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it is so bizarre to think that on saturday we wore no coats.
and today my pipes are frozen.


let's warm up my toes with a lisa leonard give away shall we?

(not sure how it will warm my toes…..but who cares….it's free jewelry…just come with me!)

click on over to my other blog. 



Drea - You have a beautiful blog! I enjoyed my visit a lot! Oh and the 85mm 1.8 – awesome lens, im sure whoever buys it will be very happy.

Cherished Hearts Vintage - Thankful here that we’ve had no pipes frozen and the electric was off only for half a minute. The snow OHMY! It’ll be April before it all melts away for us.

carissa... brown eyed fox - girl…
you have been up to a bunch of GOODNESS!
loving all your “happy”…
all your adventures…
your HAIR…
your dining room…
all your inspiration…
your craft weekend…
my word… blue lily…
SO exciting!
so happy for you meg!
keep rocking life… you do it SO well! :O)
happy friday and hugs from wyoming!

michelle - what an awesome picture!!! sorry about your pipes tho πŸ™

Lisa - Hi! I just came upon your blog and just wanted to say how much I enjoyed reading it! Especially your craft weekend – what a GOOD idea! We should all do that kind of stuff! You’re going in my good reader, thanks for making me chuckle!

Angie - I know how you fell. we are frozen here also. I dont like this cold weather. stay safe and warm.

jaz - I thought that was some cool funky sculpture for a second there!!

crystal beutler - Super cool picture (no pun intended). I want to see they way you see. I do.
Hey, have you ever had any of your photos transferred to canvas — I think you can do it at Costco. I saw some photos in a magazine recently of a house similar in style to yours. It had a huge canvas photo of a maple leaf sitting on an old blue chipped piece of wood in the dining room — with red chairs and an old wood table. It was sooo cool. If you haven’t already, you need to do that in your house somewhere with some of your shots. πŸ™‚
P.S. I contacted your friend about the giveaway, and she hasn’t responded. Can you send me her email address again as I seemed to have deleted your email that contained that info. Sorry about that.

sue - Desert temps here have been below freezing but no snow.I would like a bit of snow but only a bit. LOL.
Keep warm Meg and family.

Meredith - Thank you for that photo….I feel cooler already. It’s been hovering around 40oC {104oF} in Sydney ALL week. We’re strung out and cranky. Hope you guys are the opposite…snuggled and homey and drinking comforting hot chocolate. Meredy xo

sandy toe - Lots of snow here too!
sandy toe

Gale - Brrrrr – I feel your pain since I’m just a little ways up the road in Topeka! Can I just go on record as saying I’m SICK of snow days?! Hubby even had one – what’s up with THAT? Way too much testosterone for a non-Saturday! πŸ™‚
Love your blog – makes me feel like I have cool, somewhat sane company in Kansas (I’m still adjusting to the Oz jokes from my friends!) I really, really want to start a blog – but can’t quite figure out how…. however, I’m determined! Also, I wanna figure out how to do some fun vintage-type barn (building) fairs in this area with fun vendors… yep, I’m motivated and on the warpath to make Kansas cool! πŸ™‚
Found the recipe for your Mom’s margaritas and may I just say THANK YOU! I’ve been trying to find a good recipe for EVER and that one is FABULOUS! πŸ™‚ (wow, snow margaritas – why didn’t I think of that?!)
A fun giveaway to enter on a freezing day, the margarita recipe to-die-for, someone in Kansas with great hair and a super fun house – I’m a happy girl! Just wanted to say thanks πŸ™‚

tara - The weather is crazy..Down here we’re sizzling..xx

Elissa - Frozen pipes stink! My kitchen drain froze over the weekend… so no dishes for several days. But this is a common thing for me living in ND, in an old house. πŸ™‚ Hope they unfreeze soon and nothing breaks!

Kelly - We are frozen around here too. I need to do some more laundry so I will have warm fuzzy socks to wear again as opposed to thin ones. We’re starting to get some cabin fever in these parts. Kelly

nicole @ deliajude - that is quite the photo!

Tracy - Stay warm, Meg! I thought about you and the family when I heard you were getting hit pretty hard. Sorry about the frozen pipes -I know that totally sucks – however, once they are fixed, be sure to let the faucets “drip” in every single room – this will help keep them from freezing in most cases. πŸ™‚ Love the pictures of the bikes – so neat to see! xoxoxo

Laura - LOVE the photo of the frozen bikes. That’s art!

purejoy - i feel a little left out too. in tennessee, we’ve had about 6 significant {for us} snowfalls this winter. pretty unheard of. sorta feel like we’re missing out on the snow… but i can live without the bitter cold wind. seriously… the images on the news of chicago brought me right back to my upbringing in wisconsin and walking backwards to school against the biting, gale-force winds. i. do. not. miss. that. one. smidgeon. at all!!

Kristin Hayne - That is what our home looked like for 2 days straight…. and we went to the zoo on Saturday!!! CRAZY!!! It is beginning to thaw today…. I now am seriously awaiting spring though….

Laura Phelps - what a GREAT shot Meg
almost makes me think that this weather has been fun
it is not
nobody should be jealous
now..speaking of great shots…how do I get you here to photograph my sisters and I ?
now that I know your work no other photographer will do
stay warm

Heather R. - Made margaritas using the snow πŸ™‚

julia - That’s the coolest picture! For a second I was thinking “What is that?”

~Debra - I am so very jealous & getting tired of seeing all of these cool snow pictures all over the blogosphere! So not fair! I want snow!! ha ha!

happygirl - I am praying for you all in the frozen cold. What A Storm!

Southern Gal - It was 68 degrees here on Sunday. It’s not cold out there now, but it’s in the 30’s which is pretty chilly for the south.

Janine - I feel your pain with the snow. We have more than 3 ft on the ground and we just got ice.
I have to say I loved the SNL link. He’s done that character before and my husband and I will say “you gotta do it. it’s gotta be durnt” to each other just like the character for random things πŸ™‚


Heather - You know, this dose of meteorological reality is affecting my desire to move to Kansas. Don’t you have any sunflower pictures you could post instead? πŸ™‚

shelley - i would literally die if i lived where you do. i am freezing to death in California right now and its in the 50’s. by the way…our pipes froze a month ago at 30 degrees. we had water damage and 3 weeks of construction. california pipes dont like the cold either.

pam - I basically feel in shock. From 59 to -10….not nice. Nor were the 22 inches of snow we got…with more to come on the weekend. Never had frozen pipes…hope that’s not a huge mess.

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