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craft weekend.

lots and lots of pictures from the weekend.

three of the girls flew to kansas…two from california…one from alabama.
two of the girls drove from oklahoma.
the rest of the girls were local within 30 minutes.
three of us went to the airport to pick them all up…there were even some tears of joy upon meeting in real life. 

craig is a super star and took all of our kids to his mom's for the weekend…with the stomach flu.

all the blogger girls stayed at my house.
i have lots of beds….a little known fact apparently.
everyone had their own mattress. 
we must be mattress hoarders. 

my dining room that turned into a game room decided to become a craft retreat lodge this weekend.
we fit in there so well!
all the sewing machines were on the pool table!
it was like the room was made for it.

on friday night we made our first craft led by julie.
we used this tutorial by little miss momma.

they turned out so cute.
almost everyone chose a different color.
you need to make this!

kimberlee didn't have on lipstick so we had her use her necklace for lipstick.


lots and lots of chit chat while we were crafty.
and i see waffle's paw at the bottom left corner of this picture.
he was by our sides every minute….loving the the attention from the ladies.


there was so much good food.
cindy made breakfast on saturday.
we got to sleep in….a requirement made by me.
don't you hate going places for a "retreat" and then have to be at breakfast by 7:30 am??

there was even a sweet little baby in attendance!


after cindy filled us with crepes with fresh fruit and quiche we loaded into a 15 passenger van to go antiquing.
we debated about decorating the van with bunting……

so fun.
we are any stores DREAM.
a van pulling up with 10 women to shop???
we were met with big smiles.


9 out of 10 ladies left with new found treasures.

cole with his mama picking out all the best doilies.


i took them to my favorite antique store…Bearly Makin It.
so much to choose from.
if you are in kansas….you should go.

heather found silverware for her party planning business.
a total score!

anyone need a milk jug???

loving the sunshine!    

all the ladies took turns holding sweet baby cole.
it was our pleasure.
he hardly made a peep the whole weekend. 
and everyone had envy of julie's gorgeous hair….it is soooo pretty.

on saturday in kansas we had a really odd extremely warm day.
we were so grateful for it.

can you guess what i bought from all these goodies?  ha ha ha


after a sonic happy hour run we made it back to my house for more crafts.

the ruffle pillow tutorial heather taught us with is here.

3 women had never sewn on a machine before.
they ended up being ruffle making rock stars!
they did fantastic.
ashley's machine made the best ruffles…we all waitied for our turn on her machine.
no one knew what the secret was….but it worked….no gathering required.

i love being around people who love technology as much as i do….

threading a needle….

the third craft was embroidery hoop art.
we were given lots of examples that we could make or we could make our own design.

amy's was amazing.  

we stayed up crafting and listening to frank sinatra on pandora and eating tiramisu until 2 in the morning.

kimberlee made breakfast on sunday.
there was frosting involved.


another great thing about crafty girls weekends….women clean up.




there were cameras everywhere.
and fabric everywhere.

and my brass lamps from the thrift shop.  :)

there is a peek at amy jupin's ruffle pillow.
i am in love with the ruffle pillows…i want to make a hundred of them.
and her turquoise flower necklace is also in the picture.

these were all of our hoops together…not all finished but all together.
mine is the one right 
here under these


trying to set up our cameras for a group shot….caught kimberlee being silly.

                                                  jana (no blog….yet) and amy jupin.

                                                             jess  and  julie.

                                                                  ashley and cindy    (also no blog….YET).  
cindy came with ashley so she didn't have to drive alone and show up to a house full of women she had never met and be trapped with us if she didn't like us…
turns out we LOVED them both!
very much.

                                                                    heather, cole and me.

                                          amy   (my neighbor) and  kimberlee  (my cleaning partner)

and that was that.
they went home with their suitcases full of new crafts, antiques, julie's messy flowers and full tummies.

and i haven't stopped smiling since.

God gave me blogging.
He gave me a gift that i get to continue opening when i meet new friends from all over.
God is so awesome.

my mind feels full of creativity.
my heart feels full of love and friendship.
my body feels too full of cinnamon rolls and cheesecake.

the retirement center has been missing me.

my bloggy friends left just in time….we are snowed in here and it's FREEZING.
my house has never been this cold.
i am bundled up in a blanket with many layers and hot coffee and i am still frozen. 

T.McClelland - Hi! I came across this by accident,and I am so glad I did! My friends and I have started to do craft weekends together; we have a great time! Don’t know how much crafting we actually get done……we stay in our PJ’s…sometimes put on a chick flick…eat chocolate….we take turns going to each other’s houses. It’s a nice, fun, relaxing, full of laughter good times.

Ali - I second the request on a “how to” for making a banner! I love those banner’s! They would be adorable for my daughter’s birthday!
~ Ali

Ali - So fun! I’m from TX but, I’d love to come next year! Can’t wait for sign ups for your next craft weekend!
~ Ali

Sarah from Create Studio - Wowzers! I really want to do this in my area! What a great way to refresh your creative juices with a bunch of other like-minded women! Awesome! Thanks for the inspiration! - That looks like an INCREDIBLE weekend! I wanna be your friend! LOL
Those good times make life so special! I miss my group I used to do that with. Hmmmmm, maybe it’s time I create a new one. 🙂

Dominique @ Craft Couture - This is just awesome! Looks like soo much fun, I would love to do this! :)Glad you ladies had a great time! 🙂

Jami - I am in crafting envy! That looks like sooo much fun. What a blessing, God IS good!

Jennifer - Wow sounds amazing!! Found your blog through through Little Miss Mama. I have never wanted to live in Kansas till now! 🙂

teresa - O~My~Goodness!
This is so AMAZING I don’t even know how to EXPRESS myself!

jen @ tatertots and jello - Oh my goodness — that looks so fun!! I love all of those little embroidery hoop creations!!! So cute!
What an amazing weekend!!!

Kaitlyn Bright - Would love to join from Nebraska for the next one!! FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!! I hold a craft retreat at a local B&B here, love that you had some structure and everyone worked doing the same things. Ours is just a free for all. The hoops are my favorites!

Michelle - It looks like all of you had a fabulous time. You are all so lucky to have one another. Thank you for sharing your great time and providing links to your projects.

aubrey - I love your bunting hanging across the room. I love love love bunting, but I s-u-c-k at making it. Something goes missing between the picture in my brain and what my hands end up creating. How did you make yours?

Amanda - OH Man! I see at least five of my favorite bloggers in the same room being crafty! I have gained so much from you and looked forward to all the inspiration from your creativity!!!

Wendy - That sounds awesome. I can’t imagine a day of hanging with friends & crafting, much less a weekend! I miss having friends that live in the same town as me 🙁

Jessica @ These Are The Days - Well I was going to guess and say “if it were me I’d have gotten the globe”, but in one of those last pictures I saw the globes so I’m pretty sure I was right.
Love the necklace you gave Edie…I was coveting it the whole weekend at Blissdom. If you would tell me where I can snag one, I’d be over the moon. 🙂 Thanks, Jessica

Kristen - Absolutely dreamy. No other words….seriously.

Jessica - just discovered your blog and am so glad i did. this looks absolutely amazing! i can’t believe how well orchestrated this was. what sweet friends. can i come next time!? 😉

Dana @ Cookin' at Cafe D - Hi,
Found your blog via The Nester.
Your retreat weekend looks so joyful!
And, MAN,how I would love a milk jug – lol.
(looks like you visited some amazing stores.)
Thanks for sharing with us 🙂
Dana at Cooking at Cafe D

princess lasertron - this looks SO fun.
I want to drive down and join you.
(how far was it again??)

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl - looks like such fun! we had a craft night recently…it was a blast!

Diane @ InMyOwnStyle - This is the best idea for bloggers to get together – so much better than a big conference. Reading through your post was so enjoyable. I love the globe you got – wish I lived closer to go to that antique store.

Bonita - I’m not even crafty and I don’t know any of you (came over from Nester’s blog), but the fellowship looked like so much fun that all the way through the post I kept thinking, “I wanna go.” So glad you had such a fun time!

Amanda @ Serenity Now - I’m visiting from The Nester’s and I had to tell you what a dream this looks like! 🙂 It’s hard enough to get my local girlfriends together to do anything, so I can’t imagine the planning that went into this. What a fabulous time you all must have had. 🙂

Sarah @ a drop of golden sun - Wow, what an amazing bunch of women, and amazing talents! Tonight is our first of what we hope to be many more, “craft club”! I am hosting at my house, but I don’t think it will be anything nearly as spectacular as your whole weekend was! Something to strive for I suppose. Thank you for sharing!

Jenn - That looks like such a dream! Thanks for giving me a little glimpse into a heavenly weekend-love the crafty ideas, too!

Cherished Hearts Vintage - Gorgeous pics! Any chance of a tutorial to show us how to make the ruffle necklaces?

HMama - I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this. *sigh*

Katie Sellers - Such awesome idea!! And that antique store I am so jealous! Meg–could you possibly share where you got the string of light bulbs hanging in your beautiful room?? I am looking for something similar. Thanks!

Jacqui - please please please meg, can i come next time!!

Rebecca@This Present Life - Just found your blog via The Pleated Poppy and I’m so glad I did! It looks like you girls had such a great time! I would LOVE to do something like that. There is nothing like getting together with girlfriends (new and old) for a little crafting, good food, and girl time.

angie - That looks incredibly fun and awesome and like something I need. Can we be friends and you can invite me next time? I even have a cute baby to bring. 🙂

Michelle - Sounds like the perfect weekend, I’m inspired to do this with girlfriends that I don’t see enough!

Kimberly Dial - What a great idea – a crafters weekend. Sure looks like your gals had fun! Thanks for sharing!

The Lazy Dazy - Looks like balm for the soul! Blessing! Great idea…those girls are so blessed to have been on the guest list.
Thank you for sharing. I feel like I had a little micro-retreat myself!

Beth - Totally jealous! Looks like loads & loads of fun!

sonal shah - I can’t imagine a more fun weekend. I dream of having people like this in my life. So wonderful that you all have found one another.
Anyone in New England want to connect for something like this?

Linda - DId you make the pennant banner? If you did could you please give instructions it is just adorable. Thanks

marylea @ Pink and Green Mama - So fun!!! WISH I had been there too!!!
I think a weekend spent crafting and antiquing sounds like the perfect way to spend time with friends!!

Tonia - So fun! I have followed most of your blogs for quite some time and it was just so fun to see you all in the same room. I just know if I knew you all we would be great friends! Thanks for doing this blogging thing and for sharing your lives with the world!

hearttypat - what an amazing weekend! I’m too envious of u right now!

ashley - I can’t even begin to tell you how happy it made me to read this post and see that ALL these incredibly talented, beautiful and amazing women made MY pom pom tutorial–wow, I am amiling from ear to ear still!
Your blog is fabulous and I am wondering where you have been all my life! better late then never–so glad I found you and thank you so much for linking to Little Miss Momma!
I can’t wait to have a craft weekend of my own one day!!!

miss chris - Wait?! You guys are in kansas?! this crazy blog world is so big it shouldn’t surprise me that I’m surprised. Anyway… it looks like you had a wonderful time. Good for you all! xoxo, chris (kansas city)

nancy in ks - Bearly Makin’ it! I see Oggie in the orange sweatshirt. One of my favorite places! It looks like he took you out to his barn too. That’s a treasure land for sure.
This is the first time I’ve read your blog. So thanks to Ashley Ann I have another great stop in the morning before I start my day. Pretty soon, I won’t have any day left. Just blogs.

Tara - so much fun.
this is SO on my list of 40 things I wanna do before I turn 40…I’ve got 2 1/2 years left to make it happen!
you are my inspiration.
(totally meant to put the song my the group Chicago in your mind all day) :))))))

Meaghan - Just wanted to say this looks like so much fun! You have inspired me in the past to do crafty night with my friends…now I am reminded to do it again. I love that it gets us out and together during the long winter months, esp after christmas. Thanks!!

asibtroy - What i wouldn’t give to be in a room so blessed! And yay for Ashley Ann coming over with Cindy! Love it when blog worlds collide 😉

Nancy - glad you posted a pic w/amy j! she’s my local blogger rockstar!

Courtney Hohimer - Can I come next time?

Candice - Oh my goodness! Looks as though everyone had a wonderful time! Hmmm…maybe I should looking into planning my own craft weekend with my friends and family! 😉

Lorilee - That looks like sooooo much fun. How did you plan the crafts? Did each person bring their own supplies for each craft?

Daniele Valois - this looks like a dream come true!!! So jealous!

Heather - Dead freaking envious!!!! That looks like a truckload of fun!

jaz - Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!! xoxoxoxox

Talysa - I love the whole thing….what a great idea! But I left half of my brain with that first picture and those pennants….love.
Then you lost the second half of it on the hoop art.
I did manage to catch up when we hit the frosting though. 😉
Ps. You totally got the globe. 😉

Krystle - I’m new to your blog my m’dear… you are fabulous! I first found you because your house was adorable and I fell in love with your kitchen. I now love you all the more because I see that you’re using the gift of your home to share with others for fantastic retreats and fellowship like this! I’m so glad to have “met” you!

Mindy - What a fabulous weekend! Now I want the weather to get better so I can go on a road trip and check out the antique store!

Danielle - What a kind and gracious heart you have. I can’t even begin to tell you the smiles I got at seeing you gals have so much fun. I follow Amy Jupin’s blog and Jess Mac’s as well and am so happy that these two special women got to have some girl time. Your blog always puts a smile on my face:)

Kristin S - Meg, what a dreamy weekend. Your husband is a trooper! I bet he knew you NEEDED that girl time.
Your perspective at the end is shaping a seminar I’m doing at a women’s conference this coming weekend for women who work for our ministry. I am SO NOT an expert but just want to share from my heart about how it has ministered to me and others.
Most want how-to’s which is fine. I can do that. Sort of (I still don’t know how the heck to change my header). But I’d rather give big picture.
Thank you!

Sandee - Ok. This looks like the best weekend ever! Every time I get the chance to see pic.s of your house I’m in heaven… loved the one of the globe mixed in with other things at the antique store where you asked which thing you’d buy out of all those things. You got me started on wanting a collection of old globes and I just found my very first one on Monday!!! I’m so excited and can’t wait to find more.. 🙂

Sara - There is nothing better than a house full of friends with food, fun and crafts. How kind of you to open your house….I wondered what the major cleaning was about! Does anyone else think that Cindy looks like the brand new wife on Sister Wives? She is a doll…and I just put my thumb on why I thought I knew her. Funny! I obviously watch too much TV.

Charity - I’m in love with the hanging banner and lights. Could you PLEASE post instructions on how to make the banner and the dimensions of the triangles? I would love to make one!!!

Tammy Sabourin - So what you’re really saying is that this weekend was BEAST. 😉

melinda - new reader here! that looks like such a good time! i think i may have to partake in something similar!
ps love your blog 🙂 it is so cheerful!!!

Jenny B. - Wow… I can see from the previous comments that I’m not alone in being just a tiny bit jealous (ok, make that a lot!). 🙂 What an absolutely perfect weekend!

Leslie @farm fresh fun - This looks better than Blissdom! So much inspiration and happiness found here. Loved learning that some gals hadn’t sewn before… Thanks for the great link to Bearly Makin It! My hubby loves to go out to KS for bird hunting… Now I know where I will dream of if I tag along! (Plus dreamin of a photo shoot with* you*.)
Leslie in MD

Tanya H - I love everything about this post but my favorite is your hoop art! My mom was a creative circle….something or other when I was tiny and they just moved and we found a HUGE box FULL of those hoops…..Now we know what to do with them! 😀 THANKS!!!
I too love the blessing that blogs are in my life. You are one inspiring lady and I love you for it!

sarah - So jealous! What a great time for you girls. I was glad to read that some of you had not ever worked on a sewing machine-gives me hope for my craftin self to improve still. Thanks for sharing-I love seeing women loving on each other.

Melissa - Ugh! I’m jealous! LOL
It looks like you all had a super time!!!
Is it weird that I read this post yesterday then last night had a dream that you invited me over for crafty fun?? LOL You have a lot of admirers, girl!

Tracy - Wow! looks like such a wonderful time and how sweet of you to host it. I have to admit…I am a bit jealous as I imagine all the crafty fun and girl talk that was oozing through your walls all weekend (plus I really want to meet waffle, I am in love with him!)
If you ever want more friends…I would love to visit Kansas…I just claim waffle as my roommate! ; )

Lynn - i am so in love with this idea. i’ve always considered my blog a huge blessing, its let me connect with people i probably never would have met before. you’ve got my mind spinning now! 🙂

Heather - Thanks for the antique store tip. I’ll have to stop by the next time I go back home as we always drive past Marion.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Great fun! I’d love to do something like this..would be fab!
You have a lovely house btw 🙂

DanaD@BoysMyJoys - That looks like SO much fun… sighhhhh!
And, I’m lovin’ the dark do!
Stay warm!
It’s in the 60’s here in SC today.

Kirsten J - Almost as good as being there. Almost. I’m officially jealous…and need to find some new friends who like crafty stuff, because while lunch and shopping are fun, crafts and antiquing are more my cup of tea 🙂

Esther Noordman - Looking good!! I was wondering, what exactly do you mean by ‘cleaning partner’? (sounds like something/one I could be/use..;).

Jen@thecottagenest - I love that you did this Meg. What a way to express love for your friends! I love what everyone created too. I especially love those hoops and that swirly graphic fabric! Where is that from? I’d love to play with that!

Ruth - Oh my goodness, that looks like SO much fun! Next time please invite me! 🙂

leonieke - wow,…
you’re a verry lucky lady, to have the room to enjoy the company of so many friends! the pictures show that you had lots of fun (o, en excuse me for bad spelling; english is not my language,..i’m dutch)

amy jupin - i love each and every one of these pics.
especially the one of cole’s reflection. genius.
miss you, sweet friend.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - That looks completely awesome and I am now really jealous! You are blessed.

Marie - How awesome! I am going to confess being a little jealous of your fabulous weekend. I have no crafty friends here and a weekend like that sounds like a dream come true. I should just be bold and plan something like that and see what happens. Pretty amazing of you to open up your home like that. 🙂

Kelly - The bunting and big round lights are fantastic and it looks like y’all had a wonderful time. I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s embroidery hoop art together. A bunch of neat ideas! Kelly

Jeanne - It looks so amazing! I am sad that I had to miss it but I hope you invite me again next time:-) I love all the bunting in the “craft room” 🙂

Nicole - HI! I found your blog through Julie’s blog. :0) Okay, I have to ask. I am a Kansas blogger/crafter. What antique shops did you go to? May I ask what town too?!!!
How fun of a weekend. How do you guys know one another? It would be fun to get together like that. :0)Kansas should have a blog meet-up.
Thank you,

Carol S. - Oh my, what a fun bunch and awesome agenda. Your hair is really cute dark. Really clever way to spend a weekend, and yes, your husband (and inlaws) are amazing for their coordinated getaway as well. Very cool for everyone to have their time to party, and you totally deserved yours this weekend after being an amazing wife and mom all year long! Just went on a fun blogland stroll with your links on a snowy night in Chicago. Thanks Meg.

Emily - this looks like quite possible one of the most fabulous weekends ever!

Michelle Holden - Oh my gosh!!! I was looking at your fun weekend pics and I noticed Cindy Wells!!!
I was thinking this was such a great idea!!! And she experienced it 1st hand!!! I love her~ she is my cousins wife:)

mary beth - Oh my gosh, I’ve been in that store! I was tired after the Hillsboro fair, so I was pretty overwhelmed by it, but can’t wait to get back there! What a wonderful idea for a weekend! We are in the middle of a Kansas blizzard right now, but I’m scheming in my mind for some good cabin fever crafting here all by myself! Great job Meg…stay warm with you memories of a great weekend!

shauna reed - what a hostess you are Meg.
that looks lovely.
what a dream come true to have nice clean people take over your house.
other mommies that know how to take care of each other.
that is the best medicine…for anything.
i love your hair and your whole deal….you know that, just thought i’d tell you again.

Red Shoes Rolling Red Shoes Rolling - What a cool retreat! I want to start planning one with my mom and sisters. Love your blog Meg. You inspire me everyday with your ideas, links, humor, love for God and humor. I look forward to reading everyday. Thanks!

Joyce - wow. it’s like a mini-bliss.

deborah@applesinwonderland - looks like a most fun weekend!!!! it’s so super-cool when you can recognize a gift when it’s given. love that!!!!

elisabeth (bovagoods) - that just looks like a dream come true!

Tonya - That looks like so much fun! Where at in Kansas do you live? I am in KCMO.

Sonia - I wish I could have just been there to watch!! I’ve actually made Little Miss Momma’s pom-pom necklace! I love em! I love the whole craft weekend. I wish I had a lot of crafty friends to do one.

sarah - so many blogging celebs in one place…love it. it looks like you all truly enjoyed yourselves, and i am so proud of you for taking time out of your busy schedules to be creative, beautiful women together!

danyele - is it totally wrong to be jealous??? i want a fab girl weekend with crafters…maybe when all the kids are a little bigger. maybe.

Lucylu ~ - Ooh! We too are snowed in we have a MILD blizzard going on outside!
Oh and I wish I could’ve been there!

Beth - what a FABULOUS weekend!! makes me want fabric stores and antique stores and craft stores close to me!! thanks for sharing.

jennie - meg…totally random and not related to craft weekend (which looks fabulous) at all. but my pandora station just played “what is” by anna vandas, which you must listen to if you haven’t. the last verse of the song is, “What is good, what is pure, what is right? What is love, what is truth, what is holy in your sight?” Of course, it made me think of you. 🙂

mel - ahhhh!!!!! So FUN!!!!!!
Look at all those fun crafts you made!!
LOVE those necklaces!!!
Yay for Blog Friends & blog friend weekends!
What a blessing, indeed!
p.s. next time you need to invite someone who can teach you photoshop, since that is on your 35 before 35 list 😉

Kristin Hayne - What an awesome time!! So jealous…. that needs to happen in my life more often…. and was it a pre requisite to have blue eyes? LOL

kasey - I am so sorry i couldn’t make it…
you know…with the snow and all..i was just afraid of driving.
But you know how MUCH i love to craft…so i am really sorry that i wasn’t there to help you all hot glue buttons.
Next time for sure…and i’ll make the drive.
pinky promise.
I’ll even pick Laura up on my way…or maybe she could pick me up.

amber - aw, this is awesome Meg. I would love to do something like that someday. Blogging is great and the inspiration I get from you and other women/moms/crafters is so much fun. I am thankful for you sharing a glimpse into your life with all of us. I am so going to take a day trip to that antique store, I am seriously drooling over it! Thanks for sharing your weekend pictures. I am inspired as always.

Laura Phelps - I’M CRYING
seriously CRYING
but I am a DORK Meg..because I am looking at the pictures, wishing I had made the trip, but thinking at the same time how UNQUALIFIED I would have felt around these talented beautiful women!
I think I would have felt ugly and useless!!! HA
I need to find something I am good at before I walk into a room full of these ladies!
ugh, insecurity sucks
I LOVE the pics
I LOVE that God brought you all together
it looks PERFECT
you are awesome for doing this
God really is speaking through you
still crying…

Jen H. - Looks like a complete and utter blast! So many people have good intentions of meeting up and getting together, but it is great that you and these women actually MADE IT HAPPEN! Good job! 🙂

sue - World Globe.

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - You literally grouped all of my FAVORITE bloggers into one large crafting weekend. How fun?!

sara's art house - LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my dear! I wish I could have come!!!! :):) LOVE the hoop art.

Sixty- Fifth Avenue - oh my goodness, what fun!! your beautiful home was the perfect place to have a retreat. we are getting snowed in as i type under my warm blanket.

Emily Zimmerman - Oh your post is making me tear up!! Seeing the picture of Jess and Julie together!! Oh boy makes me cry!! Makes me cry because of their loss, but tears of joy that they have met each other. Wow! Love all the pics and all the crafts!! So I have an idea…next year when you host your weekend (no pressure 🙂 or anything) what about having a contest where the winner gets to join your big weekend???!!! Or I’m pretty sure you could auction off tickets to the big event and make lots of money! Sign me up!!

Dina - LOOOOOOOOVVVVEEEE this post:-) I wanna do this with my gf’s. And thank you thank you thank you for sharing Marion:-) My bff and I went to Hillsboro in Sept.(craft fair)… we drove and drove and drove looking for barn sales — you had blogged the previous year about them…Marion, right? Can’t wait to take her:-) You’re the best!

Heather - ahhh that looks like an amazing weekend!!! One of my life goals is to have fellowship like that (with great women, great stuff to do, yummy non-diet treats, maybe a little book club action?) at least once a year or so. It has been lacking in my life since college and moving away from home, many years ago. Camaraderie without competition, that’s what I want. Meg, you always inspire me so much! And if I ever get the guts to show the world my blog, maybe that will be the vehicle God uses.

wendy, NJ - Wow! I am so jealous! I love that you were able to host such a wonderful weekend full of friendship and making memories!
Big hugs to you!

Jen - What fun! I am as crafty as a “big rock”. What I want most from you crafting weekend is Kimberlee’s HAIR!! Sigh…………..

Donna - I want to do this so badly!!! I wish I had a big enough house and a MIL that lives close so I could send my kids there.
You gals are awesome! I love all the craft projects. I’m going to have to make on of those necklaces and the embroidery hoop project. Love it all!
Thanks for sharing!!

se7en - I was going to say that photo looks lovely but then that other photo looked lovely too and so on and on… I t all looked so divine!!! The crafting, the outing, the awesome shop, the scrumshish food… the friends … totally love it all…. And if you didn’t buy that globe then I am sailing the se7en seas to come and get it for myself!!! Love it!!!

Becky - I’m not crafty but I love your crafts! They are the kind I would make or buy. I despise so many of the crafts (crap) out there. You have the most fun style, love it!

Amber - SO much fun!!! I would love to be a part of a fun craft weekend like this! It seems like all the friends that God has places in my life lately are from blog land and far away!

Heather - Hey Meg! I totally get hives even thinking about crafting like that! I have no creative abilities at all. None. BUT – next time you host a weekend, give me a buzz. I’m a great cook and I’ll come down and cook and do all the clean up for the ladies, just to be there. 🙂 I’m in Topeka – it’s doable! Ha!

Terrie - Isn’t it great to have a WonDerFul reason to clean your house?! Was wondering why you were so into spring cleaning in January! Thanks for all the Fab ideas!! I just got my sewing machine back yesterday…it’s been in the shop for 3 months! Not sure what I will work on first…ruffled pillows, the bunting I want to make for my craft room…or that quilt laying over the back of my chair since November waiting to be finished! So jealous…(I know one of the sins right…thou shalt not covet) of your women friendships! I’ve only had one dear friend who likes to craft…and having moved from her all the rest, missing that part of my life. You are Blessed Megan! Thanks for sharing with us!

Dawn Eshnaur - My friend and I both have ties to Newton and would LOVE to come to a craft weekend with you! My son dates a girl from Newton and my friend grew up there! We read yours and Ashley Ann’s blog….looks like too much fun! It’s funny….people make fun of us because we call our blogs friends “Our friends from Kansas” 🙂 Enjoy the snow!!!

Renae - Dang! I was in Kansas this weekend (okay, Missouri and some Kansas) and didn’t know this fab party was rockin’! 🙂 Oh well, looks like you girls had a fantastic time!! Meg, i’d love to know where you got your drinking glasses, with the dots on them. LOVE those. Thanks for sharing!!

Megan - You’ve shared so much. Can I ask for more? How about the tiramisu recipe?? Pretty please?

anne c - holy craziness! how fun! I need friends to do this with! what lucky women you all are to have each other and to experience such a great weekend crafting. I probably would have peed my pants to meet you and ashley…in fact I know I would have! thanks for sharing!

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - That is so fantastic! The hoops are PRECIOUS!

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - How do I send my resume for that fun? I can cook, craft, clean..and I know a few really great jokes…so glad you had fun. LOVE that ruffle pillow!

debbie - I love everything about this! The crafts, the camaraderie and the food! I agree…you are indeed blessed!

Michele - Loved this post! How generous of you to open your home and your heart to all of these creative women. Thanks for sharing!

Lisa - This is what I call Utopia. Seriously, I am so inspired. I have dreamed of doing something like this but have thought, “My house is small. Who would want to cram into it for the weekend? On top of people they don’t really know.” What a lame excuse. This is the year. Maybe just a few friends, but I’m making it happen! Thanks so much for sharing! (I love that antique store too. My “girls” and I went Hillsboro weekend and I’ve been dreaming of it since!)

Jodi - I know it’s wrong to be jealous… but I am SO jealous!! I don’t know very many women here w/ the same love of crafting as I have. You are SO very blessed!!! :o)

sara @ it's good to be queen - oh my word, that looks like my idea of a good time. that antique store looks rad. I’m going to have to go there next time we’re in kS. seriously, that was such a great idea to do in the middle of winter. something fun to look forward to. I would love to do something similar. How did you decide who to invite? I think that would be the hardest part for me…not hurting some people’s feelings. also, LOVE the lamps down the middle of the table. so cool.

kat - Oh my gosh!!! So wish I could have been there too! What a super fun weekend!

Janie Fox - Looks like so much fun. I am new to blogging but there are some great hearts out there I have met by reading and now writing.
We are iced in here in central IL. Power was off for a bit but it is back on in time for me to read some fav blogs! 🙂

Beth @ odd girl out... - looks like you girls had a GREAT time! i miss KS so much, especially after a post like this, i went to school in lawrence!

mandy madison - Looks like a fabulous time had by all! Now you got me in the crafting mood 🙂 thanks for sharing!!

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Looks like such a fun weekend!

Jill - So that’s why you were cleaning like a maniac last week! 🙂
Looks like soooo much fun! (the crafting that is, not the cleaning!)

Trish - FUN!

sarah - Looks like lots of fun 🙂

colleen - Okay, so which one of those girls is from Alabama? I live in Alabama and don’t know many other girls who are as obsessed with crafting as i tend to be! Have toyed with starting a blog and would love to know of another alabama girl i could learn from! Looks like you girls had your souls nourished! Something that for me usually comes from time with other likeminded women! Glad it was so much fun! Well worth all that cleaning!

Shayne - You have an amazing, dedicated husband! So sweet of him to take the kids, esp. when they weren’t feeling well. Hope they’re better now.
Glad you were able to create fun girl time for yourself. Girl time is special. 🙂

Ariel - How come Julie gets the amazing hair AND insanely long eyelashes??? Looks like so much fun…I need to make one of those necklaces, fast!

Kori - I wanna come play in Kansas too!! 🙂
My husband wanted me to keep lights up after Christmas and I didn’t have any ideas that didn’t resemble a frat house…lights on the walls, etc., but I am in total LOVE with the way you strung those big daddy globe lights above your table! Like dining al fresco but not. I think I’m gonna do that.
And add me to the list of chicks who have sewing machines who have never taken them out of the box and/or tried to thread them. I did take mine out of the box only to be scared by it and put it back. 🙁 I need to get over that ‘cuz I need some bright colors here in the cold of Spokane and don’t want to have to go hunting for the perfect thing when I *think* I can make it. Maybe.
Glad you had such a great time and hope Craig is better….

Suzy - I love the flowers. Does Julie offer a tutorial on how to make the pretty messy flower or does she just make them to sell? Thanks! Looks like it was a blast- good idea!!

tammy hebert - Looks like you had a great time. And all that crafting- I am jealous. Thanks for sharing..

Penny - Thank you so much for sharing photos of your time together. I am having a bunch of friends over to craft. Just for the day. But I love your ideas. I will borrow some and my friends will be impressed! Thanks. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. And they got to love on Waffle, lucky them!

rhonda - Just seeing all yall have fun together is GREAT! (I love it when women are shown as loving and supporting and real!!) So glad yall did this! - This looks like SO MUCH FUN. and thanks for the pictures. I have GOT to add pics to my blog. The crafting is WAY over my head.

Kari - Sounds like an amazing, fun time! I wish I had a bunch of fun gals to teach me to use a sewing machine. I’m ashamed to admit I bought a new machine about 4 years ago and have never taken it out of the box. I’m a chicken, LOL! Love your projects, especially the hoops. So cute!

Rachel - What amazing FUN! I have to admit, I’m a bit jealous. I’d love to host a gathering like that. I love that you just jumped in and made it happen. You’ve got me thinking…a dangerous thing indeed haha.

pam - How fun! My parents gave our 21 year old her great grandmother’s 1949 Singer….it has attachments that do things I’ve never heard of….I am VERY JEALOUS. It has a ruffler…..that you would be in awe of….does all the work and REALLY FAST.

Kristin - How awesome! It looks like you had a blast with an amazing bunch of women. 🙂

Susan - I wanna be one of your friends that you invite over! Seriously…I think if I knew you, you could make me a better Mom and person! It looks like you had so much fun! So, if you are looking to do another weekend and need a lonely mom of 6 kids 8 and under and would like to give her a reason to get away for a weekend, COUNT ME IN! I would be in my minivan so fast! You are truly blessed to have a great “family” of friends to surround you!

Courtney Walsh - Looks like a ton of fun, Meg! I am seriously thinking about doing something like this…too many people online that I’d love to meet and no guarantee that’ll ever happen!! Gotta take matters into your own hands sometimes! 🙂
I really want to learn to embroider…I am clueless, but I always love the way it looks!

amber - SO fun. Thanks for sharing, especially all the crafty fun. I’m loving the ruffle pillow too…

Heather R. - Thanks for the heads up on the shopping in Kansas. We’re in the blizzard fun, too. I don’t think the kids have gone to school in like forever. I bet you guys had a great time. Love all the crafts!!! 🙂

Peggy in TN - How much fun. New friends, old friends, far away friends. Blogging makes this big world so much smaller. Nice to see.

Courtney - looks like you all had an awesome time!
i am so going to that antique shop sometime it looks awesome! its only a 3 hour drive, i am sure i can convince my husband :)!

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