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the prom

lauren is going to prom today.

and there is a good chance i won't even see her all dolled up….she's going with a group…i don't have all the details.

just in case i don't…. i have a couple pictures of her dress and shoes.
it may be the best i get.
i hope not…but i am keeping my expectations low so i don't cry all night about my baby being big & all that stuff.

she's going to look beautiful.  


IMG_0630-3 IMG_0616-2


did you go to prom?

i went all four years of high school.

and they were all FUN.

nothing crazy…nothing scandalous….just fun.

my freshman year i went with a foreign exchange student…..fernando.
a whole group of us together…two other foreign exchange students too.
(and kristi kita and lori claassen)  :)
we ate at a restaurant before & they almost didn't let us into prom because we arrived 15 minutes past the time.

but they did.  
i don't have a picture of the group and that is bummer.
but here is me and my friend tonya….from a different banquet that year….in the same dress.


 "i like your sleeves….they're real big"  

nice braces. 

my sophomore year i went with craiggers.
i thought i looked AWESOME.
my dad said "do you have a turle neck to wear with that?"

apparently  i was bow crazy.
love the gloves!   shiny satin always looks good….don't ever doubt that.

i think i cried while getting ready because my curls were getting out of control. 
thank goodness i made them fabulous by prom time.

is that the cutest couple you've ever seen?

the answer is yes.
i had this picture framed in my teenage bedroom for three more years.
that was the last time i wore electric blue heels….hmm i wonder why?….they are so versatile & go with everything!?
but also i haven't worn elbow length gloves with bows since that night either.
maybe i should bring it back.
the world needs more gloved occasions.

my junior year i went with friends because my boyfriend (craig) was gone at college far away.
and since i had been twice already the usual dress was too boring.

and i cut off all my hair.
my shoes were from the theater department.
my dress was my friend roxi's moms….if i remember correctly.
my date was dan….my first friend i had in that town….my 6th grade boyfriend….my friend still to this day.
hi dan.

jamie…where was your dress from?  we were groovy.
hi jamie.

brian….nice bow tie.  
hi brian.

i don't remember anything else about that night at all….and i don't think i did anything bad that i am trying to block out….but i cannot be sure about that. 

and my senior year….craig was in college but closer than the year before….so he was my date.
i am sure he was thrilled about it.


the decorations were crazy.
black plastic?  in front of wood gazebo?  wrapped in tulle?
i wish i could remember the theme!! 

woo hoo.


did you watch parenthood two weeks ago?

was your prom good or bad?

let's hear it…..


Emery Sprau - Oh, you definitely had a great high school promenade experience. Since it is one of the most enjoyable and memorable part of our high school days; this should not be missed. If we could just turn back time…

Kelly - Oh, my, FLASHBACK!! In 1993, at my junior prom, I wore the same black dress that you wore in 1991. πŸ™‚ Only I went to a Christian school that had to approve our dresses before hand, and they made me sew a peice of (black) fabric behind the cutout of mine. Ah, memories!

jennyonthespot - Fun pics! Such a cutie you are!
We didn’t have one – we had “spring banquet”… And I went, but only with guy pals. Not great memories. Not bad. Kinda meh-ish.

Heather - Lauren looked beautiful! I came back to read everyone’s stories and then I wanted to share too. πŸ™‚ I personally loved Homecoming (our fall formal dance) more than prom, because it was more of a fun, carefree dance. Prom was OFFICIAL. People took off school the day before to go lay out (tan), get their mani/pedi done, etc. Prom was only for juniors and seniors (unless you got invited by an upperclassman, and I didn’t), so I only went twice.
Junior year I had no official date- a bunch of girlfriends and I met up for a seafood dinner and then carpooled to the dance (at a fancy country club in a nearby town). I wore a long dark purple dress borrowed from my little sister (previously worn to a Homecoming dance). I rode with my good friend Callie, whose dad let us borrow a mustang convertible to drive to the dance. It was so fun!! Then, when we got to the dance, I got sick (from the mussels at dinner, I later deduced), and I don’t remember much else being fun after that.
Senior prom was MUCH better. I wore a long black dress with sheer side panels and a somewhat open back. (Looking at pictures now, it’s pretty tame by objective standards, but to me it felt very grown up and sophisticated.) My mom even let me get my hair done at a place in town (for the first time ever). I went with a huge co-ed group of friends, and we all met at my house beforehand. Our parents chipped in for a limo because our prom was at Disney World, which was like a hour away, and our parents thought it was safer if we weren’t all driving so far. We ate at one of the Disney hotel restaurants (full of kids, hilariously), and then prom itself was in an enormous ballroom. It was really beautiful! And, because it was my senior year, I cared a lot more about the slideshow, the senior class notables, and the other non-dance things that occurred at prom. It was GREAT. It was beautiful. It was a rite of passage.
Thanks for this post and I love that electric blue dress. πŸ™‚

jeana - I got asked, but never went. The first year, I was asked by a friend, and I had just met my new boyfried (now my hubby) and wanted to hang with him instead. The next year, I was new pregnent and sick…yeah and the next year I was getting married the next week. I didn’t want to go to prom ha. LOVE you pictures, so fun to look at.

Annette - Love the pictures, seeing those pics make me feel like i was not the only one wearing dresses like that! i look back now and think “What was i thinking” but everyone was on the same page then! the white dress in the last picture (in the middle) i had one like that i wore to my Junior prom! my date (now my husband of 15 years) had a matching tux, we thought we were all that!

kristine - O.M.G!!! ha ha
first, i had the SAME blue dress!!! i wore it for 8th grade graduation and dance. my mom sewed spaghetti straps onto it though because i wasn’t allowed to wear strapless. and my hair may have been half up with a white bow clip too…can’t remember but i don’t know why i wouldn’t have!
second, i bet the theme was “secret garden” – wasn’t that everyone’s prom theme one year?!
so funny!
lauren looks gorgeous! glad you got to see her!

Amber - Tina! Come & get your dinner! Eat it! Eat it!
πŸ™‚ been a long time…still cracks me up.
Hope Lauren had a great night!
And, yes. I went to prom. Homeschool style. Oh yeah…don’t laugh. I had an awesome dress…& I went with my highschool sweetheart, who is now my husband of 7 1/2 years:). Good times.

Laura Phelps who should go to bed and not be reading blogs this late at night - HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
I should not be on the computer this LATE
clearly, that last post was NOT from Jillian

JILLIAN - my mom made me go to the prom with a friends son who went to an all boys prep school
I knew no one
barely knew him
wore a pink poofy satin dress
he wore RED
so awkward
all of it
drank wine coolers
was miserable
senior year went to the prom with a friend
totally uneventful
remember nothing
the theme was “the best of times”
my nephew is going to the prom soon
I asked if he would take me as his date
I mean, I am legal
I can totally buy the beer
he said no
oh well
and hey…you and craig??
I just tear up when I see these pictures
I love you guys

Rachel - That is the sweetest kissing pic EVER!

Janelle - My junior year, I asked a boy to go simply because my mom refused to spend a lot of money on the dress of my dreams because I didn’t have a date/boyfriend. So I actually asked this boy to go so I could get the dress I wanted!
Senior year, I went to prom with a guy friend. Unfortunately, he was in love with my best friend (who was not into him at all) and the last dance, he sat and fumed over her dancing with her date while I sat and twiddled my thumbs. I couldn’t believe I didn’t get to dance the last dance of my senior prom!

leonieke - wow! love the shoes!
and the picture are great.

Alisha Gibb - My junior year was dreamy. I went with my dream date, but my senior year was horrible! I accepted a date that I never shoould have. Bummer night, but you live and learn.
Parenthood two weeks ago? How about the past week’s episode?!?! Holy cow I’m not ready for that phase in parenting. Yikes!
Btw, I’m not sure how to link my last post to your blog but I wrote about the great stuff from The French Bull and HuePhoria. Thanks!

callie grayson - great photos!
Mine was bad that turned into good!
My date was MIA {off doing drugs} and since I wasn’t into that sort of thing, I went to the huge dance next door (prom was in a hotel) There was an AARP convention and they were having a dance…. well, I went next door with an other girl who’s date had disappeared and we swing danced, jitter bugged and had all sorts of dancing fun with the grandpa’s next door! we had a blast!!
so it ended up being a fun night.

No. 17 Cherry Tree Lane - The short blue dress with the white gloves is my personal favorite.

Trina McNeilly - OMG that is the cutest picture evah of you guys!!!!

Jen - The first picture of you and Craig could be a picture of Talby and Sean! Tell them (and then listen to them making barfing sounds).

ashley jensen - At my prom (in 98) I went with my boyfriend who i had broken up with once and then got back together with right before prom (i realized i needed a date, i know that was mean but he was kind of a jerk). The group of friends I went with were all seniors who worked at KFC with me. I don’t remember the theme and it was that time of the month for me…boo. We went to a fancy restaurant for dinner, I had some sequins on my dress but just as accents. One of my friends had the exact same dress as me but a different style. She paid 150 at Dillards and I paid 35 at Name Brand Clothing!! Oh and my brother was there too since he was dating one of our fellow swim team members. Then the next morning was his 16th bithday and everyone went back to our house at 2am for cake!

Laura M - Wow!! Sean looks so much like Craig!!! Love all the pics especially of you and Craig! Hope Lauren had a great time! Prom is such a special memory. I loved going!

Lisa - Thanks for these photos…I have some similar puffy-sleeved memories! I went to prom all four years (as sophomores we could go as servers if selected by the junior class). I have such wonderful memories of those times. Spending weeks before decorating with my classmates, going to “after-prom”, then after-after prom where someone’s weary parents would cook us all breakfast, even riding to my senior prom in a horse and buggy! Good times. Hope Lauren has a great night!

Rachel @ Pencil Shavings - This is hee-larious! LOVE IT! Now I feel like I need to go dig up all my awkward prom photos (actually, we didn’t have prom, we had “JSB” – junior/senior banquet — couldn’t have DANCING at a Christian school event! ha!). I was laughing w/ my hubs tonight about prom. We went out w/ our son downtown to go eat, and all the prom kids were out. We ate at this hokey, kinda dirty Mexican restaurant, and there was this poor little prom couple, sitting in their finest duds, and all I could think about was what if you dropped your refried beans all over your sequined prom dress(!). ::sigh:: I’m sure it was a cheap date. Poor girl!

AshleyAnn - Ummm yes, those pictures are awesome. I did not got to prom, but went to “alterna prom” with some friends. Just got dressed up and went to Red Lobster. I wore pleated khaki slacks and a purple button up shirt. My best friend Rachel went too and wore a flowy dress. We are standing next to eachother in all the pictures and very much look like a couple πŸ™‚

Amy - Didn’t go to prom. I was really, really shy in high school and didn’t get asked.

julia - I went to the prom with my best friend. We went to a fancy restaurant and the waiter said “What happened? You couldn’t rustle up some dates?” I’d like to think we didn’t tip him but we probably did.

Sharla - Loved this post. My niece’s prom was tonight and I so wish I could have been back home to see her. And I wore the same rockin bright blue with big bow dress that you had – I’ll have to go back and find my pics. Great minds think alike! πŸ™‚ Loved the pic of you and Craig kissing. . . .

Kimberlee J. - Proof again in that pic with you and the bow (and your beau) that Sean is turning into Craig. πŸ™‚
I also LOVED seeing all these other people that I know so well!

Amy R. - I went to prom once, my senior year. My boyfriend asked me to marry him that night and gave me a ring. The first thing I thought of was, “what in the world am I going to tell my parents?” We told them later the next day and now we have been married for almost 16 years. My daughter better not even think of doing that!
Love your pics!

Hannah - oh my goodness! you have made me want to get out my prom photos…but i love the fact that you and craig have been together so long…and you are still so in love! that is so awesome….and i hope you get pics of lauren…..because one day she will be sad that you didn’t have any! been there…done that! πŸ™‚ you crack me up every day πŸ™‚

amy jupin - i love that you shared this.
this is what makes your blog so much fun–the personal details.
of course i can totally relate.
dyed shoes. big bows. poofy sleeves. sequins.
my proms were the same years and i can tell you that we were completely in style and smokin hot! πŸ™‚
i sure hope lauren shares prom with you.
i know she’ll be beautiful.
and there will probably be tears either way.

Margo - Thanks for sharing these pics – I love that I recognize some of the faces in them! I never went to any of my proms – I was shy back then – way, way shy – all I did was study – I was a complete nerd! hahaha! I did go to the after prom party my senior year – it was fun.

Dana Banana - Thanks for the heads up with the prom photos! Dying right now!!! What was I thinking letting my mom taking me dress shopping?! Cream? No sequens? Corsage? GAG Thanks for the flashbacks.

Michelle - Your pictures so remind of the movie “13 going on 30” AWESOME- and your curls were totally fabulous.

Staci - Oh your Lauren is going to look so beautiful πŸ™‚ At our school our prom was only for Juniors and Seniors…but I got to go when I was a Sophomore too because my boyfriend was a Senior…good times, big hair….and ohhhhh I soooo wanted a sequin dress, but did not get one ;( booohooo at the time…no big dealio today πŸ™‚ and that picture of you and Craig kissing…I mean, seriously, that picture says destined to be together forever…I love the way your hand is on his face πŸ™‚ soooo sweet πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to hear how prom night was for Lauren πŸ™‚

FREE CASH - my daughter has her prom coming up and i can already see the pound signs rolling in her eyes lol

Wendi - No tattoo pictures? I remember the one of you and Craig kissing for some reason. Thanks for posting! That was fun shopping for sequens and cubic zirconias…and tattoos. Good times.

sarah - i love this trip down memory lane! you were sassy even as a teen…i like that.
and tell lauren we neeeeeeed to see her all fab and dressed up. please.

Rach - I went twice and I think I went in your friend’s 1991 dress. πŸ™‚ I went in ’88 & ’89 so the styles were similar to yours. Big hair and poofy dresses. I remember it being fun the first year and drama driven the second year. Half way through the second one, I wondered why I had gone. Booooo. I wonder if my daughter will go and what proms will be like 15 years from now. πŸ™‚ I hope you get to see her all dolled up… even if it makes you cry.

allison - Went to an all girls Catholic HS…went to the prom (here in the east we call it “the prom”…not “prom”..noticed that on Parenthood too…they called it just “prom”)Anywho, went my Junior year on a blind date…OY! Well it was hard to meet boys when you go to an all girls school…he (I didn’t see it) looked like Frisco from GH…didn’t watch GH, didn’t care about Frisco, but lots of girls at my prom did, so he took lots of pics with them…lol!
Didn’t go to the Senior Prom…again the whole girls school thing is my excuse…my best friends had steadies and the idea of another fix-up..UGH.
It’s cool you have all those memories with your husband:) Wish I knew my husband back then, but he is 4 years older than me, so there probably would have been some laws broken…lol.

jennibell - You and Craig sure grew up a lot in two years! I, too, am lucky enough to have 2 prom pictures with my husband πŸ™‚ We must be about the same age b/c the dress of one of your friends is almost exactly like mine except mine was blue (hers is white). I hope you see Lauren all decked out tonight…and she has good weather and a memorable night. Prom is so special! Thanks for giving me a chance to remember this today.

Jamie Skaates - This is hilarious. I love that you can laugh at yourself and your crazy outfits. I only say crazy because I’m only 20, and didn’t get to grow up wearing clothes like that! I never got to go to prom with my hubby, he was two years older and in the same high school but we never crossed paths till after we had graduated!

Kimberly - My proms were all OK. I always seem to go with guys I was dating but not really “digging”. I went all 4 years too. My Junior year I wore this black dress with a white collar that had a big white bow on the side. I thought my dress was awesome and I KNEW nobody in my class would have a dress like that because it was so different … and nobody did have a dress like that …. except my 4th period English teacher who was chaperoning. Not only a dress LIKE mine but the EXACT same dress as mine. I wanted to crawl under the table with the embossed champagne glass souvenirs and die.

Terrie - Oh Meg, I hope that you get to take some pics of her and her group today…your pics are amazing!! You were rockin’ it at your proms!! Praying she has a wonderful time & that you will get some rest tonight! Can’t wait to see a pic of her all dolled up! Have fun with the prep & primpin’ today!

Ruth H. - I love huge sleeves. The sleeves of my prom dress were as big as my head. I do not lie. I wore gloves to my junior prom, and they were spectacular. I wore them because I was not thrilled about my date, and gloves were my way to not have to touch him, technically. Very mature. But everyone else thought the gloves were fabulous, and I started a trend. After that, it was cool to wear gloves to formals at my high school.

Melissa - Those pictures are all awesome!!!!
I didn’t go to a prom. I went to my Christian school’s jr/sr banquets. I’m sure they weren’t as glamourous as a prom would’ve been….

Shannon Davis - I NEED to see Lauren and her date!! Anyway, I was wondering what dress she ended up with — saw the pics she put on fb about the dream dresses — hope you didn’t spend that much! Hunter goes to prom in May — first one as a senior — Lauren is lucky she got asked as a Sophmore. Morgan’s 8th grade formal is the 29th. She is taking pictures at the chimneys :)Morgan told him he can’t take pictures and he told her that if he can’t take pictures, she can’t go!!

sarah - ohhh prom… always a fun night. I went with a huuuuge group of friends both years and had a blast. Lauren did it right – going with friends is the best way to go!!

Wendy - Missed parenthood episode πŸ™ but hopefully i can catch it on-demand. We only had a senior prom. I went will a boy i had known since kindergarten … known my whole life … mr. party guy. He married some fabulous red-head and has 3 lit’l girls … who r bugging me to make them breakfast :).

Kimberly Dial - Loved the pics & that you have such great memories. Sadly, I never went to prom (sniff, sniff). My parents would only allow me go to one (my Senior year) & my boyfriend (who is now the hubs) had to work :*( Both my sons went to theirs … both were oh so handsome & their dates were beautiful and I loved it! Thanks for sharing your memories! I sure hope you got to see your girl all dressed up! I can only imagine she was lovely!

Kimberly Dial - Loved the pics & that you have such great memories. Sadly, I never went to prom (sniff, sniff). My parents would only allow me go to one (my Senior year) & my boyfriend (who is now the hubs) had to work :*( Both my sons went to theirs … both were oh so handsome & their dates were beautiful and I loved it! Thanks for sharing your memories! I sure hope you got to see your girl all dressed up! I can only imagine she was lovely!

Nichole - I’m loving your pictures. I loved my dress for prom, but it was the night I found out that my boyfriend of 2 years was having an emotional relationship with someone else and was planning to dump me on my graduation day from high school. Score! Not.
I’m totally loving the sequined dress. If I could find a party to go to, I’d totally want to wear something like that.

danielle - dyiinnnnnng over these pictures. my favorite is the one that was framed for three years. HOT. and how awesome that you went with the love of your life! i wish i could say the same…but my man was in CALI and i was NY. SO, i went to prom in 10th grade with my boy best friend friend who was in 11th. we had fun. i was secretly crushing on him but i wanted to make him happy so i got my hot friend to dance with him. 11th grade— i was so burnt from tanning/burning that my skin was blotchy and red. went with my friend trevor. not really fun at all. i cant believe the dress i wore. 12th grade. went with my friend frank, he was a football star. had a little bit to drink which resulted in a spillage on the front of my dress. and those are my prom stories. wish my man was around to have been my date too.

Heather R. - Went to prom with my hubby, too. Think teal taffeta, butt bow, and velvet top. NICE!!! He wore a tux with matching teal tie.
I know that Lauren will look beautiful. She has a beautiful Mom. πŸ™‚

Tess S - i can’t handle parenthood. these cliffhangers are killing me!!!!
i think you looked pretty rockin in every photo. and also exactly the same as you do now.
hooray for old prom photo’s!

Cory - Words cannot even describe how awesome this post is…LOVE IT!
I did one similar not too long ago….

Amanda - I went to prom my sophomore year with a senior. Long pink dress. Had to use a step stool to get into his jacked up truck. It was fun…. dancing and lots of pictures. Yeah everyone had motel rooms too. {Parenthood the other night was so dead on.} Love all the pics of you and craiggers. I think it’s so cool you’ve been together since high school.

Pamela Gordon - Meg, I think you were (and still are) a beautiful girl! You look adorable in all your prom dresses – very stylish. It’s funny looking back at the styles and we wonder “what was I thinking?” but we were ‘hip’ at the time. I went to 2 proms with the same guy but didn’t actually go to my own final one. I wore a borrowed from my friend long pale pink swiss dot sleeveless to the first one and a long pale yellow to the second. I loved both dresses and had very short hair both times. That was so many moons ago now – late 60’s – when everything was groovy πŸ˜‰ Thanks for sharing your pics and memories. - Pretty sure I remember all of your prom dresses….Just a jealous 5th grader at the time. Or something.

Kara - hope your lauren has lots of fun! love this post… my husband and I were high school sweethearts and have several prom pictures together too… it’s kind of fun. slash embarrassing. πŸ™‚ I guess part of the fun is thinking “what was I wearing??” when you look at the pictures later… right?!?

Julianne B - My son is going to prom next weekend…on Easter weekend who plans that….ugh. I went to prom my junior year with a bunch of friends (note all girls…except one of them had a boyfriend that went everywhere with us. He picked the restaurant that he said was so good…it was a truck stop….we were all mad then but now it seems funny to me. My boyfriend broke up with me 3 weeks before my senior prom. So I went with a friend’s brother from another town. Only went because I was on prom court and had to go. Ended up being prom queen which my kiddos and anyone that knows me now finds hilarious. Hope Lauren has a blast and thanks for sharing your pics.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - My Sr. Prom dress was almost identical to your blue number, only mine was red and full-length. AND…I wore red pantyhose with it. You heard me. Red.

Cari - Oh my goodness! These pictures are amazing! The one of you and Craig kissing? Adorable!! I went to prom 3 years. Great memories, but, man, was I skinny! At the time I thought I was huge. But to be able to fit in those dresses again… πŸ˜‰ I really hope you see Lauren tonight. It made me sad reading your low expectations. πŸ™ Go ahead and have yourself a good cry at how old your baby is. And then maybe get dressed up and you and craig can reenact prom in your living room. Ha! πŸ™‚

Heather - Yup, I went to Prom. I thought it was lame and didn’t live up to all the hype. Plus, it started POURING RAIN minutes before we pulled up to the event venue. My dyed-to-match shoes did not fair well in the rain! Gah!

Sarah - Love all the pics! It’s so funny how much the dresses have changed! Mine had huge sleeves as well and ruffles and sequins!
My son is going to Prom in 2 weeks, we are going to rent his tux today! Time sure flies! Don’t Blink!

Alise M. - Prom was two weeks ago for me! It was my first prom (mom wouldn’t let me go as a soph or frosh) and I had a blast. I went with one of my really good friends. We went to preschool together two. We took the town trolley with like 14 other kids and had a blast. Then we went to after prom where I won $15 and a $100 Buckle gift card..score!!
Hope Lauren has fun!

Mindy Harris - you and craig are the cutest of all time. i’m a fan of highschool sweethearts though i wouldn’t advocate it now. ha. shawn and i met at the age of 15. we went to a Christian school that didn’t have prom, SO, we went to PROM ALTERNATIVE twice, which was a trip from our small KS town to Wichita to go to a Christian concert/dinner at the Cotillion, Joyland, and ice skating. Til like 1a.m. Then the car ride home where we could hold hands in the van.
I wore a pink feathered boa to one.
I felt like a princess.
I was with the man-boy that I cared about most. Still do.

Tara - I went to prom every single year.
so many great memories…..
so glad you married your high school sweetheart…
and so glad that I did not. πŸ™‚

Lia - I almost started crying when i saw the picture of you and craig at prom. Maybe it is because my (brand new!) husband and i are high school sweet hearts and went to prom together and now we are gonna be married for like a bazillion years and we are gonna look back at the pictures and be like “aw how funny is my dress and aw how cute were we”? AHHH high school sweet hearts and marriage is fun!

Liana - Great post as usual. I hope you get to see Lauren all dolled up…or at least conspire with another mom to get pics!
Totally thought of you when I saw Parenrhood last week, too. How awkward and well acted was the pocket dial? I’ve been waiting for you to mention it since I know you love the show!

Chaos-Jamie - The dress was from Roxi, too, and those slammin’ shoes? EtCetera. You forgot to mention that we went in my beater car. Too much fun. I was just thinking the other day that I wished I had a photo from that prom. I’ll have to get a copy from you one of these days.

Lori - Meg, your pictures are AWESOME! I went to prom junior year with a guy I had a crush on…typical high school, my best friend told his brother to have him ask me! ha. And I wore a long white eyelet dress… Senior year I went with my junior boyfriend and it was so romantic and wild at the same time, and I wore a long shiny pink satin dress that I borrowed. (I hadn’t met my future husband yet until college and he grew up 2 hours away from me).
My daughter did not go to prom at all (jr year just broke up with boyfriend and senior year had just gotten wisdom teeth out and was still puffy). It makes me sad that she didn’t get to go. So when you feel sad that your daughter is getting older, just remember that at least she is going to prom!!


Jessi - Reowr!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - I think someone should start an entirely new blog dedicated to prom and its fashions! Wouldnt we all get a good laugh? Loved your comments on everything and all I can say to that junior year prom pic(with the heels from the theatre dept) is…WOW:)
Loved the peek into your high school years. Thanks for sharing. Oh and PS..I LOVE how you documented Lauren’s outfit. Hoping you got more of a peek of your girl…for your sake.

happygirl - I went to prom my junior year, but my boyfriend dumped me just before senior prom and I didn’t go. I still hate him for that. lol btw, LOVE Napoleon Dynamite quotes. LOVE!!!

Southern Gal - I only went to one with a date, my future hubby. The last one was my junior year (I graduated early, hence my last) and I went after work in my waitress attire because I had worked too hard on the darn thing not to attend. Future hubby had graduated and was at boot camp that year. Bummer.
Those platform shoes? Wow. Just wow.

Sandy - Forgot to say – I REALLY hope we get to see pictures of Lauren all dolled up. She’s such a beautiful girl naturally and I’m sure she looked amazing!!

Sandy - I went to my jr & sr and to my boyfriend’s jr & sr proms…always with him…my first love (truly). I have to say the picture of you & Craig kissing brought tears to my eyes. It also brought back memories of the pictures I had of Ryan & I in my teenage bedroom. He was a year older than me and when he left for college we broke up. I was devastated for years. We still have lunch once every couple years and e-mail on each other’s birthdays. Loved going back in time with you. Oh, and I had (big!) bows & satin gloves at my wedding (1987…maybe the same year as your prom??).

Shannon - For some reason I just love seeing pictures of you and Craig in the “early years”. I love your love story. Non -traditional and super amazing! What fun memories!

Sophie - I live in England so proms work a little different here. Not every school has one, and when you do, it’s just for a single grade and not the whole school. It’s not usually at the school, it’s somewhere different. And if you do have one, you have one at the equivalent of the end of your sophomore year and/or one at the end of your senior year.
I go to an all girl’s school so at our sophomore year prom, we were just allowed to bring anyone we wanted, as a group of friends and not particular dates. I wouldn’t have been able to get myself a date anyway so that was good for me.
I wore a 50’s style swing dress in purple satin. It was GORGEOUS and I felt like a princess!
It was at a huge events room in a local place. We had a bar and a deck and it was awesome.
The only problem was that some of the boys who people had brought had been drinking before they arrived, and then they ended up getting into a huge fight over a girl.
Bottles and chair were thrown. One girl got hit in the head with a chair and passed out with blood all over her head. The chairs smashed in a solid oak door, which we had to pay for.
Eight police cars, four ambulances and two riot vans later, we were all thrown out at 10:30.
Prom take 2, our senior year, is coming up at the beginning of July. Hopefully this one will go a little better!
I’m going with my friends in a group, pah, who needs boys?
I’m wearing a similar style dress to my last one. It’s pink with darker polka dots on it (the polka dots made me think you’d like it, Meg!)
We’re having it at a castle this time! It’s called Leeds Castle and it’s like… 800 years old.
So I hope we don’t break anything this time around.
I hope Lauren has an AMAZING time! I bet she’ll look stunning!

Ann Marie - I love the pictures of you and Craig! So sweet!!
Like you I went all 4 years of high school. Sophmore year was the best. My brother (and best friend) had just broken up with his girlfriend so I was the fill in date. Best time I ever had!

georgia - Awww love the photos!!
You should frame ur photo of you and craig kissing, its so romantic!!!
Proms are getting more popular here in the UK, mine was nearly 8 years ago in the school hall… I had a lovely purple dress. Where as my sisters is next month, there proms in a posh hotel with a meal, dance etc much better than mine lol

lovethosecupcakes - No proms here in the days when I was at school though they’ve now caught on and both my kids went to theirs but only one each, at age 16, when they left secondary school. How come you got to go to so many? Hope we get to see your gorgeous girlie in her finery.

shelley - awe…i cried when my son first went to prom..picture on side bar of my blog of him in tux. i didn’t get to even meet the girl…barely saw pics..ugh. anyway…i love the dress you wore that you borrowed from roxy’s mom !! kinda hippyish..which is totally me !

LouBoo - Hi – awww this is so sweet – I love the look back in time. I think we are about the same age so the dresses look familiar to me. Gotta love the 80’s! So cool too that you and Craig are childhood sweethearts…love the prom pictures. Here in the UK we didn’t do proms and I was always lobbying the school to do one just like in America!! haha – of course now we have caught on and I see proms happening round town at the end of the school year and still feel a tinge of envy even though my time has well and truly passed for such things!! Lou x

giozi - Well I went to my prom with a friend of my best friend :). I didn’t like him, but he danced like Chayanne. I danced like a spin toy until fell died :D. It was a wonderful night.

se7en - oh how sweet is that!!! You have known your man forever!!! I only met mine when I was twenty six… but I wish I had known him sooner… on second thoughts we would have got married a whole lot sooner and had about twenty kids instead of just a our measly eight!!!

mary - Oh I love the platform sandals the most!
I went to 6 proms in 4 years. Two were great and the others involved awkwardness with boys so they were less awesome.
Does anyone know of girls who would want once used prom dresses from just a couple years ago? I would love for someone to get some use out of them!

emily - oh man … dying over those dresses. I think we went to prom in the same set of years …

Ali Richardson - Those pics are GREAT!!!! Classic!! I went to 3 out of 4 proms (I was too dorky to be asked by an upper classman when I was a Freshmen πŸ™‚

Jenny B. - Fun pictures! My proms were OK. Sophomores weren’t allowed to go unless they were “escorted” by a junior or senior. My sophomore year, I broke up with my senior boyfriend before prom, but I already had the dress… so I begged all my guy friends to take me. One finally agreed, but it wasn’t really worth all the trouble. Junior year was the best. My best friend was a guy who lived an hour away, so we went to both of our proms together. I won $200 in an art contest, and blew it all on a great dress. Good times. Senior year was pretty fun, too. I was dating a sophomore guy at the time, and I remember going out to eat and some adults laughing at us in our matching outfits. We were cute! Anyway… my proms were all pretty tame. No crazy stuff, just dancing and fun.

Julie - this is fantastic!
thanks for sharing!

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I’m laughing at the electric blue heels…
because I once wore the same ones.
Did you have yours dyed to match your dress like I did?
Remember when that was the thing to do?
So funny.
I’m sure Lauren will be gorg.
Love her dress color.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - i was just gonna say, was last week’s parenthood KILLING you knowing lauren was on her way? i’m in love with her earrings!

hannah - these photos are rockin’ my socks;) what a treat to have them AND the rad memories.
your daughter will have a blast-and her outfit looks like a beauty.

stephany - I went to prom my senior and junior year, but never made it into the dance. My junior year my on again off again boyfriend and I were fighting and found that more important than attending the dance.
Senior year we were late and only had time for the one in our group who was part of the royalty party to get out of the limo and run into the dance.
What happened on Parenthood did not happen at either one of my Proms even though we got hotel rooms and stayed out all night…it was just a big party!

Rebekah Brummel - I loved prom. . . . so much. . . maybe to much. . . and love Parenthood too. . . who is that DJ in Chicago that puts on a big prom party for adults?

Shaina Brown - 2 proms for me, one dress was full length sequins a la miss america and the other was velvet and taffeta! and to think i thought i looked REALLY good – hahaha!
i did watch Parenthood – my fav show by far. however my proms were not that exciting. same date both years made it home before curfew both years. i can only hope that my little guy is as low key as i was in high school so i won’t have to worry. yeah right!

Lisa - Your commentary on the pictures is hilarious! And your dresses were so different every year. Hope Lauren has fun! I didn’t ever go to my prom. My senior year my boyfriend at the time was a big baseball player and had a state finals the next morning so he was concentrated on that. I still don’t really care that I missed it, funny enough. πŸ™‚

april - um i never went….no one asked me and I was too shy to go by myself…stupid huh? Hahahaha
hey meg….u asked… ;0)

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