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monday morning video

the music is by Marcia Ball…'s the theme song of my life.

i am no steven spielberg. 
i think this has a little bit of a wonder years feel to it.  
ha ha ha


did you love that show????

i did. 

how was your weekend?

how are YOU?

hot enough for ya?  :) it is here in kansas….scorching.
my tan is coming along nicely.

happy monday to you.

Amy - LOVE! I usually read your blog on my phone, so I have to wait until I get time on the *real* computer to see your videos. And with 4 kids, that’s pretty hard to come by! lol I have to say, my favorite part was the sign asking them to use the disposable cups. I need to make one of those!! No matter how many times I tell them, they always feel the need to dirty up the real cups!! ARGH!! 😉

Ali - That Waffle steals the show every time – you guys are FUN!

crystal beutler - LOVED the show!!!! Your house is just so happy looking. I need to stay a sit a spell on that cool porch. 🙂
Your photos are looking so amazing lately — even more amazing than they usually are. What are you doing to bump up the color and the clarity? Everything looks super crisp and bright. Teach me oh wise one. 🙂 You will have to share when I see you in Park City. Let me know if you need a ride from the airport, k?

Dawn - That is a great way to document your everyday life. Awesome idea.

alicia @ la famille - this is toooo fun!! how do you get the music in it? i love it! what a fun way to document your day 🙂

Jenny B. - Awww! That was great! I loved getting to see around your house and how the rooms flow together. 🙂

Southern Gal - Just getting around to watching the video while my granddaughter sleeps. You did a fantastic job! And I really like that song.

Doris - I love that video, made me teary eyed.
*hugs* to you and your family

Kacey - Super cute- and so “Wonder Years”! Love. 🙂

julia - You have missed your calling…video-grapher!
I love this vid!

sam - really, really cute! thanks for sharing that! 🙂

Karen - So cute!! I loved this. Sweet!!!!

Laura Phelps - I am crying….

Jessica Kujawa - i love it! the song, the kids, waffle, your house…the everyday of a mom…and it definitley has a “wonder years” vibe to it:) hope to see more!!!

Salma - What an awesome and upbeat video! Also can you please share the blog for those yummy Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies? You are such motivation!

amanda - so cute! and it is very wonder years’ish! 🙂

Leslie - So stinkin’ cute!!
Crazy weather in CA too – supposed to be thunderstorms today and then 100 by the weekend – hot!

Ariel - Have you seen this rainbow wedding yet??? When I saw it I thought of you….rainbows, gorgeous photos, handmade goodness! Yes, it is a hippie-dippy-trippy wedding, but it is beyond charming and one-of-a-kind!
Love the video…such a sweet world you live in. Would love to be your neighbor!

Ana - Looooooooved it ! I just missed Lauren… 😉

Ann R. - love the sign about the plastic cups…..totally doing that – why did i not think of that before? i hate when the kids yuck it up with all the 20 cups on the table – gotta go one of those days, son with a migraine, daughter with swimmers ear, have to go do the carpool “without” my son, my house is a mess and i start school tonite and work tomorrow – thanks for helping me keep things in perspective, otherwise i might go crazy!

tara pollard pakosta - so precious!!!!!!!!!
you are missing the biggest sister,
was she sleeping?! next time tape her sleepy head in bed LOL~!!!
too CUTE!!!

Lisa - We had a great weekend – minus all the rain we’ve been having! That could stop any time now! 😉 I love Waffles – he looks like such a good boy! I love Annie playing on the floor with all her stuff – Waffles doesn’t try to eat any of those toys? We have a 6-month old puppy and he trys to eat everything within his reach. And finally, I love the sleepy, sweet faces on Sean and Talby. 🙂
Have an awesome week!

Bobbie - Super cute. Better than Spielberg, much less blood, guts and blowing up aliens,

Leslie - Loved it! 😀

Hanny Norton-van der Valk - Love the video,and what a lovely TIDY house you have. It was a lovely weekend here in Brittan too and we went sailing, the only place to be, and picking up a great suntan.

Katy - I always love your videos. This one is no exception. 🙂

Kat - Video is gorgeous. Such a great way to see your home and family on a normal day 🙂
I loved The Wonder Years!!

Sandra K - That was SO awesome. Thank you! 🙂

peta - i loved every single second of this, Meg. Your family are gorgeous. Loved the sneaky peek look around your home too! I am such a sticky-beak 🙂

Lauren - loved it…. thank you for sharing!!

amy jupin - miss you.
big time.

merran tatum - SO CUTE!! loved that. talby is getting prettier and prettier and annie cracks me up every single time. always wanted to try those cookies. how were they? it’s funny to see you looking at MADE b/c everyday i look at your blog first and then go straight to MADE. my two faves!

shauna - yaaaaaahhhh! i LOVE it!!!!!
why do i feel like i got to be in your family for like 2 minutes and 15 seconds?!

Jacci - That was awesome, Meg. Seriously good stuff. This is how you vlog! It fits you to a T! I still like the fun ones where you talk and show us lipstick and stuff, but this is extra fun 🙂 🙂 🙂 I know others already mentioned it, but a little tutorial would be great!

Rachel Harder - if you want a twist to your yummy morning coffee, try the Pioneer Woman’s version of iced coffee (it’s on her website). it is a-ma-zing-ly delicious and easy. if you make it, please have an extra for me while you are sitting in the sun by your pool.

Kristin S - This was awesome! Now I want someone to teach me how to make videos on my Flip camera.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - That was SOOOOOO good!

Jena Simms - And Happy Monday right back to you… Wonder years, YES! Now where is Whinnie?

Sandy - I love the video and the song. I had never heard it before it’s awesome! 🙂

Kori - p.s. and totally loved the wonder years! can somebody say ‘syndication’ already??!

Kori - loved every. single. thing. about that!!! 😀

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg …. loved it! Thank you for sharing your home & family … you are a blessed woman! 🙂

Kimberly Dial - Oh Meg …. loved it! Thank you for sharing your home & family … you are a blessed woman! 🙂

Miranda - Cute vid! Way to start the week off! 🙂

Suzanne - Loved it! Especially Waffle – what a personality he has!
Thanks for letting us take a peek into your world.

Lee Ann - Loved it – even though I didn’t love the Wonder Years 🙂 No tan here in the PNW. Not even hot. 75 and overcast. My girls are making your butterfly canvas art today. We made the oreo, brownie bites as well. More tasty Tuesday ideas for us?

sue - The 108 comments before me say it all. Happy Monday. !!!!!!!!!

Juli - That’s adorable! Thanks for the peek at your darling family and cute house.

Stacia - This is wonderful. I love, love, love this video. And the song! So perfect! My 14 month old climbed right up on the couch by me and danced along. Then she bit me. Ah, life.

jennibell - LOVE IT!!!!!!!! You are sooooooooo inspiring 🙂

Lisa A - Love this so much!! Such happiness & I loved seeing your house:)

Loni - Love that! I need to learn out to make a mini video for my family!
BTW, How do you keep all your white so WHITE with kids and a dog? Maybe I just suck at house cleaning!
Come decorate my house in Texas. I love your house!

Laine Chambers - LOVED this!! I’m so inspired. Totally taking out my video camera…don’t want to forget these days and moments with my three kiddos. (And one on the way!)

Jessica Noble - Very creative! Love it. 🙂

Emily - I love the Wonder Years! Love waffle… he has such a sweet face. If you have satellite tv you can get reruns of the Wonder Years on the HUB.

Jennifer - Love It!
Makes me want to steal my sons Flip for a while…

Iris Brown - I luuuuuvvve your video!!! Absolutely adorable and celebrating the everyday. Thanks for sharing.

amy b. - People in my high school used to call me Winnie-loved the wonder years! awesome video! i’d say life is pretty good at your house! and mine,too-we are blessed!

Melissa Martin - Loved it! Definitely had a Wonder Years vibe to it! Brought a smile to my 🙂

Gina - I am the little sister mentioned in the first comment and I loved it!

aubrey - cute. and i love that it’s scorching hot and you’re nice enough to make cookies. 🙂

Vicki - My kids were dancing around to the song, so I played the whole thing again and they watched. About halfway thru, Jack said, “I want to go to that house!” I think he like the lego rocket. Lily liked the pool. :o) Wish we were neighbors!

lauren - totally made my day. who could ask for more?

Janelle - That was just the cutest little video 🙂

tiffany m gardner - what a nice reminder of what is important….family!

meaghan - SO FUN!!! love that!!!

lisa - Cute video!! My weekend was perfection – I had a baby last Saturday and have spent every day since soaking up baby newborn smells, squeaks, and snuggles.

Lisa - Oh my gosh!! That was absolutely adorable. Loved it!

se7en - Just love it!!! Love all your stuff, especially your coca cola mouse pad!!!

Stephanie A - Loved, loved, loved it!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Huge, huge, huge smiles! Thank you for giving me such an AWESOME start to my Monday!

Holly - love it! You are so blessed!

jen - So fun… and I am jealous of your CLEAN house!

Tammy - awesome job on your video!

the whyte house - it’s been so hot here(a whole 30 minutes away from you)and it’s gonna be so horrible wed and thurs…but it’s absolutley beautiful this morning!!!

Courtney - What a happy home! I just finished my daughter’s playroom re-do which was totally inspired by you! Thanks so much for sharing this!

Kate S. - Now this is the kind of video blogging I would like to see more of! I watched this entire thing with the biggest smile on my face. Wonderful. So feel-good and happy.

Leah - What a great happy video! Awesome start to my Monday morning. I like Waffle’s cameo appearance and all the Pet Shop people. My daughter would be in heaven in that room! Great song too. I’ll have to check out Marcia Ball.

Jimi - Love your video! What a great slice of life you captured.

Tonya - so. i totally cried. what is wrong with me? this video is beautiful. just makes me sad to realize my kids are growing up and I have almost nothing recorded of their daily lives. thanks for the daily inspiration.

ThisMamaThing - Oh, this is so fun! Can I come stay at your house? It looks so busy, happy, colorful, warm! I’m new to your blog, and I’ll definitely be back 🙂

stephany - Love it! You are quite an inspiration!

Juli - Oh, I loved that so much I cried,that’s no surprise since I’m pregnant & I cry at the drop of a hat but…!

Heather R. - Love the song! GReAt video. Waffle, kids, coffee, and an alligator wave…so sweet. 🙂

Mansi - creative & warm

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Loved it. In fact, Id be perfectly happy if all your posts were just like this one. Its like happy in action:)
Oh and I made some of my own Anthro inspired towels( like the ones on the link in your sidebar. Such a fun,easy(& inexpensive) craft project. Want me to come teach it at craft weekend? Hahaha…obviously kidding. Im still sad that I cant come:(

Laura - I love it! I know you don’t have a perfect life. None of us do. But, it looks like a fun, happy life. Such a fun house for your children! They do realize that not everyone has such a cool looking house, don’t they? Thanks for bringing smiles to so many faces!

andrea - Great video! Great to see that someone else’s house is a mess too! A hint on using plastic cups. At my Friday mom’s Bible study, we made cork coasters one day when we didn’t have a babysitter and therefore no Bible study. I cut mine in circles, decorated each with permanent markers with a look that represents each kid. Their cup for the day sits on that coaster. Made one for myself and the hubby too. I need another one, one for coffe and one for water! 😉

julie - loved so many things about that video!! talby’s chair bumping sean’s chin, waffle’s legs on the wall (that’s how i sleep, too waffle!), the colors, the fun activities… we had that croc, too… it popped after the first use… boo!
the weekend was fun, but mondays are always rough for some reason. wish my hubby had summer vacation, too.

sara @ it's good to be queen - i love this so so much!!! WOW, your house is clean. And your house just looks so happy and pretty and cozy. love it. this is a happy video for this monday morning. you can make a video anytime, yes please. 🙂

Lisa Goldstrich - Ha! My 18 month old was completely enthralled with this and sat still on my lap for 2 minutes…this never happens! I think he especially loved Waffle…”doggie, doggie”…haha! Have a great day!

Necole - What a great video! I am love your house. I live in Texas and it is super duper nasty HOT!

Denine - YOU are so FUN

Beth Ann - I love this!!

Juliann Brenner - hee-hee; super cute Megan! I love it…now to just get a shot of that ever-elusive-Lauren :-))) Maybe you could sneek in her room and take a video of her sleeping – may be the only time she’ll “let” you get her on film 🙂 Hahaha.

Cassie - How fun!! Thanks for letting us in 🙂

Melissa - I loved it!!! I so think I need to do that! You and I are very alike…thing is, everything you Sonia something I LOVE, and so I copy it!

Sharla - Very cute. You know it’s coming . . . what programs/camera did you use for this? It is so sweet – I wish I could look back at my childhood in videos and definitely want to start recording these!

leonieke - love it, it looks like having 5 kids and no school is just fun.
and because that situation (with 3 kids) is comming my way in about 3 weeks i enjoy this video so much. gives me courage 🙂

Elise - What a fun video!! And no, you’re no Steven Spielberg, but You.Are.Meg.Duerksen!!!!! Seriously, that was so cute and I love your home!!

Kelly - Oh I love it! My weekend was great, thanks for asking and I am good. It’s my birthday! My husband made peach/blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes this morning and cleaned up the kitchen! It’s gonna be a good, good day! Maybe I’ll take a video too. hmmm . . . fun stuff. Thanks for sharing. Have a spectacular day. Kelly
p.s. I love the new header!

LeAnne - I loved it! Thanks for sharing. I am reading Crazy Love right now. Thanks for recommending it. It will be life changing. I can’t remember if you have read Radical or not. But that is my rec to everyone other than Francis Chan’s books. It’s a must read for Christians I think.

Shannon - This is so fun Meg! Love the music and I’m thinking I might copy this idea for the 4th of July 🙂

Mrs. Edberg - It is still rainy and spring-like here in MN. I am yearning for heat and sunshine! So is my garden. 🙁

Beth - Great way to start my day at work! shh don’t tell anyone….
missed seeing your oldest but I am sure she is to busy….mine was at that age.
love love this video…please share how to do this with music…i have wanted to do some myself and would love to find out how.

Ashley - LOVED the video!! So fun! Thank you for sharing!
My sick little one danced along to the music while we watched. I guess it’s on the new download list. 🙂
So, how were the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies? They looked yummy.

Sheila P. - I love this!

Kelly - Cuteness! What a happy home you have there!

robin - your kids crack me up, and so does waffle. Great job on the video…it was nice to start my Monday work morning!

Lisa - Looove the video!
Sorry I don’t usually comment but I always read you in Google Reader!
Love all the color in your life, I am redoing my kitchen right now and I’m actually doing white cabinets and black countertops, I like that I can use accessories to change the color and look whenever I want.

Linda - really loved that! thanks for sharing your life with us.

amy - i usually never watch videos on blogs, super cute video. ahhh..the wonder years, love. i think i need to see if the library has it now, my whole family watched that when it first aired, it is a part of my childhood!

Sarah Alcantara - Loved your video. Loved the Wonder Years. Have a great day!

Kerri - OMGoodness I LOVED the Wonder Years! Remember when Winnie was hurt and Kevin climbed up to look in and check on her in the window and Bob Segar’s “We’ve Got Tonight” was playing – LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! 🙂

Angela Atkins - Love the song and love the video. My two year old has asked me to watch it three times now. Also love getting to see your house as a whole, putting together all the pieces I’ve seen in your photos. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with us!

Lisa - That’s so great! Looks like you’re having a fun summer. I have that flip camera too…isn’t it awesome?!

Wendi - Good morning to you, too. Thank you God for Megan and her beautiful family! 🙂

Cindy - That was fun! Loved the song! Beautiful house! Beautiful family! Can’t wait to meet you at our photo shoot !!! Of course, I think my kiddos are just secretly hoping to meet Waffle. ha 🙂

Sugar Mama - My daughter is 8 and she still has those littlest pet shop ALL over the place! Gotta love them!
And did I ever tell you we got a Labradoodle from the Humane Society and when I saw him I immediately thought of Waffle. Waffle is a Goldendoodle, right? His hair is curlier than our Flash. But they have the same adorable face. Love it!
My middle son watched the video with me and he now wants a Foosball table in our kitchen instead of the table. That would be fine and all except the daycare kids would have no place to eat. :o)
Wow, I just left a long blabbing comment.

Dori - Totally a Wonder Years feel..fabulous!

Alisa - you are a “happy” in my day!

tammy - that made me smile!!!

Carly Winborne - this is super duper cute! my little girl watched it over my shoulder and her comments were great. she loved waffle, the piano, all the colors in your kitchen, the globe. she said she wanted to live at that house. and honestly, so do i!!!
what a great way to start the day. precious.

Maria - Thanks, Meg, that was a fun way to start a rainy Monday morning.

happygirl - So cute and it looks like a fun summer in Kansas. I need to learn how to cut video together like that. It looks fun.

Halley T - Loved the video! I am new to this blog (have been reading it about 2 weeks) and I”m LOVING your honest and down to earth style. Your blog is an encouragement to stay at home moms who sometimes think they are going to lose their minds! Blessings to you and your family.

Rachel J - Great video! Love the Waffle part! And the COFFEE part! Have a great day Meg!

Kari - Totally cute. Do you ever get tired of people telling you how fun you are?

Tina I - Must download that song. Loved the Wonder Years and enjoyed seeing your home and family. It was like getting to be the proverbial fly on the wall. Enjoy your sumer!

the domestic fringe - I LOVE your video! Seriously. SO adorable. Your house is awesome and your children beautiful. Those little chairs lined up on the porch…I want to steal that idea. Thank you for sharing your life. Happy Monday!

Karen Lehmann - that made me happy 🙂

Karen H. - Loved it – thank you for sharing… so sweet! 🙂

Dina - Needed that this monday morning:-) SO sweet! Fred Savage was my awkward little boyfriend. That girl he was in love with (was her name Winnie???)…way too skinny:-) Have a great week!

sara's art house - I love your family 🙂 I feel like I am a part of it all…great video!

Amanda - So fun!

Amy Lynne - Fun! Happy Monday!!!

Terrie G - Very ‘Wonder Years’ish! Loved that show!!
The triple digits are going to hit us in a big way this week…live in your pool!
I want a pool…always been a dream of mine.
I’ll just live in my craft room…another dream that finally came true! 🙂
Great weekend…got to make baby things all weekend with my little girl!

donna - good idea…..can you teach us how to put different music to the flip?

Christy - Love the video, the song fits it’s perfect

Heather (One Take On Life) - Fun! Love to see the daily life. What a great idea. Found your blog recently and have really been enjoying it.

Jenn Schires - LOVED it! Makes me want to make a video of my family!

danielle burkleo - um. i love you. that’s all.

Mrs. - Okay, so I LOVE that you had to learn how to do the videos, AND you did it! Sometimes learning new things is hard, especially when LIFE takes over. Good for you.
ALso, I noticed the missing teenager…My 13.5 year old is beginning to disappear from family time as well. Something about friends…

Lori Bowring Michaud - Loved it! Reminded me of when my four were little. It goes by fast, Meg! My baby will be 21 on September.

lorelei - I wanna come over for coffee. all the way from NY.
hey, i am wondering how you attached the song of your choice to your flip video. i can’t figure that part out and therefore can only add songs that come with the flippin program. 😉

donna - you are so creative and everything you do is so hAPpY. i love the sign in your kitchen regarding the use of plastic cups! i have 6 kids and in the summer i have to run my dishwasher 2 – 3 times a day, so we use plastic cups and paper plates to decrease the running of the dishwasher – i always wonder which way is better for the enviornment….better for my sanity is the throw aways. Thanks for the early morning smile – have a great day Meg.

Jen - This was really cute…and fun. It really makes me want to record things like this. We never seem to see your oldest daughter around. Is she there, but just doesn’t want to be in included…or not home much? Or still sleeping…:)

Carol S. - Super duper video. Really adorable, yes, quite Wonder Years and thank you God for a wonderful life for Meg! Not all peaches and cream I’m sure but just lovely. It was absolutely gorgeous in Chicago this weekend, sunny and a little breeze, we went to the racetrack and had a ball.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Haha Waffle is so funny!
Hope you have a great Monday : )
Gemma xXx

Michelle from Australia - Loved it! Particularly Waffle. And your lovely mirror smile. Here is Australia it is mid winter. And cold! Well, cold by our standards which considering we are mid-tropics, probably isn’t that cold. Happy Summer!

Jennifer DeLosSantos - SO cute!
I wanted to be Winnie, and was in love with Kevin.

Kim - You always have such great ideas! I love this – no birthdays, graduations, bike riding without training wheels – just EVERYday. I’m tucking this one away….
Yes, i LOVED The Wonder Years. I wanted to be Winnie Cooper so badly. I loved her hair.

Chelsea in MO - LOVE it! Very fun way to document the everyday things that make our lives go around.

Jennifer S. - Love it!

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - HEEHaw…that was fun!

Trish - ummm, WOW!! I love this. Such a great song and your video was awesome!
I’m gonna go share it with my little sister, who is the youngest of us 6 kids, married young, became a mother shortly after and now parents 6 kids, 5 of who she birthed and one on loan from the State. You remind me of her.

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