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one last shot.

this is the last day for the fundraiser for sergey's adoption.
i know i have talked about this a lot the past two weeks.

i don't know danielle and her family any more than you do.

i have never met her.

i have never talked to her on the phone.

but when she asked me one night to help her by donating a rainbow hoodie
so she could raise some money
to adopt a baby with down sydrome

and that she had 6 kids already…..

i felt God rip my heart open.

i want orphaned babies to find homes.
i want babies and children to be loved…i can't even type that without the tears coming.
it is such an injustice.

sergey did not ask to be abandoned.
he did not ask to be neglected.
he does not deserve that life.

he was born!
he is REAL.
he deserves a mother and a father.
and he has one now….and we can help them.


this is the last day i will ask you to look at this boy and say "YES GOD" as HE calls you to give.
don't ignore that.
don't push that voice and tugging away.

how much did you spend on easter candy this past weekend?  
it's already gone isn't it?

how much did you spend on entertainment for your family or yourself this weekend?
what do you have to show for it?


for sergey.

a kid who has the world stacked against him….who has waited long enough for a mommy to kiss him.

$10 could get you these prizes….tomorrow….a winner is going to be chosen for this AWESOMENESS!!!







if you had $10 for a chance at an iPAD anywhere else you would do it.
i know you would.
anybody would.

so do it today.

give it a chance.

and at the same time… are doing something truly amazing, worthwhile and GOOD.

donate here.

leave your comment HERE to enter for these prizes.

pray for sergey and his family that wants him today.  

this is not too big for GOD to do…..HE CAN.


Hannah DeVries - Thank you for the reminder!

Lisa - I wish it wasn’t so much to adopt. My sister adopted a little boy from Ethiopia and it was such a walk of faith as they watched God bring in the money. It wasn’t easy but it did all finally happen. So excited for Danielle and her family and so glad I get to be a part of it. Even if its a small amount. Thanks for sharing about it again!

Jamie Smith - donated and am humbled by this families story.

Heather G. - Just now seeing this – glad it’s in time to donate!

crystal b. - Hey Friend,
Are you coming down from the jelly bean high yet? I’m emailing friends one more time about this. I hope they contribute something. I want this little guy to be in a home with a family who loves him. My in-laws served a mission for two years in West Germany. My mother-in-law said the most horrible thing she has ever had to experience were the orphanages in Romania and surrounding area. And those were the orphanages — not the mental instituations. She said that the babies there lay in cribs all day long — no one holds them at all, or loves them. It broke my heart to hear her stories. I hope Serey makes it out of there.
If you need any more prizes, please, please, please know you can always call on me to help. 🙂

JulianneB - Just donated. Thanks so much for sharing this opportunity with us.

Juli - Thank you for the reminder. I’m always upset when I click to donate & they want my credit card info. (no thanks) I was so relieved to find that it was connected to a Paypal-a site I use regularly & trust. I don’t want to be entered for the prizes. I just want that amazing Mom to have her little boy and him to have her.

Whitney S - I donated, thanks to you sharing their story with us! I mentioned them on my blog too- hopefully the word gets out to enough people!

Tami - Just donated! My heart goes out to Sergey and his new family.

Misty - Donated Meg 🙂 Thanks for putting this up on your blog 🙂

Brenna - Just donated – can’t wait to see God’s hand in this sweet baby’s life!!

Amy G. - I had already donated, but your comment about the Easter candy hit home. So, I donated again. 🙂
Thanks for the reminder and for showing his picture again – such a sweetheart!!!

Alison - I already donated and am hoping Sergey comes home very soon to his loving family. They sound amazing!! All things work together for good, to them that love God,to them who are called according to his purpose!

Deb Bounds - Doh! Just about forgot. Thanks for the reminder. Just finished up on the site and I am in love with Sergey! Thanks Meg for brightening my day, as usual. ““Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”–Mother Teresa.
Sergey will come home–$10 by $10 until he’s in his momma’s arms!

alaina - I donated this morning! Can’t wait to see God work this all out!!!

Jody - Donated this AM. Thanks for reminding us.

Sarah - I donated. Thank you for reminding us!

Meredith Salmon - Just donated. Thanks for the reminder.

Lisa - Just donated. Thanks for making this information available to us so that we can all help and bring that little one home. God Bless you Meg.

Ami Lynn - Thanks for reminding me, I just did it… since the first day I saw this I wanted to donate and just never clicked on it… bless this family and Sergey and a wonderful life together. So exciting to see how each donation matters and they’ve almost met their goal!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Wow, so many prizes! Didn’t even know there were prizes when I decided to donate. What an awesome bonus. 😉 Now I need to go spread the word!

april - amen sister!

Jeremie - Thanks for the reminder! I wanted to give and had forgotten!! And I love the comment by Sophie!!!! My husband and I are youth pastors and you don’t see such selflessness by teenagers these days!! Such a blessing Sophie!!!!

Kate - I donated. I wish I had enough to make sure that all of those sweet babies could find their forever homes.

April M - I read James 1 this morning and although I should read my Bible every morning (and I try to) you should know – I don’t always read my Bible in the morning. But I did today and
James 1:27 says “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
A bit later I read your blog and, well, I did spend about $10 on Easter candy.
So I am thanking God for His timing and for your faithfulness and for a family for Sergey.
Thanks for posting Sergey’s need (again). What a privilege to be a part of something so awesome!

Jenn Wehrung - What an AWESOME thing to know that such love exists and is supported by people like you!! Thank you for reminding me that I can play even the tiniest part in helping to get Sergey to his waiting parents!

Jen W. - Just donated. So happy to be a tiny part of bringing Sergey home. Blessings to you all…

Amanda - Your post touched my heart. I thought about all the things I spend my money on every week that mean nothing. I donated right away. I will be praying for this wonderful family.

Jen - I am glad you’ve followed up. It’s a good reminder for people like me who meant to donate right away but read blogs in a rush or on i-phones, or both. We plan to come back and do things like donate.
We have good intentions but need the push.. I am so very appreciative for this reminder. OF COURSE I am keen to help and I thank you for letting me know about this beautiful family. Please keep us up to date, if you can. I will pray for them.
Clicking the donate now button right now!!
Happy Easter to you and yours.

Chantelle - Hi Meg. Just wanted to thank you for dedication to helping this family. I am mom to 5 adopted kids and appreciate your heart on this subject. God bless.

edie - love you meg and love this so much. just donated and can’t wait to watch it all unfold.

pam - Boy this was a leap of faith to donate. We’re struggling to keep employees paid…but look at that sweet face…I couldn’t not give….he deserves to be loved! Praying God grants them favor through the rest of the process…

Janelle - I donated! But couldn’t get my comments to post, so I won’t be winning anything. Other than you know, the satisfaction of knowing I did something to help this little boy get to his family. =)

Robyn Farmer - Just donated and pray others will too. The Lord is always FAITHFUL.

Sophie - This high school senior didn’t spend any money on anything for easter, and instead spent $80 on Sergey.
If I can manage it, I’m sure everyone else can spare $10 for this little boy.

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