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good morning wednesday.


breakfast: honeycomb

coffee:  with whipped cream

what else is one to do when her husband forgets the half and half???


the kids' bathroom.

my bathroom.

i am in love with adam braverman.

you have to dress for success right?

i am 10 days in with jillian.
i really don't even want to look at her!

"i have weak shoulders and abs!  i get it jillian!  why must you make me feel so bad about it?"

she gets me all ticked off….week 2 blows….and she makes biting sounds.  eewww.
i mute her.
and listen to my itunes.
yesterday my pottery barn jazz cd (circa 2001)came on so i was doing crunches to ella fitzgerald.
it cracked me up. 

but i have had several people tell me this week that i look skinny.
i say "it's my hair cut"  and i do think that is truly what it is….but it could be 5% jillian too.

and i ditched the meal plan.

the workout is hard enough for now.


crystal beutler - I fell in love with Adam Braverman when he was on Sports News . . . or whatever that show was called. So cute. 🙂

Amy - I’m in week one of Jillian. I didn’t even ATTEMPT the meal plan. I would starve. haha I feel like doing the workout and modifying what I already eat is good enough.

Heather Crawford - Well, I’m gonna comment but Dude, you are WAY too famous for me…however, I have been watching Parenthood since it started..and I am a Christian parent and I have to say, this last episode moved me…dude, what to say, what to do, etc etc..made me dread the teen years!and I HOPE that pregnancy test is her Mom’s and NOT hers!!!

jennyonthespot - I love you. I just do.

Heather - Oh my gosh!!! Best laugh all day, Laura Phelps!!! I told a friend that I can’t get good form while doing the shred because I’m too focused on watching intently for the moment when Jillians penis falls out the side of her shorts. 😛 She is beautiful but the macho is just so…macho. Blech.

Heather - I CAN’T STAND JILLIAN!!!! I’m sure in person she’s quite lovely, but I have the 3O day Shred and she drives me mad. I hate the macho act. I mute her to….when I do it. I fell off a wagon a while ago and I can’t get back on cause the wagon clear left town. 😛
Ummm, is that TV in your bathroom? Heaven.

Toni :O) - Parenthood is AWESOME! I’m in love with Joel…he’s SO adorable! I will say what Adam and his wife (her name stupidly escapes me at the moment!) are going through totally scares me! I will HATE having those conversations with my kids but I know they are absolutely necessary in this day and age. Parenting is the toughest job in the world, truly it is! Loved all the colors, your toes are so cute and Waffle is looking much better since his hair is growing back in…good job on the shave down! Oh, yeah, and I really need to get back into exercising but these blogs I keep reading keep pulling me away from that! Bad blogs! LOL!

Sugar Mama - I start week 2 with Jillian today… and I am scared! I’m not doing the meal plan either. Just trying to watch my portions. Biting sounds? That sounds annoying. I don’t like the growling face she makes. Or that she enunciates her “p”‘s so crisp… drives me crazy!
And I couldn’t get up to do the regular push ups in Week One. I kind of felt like a failure. I also couldn’t do all of the lunges with weights. Maybe I should just stick with week 1 for a while longer???

deborah@applesinwonderland - i was at a weight plateau. now i’m gaining again. crappy craptastic. so, i’m willing to go to drastic measures. who does your hair? will your haircut, trim say….20 pounds? that’s what i’m hoping for. i see that adam “commented”–it’s good to have options, that’s all i’m sayin’. 🙂

Lindsay Kellar - Totally LOVE Parenthood! Excited for the finale, but sad the new episodes will be over for a while. Way to go for sticking with Jillian!!

kristin - ha. we did the jillian thing this past winter. i know exactly what you means. and yes. week 2 is bad.

Jen - Oh my GOSH, the second week is KILLING ME. I think I’ll have to do it for two weeks to graduate to week 3. I wish I had a buddy to do it with because I’ve stopped 3/4 of the way through two days in a row. At least I’m trying. RIGHT??!!

Shox r4 - Nobody can go back and start a new begining, but anyone can start now and make a new ending.

leslie @ topofthepage - you will have a very nice and stable life with sweet adam. i have a love/hate pretend relationship with Crosby. He reminds me of my husband in our early years, cute and sorta clueless. They have the same hair too. and omg i’m so laughing at the friend who posted the comments above AS adam and jillian. that cracked me up.

Richelle - Meg – Good job. Keep it up! I too love Adam! I love the whole show and can’t get through one episode without bawling like a baby!! Last night especially!!

Erin Leigh - I wake up on Tuesday mornings and get so excited to see this show. pathetic. keep at it! my jillian is sitting in in the box. she’ll have to wait for post pregnancy body!

Kat - Love Parenthood and I love Adam’s character, because he is just a great character.
That cream looks wicked and makes me laugh, because as always you are keeping it real, so good on you Meg!
Keep up the good work with the exercise and post a before and after pic when you are done.

Nicole - Congrats on your 10th day of the Shred!
I am so not looking forward to reaching that next level. I am so tired of her face and it’s only been 4 days for me.

Julia - My doctor just told me to only work on one change at a time. Give yourself three weeks and then change something else. So don’t sweat the food bit now.
Be careful taking your camera in the bath. Every time I take my camera in the ocean I think “this is an accident waiting to happen.”

casey - this was fun:) I enjoyed your shots of your day!

Stacy - You inspired me to buy the Jillian workout! I am on day 7! Thank you!!! BTW I am not doing the meal plan either. “My plan” is to do the exercises for 30 days then go back and do 30 days again with the Bad A** version and the meal plan!

jeanne - hahaha….I was laughing the whole time. I can just hear you talking. So funny! Jillian is annoying and I mute her too.

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Lu-hu-Huv Honeybomb. Ooops, I meant Honeycomb, but Honeybomb might actually be more appropriate.

Tonya - OMG…I LOVE Parenthood! After last night’s episode, my hubby said he’s never watching again b/c he doesn’t want to think about what may (but prayerfully, may not) be in our future w/our kids.
I’ve kicked Jillian out of my life for this present season! I’ve got too much going on w/school and life and I don’t need her to make me feel gulity when I crumble to the floor in a limp, sweaty mess 1/2 way through one of her workouts! 😉
You’ve gotta tell me where your nail polish comes from! My 11-next-Tuesday year old is a nail polish freak and I love finding her new colors w/fun names.

karen - have you tired PX90..or something like that?? It’s crazy!!
So does that Stress Relief stuff really work??

Maureen - Agree with you about Adam, but have to say that lately I am digging Joel, he is so sweet to Julia. And how tragic is it that we all act like they are real people…Laura Phelps who I only know thru her blog made me laugh above at her post!!

ingrid - this post made me smile….
happy wednesday!

meredith - Everyone in my family uses whipped cream in coffee anytime it’s in the fridge… regardless of if there is half and half in there, too! This is why I cannot keep whipped cream in my fridge. 🙂

jeannett - basically, i hate jillian. i realize that’s harsh but her workouts are harsh!!!
i love adam braverman too. maybe we can be sister wives.

Christy - So glad to know others enjoy the Bravermans and Parenthood as much as me!!! I feel like I’m the only one who watches it sometimes.

Nicole M - Hey Meg,
Im doing the 30 day Shred and actually just started it yesterday. It kicked my booty. It was difficult but then again it seems manageable because it is only 20 minutes. Today I am hurting. ouch. Somehow i have to stay motivated…these post baby pounds will not just fall off!

Courtney Walsh - did you see Parenthood last night? I cried and laughed and cried some more. oh my heck. it was so so so good. I am in love with all of them! seriously!
i almost wish i hadn’t deleted it after i watched it. such great writing. 🙂
and whipped cream in your coffee? Heaven.

se7en - Love the toes… and who needs a workout if they can still reach their toes long enough to paint them!!! I go for your morning coffee with cream – wish my hubs would put whipped cream on the shopping list instead of regular!!! Seriously!!!

Kirsten J - I can’t do Jillian – she doesn’t smile, she grimaces. Really. I’m a Kathy Smith girl. And Adam? He’s okay….I like Joel better….and fast forward 30 years and….Mr Incredible does have a great presence. Just sayin’

Terrie - You are letting your Honeycombs get soggy!!!!! Don’t you just LOVE Parenthood?!! One of my favs…I watched it this morning. Wish I could have watched it while in my tub! 🙂
PS My Whatever print is hanging nicely in my new craft room! Thank YOU!!

FeFe - Ugh! Did you cry through Parenthood? I was teary through most of it. I think I’m too attached to the Braverman’s!

Sharri - You crack me up!

Marie - yeah Jillian gets a little creepy with the biting of butts in week 2, I just started week 3 and she’s just a tad better, not much but a tad and oh the workout gets harder yet but it feels so good to start to feel some muscles coming out of hibernation 🙂 Keep in up, you can do it!

Staci - I soooooooooooooooo need to get back to exercising!!! WHY OH WHY do I ever get off that train?? It’s sooooooo hard to get back on 🙁 UgggghhH!!! You would think I’d learn 🙁 We just bought a rowing machine…supposed to be awesome…we’ll see 🙁 I wanna look hot…but don’t wanna workout to get the look…I’m such a loser ;( Jillian would so make me cry 🙁

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Never watched Parenthood…I think I would find it too sad! I don’t like to cry watching TV. Jillian is still on my radar…I really need to exercise, but I don’t want to.

Megan McGhee - I LOVE parenthood! Such an awesome show.. And so true to real life.. Adam is my fave too 🙂

Kameron - I big puffy heart Parenthood! I am also being tortured by Jillian. She is annoying and always looks mad. I am so sore after every workout. I have lost 3 pounds and am starting to fit back into some of my pre-baby-baby jeans though. 🙂

kathy - Last night’s episode of Parenthood hit me too. But I think I took it too seriously. I dont want my 15 year old daughter having sex and I dont want to feel like I’ve lost me teens. I LOVE LOVE LOVE how the siblings all mesh and that they are honest with Crosby about being a lamo (but that he shows up for school plays and max’s soccer) but Im a little sad that the aprents arent there. I want to be invovled in that when my kids are adults. Is mothering selfless FOREVER??

happygirl - I LOVE your toes. I LOVE your pics, even the pic of the TV. Sorry, so not a Braverman fan. I like my men a little less emotional. I guess ’cause I’m not very emotional. But, LOVE whipped cream on ANYTHING.

JILLIAN - I am sorry I am so annoying Meg.
And that you hate my meal plan.
But whipped cream? really?
Don’t phone this one in, Duerksen…you can do it…
don’t give up
You have to want it BAD
now get off of the computer and start working out
I am waiting for you…

Adam Braverman - I love you, too Meg.
Ditch Craig and marry me.
Will you make me rainbow cake?
Yours forever…

sarah - I am doing Ripped and boy howdy does she kick my booty. The other day I got tired of her chomping and growling on week 2 that I also turned the sound off… shes a tad obnoxious eh?!

LAURA PHELPS - um…after the whipped cream in coffee picture I think we kinda figured on our own that you ditched the meal plan!
Jillian works. Keep going. She changed my body in 6 weeks.
I now have a penis. Strange.
just kidding.
but she is manly, don’t ya think?
did you cry your eyes out last night with Parenthood?
can I name drop?
I met Monica Potter (Adam’s wife)..she is my friends good friend.
She asked about my cakes after eating a piece of a cake I made.
She loved me.
I am such a name dropping loser….
It’s the LA in me…sorry - jillian is so not beast. but then, she kinda is.
it’s a love-hate thing, for sure! i could only do the 30 day shred for 20 days… and after a couple of days of week 2, i had to go back to week 1. i say it’s because i didn’t want to drop my newborn with those insanely sore arms she gave me.

jeana - I love Parenthood…but I have to say I’ll leave Adam all for you! 😉 But I LOVE everyone in the show. I did 3-4 days of 30 day shred, felt wonderful, got a horrible head cold that I still have, but am jumping back in today. GOOD job!

Stefanie Arnold - I love Parenthood!! Can you get over last night’s episode. I was yelling at the TV (the kids in the tv) the whole time. My husband kept saying “you know those are scripted people, right?”
I get very into my Tv 🙂

Christy - I love, LOVE, LOVE Parenthood! Great TV.
I admire you for lasting so long, I have the 30 day shred & don’t think I made it through the whole DVD. Good for you!

Amanda - Adam Braverman, Don Draper… I hear ya! Love their characters. and who am I kidding I think their both so hot.

Jessica Johnson - i suspect muting jillian is the only way to tolerate jillian. LOVE the toe color. also love your bathroom tile. it reminds me of honeycomb 😉

Amanda - lol-i was wondering if honeycombs was on her mealplan 😉

Cutzi - Ok… I wanted to post this the first time you wrote about Jillian and wanting to get in shape but I didn’t. I said to myself, “Cutzi, not everyone has to know what you think..” but this has given me so much freedom and I think you will appreciate it so I’m going to share.
Here’s my honest opinion: Ditch Jillian (at least for now) and read this book. Since my husband and I started eating this way almost a year ago it has changed our lives and set me free from the seemingly never-ending cycle of trying to lose weight. Truly, now I can exercise because I enjoy it or because it makes me feel good or because it makes me stronger. I can be lean (lose weight) by changing WHAT I eat. Not how much, not how many calories, not how many points, not how often etc. It’s such a relief. Exercising more will only make you hungrier and make you want to eat more and can cause so much frustration. Seriously, order the book… you’ll be so glad.

amy - Thanks to you I love Adam Braverman too 🙂 Parenthood rocks! I am about to watch the Thanksgiving episode right now while the kids are at school yeah me!

Lynn - I’ve been doing the Shred as well! I’ve always heard good things about it and wanted to try it and when I saw that you were doing it for the month of April I thought I would too! I’ve been doing it with my mom, we started April 4th and do it every weeknight (she wanted to skip the weekends since she’s not used to exercising lol) so we’re on day 8 tonight… we love it!

shelly - Oh my goodness—last night’s parenthood about killed me on so many levels!
Speaking of being killed, ugh jillian–I pretend punch her tv face while doing the boxing routines 😉 oh well, whatever it takes to get through!

Necole - I just blew the dust off of my 5 mile walking video. I

Wendy - I am in love with don draper.

1 Funky Woman - I totally do the whip if no cream. Love your toes I need a pedicure! Just joined Weight Watchers so no more cream in my coffee! Such is life! Keep going with Jillian but I too would mute her!

Penny - Love the coffee with whipped cream shot. I don’t drink coffee but I might start if I had it that way! I absolutely love Parenthood, great show. I can’t say I am attracted to Adam though, he looks just like my cousin. So can’t look at him that way. I always get sad when the show is almost over. Why can’t they just do a two hour every week!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - That tub looks so wonderful(& I love the tile somethin fierce!)and purple toes? I knew I loved you:)

Kacey - Oh, yes. Adam Braverman. Love, love, LOVE him.
I think it’s awesome that you are keeping up with Jillian! I’m sure you are looking skinny – it is a tough workout! I made it 3 weeks last year and gave up because it was kicking my butt and I seriously noticed no results. I’m a wimp. 🙂

amy - We just bought that “rockstar pink” at Target the other day 🙂

Kim - Rockstar Pink. Totally my kind of color! Looks fab on your toesies!

Anne @ Baking Me - I like the Honeycomb cereal and the tile 🙂

Holly - I wish we had some Honeycomb right about now. Yum!
Isn’t Parenthood the best?!! (I mean the TV show and the real gig.) When Adam picked up Haddie from soccer and finally talked to her I got all choked up.
Jillian’s workouts are good but I can’t take her attitude. Why so angry Jillian?
Way to go though!!

Jenny Lynn - Such a fun post.
And I LOVE Parenthood!
And I have a love-hate relationship with Jillian too 🙂

lauren - Ummm seriously Parenthood is the greatest show on TV!!!

Shannon - The coffee with whip cream looks delicious!

Alisha - LOL! My husband thinks Adam is the “jerkiest” one of the bunch. I LOVE SARAH!!! I love how imperfectly perfect she is as a mother.
I think whipped cream sounds totally legit with coffee. Way to think outside the box!

brooke - You Go Girl!!! Whoa…that was SO 1986! 🙂
So….I love your tile in bathroom…did you remodel it yourself? I love love to see glimpses of your home. I like in College Hill in Wichita and am also a lover of old homes…you give me lots of inspiration 🙂
Also…..i want to see your new haircut!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heidi - I’ve been alternating Jillian with Shaun T. While I love Shaun T., Jillian’s workouts literally leave me on the floor. And they aren’t as long.
Why do we punish ourselves this way? 🙂

tara pollard pakosta - Jillian kicks butt, literally!
I got bored after day 2 of listening to it.
I skipped the cardio parts sometimes because I got winded, but
then I do 45-60 minutes of cardio on my own so I thought that was okay….goodness I quit after day 2! HAAA~!
but I want to maybe try to do it 3-4x per week, not 30 days in a row it’s just too hard. I am way too out of shape!
so glad you are sticking with it! GO MEG!

Leah - There’s nothing better than a little whipped cream with coffee. Makes if feel like you’re at Starbucks but didn’t spend $5 on coffee. And I’m two episodes behind on Parenthood. UGH!

Amy @ dwell in the season - Bahaha! I love that you put whipped cream in your coffee… I would have done the EXACT same thing. Maybe even if I had 1/2 and 1/2. All the better! And I also adore Parenthood, so much so that Adam Braverman was in my dream the other night. Should I say hi for you next time I see him in my dreams?
Love your blog!

Juli - Love you, Meg. You are so real. I would’ve given up the meal plan AND the workout by now. You go girl.

Elizabeth - I thought Adam Braverman was especially endearing last night. I watched the episode with my husband and I think he really related to him (and my husband is not at all tightly wound. That would be me).

Holly - ok you are doing way better with Jillian than I am! I just must not be committed enough yet.

georgia - I think exercise is enough to make a dramatic change, did u take measurements and before photos?

Steph at Modern Parents Messy Kids - Hooray – good for your! Can I work out vicariously through you for now?
Uh, and Adam Braverman – really? He’s so tightly wound! I much prefer the sexy carpenter/stay-at-home dad. Yum 🙂

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Like the sparkly nail polish!
Gemma x

Sharla - Sorry Meg, Adam is all mine 🙂 Good job on the workout plan – I’m sure you DO look skinny!

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