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i am the worst at planning kids parties.
i have ideas and all but getting people invited in a timely fashion……i'm awful.
but miraculously kids still make it.
thank goodness.



the big plans for the party were pool….water balloons….water slide….eat.



even Sunshine showed up!
my kids have renamed him Tiger….since he's a boy.
he is still NOT our cat.
he is NOT.

sean worked for hours filling water balloons.
and it was the best part.
those boys (and annie) threw them for the entire party.
worth it for sure. 

sean's cake was a labor of love.
he was so happy with it….which made me happy.
i found the recipe and instructions  here.  
and the cheese is a sugar sheet….sold at joanns…..very cool.

he got all his friends laughing really hard during his gift time.
love to see that.

a good party…..maybe an hour too long but still good.
laid back.
loud and wild and full of boy craziness.
mission accomplished.



today is the last day to enter the giveaway for Davis' adoption fund.
they are at 23% today.
we can do better than that for Davis.


i read this today and thought YES GOD!!! it's so fitting for Davis.

"Be generous: Invest in acts of charity.
Charity yields high returns.
Don't hoard your goods; spread them around.
BE A BLESSING to others.  THis could be your last night."

Ecclesiastes 11: 1 – 2 

that is truth.
right there in front of your eyes.
go be a blessing to Davis today.

Aimee - Okay you emailed me to tell me what you used for the “lettuce” in the cake and I can’t find that email anywhere!! Am going to make this cake tonight…if you get a chance, would you email me again with what you used? thanks!

Prairie Mama - OH, I’m drooling over your house. I have a very similar kitchen and now I’m loaded with great ideas on how to decorate my huge blank island…..
Love your style and your photos!!!!

Ali - What a GREAT birthday party! I love that cheeseburger cake…its amazing! The edible cheese slice = terrific! 🙂 Swimming and water balloons = so much FUN! 🙂 Your a great Mom! 🙂 Happy Birthday to your big 11 year old! Love the pic of him with his friends all smiling! 🙂 I bet he felt very loved and celebrated!
~ Ali

Codi - Happy Birthday!!
Where did you get that plastic pool? I’ve been looking and looking! I had one growing up and it was the best! My 3 boys destroy the blow up pools in a month or less!
Great cake!

sarah - sean is such a sweetie! merriest of birthdays to him!

Kerstie - He is SO you cat!!! Fab cake…..

Cyndi Hamilton - What a great cake!! Having both younger and older childen, I think casual parties are the way to go. I am awful about getting people invited too. I always have all these great plans for beautiful, handmade invites, but never get them compleated or in the mail. I now use FB and e-mail so I can do it in the middle of the night. If they get the invite only a day or two a head of time, I have already let people know to save the date.
Thanks for sharing,

Cara @ Twice Lovely - er… THE kitty?

Cara @ Twice Lovely - Oh Meg- I will always love your photographs. Just lovely, esp. the one of your kitty- and the water balloons- and the… I love ALL of them!

Sarah - I love YOUR cute cat! 🙂 I’m kidding.
But that cake is amazing…I stink at making cakes. No matter how careful they are always messy and lopsided.

Laura Lee - Happy Birthday 🙂 and watch out for that cat! easy to say no now but wait till the snow starts 🙂
Praying for Davis… I love the verse you found.

Joyce - Happy Birthday to your son. Love the cake…I made cupcakes like that a few years ago…very cool

Charlene@Adventures In Mommy Land - Wow that cake is amazing…you score great BIG mom brownie points for that baby!!!

Jennifer - How fun, Meg…I love the picture of Tiger (a/k/a Sunshine) with the kids. I think that’s awesome that he showed up for the party. You may not want to hear this, but I’m thinking he has found his new family after all. 🙂

heidi @ wonder woman wannabe - serious, that cake is rock’n awesome! good job, mama! 🙂

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - Such a happy post. 🙂 I especially love that cake! You are such an awesome Mom..
Also, not sure if you got my email, but do you have a PO box for blog readers to send you things? I made you something. 🙂

Suzanne - Great cake! Your an awesome Mom!
Happy Birthday, Sean 🙂

karen - awesome cake woman!! summer time birthday parties are the best!

x♥x♥, gina - i’m usually ALL party – but due to all of my health issues the one for Sat. is looking VERY laid back , but my to-be-7-tomorrow year old is still VERY EXCITED! Happy Birthday to Sean!

se7en - Looks like joy and happiness all round!!! You just can’t beat your party planning!!!

Lia - Love the cake and decorations. Looks like is was a loud party. I can almost hear it now.

Rachel B. - Sister, is there no end to your talents?

Jemm - I printed the recipe for the cake before I left this comment! That is SO cool. You’re a super mom and you know it ;P

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You make cakes too!!!! You are amazing! The pictures are worth a thousand words…fun was written on all their faces.

amy jupin - i love the cheeseburger cake!
you are a GREAT mom.
and sean looks so happy.
parties stress me out but i know they make my kids feel special and loved and that’s really the whole point, right?
thank you for mentioning davis again.
when i saw his picture, i instantly thought of planning his 5th birthday party!
that will really be something special, indeed.

happygirl - What a wonderful cake. Better late than not at all. Who doesn’t LOVE a pool party. Happy Birthday.

Amy - Ha Ha! Are you trying to convince yourself or the rest of us that Tiger is not part of the family?

Aimee - okay, my son turns 13 in a few weeks and would LOVE this cake…but where do you get the “spearmint leaf gummy candies” for the lettuce?!

Leah - I’m so impressed with that cake! Wow! What a great party – simple, colorful, fun. And that is SO your cat.

Margaret - The party looks like it was so much fun….I always try to plan elaborate kids parties, but I think the more laid back they are, the more they are enjoyed. I am also bad at getting invites out–the last two years, we’ve taken fantastic pictures of our son with the intention of sending them out as invites, but we end up passing them out at the party instead 🙂

Melissa - That cake is amazing!!! You should be proud of yourself!

Zoet en Zo - Happy birthday!

erlfisher - That cake is INSANE! Love it!

Terrie G - Nice job on the cake!
I LOVE water balloons!
Looks like a great time! Happy 11 to your young man!

Talysa - Um…that cake is fabulous. And I love the water balloon shot. The lighting is gorgeous. And seriously, I thought I held the crown for worst party mom ever. Maybe there’s two out there? 🙂

Sharla - Looks like everyone had a great time!! Love that Sean took care of the balloons and that cake . . .AMAZING. I have never heard of a sugar sheet!

Tara M. - Happy Birthday Sean! We have that same pool by step 2. It came with a slide and I must say it was one of the best plastic toys I ever bought for our kids. We still have it and our oldest is 12 now.

Kori - Looks like a great time was had by all! In reading your first sentence, I knew exactly what you meant, but isn’t it funny how even though that may be the case (for lots of us!), the kids don’t really notice as long as their friends are there and an awesome cake is involved!! 🙂
Happy Birthday Sean!

Tiffany - Your cake made me smile! Happy Birthday Sean, So sweet that you even let Annie come to your party, let alone be involved.

Holly - that is awesome! Love the cake!

Kimberly Dial - I raised two sons (now 31 & 29) so I have a soft spot in my heart for boys & I declare I could feel the fun (and love!) in those pics … and I love, love, love that Miss Annie was throwing water balloons right along side those boys … she’s a girl after my own heart! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - I raised two sons (now 31 & 29) so I have a soft spot in my heart for boys & I declare I could feel the fun (and love!) in those pics … and I love, love, love that Miss Annie was throwing water balloons right along side those boys … she’s a girl after my own heart! 🙂

april - That actually looks like an awesome party!

Teresa - Isn’t that just like a cat? There are at least 8 feet and 8 hands in his face and he isn’t looking at one of them! Love it!!
Sounds a fun party and I love that Sean worked so hard on the balloons. Happy Birthday to him!

Karen Gerstenberger - Happy Birthday to Sean! That party – and the cake – look wonderful.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - love the cake lady! looks like a great day:)

Hilary - Super awesome cake! Low key parties are so fun with kid directed activities. Happy Birthday Sean!!

Jenna - Great cake! I love it! Also, I just want to snuggle that cat 🙂

Dee Stephens - That cake rocks the casbah!

tiffany m gardner - happy boy…good job mom!

Kerry - Awesome Cake Meg!! Well done 🙂 I am rubbish at inviting people too… This last party last week, my Little girl was still inviting people just 2 days before, but they still showed – haha! Happy Birthday Sean 🙂 xx

Michelle B - Looks like a wonderful party! I am in the midst of birthday season in my house…why did I have all my kids during the summer? I try not to go overboard on the parties… I can see how easily it can get out of control or trying to top their friends’ parties. Laid back…just my style! I can’t imagine what my boys are going to be like at 11! I am loving your poka dot table coverings. Happy Birthday to Sean!

Melissa - Happy birthday!!!!!

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