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the most random of posts

the laundry room is finally being painted this weekend.
by my two oldest children.
"you're boooooored? you want to sleep all day? and you want our money???  well hey….i got a project for you!!"
and i have a feeling there are a few more projects to come for my boooooored kids. 


i am dreaming of patios….

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these are elaborate…but you could bring them down to a reasonable $ level with some DIY…and some time.


sunshine the cat has come back twice.


i have been saying a want a baby for 6 years.

many comments were implying that i am suddenly talking about wanting a baby.
i would have had several more children than just the five we have.
but there is another person….ahem….in our house….not to name names….that says five is enough.
and that person….took care of things medically so that five would be enough…six years ago.

and says no to adoption.

so that is where my baby lust lies.
which sucks.

but what can be done?
i talk to God about it a lot and He hasn't given me a baby YET so until then…..
i will just keep loving on the newborns i get to take pictures of at my house.



my new favorite spot for summer. 

it's quiet.
but not out of reach from my kids….i can hear when they start yelling at each other.  (too often)
they can come find me easily.
and i can get my wifi out there too.

this morning with my coffee i was reading The Daily Message.
kimberlee got it….so i got it too….and it's just perfect for me.
loving it.

this morning i enjoyed THIS.

"be assured that from the first day we heard of you, we haven't stopped praying for you, asking God to give you wise minds and spirits attuned to his will, and so acquire a thorough understanding of the ways in which God works.  We pray that you'll live well for the Master, making him proud of you as you work hard in his orchard.  As you learn more and more how God works, you will learn how to do your work.  We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it out over the long haul – not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives.  It is strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us."  Colossians 1: 9-12

what an awesome scripture to pray over your children!!   

other colors on my porch….




craft weekend tickets go on sale on MONDAY…june 20….at noon.

we have some A W E S O M E sponsors that are going to make the weekend EXTRA cool.
i will just say "serious swag" 


so thrilled about it.

can't wait for monday……….WOOO-HOOO!!  

dying to find out WHO is coming.  

the frame for the BE AWESOME TODAY print is from……….walmart.  :)


i don't read books because i can't concentrate.
my mind wanders and i have to go back a REread.
it always wanders.
to laundry.
to work.
to kids.
to anything.

and i almost always fall asleep within a few minutes of reading.
for real.
it started about 8 years ago.
i make it about five minutes and then i am OUT.

weird right?

but i am reading Mennonite in a Little Black Dress right now…..s l o w l y… i lay in my sun chair. 
i hear it's a bit scandalous in these parts!
(i am from mennonite country….fyi…not mennonite myself but grew up in a mostly mennonite town)



kansas is beautiful in june.

the end. 


Killua - e te non saresti gsanroliita???per la miseria, se vieni confrontato con altri giornalisti famosi quelli ti fanno un baffo sei molto meglio!!!se vuoi rischiare un po la fortuna tenta di cercare un posto di lavoro come scrittore o, ancora meglio, come correttore di articoli giornalistici fanno tanti di quegli errori al giorno d’oggi che i bambini nemmeno possono piu leggere il giornale dato che non imaparano la linuga xD!!!cmq sia fine OT ma questo non solo un FPS questo una rivoluzione!!!il tipo li con gli occhiali da fighetto sta maneggiando armi inimmaginabili con una grafica strepitosa(non giudicate dagli screnshot dato che peggiorano la grafica) e per di piu contro un complotto aGlieno(la G voluta)!!!!

xavi - alloooooora per cominciare ricodro che questo gioco in cerca di Publisher e quindi tutto ci che abbiamo visto viene dalle tasche degli stessi produttori che hanno prodotto il motore e hanno pagati i vari progettisti e programmatori per creare anche il gioco, quindi Doppio lavoro = Doppio costo.Nonstante ci si mormora abbia trovato il publisher anche se non ancora chiaro.Poi, il gioco uscir nel 2009, la HV ha voglia e tenta di migliorare la grafica ergo, questa SICURAMENTE NON SARA LA GRAFICA DEFINITIVA.Terzo punto il Wii non certo la Xbox o la PS3 per ragazzi prendete RE4 e prendete questo Siamo su un’altro pianeta.Nessuno qui si mai aspettato dal wii delle prestazioni che solo 3 cell da 3gh della Xbox sanno dare, per almeno qui qualcuno che non sia nintendo lo sta spremendo o comunque utilizzando.Certo innegabile che il bump mapping spesso grezzo, che non tutte le armi non sono curatissime, ma sono comunque screenshot. Anche Unreal Turnamet III sugli screen peggio del gioco in game.Non siate cattivi anche con i giochi che tentano di smuovere le acque. Commenti come quelli di pino mi fanno semplicemente ridere.A voi la parola .

Lindsay - I just saw that fabric pinned on Pinterest today!
Here’s a link:
(Holy cow though, Liberty fabric is not cheap!!!)
And yeah, the Mr. and I don’t see eye to eye on the issue either. Fortunately we’ve taken no extreme measures–yet. But he wants to. 🙁

Courtney Walsh - oh, your favorite summer spot looks so incredibly dreamy right now… i am loving it and wanting to find one of my own!! 🙂

Debby Graber - Megan, I know what you can do for your baby lust. How about switching from the 3 year olds and coming to the nursery? Ha ha!! We always welcome people loving on those babies and you know what? We have like 15 mommies expecting!!! 🙂 Must be something in the water at GCC!

Tiffany - I luv that zebra like pillow very nice. And you inspire and encourage me with your use of color. I like babies too, borrow some and send them home, that works for me. I hope you sell out on Monday. Bigg Huggs from PA.

Heather R. - Beautiful passage. Love the wheat pic. I look forward to grandbabies to love on. 😉

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I love your porch. I wish I had a porch. the end 🙂

Mindy W - cannot even leave a proper comment because you hit me right on! you are not alone- at all.

Tonya - You are not alone, I look at my children I have and there are no words to express my thanks to God for his gifts…..but he also knows my heart and is there when I grieve that there will be no more….he listens, I cry, he knows, then I go on…..

Kimberly Dial - I would have loved to have more children as well. My longing was always strongest in the Fall of the year. The hubs used to say “Kimberly, you can’t have a baby every Fall” … Silly guy, I didn’t want to have one every Fall, just the years I didn’t have one sitting on my lap, singing … rocking … Love the random post Meg …

Kimberly Dial - I would have loved to have more children as well. My longing was always strongest in the Fall of the year. The hubs used to say “Kimberly, you can’t have a baby every Fall” … Silly guy, I didn’t want to have one every Fall, just the years I didn’t have one sitting on my lap, singing … rocking … Love the random post Meg …

elisa - Ok I’m a little sad that you aren’t adding another one, and I so know how you feel. I know 4 is enough for us, but I would so love to adopt a sister for Eva. But Andy, well he’s done.
And I know I would go crazy with 5, right??

Cyndi Hamilton - What is it about some of us that want lots of children…I am one of those as well. My husband wanted to stop as too, but my heart always wonders “what if?” I have often thought and prayed about adopting, but I worry about being to old. I know if it is supposed to happen God will show me the path.
Thanks for sharing,

Randi - Had to pop back in to tell you I saw you got mentioned in Parenting magazine for your summer list … so fun!

Janelle - I have baby lust too 🙂 After my fourth we (actually I) took permanent measures and instantly regretted it. Four is enough according to my husband and my head knows it but my heart just doesn’t. I keep hoping that someday I will get over it (my youngest is 4) but it just seems to be getting worse! I keep looking for hospitals that will permit volunteers to rock babies but so far no luck! Pass on some tips if you have them of getting over the need for more babies 🙂

Robin Smith - I have a wonderful 14 year old and 10 old that I gave birth to. I wanted more but my body just doesn’t handle being pregnant very well. I always thought I’d be a mother to a truck load of kids.
Over the last five years, our home has also become home to 3 wonderful young men that kinda found their way to us like Sunshine the cat found you guys. It started out by feeding them after sports practice and lending advice when needed. It blossomed into sharing dreams and preparing them to leave the nest.
The oldest graduated from college in December and began teaching 5th and 6th grade. The middle graduated in May and two days later went to China to lead a group of college students on a mission trip. He just got back and will be starting his job as a apprentice to the youth pastor at his church. The youngest just graduated from high school, taught Bible school with me a few weeks ago and comes back tonight from a mission trip to VA. My heart gushes when I think of these boys, our boys, truly a gift from God.
I will say there is “baby lust” going on still. As Danny left for China I told him to “bring me back something from China…like a baby!” He sensed the seriousness behind my comment and said, “I’ll bring back whatever info there is out there on adoption. So, we’ll see what happens. My husband is still on the fence about the whole thing. God’s plans are bigger and better than anything I could ever come up with so we’ll see what happens… it might just be another ray of sunshine knocking on my door around dinner time and I’d be quite alright with that.
Love your blog!! I read it every single day!! God Bless!!

Lorilee - Sleep problems can also make it hard to read or even work on the computer. My Dad has severe sleep apnea. That causes sleepiness when sitting still. Love your blog. I only have 2 boys, but no desire for more! Probably because I taught kindergarten for 18 years and now teach pre-kindergarten.

Jemm - Kansas IS beautiful in June isn’t it? We were just noticing Thursday on our way to ball game that the wheat has turned. Around where we live nobody really grows wheat, but I know they down where you are and then where we were headed to the ballgame was my hometown (St. Marys) and wheat is grown all over there. It is just a part of summer 🙂 Love your little sitting nook/spot. It looks so relaxing.

Gemma - I love the ideas for a patio!
Gemma x

jennibell - Karen H. mentioned the eye problem. . .if you know of an optometrist in your area that is more into “natural” healing or therapy you should seriously check it out. I could go on and on about how much the eyes contribute to our attention, etc.

jennibell - Love the scripture verse. . .the patios. . .and I’m waiting on grandchildren. Really couldn’t imagine this body pushing out more, not to mention the sleepless nights 🙂 Have a beautiful weekend Meg.

Janelle - I have to say, I only have two children (and feel like an under-acheiver next to you because of that) and I very rarely get baby fever. I’m 98% sure I do not want a third. But I LOVED the idea of living vicariously through you and was hoping your baby talk meant a bit announcement by the end of the summer. Can’t you tell your lovely hubby that women are relying on your for vicarious living??? Adoption would be awesome and he wouldn’t have to do any crazy medical reversal stuff. =)
PS I live in St. Thomas – just a 10 minute ferry ride to St. John. Do you next craft weekend in St John and I’ll totally be there!!

Debbie - I’m not Mennonite either, but I went to a Mennonite college there. It was a good experience. I’m curious about the book now.

Shannon - i love the scripture!!!!!! keep posting those babies please! love love love it!

Sugar Mama - Here’s a little something about me that most people don’t know… I grew up in an Mennonite church. Didn’t seem weird as a kid, but people find it intriguing now.
And the “I’m bored” comment gets said a lot around here. So I have the oldest son helping with the dry wall on our new project. He is too exhausted now to complain.

Catherine Arnett - Oh my! Kansas wheat is way ahead of wheat in my neighborhood.
I’m 43 and we recently took ‘permanent measures’. It feels bittersweet, closing the door on the baby years. BUT…My oldest is 18, my youngest is 12 and I know that it will be only a blink (hopefully a loonnnggg blink) before there are grandchildren on my lap.

May - Meg, I just want to say that i LOVE your blog. Everything about it is awesome. I try to check it every day and all your pictures bring a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing!

Kristi Visser - Oh my word. I just wrote this totally long and random comment for you and “poof” it’s gone.
Second try.
I’ve been stopping by. You, your posts, your style, and your talents are just very very fun and refreshing.
So, do you think randomness comes from having children and being interrupted constantly and never having a complete thought and never taking a break and having to just keep moving and multi-tasking while listening and thinking and talking to multiple little and big people all day long? I do.
After four children, we are adopting. My “Mr.” had the same feelings as your “Mr.” and I’d love for you to visit and read the rest of the story sometime. mathildasgarden.blogspot
I love Colossians. What translation is that? Beautiful.
How is that for random commenting? 🙂

Courtney Henson - My parents grew up Mennonite and a whole lot of our food traditions pull from that! Yay for yummy Mennonite food! My Mom and sister read the book and I tried reading it and couldn’t even finish it. And I’m a big reader…for me to not finish a book says a lot about the book! The main character just bugged the heck out of me. But good luck to you! And my sister says after reading that book, my Mom makes a whole lot more sense to her… loved seeing glimpses of your porch by the way – super cute!

Randi - I love the random post. LOVE that Scripture to pray over the kids.

Cassie - I, too, dream of patios…daily! And we have the same issue with reading. I also fall asleep within 5 min and have could re-read the same page 5 times due to my wandering mind! 🙂 Loved this post 🙂

Holly - yay for randomness! That seems to be all I have lately!

Shirley Martin - That third picture of the circular patio and the seating spaces around the outdoor fireplace – MAN, it’s so beautiful! I want to live in the country! My current backyard is not quite big enough for that. 🙁 Lovely post.

Jaclyn - haha I love random posts =) they are great!

Rachel - I lived in northern Alberta (waaaay north) for 8 years. Lots of Mennonites up there. Lots of Duerksens up there, for that matter. I may know some of your relatives haha.
My daughter (18 y/o) is fascinated with Mennonite, Hutterite, FLDS communities. She’s reading a book right now called The Valley about a Mennonite community in British Columbia. I may read it next, then look for your Little Black Dress book for her.
I love your photos and your random posts and hearing about your five kids and Waffle. I wish I had more kids (I have one) but it just didn’t happen.

Molly - love these types of posts!!! perfect for my randomness:)

happygirl - Love the randomness. And they just harvested the wheat here in MD. I miss it.

Ashlyn@Pinecone - Thanks for showing a little bit more of the porch…great color! Don’t you just love when kids say they’re bored…it’s the greatest 🙂 xo Happy weekending – and supervising painting

margi - I read Mennonite in a Little Black Dress last summer. I am not Mennonite, but have many relatives who are. I laughed out loud in parts! Enjoy!

alicia @ la famille - i’m so random it isn’t even funny…so this is perfect 🙂 i love your little place to read…i’ll have to check out that book too. have a great weekend 🙂 oh! almost forgot! we made little butterfly canvases like you and your girlies did and OH MY WORD!! can’t wait to post on it!! i’ll let you know when i do….

Karen Gerstenberger - I love that translation of that scripture. Thanks for sharing it! And Happy Father’s Day to Craig, even though he thinks 5 is enough. =)

Jenna - My back porch summer set-up looks similar to that. Heavenly! And I LOVE the wheat picture — thank you for giving me that little bit of home 🙂

Michelle - I love brain dumps. I am thinking if you turn up pregnant and tell Mr D that God gave you a baby he *may* be a little suspicious.

Secret Mom Thoughts - I love those patios too. I love how bright and colorful your home is. Love the randomness of this post.

Melissa - I am searching high and low for a kittle metal table…to paint sunshine-y yellow.

Kacey - I love your random posts!
I’m right there with you on wanting more babies and having an uncooperative husband. I always thought I wanted two kids, then I had two and after spending both pregnancies on bedrest, we decided that we would stop at two. My husband has also been medically altered 😉 and is unwilling to adopt, but I wish for more kids every. single. day. I just have to remind myself to be happy that I have two who are healthy and bring me so much joy.
Happy weekend!

lisa biedebach - Random rocks!
I also have major baby lust and a husband who is done and not wanting to adopt. I’m 47, so I think it’s safe to say that we are done. I kept praying about it and God unexpectantly sent me a sister in law that has given me a 2 and 5 yr old. It was unexpected but exactly right. Who knew? Except I do still want to adopt ………..

Rachel B. - Love the random-ness! Reminds me I’m not alone–ha!
Also, I married a menny 😉

Danielle H. - So, is that green table the one you found on clearance? It’s cute!

georgia - Wish I could come to craft weekend, maybe another time 🙂
Just think one day you will have grandkids, and you can nurture them and spoil them rotten!!
I love to read, but I get distracted easily too.
Can’t wait to see your laundry room!

Christy - Love the bits of randomness. I can’t read either, always too many other things I think I should be doing & it makes me sleepy, thought I was broken. My great grandmother was a mennonite, always intrigued me.
My inexpensive DIY paver-patio, fire pit lounging area was a major budget intsall (featured on YHL a few yrs back), fairly easy work & so worth it.

susan ponder - What is up with the sleepy reading? I have that too….acquired in the last 10 years since becoming a parent. It takes me forever to read a book which is not very conducive to being in a book club, which I am. 😉

erica - love random posts – hate the “im bored” game, too!
i also have the same vintage coca cola bin – found that gem in my inlaws boathouse – full of old nails – took it out, gave it a nice clean up job and it rests in my kitchen (for now).
have a great weekend!

Karen H. - Not to sound weird but do your eyes have a “convergence” problem? Or a “tracking” problem? Just wondering…. I know more about it than I want too! My daughter sees an eye therapist. When your eyes can’t see things together, it makes the brain want to zone out and here come the zzzzzzz’s.

Tam - I have to agree with Dana….your random posts rock! Have a great weekend!

amy - oh we have much in common today. i too am dreaming and fantasizing about porches and patios…i come up with the most wonderful ideas, now just to win the lottery and actually DO it. i too hav e a serious case of baby lust along with my husband and 2 kids ( 4 & 6) …hmmm….guess we’ll wait a little longer but this mama is gettin’ old !! i love random posts, it’s a random kind of day.

amy b. - I really don’t enjoy the “i’m bored” line over here either! That’s usually when the bathroom gets a good cleaning! I am such a mean mother! Love your spot on the porch! Does it get humid in Kansas? I start sweating the minute i step outside here in TN!

Mindy Harris - i believe i could make myself mighty cozy on your beautiful front porch.
and about the baby thing: the Lord knows the desires of our hearts!
also i may be @ your church this wknd as my friend is being baptized and i don’t want to miss it!

Terrie - LOVE the wheat picture!! Miss it so much…the beauty of the waves of grain! Not that I can’t see it, we just don’t live on the farm anymore. We get to go help Randy’s uncle this weekend, so I will get my fill of harvest pictures! Have a great weekend!

Chaos-Jamie - I read Mennonite in a Little Black Dress. I thought some parts were hilarious and some v-e-r-y slow and over the top.
kansas is lovely. Especially during harvest.

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - I particularly feel you slay random posts. I think they are my fav.

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