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i got nothing for you today.

i am……..tired?
worn down may be a better choice of words.

the four kids at home have lessons or camps this week.
i am in the car like….hours a day.


but i have been working out during lessons.
so at least i have done that.

but there has been A LOT of fighting and whining and crying and screaming here too.
99% not by me….but i have had my 1%.
that kind of stuff is EXHAUSTING…..always thinking "how do i handle this?" "what do i do now?"

i can NOT wait for vacation.
i wish it was today.
i want to be away from all these activities.
but yet i love the activities that keep them busy and teach them.

i think i just need more sleep?

crawling back into bed sounds really good.
but i can't.
i have to get to swim lessons and basketball camp and sams club for groceries and joann's for cake decorations and target for one last birthday gift and find a sitter for my husband's work dinner date tonight that he just told me about five minutes ago and the car is out of gas.

tomorrow will be better.
it will be.

enjoy these completely unrelated and happy (not whiney) pictures today. 





Crystal - My girls have fussed and complained more this week than all summer put together! I shipped them to my mom’s for a day just to get a break, so I feel your pain! 🙂

Logan - Well, all I know is that they are adorable!!!

Jessica - Nothing? I think not…those bright cool pics of the water tubes are pretty great.

karen - i love the colours in those pics!!!

leonieke - at least you have sun! here there’s stormy weather, lots of rain. the kids are watching a dvd, with a hot cup of tea, and i’m wondering if it’s ever gonna be summer here in the netherlands,…one week to go until all my kids are free from school.. it’s strange to act like it’s fall in the middle of the summer..

Margaret - Oh, I sometimes find myself wishing for the day when my three year old can make his own pb&j’s and not try to wedge himself between me and the hubs in the middle of the night. I always think I will be alot less rested when this time comes, but i know that I’ll be just as exhausted playing chauffeur and referee. Wishing you good, stress-free days between now and your vacation!

Heather Crawford - I feel your pain….

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hope your feeling better soon! I hate days like that.
Pure Stress!
Love Gemma x

Maria - I am there with you…in addition to swim team craziness, taekwondo whiny-ness, we all have VBS this week, and I’m in crafts every day…can’t even think straight and finally crammed in a workout tonight…
Longest week ever.
Much needed retail therapy to come on Friday…

andrea - Ugh! My thoughts exactly! I love that they have stuff to do because it gives me a break and lets them see other people. BUT they sure are crabby! I guess it is because they try to cram their normal summer day into the time that they are here which exhausts them enough as it is.
My kids spend A LOT of time in our pool too! We didn’t get it up until about two weeks ago and I was ready to leave. By myself. Done with it. The, as I say “whining, griping and complaining”!

Amy Slavik - Love your kids’ facial expressions! Hope you got it all done today, and that you get some restful sleep tonight!

Joy - That Annie tickles my funnybone!
I may getting a bit whiney myself. Summer throws life into a whole different level of stress. We do away with one thing and replace it with three more.
Still, I do NOT want it to end.

Courtney Walsh - my gosh. is it in the water? same here. last week our baseball and dance were on hiatus and it was kind of awesome…but i’m with you on the loving them learning thing. ugh. it’s a catch-22!!!
at least you’re working out. i am definitely not doing that.

Southern Gal - Working out? Good for you. My mom wasn’t above making us kiss and make up. Stay cool.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Hmmmm…wish I could say whining gets better with age, but it doesn’t and I know it’s more of a head game isn’t it? Always trying to be Dr. Phil and Father Albert and What Would Jesus Do all in one person. Being a mom is just plain old hard. I do have a random question for you….do you keep your camera attached at your hip 24/7? You must with all the great pics you get. Love you and your blog. Happy summer!
P.S. Can’t wait for Blog Sugar. I just signed up for my seminars. Can’t wait to hear what you have to say (not to make you nervous or anything 🙂 You’ll be great!

Elizabeth Horn - I have four kids at home this summer, too and it is exhausting. I started out optimistic, thinking I would be so organized and fun, but instead I feel like the break is rushing past and the house is a disaster. I think I have given up on keeping it clean. Maybe when school starts?

amy jupin - to say i can relate is an understatement.
josh has been gone for two days. after being home 5 minutes, he has a major breakdown and was sent to his room.
parenting is HARD.
why don’t they understand that i would LOVE to give them soda and candy for breakfast and let them watch tv all day long??!!
i would!
but that’s not being a good parent!
work with me PEOPLE!

Tracy Fisher - It’s summer. We are moms. We can whine. If you lived closer, and you weren’t going to a party, I’d invite you over to try my new cheese ball recipe… and I’d even pour you a little glass of wine. Tracy Fisher

debbie - Hi Meg,
It seems hard while you’re going through it, but you will miss it when they are grown and gone 🙂
I love the pics, and I love seeing snippets of your neighborhood in the background. I adore old houses!

Kimberly Dial - Unfortunately, summer seems to be flying by & soon (sniff, sniff) it will be over & school will be in session. You are such an active momma with active kiddos & you’re to be commended for it! BRAVO Meg! I have a feeling a ‘date night’ with the hubs (even if it is a business dinner) will make you feel better. Enjoy!

Kimberly Dial - Unfortunately, summer seems to be flying by & soon (sniff, sniff) it will be over & school will be in session. You are such an active momma with active kiddos & you’re to be commended for it! BRAVO Meg! I have a feeling a ‘date night’ with the hubs (even if it is a business dinner) will make you feel better. Enjoy!

sharon morrissette - Hey Girl ~~
I’d recognize the scenario you just shared a mile away.
The Kids Need Sleep.
( It’s not you! . . it’s them 🙂

angie - Ha! Feelin’ your pain! You got too much summer, sister! Can’t wait for summer and then you are ready for school!
It looks like it might ease the pain a you maintain it, is it a pain? what size is it?

colleen from alabama - Yep,its summer! Why do i always have the expectation that it will be different than during school? It’s the same just multiplied by 24/7! That means multiple fun times but also multiple stress 🙂 We leave for the beach Sunday… praying it is a time of refreshing where the “deserving mentality” is replaced by a grateful “priviledged mentality” and the dissention is replaced with peace. Guess i have to start by looking at myself! 🙂 thanks for keeping it real.

liz larson - well, i saw your playroom a looooong time ago on apartment therapy, and every once in awhile i go back and search “meg’s playroom” or whatever, and it always makes me feel happy and inspired to maybe clean my house. HAH! anyway, just wanted to say that i have spent the ENTIRETY of naptime today reading your blog and even though i too was having a BAD DAY, i can honestly say that it was the perfect remedy for my blues. i am a mommy to a 2-year-old and 3-year-old and this blog, on this day, has given me hope that i can make it through my own kids whiney, fighting, screaming, crying, spilling-everything day. THANK YOU.
ps. we live in kansas city actually, by the International House of Prayer (i’m originally from NC) and i would LOVE to hear of more fun places to go to with kids outside of the kc metro area if you have any great ideas for future posts! we love to travel and take day trips. 🙂

Rosa @ flutterflutter - I hear ya! Worn out over here too. 🙂

Terrie - I’m with ya…loved your pics…perked me up!
I’m ready for vacation …is it Friday yet?

Jamie - I LOVED your honesty. I am the mom of four kids – 5, 3 and 3 month old twin boys. One of my twins has kidney failure and is on dialysis at home during the night. My husband and I do all his medical stuff ourselves with no nurses. Between the kids, a job, housework and everything else there are days when I ask myself the same question – can I do this? Can I handle it? Then I remember that the Good Lord must really trust me to handle all of this stuff otherwise he wouldn’t have put it on my plate. Some days are better than others, so hang in there!!
Love your blog! I get excited when I see you have a new post! 🙂

Anj - More sleep makes a big diff for me when my kids are driving me crazy! I am nicer and have more patience when I get enough sleep. And good food- less sugar & junk, more fruit & veggies. A good coffee helps [okay, and good shot of Bailey’s doesn’t hurt either 😉 ]

Amanda - oh how I can relate! motherhood, parenthood… it’s so awesomely wonderful challenging and stretching isn’t it?
love the pic of the 3 littles together in the pool.
awesome! i bet having that pool is a lifesaver during the long summer days at home.
i think it’s great they get to go to camps and lessons.
tiring for everyone, but great life experience for them.
hang in there momma! you’ll be back in the burb dropping them off for 7 hours of quiet in no time. rest is coming 🙂
have fun on your spontaneous dinner date tonight!

casey - Oh my gosh! Preach it sistah! Its like you’re living my life today!!!! Its just one thing after another with no patience! I will hold on to your comment for the rest of the day- TOMORROW WILL BE BETTER!!!
Thanks for the post- its helps to know I’m not alone!

tiffany m gardner - it’s summer. it’s hot. 3 kids myself. i understand. enough said.

Vicki - Keep your chin up happy campers!! I think it’s got to be the mid way point of summer vacation. Just seems like something sets in. The thrill is gone, we’re forgetting to appreciate how good we have it, we forget that the new school year is sneaking up on us. Totally feeling ya on this one. I have one more morning of swim lessons to drag everyone to and then we are done with that. There’s really just one answer…more iced coffee. That’s it. Try it, you’ll see. Cheers!

Shayne - Some days are like that. And you’re right…tomorrow is bound to be better.
Doesn’t it get tiring driving around to stuff like that? I never thought I’d be that worn out from being chaffeur…
Thanks for the pool pictures! They’re terrific. 🙂

julia - that was June for me. summer is not supposed to be harder then the school year. but it is…for moms.

danielle burkleo - hope today is bright.
hope the Lord is the light of your day!
hope you keep thinking about september and that you get giddy excited!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I feel your pain too. And the last minute notification by your hubby? Yup…been there. Today I was having a conversation with the Lord about people and how they disappoint. I was whining and waiting for answers. And guess what I got? Theyre human…they make mistakes(just like you). So let it go. Love them anyway.
If I were your neighbor Id watch them for you(not that that helps at all….just thought Id tell you)

Lia - Oh we’ve all been there. When summer is good, it’s really really good. And when it’s not well it just stinks.

jackie - You wanna know why I LOVE reading your blog? Because you keep it so real. So many blogs I read out there I feel like those “authors” live such a perfect life…do they ever, ever have a bad day? I feel like you live a very “real” life. I am a mother of 4 children and so many of your days remind me so much of mine. I like you wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world!! Thank you for keeping it real!! You have a beautiful family!!!

Susan - Meg, you are superwoman!! I totally understand the exhaustion of summer home with the kids. I struggle with the guilt of counting down the days until school starts (19!), then I know I will miss them everyday and kick myself for all the things we didn’t do from the “summer list”!
Enjoy even the difficult times, it will be over in a flash…

Anna Marie - Oh my do I understand. I was actually just in my room 10 minutes ago having a cry spell. We have a 6 week old (with colic) at home and I had to start my babysitting business back up last week (no maternity leave with that), plus my husband started a new job the week the baby was born and he is working 12 hours a day (sometimes more) 7 days a week. Plus other stresses (which are all made worse when you are exhausted). We don’t even get to go to church right now. I hate this! I love my new baby girl but THIS. IS. HARD.

alicia @ la famille - oh ms. meg…i feel your pain! why is being a mom so hard sometimes??!! the whining about puts me…over…the…edge!! i can’t stand it! i don’t have any answers…just, that i feel ya! hang in there 🙂 tomorrow will be better.

lauren - i’m jealous of you right now….want to trade places?? just way too many deadlines looming for me with work and community projects & at 4 months pregnant and mom to 3 kids already, pulling all-nighters is rough. i’m just sayin’ that you’re not alone, sister, we all want to crawl back in bed 😉 hang in there ♥
take care!

Belinda norrington - Aaargh, the bickering really gets to me, hate rudeness, so unnecessary, and having four myself, I empathise so much with this!Kids whining and scrapping just penetrates to the core probably because we find it so disappointing as well as frustrating maybe? I read somewhere it is important though, being one way they find out what they think/feel/how to negotiate etc. Hmmm, not sure…
How about getting a sitter for one afternoon every couple of weeks, so you could have some de-stress time? I have found it a sanity saver during the long summer break!

Melissa - Girl, I feel ya! I am SO ready for school to start!!!
Next week I’ll be in your shoes. My big boys have sports camp that is 30 minutes away. I’ll have to have them there at 8:00 and go again to pick them up at 4:30. It’ll make for quiet days but, long ones too.

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Right?! Whew, it’s hot and sticky and lots of fussin’ going on.
they had the ‘opportunity’ to fold and put away four loads of laundry before any TV last night… you can imagine how great that went.

Sandy - I love the dirt on Annie’s legs. 🙂
Enjoy the dinner; sounds like you need some adult time. Tomorrow WILL be better!

Jenna - sounds like one of those days where you secretly wish you were sick!

Alice H - I make my older 2 (12 years and 10 years) sit on the couch and hold hands and talk to each other nicely until they have apologized to each other and ME when they fight, whine, etc! They hate it! Haha!

beth - ugh, the whining!! It really gets to me, too. AND the arguing. it’s perpetual.
A question for you: we made the chocolate covered sprinkled oreos (YUM) but the sticks made it so the oreos feel apart. I even used double-stuffed. yours look like they stuck together…..any tricks?
hope today is a GOOD day!

happygirl - Take care of yourself girly girl. You can’t let them get on top of you. Their boundless energy will mow you down. 🙂 I’m praying for you. And the pics. Gorgeous.

Cassie - Hang in there, Mama. I am right where you are in my head too. This too shall pass. God will never give us more than we can handle. Even when we are in bed crying because we are so insanely tired and empty, He believes in us. You have an infinite well of strength inside of you. It’s there. Trust me. Until you see it, just keep hanging on.
You got this.

megan - sorry, girl…i feel your pain. and, YES, get some more sleep (or, maybe, more coffee!) 🙂
hopefully you’ll have a good meal tonight and all will be dandy in the morning.
by His grace,

Emily - I’ve never met you, but I love you. Your blog is so honest and real and I wish we were neighbors. The pictures are great. Those colors! The personalities! Hope you get a chance to catch your breath soon. XOXOX

ingrid - those pictures are the happiest ever! i hope you find that sitter so you can enjoy a date night tonight!

Lee Ann - I feel ya. And….it’s 65 and raining here in the PNW. I know that might sound nice to some of you who are melting, but when we only get 30 “HOT” days a year, it’s not. *sigh* *whine* Love your happy photos 🙂

kristi rediske - Those kids just look to sweet to cause any problems-they just look like they have never whined in their life! Are you sure this is all going on! HA! The summers sure can be stressful but I am sure you are doing a great job. Get some rest when you can!

jeanne - I only have one kid in basketball camp this week and the 6 am wake ups are KILLING me. You may just be my personal hero:-)

Necole - I feel your tiredness. My kids are not even in activities, and I feel like we are always moving. I would love a mommy vaca just for a couple of days. Or at least someone who will come over a clean my house and do my laundry….

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