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random monday morning

everyone asked about my photo collages.
that is so random.
i love it.


i made them at 
back on this post….talking about my favorite posts from 2010.
it's part of the collage section.
it's a premium feature though not in the free version.

i hung them on pom pom trim (joann's or walmart or hobby lobby has it) from little clothes pins in the craft dept.

i printed them as 12×12's at

their website is a little bit….lame.

but their product is fabulous.
great prices.
great shipping.
i use them for everything i have printed in the past 5 years.
so don't give up when you first go to their site.


someone asked me about my awesome wreath….


it's from danielle.
she is saving her pennies and getting crafty to go to blog sugar.
you should get one and help her out!
they are cute!
i canNOT wait to meet her!


i think that "wildflowers" by tom petty could be the best song in the history of all songs. 


sometimes i have the thought: 
"if i have to go to the grocery store ONE MORE TIME i may lose my mind."

this month i have been thinking that all the time.

even if i was more organized……

i would still have to go.

i am tired of that chore….over and over and over. 

BUT….as i type those words….i can hear my spoiled little mind… lame….boo hoo you have to buy food.
i need to change my thinking.

make it a positive.

i GET to provide my family with healthy food.
i GET to go to a giant store with more food than i could eat my entire lifetime.
i need to quit whining.


i got to see her.  :)
she looked very grown up and pretty.

thanks for sharing all your prom stories…it was a nice distraction! 


i have lots to do today….if i can stay motivated.
leaves are coming out of the flower beds finally.
phone calls and errands.
and the groceries.
AND JILLIAN….week 3 starts today….i am kind of afraid of what it involves….sore muscles for sure.

what does your monday have going on?

 update:   SQUAT JACKS in week 3  
               and jumping on one foot….who knew that this would be difficult?
               annie just showed me that jumping on one foot was going to be her talent for  the church 
               talent show next week.
               and apparently it IS a talent because i can't do it more than three times.
               what have i done to this body?!
               why didn't i appreciate it when it looked like it did for prom 1991????? 

Hayley - I keep referring back to this post and now I am FINALLY ordering collages…what resolution do you save the collage in to have clear 12×12 print outs?

Annie - Oh Meg—I can so relate to the grocery comment. Seriously—we are so blessed here in the United States–I have 2 full grocery stores less than a mile from me where i can get ANYTHING I WANT. Oh MY GOSH….I have NOTHING TO COMPLAIN ABOUT! I have been following your blog for awhile and I think this is the first time I’ve commented. I so enjoy your candor, freshness, spunkiness, and you are just plain fun. I pray God’s blessings on you and your lovely family. Signed–a now “uninvisible blog follower!

the whyte house - thanks for the tip on the photos. i’ve been trying to put some together for my son’s birthday party. i already have premium picnik and that site will help out a lot.
lauren–don’t you know that wearing trench coats over prom dresses is all the rage now?? seriously. it was in on E! last night. πŸ™‚ lol.
she looked soooo pretty!

Michele - OMGorgeous! That’s it. Gorgeous.

jeannie - Lauren is absolutely gorgeous. It’s nice to see and read about her on your blog pages. She is stunning! Hope she had fun:)

Sheridan Eketone - Wow.. Lauren is STUNNING! Ok… ABSOLUTELY HATE FOOD Shopping! Something I dread on a regular basis! On the upside… this weekend (in New Zealand) I’m heading to SHOUT conference to see Israel Houghton & New Breed! How could life be bad?? Hope you have a lovely EASTER!!! Thanks for your posts, you are one FABULOUS lady! Sheridan x

Tammy - Lauren looks beautiful, love her dress & hair!
Also love your photo collages & your random posts! Hope you had a great day!

Lia - hii so overall do you like 30 day shred? is it really effective? im trying to decide if i should order it. i have started gaining weight since being married and HATE running and dont really have the money for gym membership – plus i dont think id ever go. would you recommend jillian?

tiffany - the collage was good. the wreath sweet. but your daughter in her prom dress was truly priceless.

Jenna - I’m starting Ripped in 30 today and I’m scared πŸ™ Lauren looks beautiful … I love her purple and her hair!

jennibell - Megan, thought of this when you posted the bit about being grateful for being able to grocery shop. . .just an attitude adjustment. . .this is a really good clip that I think you’d like:

georgia - I wish I had the motivation to do more workouts!!
I need to lose 2 stone in 5 months to fit in my wedding dress, feeling slightly depressed as only lost 7lbs in the past 4 months!!!!!!!! Arghhhh

jennibell - Today. . .played tennis, took the kids out for donuts, hit the library, and an impromptu lunch at Sam’s Club with my husband πŸ™‚ Now. . .schoolwork (for the kids — I finished up my Master’s theses yesterday – ya!), make dinner, get one to soccer practice and fit in Jillian somewhere. I’ll start week 2 today.
Thanks for the info on the college pictures. One of my 2011 goals is to take a “picture of the day”. . .this might be a good way to document them πŸ™‚
For grocery shopping. . .something that has helped me. . .I keep a constant list going on a pad in my kitchen. I have “trained” everyone to write down when they open the last box of cereal, get the last gallon of milk out, etc. and that makes it so much easier for me not to overlook something and have to make a quick trip back. Of course weekly menus cut down on the grocery shopping trips too but I haven’t mastered those yet. Wish I could since our closest grocery is 13 miles away. Hope you get all your stuff done today!

Rach - Oh don’t get me started on my list for today or for the next 2 weeks. I am due to give birth next Friday (c-section), we just moved into our new house last weekend (it’s not a fixer, but it’s not perfect either… lots of projects in the works), we are still 1/2 in boxes and in the process of finishing the 2nd bath, I am the size of a whale at 38 weeks pregnant and trying to run around after a 2 year old and a puppy is exhausting, and I have a laundry list of stuff to get done before my parents get here to help tomorrow night. Phew. At least today I dropped off my laundry to have someone else do it for me (yay for fluff and fold) since our washer and drier are buried by boxes and not hooked up yet. Busy busy busy.
On a lighter side, I am so glad you got to see your daughter before prom. She looks gorgeous! Oh how dresses have changed since the 80’s. πŸ™‚

Nichole - I thought I’d get stuff done this Monday, then it became so windy that everyone is having issues keeping their cars going straight on the road. *sigh* So now that works over, I’m staying in. And probably doing counted cross stitch.
I’m not really sure I could jump up and down on one foot either. Maybe I’ll try later.

Leah - Lauren looks SO pretty! Glad she let you take her photo and share it with us. I LOVE Picnik and that collage feature is my favorite. I hadn’t though of printing them out and hanging them though. I’ve been doing Project 365 (photo a day) on my blog and making a collage at the end of each month. I think I’ll print those out and display them. Thanks for the inspiration.

julia - daannngg! what a babe!

elizabeth pilling - so glad you got to see her off. she’s beautiful. i spent my prom in the er getting 17 stitches in my forehead after i knocked myself out running into a pole that was hiding behind streamers. HA!

Heidi - She looked so pretty! I had to laugh- I have a dress in black that is almost identical to that one and my husband’s favorite suit is exactly like the one her date is wearing. πŸ™‚ Except they look much better than we do. πŸ˜‰

Shaina Brown - starting week one of jillian. all the while my 2.5 yr. old and my 3 yr. old niece tear apart the house. wish me luck!!!

karen - do you have a vegetable garden meg? that could help some trips mayyyybe!?
Best Garden salad:
cut tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, celery stick and leaf, (hot banana pepper if you like it hot), glorious olive oil and salt! the best salad ever!! and fresh crusty italian bread to soak up all the freshly grown juice goodness!!

Ali - I’m starting week 2 tomorrow,,is Ripped in 30 working for you?
I am following the diet too, mostly,, except for dinner,,I eat what I feed my family..just a few more veggies, and smaller portions of everything else,,,except yesterday,,I ate tortilla chips!
I have lost a little weight, and am getting stronger for sure…but I want major results:) Like, swimsuit worthy results!

Danielle Thompson - I too am glad you got to see Lauren! Evidently you saw some of my family too that backyard is my brother’s house. Hopefully their group had a fantastic time!
This Monday I’m working.

Janelle - So I have to admit I was a little sad when my Get Ripped With Jillian finally arrived from Amazon…I figured if I don’t have it, I can’t do it…right??? I ATTEMPTED the first week yesterday…and laid down on the floor about 1/2 way through. I can do it though…I think!
How do you just not cry looking at that pic of Lauren? I know it is happy…growing up…but just looking at her picture (and she’s not even mine!) just truly tugs on my heart strings!

Sara W - This morning I was just wondering if you got to see Lauren-so happy for you. She looks fabulous.
And yes, level three is oh my HARD! I follow the easy girl more times than not.

Lacy Brauner - Today Meg, I clean up after Hurricane payton and Hurricane Jacob..both born durin Hurricanes, Rita and Ike..Not a good combo..if you live in Houston, it has to be a bad omen to have babies during Hurricane season..Also, cleaning up after our baby lab/hearder mix who tears up the backyars. Also, I have to do mass amount of laundry and also, hit the dreaded grocery store. Its not the shopping i hate, its the money i spent and bringing hurricanes with me is never easy.. I wish i was more organized.. make a good point.. waa i have so many clothes( i hate) i have to wash them, (in my house) i have to feed my family waaa waaa i need to be more positve as well.. thanks meg for always being so positvly REAL. as a feshly new single mom, most days are hard, but i look at my hurricanes faces, and it is all worth it..and there are people out there who have it soo much harder then me, i need to stop feeling sorry for myself:]

Jodi @ The Un-Soccermom Blog - I’ve tried and tried to go to and order pictures… I’ve given up over and over… one day…
You’re daughter is BEAUTIFUL! My baby girl is going to her Jr. Prom on the 30th. sigh…

Katy - Ooookay.. πŸ™‚ Can I just say, Lauren looks GORGEOUS! Thank you for sharing that print site! I have Picnik premium so I am going to whip up some collages and have them printed out. Gotta hit up Wal Mart for some pom pom trim, too. πŸ˜‰
I wonder, do you have Pinterest? I would love to see your pin boards, if so! If not.. Let me send you an invite! πŸ˜€

BriBedell - The grocery store is the devil. Love the pictures, I really wish I had a nice camera. Not that I would have any clue how to use it but I’m just saying it would be nice!!! Lauren looks so cute! My younger sister is her age, so although I don’t parent her I know how stressful they can be/act!!!

Nicole - I think Wildflowers could also be the best album ever! Also, I’m loving those collages & the way you hung them up!

Melissa - Today is day one of spring break for my kiddos. I’m being a bum. We might do a craft. Other than that, it’ll be a lazy day!

Necole - Monday is usually my detox day from working all weekend. I am a nurse, an sometimes the work can take a toll on you like any job. Unfortunately, I have a to do list that consist of driving in traffic. I hate traffic.

AshleyAnn - Lauren looks amazing! She picked the perfect color – just gorgeous on her. I am so glad you got to see her.
Sometimes it is hard not to whine πŸ˜‰

Alicia @ La Famille - monday: change sheets, make a TON of phone calls, a few errands, and finish a few things for a new “line” of fun things for my shop. oh, and school my children πŸ™‚

Katie - I am so glad you got to see her!
Today is cleaning up from celebrating my birthday (a bit early since it is on Good Friday) with both sides of the family! And probably eating really healthy and going to the gym because of all the delicious food. Can’t complain about that I guess!

Wendy - I’m doing taxes today … can u say procrastination?!
U are blessed … Lauren is beautiful!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - LOVE Lauren’s hair the most but everything about her looked beautiful!
My Monday? Sewing, sewing, sewing. Then violin lessons for the 7 year old(skipping little ones gymnastics class to take big one to her lesson. UGH)
Every time I hear the words Blog Sugar I get all happy inside:) I cannot WAIT!

susan ponder - The Petty song has long been a fave! I’m happy you were able to see your daughter off to prom.


danielle - bahahha. that’s my evil laugh.
i cannot wait to embrace you…does that creep you out?
a little?
just a little?
i wish i was doing jillian michaels…sort of… i wish i was getting the results and not doing it actually.
lauren is stunning!!

Lauren - I feel the same way about the grocery store, I’m sick of shopping and it is so expensive.
But then I thank God that I have the money to feed my family, to nourish them and watch them grow. I thank God that I haven’t ever had to put them to bed hungry as millions of mothers around the world have to do. So yes, we have to keep it in perspective πŸ™‚

Jen - OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!! I only got through about 10 minutes of Week 3 today. OY. I’m trying not to get discouraged and go back to week 2 and telling myself that it doesn’t have to be perfect this time around. What are you doing to stay on it??

happygirl - Lauren looks GREAT. LOVE the wreath. HATE grocery shopping. My Monday includes going to work and coming home and making food for everyone and going to bed. I guess you can see why I don’t have pictures on my blog.

Sophie - Wow, Lauren looked gorgeous! What a knock out!
My Monday is very relaxed as I’m on Spring Break right now. My friend’s 18th birthday is tonight though, so I’m going to her party.
Have a happy day! (:

flowerpowermomma - Lauren looks lovely and her date sharp too. I hope they had lots of fun. Most importantly, I’m glad you got to see her AND take a picture. woohoo!!
hmm, today I should get laundry done, some main dishes made ahead and in the freezer for ‘wedding week’, and I want to try out my new electric (yeah) hedge trimmers.
Then finish off the day with a small family birthday party for my adorably cute great nephew who just turned 2.

Alissa - Your daughter looks gorgeous! My son had prom this weekend also… hard to see them so grown up!
I am working today and then starting an extreme fitness class tonight….I am very nervous, I’ve been assured I will be unable to move for a few days. Will be drinking lots of water throughout the day to get ready! Enjoy your Monday:)))

Sarah - Love your random colorful posts! Lauren looks amazing! Love the collages….I’ve got to do some!

Georgia - Love the Collages!!! going to do that myself i think!
Lauren looks stunning!! – lovely dress!

Kat - Lauren is an absolute stunner! Glad you got to see her and take a pic.
Love the photo collages, very inspiring. IF I had room to put one up in our tiny house with six people in it!
As for groceries we try to only go once a fortnight. Yes you read that right and then top up weekly for fruit and veg, bread and milk.
My Monday included water aerobics, a hot choc with my two youngest, errands and a quiet afternoon at home procrastinating and feeling rather blah on a dreary, grey autumn day here in Aus.
Kids are now heading to bed, so I am going to do lunch boxes.
Hope yours was productive!
Better go listen to the Tom Petty song now.

Michelle from Australia - Dear Meg. I’m reading and reading and thinking ‘oh how sad we won’t get to see how Lauren looked’ and WOW, there was the picture as I scrolled down. WOW. She looks fabulous. Just like her Mum.
And in my Monday here in Australia was paddling around in the pouring rain trying to get things done before we scoop up our little family and some friends and fly to Fiji for a week over Easter. Only 3-1/2 hours flying time from here. An easy flight for us πŸ™‚ Not like the 14 hours to Los Angeles or 9 hours to Honolulu.
Thank you for your writings. I love them. I love the colour of your life. I love the inspiration. Thank you again.

Hannah - This is a lovely post – your daughter looks stunning! Thanks for sharing about where you got your mosaic prints done – I’d spotted them & wondered about them, so I’m glad others asked the question rather than just wondering! I hadn’t heard this Tom Petty song before – I love it now though. As soon as it finished I had to click replay I liked it that much : )

Gemma @ Musings Of A Gem - Hi Meg!
I have to admit I love the collage pictures too…great way to show lots of memories!
Today I am going to try and create some new designs for cushions…great stuff.
Gemma x

shelley - Your daughter looks amazing !! wowzie !! I would lock her up in her room NOW ! I loved your pompom trim so much and i didnt even get a i went out and bought some to hang Jude’s art from in his room !! He loves it. Calls it his “lotsa balls hanger” (hee hee). I detest the grocery store! I think food is the biggest waste of money (although I love it!!)…i mean come on…we buy it..hall it into the house..put it away…have to cook it..then we…well you know what happens to it after it is eaten…money pooped out !! sorry i had to say that. I love the wreath..wish it went with my home decor. I wish i could change all my home decor, but we are broke so i just deal with it. Its not bad….just old.
Happy Monday to you !

Alicia - My Monday has one thing going on – finishing an assignment about teaching the Creative Arts to primary (elementary) school children. We have to write up a unit for each of the art forms- Music, Dance, Drama & Visual Arts. I’m basing my units on the book “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”.
I think you would like it πŸ™‚
I would normally too, but I’ve been working on it alllll weekend, and now I’m up to the part where we have to write a mini-essay justifying the implementation of the creative arts in the classroom. Interesting, yes… but ugh. Theory. Give me the hands-on, instruments being played, paint on your hands, clay under your fingernails, anyday!

Brook - Your daughter looks so pretty! I hate the grocery store too. Do you have an iphone or itouch? I have this amazing app called mealboard and it’s been LIFE CHANGING!! Lame that an app about menus can change my life but it has. You just enter your favorite recipes and it saves them forever and then when you are at the store you can just click a few of the meals and it makes you a little grocery list with the ingredients you need. I still hate the store but the thing I hated more then the store was the deciding what to eat and listmaking. Now I can even click on a few things and email the list to my hubby and he can stop and grab the stuff. If only I could find an app that would just bring bread, diapers and milk to my door!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - Your daughter looks amazing…love her dress. I almost didn’t get to see my son go to his prom last year….long story, but bottom line I totally relate so I’m glad you did get that picture. It’s so important to us mommies!

laurenjean - she looks beautiful !! I can not wait for Blog Sugar !! And I hear you on the hatred of grocery shopping. i HATE IT !!!

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