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just stop and think.





Jena Simms - Thank you for posting this, drop to my knees and pray right now, video. I am in love with my creator and know he loves me more than my understanding takes me. I just found your blog today… What an inspiration. Funny thing is, I think we are moving to your town in just a few months…God is so big he cordinates life’s introductions perfectly. Nice to meet you Meg!

Karina - He is so charismatic, I wish I could believe him.
I don’t.
But he is very engaging to watch, and thought-provoking about lots of things other than God, such as love and the amazing fact that the universe exists regardless of how it came to be.
Plus, that is one beautiful part of the world and a joy to look at!

Tara - Thank you for this….needed to hear all of this. Made me want to open my heart more to God and give him more than I have before! Thank you so much!

Courtney Henson - Read this book for my little book group over the last few months and was challenged, inspired….I could go on. Really, really good! Now we are reading One Thousand Gifts. Awesome and challenging as well!

Katey Deasy - I bought Crazy Love last week from Amazon and it’s sitting in my pile on my desk. This video made me move it to my nightstand. Will start it tonight. Thanks for sharing.

Georgia - I dont really believe in God or anything.. but the beginning part of the video is so true, i love that feeling of loving something so much you want to scream and cry and squeeeze it so tight… it makes you feel ‘real’

Laura Phelps - perfect way to begin the Lenten season….
who is this man?
he is adorable
I am sucker for a guy who loves God AND surfs 🙂

Christy - Wow, I needed this, this a.m. Wonderful

Lisa- Domestic Accident - What an amazing way to start my week. Thanks, Meg, that was beautiful.

Amy Lynne - wow! I love listening to him speak!

Carla - I believe it all came from nothing, one fantastical amazing wondrous accident. No sin, no scorecard, no great arbitrator in the sky. Just one brief chance to make it count, to live it up. And I believe the world is all the more beautiful for it, that life is all the sweeter for it.

sandy lutz - i love this video and his books. He has a refreshing way of sharing. We did his study Crazy love and forgotten God in our small group bible study for church. loved it. He has other great videos out there to on his Crazy love website .

kim smart - what a great message! thanks for sharing this. i haven’t heard of him before now but i’m going to look up this book “crazy love” and check it out! God does work in interesting ways…

mandy friend - i had the joy of having him as a guest speaker on a mexico mission in highschool youth group(he was pals with my pastor, back before he was ‘famous’;)) my favorite thing he said that weekend was “the Christian life is like pizza, when it’s good it’s amazing, and when it’s bad?…it’s still pretty good”

Melissa V. - Love the encouraging video.

Naomi Williams - B/c you put that balance beam thing on your blog a while back, our teen girls are now doing Crazy Love for SSchool, and we’re LOVING it! Just thot you might like to know 🙂

Cory - L O V E this video. I’m going through Crazy Love for about the gagillionth time. It’s great. Love me some Fran Chan!

happygirl - Crazy Love. I need to read it. I need to remember this is how HE feels about me. Thanks Meg.

purejoy - crazy love. on my list. in fact… downloading it to my kindle right. now. seriously.
thanks for the reminder.

Jacci - I love me some Francis.
He’s so stinkin intense. Love it.

Nicole Q. - Sweet stuff.

Janie Fox - I read Crazy Love and Forgotten God. I love the way he puts things. Word indeed!

Jenny B. - “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16 (The Message)
I asked my husband to come watch the video with me, and he said, “Hey, that guy looks familiar.” He went and got the book he’s reading for a Sunday School lesson he’ll teach in a couple of weeks, and it was Francis Chan’s Crazy Love. I always find it amazing and a little amusing how God puts things in front of us in so many different ways to get our attention. Obviously, there’s something I need to pay attention to here. 🙂 Thank you for letting your light shine!

Jen - What a great reminder. My first introduction to him – must find out more! Haven’t come across him (maybe it’s being an Aussie and all).
Thanks for a great share!

Natasha - Love it! We’re actually looking into getting his book for all the ladies that attend our women’s retreat in May. Can’t wait to get my hands on it.

ingrid - LOVE francis! he’s speaking at our easter service this year and i’m sure he’ll be awesome! crazy love is awesome with all the videos….i just posted one of his videos on my blog a few days ago – the balance bean video – check out that video if you haven’t seen it – super powerful! adore your blog!

pam - I love the way Chan things….word indeed!

Katie - Reading his book Crazy Love right now!

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Ahhhh, refreshing…wise…inspiring!
Loved that!
(And, if I didn’t already have spring fever, I’d surely have it after watching that video. Sure wish our beaches in SC looked like that!)

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