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yeah man that’s the good stuff……

have you heard that song?
it's old.
and twangy.

and the video was just too corny to put on this post….but i like that song.
i just wish kenny chesney would not look into the camera so much and then look away….and back.
makes me feel uncomfortable.

i like that song because regular life…friday nights….grilling…homemade ice cream…eating outside.
that's the good stuff. 

we've had a good couple of days.
craig had a birthday.

IMG_0946-3 IMG_0948-4
i made him a peanut butter cake with peanut butter frosting.
i wouldn't make the same cake next time (a little dry) but it was still good….seriously.
i am definitely on the hunt now for an awesome peanut butter cake recipe.

this one   or   this one look worth the the time FOR SURE. 

some homemade cards….and wrestling.


this photo says so much….
IMG_0979-9 IMG_0998-1

we got him an old fashioned ice cream maker!
and he was surprised (he says) and really happy.
craig loves ice cream….a lot.
we couldn't wait more than a day to use it.
why would we?

yesterday was a beautiful night so we ate outside…first time this year.
we live next door to a museum so we get to look into their pretty yard when we eat outside.

IMG_0982-10 IMG_0985-11

waffle was really wanting to be with us….so he could sneak some food.
i am so ready for the warm weather.

yeah….the kids were so hyper….fighting and crying.
and loud.
the burgers burnt.
someone got sent to their room after we prayed.
one child never showed.

it was not a perfect night.
but it IS the good stuff.
it is the kind of night that you are grateful…for normal….for noise….for love….for time together

for sticking it out.

that's the good stuff.



Honey - MMM birthday cake! I’m with ya! In fact, if I weren’t so broke I would go buy a cake and eat it in your name. But, pay day isn’t til Thursday and I don’t think Matt would let me buy a whole cake just to eat by myelsf what a pooey. But anyways, know that I am eating a cake with you in theory, just not literally. My ass would not forgive me HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Was Craig’s birthday on the 22nd? Because thats when I was celebrating too!:) Actually I spent 3/4 of my day on the couch with a terrible migraine. But my weekend got better. As you say, not perfect. But good stuff.
And that cake looks amazing! I dont even like cake but THAT one I would totally try!

Heather G. - YUM! Now I have to go raid my girl’s Easter candy for a peanut butter cup!

crystal b. - P.S. I love that your door is Lilac. Oh how I wish I could have one of those. Curse the homeowner’s association. πŸ™‚

crystal b. - My friend, it just so happens that I DO have a recipe for peanut butter cake. However, the cake is chocolate, and the frosting and filling are peanut butter. Are you interested. It is awesome.
And, I’m oh so happy to share it with a fellow April-arian. πŸ™‚ Happy Birthday to Craig. πŸ™‚

Short, Sweet Season - Oh my gosh, the comment about Kenny Chesney making you uncomfortable by looking back at the camera cracked me up. I spewed my coffee. Hilarious!

Heidi Jo the Artist - Happy Bday to your hubby! The cake looked super awesome and I’m sure my husband would love it. I’m not a big fan of pb. Ah yum on the homemade ice cream, we need to make that too!!
Can’s wait to eat outside this summer. We had one picnic at a park this spring but it turned into a super windy and chilly picnic. Yesterday though, was probably one of the nicest Easter’s weather wise we’ve had in a long time.

jennie - beautiful post.

natalie (the sweets life) - I’ve made the smitten kitchen cake and it really is as amazing as it looks!! (I skipped the ganache and decorated with reese’s pb cups)

marta - you are a girl after my own heart. that cake looks really amazing. what a cute wife you are. love all the family shots. you truly inspire me. xo.

Jennie brewer - You have to try a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing….yum yum yum!! Hope y’all had a wonderful Easter. He is risen! Hallelujah!!

Amanda - Really good stuff!!! You and your family are so inspiring! Happy Easter.

linda@limein the coconut - Heartwarming and beautiful post. How do you always do that??
And boy do I have a peanut butter cake recipe for ya…
I dare you…

Jen - I’ve never seen such a big tub of PB. Wow!
Can you believe there is not one single PB & chocolate combination on the market down here in Australia? Not one… only imported from you guys.
Even if dry, that cake looks amazing
Happy birthday Mr. Meg. πŸ™‚

mulberrytreehouse - God bless your family, and Happy Easter! What a fantastic cake! I agree – even the best moments in our family aren’t ever completely perfect. But they make us so glad we stuck it out through the worst moments!

Tami - This post brought a big smile to my face! Thanks, I needed that!

hannah - Happy birthday Craig! With a cake like that AND an ice cream maker, I’m sure his birthday was fantastic!! πŸ˜€
I see your picture of him and your girls and smile. I feel for you, as it must be hard to see Lauren so distant. She’ll come around, and she’ll realize you’re the smartest person in the world. I’m only 20, and every day I realize more and more how smart my mother is. Life at that age is so confusing and emotional, something you know, you were a teenage girl. I pray for you, and I pray for your heart to remain strong. Your daughter loves you so much, and she, deep down, knows that you and her dad are the greatest people in the world. You’re a great mother, that’s something I can tell, and I know that Lauren thinks the world of you. It’ll just take some time for her to figure that out for herself.
Have a very happy Easter πŸ™‚

the.mrs - Can you say YUM?! πŸ™‚ Oh, and those pictures reminded me of the new reese’s mini pb cups. SO good that I don’t even share them with my kids! ha!!

Stephanie - I make my daughter a chocolate cake (hersheys) with a peanut butter cream cheese frosting and a chocolate ganache every year. Im sure its going to kill us but boy is it good

Laura J - Umm… that cake looks amazing! Pleeeeeease do a tutorial. Mine never turn out that pretty… even remotely. I am also curious to see if your having the layers iced while in the cake pan makes it easier.

Life with Kaishon - I love it.
The cake that was a little too dry.
The cakes that have possibilities.
The smile and the ears of corn.
The birthday love.
Your life.

Melanie - I haven’t stopped by much this year. Been on a little computer break but I just want to say that Talby is looking so much older:) TIme is passing by so quickly. Hope you got to use your hot chocolate machine this winter since it has been a really long one:)

Deputy's Wife - Meg, you make me feel so much better! It is nice to know my kids are not the only ones…
We are sitting here in the family room watching tv and the boys are bickering. Bickering for what seems like forever, but really most of the day. Ugh.
It is early bed tonight so we can have happy faces for Easter service.
I am hoping for the best. Happy Easter!

lauren - did you see that research about how one of the biggest predictors of long life is your attitude and outlook? contentment, positivity, LOW expectations.. πŸ™‚ it’s like money in the bank. πŸ™‚ that night sounds normal.. and fabulous. πŸ™‚

Chaos-Jamie - We drove by last night and saw your party. I hoped I’d get to see what it was all about. One of these days, when it isn’t a blizzard or I don’t have people in my car you don’t know, I’ll probably crash your party.

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Love your peanut butter cake, love that you made Craig a picnic outside, love that your family is not perfect just like everybody else, love that you love your family and that there’s nothing better…so true!

Mindy - i meant 6-7 not 607!

Mindy - cute pictures. nothing like seeing a daddy dote on his daughters. we’ve eaten outside probably 607 times. it’s hard to be grouchy about dinner (for some reason i always get stressed about dinner) when you’re eating outside.
that’s the kind of ice cream maker my dad always used. makes splendid ice cream!

Lisa - You captured it all so well in this post. Such a good reminder. πŸ™‚ PS- is your back door lavender? Seriously love that!

Kimberlee Jost - I am making myself a pb cake for my birthday.
I kid you not.
I am.
Happy Birthday to the ice cream King!

Erin Leigh - love remembering the good stuff even when it’s not perfect. it’s messy & real life & i’m gonna make one of those cakes. my husband loves peanut butter.

beckyk - GET THEE to Smitten Kitchen and make that cake NOW for sure! It’s become my (borrowed) signature cake – I’ve made it at least 4 times this last year by request. It’s sooo rich and wonderful. Makes a nice 6 inch four layer too. Enjoy!

Laura Phelps - I love the after prayer fight so much
we usually fight MID prayer..
who gets to lead..that sort of thing
try that, you know, to shake things up…
and I am guessing it wasn’t Annie that didn’t show πŸ™‚
it is awesome
Happy Birthday Craig! We should celebrate together next year…my birthday is tomorrow!
(anything to get back to you and Kansas…:-) )

Sarah@this farm family's life - the food looks yummy, but that cold beer really made my mouth water in that last photo.

lauren - sorry…meant ‘wander.’ you wil ‘wonder’ how you’ll survive, but you will.

lauren - laughed out loud at the picture of dad and his daughters. they are all beautiful and she will come around. of course, when she does, another will wonder off into that teenage netherworld…that, believe it or not, is all part of the good stuff too.

Jes - I am inspired!! And so are my taste buds- I am also going to eat peanut butter straight out of the jar πŸ™‚
I also have gotten some of my inspiration for my new (just posted for the first time) blog from Whatever. I also have gotten a lot of entertainment and laughs
thanks πŸ™‚
oh here’s my ‘hot of the press’ blog(i sort of feel like a new mom hahaa)

Jenn - Sounds perfectly normal to me and very awesome! I love eating outside. Its already getting too hot on some night to do that here (Texas). I love homemade ice cream.

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday to Craig! “The Good Stuff” is my daughter’s favorite song. Any recipe from Smitten Kitchen is going to be delicious. Promise. All the men in my house LOVE peanut butter so I’m seriously going to have to try one for them. Normal everyday good stuff.

Amy @ dwell in the season - How sweet, what a wonderful reminder that even if it isn’t “perfect” it IS the GOOD stuff. And that peanut butter cake… YUM. Do you have any left? πŸ™‚

Beth - you are so real. i love that.

se7en - Oh happy celebrating… love your real live family… the ups and downs are so real and true and perfect!!! Have a great long weekend!!!

Jessi - This post got me all…choked up… πŸ™‚

Hannah - That cake looks incredible! I’ve only ever tried peanut butter & chocolate cookies – never peanut butter cake – I think I might just have to give it a go. Thanks for the links to a couple of recipes – it’s always helpful to be pointed in the right direction : )

Sara - I always love eating outside…makes any meal better. πŸ™‚

erin - smitten kitchen’s chocolate peanut butter cake won’t dissappiont. i made myself one for my own birthday last year, and hate to admit it, but its a tradition i plan to keep going!! so moist that following her tips will make it easier. off to dig into some peanut butter cups to ward off my craving of the cake!

Emily - All. So. Wonderful.
Thanks for keeping it real. Love you, blogger friend.

Taiya - Looks like you all had a fantastic evening! All of your food looks delicious! πŸ™‚
I also made my husband a PB cake for his birthday, but I just put cream cheese frosting on it, but it was pretty dry, so if you find a moist PB cake recipe, please post it! πŸ™‚

Alissa - You are so right! Love this post!

Sara - Is your back door lavender? I just fell in love with your house all over again!!!

Denissa - The cake looks awesome! Sounds exactly how our night would go too! πŸ™‚

Daniele Valois - holy peanut butter cake!!! That is a very impressive looking cake! …I just love that you included that the night was not perfect, but still good! oh life…

april - Awwwww…..poor waffle…..hahahaha
love that picture

Beth - Amen!

Jennifer - The cake looks wonderful, Meg. My husband LOVES Reece’s Peanut Butter cups. I’ll have to try this one out. I love how you share that “it was not a perfect night”–yet it sounds it was good family time together. That is what being a family is all about…the good times, the bad times and yeah–some down right ugly times every once in a while. At least you guys got to pray together before someone was sent to their room! πŸ˜‰ Love this post…

Terrie - Loved your cake! And with Homemade ice cream! YuM!! We are having homemade ice cream tonight for Easter with my hubba’s side of the family! Can’t wait!! I have a wonderful recipe for pb cake! I should blog about it sometime…it may be awhile. It seems life has kicked into super hyper drive this week…I haven’t even had time to blog about my new craft room! My husband is getting on me about it too! LOL!! So, maybe I should just e-mail the recipe to you! πŸ™‚

happygirl - Family, it’s the stuff dreams are made of. πŸ™‚ I love peanut butter PIE!!!

Lisa Currie-Gurney - GOOD STUFF ALRIGHT!!!

michelle - happy birthday to Craig! oh yes, we have so much to be thankful for… even the hard parts. your post is a good reminder as i start my day. thank you πŸ™‚

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