley's button.




would you like to win a copy of Matthew Mead's newest magazine? 
of course you would!

FALL is my favorite season so i can't wait to see what is in this magazine!

Autumn magazine is only availible online…not sold in stores.

you can order it  here on their website.

FALLmock cover 

leave a comment to be entered to win your free copy!


Joziele - Hello FSRA! I am a Calgary-based professional phgrhotapoer who is doing a shoot for Calgary Co-op in September. I am looking for a 40s/50s era pick-up truck to rent for the day. Know anybody with such a vintage piece that would be interested? Any advise as how to source an old truck would be much appreciated. Thanks, Robert Lemermeyer

Arjen - In order to qualify for diiabslity from SS,you would have had to worked and paid into the system for 10 years. If you didn’t work for that amount of time,you would have to apply for SSI. But,SSI is based on household income. Your husbands income would be used to determine if you would qualify. If his income is over the allowable income,you wouldn’t qualify for SSI.

Samantha - HONESTLY, I thought I was the ONLY one that does that! “i get overwhelmed and have a tendency to crawl back in bed….can’t face it all.”
Really, I do it everytime! And then when it is crunch time and I am slowly melting I promise myself that “I will never do this to myself again, EVER!” But I do. What is wrong with me?!
Thanks for sharing & making me feel so much better about myself! (I’m really not the only one!)

rkokes - fall is SO my favorite season!!! Love it!!!

Kim Leppert Lessey - <3 your hat!

sara @ it's good to be queen - very happy about fall. i would LOVE to win.

Danielle Thompson - I’m craving FALL! It looks like 100* temps are in our upcoming week so I’ll keep dreaming for now.

Jenna - oooh I’d love to win!
Also, we need to get family pictures too…my husband no longer has hair down his back!

Helon - I hope kindle never replaces real magazines. It just ain’t the same. Matthew is a genius. And, so are the amazing blogger’s who share their styles and homes with us. I would love to win.
Thanks for the opportunity.

MaryLea @ pink and green mama - I’ve never read a copy but always covet them when they come out! Fall is my favorite season : )
Fingers crossed, would love some new fall decorating and craft ideas!

Courtney - I would love a copy, so then I could find out what all the fuss is about…

dawn - I love fall — but I’m not sure I’m ready for it. 🙂 I’d love to win the magazine though!

Lauren - Oh, I am so excited for you! Enjoy your time in Utah!! But even more amazing that you get to spend it with Wendy & Tyler. Yay! I have followed their adventure’s for a bit now (maybe after Nie Nie posted her pics years ago), and was so happy to see that they will be in Philadelphia this year, but alas, just can’t swing a session. Maybe if I start saving now, they will be back another time. Have fun! Oh, and I love Matthew Mead and all things Pumpkin, so I would love the new fall mag.

Vicki - I probably shouldn’t win because I’m a magazine-aholic. It’s a problem. Especially the giant September issues…

Roberta - Looks like an awesome magazine. I would love to win. Thanks for the chance!

Kerri - Winner winner chicken dinner! fingers crossed…

Mae - yay – so fun! purchased the summer and winter versions and LOVED them! fall will be fabulous to be sure!

Lynda - I have heard such nice things about this magazine, but I have never seen one. I would love to win 🙂

Kristin S - Oh, dang Meg! What a fun giveaway.
Fall can not come soon enough…

Amy Lynne - I bet it is an awesome magazine! Fall decorating is the best!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Id love to win a copy! I ordered the summer copy so I could see you in print. Its a beautiful magazine.

April - Living in Montana we get very little if any Fall between summer and 10 months of winter, oh how I would love to dream of Fall.

Sara Manring - Looks like a good one!

gail - This looks lovely. I am so looking forward to fall!
: )

Jenny - I keep meaning to order one of these magazines (at your recommendation) every season but then I forget! I love fall and would love to see what is included in what seems to be an awesome mag!

Carin Youngblut - You’re blog is the only one I check faithfully everyday….love your ideas especially crafts. My three girls loved the crayon art…we did our own and love it. Thank you for your most interesting , creative and down-to-earth blog!!! Oh, I am from upstate NY so of course I love Fall and would love the MM mag.
You ROCK!!!

s - would love a copy!

Heidi Durant - i bought my first copy ever. The summer edition. That is where I found you!!! I would love to get the fall issue. If I don’t win, I will just buy my copy. OR if I do win, I will still buy a copy as a gift. Truly a beautiful bookazine!!!!!!

Lori C - So ready for fall! Pumpkins, falling leaves, and all that color! *swoon*

Christine - Fall is my favorite season by far. Unfortunately I don’t get to see much fall here in the islands for at least another couple years so I am living vicariously through blogs, magazines and pinterest.

Mallory - I am so ready for fall. Summers in Florida are not my favorite!

stephanie d - oh happy day! can never get enough ideas for fall!

Carrie - Fall is my favorite but I was always dreading back to school. For two or three years after I graduated I still couldn’t believe that I could just love fall…football, cooler weather, the colors and not have to worry about school. It is GREAT!!!

jamie - autumn = my all time favorite season ever in the whole wide universe solar system…

Carrie - Yes, please.

Angela - Ooohhh I love Mathew Mead!

Deanna - Would love one…!

Kyra - Autumn is my very favorite season! I’ve been digging out my autumn decor and it makes me very happy.

Jordan - This magazine looks like it’s full of awesome autumn ideas 🙂 would love to win a copy!

Michelle - Fall is my favorite too! I save all my money to go “fall shopping” (school shopping but for grown ups).

Kathi - Love fall too. Check Whatever daily!

Alex L - Autumn with Matthew Mead…sounds like a good one to me!

Justine - Winning a copy of the magazine would be AWESOME! Fall is means harvest is closer and we are closer to winter so I will be able to spend time with my farmer husband!!

Lori - Pretty please for the magazine? Fall is fabulous.
Have a wonderful time on the photog trip.

Tracy - Very excited for fall…my favorite season!

Leslie - Cooler nights * Crunchy leaves * Amazing colors * Fluffy socks * Crisp apples * I could go on about my favorite season!

Jen - I’ve heard a lot about it, but haven’t ever bought one. Autumn is my favorite season, so this would be amazeballs if I won!!

Heather - I feel like a movie star is coming to town! I just emailed my friend to tell her that “Whatever Meg is coming to Utah!” 🙂
You should set up a meet-and-greet at a coffee shop for all of your fans!
I would love to win a copy of the Matthew Mead magazine. I’m just about ready for fall.

Denine - I ordered their summer one. Are you featured in this issue? this is how I found your wonderful blog.

jen smith - i’m not quite ready for fall yet but would love a copy for when the spirit finally hits me!

Denise - I would love to win a copy. Autumn is by far my favorite season!

Joelle - Fall is my favorite time of year and I’m finally back in Colorado where I can enjoy it fully….Florida didn’t really do fall well…

Arrica M - Enjoyed the Summer issue. Fall is my fav. so it would be a great season opener…

Becky - Fall is by far my favorite season 🙂

Beth Horn - I’ve never heard of him or his magazine before I started reading your blog. I love Fall and love all the great things it brings, from the rich colors to the kids going back to school, apple picking, pumpkin patches, Halloween parties and everything else in between.
I would love to have this magazine for some fresh new ideas and insights.

Jill - Yes please! Now stop reading comments and go pack! 🙂

Whitney - I love Fall… I just realized I haven’t bought summer (crazy summer with my wedding, my best friends wedding, my sister’s college graudation!)… I want to see your house in it! Luckily, it’s still available! Thanks for the reminder and for giving this away!

Virginia Bibler - LOVE Matthew Mead’s magazines!! Summer edition was great and inspired me to make so many different iced tea’s! But FALL is my absolute FAVORITE season…I would heart a free copy!

Anna Marie - I am a big time procrastinator too. I work good under pressure.

Katrina - Autumn is my favorite season. All the warm colors and the weather transitioning from the heat of summer to the cold of winter. I never know how to make my house look seasonal but not cheesy during autumn though

tricia - I LOVE fall. It is beautiful and smells good!!

Kelly - Fall is my absolute favorite season also – apples, pumpkins, the colors! Thanks for the great giveaway!!

Ruth H. - That would be AutumN….spelling errors make me crazy. Sorry.

Ruth H. - Oooh, I would love to win a copy! I love Autum.

Jill - I’m IN! I get excited just seeing THE COVER!

Alma Ruiz Barrera - So ready for fall, and this magazine is awesome!

Hollie - I don’t love fall so much because I know what’s coming. Maybe this would help me get excited? So I need to win, please.

Jayne Barbour - Would love to win a copy-great ideas and fun to look at!

Tanya - I was smiling while I read your family band post the other day. My husband played the trumpet as a kid and still has it. I laugh my head off every time he gets it out, which thankfully isn’t very often!

Jennifer Ware - Would love to get my hands on a copy of that!! Thanks! So ready for fall. I’ve pulled out a pumpkin spice candle already…

tiffaniboren - Would love a copy!! Fall is my favorite season..come on cooler weather!!

Jessica - Fall is the best! What a great giveaway 🙂

Libby Donovan - Fall is my favorite season—the color, the smells, the crisp, cool air. I would love a copy of his magazine!

Heather R. - Lower temps today in Kansas…come on Fall! I hope you have a great trip. Can’t wait to hear about it.

Sarah Alcantara - Love fall….bring on the pumpkins!

Jenn - I would LOVE to win a copy!!! Hope you have a blast in Utah! So fun!

Kit - I love fall, but I am always sad to see summer go. Our summer here in Boston is so short…
Would love to win a copy! Thanks, Megan! Have a great trip!

Heather - Fall is my fave season, decorating-wise. I’d love to win the magazine.
Oh, and I’m exactly like you when I have something to prepare for. Delay, delay, delay, panic. Always.
Have a fantastic trip!!

Beth - Fall is the best! Leaves burning, the crisp air, sweaters, my son’s football games, fall candles burning, spending cozy nights at home with my family, homemade soups, etc.

rebecca w - Oh sweet magazine!:-) although, not looking forward to shorter days, fall smells good.

haydee - Autum is my favorite season…well it’s actually summer…but i love fall too!!!

Maria - love fall.
cool weather.
a wedding anniversary.
and candy…need I say more?
so tired of melting away every day…

Leah - So ready for Fall! A copy of this sweet piece of autumn goodness would save me a whole lot of pinning… 🙂

Tina C - Pick me, pick me!!! – Sort of kidding 🙂 – I love Matthew Mead’s magazines and would love to win one!

Jenn - It looks beautiful! Looking for inspiration for our new home. Have fun in Utah!

alicia @ la famille - oh! love magazines…would REALLY love a free one 🙂 have fun at your reunion!

Elizabeth Ann - I don’t know who Matthew Mead is, but I would like to!

Michelle Torres - I would be so Happy to win the Fall magazine!!!! I am so excited Fall is coming!!!!!! Yipeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
Michelle Torres

Barbara Nelson - Love the fall colors and the crisp air, and turkey.

Kat H - I am so ready for Autumn! I have heard so much about his catalogs! I would love to win so I can be inspired!

Wendy - Thanks for the chance!

Christie smith - I heart fall

Sharla - Very cool. I got the Summer one and love your photos in it. You got me started on this mag!:) I’m sure the fall one is great. Love fall!

AshleyAnn - I thought you were talking about Craft Weekend…and now Blue Lily!!! Yeah for you Meg. Have fun!

Tracie - Already feeling a bit of a fall feeling in the air!

Wanda - I love your awesome blog! It’s beautiful!
Just tonight, my college freshman daughter announced at dinner that she IS GOING to Utah for Spring Break!
She’s a real party animal, huh?
Love Matthew Mead!

kat - I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win a copy of that magazine!!!

kristen - hey fall is my fav and i’m waaayyyyy overdue for a new great magazine like this one!

Lynette - I love your blog!!! - Me, me, please pick me! 🙂

adrienne - I can’t wait for fall! I hope I win 🙂 Have fun on your reunion!

annalea - oh, i mega want Autumn. thanks for the chance, dear. 🙂

Brandi - Love fall and would love to cozy up on the sofa with this magazine!

jackie - Fall is my verrrry favorite season! Would love to win! Jackie

Dawn Eshnaur - I love Fall, too! I would LOVE to win a copy of this magazine! I read their blog and love them!!!

Michelle - Have fun in Utah! Hope the winner loves fall as much as I do 😉

colleen - Would love to win a copy of this amazing mag. We can already feel Fall in the air here in the Northeast!

Emily - I am often sad that I no longer live in Missouri. But even more so, now that I realize that I am living far away from the fun craft weekend! I also LOVE fall! And Magazines!!

Mary - Fall isn’t usually too cool in Arizona…unless you’re up in the high country:)

Stacy - Fall…great cool weather, jumping in leaves, school supplies, fairs with cotton candy, carving pumpkins, camping, beautiful colors on the trees, hosting Thanksgiving…I LOVE FALL TOO! Can you tell? LOL

Stefanie - I don’t know what I love more…fall or magazines? 🙂

heidi - So ready for fall my decorations r already up!

Elaine - Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year! I would love this magazine to get fabulous ideas….cup of coffee in one hand and the mag in the other…priceless!

Joanne B - Fall is my favorite time of year!!
Hope you have a great trip, can’t wait for the pictures!

Angela - Oh, I am lusting after fall so badly this year.
Wait…lust is wrong, right?
Okay, I am just really, really wanting it to get here NOW.

rosemary - I am SO ready for Fall and ready to turn off the AC!

Jenna Y. - I looove fall! And I love these magazines! 🙂

megan - would love a copy!! great ideas, fun stuff, colors….

Shannon - I absolutely can’t wait for fall to arrive…Cooler temps, sweaters, college football…What’s not to love? Thanks for the opportunity to win the magazine! 🙂

Michelle - Crud. I JUST bought my copy last night. lol! I can’t wait for it to come out!! I’d love to win one too & pass it along to someone else. 🙂 I”m nice that way. I’m a photographer in Texas & have never heard of Wendy & Tyler!! I KNOW! Ridiculous! I’m at Starbuck’s now, so I’m going to get my big cup of coffee & explore! Thanks, Meg!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - i would love love love to have a copy, even though summer is my favorite season. don’t crawl back in bed, make a list, focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll be done before you know it (hopefully minus the stress). Good Luck!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - i would love love love to have a copy, even though summer is my favorite season. don’t crawl back in bed, make a list, focus on one thing at a time, and you’ll be done before you know it (hopefully minus the stress). Good Luck!

Melissa Morrill - Holy SHIZ BALLS!!! You are coming to Utah???? AHHHHHH! I SO SO SO SO wish I could meet you!!!!

Anne @ Baking Me - Fall is my favorite season too!

crystal beutler - See you tomorrow friend! Why am I sitting here blogging when I have to get ready and pack … and make swag? Why? I need to get to the store and make arrangements for the fam while I’m gone! I’m in avoidance mode too. 🙂

Kristen Chapman - This magazine may be the only way I get to experience Fall…. Texas is not doing me any favors this year!

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I hope I win the Fall magazine….that is my most fave season….EVER!

Joanna - I’ve never had a Matthew Mead magazine. I really want to win!

happygirl - Cool blog. And I LOVE their HATS. Bye bye summer. I’m glad your done. 🙂

Amy - Fall cannot come soon enough! My most favorite time of the year…love,love,love.

alaina - This magazine looks amazing!!! Drool worthy!

Sarai - Hope you have fun on your trip! I love autumn. It makes me think of Halloween!!! And I also just ready for cooler weather.

sara's art house - I want to win!!!
Thanks for blogging! You are my favorite blogger by far- I totally copy you (and I do give you credit :)) I made a crayon melt canvas because of you and today we did the planet art project. You’re awesome 🙂

Shawnie - I love Fall and would love a copy of this new magazine!

Kimberlee - Summer is still my favorite season.
I’m a summer girl.

Emily H. - I can’t wait for the leaves to change.

Kara K. - Fall is my favorite season! Michigan in the fall is spectacular! The leaves are already chaning!

*Alex* - Have fun in Utah! I love fall too-such pretty colors and flavors! Apple cider, mulled wine, pumpkin & squash-MMM! Excited just thinking about it 😀

Tracy - I need to win this

kimberly - Already itching to decorate for Fall!

Kirsten P - Autumn is a beautiful season! I would love to win Matthew Mead’s Autumn Magazine.

Simies - I would like to win a copy! I love Fall too 🙂 Thank you for the chance!

dian oliver - have fun in utah!! how could you not? fall is my favorite, too! would love a copy of the magazine? should i not win, how can i order one???

Prairie Mama - Oh, I get the feeling…..too much to do, not enough time. I give you permission to pack and take a break. (: Have fun at your class tomorrow!
I can’t wait for the magazine to come out. Yay!!!

Sheridan Eketone - oooooooohhhhhhh PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!!! 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

La - Pumpkins! Cinnamon! I love the Fall and would love a copy! 🙂

Jennifer - fall is the best…

Amanda - fall is the best! have a great trip to Utah 🙂

Jenna - I loved the summer one and could use some help getting into fall, since right now I almost start crying when I think about summer being over …

Lisa - Thanks, Meg! I’ve heard all of you bloggers talk about this magazine, but I’ve never actually seen one. Would love to win this:)

Rachel B. - Fall makes me happy!

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - You’re going? Yay! Say hi for me. I won’t… haven’t replaced my passport yet. ha ha. I’m still having nightmares of standing on a tarmac with my suitcase, and all the planes taking off above me. Can’t wait to hear about what you will learn this time around.
Have a great time,

tobi - Oh cool!
I would love to check this magazine out!

TinaB - enjoy Utah and take some gorgous pictures. oh and the fall mag would be lovely to start the fall season.

jacqui anderson - me me me!

Lindsay - I’m so ready for fall after my first summer in the desert!

Lisa Hamelin - i would love a copy! i love fall and my bday is in the fall!

Rebecca - Ohhh – yes please!

kayem - Autumn is the bestest and so is M.M.

deb meyers - Fall is my favorite, too. Thanks for the giveaway, I’d love to win this!
deb meyers

Melissa - Would be great to win. I love fall, especially in TX, 80 degree weather!!

Valerie Page - I would love to win a copy. Autumn is my favorite time of year. 🙂
I LOVE your blog. I check it each day because it makes me happy and gives me so many ideas. I love to use your recipes. Chicken enchiladas are my favorite recipe.
My AMAZING husband suffered a heart attack on Friday night and he has been home recuperating.I am so glad that our local hospital helped him so I did not become a 39 year old widow.
I just wanted to tell you that I immediately went to your blog today to give me a pick me up.
Thanks for such a colorful blog;)

Marla - can’t believe summer is almost done….happened upon your blog, enjoy it! would welcome inspiration from matthew mead.

Kelly - Autumn is my favorite season too. That’s why I got married in the fall. Three years this year! Yippee! Kelly
now go pack! 🙂
honestly packing is SUPER hard for me too. Kelly

karen peachey - As much as I love summer I’m actually (slowly) starting to look forward to fall!

Lisa - Dreaming and scheming for fall…come quickly!!

Kate - Oh, I would love a copy! Autumn is my favorite!

Julie - I’m having trouble letting go of summer and welcoming fall. Would this help me? I sure hope so.

Gale - Love fall and SO ready for it – thanks for the chance to win 🙂

Jessica Oates - Fall is the best around here. Back to school, all the birthday’s in the family, and apple picking! love it and i’d love to win this gorgeous magazine.

Terrie - Oh my…I hate packing! What a great reason to pack though!! Sounds like a great trip & I’m all for learning more about my camera!! Can’t wait to see your pics!
I loved the summer magazine!!

Sandee Sosa - Fall is my favorite season too… it makes me soooo gritty!!!! I can hardly wait to start pulling out the fall decor and puttin’ pumpkins on the porch! I would l-o-v-e to get the magazine!

Holly - I’m ready for jeans and sweaters weather. I’d love a copy of the magazine. Thanks!

Amy M - Send that fall mag my way. Please

Renee - i love fall and winning. pick me pick me!

Donna - I have never seen this magazine, but it looks amazing!

Linda - Fall is my favorite season too. I already ordered my copy. Can’t wait. I still love gazing at Summer and Holidays! But if you pick me I’d love to regift it myself!
Hope you enjoy your reunion. Your really living the DREAM!

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - Fall is by far my favorite time of year (although clearly I’m in good company here!). I would love to win this. 🙂

Alisa - Fall, Fall, Fall….ahhhh.

katherine - i would love to win a copy! thanks, megan!

Rhonda Fendt - Fall is my favorite season too!. I miss living in New England! Southern California doesn’t do too much for fall. Thanks for your Awesome Blog! I love it!

Catriona - Fall (Autumn!) is my favourite season, too. I would be so delighted to have this plop onto my doormat. Can’t justify it what with p&p to the U.K. but do somewhat regret not buying your issue…

Jen - pick me pretty please!

jennifer - I do the same.exact.thing. when I get overwhelmed. It’s awful! Such an awful feeling and really does nothing to help accomplish all the things piling up that are making me feel that way in the first place. Really hope you get everything done and then have an amazeball time in Utah! Love that word.

Wendy - i would love a copy of this! I bought the Summer issue. Thanks for the giveaway. Chip away at it day by day so it doesnt take over!

ashley - I have always wanted one of these issues but can’t ever justify just buying one for myself. Hope I win!

Cori Barney - I was blog hopping today and saw this
I thought of you! It is happy!

Jody -
ok – i tried to email this to you but couldn’t…this reminded me of you!! rainbow!! too fun (make when you get back from your adventure!!)

Jennifer - One day at a time, girl!

Becky - I love Fall. It’s my most favorite. Ever. And I would love a copy of the new Matthew Mead. That is all. 🙂

Julie Baldwin - Pick me! Pick me!!

sue - Can’t wait for summer to be over !. Just found a Black Widow spider amongst my mail in the mail box. Is no where sacred. ha ha.

Monica Williams - Fall is my favorite time of the year too! Love those cooler temps and all those amazing fall colors!

Michelle - Safe travels! Fall is my favorite season too 🙂

Gemma - Autumn is my favourite season too!!
Have a great time in Utah : )
Gemma x

Lori Tacchino - Would love to win!

Beth K. - Fall is my favorite – starting to get the itch to start decorating. 🙂 It may have something to do with being an October birthday. I have been following Blue Lily off and on since your family had their pics taken – their blog is wonderful!

Amber B - Love reading your blog and would love a copy of the magazine!

Jody - Fall…I’m not there yet…still enjoying the summer! But this mag will get me going…!!! sweaters, cocoa, red leaves!!

tiffany m gardner - OH OH….I love love fall too! With over 40 days in the 100’s in oklahoma…I am more ready for fall than ever!!!! I can’t wait to feel your cool breeze….mr. fall! 🙂

Kristi - so want to go to the reunion (and meet you!)- I did a go pro just a few weeks ago! so fun.
would love the magazine!

elz - I love Blue Lily. We caught them this year as they brezzed through Texas. In fact, my family is on their blog somewhere. Have fun. I’m jealous, you’ll learn so much new stuff and it won’t be 110 degress like it is here!

FeFe - Fall is my favorite too! Too bad it’s pretty short here in Indiana!

Maria - Fall is my fav.
Enjoy your trip to Utah!

Stephanie C. - Fall is def my favorite season too!

Suzette - I adore fall and all of it’s trappings…I would love to win this!

ashley jensen - Fall is my favorite also. My wedding colors were burn orange and deep red like fall. Wendy and Tyler are awesome. They make me laugh with their crazy stories. Would LOVE to take their class someday or Ashley’s! Though I live 30 min away from Ash and went to school with her from 9-12 grade.

Beth in Utah - I would love to win!
Fall is my favorite season….

Erica - i’d love to win. looks like a great big book of eye candy for fall! by the way, have a great trip to utah (i used to live there) and i love your blog!

Iris Brown - Me likey!!! Fall is my favorite. 🙂

Sabrina - I would love a copy!!! Fall is glorious here and I can’t wait to start decorating for it!

Melissa - I love your blog and look forward to reading it everyday!

Jessica - I love everything about fall! Its my favorite season! I would love to win! 🙂

Tanya H - Wait…you’re coming to Utah?? I’M in Utah!!! Come visit! You’re my blog hero! LOL…now I’ll finish reading the rest of your post………..
Autumn is my favorite too! Wish it lasted longer! 🙂

Wendy - WOW … they are amazing photographers! Sooo inspiring!
Fall’s my favorite season … it co-ordinates with my red hair.

Shelly foster - Sooo looking forward to Fall … Especially after having these 100+degree weather !

Lori Austin - So ready for fall after the hot, hot, hot summer we have had. Love the cooler temps, colors, sweaters, food, etc. Love it all!
Btw, I do the same thing when I have a lot to do. Stack of mail, full inbox, sink full of dishes, overflowing laundry…..can’t…do…it. I tend to do nothing instead. Not smart. Uggh. (p.s. enjoy your trip)

Chantelle - lemme win pleeeze! …and i just make a master plan listing all the things i need to buy, make, do… so i can cross them out and feel like a superstar! try it 🙂

Donna - I love fall, too, but am enjoying the last few days before the kiddos start school.

Seriously Sassy Mama - Spring is my fav.
I love the fall for sweaters, crock-pots, and pumpkin spice lattes.

Michelle - Fall is also my favorite time of year! I love anything and everything apple and pumpkin, so it’s truly a “scentational” time of year!

Heather (One Take On Life) - Love Fall, favorite season!

Jen N. - Fall is my absolute favorite!

Sarah V. - I LOVE Fall!!!!! Would love to win too!!!

Helen Wall - I grew up just north of the Utah mountains – in SE Idaho.
Would love to win Matthew Meade’s Fall book. Enjoyed the spring one with you featured in it, Meg.

Ashley - I hope you have safe travels! And fall is amazing. The colors are beautiful!

Kerry - Aaah, maybe the trip to Utah is just what you need to clear your head space and play with your Camera 🙂 And Hello Matthew Mead Fall edition – yeehaa!
Kerry xx

Melissa - Would love to win…and ready for fall!

Jen - Fall is my favorite season as well. I would gladly shorten summer by those 5 or 6 really hot week and just move on to fall. I would love to see this magazine.

Jenny Lynn - Fall is my favorite too!
Would LOVE to win the magazine 🙂

shannon - Would love to win Mathew’s new magazine, I loved the last one of course because your gorgeous home was in it 😉
Have a fun and safe trip!

Jamie - I LOVE Fall!!!!! Would love to win too!!!

Jamie - I love Matthew Meads magazine!
Have fun on your trip!

Christy - I have been stalking Blue lily’s blog since you went on the workshop. I would love to attend one of their workshops.
It’s definatly on my photography bucket list.
Would love a copy of the Matthew Meads fall book,need something to get me in the mood for fall. Ready for big chunky sweater and
the leaves to turn color

Melissa - Im so ready for fall!!!!

Elizabeth Flowers - Fall has always been my favorite favorite season! This magazine would be fun to look through!

Mrs. Skvortsov - I hope I win! Lol!

Courtney M - It would be amazeballs if I won this! Thanks 🙂

Wendy - Have a great time, Meg! I tend to do the same thing as you… too much stuff is oh so overwhelming. 🙂

Emily Kinsaul - The GoPro looks amazing! Love, love, love the fall. Can’t wait to see the new Matthew Mead magazine. I hope I win!

Sarah - Awesomeness all over this post! You can pack – you can do it!

Meredith Welborn - Fall is my favorite too!

Meredith Salmon - As per your suggestion I got the Summer edition and while on vacation I read it from cover to cover, every little caption and all. Tricia Foley worked at my company when I first started here and then you were were in it. Fall is my favorite time of year and I can;t wait to get it. I hope I win.

Dawn - I would love to win a copy of this! I am a summer girl, but I do enjoy fall as well. Friday night high school football games, the leaves turning, visits to the pumpkin patch. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anne-Marie Petersen - Have a great trip! Would love to win a copy!

Lisa - have tons of fun!
and of course i would LURVE to win a copy of Matthew Mead!

Sara Torbett - Would love a copy of this! I was inspired by your house in the last issue 🙂

Shawnie - Yes! Yes! Yes! I would LOVE to win a copy of this beautiful magazine! Love your blog Meg!

Laura Phelps - sure
I would love a free magazine
Id love a free ANYTHING
I’d love it even more if you were in it 🙂

Leslie - Fall is my favorite time of year! I love pumpkins, candy corn, orange and browns and the smells of creamy caramel from B&B. I would love to have a copy of Matthew Meades fall magazine!!! :} AND I know your craft weekend will be great. I wish I lived closer so I could come too!!! :}

Jemm - Yes please!! I’d love to win a copy 🙂
Have a great trip. How do you get to get away alone?
SO jealous!

jeana - LOVE fall, would love to win!

BriBedell - I am excited for the fall!

sam - Thanks for the giveaway, enjoy your trip!

Katie - I would love to win and be inspired for fall! Thanks for doing this! Happy Travels!

Lori - I love Matthew Meade! Count me in for the giveaway. Fall should be 6 months long – it’s my favorite season!

colleen from alabama - Oh how nice fall sounds! It is 98 degrees and muggy here. Maybe that magazine would help me cool off 🙂 Or at least look forward to cooler weather!

Alicia - Fall is my favorite season too and I love Matthew Meade.

Secret Mom Thoughts - I love fall. I’d love to win.

Michele - Would love to win! I love your blog I check it daily you totally crack me up and I love when you keep things real!

Shawna - Fall, what is there not to like. Thanks Megan.

Alyssa Doyle - Fall has always been my favorite season!!! All of the most lovely things to me have happened in fall. Married my husband in November, had our son the following September, and am now waiting as patiently as possible for the birth of our daughter in October 🙂 Winning this and having it to gush over would help distract me for sure!

Rachel Newswanger - He-ha, thanks for keeping things real! Luv-it!

ROBBIE - leaves twist, turn and fall….

Jennifer O'Steen - i wish i was closer to utah! alabama is just so far away from all of the good stuff!!
i am so excited fall is around the corner :))

Becca - I LOVE FALL! And I’d really love to win 🙂

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