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a kitten and peaches and an {e}book

what a weird title.  

we almost always go peach picking when we are in michigan.
it's something to do that is good for all ages.
as soon as the kids got out of the car they saw this kitten.
and they all mobbed it.
it never touched the ground until we left.

we went out in the HOT sun and picked a basket of peaches.
with the kitten.
and a dog followed us too.

they weren't quiiiiiite ripe yet.
but we found a few in there that were ready.

it was really hot.
too hot to be there i think.
so annie was out of sorts…..and wanted more turns with that silly kitten.

gosh darn it i like that guy a whole bunch!


dave filled a basket of the peaches already on the ground (ruined ones) and made our michigan sign.
he is pretty creative.
and then everyone got to throw them back into the orchard.
we took home all the peaches we picked….with grand intentions as always.
but nothing was baked with the peaches.
they just weren't ripe enough.

i don't even like peaches.
i don't hate them but i am not going to just bite into one!
i wish there were strawberry patches.
or it was pumpkin picking weather.
those are two things i like to pick.  :)

and after this jenny and i got to go out for lunch just the mommies!!!
it was wonderful.
(possibly the highlight of the trip for me…..i love lunching with my friends….and getting a crisp cold salad and eating outside by a beach….and getting amazingly yummy brushetta as an appetizer….without our conversation interrupted once with the words "hey MOM?!!" )


yesterday….i was blow drying my hair and my blog friend Jeannett popped into my mind.
i shot her a quick email saying hello and that i was thinking of her.
she told me that she wrote an {e}book.
and i thought "oh that's nice" and "too bad i don't read books"   (ha….seriously)

then later that evening after a day of throwing around a lot of frustration and thoughts i have been having
about the businesses that i have….balancing this home life with all these kids…..taking care of this house…..
wanting 20 more hours in a day…..missing my sewing machine…..looming work deadlines……

i checked her blog to support her in the {e}book.
i was shocked.
can you guess what it was about????

here is what i found as soon as i opened the page:

Are you a blogger or have a web based business and are running yourself ragged?

Do you love the community created through Social Media,
but you don't know how much longer you can keep up?

Or are you handling it all pretty well, but there are just a few things that you really cannot stand to do? 


i bought it immediately.
why had i never thought to ask jeannett about this stuff?
she is experienced.  she knows!  
maybe you are having the same questions/frustrations…..maybe you are curious…maybe you want to be hired?
Click here to visit Hire Blog Help.

i love that she did it.
that she put herself out there and used her experience to help other people freaking out like me.

i told her that God knew i was struggling….i was telling him constantly…so He told me "say hi to jeannett today"
while i blow dried my hair.
and i did.
and she was there for me….thanks jeannett……thanks God!!!
you are awesome.

Renae - I just bought the e-book because I have mad organizational skills and want to help bloggers be all that they can be!! Hint, hint! 🙂 Thanks Meg…have been away in Minnesota for a week so missed your posts. Love that you’re back to making me giggle.

michelle - I agree with you on peaches…they aren’t that great on their own. Try them sprinkled with sugar (ok maybe I put a lot of sugar) and some cream….Yummy!

Tracy Fisher - here’s an idea for you… just experimented the other day with my kids. put peaches in buttered baking dish. we added blackberries too. sprinkle with a little flour and brown sugar (if they need sweetening). take a roll of pillsbury sugar cookie dough and crumble it over the top. bake in 350 oven for 30-40 minutes or until brown. serve with vanilla ice cream.
yum! tracy fisher

deborah@applesinwonderland - it is blueberry season late july–next year do that. easy picking but not so much bending over–like strawberry picking. we’re eating blueberries with everything, it’s ridonkulous. 🙂

Laura Phelps - I need a book about the frustrations of so many ideas with NO business…at speak of, and life is slipping away, and you are not using your God given talents, but you have no idea where to even begin, and why does everything seem so HARD…and well…
do you know anybody with THAT book?
maybe I should go blow dry my hair….

alicia @ la famille - so cool how God works 🙂 will have to check that book out!

Astrid - Where in michigan were you? I would love to go pick peaches but most of the orchards do not have u-pick peaches. Awesome photos as usual! We are hoping to go blueberry picking in MI this weekend. 🙂

amanda - I love how God meets us right where we are (yay God!) I’m leaving your site to go check out the ebook. I have such a love/hate relationship w/ all things social media. sigh. I don’t want my kids to remember me pecking on a silly computer all the time, but it can also be used as an encouragement and ministry tool. Just have to keep it all balanced … (btw great pictures!)

Jill - I now know that I’m obsessed with your blog. I was at the Bob Dylan concert at the Ryman last night and 2 of the guys from Kings of Leon sat in front of us and my first thought was, “Meg loves KOL!!!” I live in Nashville so obviously I don’t hang out with you, but… I did think about you at Bob Dylan last night! Isn’t that funny?!
Jill J.

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Love all your peach pictures. Wish we could do that around here somewhere…i’ll have to look into that! But we do have strawberries and raspberries 🙂 Hope you have a happy week!

Sharon Kindall - God is awsome and the way he gets our attention is so subtle sometimes, but when we pay attention it is so amazing! I’m glad you e-mailed Jeanette!

Jill @ Cora Anne Designs - Definitely try blueberries, raspberries or cherries next time you’re in Michigan – they’re all perfect right now! (strawberries are in June!)

Heather - Pumpkin patch weather…a little nip of cool in the air mixed with warm sun and plenty of blue skies. And that wonderful shade of sunlight that only comes in the late afternoon of a midwest autumn day. Sigh! It’s 110 degrees in Olathe, KS today and summer has worn out its welcome.

Kelly - God is amazing! I love the way He does stuff. Wow.
I love the pic of you and Craig!
The Michigan 2011 shot is super fun.
Wish those peaches had been ripe. I do love a good, soft, juicy, ripe peach!
Pumpkin picking weather! That makes me so excited just thinking about it. Kelly

Janet - Meg,
I noticed a picture of Talby about a year ago, how ‘naturally’ beautiful she is. The one in this post of her holding the kitten, well all I can say is she is gorgeous. She has such natural beauty. From what I’ve read on your blog, it’s inside and out.

Kimberly Dial - I love it when God does that! Awesomeness, pure & simple! YAY God! YAY you (for obeying His voice 🙂 BTW,what did you do with all the peaches … jam, jelly ….?

Kimberly Dial - I love it when God does that! Awesomeness, pure & simple! YAY God! YAY you (for obeying His voice 🙂 BTW,what did you do with all the peaches … jam, jelly ….?

Jessica Johnson - love jeannett. one of my fave blogs. love peaches. one of my fave fruits. LOVE the michigan 2011 picture. so creative. “let’s jam” sourface? KILLING me! so funny.

Heather aka moreygirl - Hey Meg, I bought that ebook too! But i don’t know Jeannett. When I was reading it though, I thought of you and wondered if you had a va:) Hope it works for you!

Susan - It looks like you guys had a great time. On a related note – is it possible that I saw Chicago Jenny’s son at the Kohl’s Children’s Museum today? If so, small world! If not – he has a doppelganger in the area! 🙂

Toni :O) - Hiya Meg…did you hear that Kings of Leon are not getting along and may possibly be breaking up? It was on our radio up here and I immediately thought of you! Hate to be the bearer of bad news but didn’t know if you’ve heard. Funny how YOU popped into my head after hearing that as I was driving to work this morning but I know how much you love them. Here’s a link about their latest concert fiasco:
Hope you have a blessed day and I heart your blog…SO much!

Stephanie - Great Michigan vacation picks! WE in MI do have strawberry patches!!! Lots of them!!! You must not have come UP far enough!!! 🙂 I picked 3 (not 1, not 2) but 3 flats of strawberries!!! My 2 year old calls them staw*bee*rees! They are so yummy!!!

Jodi - Your blog is so stinking fun! I love it!! 🙂
Curious if you could share what lens you use for your camera just for general purpose? I am looking at getting a new one, and love your pics! I use a 50mm and love it!

Amanda - i’m learning to recognize those whispers. when we live in a relationship with Him it’s so much easier to know. what a blessing! i wish Jeanette the best with her ebook. so great she is sharing her knowledge with others.
my hubby has been unemployed for 6 months. our third lay off since 2008 🙁 i sew and blog. hoping this isn’t too forward of me to ask…if i can help you with your businesses in any way, i’d love to!!

Jennifer - Love the kitty cat…your family seriously must be a magnet for sweet, precious kitty-cats! 🙂
What a tender mercy from the Lord you had about your friend, Jeannette, and being inspired to reach out to her. And even better, how wonderful that you acted on that prompting. Sometimes I am guilty of not acting on those promptings. I love when little blessings come to us from above when we stop, listen and heed the inspiration God is sending to our hearts and minds. Such a neat story–thanks for sharing, Meg.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - A great post Megan,
I call those God nudging moments, the little miracles he provides on us a daily basis. Some we are aware of, some not as much. I used to keep a small miracles book beside my bed. This post is making me think I should start it up again.

Michele - I read daily, I comment, um, never. sorry. But today I cried when I read the story about God telling you to say hi to Jeanett today. I love that. Mostly I love how you KNEW God was talking to you. You know what? Most of the time I don’t think I’m listening. Thanks for reminding me to listen!

nicki - You were definitely too early for Michigan peaches (I’m guessing you were here recently?), and yes, you missed the strawberries (June), but it’s been prime BLUEBERRY season! Raspberries too…cherries if you head north to Traverse City 🙂 God is good in many ways, as seen by both subjects in your post!

Jen Brandt - LOVE the picture of you and Craig.

Maggie Nunez - hi Meg, i enjoy reading your posts. i think you are amazing…that fact that you can do so much and still focus on your family is admirable. the love you have of family is very evident in your blogging…i look forward to reading your posts and looking at your pictures…thanks for being real.

Susan Ponder - I call them “God winks!”

Judy @Considering the Options - I love those God moments! When I’ve been telling God what I’m struggling with, but not really expecting a solution right then. And a name comes to me, or an opportunity, or the right thing happens. You just know, God was guiding you.
It probably happens 20 times more than I realize, I’m just grateful I actually notice it now and then! God is Good! All the Time!

Terrie - I love peaches! Loved your Michigan 2011…we always find a way to do that on vacations.
Don’t you just love how God gets our attention…and some of the crazy times He does it? If only I would listen to those nudges more often..or maybe if I should say, if only I would act on them more often.
HaPpy TuEsDaY!!
PS…any cooler in your area yet? Not here! 🙁

Kirsten P - Meg, you do know about ripening peaches in paper bags, correct? I put 3 or 4 in a lunch size paper bag for a few days. They do ripen and smell wonderful!

Holly - looks like a fun trip for you all! I will definately check out her book although my blog isnt too high maintenece yet with all 2 of my readers! ha!

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