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jolly goode

WINNER for the LISA gift cards…..

my favorite Valentine's gift was receieving the little Valentine cards from other classmates in grade school. I was sick the year of my second grade Valentine's party and was so disappointed!

Posted by: Rachael Umstead | 02/03/2011 at 07:42 AM


on our first valentine's day together me and my now husband went to build a bear and built a little teddy bear together. cheesy, but what can i say…i admit i am cheesy. we had a great time. like the bear, but love the man i get to spend time with every valentine's day!

Posted by: megan | 02/03/2011 at 11:10 AM

email me your info so i can get you some LISA!


getting very excited for blue lily GoPro in 21 days.
holy cows.

i saw this post and got reeeeeeally excited/nervous/stoked. 
San diego gopro set 3-137
i can't believe i am going!!!

there are still some spots…..what are you waitingfor??
PLEASE come and learn along with me!
i can't wait to meet the girls who have already told me they are coming.

it's going to be the best! 
let's party in cali with wendy and tyler…..come on! 


a friend gave me a milk frother at christmas.


i announced at breakfast yesterday "this changed my life!"
my days got so much better since i learned to use it.
a little dramatic?  maybe. 
it is so yummy.

i feel super fancy.


look what i found.
i think it's fabulous.



the words of this poster could be a family mission statement.

they are words to live by for sure.

i love the red.
i chose the red.

but in the jolly goode shop there are other colors!
jerusalem is the shop owner and she sent me one of her pretty posters to give away to one of you!
it's red.
because i picked the red for me and i love the red.
so we will have twin posters. 


leave a comment to day today if you like to win a poster of your own!

tell me what you are doing this weekend.


Trina McNeilly - That is gonna be on fab trip. So I met Wendy and Tyler at Alt Summit and I love them. They are hilarious and sweet and just the nicest people. I took a quick table top photography class with them but how amazing this be? I can’t wait to hear all about it!
ps- I think you and the hubs should go back to St. Thomas… NO KIDS – xoxoxo

Laura - This weekend we had a multi-state bus trip to visit four scrapbooking stores! My mom came with me, and we thoroughly enjoyed the chance to catch up on news and everything. In honor of our many-stop trip, my husband took my daughter on their own multi-stop kid extravaganza. A children’s museum, Chuck E. Cheese, and Chick-Fil-A is how they spent their day.
Fun fun weekend!

jess - hubby took caroline to the father-daughter dance…so cute!!! would love to win this print!!!

pam - Staying at home and making a large pot of Italian soup, watching movies, lounging with my kiddos. Bliss!

jackie - I would love to win. Great poster! This weekend my son and I went to a disaster relief training session for our Georgia Baptist Convention, a long day, but we will be ready to go if called, went to church this AM and PM. We are preparing for a solemn assembly this coming Sun Evening. This next week will be a time of preparation. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity. Jackie

Kristin M - Nothing special this weekend – just hanging out as a family and taking it easy – my favorite kind of weekend!

alise - I went away scrapbooking for the weekend with the girls. Had a great time!!!

Tracy fisher - We have 3tv’s, 2 sofas, 1 bed with a tv….guess where I am? On the love seat. With my legs and head hanging off the ends…watching my son pay a video game….in 9more years I will finally get the big sofa and the remote in my hands….gotta love being a mom……but later We are going to a super bowl party with my shrimp dip in hand.
Tracy (

Sandi Caskey - Stayed home Friday night and all day Saturday, which was unusual and WONDERFUL! Sunday – went to church and then a delicious family lunch at Carrabbas, hands down the most fabulous italian food!!

Stephanie C. - We’re just staying in and unpacking. We moved into our first home last weekend.

Stephanie C. - We’re just staying in and unpacking. We moved into our first home last weekend.

anne - Love the poster! We are hanging out as a family this weekend. Playing lots of games, crafting and playing in the snow. I love weekends when my husband doesn’t have to work!

Juliann - HI Megan – love the poster – seeing wonder is a theme this year for me!!
This weekend/today – we are going to church, then a bit of relaxing, then to a Super Bowl party at a friends’ house 🙂

robbie - although, I love the poster and it would bring some color to our lives I love Lelia’s comment.

Julie Logosz - This weekend we are helping our little boy (4 1/2) through his first surgery of getting his tonsils out. He had it done this morning and was so brave, he barely even cried. Oh, what a sweet little boy we have. Feel so blessed that he made it through the surgery safely and will be recovering for the next few days!

Christine Ishmael - This weekend has been spent turning the office into a playroom, painting the most gorgeous blue, sweeping, mopping, shopping, painting trim, painting a on-the-wall chalkboard, walking 7 miles, helping my daughter move out of her apartment, watching “The Bucket List” which I thought was a comedy, it is NOT! I bawled, I’m exhausted and sore and still have tons more to go tomorrow…am I rambling? Probably so, but pick me…please?

Jessica West - We have a special guest from preschool with us this weekend, Hi-Tops the giraffe. We’ve been documenting our adventures and so far it’s included Friday Family game night, Saturday morning Ballet, Chocolate Chip Pancakes, Coloring Adventures, and tons of baking (cookies & two cakes.) Tomorrow we’re all headed to church in the morning then two a dual birthday party for our children 3 & 5 years old at the local bowling alley. Hi-Tops sure is getting the royal treatment this weekend!
As for the poster, It is simply fabulous and I think choosing red was a good decision!

Peggy Gigax - I am working on redecorating a guest room in the house as my daughter who is in the middle of a divorce moved home and is now residing in the old guest room…. my nest runneth over!

Lisa - I’m going to sew my girls a Valentine shirt this weekend. We’re also having a Super bowl party, which means I need to clean the house!

Kathleen - We are trying to thaw out here in Chicago! Other than that, we are loving babies this weekend!

Linda - Feeling grateful for living in California, it’s 74 degrees!

Jaimie - super bowl sunday! huge green bay fans!!!

Julia - We were going to the beach…then I heard on the news that the sharks are migrating, hundreds of jellyfish washed up on the beach, there are sea lice and man-o-wars. Given the high winds today, there are probably rip currents too. I decided to go rollerblading instead. Since this involves going down a very steep bridge twice, I’m not so sure it was a wiser choice over the beach.

Melissa Caitrin - Hang out with my family & go to my sisters for the super bowl.

Carrie - This weekend I am spending time with family. We’ve been off work and out of school for four days due to bad weather in TX so we’ve been forced into downtime and it’s been rejuvenating! Thanks for the chance to win!

Janna - If I not too late I’ll enter;) We went to a free dental day today for the kids. We own our own framing contractor business and it has been so slow the last couple years and we don’t have dental insurance:( SO happy they have people who volunteer their time to do things like this for those of us with no ins and not alot of extra money for dental. Only one of our 3 kids had one cavity;) Not bad! THanks for the chance! LOVE your blog!

Amy D. - Well, the plan was to work on school projects w/my daughter and go see “The King’s Speech” with a girlfriend. I ended up sick, so no movie. I’m sitting at home, reading my favorite blogs. 🙂

Jennifer Allred - I told my story at my church’s women’s retreat. And I got to hear other sweet women from our congregation tell their stories too. My cup is full!

Lynette - We are going to my sweet nephews birthday party and then getting the house ready to celebrate my sweet baby girls second birthday this week.

Gina - This is a weekend for red velvet cake-yummmmm. I love that print, and I love my frother too, those are pretty fun too! 🙂

Ady - this weekend I am nursing a cold and planning on doing nothing……I probably have a better chance of winning the lottery !!! love the poster!

heather - Goodness gracious, I love the red one also. Love the words too. I have a perfect spot for this gem! I am making chicken tortilla soup & playing dutch blitz with my family on this rainy, cold Saturday.

Amanda Hutcheson - this weekend i am going junk store shopping, looking for some new projects to work on, and make lots of junk food sunday night!

Meg - Logging lots of hours on the couch catching up on missed shows. My favorite kind of weekend!

Bernice - Had Chinese New Year dinner with a bunch of new friends last night (we recently moved to Australia) and today, church and a lazy Sunday afternoon are in order.

Christy - This weekend we are getting in one more sledding session before our snowcation ends on Monday. We are also going to whip up a little snow icecream…if I can find any that hasn’t been trampled in the yard!

Beth - I love the red too!
Later this afternoon we’re going to my sister’s colorguard competition – which I’m pretty excited about. I was on colorguard too and miss it so much. And tonight or tomorrow we’re making cookies!

Christina - Planning more on my upcoming wedding. 😀 We finally found an apartment for afterward, so I’m also planning decorations and where to store things. This would look awesome on our wall at the start of our new family. <3

Lynette - This weekend I am staying home in my comfy pj’s sitting in front of the fire!!!

cassie o - i’m being kicked out of the house by my husband so the boys from youth group can come play video games … coffee shop or mall?

Lisa - This weekend, I am cleaning, doing laundry, and working a second job, then spending time w/ my daughter and catching up on my favorite blogs 🙂
I’m w/ you on the frother, mine ran out of batteries this morning, I was so sad!!

Jen H. - My hubby took our older daughter on a “date” this morning, while the younger one and I chill at home (and I attempt to get some cleaning done). Might have some friends over for the Superbowl. Go Steelers! 🙂

Blaire - That is a wonderful poster. This weekend I am finishing the last of the unpacking from our move, nursing my cold, and looking for a new daycare for our son. Not happy with the current one. 🙁
P.S. I just love your decorating style. You have inspired me to put more color into our home and red is one of my favorites! 🙂

Christen - looks like our weekend will be filled with lot’s of cuddling, movies, and home made ice cream since my little girl has the Flu 🙁
Such a cute poster!

Rachel - This weekend: Art projects. Wearing pj’s. Tidying the house… again! Finishing subfloor in basement. Family birthday party (aka eating cake). Taking pictures.
I’ve very excited for you about the GoPro workshop. When you posted about it I seriously looked into going but we can’t swing it right now. You are going to ROCK IT + love it + be amazing.

Barbara - Shoveling snow for a sick friend and at the church…then huddle back at our house for warmth…I’m sure we will watch the Super Bowl.

kristen - We are bundled up indoors and I am catching up with my blogs!

Katie - I am celebrating my mom’s 60th birthday this weekend! We are having a big Italian feast (no we aren’t Italian but we like the food)! Then we are going to church with her on Sunday! I hope she feels the love!

Jenny - I live in Annapolis and I’m leaving for Philadelphia in a few hours to spend the evening with some of my very best friends from college. Love that print! You’re right, definitely could be a family mission statement. Have a great weekend.

Laura - We are going to MONSTER JAM!!! Our kids love it and we always have an amazing time!

Meredith - I love this weekend. My husband’s birthday is Feb 2nd. We celebrate it at his Mom’s every year on Super Bowl Sunday. My family is there and his. It is also my SIL’s birthday so now we do cake for her and my best friend that alsways joins us, tomorrow is her birthday as well. Great times + Great food + Great family = Great weekend!!!!

Stephanie - This weekend I am taking my daughter out to try to make a dent in her Girl Scout cookies! We have a lot to sell… want to buy some Thin Mints? 😉

Maria - Taking our final foster to adopt class! I cannot wait to see who we get to add to our family!

karen - We are going to watch a show! CAILLOU!!
my 3 year old is very excited. - beautiful motto! I’m spending the day shopping with my bestie while my husband is out of town on a business trip and HER husband watches our kids. Couldn’t ask for better friends!

Alexis Hamilton - drinking coffee, eating oatmeal, riding my bike, going to church, sleeping, drinking coffee, eating oatmeal, riding my bike, baking for my new little business, going to church, and maybe, just maybe i’ll watch some of the super bowl. 🙂

Margie C - With three school aged children weekends are never boring:) My husband and I are dividing and conquering with helping build a stage for the middle school theater production, basketball for my son, church, CCD, reorganizing the girls rooms, and dinner with friends. Life is good:)!

MemeGRL - We are having an awesome weekend with kids’ swimming, soccer, basketball, and friends from other towns coming in both days–can’t wait!
Love the poster–thanks for the find!

Jessica - We’re going to Eastern Market in DC (we live nearby), then friends over for dinner, then church and SuperBowl on Sun.

Annette - I’ll be doing laundry…sigh!

Joni - The hubs is out of town this weekend in GA but here in NC at our house, friends are coming to watch the super bowl. I am preparing the largest do it yourself taco bar you have ever seen. it’s a fiesta!

Andrea - This weekend I am cleaning this messy house and writing lesson plans.

Tiffini - Love the words. Love the color red. Love that this weekend my daughter turns 25 and we are celebrating her!:)

Deb - running kids all over creation! One to help with a food pantry, and the other to work, and then a sleep over. Life is busy with teenagers, as you know! Be Blessed!

Peta - This weekend I am trying to escape the heat. Here in Sydney we have has string of really hot days and today we have 40+degree celcius weather dropping only slightly overnight… My family and I are camped in the living room under the air conditoner.
Thanks for the chance to win, Meg. I love the red too!

meta - this weekend i hope to make lots of happy stuff for my shop in my new craftroom in our new home 🙂

Sheridan Eketone - Ok.. so I will be waking up really early in the morning to go to the airport (in Auckland, New Zealand) to meet my brother Andrew & his wife Joy who are visiting from New York. The best part is that they are bringing home my nephew Elias (18mths old) whom we have never met! I am soooo soooo excited about seeing them I just don’t know HOW I will sleep! Family is so so so dear & even better when they are near! Sheridan x

Wendy - i love this poster, and red is my favorite color! 🙂 this weekend i am excited to not have to work… i am cleaning a lot, going to a superbowl party, and planning a valentine’s day party. 🙂

Stefanie Santana - This would be great in my second grade classroom! They are too young at times to understand quotes…but these words could really spark a great conversation!

Yolanda - staining an old oak bench. can’t wait!

Rachel - I adore that poster! And I love that you photographed it with the flower fabric background – since I have that fabric on my kitchen towels!
Well this weekend? Is a much anticipated and completely miraculous event – my friend is getting married!!! (Hear me screaming?!?)
It’s miraculous because she has been fighting advanced stage cancer for a few years now, and just recently it has spread to her brain. And in the middle of fighting this beast, she met the love of her life! She has literally waited all of her life for Mr. Right 🙂 And she’s marrying him tomorrow morning. Life is good.

Rachael B - This weekend, I am working both Saturday and Sunday all day 🙁 The money is good…time away from my family, not so great.

Jeannette - Love this especially in the red!!! No major plans, cleaning house OH JOY and maybe tackling cleaning the office or not…….probably not!!!!

kim - Lots of projects around the house – getting rid of old furniture, getting new furniture, decluttering – in between an otherwise busy weekend of soccer, bowling, church, baseball tryouts. Love your blog!

Lori - Cooking (new recipes from Pioneer Woman, yum!), editing photos, laundry…
Thanks for the chance to win!
Have a great weekend!

Kristin - We live in Jordan (the country), so every weekend we spend keeping an eye on the news. Today, though, we’re also going to go downtown for a bit to get some falafel and head to church tonight.

Melissa - Watching a movie with my man!

Jenn Meysenburg - Painting… With light Antique….

jodi @ back40life - we’re working a wedding show – yippee!

Kat - Can I firstly say REd is my favourite colour!
Cool posters.
This weekend here in Aus I have just been out on a date with my little man (4) to get his first pair of school shoes and bag.
We then went for lunch together. (he had sushi, his favourite.)
As I watched him crashed out asleep in the car on the way home (so precious) I thought “no way can I send him to school three mornings a week, he is still so little.”
Lucky I still have #4 at home with me fulltime for two more years. - just spent a great day with the people from the hood laughing and playing and teasing and eating and drinking and smiling after the last 4 ice/snow days….this poster in orange would simply make my heart smile for my peeps 🙂

stephanie d. - i have a sad weekend. two funerals. celebrating my girlfriends life cut short by colon cancer and my great uncles 85 years of life fulfilled. one was not ready to leave her children, the other waiting for the doors above to open. sad. relief. heartache. peace. so grateful they were both placed in my life.

Laura - I’ll be celebrating my 27th with my girlfriends, decorating cupcakes and indulging in a cupcake fondue!
Laura in Ottawa, Canada

Sandra K - My parents are visiting, so we’ll have some wonderful family time! 🙂

AhhNii - On Saturday I will be working with my favorite insane crew at the hospital. On Sunday I will spend the day with my 17 month old cousin/foster son and make a giant mess with finger paint…and watch Superbowl commercials of course.

Courtney - feeling bad for my husband that he has to take another test…and…RUNNING. i think i’ll do 7 miles! woohooo. go me. 🙂 i love the posters

Kiki Craig - Celebrating my daughter’s 3 year old birthday on Saturday for brunch at our place with the big ‘ol family. On Sunday afternoon I’m getting my nails done and catching a chick flick with my college roommate for some girl time.

kat - We are celebrating my sister-in-law’s birthday this weekend. I cannot wait to give her gift to her. It’s a handmade gift and a fabulous cookbook and I just know she’s going to love it. Have a super fun and fabulous weekend!

Cherished Hearts Vintage - I am taking hundreds of pictures of the vintage goodies we found at an auction two weekends ago. The snow has slowed us all down this week and everyone has been underfoot. So beginning tomorrow, it’s work, work, work, work!

Michelle - My six-month-old and I are getting over colds, surviving the snow, and missing Daddy who is out of the country on business.
I love red too! Good luck to the winner! - I’m recaulking my shower! You’re jealous aren’t you?

Joanna Hodson - In New Zealand in the middle of a heatwave we are too hot to even swim! Such a contrast to you snow and ice storms in the states!

Routhie - Saturday evening we are hosting a pajama disco party for our 7 year old daughter. She was sick on her birthday, so this party has been in the making for a while. We even bought disco lights that flash in time with the music. I will bake and frost her cake and she is decorating it with candy and cocktail umbrellas. Should be interesting. On Sunday, I am enjoying some rest and ignoring the football.

Kat - I love that poster…and red is my favorite color…i would love to win!

April - We just adopted a lab from a rescue. This weekend will be spent getting him adjusted to his new home. 🙂

Carol - Oooo! I love the poster in red, too 🙂
This weekend my son is receiving his first reconciliation at church. I will be praying for the rain to stop.

Elizabeth holder - Spending time with my hubby
And eating lots of fun food on Sunday

karen - Love that poster!!! Our family is going snowshoeing (by golly!) And we’re going to like it (right?!?!) We’ve got SO much snow and we are going to enjoy it!

Kyle - i’m having my husbands family over for game night. i love having company and i love milk frothers and red posters. i should be the winner!

Tracie K - Nice weather here in California. I will be doing yard work!

Sarah - baby shower and girls’ night on Saturday…super bowl/birthday party on Sunday…
Love the poster!

Jessica B - No big plans this weekend and I am perfectly happy with that. 🙂

Donna - We are celebrating my daughter Maddie’s birthday this weekend….so fun! Love the red poster (red’s my favorite color, too).

JaneMc - No specific plans for on Sunday morning and Superbowl commercial watching that night.
I love that poster Meg!

Amy - Ooh, Ryanne (from 9:39am), I just learned to crochet yesterday! No joke. I’m making a prayer shawl for my friend who found out recently she has breast cancer. It’s so easy! really. you won’t believe that you can do it and it’s not as mysterious as you thought it was. happy crocheting. 🙂

Suzi Failing - going to be lazy….. but will need to stop being lazy for a little bit…gotta get some food…………my teens say there is “nothing to eat”

Keli - family! love the weekends!:)

Kimberlee J. - I am finishing my hoop art. Can’t wait!

HMama - how fun! i love this. this weekend, i’m trying to talk myself into painting furniture. exciting, yes? 😉

Taryn Smith - I am meeting my sister an hour away (for each of us) for lunch and shopping! It is my birthday!

Tami - Love the poster. Love the red. This weekend holds some Valentine crafts with the kids and a birthday celebration/SuperBowl party for my soon to be 11 year old son. Should be a blast!

Rebecca - This weekend, we are going to a wedding!

Roxana Perdue - This weekend I’m taking photos of my friend’s new baby boy. He’s only a few weeks old and I’m excited to meet him and take pics of the whole family!! (I might also sqeeze in some time to finish a happy birthday apron for a friend.)

Linda Sousa - I’d love to say I’m booking my flight to GoPro, so envious. Tyler took our family photos in Boston this past fall…anyway, maybe next year. But, as for the really weekend plans. On Sunday, while everyone else is doing the Superbowl thing, my mom and I are taking my kids to see The Lion King…can’t wait!

Leslie R. - This weekend we’re making chili for friends coming to dinner tomorrow and then making food for our church youth group super bowl party. I guess before that I should clean the house! Details, details!

Stephenie Avarello - Staying in with my family, lighting the fire, popping some popcorn, and watching movies on demand.

aimy y. - hmmmm…. maybe the gym…. and then i’d like to attempt to nap away my dark circles.

nancie - i plan on doing as little as possible!!!
it’s been a busy week, and i’m TIRED!!

Julianne Brimner - Love the poster. Church stuff mainly… Started with a mommy daughter pottery night tonight at church… Now watching Secretariat with family…work checkin at church tomorrow night and then welcome party for our new middle school pastor…church on Sunday and then Superbowl party

Jenn - We’ll be sticking close to home — seeing friends who came home for a visit from Wisconsin, sewing, cleaning, pulling together tax stuff (bleh), trying hot yoga for the first time, grocery shopping and the super bowl viewing party of course!! Go Green Bay! (We in WA aren’t super fond of the Steelers…)

marybeth - taking care of a sick 3 yr old cutie 🙂

Tonya - Oh that is wonderful!
My weekend is going to be spent at a 10yr olds basketball game, shopping for a new truck for my man b/c his truck w/259,000 miles died, going to a Super Bowl party and trying to study for an Intro to Healthcare and Medical Terminology test!

Lora - I’m hoping to hold and give lots of kisses to my new grandson, Bentley. He’s almost 2 weeks old and because of our crazy, icy, snowy Texas weather lately I haven’t been able to see him much. That’s just about the most perfect weekend you could have, don’t ya think?!

Tara - we’re making family rules signs to ship out on Monday….throw in a trip to the park to play with the kids, church on Sunday and hopefully, some exercise, and that’s what we’re doing.

EllenVR - Cuddling with the husband and watching TV/movies! Our heat was out for 2 days and just got turned back on so we have lost snow days to make up! Oh, and I’m going to a baby shower 🙂

Adrienne S - We are celebrating my parents 40th wedding anniversary.

Margaret - We are snowed in this weekend, and we have been all week. The good thing is we got to spend this time at home with our kids. My hubby and I are supposed to fly to DC Sunday morning. We will be gone the whole week, and this is the first time we have been away from the kids for more than 1 night. I feel blessed we got snowed in to spend this time with them instead of at work.

kim - Love that! We are laying low this weekend. Probably a trip to the grocery store, and Target on Saturday, and church on Sunday.

Emily - forgot to add what I’m doing this weekend…selling Girl Scout cookies with my daughter…and eating some too! 😉

Emily - I LOVE that red poster! It would look perfect in my kitchen. If I don’t win, I may just have to order one!!

Maria - We are going to tackle re-finishing our kitchen cabinets…with a toddler and a pregnant momma…my poor husband! 🙂
This poster would definately cheery up our gray winter days here in Northern Michigan, thanks for the chance to win!

Linda R. - I would love that poster! Thanks for introducing us to these different etsy sellers.
Tomorrow is full of meetings at church, and then on Sunday a Super Bowl party with our small group friends. It will be good to get out after 3 (count them 3!) snow days this week in KC.

Lynda - We will be spending Saturday at my daughter’s swim meet and then going to a super bowl party on Sunday. Baking some cupcakes for the party somewhere in between 🙂

Joy - This weekend we are watching our youngest son play in his church league basketball game, family game night, followed by in-house date night for the big people.

Becky - My bad, I’m confused on what day it is, apparently! He was rushed to the hospital early Thursday, had surgery the same day, and then we came home a few hours ago. Sleep evades me, but my daddy is doing well, praise the Lord!

julie h - finding out the sex of our baby…serving at a widow’s valentine brunch at church…attending a fish fry at church and of course…worshipping! it’s gonna be a good one! 🙂

Ashley - This weekend I will be curling my girl’s hair for the Daddy/Daughter Ball! She is SO excited!

Becky - Oh my goodness, I LOOOVE that! My father was rushed to the hospital early Friday morning, so I braved the icy roads and winter storm to be at his side. He had surgery yesterday and is doing well, so we came home today. Sadly, my oldest daughter and I are now sick. :o( We feel like poo, but it has given us a little time to play with my new Cricut and make Valentine’s cards. That alone will make a girl feel better! :o)

Nicole - Oh My Gosh I LOVE that poster! If I don’t win one I might just buy one. And I love it in the red, it would match my red couch!
This weekend will probably be spent… Cleaning for my in-laws visit next week, prepping for my son’s 5th Birthday Party next week, getting started on my Brand New Business Venture with 31 Gifts, Superbowl Party with friends, and trying to get my husband to install our mantle! Busy Busy, but we will see how much ACTUALLY gets done 🙂

Ann R. - We are relaxing with the kids tonite, having our big school fundraiser tomorrow nite and Sunday having friends over for the Superbowl!
Thanks for the opportunity – great saying!

Lisa - We are taking our 3.5 year old for a blood test for celiac. It’s taking everything in me to not cry about it. I want to know what is wrong with him but I would really rather it be something that won’t be so difficult for him. 🙁

Nikol - It going to be a beautiful weekend on central coast of California so most likely we’ll enjoy some outdoor activities. I hoping to take my daughter to the tennis courts to try out the racket she got for Christmas.

Carla Graves - I would love to win one of my own! This weekend, we are headed to my sisters’ for the Superbowl on Sunday, so I’m going to get all of my other weekend “stuff” done on Saturday . . .shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc. 🙂

Ashley - I get to do homework all weekend long! I am studying to be a CPA and lets just say its not the easiest thing in the world, but I will make it!! I just MISS MY WEEKENDS!

Betsy - We are awaiting the arrival of . . . a new DISHWASHER! Clean dishes! Woohoo! Also, my son is going to a birthday party. We are also making valentines from paper doilies for family members and oatmeal jumble cookies. Maybe some sledding, too, if the weather isn’t too bad (I live on the east coast). 🙂

Julie - my 9 year old son, who is on the autism spectrum, is having his first playdate at our house on saturday. so exciting! superbowl (mini) party on sunday at nana’s house. yum!!! and my baby boy is turning 4 on monday. yep, that’s right… 3 day weekend baby! love it!!

Kendra - Well, I DO have Valentine’s plans this weekend now. . .thanks to a generous friend who wanted to buy us tickets to a banquet on Sunday! We wouldn’t have done anything, probably. . . always scrimping b/c of one income and adoption expenses!

JustMommer - Not going to Oklahoma City to Pioneer Woman’s book signing…stupid snow!

Carla - This weekend I am getting out of this house and going somewhere fun. We have been the house of sick for the past week and my cabin fever levels have hit critical.

Margo - This weekend I am relaxing, working at the thrift store, and watching the super bowl!

amy m. - this weekend i will be watching the superbowl and cheering on the packers! 🙂

jamie - Love the poster! This weekend I’m going to soak up the California sunshine while my parents visit and play with my 3 month old daughter:)

Sheryl - I am pretty sure I won’t win. I just don’t win things like this….but what the hay, I’ll give it a shot. This weekend we are hanging out at home, getting caught up on chores and preparing for a super crazy week of dipping strawberries for a mission fundraiser.

Janie Fox - I hope I win. I am moving my youngest daughter and her family this weekend. I love the blank slate to decorate!!

Ruth - We will *hopefully* be doing absolutely nothing this weekend. It seems almost every single weekend is filled with activities–church events, birthday parties, places we “have” to be–that we rarely get to just hang out and be together as a family.

Amy - We’re…. doing sleepovers, ice-skating lessons, going to the gym, cleaning the house, having another family over for the super bowl, signing up for girl scout camp, doing Beth Moore study (Breaking Free- WOW is this one good), checking in to your inspiring blog. 🙂

Melissa S - both boys have basketball on sat – then cleaning – we are hosting friends for a super bowl party!

Angie Guinn - I am sooo sad because my “little girl” packed her bags and has ventured off to California to pursue her dream as a make-up artist. Her little brother and I are tryng hard to adjust to life without her. I have been a single parent with no child support since little brother was born. After 10 years of marriage IZ was devastatd but we have been such a “complete” little family for all these years. I am a school teacher and teach dance as well so even though we haven’t had lots of extras we have had a blast!!! But.. PLEASE pray for me that I can adjust to the heartbreak of my beautiful little bird flying out of the nest. THAT is what I’ll be doing this weekend 🙁

Sarah - I love love love these!
This weekend I’m getting a babysitter and getting out of the house for a girls day with my friend. We’re going shopping and to the gym for a nice work out. 🙂

Jill - Great poster! This weekend I’m hosting a superbowl party. It’s an annual tradition in our house. =)

linda anderson - LOVE the poster!!!! we are spending extra time as a family, going sledding after church and watching the superbowl!!
🙂 linda

Dena - I’ll be taking my daughter to dance, shopping, and hopefully watching some good movies.

Karen - We started the weekend a lil early today with a trip to the famous Ground Hog Day Sale at Lucketts Store in VA. Stopped at Wegman’s for some groceries, went to the gym and made dinner for my sweetie. Tomorrow we are going to see Jersey Boys (touring company) in Baltimore with my whole family. Sunday I hope to chill at home and possible do a little bit of sewing. I need some new pillows 🙂

Dawn Eshnaur - I absolutely love the print! I am sitting here watching the beautiful snow fall! This is what I plan to do all weekend….enjoy God’s wonder!

jessicakiehn - we are snowed in here in arkansas, so this weekend we will be staying inside! just got back from walmart to get cookie ingredients, of course!

Jen - We are hanging out at home this weekend – catching up on laundry! Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my milk frother too !

erica - welll, before the flu hit our house – kids were scheduled for a clay class (one is still going) – so, now that 2 have the flu – i’ll be givin them some extra tlc:) and praying that no one else gets it!

Jamie - This weekend we are celebrating a 4th Birthday for my nephew. His parents are divorcing and he is moving F-A-R away with his (crazy) mom. We are going to make the most out of the situation and give that boy the best party of his life, despite a terrible situaiton. We may not see him as often now that he is moving, but the memories he will have of this weekend with us will be with him forever.
I will be giving LOVE

merran tatum - i am getting my haircut/highlights tomorrow, and i simply can not wait! it just doesn’t happen often enough, so when it does, it’s like christmas!

Amy - Going out to dinner with my college friends! We graduated 11 years ago and I can’t wait to see my girls! And keeping the wood stove going ’cause it’s freezing and snowy here in New England. 🙂

Daniela - i will start a week of deep cleaning the house – you’re lucky that you’re already done 🙂

Michelle Porter - words are so true – love the RED poster! baking zucchini bread to share with famiy, catching the super bowl (Go Packers!)

ingrid - this weekend will be filled with laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping and lots of house cleaning. maybe will surprise my husband with a indoor picnic @ home.
love that print!

Erin - This weekend I’m going to a fundraiser for a family at church going into full-time missions, crafting tomorrow morning, and babysitting tomorrow night!

Sandee - I want… I need… I love this print, what it says and the color red!
I’m home with one of my little ones that’s sick today.. taking her to the doctor in a bit. Scored some new lamps for my room yesterday and can’t wait to clean off the night stands and re-decorate. Also can’t wait to go pick up some old windows to decorate with tomorrow!

Jessica - I recently finished my master’s degree & I am starting a new job on Monday. I haven’t had a full time job since before kids! So I will be spending this weekend having special time with my family before I venture out into the working world.

Ann Parsell - We are having company for the weekend (sister-in-law and her family). Looking forward to a house full of kids!

Stephanie - Love it! 🙂 I am hanging around my apartment, hopefully getting more wedding prep work done. Ironically enough, our wedding colors? Red. Yellow, too. 🙂

ashley jensen - I plan on being driven to Hobby Lobby by my husband (my car is trapped inside our garage since we have 21 inches of snow and he has the SUV) to stock up on crafting supplies. Seeing pictures from the “craft weekend” made me realize my supplies are PATHETIC!!

LibraryGirl62 - Dinner with friends tonight, sadly a funeral tomorrow, then homework…if I get it done, I will look and see if there is a football game on;}

Kimberly - This weekend, I will be a supportive wife to my husband who is busy going back to school. He is swamped with homework, and I will be proof-reading his papers. But, we’ll also take time to hang out with friends and watch the Super Bowl!!

Bopha - We will more than likely continue to be snowed into our home with our stir-crazy kids, please help me!!

Angie B - Snowshoeing! Red was the perfect choice, thanks.

Rachel - The kiddos and I will be grocery shopping, visiting with my parents, going to church and watching the Super Bowl while we wait for Daddy to come home from work.

Jennifer O'Steen - i love that poster! all weeekend i’m going to be packing and moving. we suddenly had to move out, and we’re trying to get it done as soon as possible. now if only the rain/snow/ice will hold off!

melissa - This weekend I am “nesting”…monday morning i am giving birth to our baby girl! What a way to start the week! I am beyond excited! I love the words on this poster, I also love the color red.

Stacey Hunter - Friday is always homemade pizza night! The rest of the weekend we have plans just to “hang with the family”. Have a great weekend!

Ali - Relaxin’ with the fam on Satruday, and the nitting up our local flea market on Sunday. That’s about it 🙂

Trena - my 17 yo daughter is cooking her first turkey, making homemade stuffing, and chocolate cake with boiled frosting for dessert! She invited our best friends to come and share it with us. I am super excited!

Kit - Love the poster! Red is my color for sure.
We are doing a little bit of this and that…meeting at church, soccer game, kids at friends’ house, the usual.
Not too busy, thank goodnes!

Vicki - Having friends over for homemade Vietnamese food (mmmmm.) and enjoying the *hopefully** good weather!!!

Karyn - I’m hanging out with my man and kids on Saturday, then heading to visit my Mom for a few days. We’re going to make a quilt out of the fabric I got in Africa!!!

alyssa - I am going on a hot date! and making vday cookies with my little loves.

Julie - We are cleaning my daughters room and finishing the moving of her into her brother’s room, so we can have this baby and have a place for it!!

Corrie - This weekend we’ll hopefully finish painting our nursery! Our little guy is coming soon and we need to make sure his room is ready 🙂

Heather - This weekend my mom is taking our daughters and my sweet hubby and I are having date night! Date night rocks! I’m picturing Chipotle, bubble bath and a really great movie….in bed. Ahhh…actually, I’d love to spend the entire time they’re gone in bed. But eventually we have to get out and teach Sunday school. 🙂

Lori - Celebrating my birthday if the roads are clear enough!

taniawillis - ooooooooooh, i love red! this weekend i’m going to make one of those fabulous upcycled pillows that you made with your crafty friends, celebrate my love’s birthday, snuggle my little princesses, and watch the superbowl and pretend to be interested in it. 🙂

Beth P - Cute print! We’ll be with friends tonight & I might go shopping w/a girlfriend tomorrow. A good weekend!

Allison Pfefferkorn - we are going to the beach!! Seems strange in Feb. So thankful for the beautiful weather.

Kelly - Yea for the jolly goode shop! I love Jerusalem’s blog.
Yea for milk frothers! Made me think I should pull mine out. Thank you! Even coconut and almond milk have got to be better with frothiness, right?
Let’s see, this weekend. It’s kind of like one crazy big long weekend around here. My husband has been off since Tuesday because of the gigantic ice storm we’ve had in Dallas. Looking out my window right now though the sun is shining and I can see blue sky and puffy clouds. I’m looking forward to getting out of the house. Maybe tonight we will break out! Don’t know yet, no specific plans.
Tomorrow I am hosting a Valentine making party but so far only know that one person is coming. 🙁 We had to postpone from Thursday night because of the weather.
Tomorrow night we’ve been invited over for dinner by a couple at church and Sunday we are facilitating our Sunday school class for the first time (a little nervous!) and after church we’re going to a Super Bowl party where we will hopefully cheer my husband’s Steelers (he’s from Pittsburgh) onto victory and I will hopefully come up with a yummy snack that fits our new allergy restriction diet that we can all eat because it will be a bummer not to partake in all the party food. 🙁 Okay, way long enough comment! Kelly

Jack - Great poster! – we have a Dance Party this weekend and a fireworks display to celebrate Chinese New Year.

Chanda - I’m cleaning! My MIL is coming tomorrow night….

Crissie - This weekend, my 6 year old daughter has her first ever softball game! I am sooooo excited to see her in her little uniform and her softball gear! Being in the audience while watching her play soccer or softball or at a dance recital are such special moments for me. I feel so proud and full of love. It fills my heart! ♥♥♥

Cris - Love the poster…I have a busy weekend in store. Tonight I am going out to eat with my parents, older sister and husband. After supper my mom, sister, and I are off to “stamp camp”. Saturday I hope to sleep in, then I am moving a couch an hour away to my daughter at college. Probably will find time for shopping while in the “big city”. Tomorrow night is dinner with my best friend and her husband (and my husband). Sunday I think I will just collapse and stay snuggled on the couch in my pj’s with my husband and puppy. Oh yeah and sometime this weekend I need to clean my house and do laundry…so probably spending all day Sunday on the couch is OUT. darn…

Karen Dobbs - Well, I wish I had some plans but we are snowed in here in Oklahoma. Today was my first day out to Walmart since Monday. The snow is pretty but no more please! Thanks for the giveaway!

amber - More snow play is in our future, I’m sure. When you live in Texas & get 8 inches of snow, you have to get in it, no matter how much work it is! And, I’m hoping to get out of this house tomorrow…been a long time. Target & Chick Fil A are calling my name!! Btw…the poster is really cool.

Karen - I love this poster! Weekend plans include a husband at Drill, time with my girls, a birthday party, and a room full of 3 year olds at church Sunday! 🙂

Katie Sellers - We are replacing the doors on our closets, with solid panel instead of slate doors. Enjoying time with our two sweet girls and attending a Super Bowl party on Sunday!

Kori - This weekend is CA-RAZY!
*I started a new job that I have to work all weekend for training…
*We are celebrating our son’s 14th birthday today with gifts, balloons and some homemade cake/frosting, dinner and a movie…
*Said son has a hockey game tomorrow night after I get off work….
*Learning how to tie shoes the ‘cool’ way (me)….
*Hopefully get some sleep since new job requires a 5:30 a.m. wake up and I’m NOT a morning person…

Angela Atkins - This weekend I will be spending time at home, cleaning a bit, maybe going on a snow walk with at least one of the kids, and venturing out onto the snowy streets to get a bit more groceries. And maybe watching a little of the Super Bowl. And finish re-reading One Thousand Gifts.

Mindy Harris - that poster is so great.
we have music class, a women’s open house, date night to work on dave ramsey financial peace stuff (booorrrrinnng), church, superbowl party.
and probably cookies and naps.

Marla Rae - This weekend I am spending some precious time with my daughters and grandson. My youngest daughter is home from college for the last time until she graduates and moves far away to start her own big-girl life. My oldest daughter lives near me but her husband and my husband are both high school coaches and have games out of town tomorrow. So my 2 girls, who are also my best friends, and my oldest daughters baby boy are going to spend time shopping, eating out, drinking coffee, laughing and thanking God for the time we have together. I can hardly wait!

Shelly DeBoer - We are heading to Crystal Mountain to ski and snowboard with our 3 boys… so excited! We will end the weekend watching the SUPERBOWL!!

Trisha - So lovely! This weekend I’m getting together to make yummy desserts with my mom and sister…..I love those times!

becky@oursweetpeas - Great poster. I am hitting church on Saturday night and spending the other nights (after the kids are in bed) snuggling up with my husband and watching “Friday Night Lights” on Netflix. We are a bit obsessed and just starting season 2. Is it sad that I am SO excited about this. 🙂 With twin 3 y.o.’s and a 6 month old and 2 feet of snow on the ground this is about as exciting as it gets.

Southern Gal - We’ll be celebrating my mother-in-law’s birthday on Saturday. She survived a heart attack in 1994 (at 56 years old)and is celebrating her 73rd tomorrow. We’re so glad the Lord chose to spare her life in ’94. She has great-grands now.

Keli - Funny that you should pose this question today. I had just told my friend that I plan to have a low key weekend, with zero housework or football. Love this poster! It would make a perfect family mission statement. Thank-you for another awesome giveaway!

Alicia Gallagher - Lots of family time this weekend ~ can’t wait! And love the idea of a family mission statement!!!

Maria - ready for a fun (b-day) weekend…tonight, nothing, hanging with family (which is rare lately); tmrw-b-day fun—early b day present of all soccer games being canceled, so we are going out to NOLA for some family fun and hopefully good food!; sun-more relaxing and some super bowl watching and hopefully not too much junk food eating…fun fun!
Have a great weekend Meg!

Cara L - This weekend I will finish packing and leave for the KLOVE Friends and Family Cruise!! My husband’s band will be performing and I can’t wait!

Jennie P - This weekend I am keeping my nephew and 2 nieces (Cassie Burback’s kids…she’s my sister) while their parents get to go out for the evening and watch some live music. Then, it’s a relaxing rest of the weekend staying indoors due to the 2 feet of snow we have outside here in Iowa!

kayem - I’m painting a bedroom accent wall and watching the super bowl with my hubby!

Susan - I love this poster! So cute 🙂

Connie - This weekend we are going to go to a pond hockey tournament on Saturday and Ice Fishing on Sunday….Enjoy your weekend

Nicole Q. - I leave in less than 4 hrs for a super fast trip to the boro to see my new nephew and take in a home TC game then home before Sunday morn for the man to preach. I want that poster in my front entry way!!

Laura - FOOTBALL!!!!!

Heather - Love this! I think a red poster would look so nice against an aqua-colored wall. 🙂

amy d - CLEAN!!!! UGH!

dawn - I’ll do some yoga, hopefully some cleaning, maybe some errands, and definitely some lounging. 🙂

Renee - this weekend i am going to date my husband, play with my kids, and paint my new kitchen hutch. (i am going to copy lindsey’s from pleated poppy and use the pale french gold color from her dresser in her entryway.) i am REALLY excited! LOVE the print! Red looks great with “pale french gold”! 🙂

Vanessa {Bloom Right Here!} - I love Jerusalem’s blog! She is so talented. How fun it would be to have one of her creations!
This weekend will be spent at my 10 year old’s basketball tournament on Saturday and then church on Sunday. And Super Bowl commericials! I’ve got to watch them. 🙂

sarah - Game night at the Olson’s.
No…….really that is what I am doing tonight!!! You know you have three small kids when this on your calendar is a reason to get excited! Babysitter coming at 7…..what time is it?

Adrienne - Eating… iced in… snowed in… so, i’m baking, cooking, and eating. I made your awesome pumpkin muffins. For the record, they are roughly 196 calories. Didn’t you WANT to know that! 🙂 I am hoping for sunny warmer weather soon, so this mama bear can come out of hibernation.

Laura - Here in Little Rock we are in the midst of a snow and ice storm! So this weekend my husband and I will be thinking of new and exciting ways to entertain my 2 1/2 year old daughter, Harper, since we can’t really get out anywhere. Should be interesting!

Jennifer "Blueskysunburn" Williams - That posted would work perfect inside my studio. I have just the place to hang it too. Thank you for the chance to win!

Laura R. - We’re helping the teens at church with a Movie Night fundraiser to raise money for their trip to Gatlinburg. A night with 20-something teenagers? Whew!

Ellen J - Well, being the single lady that I am, I’m going on a “blind date” tonight. I joined eHarmony about a month ago, and tonight is my first adventure out to meet someone (can’t believe I just posted about that on someone’s blog… Even if I don’t win this great poster, please pray for me!! lol I’m excited, but nervous…intrigued by him, but anxious that he’s a stranger. Eek!
So, that’s my weekend (at least tonight – I have a photo shoot tomorrow morning, and then Sunday is my first day as part-time children’s director at a church). It’d hold even more cheer if I won the poster! 😉

Kristen - i also got a milk frother for Christmas & it really IS life changing!
spending the weekend like many others…hoping my man serving aboard a carrier is safe and keeping my children happy & healthy, mixed in with a little fun with some friends.

Telise - Baking cupcakes, hosting baby shower, playing in the snow with my boys, “nuggling” on the couch with the hubs!!!

Peggy in TN - Tomorrow I am working all day at my Pie Shop that a friend and I just opened before Thanksgiving. Sunday we are going to some friends’ house to watch the super bowl game.

Amber - I am going to look at a Craig’s list kitchen island that I am hoping to add to me sewing space 🙂 Maybe fit some Mexican food….yummy….in sometime!!!

Julie - Waiting for another snowstorm to blow through… and sewing, relaxing and reading!

song - Super Bowl Baby! I love football even though I don’t really like either of the teams.

Sarah - LOVE the poster! I have spots of red in my kitchen and this would be perfect. 🙂 This weekend – Saturday is working on my new craft storage and Sunday is Super Bowl. GO PACKERS! 🙂

Tania K - Love the RED one 🙂
We are attenting Financial Peace University (Mr. Dave Ramsey) and cleaning the house. Not big football fans 🙁

Hoosier at Heart - For Christmas I bought my daughter and myself tickets to see My Fair Lady at a local dinner theater so that’s what we are doing this weekend. My husband is going fishing so it’s a true girly weekend!

Sarah - No kiddos this weekend so I’m getting my hair done( my roots are like 2 inches long…YUCK) a little shopping at some antique and “junk” shops, a little reading, cleaning, laundry, and hopefully some crafting!!!

Tracey - Hoping to get my oldest healthy after being sick most of this week. I’m also planning an overhaul of my dining room so I need to pick some paint colors!

Alysa - this weekend i’m HOPEFUL that i’ll get a few hours away from my children. oh boy, what kind of mother says that? but in all honesty, I just need a break from the craziness they bring. so that’s, what i’m doing this weekend. a little alone time.

Catherine - i love that poster! this weekend i will be painting Easter baskets!!! Thanks Megan!!!

Beth - those posters are so great! I’m headed to her shop after this comment 🙂
family game night tonight–complete with tacos–whoot!

courtney - LOVE the poster! Tomorrow I’m going to a baby shower…and Sunday is the superbowl! Can’t wait to spend the day with family and lots of delish food. Have a great weekend!

Kara Knaack - Fun giveaway! I’m looking for a statement poster for our kitchen – this would be perfect. This weekend I’m going to an ISU vs K-State Mens basketball game!

Holly - we are expecting more snow, however if it isn’t snowing you will find us working on mission trip fundraisers! Our teenager is going on her first in June and she is stoked!

Courtney - Your blog ahhhh I get so much happiness from it! Thanks Meg 🙂 I will be resting from chemo and anticipating the arrival of my childrn on SUNDAY 🙂 I miss my babies. Love this poster!

Maggie Nunez - We are hosting family over for the UFC fights…hubby is a big fan of UFC. I am super excited because my cousin is driving down from Vegas for a motorcycle ride in honor of Chris’Korner, a memorial library dedicated to my nephew Christopher,who passed away from Leukemia this past March. I noticed on your site you have a picture of the cutest boy with Downs Syndrome, my nephew Chris also had Downs. Check out my sister’s site dedicated to Thanks for the giveaway.

Michelle - This weekend I’ll be helping out with our disciple now weekend for our high school students. Praying God does some awesome stuff!

Joanne B - Love the red poster! Thanks to you I will be watching Parenthood on netflix, loved the first 4 episodes. Watching Superbowl commercials and snacking.

Beth Ann - Whereas another person commented they are knocking down a wall, we are putting one up! Our house has a super open floor plan, which works generally but the front room is supposed to be a formal dinning space and we aren’t formal dinning people. Plus you can see the eat-in kitchen table from there. So we are walling it off and putting french doors in to make it a toy room/future office space that still feels open to the rest of the house! This weekend is all the trim work (chair rail & crown molding & baseboards) and hopefully I’ll get a coat of primer and paint up to! Wish me (mainly my husband :)) luck!

Karen - Taking my hubby out to eat for his birthday. And I think I will try making some of PW’s cinnamon rolls to surprise him! Sunday is always church and this week pizza and Financial Freedom class afterwards. Then the superbowl although no party…yet!

jodi - I’ve been SEARCHING for something red to go in my livingroom… specifically on the walls b/c there is NOTHING on the walls… other than paint… I would LOVE to win this!!
This weekend, I am: going to yard sales, The Salvation Army and THE cutest fabric store in Tifton (probably b/c it’s the ONLY fabric store in Tifton) AND I’m going to a ThirtyOne party hosted by a very special friend. All of this, BEFORE lunch… :o)
have a wonderful weekend!

Debby - We are relaxing this weekend! We were hit with the flu a few weeks ago and are just getting all back together from that so a weekend with no schedule and lots of fun is just what we need.

Melinda - Hopefully Texas will start to thaw out! The kids have been home 4 days this week…3 with ice and today lots of snow. I am ready for blue skies and 75 degrees!

Lindsay - This weekend we are having a play date, lunch with a different friend, Church, possible visit to the children’s museum and probably watching/eating for the superbowl 🙂

Kelley - This weekend will be filled with kids soccer and karate and then my husband’s and my 3rd karate lesson where we will earn our white belts. Woo hoo! Hopefully it won’t be too much longer where the teenagers are schooling me on a regular basis 🙂
I LOVE that poster in red!

Vera - This weekend we are having my baby’s first birthday party. WAAAAAAAH! But I’m super excited, because we’ll get to see lots of my favorite people and celebrate our sweet boy!

Abby B - Amazing blog, thank you for sharing your life! I live in Green Bay so this weekend what else would I be doing other than cheering on the Green Bay Packers in the Superbowl with friends and family! Go Pack!

jamie - love love love that poster! red is fablous. but orange? wow. this weekend i am working a little and then chillaxing at home with the hubs and kids. enjoy your weekend!

Joy - I am going to my niece’s sixth birthday party! It’s “girls only” and Hello Kitty-themed. I can’t wait!

Cass M - Good choice on the red!!
This weekend will be rather blah … just carrying on at home with two toddlers!
Now NEXT WEEKEND, I have a date night on Fri and then throwing a big Dessert Party on Sat …. but you didn’t ask about next weekend!! 🙂

sarah - i love the red as well!
this weekend, i am road tripping up to the cold little city of spokane, washington with a dear friend…we are visiting another friend who is doing her grad work at whitworth univeristy. we plan on lots of movies, tea, cooking, and TALKING. about hopes, dreams, plans, fears, God, etc.
hope your weekend is fantastic, meg.

karenth - Helping to host a social for the music ministry at our church, singing on Sunday with the worship band, and watching the Packers win the Superbowl!!

Amanda Angert - This weekend is filled with a class for my older daughter, a birthday party for my younger daughter and *hopefully* Momma can squeeze in a little one on one time with her beloved sewing machine……

Gina - We are watching our friends 2 children while they are at the Super Bowl. I know it’s nothing for you with all of your kids but 4 kids (we have 2 of our own) is crazy town for me. It’s fun though. My husband is really good with kids so that helps!

*Just Fran* - I will be getting my office/den ready for round 2 of demolition (knocking out old plaster and lathe) for the upcoming renovation. Somewhere in there, I will be making some good things to eat during the Super Bowl, too.

Amy - My husband is on travel for work so I am spending the weekend with my two sweet girls, ages 5 and 23 months. Chick-fil-a and cartoons are on the schedule. Love it!

jeana - Love it! I’m cleaning out my closet, haha fun! My hubby is off for 4 days, so we’ll sneak in a date night too. And tonight (every Friday) is movie night and making brownies!

joanne - Im getting myself a milk frother 🙂

Valerie Alexander - Just kicking back with the fam. Not much planned…my favorite kind of weekends!!

Cari - Tonight is Fantastic Friday Family Fun Night (homemade pizza and a Redbox) and tomorrow I will spend the day preparing for 15 11th grade girls (the class I teach at church) to spend the night at my house. I’m told we will not be sleeping. And I bet when we get in Sunday school the next morning I will be yelling at them to wake up. Ha! 😉

Carla Grace, Middleburg, Florida - Wow! Another giveaway!! I love the poster! We are participating in a one-mile fun run tomorrow morning, making Pioneer Woman’s famous cinnamon rolls and then munching out on Sunday all prior to our date with on Monday morning. Gotta shed a few pounds before summer!!

Gretchen - Not too exciting. Over 8in of snow on the ground. Church is having a winter carnival and might hang with some friends to watch the game. Plus cuddle time witht the kids. loveing ur blog!

Gram - We will be working on the basement organization project which I vow will be complete this year; going to our grandson’s 2nd birthday party on Saturday; church and relaxing on Sunday(we are supposed to get more snow). I love red also.

Kristin Yeager - I have a photoshoot tomorrow morning and then it’s family time! I think we’re going to do a little shopping and a lot of snuggling on the couch with the fire on! We love a lazy weekend full of fun movies, good food, cozy blankets, and lots of love!

Gray - My parents and brother are coming to visit for the weekend, so we can celebrate my birthday. There’s dinner out at my favorite local restaurant tonight, party at dear friends’ house tomorrow night, and brunch after church on Sunday. So excited about the weekend even though the weather is rainy.

jenny - i have a day off work today because of the ice storm in houston. 🙂 i’m heading to the gym (the road conditions aren’t horrid in my neighborhood, and i don’t have to drive far). then i’m going to make homemade chicken pot pie tonight. then i’m going to pull out my sewing machine and try to make that cute little ruffle pillow you exhibited from your craft weekend… i’m so excited! 🙂

Nickki - Going to celebrate my dad’s 70th birthday!

lindsey leif - eeeeeeeeeek!
some red wall decor?? i think SO!!!!!!!!
ok, let’s see…….this weekend……..
making a “LOVE IS IN THE AIR” banner for my girlfriends bridal shower, AND, nibbling all of the little rolls on my little baby boy, Roman 🙂
nibbling on babies is the best.
and, SO is your blog 🙂

Simone - This weekend we are having a BBQ (since it’s summer over here in NZ) to celebrate the long awaited return of our good friends from Canada YAY!! 🙂

Meredith - We are celebrating my daughter’s 9th birthday tomorrow. My husband and I will be braving a slumber party of several girls! I just hope to get some sleep!!
Also have small group, basketball game, and church on Sunday!! Packed full, packed fun!!

Jaime A. - This weekend we are starting to plan our backyard landscaping. It’s nothin’ but dirt right now. Lots to do! =)
love that red poster!!

erin j - Parties and shopping. We’re going to a birthday party and then hosting a superbowl party. We have to do the shopping for the parties and then our monthly Wal-mart shopping trip…bleck!! But at least the parties should be fun!

Pipp - I’m so excited – having me a little Mad Men Marathon – got in to the show recently and now I need to go back and watch the past seasons – thanks to the library having Mad Men Past Season DVDs. Love It!

Gevay - Let’s see Friday buying a new car and a five year old friend’s birthday party. Saturday finishing up the last tidbits of redecorating in the boy’s room. Sunday Church, Growth Group and maybe a little football! Phew, I’m tired just thinking about it!

Kathy C. - We are celebrating my son’s 8th (!) birthday tomorrow and Sunday. A bowling birthday party with his friends tomorrow and pre Super Bowl family dinner on Sunday followed by cake. It will be a great weekend!

Jami - This weekend I’m nesting….having baby #3 Monday morning!

sue - Well it looks like I am going to be the 295th post.LOL. Watching Super Bowl this weekend. Even though I am British I am still learning the game after all these years. !!!

carrie - i will be picking paint colors for our kitchen, dining room and family room this weekend (hmmm that red poster would look great with my red pillows in my family room haha). we are also attending a party of people that i don’t really know…with three little kids (mine) one of which is still nursing (he is only 3 months old) and i am hoping nothing gets broken (not of my kids but of the party throwers)

steph - IF, that is IF the roads cooperate, i’m heading into the big city near us for a manicure with my bestie! i can’t wait!! but if the roads are still ice covered and slippery, we’ll spend a very quiet and relaxing weekend at home, which ain’t so bad either. 😉 - Our family is doing EVERYTHING in the RED poster! We are hosting a Super Bowl Party for the 11th grade class at church! My oldest’s son’s class. The tally is up to 30 right now! It’s going to be great! The youth ministers and their families and some key adults in our kids lives will be here. Love a house full of kids & families that love to be together!!

stephanie - This weekend will hopefully contain a lot of hanging out at home with the family. Last weekend was very busy and I’m ready for some down time with my little people. : )

sandy toe - Basketball and super bowl!!! Milk frother…sounds wonderful!
sandy toe

Sara Torbett - Shopping for a crib :), making snow icecream, photographing the snow and beauty at our farm and enjoying my husband being home!

Irene - Me me me! This weekend I am taking my parents out for lunch – this is super special as it is, shamefully, the very first time I have taken them out and paid! I have a new (first!) job in a local university and they have a cushy staff dining room where I am going to bring them. It’s extra special as it’s 40 years since their first date 🙂
Irene x

Heidi - I am spending day 6 & 7 in the house STILL because of a snow storm that won’t let us clear out. Help! Baking supplies low, dishwasher soap barely dripped out this morning, but every scrap of laundry is done and I have made a very welcoming snow angel in our front yard. 😉

Jessica R. - What fun colors! This weekend I get to attend a baby shower and the mother is expecting a girll. Since I have two boys anything girly is super fun 🙂

Michelle - i’m working. . .boo.

Tiffany - I love the poster!
This weekend we were supposed to have a super bowl party, but since we have been snowed in all week here in Arkansas.
I think we will bake some cookies, eat snow ice cream, and watch the football game!

Karen Gerstenberger - Tonight, I am going to a girls-only “Julie & Julia” party – this is becoming a tradition. We make a dish from one of Julia Child’s cookbooks and have a potluck dinner – with French wine, too. Tomorrow night, we are having my in-laws over for dinner to celebrate my MIL’s 89th birthday. Sunday? No idea – I guess some of you will be watching football?

June - Going to a 3-year-old’s birthday party – it will be a princess theme!

Tracie - My husband has to work all day Saturday so my mom is coming for breakfast and then we are taking the kids to the Children’s Museum. Should be fun. Then Super Bowl after church on Sunday!!!!

Kimberly - Rearranging my living room and taking the kids to two birthday parties 🙂

Astrid - Gorgeous poster! Great words to live by for sure.
What will I be doing this weekend?
Working on fixing our car (or- more likely- helping my hubby who will do the car-fixing), chop & stack wood to use in our woodstove & clean up the basement. Lucky me! LOL!

Julie Cosby - I Love it and I Love RED! I want to have your poster’s twin 🙂

Stephanie - operation reorganize apartment.

Ashley - This weekend? We are taking a snow day today (more like ice day,) dealing with frozen pipes, making rainbow cookies and school Valentines tomorrow, church Sunday, and cleaning and nesting. 🙂

Tracy D. - I’m gonna hustle tacos this weekend at my job!

joana - My first comment time here (I think!) love your blog! Your are very down to earth and I like that. I guess with a big family you have to!
I went to the Etsy shop that you showed and wanted to buy the love aqua one. They don’t ship it to France :(((( I was so disappointed!!!
have a nice weekend!

Laura Phelps - I was supposed to go to Boston with my sister this weekend! We were going to stay at my niece’s awesome apartment, and then see her perform in a show. We were going to shop on Newbury street, drink lattes, and talk and talk and talk. But we are not. More bad snow tomorrow. BOO HOO
So, I guess it will be watching Jack play basketball, cooking for my boys for super bowl, and folding the laundry. Not Boston, but still good stuff.

Tabby A. - Will be staying home working on finishing up my sisters birthday present, oh and keeping myself by the fireplace so I can stay warm!

Mary - Awesome poster!
Going to my niece’s 2nd birthday party 🙂

Jennifer - I’m cleaning my house, going on a date with my husband and watching the SUPER BOWL!!!! GO PACKERS 🙂

Ana - I read your blog every single day and I love every single moment reading it…Actually, I keep looking forward for new posts.
As you noticed I’m from Rio de Janeiro – Brasil and you may find a few (or maybe a lot) of mistakes because as you can imagine we don’t speak a lot of english here 🙂
I’m a mom of 4 in very different ages (22, 20, 12 and 6). At the moment I’m a working mom but really not satisfied with it…
Soon, I’ll be a staying home mom again and will be really very happy with that…Despite all the laundry, dishes and everything else that comes with it…
Love your craft, your thoughts and the way you put it in words.
I’m not a blogger yet…But I’ll create mine when I quit my job because I make some crafts on my own and I’ll love to share with you.
Keep being exactly as you are..
I would love to live near Kansas so I could take part on the next craft weekend you arrange…but I suspect that I could not stand all that snow…brrrr
God bless you…

Donna - Our winter project has been painting the interior of our home. Adding color to our life. Warm Muffin in the living room, Chili Pepper in the kitchen, Brown TeePee in the family room… Amazing since I have always been a 1/2 Off-White 6 kind of gal!

K - This weekend we will be spending time with my parents. My Mother has been caring for my Father who has been experiencing some health issues and they are SO BORED since the weather is so cold. My husband, kids and I like to make them laugh, play games and just hang out with each other. FAMILY IS SO IMPORTANT!!! 🙂 Thank you for offering this giveaway!

Jen G - I am going to visit a friend of mine from college – just some good ol girl time – can’t wait! I love this print!

amanda - this weekend i am running my first half-marathon. should be good!!

Ariel - My hubby is taking his third stab at running a 100 mile ultra marathon. He has made it to 67 miles, then 75 miles….so hopefully he will make the full 100 this time around! He amazes me!

Joanna - Eat Mexican food and do laundry. Yay.

Emily - Going home after a week of babysitting! Unpacking, laundry, and some football watching with friends!

Mrs. B. - Coloring my hair; grocery shopping; Super Bowl party with my husband and 2 little boys
By the way, red is my favorite color:)

Melissa - I’m picking my hubs up from the hangar…he’s coming home from AFGHANISTAN from a year long deployment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My HERO will finally be home!!!!!!!!!!!!

lauren - My hubs has been really sick for the last few months, so we’re getting out and doing something fun on Saturday. Tonight I’m going to a scrapbook crop! Yippee! And then maybe hanging out with my dad for the superbowl! What are you doing?

alamama - trying to stay warm. our heater is down, our pipes are frozen. we live in the coldest state right now! thanks for the chance!

Michelle Whitlow - Love those but especially the colors!!! We have a busy weekend…daddy daughter dance for my hubby & daughter (obviously!) & a date with my son & I while their out. Sunday…church/Sunday school then my son’s birthday party. And I’m almost 5 mos pregnant…I’m tired!

Val page - My hubby and I got married on his birthday so he wouldn’t forget our anniversary. So we are celebrating his 39th birthday and our 16th wedding anniversary. Can’t wait.

Jill - This weekend I’m moving in to my new craft room!!!! I’m as giddy as a kid at Christmas!!

Trina - We will be enjoying my husband home from work! The girls and I will be finishing up their Valentine cards and maybe a couple other crafts. I hope that I can start working on my family rules canvas!

Tara - Those posters are beautiful, and wise words too! We are taking my 7 year old glow-in-the-dark bowling, watching Charlie Brown’s Valentine, and one of my 5 year olds has a bday party.

Sue - This weekend there will be lots of coffee to go as we are squeezing in our kid’ six games (hockey, basketball and soccer), church, baking Valentine’s cookies, making a meal for my parents and doing week four with my “learn to run a 10K” running support group. I am sure the guys will be watching the SB as well. That poster is perfect. By the way, reading your blog is a real treat! I am so glad I found it. Hoping you thaw out soon.

Debra - I love the poster! This weekend will be spent inside where it’s cozy and warm just puddling around.

Amanda - Those are so uplifting! Celebrating my husband’s 32nd birthday tomorrow with lots of Mexican food, family, friends.

Danielle @ Transforming Home - I’m working all weekend. But I am going out to dinner and a movie with a friend tonight – we are going to discuss the “ripping up the carpet off the stairs , painting the stairs, then adding a Dash and Albert runner” project that we both hope to accomplish this spring. It’s always nice to have someone to bounce ideas off of.
Love your blog – visit it every day – thanks for all the fantastic ideas!

lauren - redisplaying my shop…all 3000 sq. ft.
send tylenol now – my back’s going to need it!

Heather W. - There will be a bit of baking (Pioneer Woman’s Texas Sheet cake…yumm!), church, and Super Bowl watching!
Love the posters. I think they make a great family mission statement.

Brenda - This weekend we are going to the church pancake dinner to benefit our missions (Uganda, Africa), Star Sports Basketball on Saturday. Then my daughter and I are going to get our nails done and pedicures. My daughter has a very important date on Saturday night….The daddy daughter dance (she’s six). I’m going on a date with my two boys! On Sunday we will be going to church, then we will be feeding the homeless in downtown Wichita with our small group bible study followed by a Super Bowl Party with them! So busy, but so much fun!

Lindsay - We just got our tax return. So we will be doing some shopping this weekend!

jen smith - love the poster!!! this weekend the hubs and i are getting all dressed up and heding to a fancy shmancy restaurant with our cousin and his wife. we are so excited!

Melissa - Piano tuner will be at the house bright and early tomorrow to replace two strings that are broken from earlier attempts to tune the blasted thing, followed by a basketball game for my oldest son and spaghetti dinner fundraiser for my godson’s orchestra. But of course all of it is in jeopardy since a stomach bug has invaded our house–the 4th weekend in a row that I’ve got a sick kid to keep me home!

Teresa - I have a second date! : )

Kim G - This is the 1st weekend we dont have back to back basketball games and indoor soccer games….so we are going to work on some family projects! Exciting things….like change the toilet seat lids, and the faucet in the kitchen. I can hear my kids squeeling with excitement! Thanks for the giveaway. I love your blog, I am sure you hear that from everyone, but I sincerely do. You are real. I wish I could be like you, but as me.
Thanks for the giveaway.

deborah@applesinwonderland - loving that poster. i’m a word girl. love words. love being surrounded by words that encourage. this weekend? basketball game, baseball practice, intimate sushi dinner out, super bowl gathering at home, packing for my husband, searching high and low for my frother. where’d i put that thing? yikes.

Jessica @ This Blessed Life - ummmm….does nothing count?! lol besides going to church and making fish and chips on saturday night for dinner, i have no plans. but i love this print. 🙂

Jenni Carlisle - Such a fun print…love it! I am using this post: to spring board me into cleaning my closet and finding my style. Happy Weekend!

ang - Cleaning!!!

Denise - Hopefully, i will be antiquing!

amosclutchpedal - If it’s not too cold on Saturday we might take our girl sledding. Sunday will be church, then a Super Bowl party at our friends house. Oh, and I need to squeeze a trip to the grocery store in there somewhere. Mmmm…homemade chicken wings.

gina f. - we are going to to my sophomore’s basketball game tonight. I will be doing housework to prep for my 11 yr olds birthday next week. I need to make 2 bday cards for friends who have birthdays next week and wrap their gifts… finish making some felt cupcakes for the school auction. play with our 5 kids and hopefully get some time with my husband too.

Suzanne - My son’s birthday is next Tuesday, so we are celebrating on Saturday with LOTS of boys! Yikes! 11 year old boys=sweat and lots of food. 🙂

Maria - I love red, too! This weekend is busy…Zumba, bookkeeping, CCD, church, (more snow), and of course a big STEELERS party!

Amber - …birthday party, church, and superbowl! I’m hoping to get some sewing done at some point too!

Ruth Becker - We are having a super bowl party on Sunday with our best friends. We are a group of 20 that try to get together at least once a month and for a whole weekend in the summer! We are so blessed to have such great friends. The poster give away is so cute! I love your blog and get many great ideas from it. Ruth

carly - Friday night, bowling with the kids. Saturday with high school basketball game or rent a movie, Sunday church and watch the superbowl and eat junk food! We got a ton of snow here in ohio, so we need to get out of the house!!!

Kelly - Recovering from the stupid flu!

sherry - Celebrating my 30th bday with family and friends. 🙂

Andrea - LOVE…sigh! Off to check out the rest of her shop!
This weekend the sun is FINALLY shining…opening the windows, sewing new curtains, painting the half-bath and laundry and of course, Superbowl. Have a great weekend!

Danielle H. - I’ll be waiting eagerly for the snow and ice to melt and go away! I have cabin fever being stuck in the house for three days! My nephew’s birthday party is tomorrow so we’ll be getting out finally!!! Red is my favorite color too!

Deb A. - As a die hard Packer fan who bleeds green and gold, I will be cheering for my beloved Green Bay Packers with family and friends at a Super Bowl Party. Thank you for the giveaway and the opportunity to win an awesome poster.

Janelle - I’m kind of glad I didn’t win the gift card – my story was embarrassing. =) Weekend plans? Hmmm…we have a birthday party at the beach to go to. I think I may do a Valentine’s Day project with the kids. And my Chia pet needs some work.

Chelsea - i’m looking forward to going out for coffee with a friend, among other things 🙂

Amy - I am cleaning house this weekend! So wish I had more exciting plans……

Erin - Working all weekend. It’s been crazy busy with all the Influenza…I work at the front desk and I’m trying to figure out how I can register people without actually breathing. By the time I leave, I’m ready to take a bath in sanitizer. 😉

Sandy - basketball game concession stand worker will be my title this weekend.

shannan - This weekend i am holding a class for a bunch of fun ladies to make hand made valentine cards and some cute little gifts!

Stephanie F - I’ll be doing the same thing I’ve been doing all week. Sitting at home waiting for the snow to melt. Since we live in OK where they don’t have the ability to plow effectivly. Praying for a warm front!

Jenifer Higgins - We’re going to my niece’s 4th birthday party, with a Rockstar theme. Should be lots of fun!

Liesl - I am actually going to enjoy a family weekend with nothing to do. Since I had 2 snowdays this week, the laundry is done and the house is mostly clean!

Christy - This weekend I will be scraping and shoveling more ice and snow, going to 2 of my kid’s basketball games, Cub Scouts Blue & Gold dinner, and church! I love the saying on that print!

Stephanie - This weekend I am getting my hair cut, and then baking lots of cupcakes. My family needs to taste-test until I find the perfect chocolate recipe!

holly - What a Jolly Goode prize. I’m going to spend as much time as possible on the sofa trying to get rid of this bad cold. My boys, I’m sure, will have other ideas!

sarajane - We attending my 3 year old niece’s birthday party! HAPPY BIRTHDAY LULU.

Debbie - cooking some super bowl snacks and tending to my sick son! thanks for this drawing! how fun! love your blog!

Susan - We will celebrate my friends little boy first birthday and then just have some family time together.

Aimee @ In THIS Life - My husband’s plane leaves at 6am Saturday…for Dublin…without me. The trip is for work, but how I wish I could go with him! I’ve done England, Scotland & Wales, but never Ireland. Ah well. The boys and I will make the best of a rainy winter weekend. I predict Legos, drawing, cleaning, movies and video games.

Janet C - We’re going to our first Roller Derby match! Can’t wait!

Shawna - Swim meet for son,BB game for daughter, Chinese New Year celebration a little late for new adopted boy in our extended family. I love the red too…very stiking!

Rochelle - This weekend, I’m sewing purses and wristlets and attending a dog show. Should be fun!!

Nichole - This weekend we are all about the Superbowl. Go Steelers!

amity mock - i will be tearing down wallpaper in my daughter’s room. it seems to be a never ending job. i need to get her room painted since i am redoing it for her birthday at the end of the month!!

Julie G - My husband, baby and I are going to go for long walks outside, run some errands, go to church, and plan our Valentine’s Day!

loniann - Taking care of my little one that has the flu. Squeezing in a little cooking and cleaning when I can.
Love Love Love your blog.

Alissa - We are celebrating the youngest of my 5 children’s birthday. My son turns one today so we are having a big party tomorrow night….can’t wait!!

Jenna B - This weekend I am taking my first trip to Pittsburgh, PA! I am celebrating my birthday with friends and am so very excited 🙂

Becky - Small town high school basketball game with the kiddos and hubby… cleaning on Saturday… and some sort of football game on Sunday that for me is an excuse for decadent appetizers.

Megan - After the 2011 “blizzard”….getting out of the house will be appreciated!! Taking our six month old puppy to dog training, sledding with two begging children, hopefully napping ;), and of course eating my way through the Superbowl!!

Dawn - This weekend we are taking advantage of all of the snow we have gotten this week with some sledding! We are also celebrating my birthday!

eva - I am so wishing I could afford to go to the GOPRO session.. you are going to have a blast!!
I feel like since I had my daughter that poster is all the words I scream, every single one of them 🙂

Kerri - I hope to do as little as possible this weekend! We do have a big day at Church kicking off our new Growth Groups semester – kinda looks like a Turkish Bazaar with all of the tables set up and people milling around looking at group displays. I wish I had one of those lovely signs to put on our Beth Moore Book Club Table! 🙂

Jessica @Zocal Creative - We’re having a carnival themed party for our son’s first birthday!!!

Jen - My husband and I are going on a retreat with our church youth group to a water park in Wisconsin Dells.

Jenna Mitchell - I am excited about this weekend because I’m attending a silent retreat. As a busy mother of 3 young children, I’m looking forward to the guided meditations, daily mass, and spiritual direction all without speaking.
It couldn’t come at a better time because I rec’d some scary news after a second round of mammogram’s this week. This is all very new to me and I go back next week for MRI’s. This weekend should be exactly what I need in order to prepare for the upcoming week.

Karin - Staying warm and cozy at home with the family and working on a crocheted baby blanket for my niece!

Jill - This weekend I have a date with my sewing machine – making a bunch of taggie style blankets for friends who are expecting. After that it is an appetizer preparation marathon as we are hosting a Super Bowl party Sunday. Can’t wait!

Amanda - love that poster! that would make a perfect family mission statement!

Karen - This weekend I’m cleaning up my dining room/computer room to make room for my mom’s dining room furniture. I have so much stuff in there it may take more than 1 day.

Sheila P. - Deep cleaning on Saturday, SuperBowl on Sunday, and probably load after load of laundry all weekend long!

Heidi - That is a great family mission statement!
This weekend is sports. As is every weekend! Girl’s basketball tonight and tomorrow morning, baseball practice tomorrow night and then Super Bowl on Sunday!

Chelsea - Oh I love that poster, too!! This weekend we are snowed in… in central TEXAS! No school today for this teacher 🙂

Tere - with 4 kids….it’s busy. Snowboarding lessons tonight, soccer games tomorrow, four 12 year old girls over for pedicures (gymnastics started and they want their toes to look good) and some family time. Thanks for the chance to win!

Kimberly - I’m going to our annual crab feed!!! YUMMMMMO!

se7en - O love everything on this post!!! EVERYTHING!!! We also got a frother and it was indeed life changing!!! This weekend my kids will be making se7en Valentines to blog about… crafty fun and I sense a treasure hunt with very difficult clues… I have a new book to read and kids need to be kept busy after all!!! Just loving your blog!!!

Jen Brandt - Love the red poster! Strong, wonderful words. This weekend I will be relaxing with my husband and little girls tonight. Tomorrow, workout in the a.m., then taking the girls to winter day camp and going on a lunch date with hubby! Hope you have a great weekend!

Jenna - This weekend: getting out of the house for the first time since Monday! (Unless tromping through the snow to the mailbox counts … ) LOVE the poster!

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hi Meg!
I’m going to a craft fair tomorrow…looking forward that! Might pop out for a quiet drink somewhere or order a pizza and cosy up for the night with the OH and a great film : )
Gemma x

angela - ohh i love that – excellent reminders! tonight – soccer practice, tomorrow – soccer practice x2, baseball practice, meeting, sunday – church/religion, soccer practice, soccer game, dress rehearsal for a play (hmmm…i will be driving to all these things, my kids will actually be DOING them, i guess) and amidst all that cooking, cleaning, laundry, putting away the rest of the christmas decorations…probably some shoveling too…

ellen - doing a bridal show for my retail store About a Bride

Beth K. - Love the poster! This weekend – indoor soccer, getting stuff done after having two snow days with four kids at home (did not really need to have the snow days out here in CO)and of course watching the big game with family. Enjoy your weekend!

Amy G - NOTHING!!! 🙂 We are so ready to lay around the house a watch some movies, football and stay warm!!!

Krista W. - This weekend…if we thaw (we are in Fort Worth,TX)…we are planning a trek to American Girl Bistro to celebrate my sweet (oldest) daughter turning 9!!! 🙂

Lauren - Recovering from four snow days. Four.

ajdked - It’s our 12th anniversary Saturday. My hubby is chaperoning our church youth group’s winter retreat. I will be home with our girlies. We will be having a pajama weekend watching some movies and maybe doing some baking. Anniversary will be celebrated some time next week!

kari - Oh how I would love that beautiful poster. What a great message! This weekend I’ll be trying a new recipe for a lemon cake with marshmallow frosting, and playing with the kids while the Dads watch the game at a Superbowl party!

tiffaniboren - Perfect..Red is my favorite color!! I am going to redo a chair I found out by the garbage yesterday!! Hope it turns out great..I hope to win!!

debbie - I am going to try my hand at some mixed media crafting! Paint, mod podge, scrapbook paper!! It HAS to be fun. Oh, and laundry. Have a great weekend!

Lori Michaud - Collecting sea glass (before the snow)! There’s nothing so calming as walking the beach collecting treasures, enjoying the beauty and listening to the sounds!

natalie (the sweets life) - oh my goodness LOVE those posters!!!
this weekend my husband’s going on a church men’s retreat (only til Sat) so I’m hanging with some lovely ladies. Come Sunday? All football baby! Go Packers !!! 🙂

Meg - Meg, we are going cross-country skiing as a family. There have been 2 weeks of ailments aroun d here, so we are all looking forward to getting out into the fresh air.

Anna Marie - My plans JUST changed like 10 minutes ago. My husband was supposed to be going to NYC with my brother in law and a friend to bring back some vehicles. So my plans were to take them to KCI airport in the morning and then spend the weekend with my sister and nephews. But now that is all going to happen on a different weekend. So…the truth is…I don’t know what I am doing this weekend. Ha!

Sara - Begging the sun to come out. A week of snow days…two sick kids. I can’t wait for spring. 🙂

wakana - we’ll be watching my son play some hockey… 4 games this weekend 🙂

Lindsey@ Piecefully Home - ooh, i want to win!
this weekend I’ll be continue to care for sick children (today is the 13th day that at least one child’s been sick, they are taking turns!) and then i’ll be saying goodbye to my husband who lives for a business trip and thus is leaving the sick children to me….

kristy - Celebrating my nephew’s 5th birthday, church and LUNCH WITH A FRIEND (YAY!) Hopefully some other fun stuff thrown in this freezing Ohio winter!

Amanda - We have a much needed date night Saturday night 🙂
Then I’m sure Sunday will be spent finishing up some basement tuckpointing…woo. lol

Anessa - Well I live in Wisconsin so can you guess what I’ll be doing this weekend? Watching the SUPER BOWL! and maybe a little basement organizing on Saturday.

Shelly foster - Cheering for the Steelers and eating tons of junky food !! Woot~Woot ! How about you ?

Holly - Gymnastics class, helping friends move into a new home, first birthday party, Super Bowl party, making food for all of the above, and trying to catch up on laundry. But my most favorite part will be cuddling on the couch with my husband (and a big bowl of popcorn)and watching a movie…must make time for that this weekend!

Ashley Crenshaw - Love this! This weekend, I’m doing some Photoshop-ing, working on my blog and playing with my little guy. We’re totally getting ready for Valentine’s day with some fun projects and treats!

Suzanne - Well hopefully the temps will get above freezing and I can run errands! We have been snowed in since Tuesday and it is getting old having to reschedule all of my appointments!!

Mandy - This weekend I will be going to a rescheduled basketball game, hanging out with some of my most favorite people and watching the Super Bowl (I mean the commercials DURING the Super Bowl!)
I love the saying. Great words to live by.

amy jupin - milk frothers are the best! (for something extra special, drizzle some caramel sauce across the top of the froth. OH MY GOODNESS)
blue lily sounds awesome. i meant to ask you about that. darn.
this print is jolly good! i love the aqua. big surprise there.
this weekend we are sleeping in and eating lots of chips and dip and saying goodbye to football for a while.
hope you guys thaw out soon! wish we had a few more days like saturday! 🙂

Shauna - My husband is testing a student tonight for his 2nd degree black belt! Good luck Dan! Saturday is a blur…its one of those days you think yo uhave something going on but Im not really sure what it is. BUT Sunday! Oh Sunday, other than church we are going to a friends house to watch the Packers and Steelers go head to head in the Super Bowl!
The green poster is beautiful!
Hope you have a good weekend!

Michelle - We are going thrifting at 2 favorite thrift stores in the cities. Watching the Super Bowl and enjoying some yummy appetizers with family!

nancy beach - My hubby and I are finishing tiling our bathroom. I know what fun but it is something we can do together and enjoy working with him.

Jen Joy - I’m praying that my weekend will be spent sewing and sewing and sewing. Not a bad way to pass the time, huh? 😉
(And I LOVE those posters. Adorable. I think I might need to have one even if I don’t win.)

angi - Taking my 8mo old to a pool for the first time, then watching the Super Bowl (and eating lots of chips, taco dip and chili)!

TonyaElise - Dinner with in-laws. Sleeping in. Going to the the park. Baking. Church. Worship. Girls luncheon. Baby-shower planning. Superbowl Party. I LOVE MY LIFE!

Melinda George - Great Poster. great color, wonderful words…you make me happy. 🙂

Donna - Tonight we are having Family Fun Night. That means yummy pizza and a game for of bowling! Saturday me and the girls are going to Michael’s for a craft and then Sunday is church and of course the Super Bowl. I will watch Christina Aguilara sing the National Anthem and then I will be off to sew or something and leave my husband to watch the game! Thanks for the giveaway!

Beth - We are going to see the musical Grease tonight and then recovering from our boys having the flu bug this week and not doing much else:) I love the poster!!!

Jessie - Working… painting, PaInTiNG, and more PAiNTiNG! Love it!!

Amy - We are STILL snowed in here in Oklahoma, so I will be doing more of the same…cooking, playing games, watching TV, and hanging out with my sweetie and our animal children.

Beth - That poster WANTS to come live in my dining room. For sure.
This weekend… I don’t know what we ARE doing, but we AREN’T watching the Super Bowl.

Lindsay Robertson - I am taking a break from some college homework and spending time with my kids. We have plans for some decoupage wonders and making a puppet show with homemade puppets. Hopefully I will be able to squeeze some paint time in for the house we just bought!

Mary Craig - This weekend I’m going to Atlants to the Created for Care Retreat for adoptive Mamas! So excited!

Karie - Enjoying my sweet husband. He has been gone all week on business…I am SO ready to have him back!

Angie - This weekend I’ll be doing homework…oh so much homework. I’m working on my master’s in Library Science at Indiana University and was trapped in Chicago this week with the big blizzard. Very little work got done, but I had so much fun visiting with my sister who I was visiting.

Angie M - This weekend involves soccer, basketball, baseball and church!

heather goss - love the poster. want your twin.
this weekend? 3 year old birthday party for daughter’s friend. trip to costco. movie night with husband. attempting to sew a few things for daughter’s summer wardrobe. church and a sunday nap. and looking forward to every glorious, wild, yet normal minute of it.

Jermaine D. - Love those posters too! I am sleeping in, yea! And working on a big painting for my bedroom.

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - what a beautiful family mission statement! i love it! and my kitchen is red so it would match perfectly! this weekend i have to work at baseball sign ups (i’m on the board) and the superbowl. we are HUGE football fans in this house so we are having our own little superbowl party, just hubby, the boys and i. we lay blankets on the livingroom floor and have a picnic all day with yummy munchie food. it should be a blast. oh, and i hear the sun is going to stick with us this weekend so we will definitely be getting out and riding those new bikes santa brought the boys. enjoy your weekend!

Sy, Shaunna & The Boys - what a beautiful family mission statement! i love it! and my kitchen is red so it would match perfectly! this weekend i have to work at baseball sign ups (i’m on the board) and the superbowl. we are HUGE football fans in this house so we are having our own little superbowl party, just hubby, the boys and i. we lay blankets on the livingroom floor and have a picnic all day with yummy munchie food. it should be a blast. oh, and i hear the sun is going to stick with us this weekend so we will definitely be getting out and riding those new bikes santa brought the boys. enjoy your weekend!

Catriona - Cool poster! We are visiting my brother-in-law, 2 hours away, only me and the baby get to come home as there isn’t room for all 5 of us to stay over. So I get the best of both: a fun family day AND an evening and a Sunday to myself.

Lori - You have the greatest giveaways 🙂 I’m celebrating the life of a precious little boy who miraculously lived through a tramatic car wreck, one year ago!

Linda - This weekend I will be going to a workshop learning how to crochet! Doesn’t that sound fun! I have always wanted to learn. People have tried to help me in the past. Im fine while they are sitting with me but when I stop I can never start up again. So I hope this helps. Then Sunday we will take our family to church. Should be a great weekend.

Shannon - Wonderful words to live by! Let’s see, tonight we are going to family swim at the YMCA, while there I’m going to start training for my first triathalon with a friend! Super excited and nervous! Saturday is full of Basketball for all 3 kids and cleaning for our Super Bowl party on Sunday. Sunday is church and all the last minute preps for an evening of football and friends!

Amy - I love that poster! So fun!
This weekend I’ll be working. But when you “work” at a place like Give Kids The World ( it’s really hard to call it “work.” Such a magical place. Sunday night I’ll go from work to my sister’s house to hang out with my niece and nephew while my sis and bro-in-law go to a Super Bowl party to cheer on the Packers.

Nicole - you are pretty awesome meg. i feel like getting off the couch and doing something after reading today.
this weekend i am shoe shopping with my girl and hanging out with my family. shoes and family, best weekend plans ever!
smiles, Nicole

Melissa - We’re telling everyone: It’s a GIRL!!!!

Sarah H. - This weekend I will be without my husband so I am going to finish cleaning out my craft closet and scrapbook space! Thanks for sharing – it’s a great poster!

Rachel J - We will be spending our time at home getting over colds and the flu. So that means movies, blankets, and lots of books!

Lisa - We are having our February birthdays party on Saturday so I shall be eating cake.
Also my hubbie came home this morning after being gone for 12 days. We only have him home for 2 so we are going to make the most of it.

Karen Giddings - I like the red, too! 😀 This weekend . . . family time and Super Bowl!

Leah - I am NOT watching the Super Bowl. I’m doing my big shopping at Costco and the grocery stores. I love doing this on Super Bowl Sunday because I have the stores to myself. Go Super Bowl!

Maura - A weekend full of basketball games. My favorite part about that is that basketball is an indoor sport! I like to be nice and warm watching my children play!

Anne - Even though we live in Dallas and were looking forward to all the Super Bowl festivities, we’ll likely be hunkered down at home. An ice storm kept schools closed for three days and then last night we got about 7 inches of snow. We don’t know what to do with ourselves!

saraheliz829 - This weekend I will be avoiding the snow that will NOT go away. and attempt to go grocery shopping.

Christy - We are busy redoing our 2yr’s old room into a big room!! Should be fun. Baby #2 on the way!!
Love this poster, definatly needs to be our family motto!!

Linda B - My in-laws are here to help with the kids, so I am going to shower every day and think at least two thoughts in a row. 🙂

happygirl - Hurry up and blog and ebay and clean house, then plop on my RED couch and root for the Packers (only ’cause they crushed my Bears).

Cate O'Malley - Love the poster – total mission statement for our family for sure. This weekend, we are celebrating my daughter’s upcoming third birthday with a rainbow theme (her choice) … rainbow cake, rainbow cupcakes, rainbow dipped oreos, rainbow fruit platter, rainbow vegetable platter and other rainbow goodness. Can’t wait!

Julie H. - NOTHING! Watching the kids play in the snow!

Kimberly - It’s Superbowl weekend! I’m cooking and imbibing (just a little). 😉

Gina - Since the flu bug just “flew” through our house this week, I will be cleaning as fast as I can to host that Super Bowl party my husband nominated me for! That poster would be so inspiring, love it, and love your blog!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - This weekend, I am hoping to sleep! I have been fighting a horrible cold that has me cranky and snotty 🙂 (And I sorta got a coupon to my favorite thrift store for this weekend and I REEEEEALLLLY wanna go)
Saturday night is Nate the Great’s flag football game and Sunday night is Mr. B’s weekly board game night 🙂
Yay, weekend! Here we come!

Jill Tracy - This weekend my co-workers and friends are throwing me an 80’s PROM NIGHT for my birthday!!! We have all gone to thrift shops and found some fabulous dresses for the occasion. Should be lots of fun with lots of memories!

Courtney - On Saturday I will be playing in the GIANT snow fort my nieces and nephew made. (I hear it’s a 4 bedroom palace, with tunnels and all!) And on Sunday I will be eating delicious food and doing green & gold jello shots everytime the Packers scrore at our SuperBowl party. GO PACK GO!

Sarah - I’ll be beautifying my brand new blog.

Tanya - Fun! I’d love a milk froff system. Lattes, cappuccinos…
$100 APART Style Giveaway:

Wendy - This weekend, I am wallpapering 2 bathrooms and painting stripes in my son’s room! Our house was severly damaged by a fire in April 2010. We are 8 weeks away from moving back into our beautifully redone house. It has a been a LONG journey full of learning experiences and tests of our faith. I would love to have this beautiful poster to hang in our new home!

karen - clean. cook. dinner par-tay! church. superbowl! and taking care of a roseola-d baby. (the rash always looks worse than it is right?)

Alana Gray @ Gray Matters - Hopefully recovering from 2 weeks of rotating germs from family member to family member.

Kristy Mendler - Kid activities…district science fair, volleyball tournament, academic decathalon tournament and of course watching a little superbowl!

Deputy's Wife - Since I am home AGAIN today with a still sick child, I am cleaning like a madwoman so I can get a little sewing time in this week-end. It’s a great idea if I could get off the internet.

Amy - love.that.poster. gonna snuggle my babies and try my hand at making fabric rosettes…

Kirsten - I like red!
Tonight is joint birthday party for me and my 7yo kiddo. Tomorrow is ice and snow and Home Depot Kids Workshop (if we can get there).
Sunday is Super Bowl with fun friends (go Steelers)!

Amy Giffin - This weekend I will be making curtains out of vintage napkins for my kids bathroom. And I will be consuming massive amounts of football food as I root for the Packers on Sunday! And I LOVE the red!

Jackie - This weekend we are knocking down the wall between the kitchen and living room! I feel all alone sometime when I’m in there cooking, and everyone is in the living room. It’s going to be great to knock down that wall and have more family time together. By the way I love your kitchen and living area. It’s my favorite part or your house!

Seamingly Sarah - This weekend I’ll be attending the surprise 60th birthday party for my mother in law. She is really upset right now because she thinks no one has planned anything. But she will be greeted by 40 of her friends and family members Saturday night and my husband and I will be there to see the look on her face!!!

Cris - Snow play, it’s gonna be in the low 30’s here in MN with daddy who’s just gotten home from a 2 month out of town work assignment!

Penny - We will be celebrating my mother’s 87 birthday. She just had breast cancer surgery. She has done nine rounds of chemo and now she will do radiation. She is a fighter. I love the first two words on this poster, Live Brave. She is doing that. Love my mom, today is her birthday!

Wendy - Love the poster! Basketball game, dance practice, talent show practice, SUper Bowl party! fun but too crazy!

Angie - We are just waiting for all of this snow and ice to melt in DALLAS! We live in Texas to avoid weather like this…yet we are on our 4th Snow Day this week! I am looking forward to spring!

Trish - SO, SO jealous of the GoPro weekend! I want to go SO bad! I just can’t swing it this year… nursing mama! I’m looking on the bright side of this though… I have a healthy sweet boy to feed 🙂
This weekend starts tonight. I am going with a bunch of girlfriends to the Princess Diana exhibit! I am excited. Afterward, we are going to go out for dessert and coffee 🙂
Tomorrow I hope to get in some cleaning/organizing and some sewing!

Renae - And this weekend (because I forgot to mention it) i’m celebrating my dad’s 63rd and getting my new (to me) car! Hooray!

amy Mumaw - RELAXING. I am 7 months pregnant so I am beat:)

Renae - My sofa is red and I don’t have any other red so I would choose the red. Weird! 😉

Laura A - I would love the poster! I am running errands this weekend for my upcoming wedding. =)

Brigid - Cleaning today (ugh!) and working tomorrow and Sunday. Winning that cool poster sure would take the sting out of an otherwise un-fun weekend;-)

kelly mcqueen - No plans! The best kind of weekend!!!
I love your blog. It’s a ray of sunshine.

Phoenix_Rising - This weekend, I’m spending time with my wonderful daughter. The light of my world.
Next weekend, I’m escaping town with my high school best friend, to avoid any possible sadness as my ex-husband (6 months divorced) gets remarried.
The next weekend, I’m hosting an annual Valentine Tea Party for my little 5 year old and 4 of her friends. I dress them in old lady dresses, hats and gloves and they drink pink lemonade from tea cups with their pinkies up.
The next weekend I pack and prepare to purchase and move into my new home!
That poster would be amazing on the wall of my new home. Words for my daughter to grow up living. Words to see exemplified in my life.

shelly - A milk frother would be life changing!!! I just heat milk and then use my little electic whisk…ehh, but it’s something.
I’m getting ready for a super bowl/ birthday party for my hubster…he requested a special cake…a total pain in the batootie cake…but I love his so I’ll make it 😉 guess that I need to read that print again, huh!

Brittany - I get to hang out with a friend on Saturday and spend time with my parents on Sun. A good weekend!

Maria - I’m having a girls scrapbook weekend at my house and the hubs is gonna cook for us…
Should be Great Fun!!!

Yolanda - This is so beautiful, Meg. I will end up getting one even if I don’t win. Thanks for the chance. 🙂

Courtney Henson - Well, Super Bowl partying of course! Even though I don’t care one bit, my husband does!

Donna - We’ve got Polka and Potato Night at school tonight, a baby shower and basketball on Saturday, Sunday School and Superbowl on Sunday. (Go Packers!)

Rachel - Oh my lands, that poster is perfect! This weekend, we are going to try to make the world’s biggest snowman (or at least that’s my husband’s idea) with our world record snow!

Lindsey - I am going to a mac and cheese contest birthday party on Saturday, watching the superbowl on Sunday – Go Steelers!

Jill - i’ll be spending lots of time with the husband and three boys. hopefully i’ll get a nap in! thanks for the super giveaway!

Lisa - Family pictures Saturday and super bowl party Sunday. Time to bust out the crockpots.

Leslie - If the snow and ice clears, we are going to be traveling to see friends! 😀

lovethosecupcakes - Making a birthday chocolate cake.
Eating more than a couple of slices of a birthday chocolate cake.
Probably regretting the eating of slices of a birthday chocolate cake.

Heather K - Resting! Can’t wait!

Cassie - i LOVE this meg!
and guess what I’M doing this weekend??? i get to see andrew landers play his little heart out here in iowa. SO excited. the only way i could be more excited is if jody were going to be with him!
have a great weekend!
love ya….

Lori - Love the posters! Also love the fact that a portion of the proceeds go to adopting children out of the foster care system. Our family is hoping to do the same thing with a sibling group of 4! Oh my! 🙂

Jen - I love these posters! I have sick kids this weekend, boo! Get Well, Get Well! Hoping to see my brother in law who is home from Afganstan for a few weeks at the family Super Bowl Party!

Lisa - Super Bowl party!!! Eating, drinking and being merry with some good friends. Also, biggest boy has indoor soccer game. Oh, and I probably should also do some laundry if we all want clean underwear and socks next week. 🙂 I was also thinking about making some of your chocolate chip cookies – wanted to know do you have to use shortening (will have to go buy some) or can you use margarine? Have a wonderful weekend! Lisa

julie - this weekend we are heading to the lake and then on sunday having a SuperBowl Party !

Janelle - Love the poster! This weekend is the father/daughter dance. Its a big event in our house as we have all girls! I’m so happy that Daddy is home this year to go! Should be some fabulous memories!!

Collette - This weekend I will be picking my mother who was recently diagnosed with Parkinsons disease from the airport and my 19 yr old daughter will be coming home from university for the weekend, so I will be happily sandwiched from both generations filled with LOVE.

Janelle - Would love to win 🙂 We are going to a school sock hop, kids basketball game, my daughter has her “outing” with Nana and Pop – a Christmas present to each of my kids, and then we will be watching the Superbowl. So sad without the Bears…we’re cheering for the Steelers.

DANETT - Words to live by! LOVE it, and red is my favorite color. I will be your matching poster buddy!

erin - spending my gift cards from christmas!!

Jessica @ My Ardent Life - Love the poster (and love the red!). This weekend, I am hoping to get a Mama break. I have a 15mo and am 19 wks pregnant. In the past 6 months, we have had a lot to grieve – a miscarriage, $20K lost in a bad investment, stressful holidays, my grandfather’s passing, and my husband is just getting over the flu (plus he’s working a LOT right now). It has all caught up to me – I have been a mess. Now that hubby’s better, he’s taking baby duty all day tomorrow so I can have a break… not sure what my day looks like yet. Taking suggestions!
Hey, pics and brand info on that milk frother is in order! Coffee is yuck during this pregnancy but my husband drinks many cups a day and one day I’ll be back at it, too! I firmly believe caffeine makes me a better parent. 🙂

Beth - We’re going to do lots of art and stay inside ’cause it’s frightful out there. =) Oh, and we’re going to spend time with friends here and there along the way. Love, love, love this sign, by the way…thanks.

crystal - We have been snowed in since Monday, no school, no work, all 4 of us trapped in this house…it’s snowing again right now. And more snow is expected Sunday, Monday and Wednesday! I’m hoping that this weekend we can at least make it to the Quiktrip down the road & re-stock on milk & our very low supply of Dr. Pepper. I can’t be trapped in here without DP! Besides that little venture out, I will be scanning my son’s schoolwork etc. from last year to make his 1st Grade photobook. He’s in 2nd grade now & I haven’t even finished 1st! I plan to make one for every year of school for both of my kids.

shea - Hanging around the house and finishing up a few projects. The Big is going on a daddy-daughter date Saturday while the Little and I hang out. And church on Sunday.

Tanya - We are home today for a “snow” day. Unfortunately no snow…only a thin layer of ice. But still enjoying a nice cozy day at home with the kiddo’s. Thanks for the giveaway…I love this saying and would love to hang it in our kitchen!
What kind of milk frother did you get? I have one, but am not sure it gets quite the results that yours did!

Suzanne D - birthday party on saturday, and then church, scouts, food and game on sunday! jam packed weekend! Love the poster – I agree, it could be a very good family mission statement!

Terrie - Love the poster! Great idea for a family mission statement! I’m making lemon chex buddies, peanut butter cake & having friends over tonight. House will be clean, so I’m crafting tomorrow and watching Super Bowl Commercials on Sunday! 🙂

Naomi - This weekend I am going to [struggle to] cram in all my university work and work on my Valentine’s gift to my special someone 🙂

Jen - Weekend – two birthday party’s for two awesome 7 year olds, plus a baby baptism! So basically, a whole lot of family time!! 🙂

karen - I live in Houston and the city is shut down because of ice.
The kids are out of school but no snow 🙂
We are just going to hang out and enjoy the extra day of the weekend

Ashley - I love that sign! I NEED this reminder in my house!
I am spending the weekend with my handsome hubby and sweet baby girl….sleeping in, making homemade playdough, and taking a walk in the (suppose to be) 50* weather! Yay for that!:)

Lori McDonough - i am cleaning out kid’s closets and making multiple trips to Goodwill (hopefully!) with stuff they have outgrown. Not a very fun job, but i’m looking forward to the satisfaction when i’m done! Have a great weekend!

erin - I’m snuggling with my 2 month old and staying indoors!

Sarah - This weekend Im going to try and brave the snow… i cant be cooped up any longer

Nichole R - I love that poster!!
Hopefully I will be doing some laundry this weekend! It is never ending! I just can’t seem to keep up these days!!!

Becky - Just hanging out with my girls 🙂 Maybe baking some yummy treats.

Liz M - reading the Hunger Games trilogy while keeping an eye on the Packers.

Jen N. - This weekend will consist of hardcore cleaning. But, my hubby and I are going to go shopping to get him a new wardrobe, so that’s kinda fun.

Stacia - We are having my Bible study teacher and her husband over for dinner. I am so excited. I hope it goes well!

Redshoesrolling - I think I will be taking the kids to our neighbors basketball game if everyone is healthy, and going to church.

Liesl - I think I will work, because I feel so overwhelmed and I would love to be caught up going into Monday!!

Bethany - IF my kids are better, I’ll be hanging out with my momma, sister, aunt and cousin… I have the best girl friends in my family!

Maine Mummy - I’ve wanted to do something like that for our family for quite some time, this would take out all the guess work for me!

Staci - Ooooh 🙂 I want a milk frother!!!! We have been hammered with snow…so, odds are…we’ll be playing and sledding and I’ll be picking up snow clothes and making hot chocolate out the wazoo 🙂 Okay by me though 🙂 Happy Weekending!!!

Taryn - This weekend we are thawing out from the sub-zero temps we had earlier this week. And then of course…..Super Bowl Party!:)

Lindsay - Not exactly sure yet, but it’s going to involve GETTING OUT OF THE HOUSE, for sure! We’ve been caught up in the Blizzard of 2011 here in the Midwest & my son just returned to school today (after a 2 hour delay) for the first time since Monday.

april - Nothing very exciting…I will be taking care of my sick 9 year old and watching the super bowl….but winning this print would be awesome…I Love It!!!

Melissa@Greener Grass - We are going to the movies to see The Kings Speach and I’m so excited! We never go to the movies and it’s suppose to be really good. And my parents are coming to visit…YAY!
Thanks for the fun giveaway…fingers crossed.
You’re the best, Meg 🙂

Sharla - This weekend: spending time with friends…without kids…and then turning around the next evening and watching my niece and nephew. Four kids to put to bed! New experience for me. 🙂 No football included in my plans!

FeFe - I love that! Hmmmm….this weekend I’ll be shoveling snow away from the mailboxes. And thinking of something wonderful to do for my DH who is so stressed about the possibility of losing his job courtesy of the “improving” *cough cough* economy.

Tanya H - That really is a great poster!
I get a me-Saturday. I’ve got a super fun training event to attend with women, treats and crafts, doing a bit of clothes shopping for me, then heading to my mom’s so my sister can cut my hair. Husband is keeping the kids at home so I can listen to anything I want on the drive! So excited!

keely - I’m supposed to having a baby shower tomorrow with the ladies from my church. We’re hoping the roads will be good enough that we don’t have to cancel.
I love that poster!

mary - Love that poster!! My husband and I are three weeks into our bathroom renovation. We have been living at friends, and I’m hoping and praying this weekend is the one where we can move back into our house!! Which means we’ll do it just as soon as the tile is laid and the toilet is in. We may have to take some sponge baths for a couple of days until the shower tiles are in, but that’s okay!

Jenn Shock - This weekend we are going to a double birthday party for a two friends who are roommates. Then we are going to watch the Super Bowl and pig out on all kinds of snacky foods like wings, guacamole and have a few beers. 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! It would be an AWESOME family mission statement!

Stephanie - Being the only girl in this house (even the dog is a boy!) I am sure my weekend will be centered around sports! Both of my boys have basketball practice Saturday and of course Super Bowl after church on Sunday 🙂

Nichole - My weekend starts on Friday this week and I spent it by sleeping for 11 hours. Then we’re grocery shopping, reading magazines and doing some major crisis cleaning (this house is filthy!).

Jenny Lynn - Throwing a bridal shower for my college roommate 🙂

Kristi Barrett - House stuff, family stuff…pretty low key, just the way I like it. 🙂

Jennifer - This weekend my family will be welcoming home my two son-in-law’s from a 12 month tour of duty in Afghanistan. They will be welcomed home by their wife’s, my daughters aged 21 and 23, and their first babies.(6 month old baby girl and 9 month old baby boy) Yes that’s right they missed their births and the first months of their life.
We are so thankful to God for bringing us all through this past year, for protecting our loved ones and bringing them home safely! I’m so proud of my daughters for Living Bravely through all of this! This poster would be an awesome gift for one of them! Thanks!

Jenni - This weekend we are going to a carnival at the church around the corner from our house. Strawberry pie, face-painting, bingo. Yes please! 🙂

Karla - We are going sledding, celebrating my neice’s 1st birthday party, and watching the Super Bowl. A fun packed weekend for sure!

Ryanne - learning to crochet.

Susan - Our dear friends are coming for a visit, i have a parent’s club meeting tonite, swim class at 7:15am Saturday (for me!), basketball double header tomorrow for my son, my oldest daughter has a sleepover tonite and then we will collapse and watch the Super Bowl on Sunday and no one is more excited than my six year old daughter! Love those posters : )

Sara - I too got a milk frother for Christmas. A Aerolatte…it’s dreamy. I can make my own Chai Tea at home with Tazo and not have to go to Starbucks. It’s the small things that can make us happy. 🙂

Talia - Oh! I would LOVE to win this. I NEED it! My weekend plans include going to a fund-raiser dance with my Hubby on Saturday night. Sunday – SUPERBOWL! Go Steelers!

sara @ it's good to be queen - umm, yes please i’d like to win. 🙂

colleen - Today i am the mystery reader for my 5th grade girl’s class…have had quite a time this week thinking of things about me that she doesn’t know for the mystery clues. I do think i have succeeded! Tomorrow my son has a basketball game and we will probably eat pizza, play games, i may do a craft. A good “homey” weekend!

Betsy - Celebrating my husbands birthday this evening, going to a birthday party for my nephew on Sat., church and watching some of the super bowl on Sun.

Amy Slavik - What am I doing this weekend? Taking our daughter to the Home Depot kids workshop to build an adorable heart shelf, visiting with some friends, and hopefully cleaning out my car! Need to rearrange carseats to make room for our little man due in two weeks! Sounds like fun!

Stacy Kearney - Tonight stay in and catch up on the things that were ignored during the Snowpacolypse, tomorrow take my mom shopping and then chill with friends in the evening. Sunday is church & worship, a playdate that will make our little girl so happy, and then gathering with friends to watch the Super Bowl commercials while others watch the game. Oh, and make a huge batch of Buffalo Chicken Dip. We’re filled with the cabin fever and are cramming it all in this weekend. Hope you have a great one, too!

Stephanie - Love the poster!! Tonight – volunteer at Kid’s Night Out at the middle school. Tomorrow – Soccer game and hopefully some crafting. Sunday – church, indoor field hockey practice, oh isn’t there a football game on??? A very typical weekend at our house!

Tanya - I have a sick little girl, so the weekend will be spent being lazy and disinfecting and hoping no one else gets it!

Amber - Date with hubby or more like date day:)

Jessica - i’m going to do some deep cleaning. this would be a lovely reward for my labors;)

Jessica B. - This weekend, we will be staying inside organizing and making those cute necklaces you made this past weekend. Loved them!! Love the print as well.

Kathi - I am going to try to finish cleaning the basement and of course watching the super bowl.

Myriah Mae - I love the Poster! Love your blog, love how happy and cheery the colors are!

Meredith Gibson - We are going to visit my parents and my sister’s family for my nephew’s 2nd birthday.

Sharla - My 7 year old’s basketball game is Saturday afternoon, BUT I got us tickets to a Wizard of Oz play at a community theatre and the kids are SO excited. “They are going to be in costumes – not like watching the movie!!”

SaraG - My daughter has a bball game – that’s about it. I was originally looking forward to a weekend with nothing to do, but now after 3 days of being stranded in the house because of snow, we are gonna have to find something to do – too much togetherness is not always a good thing! 🙂

Sheri - This weekend we are going to a basketball between my son’s highschool and my daughter’s highschool. Cheering on my Godson also 🙂 Also watching the Superbowl with some Super friends. Be blessed.

Emily Clark - We will just be enjoying everyone being at home and SAFE after the weather we had this week in KC. Baking homemade bierocks, going to church and watching the Super Bowl.

Lelia - This weekend we are having a party in honor of my husband who will be leaving with the military on March 1. We’re getting some family pics taken too!

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