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what does it meeeeean?



in case you are not one of the 26 million in the world who did not see the double rainbow video…… 

(warning….he is tripped out for sure and says omg about 75 times….)


happy friday.

i hope you find something that makes you so happy today that you start laughing and then bawling.
and then laughing again. 


margo - my husband and I are crying laughing – yeah, we hadn’t seen the vid before!
I love the tee and hoodie too – very cute!

Alison Vaclav - I love rainbows. I think they are very important and here are my thoughts on why:

Kris - That guy just made my day. I love that he is so overwhelmed. Really shouldn’t we all get that excited about a double rainbow? I always make the kids come look when I find one! BTW your daughters double rainbow is too much too!!

Perrin - Oh, love the tee shirt and sweatshirt. So very adorable. My girls would love that.

kristine - can we have annie’s handmedowns?! 🙂

Michelle from Australia - I love Annie’s double rainbow outfit. Girls size 8 or 10 would work for our family just in case you are thinking of listing any in your etsy shop. Hint hint hint!!!! 🙂

Karen - Genesis 9:13
I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
This guy needs to study the Bible along with you (and I). Then he’d KNOW what it means! 🙂

Pam @ Keeping Life Creative - I LOVE her shirt and jacket! Might need to dig out some fabric scraps…but I’ll probably just drool over yours!

karen - oh meg.
but have you seen this?
you should watch their other songs too…hilario.
(and i totally will ignore the fact that posted to the world that i watch these videos and think they’re…well…hilario…take the plank out of your own eye people!)

Su@The Intentional Home - well all I could think of when watching the video clip (and I have not seen it before) was I wish I had that reaction when God showed His glory. . showed His power. . showed His beauty. And I wish that was what this guy was responding to was God. . but I too thought he must be on something. . but wouldn’t it be great if he wasn’t on something. . if that was just his reaction to God’s splendor. . and God was talking to him. . .and showing up for him. . .I am rambling. . thanks for sharing

lauren - a full on double rainbow all the way!!!! goal for my next rainbow siting: to get half as excited as that guy and make my family pretend to not know me. saweeet. 🙂

emily - Where have I been? Never seen it … but I’m dying!!

Katy - i love that video. my husband and i quote it all the time. 🙂

Juli - “It’s a double PROMISE from God”, I meant. Sheesh, my hands can’t keep up with my brain. 😉

Crystal - I hope you’re making plenty of those shirts & hoodies for your shop….in a size 24 months or 2T, hint hint!!!!

Juli - I laughed SO hard with that video. Then the comment above where she responds, “It’s a double from God…you know the one you keep screaming too”…made me laugh so hard my water come out of my nose!

Kelly (kelly is inspired) - Her Rainbow shirts are way too cute!!!

Jenna - LOVE the outfit, the “real life” double rainbow, and the dude … I didn’t exactly laugh, cry, and laugh again, but my throat is now raw from all the shock and laughing I experienced watching the video! I must share it with my family: instant hit!

sara @ it's good to be queen - i had never seen that video…it kinda creeped me out! why is he crying?!

Courtney Walsh - We are HUGE Gregory Brothers fans over here. Their “Poke Me” song makes me giggle uncontrollably. Seriously. But they’re legit musicians!! Sarah Gregory has a band called Sarah and the Stanleys and they are AMAZING!!! I LOVE them!!! 🙂
And the Backin’ Up song. omg. I have to go watch it again. lol

amy - That video is hilarious 🙂 I need a double rainbow for my little bebe girl! Gonna be stalking your store!!! Great job the sweatshirt and tee make me want it in my size 🙂

Courtney Henson - I was one of the rest of the world that had not seen this. Truly happy for this guy that he experienced such joy seeing this. Totally hilarious!

tara pollard pakosta - he sounds like he is crying to me!

jessicakiehn - haha oh brother dude, get over it!
hahahahaha this is SO FUNNY! He’s most certainly high on something, or drunk. But I’m thinking it’s the first one.
You find the funniest videos. I loved “email may, tsuh-day” girl from SNL…I apologize for that!

Melissa - love the rainbow shirt and jacket! i need one of those today…my daughter is turning 5 today and we are having a rainbow themed party! super cute!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - I cannot tell you how frequently Cory references this vid. It’s a lot.

Patricia - LOVE double rainbows!

Shaina Brown - loved that video. love that hoodie/shirt comb, will they be in your etsy shop? thinking my niece HAS to have them 🙂

Emily - Where did you get that shirt and sweatshirt? You made I hope! I want one for my daughter!

Christine Ishmael - Does that rainbow sweatshirt come in child’s size 8?

Molly Pearce - hahahahahahaha! It was like watching The Blair Witch movie, hahahahahha! I feel sorry for his dog, hahahahahaah! I can’t stop laughing and I have got to show this to my brother, he will love it. Happy Friday Meg!!!!
~Molly P

Molly - We quote that video ALL THE TIME in our house. DOUBLE CHEESE SANDWICH!!! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!

Melinda Owens - Such cynics…maybe he’s just overwhelmed with the beauty…it happens. 🙂 Spontaneous worship. Thanks for sharing this. I loved it!

Lisa - That was a great start to my Friday. Thanks!

Shannon - Oh. My. Wow. Thanks for the morning laugh…it felt good! 🙂 LOVE Annie’s double rainbow. Adorable. My blog post today features a quick and easy rainbow treat, Thought I’d share since rainbows are so dear to your heart!

Anne @ Baking Me - Hilarious, thanks for the laugh 🙂

Sheila P. - What does it say about me that I can see the same double rainbow as that guy and not feel anything but embarrassed for him and slightly annoyed at the same time? Maybe I need a second cup of coffee or a little of what he’s been having.

Maria - I had never seen the video – I love that double rainbow!

Linda Sousa - Oh my…that is too much! I had never seen the video until now.

deborah@applesinwonderland - annie is too cute with her wrinkled up nose, peace sign and double rainbow. that guy is loving life. can’t fault a guy for that. how do you not laugh until you cry? i do all the time. but, then again i laugh until i….nevermind.

Cari - We live in LR, AR, but all of our extended family lives in Northeast OK. My girls and i were driving home after a weekend visit and I was listening to a song called “Faithful”. As we were driving down I-40 there was a beautiful double rainbow (though only a partial) and I kind of had the same reaction as the guy on the video (though not near as intense. Ha!). I got excited and showed the girls, did an ultimate no-no and snapped a pic while driving, and then I began to cry. It wasn’t a coincidence that I was listening to a song about God’s faithfulness & then He revealed a physical reminder that, no matter what, He is Faithful. Faithful and True. Happy Friday, indeed!

ashley jensen - Seen the video before…the dude is WHACKED OUT on something! Stop teasing us with the dang hoodies!!! Why don’t you give us a round about hint when your shop will open….PLEASE!

Tiffany - she is too cute! i want that smile. that energy. that hoodie. have a great weekend.

alyssa - After watching this video a minute ago, Kade just said, remember that rainbow guy?
Me, “yeah.”
Kade, “he was so funny.”

Marla Rae - Annie is adorbale! And her rainbow outfit is too!

Kimberlee J. - God rocks.

karen - i saw this before! Too funny!!
I think he is on something…i hope he is not..but i really do think he is!
P.S. I love annie’s double rainbow 😉

Beth - Ok, I guess I’m the only one to have not ever seen that before…..oh. my…..well, that was something. hahaha! What is with that? Too funny, thanks for sharing.
enjoy your Friday!

candace - did you see that guy’s Tosh.O web redemption?
love the hoodie/shirt combo. how do you come up with such cute things and such cute kids?

Heather - Did you make Annie’s sweatshirt and t-shirt? I want those for my girl! Adorable!

happygirl - Hahahahaha. I hadn’t seen this video. Thanks for sharing. btw, I LOVE the double rainbow in YOUR yard. <3

Andrea - This guy was TOTALLY tripping! But, anyway, I used to see rainbows and double rainbows on the bus on the way to school all the time. We got on the bus at 7:20 am. That was a LONG, LONG time ago! I always thought, and think, of them as God blessing my day.

wendy, NJ - I have to say that honestly I’m not sure that I want to see the video. When my grandfather passed in 1989 (he was my best buddy when my parents divorced) it poured the day of his services, a huge rainbow appeard. Then in 1997 when my other grandfather passed it rained all day until we came out of the luncheon to find a double rainbow. I recently lost my grandmother in 2009. we left for vacation the day after her services and when we arrived at our destination after driving most of the way in pouring rain there was a beautiful double rainbow. so you see, rainbows represents something very special to me. Although as I write this I realize that it would be unfair of me to not look at the video..after all, I love everything you post…BTW the sweatshirt ROCKS!!

Regina - I hadn’t seen it either…and had to turn the sound off to make my dogs stop barking, lol! I would like to think that guy was high on God’s glory, but something tells me it was something else alltogether… 😉

Sarah@this farm family's life - I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t seen this video yet. That guy is kind of scary!

Ruth - Well, I really am in favor of appreciating the handiwork of God, but it sounds like this guy is on a “trip”. Love the double rainbow in your yard though.

tami - evidence of psalm 19: The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
soooooo awesome….

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Bwahahahahahahahaha…I guess Im THE only ONE who hadnt seen the video…til now. All I can say is WOW…this guy needs to get out more or something. He was starting to scare me a little:)And “what does it mean” dude? Its a double promise from God…you know, the one you keep screaming to.

Tara M. - Umm, wow! I had never seen that video until now! I love the rainbow outfit!! Can’t wait for your shop to open!

Kerry - haha! Cute!! Double Rainbow all the WAY! (I am now no longer the one person in the world who had not seen the vid)
Thanks Meg for putting a huge cheesy grin on my face on this cold grey day in the UK 🙂

Trish - i saw this for the first time in a starbucks… i laughed til i cried… this guy is too much 🙂

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