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family band?

sean is about to start band class.
he was discussing which instrument he'd like to play….and i am not sure who got it out….
but craig's trombone from high school/jr. high came out of the basement.

while i was cooking dinner.


oh it was funny.
he is always trying to crack me up.

the kids were jumping up and down to have a turn.
have you ever played a trombone in your kitchen before???
it's really loud.
i don't recommend it.



they were laughing hysterically at the sounds it would make.


it was one of those funny unexpected moments in our goofy family.
i even did some cheerleading moves to go with craig's sports songs.
ha ha ha

annie suggested we have a band!
someone on piano….someone on the african drum….lauren on guitar….someone with homemade maracas.
and of course DAD on the trombone.

i am going to get started on our costumes.

this morning while walking/running i listened to a nora jones duet with dolly parton.

i thought "i wonder if anyone has ever listened to dolly parton
while running before? maybe i'm the first"  :)

then U2's song Yahweh came on….do you know that song?

it's….it's….just awesome.
i almost shouted out "YAHWEEEEEH!" but i didn't want to scare
the ducks on the walking path. 

and i had a flash memory of my grandpa when there was a slight tiny scent of lake water….aren't those the craziest memories?
a memory from when you were 5…30 years later…while running?
it made me miss him. 

then my iPod battery died.
and i had to listen to my breathing…sounding like i am about to pass out….i prefer dolly parton.



  these are SOME of our sponsors for craft weekend.
    come check it out on the craft weekend blog. 


Samantha - Your kids are so adorable!

Courtney Walsh - This is so funny. Adam has a euphonium (sp?) and a trombone and we’ve had similar moments of sheer LOUD horn-blowing bliss in the house. Needless to say, I’ve stashed them both in the garage for now! lol
🙂 Catching up on your blog this morning…you’re so busy!! I hope craft weekend goes well!!!

Carrie K - haahaa…that first picture cracked me up! my first thought…”meg married a band geek!” 🙂 hes a pretty cute geek though so i dont blame you 🙂 i can just IMAGINE the noise in your house…in a happy way 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A la Mode - I love your family band idea…hey the Partridge Family did it!!

Doris - I have every day at least 1 thing from more than 20 years ago that just comes back to me, some detail. and I think of my grandpa every day, and how I miss him. so I understand this completely.
great family fun 🙂
and song is nice.

janet @ ordinary mom - I had a STRONG reaction to a childhood memory when ironing my polyester sheers. Seriously! Warm polyester will throw you right back into the 70s. Wow!

Kelly - the music teacher in me just loves this post! My sixteen month old will already bring our African drum to one of us and then when he’s satisfied we’ll play with him he goes to the other drums to begin playing. Maybe we’ll have to get out my husband’s trumpet too. Was Waffle scared with all that loud noise? Kelly

Jodi - Thanks for sharing the U2 “Yahweh” song…I had never heard it before and loved it! I can just imagine you running and trying to hold in the “Yahweeeeeh!” part…that would have been so hard! 🙂 I’ve been reading your blog for a few months now, and you are an inpiration to me! Thanks being REAL.

steph - way TOO funny!
i have some norah on some of my running playlists too.
and that duet, “creepin’ in”, i’m guessing that’s the one you listened to,
is such a toe tapper…
it’s perfect for a run! 😉
glad we have the same strange taste in running music.
there are many times when i’m tempted to start singing out loud too…
“i bless the RAINS down in AFFFFFRRRRICAAAAA!”
ha ha!
i love toto!

becky - Hi Meg! This is totally unrelated to your sweet family post… but my husband just sent me this video and i was tremendously blessed by it. Thought you’d love it too! It’s good to run to!

Lisa - My hubs played the trombone in middle and high school and my 12-year old has been playing it for the past 3 years. They play together sometimes – good family fun! 🙂

Ranee - the trombone photos are hilarious. your craft weekend looks amazing..if only i had a free weekend to spend! I’m sure whoever comes is going to love it. - Oh man, I run to the strangest assortment of music. And it’s where I have my best thinking and the memories flood–must be the adrenaline. I use the term “run” loosely!!! In fact, I’m laced up and ready to roll, but procrastinating at the computer as we speak!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’d never heard this song before – thank you for sharing. Love it.

Janie Fox - I played the clarinet and cheered. You should really start a band.It is a good excuse to get a rocking multi-colored bus. Doesn’t that Partridge Family bus look like something you would have?! Hells yeah!

Julie - When I saw U2 this summer, I had to walk through a group of picketers holding signs warning us about the “satanic” rock concert we were about to enter. Has that ever happened to you? Clearly, they had to be unfamiliar with the band.
Thank you for posting this beautiful song.

Amy - My 11 year old daughter started playing trombone last year and yeah…it’s pretty rockin! Very loud in the kitchen. Or the living room. Or outside. Or at 7 a.m. when you’re trying to sleep!
And I thought I might be crazy because sometimes I listen to Veggie Tales while I walk/run. You make me feel slightly better about myself. 😉

Laine Chambers - This made me laugh because this has happened in our family! My husband began playing the trombone in junior high and has kept it up all these years. I play the piano and we do duets. Good times. Our kids declare that we should have an “orchestra”…one on the trombone, one on the piano, one on the guitar and one on the violin. Can’t imagine how loud that would be!!

nicki - I’ve TOTALLY listend to that Norah/Dolly song while running! “Creep On In”?

Jenn - I really enjoy reading about your family with your “big kids!” Our family is still young and I SO very often wish and hope for my kids to NOT grow up! You and your family are giving me a little glimpse of the future and I think it looks pretty FUN! Thank you!!!

happygirl - My husband’s nephew played When the Saints Go Marching In for his mom’s memorial service. It was wonderful.

Sarai - Looks like you guys had alot of fun! I love goofy silly family time like this!
By the way I love all the colors and open-ness in your house

Jennifer - Love this post…you guys are too cute!

Jennifer - FYI, you are so NOT the first person to listen to Dolly Parton while working out. Have you heard her Christmas songs? They are always on my workout playlists around the holidays. I’m not gonna lie, one or two of Dolly’s Christmas songs sneak in the rotation during other times of the year. How embarrassing for me.

Kerry - aah man, how fun!! I would love to be able to play a HUGE instrument like that. Off on my first run EVER tomorrow… wish me luck, I will take Dolly with me 🙂 xx

Tina I - I, too, have “Creepin’ In” on my running playlist. Does that make you feel better?;-)

Jemm - That’s cute. My oldest daughter plays trombone. I remember how funny it was when she discovered she could make “tooting” noises with it. Fun times 😉 I played trumpet. I loved it. I still miss it. I have a secret talent of being able to look at people and guess what instrument they played in high school. I’m getting a strong vibe from you though. Were you in band? I’m guessing maybe piano or clarinet.

Kasey @ Little Brick House - Oh that looks like so much fun!
Oh man I can’t imagine running to Dolly. I need the likes of Lady gaga to keep my feet going LOL!

Brook @BeingBrook - So funny! We’ve had a trombone and a french horn player at our house. SO LOUD! Looks fun. I love music when I’m running, distracts me from the fact that I may die or pass out any second.

Ali - Oh my goodness. I played the trombone in high school….marching band, pep band and jazz band. I loved being the only girl on the trombone. It was pretty amazing. Unfortunately I sold my trombone so I can’t relive the memories. That’s hilarious that Craig remembered several songs. I don’t think I could. I bet your kids’ lips were all numb and swollen afterwards.

Jennifer O'Steen - it’s so good to see he is joining band! i was in the band for 9 years, and i loved every second of it! i met some of the best people in my life through band.

se7en - That’s brilliant!!! How fun!!! We are building a band one kid at a time: So far I have a trumpeter a saxophonist and a violinist… with five kids waiting in the wings… I think it is going to be so cool a couple of years from now.

Lisa - What a great moment in your kitchen…..the stuff that a good life is made of!
Thanks for posting this U2 song, I was just thinking I needed some new songs for my pathetic attempts at running and this one is awesome. Don’t know how I haven’t heard it before.

Jana - That is cracking me up! We just did the same thing at our house! Except I sent them outside! I had the trombone out to take pics from Craiglist and they started playing it and laughing hysterically! Good times. 🙂

sue - Can we see pics of your basement ?

Jennifer - If he decides to play the drums, I know a great private lessons teacher!!! 😉
Band is so great! Have fun!

kat - Okay, that’s hilarious. I know y’all were laughing your heads off.L Love it. I so wish I was coming to the craft weekend!!! Those are some very lucky ladies indeed!!! Can’t wait to see the family uniforms.

Holly - I can’t imagine the amount of spit that came out of that thing when they were done! What a fun night! I think I have a kazoo somewhere, I must go look for it right now.

Terrie - We did the same thing at our house (a few years ago…ahem) when my son was going into band. Randy played the trumpet and french horn…so those came out of the basement! Hi-lar-i-ous!! I can’t decide if I’m happy that you didn’t have sound or not… 🙂

Sarah Wolfe - These photos are so very fun. Love impromptu family fun!

Crystal - You should read “Olivia Forms a Band” by Ian Falconer (kids book). She attempts to get her family to make a band. Olivia cracks me up. She’s a crazy character. My daughter loves the Oliva books!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I have always admired the noble trombonists. HOW do they know exactly where to stop that slide thingy? It’s different than pushing the right button. It’s gotta be.

Seriously Sassy Mama - I love Dolly Parton. Personally, I have to walk/run to music like Beyonce, and Maroon 5 to get me going. I played oboe in school, and was a cheerleader.

Rachel - I’ve never played a trombone in my kitchen, but I have a French Horn that I played in the living room…it literally scared the poop out of one of the dogs and then the other one started barking. Needless to say, I put the horn away.
My daughter and I love Dolly Parton! She knows all the words to “Jolene”; I just know the chorus 😉

blu - love that song. we sing it in church. love u2!! and aren’t you so grateful for the random silly moments? especially right before dinner? me too 🙂

Taryn - So i had no idea Craig played the trombone…..i’m guessing he was sitting somewhere close to Vaughn because we have played out this exact same scene at our house! (without me doing the cheerleading moves:)…although i can see myself trying that out now! ) At least they both had something in their mouths so they couldn’t make up alternative words to the songs they were playing like they did in SNC! Ha! Love ya!

Dina - Ok…Sean should most definitely play trombone in the school band. I taught band before I had babies and looking at his embouchure (mouth placement:-) and the way he holds the slide…pretty sure he would do GREAT! The trombonists get all the chicks, ain’t that right, Craig;-) Loved this post!

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