Masthead header

kleenex and dayquil.

i got a stupid cold sunday morning.
and it beat me down.
i slept all day on monday and then whined all day on tuesday.
i am hoping for a better wednesday.

i did get some sewing done.
some photo work done.
some laundry done.
but felt icky doing it.
such is life as a mama…..i know.


i finally figured out something that wendy and tyler were teaching me.

made me so happy.

i think i shouted in my kitchen when i got it.



does anyone think it's lame that i am still using my electric blanket in march? 
i do.

do you know that it's not easy storing 40 pillows for an etsy shop?

but my craft room is better than disneyland right now….happiest place on earth.

i downloaded the new adele cd yesterday.
everyone is talking about it.
i was tired of only hearing the same ones on pandora so i just bought it.

love it.

she has got a voice!

annie said this week:

after her soccer game i said "you did so good!" and she said "YEAH and i didn't even cry!"  

at breakfast scott asked me if i was going to china with a group from our church.
i said no.
annie piped up and said
"I want to go to china!  
i want to use my karate chopping on bad guys!
and eat noodles with chopsticks!
and hear their talk!"  

both scott and i smiled pretty big.

(photo by annie with my heavy camera.)

we have three kids in soccer, one in track and one in softball right now.
and two are also in basketball still and one in volleyball.

has this family has gotten out of control???

AND add on that it's march and ncaa is about go gangbusters on us.

calgon take me away!

BUT i will admit to really starting to like their games.
i used to drag my feet getting there but it's growing on me.

put me in a town with a starbucks and i am even happier!


so excited about all of you that signed up for BLOG SUGAR!
it's going to be so good.
i am debating on a dance routine or just a prepared speech……

just kidding.

although i do remember my tap routine to jailhouse rock from the 1990's pretty well…. 


Jen - Kansas is like Nebraska… you should use your electric blanket MORE in March… 36 degrees feels pretty decent in December, but in March it chills you to the bone.
My kindergartener thinks she can already speak “their talk” in China. If it is random syllables stuck together, they are certain to understand. Ay yay yay! (I’m all paranoid… if she does this in public will people think we’re racists??!!)
Hope you’re feeling better soon!

amber - I still remember some of my twirling routine to I’ve got friends in low places.
Is it wrong that an 8 year old was dancing to a song about friends in low places?
Yes. Yes is the answer. Crazy dance people. Oh well.

Tami - I thought we were busy until I read the end of your blog. We have 4 playing on 3 different baseball teams. One with guitar lessons and playing in the youth band at church. Oh did I mention, all of this happens 45 minutes from our house because we live in the mountains (aka the middle of nowhere). You did make me feel better about our crazy life because now I know we are not the only ones.

flowerpowermomma - as always, cute pics.
sorry you’ve been sick. hopefully by now life is easier.
btw, are you even old enough to know the origin of the phrase “calgon take me away” ? πŸ™‚
I say it often and get funny looks often too.

Tiffany - hope you feel better and thanks for putting me on to the new adele cd. heading to pandora… and what is a blog sugar, gonna find that out too.

Andrea T - Feel better! I had it too 2 weeks ago. I actually asked my hubby to stay home GASP! I cant wait for the etsy shop to open πŸ™‚

Heather - Oh how I would love to come to this BlogSugar event. Sigh. Why is everything so far away.

Kacey - Ok, wow – you guys are busy! How do you ever keep up with all those sports?! Yay for figuring out what Wendy and Tyler taught you – those light bulb moments are the best!
Feel better soon!

becky - hope you’re having a happy wednesday! and feeling better! thanks for sharing. love your happy yellow flowers! i think i may need to get me some in my kitchen too – on these dreary wintry days!

Dana@Strawberrytart! - Random responses:
I love that mug…I saw it at world market and begged my husband for it (this is before I saw it on your blog). He turned me down…I have too many mugs.
I love love love the New Adele CD!!!

emily anderson - i want to go to blog sugar. period.
i must make a way for it to happen!

Christy - We must have been hit with the same bug! After a crazy and stressful week last week I finally succombed Sunday night to feeling miserable. Slept most of Monday as well, but a Mom isn’t entitled to that much rest so “family stuff” still had to get accomplished! =) Here’s to feeling better and being able to stuff that electric blanket in the closet until Fall!

Seamingly Sarah - I caught my daughter’s cold on Sunday too! Same timeline and so far this Wednesday has been better. I hope it has been for you too.

Cathy - Love your haircut! Shows up nicely (though a bit blurry) in Annie’s pic

Krystle - I had to laugh… my favorite thing about today’s post is the cute little bum with the wedgie about to jump into the pool. Something about kids’ bums always makes me smile πŸ™‚

Susan - Yay for you! You definitely figured something out. The second I saw the pictures on your post, before reading a word, I thought to myself “That workshop totally paid off, her pictures are looking even better than before.” I can’t wait to see what the next level is going to be for you. I loved, loved, loved your photography before you took the workshop. I can only imagine what is to come!

Holly - We are doing t ball for the first time. Our team is the Grasshoppers. I love it and so does the boy.
I wish I could go to blog sugar but alas it is a long haul from my town.
and…you should totally do a dance. It would be blogland legend!

Anne @ Baking Me - Here in SLC it snowed like crazy Monday and then tomorrow is supposed to be 60 degrees. It seems spring never gets here fast enough, it’s alway a tease. Oh and I think you should do a dance because dancing is awesome πŸ™‚

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Still having to use my elecrtic blanket in March, too… and I’m in SC!
It’s still crazy cold here to me!
Feel better soon!

karen - those kitchen pics are so beauty!
My favorite Adele song is ‘chasing pavements’.. sooo good.

BULLYMAMA - Feel better Meg! Love the new hairdo…your last one and this one are giving me inspiration to get a new stylish do for Spring! Kansas weather seems similar to New England and although March has a Spring feel like wanting to change up our outfits and hairdos the weather doesn’t seem to cooperate until at least mid-May…so electric blankets aren’t lame!!

Emily - Can’t wait to see your pillows on etsy. I love your blog!! You inspire me…I decorated my craft room with colorful frames and artwork that makes me happy. I think of you now when I’m trying to decide what “works” using bright colors. Keep up the creative work! πŸ™‚

Kirsten J - Cool pictures – and my daughter plays softball – both little league and a “select” team. So true about there being a local Starbucks. It makes a good excuse to use something besides a honey bucket if we’re at a lame field πŸ™‚

kristine - 1. feel better
2. congrats on the photog!
3. i would use my electric blanket if i had one.
4. we bought the new adele for our roadtrip a week ago! it’s a goodie!
5. i love yellow and grey.
6. your family is crazy busy! enjoy!!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - I totally think you should go with the dance routine. For reals.

deborah@applesinwonderland - i am so over winter too. dang, i was over it in november. stay warm, try to get better and whine all you want. whine about not going to china or that your craft room looks like disney but isn’t warm….whatev. i’m still getting over a cold here….the cold that i was sure was going to kill me. i get it.

Jacci - BOKEH!!! Is that what you figured out? How to change your focus and get awesome bokeh in your pics? So fun! And let me just say again how much I love your hair. It could NOT be cuter! πŸ™‚ - bleh….feel better. I still have the down comforter on….flannel jammies….socks…and my LAMO house slippers close by. Spring is taking it’s own sweet time, I tell ya. Ya gotta love the fickle Kansas weather. Or not…which I don’t mostly November thru March.

shauna reed - you have a REALLY good profile.
when you speak at blog sugar, you should have them set you up looking to the side.
then you can pretend you are in your living room and forget about us.
and we can all whisper and twitter about your nice defined jaw line(no double chin for you baby)….just an idea.

crystalbeutler - Hope you are feeling better. So what did you figure out with the camera? Love your shots of the gum machine. πŸ™‚
I’me voting for dance routine and maybe the white roller skates. πŸ™‚ Although . . . I am pretty excited to hear you speak.

Cathy - Oh, do a dance routine! How fun! Way better than a speech.

Jen Brandt - Oh! Do a tap routine! You only live once. πŸ™‚
Hope you feel better. Love your new pics.

Melissa - I would love to hear what you figured out from Wendy and Tyler….please.
I love that Annie! I bet she’s a bunch of fun to be around!

Jodi - There is no other sport in my house. Soccer that is….
I noticed Annie’s shin guard/socks right away. Makes me want to go back to when Christen was that little and playing soccer… now, it’s so… rough! but she loves it!
Don’t know how you do all you do w/ 5 kids…. I can barely keep up w/ my one! :o)

Julie K - Do share your light bulb moment from your time with Wendy and Tyler! And I adore your hair cut!!!

ashley jensen - I live in Oklahoma and there is no shame in still using the electric blanket since it will be 70 degrees one day and 25 the next! I am curious about what you learned at GoPro that you yelled about in your kitchen. I squeal and giggle when I figure things out like that!

EverydayEO - I’m still using my blanket too–in CA!!! Gasp! Shock! I’m a weather wimp, I admit it. Just bought my ticket: ) Your craft room=colors galore=bliss!!

Kathy - My kids shared their germs with me this week too. I spent the weekend denying I was getting sick. I decided to take nyquil the other night (to stop coughing and get a good night sleep) and spent most of yesterday in a fog from it. Winter- be gone! Love the pillows!

Heather R. - Feel betta! πŸ™‚

Sarah @ this farm familys life - So…what did you figure out that wendy and tyler taught you. Please tell…I may learn something.

Katie - It is snowing here today:( I am seriously researching other places to live in the US because this momma can’t take the cold and snow anymore. I can’t believe you guys are playing sports outside right now…that is amazing!

sandy toe - I laughed at your comment about Starbucks. My son travels with soccer and I always think…as long as there is a starbucks:).
sandy toe

Kelley - yay for having another thing from Wendy & Tyler click. their workshop was so awesome. I only need to hear about your crazy sports schedule to realize karate four nights a week, soccer two nights a week and one weekend day taken up by both isn’t so bad.

Michelle - adele rules! happy wednesday!

patricia - Love reading your posts … totally random questions here … where do you buy fabrics at? One special place or just wherever you find it? Have you ever ordered fabric online? I’ve been tempted to but haven’t yet. Hope you feel better soon!

cathy - Annie is so cute I also had that idea about going to China to hear how Chinese people talk so next time I went with my dad to work he took me to a Chinese restaurant at that time there wasn’t that many but I really enjoyed the food but I really enjoyed the shouting from the kitchen
I don’t think an electric blanket is lame if it keeps you warm.

Sally - Not lame about the blanket…I’m in Florida and my heat may or may not have been on the other night. I’ve been making pom pom pillows for our couches, but it seems you’re much speedier than me! These are taking me forever! Maybe I just need to buy yours πŸ™‚
Side note about Pandora. I started getting so frustrated with it at work because I could never listen to the song that I actually want to LISTEN to. My husband found this website called grooveshark and it is now my obsession! You can listen to whatever you want whenever you want!

Jennifer - Feel better soon! I love your photos! We just started my oldest in softball and my middle in soccer, and of course both practices are at different locations on the same day. A mommy’s work never ends!

happygirl - LOVE Jailhouse Rock!!! Feel better soon Meg. Dontcha hate the mom-cold vs the man-cold. Hahaha the commercial about the man-cold CRACKS me up. This one is funny, too. Poor little bunny.

Teresa - Rock Chalk Jayhawk!

Hannah - not lame that you use the electric blanket. i still heat up my “rice sock” to warm up my feet in the bed…and i live in ga! πŸ™‚ i would love to see a room full of pillows…which i seem to have a thing for! hope you feel better soon!!!! πŸ™‚
have a great wednesday!

Carla - I woke (was woken!) at 5am this morning and even with three in the bed (one big man, one little) it was COLD. And I’m not in Kansas. Where it is maybe even colder?
Anyway, quick question/request…would you ever consider doing a really basic How to take decent photos of your Kids How To. Angles, Camera, that sort of thing. Would love to know some of your tricks (and I think your job is safe, I don’t see myself getting good enough to steal clients during this lifetime :-))
Just a thought πŸ™‚
Would love to go to Blog Sugar but its a little far away for me. And I don’t know how well a Humanist mama would fit in. But I’m looking forward to hearing all about it πŸ™‚

Four Flights - I think we need to get a flash mob going at Blog Sugar. And I could only imagine how awkward it would be to store 40 pillows?!?

Kori - We’re still using our heated mattress pad and our son is still using his heated blanket.
Not lame.
Warm. πŸ™‚
And also, all this talk of Blog Sugar everywhere….is it only for uber bloggers, or all types of bloggers?
Like ones that blog at random only when the mood strikes? πŸ™‚ And aren’t that super tech-y. (such as moi) It seems like it would be totally fun, but the pics of peeps who are speaking I keep seeing is kinda intimidating….

Leah - So totally random thought. But because of you, I decided to try Le Creme. Only one Vons (Safeway) even close to me carried it. I drove all the way to this store with my asleep kid in the back and I swear to you, there were only three hazelnut flavors left. The rest were gone! I couldn’t help but think it was because of your blog. Anyway, I tried it (even though hazelnut is not my flavor of choice) and it’s so good. And I love that it’s natural. Thanks for the tip.
Oh, and I don’t think it’s weird you’re using your electric blanket. You live in Kansas. It’s cold. And it’s technically not spring yet.

Courtney Walsh - Dude. do the dance. And then make everyone get up and do it with you. People’ll be talking about it, I promise!
P.S. Cute hair!

Erin Leigh - Okay, okay, gotta get the CD, already. so excited for blog sugar. It’ll be fun. sorry you had the worst weather of the year when you were here (san diego). what the heck? it’s like summer here now. beautiful and sunshiney. just wait’ll september! our best weather is september/october. we’ll save it all up for you.

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