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30 days.

so today begins the month of april.

i have big plans for april.

starting with this.


i know!
but i am totally doing it.
dreading it but doing it.
starting today.
and i am even going to do her diet plan….exactly.

i am going to do every single thing jillian says and in 30 days i will tell you the difference.
(if there is one)

kimberlee is the one who came up with this idea.
i have a support group.

and i had to go to FOUR stores to find the dvd… i had better do it!

for 30 days i will be jillian's……..slave.

i can do this….right?


april also brings me a list of things i want to get done.


i am a doodler….can't stop it….don't want to.

all things i want to do that have been waiting for etsy to be over.
and before photo season starts up again. 


and finally….

today starts the Live Without campaign from water4christmas.
water4christmas is an organization of people who have a passion for getting clean water to west africa.
we raise money and then donate it charity: water for west africa.

they had a Q & A section on the blog discussing some of the topics.

i was very happy to learn they meant for it be giving up coffee drinks OUT
(starbucks $4.25 vanilla lattes)
and not my coffee at home that

but i am giving up my expensive habit of coffee OUT….for april….
and donating it!  

and i am excited about it.


SO…..YAY for april!!!

i am going to attack it.
like a ninja.

i looked for a clip from tommy boy when he is doing kung fu in the factory with cat like reflexes…it's nowhere!

such a bummer because it would have fit so perfectly right there.


Nike Shox - The idea has alternative. A little mystery novel!!

Erica Cooper - Congratulations! You will do well, I just know it as you have made goals with details. Whenever you are needing motivation read your bible and the comments on your blog. With God’s strength you can do anything and feel the support of your readers as well. Prayers for strength, organization, energy and grace. 🙂

Kristin S - #1 – as always you are so adorable!
#2 – both bob and jillian’s workouts are great. i’ve never loved dvd work outs but theirs are great. i use them when traveling.
#3 – you can do it!!!
#4 – i wish i could doodle 1/2 as well as you
#5 – that bathtub pic is classic! only wish i’d been speedy enough and one of those pillows was coming my way… (yeah, i know, different post but i just read both!)

katie - do it!!!!! everything like she says! i have been and my abs are starting to look like hers, no lie!! it can be done && YOU can do it!!!

Cindy - whoo hoo for 2011 photo schedule! I so want to be on it! Please, please schedule some in Lawrence!

Andrea - You go girl!

dori - I’ve been doing Jillian’s 30 Day Shred. I thought for sure I would be able to do TWO 20-min workouts (Levels 1 & 2) in one afternoon. WRONG! Level 1 was SO hard. I was ready to quit after a few minutes. After a couple days though, my thighs didn’t burn with every step. I wish you well! 🙂

Daniele Valois - ok, so I saw your post this morning, and I instantly told my hubs to get to Target and get me the dvd! And he did!!! haha! I only have a little extra preggo weight to loose, so I am doing it too! …now where is her diet plan?
So, as I down a sugary latte, and eat 5 graham crackers, I comment about loosing weight, diet, and exercise! well, I really am doing it!

Jana - You know what? You are going to learn to love exercise! You are going to get up everyday do your workout and feel a sense of pride that you did something good for yourself and good for your body! AND you should know that the exercise is really important, but what is really going to change your body is the food. Eat clean and you will see results fast! As supplemental motivation/resource I recommend The Eat Clean Diet (and cookbook) and oxygen magazine for inspiration and recipes (even if you are not interested in being all hardcore about it)
Go Girl!!
Ok I see that my comment looks a little know-it-all..I dont know it all, but I feel very passionately about fitness and nutrition and I get excited when others embark down the same path 🙂

Kristin - You can totally do it! I did it the month of February. My baby was 2 months old and I had just gotten the go ahead to workout after not moving much for 4+ months. I lost 8″ overall. I did it only 5 days a week because of the little guy not always cooperating. 🙂
I am starting it again this month since I started weight watchers too. It sucks and is hard. But oh so worth it. 🙂

elz - Jillian’s great. I mean, I hate her when I’m doing the DVDs, but after is good. The Shredheads are doing to 30 day challenge this month too. You should join in for more support.

jennibell - 30 days – yea! Wish it wasn’t 1:42 on Monday afternoon of April 1st….but I read this today for a reason, right? Yea. . .so going to look for it and join in with you and Kimberlee a few days late. Is that o.k.??
And love your cute “April” list. . .gets me thinking. . .maybe I need to make an April list too?
Glad you had such a great spring break!

jennifer - You’ve got me motivated. For almost all of the above. (Jillian and coffee donating, anyway.)
Maybe if I made cute lists like that I would get more things done.
I miss Chris Farley…
As my friend Tracy would say,
“It’s on like Donkey Kong!”

Katie - Thanks for the inspiration. I am doing a spend less month and excited to see how much we have left at the end of the month. The exercise things would be really good though. I need a list!

April M - <3 this post!
Doodles, donating to Africa, Ninja attacks, good health, and to-do list
(I luv lists - especially doodle-y ones!)
um, you meant the month April right? cuz we've never met and your plan of attack sounded serious... ;)

Wendoww - Oh I love your doodles!!!

tara pollard pakosta - Meg, that is so funny, I have that EXACT goal of Jillians 30 day shred!!! so funny!!!! I even made sheet with all 30 days to cross off WHEN I do it!!! I will be checking in to support yOU!
you should do an update each day!! good LUCK!!!

Elena - I see you are making photo books on MyPublisher. On, there is a deal for $25 for a $55 Hardcover Photo Book with a Custom Cover – 55% Off… from MyPublisher! Hopefully you can use it 🙂 Happy Month of April to you!

Missy - 30 day shred kicked my butt and I lost 7 lbs. I’m a runner but had totally plateaued and this got me through. Just listen to her and don’t give up!! 🙂

Julie - Nice knowing you!!!!
Rip it up.
Scary, scary, scary!
But awesome.
Ninja kicker!

Jen - I ordered one! I HATE exercise videos because I hate aerobics and that they’re so repetitive but after reading the reviews, I took the plunge! I figure I can do almost anything for 25 minutes.

Kelley - Good luck being Gillian’s slave for this month. I just started her 30 day shred last week. I can already feel a difference in my body and endurance. The first five days, my calves screamed at me. Even when not in motion and walking. Just push through. You can do this.

jeana - Oh my. I have 30 day shred. I do 2 days and rest for a few weeks…you have inspired me to push through this month. This is something I desperately want to accomplish…please keep us posted and motivated!!

Kimberlee J. - I am busy thinking of what I can give up to give more to Charity Water. I love that idea.
One thing I will not give up is Jillian…I refuse to let her beat me even though I am the most out of shape I have been in almost 2 years.
Can’t wait to hear about your ripping.
Loved the comment by someone that said you will need help getting up from going to the bathroom—that’s exactly how I felt when I did the Shred! What the heck am I thinking???

Jemm - You go Meg! That is THE prettiest to-do list I have ever laid eyes upon 😉

ali - I want to attack April like a Ninja, too!!! Where did you get the video? I can’t seem to find it in store anywhere, and I NEED it!! Like,,,NOW!! You are awesome!

Tracy - good luck with jillian. I am thinking of starting the 30 day shred again. Starting a new “diet” plan tonight and pretty excited, so I figured I should at least start a new exercise routine too.
love your doodles…maybe if my to do list looked like that I might actually want to get something done.

Prudence - I have Jillians 30 day shred, I always start day 1 but day 2 I am hurting so bad I literally can’t sit or move or walk… then I have to recover for 3 days, then by that time I am so mad that I have wasted the last two days and not done the 30 day shred that I never go back!! And here’s the kicker, the workout is only 20 minutes!!!
but now I know how those people feel on biggest loser when they are cryng and begging to stop!
but good luck to you!

Ana - Love you…Please be my friend….:)

Jessica Johnson - jillian scares me. i already told kimberlee that if she makes it all month without dying, i’m in for may. ok, i lie. she really scares me too much. i’d just rather be portly.

Amanda - You’ll be cursing Jillian after a couple of days-hehe. I have the shred video and about a year ago did 2 days. Maybe I should dig that back out again…I signed up for a 5K in May and am so not in shape but needed a motivator. Good luck!

rhonda - even your doodles ooze creativity! (I’m so impressed) Jillian? Bless your heart!

Necole - I have a 5 mile walking walking video I need to start working on. I also need to make an April List. You can be my inspiration to get something done so thanks!

wendy, NJ - Meg you are such an inspiration…as soon as I saw your blog I wanted to go out and get the same DVD so I could get ripped with you…but we are headed on vacation at the end of the month — so instead, I’m going to make myself a cute little to do like yours for this month with goals leading towards next month so on May 1st I can begin…maybe if I just go for 31 days instead of saying I am going to loose xx lbs I will be able to stay with it! Can’t wait to hear your results!

Courtney - LOVE jillian!!!
so, i broke my foot a couple weeks ago and can’t start this now. i can’t walk on my foot til may. BUT…i’m thinking maybe i’ll do this for the month of june…once i’m SURE my foot is healed.
question. can you post about the diet/menu? i don’t know if you can state specifically what a typical day is (copyright and all) but, can you give us an idea? that’s always what i have a hard time with. i don’t want a diet that is going to have me make some salad that costs $30 to buy all the ingredients for it at the store! i want it to be stuff i can easily have in my house. not “weird” stuff…
i LOVE that a diet IS included!

Kim - get it meg! wish i could join you and kimberlee for the fun. ok, not really. but kinda sorta. 😉 jillian’s dvd’s are rough for 3rd floor living.
but i’m right there with you in reading your bible. and finishing photobooks. 🙂
I’ll throw in a little exercise and healthy eating for good measure. 🙂

Jacci - I love the idea behind Live Without. Problem is, I pretty much never buy coffee out (we moved away from my beloved drive-thru Starbucks and who wants to haul 4 kids out of the van for coffee?), never get pedis, get a massage maybe 1x a year… some of the categories they chose weren’t really part of my life. Eating out, though… hmmm… that one will nail me.
Good for you on the 30 day Jillian torture commitment.
I’m very proud of you!

happygirl - Good luck with Jillian. I’ve been doing 40 days of yoga for Lent. I was FAR from perfect, but I’ve learned a LOT. I just have to get serious about what I’ve learned in my blog and quit the whining. btw, I’m going to bet we get to hear a bit of whining in the next 30 days on whatever. just sayin’

Nancy - First of all… Tommy Boy… one of the “classics”. That shows you what my movie classic library is!
Second, oh. my. Jillian is going to rock your world. She is a stud and don’t let her tough persona ruffle your feathers or the fact that her workout pants are always a tad too low! But, she is awesome. Have fun. 🙂 Love your list. Mine is always on realtor notepads and never cute.

Danielle H. - Okay, I bought that DVD a week or two ago to start today. But then I have family coming into town on Saturday for a week and was going to put it off until after they left. But I’m sure then I’ll find another excuse and another and another. So, you have motivated me to start today and do it every day for the month of April – no excuses! Can’t wait to hear about your progress!

Sarah - I am doing the same thing!!! I actually blogged about it a few weeks ago. At first I thought I would do 30 day shred but I changed my mind last minute to Ripped. Its a good workout. Whats great is that it isnt that long at all. I cant wait to hear about your progress!!

Jessica B. - I’m on day four of ripped in thirty. I almost gave up last night, but followed through. You will barely be able to move the first couple of days, but today I woke up and felt much better. I love it so far, and I’m following through with it as well. I’m not following the strict diet, but I am cutting back a lot and trying to maintain the same number of calories as what she recommends in the plan. Good luck!! I’ll keep cheering you on, and fingers crossed that it will be worth it 🙂

Tiffany - good luck meg!

Cory - Good luck with Jillian. I’m afraid of her. Also, your sweet little list is precious. I would be way more inclined to do things if my list looked like yours.

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im gonna break away from all the Jillian comments because…well its Jillian! Jillian=death! LOL
No but really, I was thinking this morning that I needed to make a to-do list for this month. Nothing like New Years Resolutions but things Id actually be able to accomplish. 🙂
Your list is way cuter than mine. You overachiever you(doodler). You made my list look like poo.
But my birthday is this month so theres something to look forward to(I’ll be 31 and yes, I still love my birthday b/c my love language is gifts)Wonder if I’ll still feel the same way when Im 50?
Have a great weekend. You’ll be dying while the big J screams at you through the screen to keep going and I’ll be…sewing while I chew on a Snickers bar.
Love you Meg!

melissa rice - I thought you were okay with being curvy 🙂 She does hurt!!

michelle - i loved everything about this post.

crystal - i’m on day 21 with jillian! you WILL see a difference. and for the next couple of days you WILL need help getting up from the potty. not sure if you follow my blog anymore…but here is me at day 15.
TOTALLY worth being able to wear a bathing suit in public!! 🙂

jamie - Wishing you the best with Jillian…I am lazy, so please keep it up…I am sure you will ROCK-IT!!!
Love your blog…It’s bright colors make me smile!! Thanks for brightening my day!

jenny - Meg-you inspire me most in the blogging world. Every single time I visit you I’m inspired, laugh, am touched and just want to be a better person. When I saw the pic of all the packages in your tub, I was so excited thinking WOW! one of those is mine-a real live package from Meg!!!!!!! My baby girl will be so cute in your rainbow shirt-I can’t wait. 🙂
Happy Weekend!!!

Ariel - You will see changes….Jillian is a smart lady, and her stuff works if you do it. I am proof 🙂
Good luck and keep your eye on the prize, ninja!

asnipofgoodness - Jillian Michaels, for reals??? Is this an april fools?

Lori - You can do it Meg!! And I look forward to seeing how it works for you. I am stepping up my gym time this month as February and March were so busy that I slacked off. Love the to-do list…need to be making one also to keep me on track. Otherwise the month slips by and I haven’t accomplished anything!

Alissa - Good luck with Jillian’s video….if you do it for 30 days you will definitely see results – you do need to take a before and after picture (even if it’s just for yourself) And her way of eating is very restrictive so you may want to cut a few things at a time….but good for you if you can make that big of a change! I am a huge Jillian Michaels fan! Having a body that halfway resembles hers is always my goal when I’m sweating through my workouts! Good luck….and I ordered one of your pillows, cannot wait to get it:))

Georgia - I am such a slacker when it comes to Workout dvd’s, but since im getting married in september and need to lose a couple of Stone… kg’s.. i need to get my work out dvd’s out. So im with you on this challenge!

leonieke - wow,…30 days and then you ‘ll look like that body on the front…. could you take pictures everyday? because if this works i will be soooooooooooo impressed! imagine how may will be looking like that, won’t be in the home, you’ll be walking in an tiny bikini in the garden, with a lot of jealous neighbours,..
I know what i’ll be doing this month; reading your blog (sitting:-))
good luck!

Terrie G - That clip would have really made me laugh! The thought of it was enough…and Lord knows I could use a good laugh after this week in Er’s & pediatric ICU”S! Thanks for making me smile…I needed it! Love your doodles…wish I could doodle that well! You can even make a ‘to do’ list look pretty! Maybe I’ll practice tomorrow at the hospital…I’m taking my paper & colored pencils! 🙂

Marija - oooh for the start I LOVE YOUR BLOG:)
it’s so inspiring and your kids are great, and I can see you give them all love you got:)
and I’m starting with Jillian too, again, hope this time it will last more than 17 days 🙂
I want to do it so badly!
good luck with it 🙂

Lisa - I have that same Jullian dvd! Its intense! Although I never followed it exactly and never did it everyday for 30 days. So I’m curious if it’ll work. Also LOVE that you referenced Tommy Boy. That is one of the funniest movies. Especially that specific scene. I watched that probably 15 yrs ago. Now I want to rent it again and see if its still that funny. 🙂

Keri ~ Forever Folding Laundry - I have her 30 day shred video,
it’s tough.
I hate it.
But I love it. 🙂
I’m excited to hear about her diet plan…
I didn’t know she had one.
Jillian is good.
Love the doodle list.
And where did you leave off with your crafty weekend?
I’m serious…you host one there,
and then next I’ll host a west coast version.
Deal? 🙂

eryn - love it!

Stefanie Arnold - Yay!!! I am so glad you’re doing this! I’ve done her workouts for 2 years now and have stayed in (if I don’t say so myself) great shape! I had 3 babies, back-to-back-to-back and her workouts kept me fit and with lots of energy.
Good for you! I’m cheering you on, literally 🙂 I even do them while pregnant!

Marisa - Jillian is a rock star. She can see you through the tv. I bought 30 Day Shred for the workouts. Tried level 1, got overwhelmed the first time and wanted to quit. Just then, Jillian said, “I know you want to turn off this DVD. But keep going, you can do this!” So I listened. I continued. I submitted to Queen Jillian.
Enjoy it! She’s a total motivator. Good luck with your month!

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