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a change of scenery


my husband took me on a hot date last night.
it was a dinner for his office but i still got to shave my legs, wear high heels and be OUT for the night.

it was a wine tasting dinner.
that was a lot of wine on a wednesday night for this mama.

for real.

it was good to get out of the house!
i needed it.

although…thanks to the wine…..i was up at 3 AM unable to sleep anymore…..i fell back asleep at 5:30. 
can't win with my stupid sleep.

AND sean came into my room when i was up at 4:43 am and scared the snot out of me.
he couldn't sleep either.

probably because today is his birthday!
he is a thinker and i bet he was dreaming up what his gifts might be and then couldn't go back to sleep.


sean's day of birth was quite dramatic.
it was fun to tell him about again.


we barely made it into a delivery room and craig had to lie down on the delivery room floor and the nurses brought him juice while i looked down at him.
i think i said "what are you doing? i am the one that just had this baby!"
it was very fast and very overwhelming for everyone. 
ha ha ha

i am so glad that sean was born.

he rocks.


airplane - Antes pensaba de otro modo, agradezco por la ayuda en esta pregunta.

Jennifer Ware - I know this is an old post so I hope you actually see this comment… while the outfit is super cute I’ve got a question about your paint color. I’m looking for the “perfect cream” color and was wondering what color is on the walls of the background of these photos. Finding the right cream is gonna kill me. Thanks!

Kim Barlow - You are one foxy Mama!!! Happy Birthday to Sean…he looks like such a sweet, easy going guy. My oldest Trent will be 11 this month. Time flies. PS. Wine does the same thing to me but I still drink it too!!! LOL!

Lauren - You look amazing!!!! Hope date night was fun!!!

Kristy - absolutely darling you look. love the heels. love the dress, how excited and fun you look 🙂
so happy you got a night out with your hubby 🙂

Amy Slavik@ Little For A Little While - Hot Mama! Love that you took the time to take some photos of yourself! We Mamas need to strut our stuff when we get the chance! Hope you had a fun night out!

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the hubs! Too much wine keeps you up? I would have thought the exact opposite was true 🙂 I hope Sean had an awesome birthday!

Kimberly Dial - I’m so glad you enjoyed your evening with the hubs! Too much wine keeps you up? I would have thought the exact opposite was true 🙂 I hope Sean had an awesome birthday!

Courtney Hohimer - WOOWOO! Look at you hot momma! Glad you had a chance for a great night out!

Gevay - I am sure I am not the first to tell you this but you looked fabulous on your date night. I am sure your husband was proud to have you on his arm!

Carol Beiler - I’d love to know where you got the dress?

Carol Beiler - What a great outfit!! I love the dress!! You look great!

Kristin S - Well, hey Hottie McHottie! It is fun to get dressed up and be girlie. You look great!

Ali - I guess we all wish you were a fashion buyer for an affordable store! We love your style!
We all need the scoop on where you got…
> the shoes
> the dress
> the cardigan white sweater
> your hair cut what is it called
> toe nail polish color and brand
> makeup
> the flower on your sweater
Thanks so much!
~ Ali

amy - What an adorable outfit, cute and sexy! Love, love, love it. You looked amazing 🙂

Denise Sandberg - Where did you get that DRESS??? It’s a dress I’d love to have!!! 😉 CUTE! and you looked so adorable!

tammy kay - lovely! you are beautiful! I love your home. Just found out I’m expecting number 5 and I really want your 5 sign now! ha.

Julie - i want to know about the dress, too–do tell!!
happy birthday sean!!

andiejaye - happy birthday to sean!!! you look so cute in that outfit. i wish i had a place to wear clothes like that 🙂

AshleyAnn - mirrors. 😉

Meg Carter - Wow,Hot mama! You look great Meg! Happy Birthday Sean!!!!

Amy - You look fab 🙂 Where did you get those shoes!? I WANT!!

elisa - you are so beautiful!

the domestic fringe - You look SO adorable! I LOVE your outfit. Seriously. It’s so cute and yet still looks comfy. Great shoes. Glad you got a night out!

Kate - You can’t post a sassy outfit like that and then not tell us where you got it!!! You should do the What I Wore Wednesday because you always look so pulled together! Now spill, where did ya get the dress!!

Carrie - You are gorgeous! Seriously!
I love your outfit.

Andy - you are the cutest

Katy @ Live Laugh Love Craft - You are so beautiful!

Kelly - Happy birthday Sean! He looks a lot like Scott in the first photo but all Sean in the second.
Impressive that you wore a white sweater to a wine tasting! I love the whole ensemble. Kelly

Sara - You look super happy and sassy. No “slacks and a nice blouse” for you! ha ha. Glad to hear you got to go out – every hot mamma needs a few hours to shine!

Joyce - Happy Birthday to your dear son…..I love your shoes!!

Staci - I need a change of scenery too!!!! And you look super adorable in that dress 🙂 I have those same shoes…I believe, Payless??!!! So cute 🙂 I’m glad your Sean was born too 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You rocked that dress girlie! So glad you had a hot date…so fun.

julia - how about you whisper in my ear all of your outfit details and I’ll let everyone else know…promise…right after I go shopping.

TamiV - You look fabulous! Where did you find that adorable dress?

Megan - YOU LOOK AWESOME!! Also love the banner in the that a coffee filter dyed banner? LOVE to know how you did it!

Brooke - Love the dress…and shoes! You are so so cute!! 🙂

Robin - Bow-chicka-wow-wow!!! You look amazing!! You go girl!! LOVE the dress and shoes…and this is yet another request to tell us WHERE THEY CAME FROM!!!!

shauna - you are the cutest.
and so is sean.

se7en - Happy Brilliant Birthday young man – hope you have a wonderful year!!!

Leigh - Where is that dress from?!?!

Kat - Ps great legs! Must be all that running.
PPS I would love a break from my kids today!! Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kat - You look like one smoking hot Mamma!
Love your outfit, looks so fresh and summery compared to me here in Aus rugged up for winter.
Where did you get the red flower? Is that a pleated poppy one? LOVE it and your jewellery!

Sally - You look like a beauty! I want one of those dresses…where did you get it??
That is awesome to have a birthday summer! Birth stories are awesome…I love that my children each have their own very different and unique day. Happy b-day to Sean!

Suzanne - Great “date night” outfit – especially the shoes! By the way, I love your haircut – it really is so cute!
Happy Birthday to Sean!
Suzanne Gallagher

Tamsen - Random comment that has nothing to do with date nights or birthdays (yay for both of them, BTW!), but I wanted to thank you for inspiring me to get crafty with my kids each week. We started a “craft thursday” ourselves about a month ago and are having a blast! My 3 younger kids (age 6, 10, and 12) and I have been going crazy with paint, glue and glitter. Last night my son said, “YES!! tomorrow is craft day!!) and his younger sister started dancing around the house saying, “this is better than kindergarten!” And then, my 17-year-old daughter chimed in and said, “I think I want to do crafts tomorrow with you guys, too.” Say what??? So tonight, I will sit at the table with all 4 of my kids and create. Pure. Heaven.

Tami Veer - you look great!! i love your style!

Rachel B. - Look at you! Get down with your bad self!
(Yay for date nights and birthdays).

jacqui anderson - wow! you get more gorgeous every day if thats possible!

Sandy - Here’s a question for your next question/answer day…how tall are you?
I would love to wear shoes like that, but I’m already 5’8.5 and my man is 5’8 on a good day. :-/

Sandy - Look at you all dressed up pretty! I hope you had a great time despite losing sleep.
Happy Birthday, Sean! I realized the other day that he is next in line for missing from pictures. Don’t think we don’t miss seeing your two oldest because we do (I’m sure I can speak for every one of your readers). 🙁

This Farm Family's Life - Lookin’ good! Happy Birthday to Sean!

Amanda - Cute dress, cute shoes, cute mama!!!! CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! Glad you were able to get out 🙂

steph - ME-OW!!!
hot mamma!
you look great!
those shoes are killer.
glad you had an awesome date night out with craig.
jeez louise… i could sure use one of those too.
(of course NOT with craig but MY hubby mike) 😉
happy bday to your boy sean!
love to tell the ‘edited’ birth stories to my girls too.
they find it so fascinating.
i wish my mom could tell my story but she just says i was born and my dad was there (unlike the other 2 siblings… when it was still so long ago that the husbands weren’t allowed in the room!)

amy jupin - you look sassy.
and skinny.
and ah-dorable.
and just like talby!
happy birthday sean!

Tracy - Glad you had a great night out, Meg and happy birthday to Sean! Hope it’s been a great day for him! P.S. Love the dress and the rockin kick-a@@ shoes! You’re adorable and I enjoy learning all about your family. 🙂 Big hugs!

Wendy - First time commenter here! First, I love your blog! Second I have a brother Sean who also is a July 14th baby! Happy Birthday to your Sean!

raquel - so glad to hear that I am not the only one who can’t sleep after a night with too much wine. I fall right asleep only to wake up a short while later! Wish me luck, i have a wine tasting tomorrow night!

Sarah - Super cute shoes!

Julie - Meg, you look so adorable!! Love your outfit, head to toe! I, like everyone else, would love to know where you bought your dress and shoes from. And your bracelets! I wake up for a couple hours during the night too if I drink too much wine. It stinks but I love wine!
Happy Birthday to Sean!
I absolutely LOVE your blog! It’s SO bright and cheery. I always look forward to your posts!

Ali - Okay, you look sassy and ready for your big date! You are seriously pretty and I love the way you dress! 🙂 I don’t know how you manage to go shopping for clothes with your kids! Please give me tips! I’ve gone a little frumpy these days ( I have 3 kids) tell me how to juggle date nights and cute clothes! I want to be a cute Momma too! 🙂 Love that white cardigan and the red flower! Cute shoes too!
Happy birthday to Sean!
~ Ali

MeganM - Great outfit!! You looked fantasic! As others have request, please, please, please share wher you bought your dress and shoes!

Shellie Hanley - Hi Meg, I read your blog every day and LOVE it! I even had a dream that we were friends and were hangin’ out.(Weird, I know.)I have that same dress and haven’t worn it yet,glad to know it looks so cute!! I got mine at Belk.
Hope your Sean has a great b-day. Just wondering, how is your oldest daughter? Don’t see her much in photos or hear how she’s doing. I have 2 daughters, one almost 18 and one 13, I know it’s a tough age.
Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. 🙂

Angie M - You look great! Love the shoes:)

MichelleB - today is my owen’s bday. he is 5! not such a dramatic birth…planned c-section. you look so cute dressed up! love the shoes! happy bday Sean!

Kristy - No doubt….. you look HOT! but you’re also ADORABLE! I bet Mr. Duerksen loved those high heels 🙂

Kelsey I - WORK. IT.
What a hottie.


Marissa - Another request for that dress info…TOO CUTE!!!!!!

April M - LOVE this! Made me smile so much! You look AMAZING!
And Happy Bday to Sean 🙂

alicia @ la famille - you look adorable! hope you’re having a better day 🙂

Denissa - You look adorable! Love your sassy shoes 🙂 and wine keeps me awake too! I can drink coffee at night and sleep fine, wine up all night..crazy..haha 🙂
Happy birthday Sean!

Jill @ Barnes Yard - How CUTE are you?!!

Tam - you look amazing and those shoes are fierce! Happy birthday, Sean!

Kerry - one HOT mama! you have gorg legs, and those shooooeesss!! too cute. Happy Birthday Sean 🙂 xx

sarah - Your outfit is so so cute and so are you, hot mama!

Alisha Gibb - Cuuuuuuuuute dress! Can I ask where u got it? You look FABULOUS!

Beth - Cute shoes! Well played. 🙂

Juliann Brenner - Megan – you are so funny; thanks for the Sean-story and the laugh – I needed it today 🙂
I LOVE your dress…please share details – where is it from? the sweater too? I have a hard time finding cute dresses….I think I need a date too!

happygirl - LOVE the birth story. LOVE the outfit (but don’t understand the cardigan with 105 heat) Love the shoes. 🙂

stevie - Awesome outfit…love the dress and shoes. Aren’t date nights the best?

BriBedell - I love dates 🙂 you are one hawt momma 🙂 happy birthday to Sean!!! I would like more details on this crazy birth!! Oh and do you have other boy names you were considering naming yours?? I’m…uh…asking for a friend, yeah, a friend 🙂

Jenna - hehe I have a feeling that will be my husband too! Also, that outfit is so wonderful! It is everything I love in clothes! Where did you get it all?

Lisa - Just like everyone else wants to know – Where’d you get that awesome dress and shoes! 🙂 Happy birthday to your sweet boy Sean!

Terrie - You look gorgeous! Glad you got out! I’m ready for vacation! Have a super happy birthday celebration! HapPy HaPpY BiRtHdaY to Sean!!

heidi maggard - CUTEST. SHOES. EVER!!!!!!!

Donna - You look great meg! I love that dress; would love to know where you got it. date nights are the best:)

Karen Gerstenberger - So glad that you and your sweetie got out for a “date night.” We all need those! You looked chic, sassy, beautiful and happy.
Happy Birthday to Sean!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Alright, first of all, I love how sassy you’re looking here. These pics scream “Im goin on a date!” And secondly, Mrs. Deurksen, you should totally know by now to source everything you wear.:) You looked great…glad you got out.

melanie - vavavaVOOM! you clean up nice. 🙂 gorgeous eyes! really great outfit — where did you get that dress?
i hope to be married again someday and still go on dates 🙂

Ali - drink RED wine! took me years to figure out why i would wake up in the middle of the night after drinking (a few glasses of) wine..if you are having more than one glass, stick with a red! its the sugar in the white that keeps you up! i promise!
i’m sorry you missed out on sleep, thats stinky:(.

Jill @ Cora Anne Designs - LOVE your outfit (and the attitude to match!)

tara - you look hot tamale, meg!
love the dress…
love the hair…
love the red flower pin…
LOVE the shoes.
yay for HOT dates with our hubbys!
and, Happiest Bday to your sean!

Laura - Awww…date night. It’s been a while! Where’d ya’ get the shoes?! I need them.

Jules - Aww Meg you look gorgeous! As a funny coincidence I bought a very similar dress yesterday (albeit without the cute ruffle) and I was wondering what to pair it with – love the white cardi and big flower! Hope you had a fab time, and happy birthday to Sean! x

Amanda - adorable outfit Meg!
so glad you got a night out with hubs. how fun!

mel @ the larson lingo - You look adorable! Love your cute outfit.
I love wine tasting dinners…FUN.
Happy Birthday Sean!

Tiffany - Go Sassy! Go Sassy! Go Sassy! I have that flower too in linen blue. Etsy much? Happy Birthday Sean, your a cutie patootie.

Tonya - Too cute! Would love to know where you got your dress!

Windy - You look soo nice!!! Where did you get that dress?? Love it…

Lori - You are one hot mama! You look amazing 🙂 And, happy birthday Sean! Love the pictures of him 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Very hot! lol
It’s SOOO nice to get out of these 4 walls every now and then.
Gemma x

danielle burkleo - hottie!!

Schmidt’s love you!

Shana - Such a hottie!
And I had this feeling that you were in Lawrence last weekend. . . we were too!!!! I should always check in before we head up – just in case. 🙂

amy b. - You look so cute all dressed up, love the red flower!! Don’t remember the last time I had a date night-must do something about that!

Annie - Yay for date nights! Even better when it’s in the middle of the week! I LOVE your dress!!

Kimberlee - You are simply stunning.
Glad you two were able to get out for some fresh air. 🙂
Happy Birthday to Sean!

Loni - Happy Birthday to Sean!
You are one hot mama! LOVE the outfit.

Beth - Agreed that you look great! And I am glad Sean was born too! Tell him Mrs. Burns says Happy Birthday and I will miss having him in my class this year! He makes me smile. That photo of him with the chocolate mouth is precious (don’t tell him I said that, I have a feeling he wouldn’t be too impressed with being called precious!)!

Jeanelle - seriously adorable outfit…happy birthday Sean!

Tonia Hobbs - I had a date too this week! Arent those always like. . . miracles! You looked so so pretty! LOVE.THE.SHOES!!
Love your blog too! Have a great day!

Sarah - you look beautiful!! glad to hear you had a great date night!

Seriously Sassy Mama - What a sassy outfit! I love the shoes. I would LOVE for my husband to take me out to a place where I had to shave my legs.

Sarah - Love that shoe picture and your giant roll of paper towels ;). You looked killer on your date night!!

lauren - what did we do before we had kids??? they are EVERYTHING awesome!
p.s. i think our toenails match! haha! 🙂

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Love, love, love your cute outfit! Would you share where you found the dress and shoes? So happy you got a fun night out with your hubby. And happy birthday to Sean!!!

Holly - you look great! I love that you GOT to shave your legs! ha! Happy birthday sean!

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