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Monthly Archives: February 2011

just a short 5 hour nap….

was all i needed to recoup from the awesomeness that was this weekend.

how can i describe the GoPro?
i have been trying to think of ways to sum it up.

when i got to talk out loud to craig about it last night i almost cried….because my heart is full.

for me….it was the absolute perfect environment to learn.
i never have done well in a classroom setting.
i have a very short attention span when put in a setting that is restricting.
so learning like this about something i love was dreamy.
it seemed out of body.
i didn't think that this kind of learning was an option for me…..and that is what made me teary.


having freedom to walk around, talk, interact and say "wait go back…i missed that."





this is a photo that i like to call "PAY BACK".
crystal b walked in friday morning and i was shocked!
it was such a SUPER surprise for my email friend to walk in the door!  
blogland rules!

the entire oceanside of the beach house was floor to ceiling windows.
some people get to live like that everyday??


everything was high end…very fancy….ooh la la.
check out the creepy 7 foot portly chef statue in the background…..
i did double takes ALL the time thinking someone was standing there.
so weird.
he was a source of entertainment for everyone.

this is the view sitting at the kitchen table.
come on!!!!

"did you see that sky today? TALK about blue." (name that movie)

we had a family shoot to watch and learn.
and then take our own shots.
these are a couple of mine but i didn't edit much like we were taught because i need lots more practice.




the kids were troopers!

then we practiced on each other.
(i am missing two people in the group….sorry girls)
IMG_9537-1 IMG_9667-35

IMG_9556-8 IMG_9570-14

IMG_9547-4 IMG_9552-6
cam was the token dude.
he was good at tolerating the ladies…very fun to be around.  HI CAM!!

and tyler is hillarious.
i laughed more this weekend than i have in quite awhile (except for when i was in da club in my cardi)
"being tall is pretty much the most amazing thing you can be"

we had a time learning how to shoot in studio light.



then we had a bridal shoot on THE bridge.
if you know wendy and tyler's work then you know the bridge.  :)


kansas doesn't have views like this in too many places….or anywhere.
today is wendy's birthday!
happy birthday to the coolest red head i know. 


every minute was good.
i learned SO MUCH.

i have so many things to remember and review.
i left with a really happy heart and completely encouraged to continue to find MY purpose in photography.
to make my business be what i want it to be.
to be awesome like wendy and tyler.

but that is not possible.

they are out my league in that department.

do you realize they are leaving for the next 9 months to travel & photograph and teach all over the world?! 
as a family.

they rock.
in every way.

thanks for THE BEST weekend wendy and tyler.
i had really high expectations and you far exceeded them.
i am full and overflowing with joy. 

********************************************************************** - It’s in your interests to create a customer journey from landing to conversion that’s as streamlined.

Wendi Garland - Hi – I looooove your blog. I live here in San Diego so hearing about the Gopro workshop (and that it was right here!) was so neat. I need to go out an find ‘the bridge’ – it looks like a fun spot. Many thanks for your awesome blog.

Debbie - Grrr. I hit post too soon, sorry!
I also wanted to say your photography from the workshop is amazing! I hope we can swap some shots…

Debbie - Again, thank you so much Meg for introducing me to Blue Lily. They were amazing and much better than I could have ever dreamed.
What a joy to meet and visit with you IRL!
I’m getting rest as needed. 🙂
I spent the afternoon with Dana yesterday and continued the party with her. We had a blast!

Trina McNeilly - So happy for you. Looks like it was beyond amazing. Love Wendy and fun to meet them at ALT. And yes, what a dream to travel with you’re fam and take amazing photos!
xo Trina

Tracy Fisher - My favorite part was… “My heart was full”. Lucky girl. Lucky girl. That might be the best description ever.
Tracy Fisher

amy jupin - lots of things i want to tell you, so much happiness for you, so proud of you, so excited for you, but the right words just aren’t coming to me…i guess mostly i want you to know that i feel so happy that you are rediscovering YOU.
that you are getting the chance to do things that you sacrificed before, that you are slowly and most surely becoming who you want to be, discovering that fire in you, and going for it!
there is so much in you meg, so much.
and when i read this post, and see you so insanely happy, i get choked up too.
it’s insane, i know.
it sounds so creepy, i know. i’m sorry.
you look happy and content and comfortable being you and…beautiful too!
the hair! and the little bits of long bangs!
ok, ok…like i said, the right words are missing. but i bet you know exactly what i mean, don’t you, friend? 🙂

Kristin S - So glad you enjoyed your time!

Kellie S. - LOVE your haircut
so happy for you and envious of your creative life!

jennifer - It sounds (and looks!) like you had such an amazing time. Yeah! And I super, duper love your hair. It looks so good on you!

Heather - I’m so happy for you, Meg!!! So amazing.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - What a great time you had!! The pictures are lovely. It must of been a very inspirational location : )
Gemma x

Rach - Alright… now I want to go! 🙂

Danyelle - What a wonderful, happy experience! I can relate to your overwhelming feelings, that always happens to me too. 🙂
Oh, and hooray for meeting Crystal B. She one of my favorite people. So kind + genuine.

danielle - YOUR HAIR! oh my goodness it is fabulous.
“in da club in my cardi”

Anne Marie - first time here I “think”…..and this ‘go pro’ sounds like it was a very enhancing experience! I would love to go to something like that –

Tiffany - how cure is ur haircut! thanks for sharing ur experience, it’s fun to read your words and to share in the excitement. i’m not a weirdo. promise.

Amanda Evans - OK, so I may have cried a little seeing one of the pics you took of Ken and I. I love it. LOVE it. Thanks so much, if you could email it to me I would really appreciate it.
Amanda 🙂

Ha ha… quite awesome indeed. It was an incredible pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet “the one and only” Megan rockstar blogger mom photographer (any titles I’ve missed? lemme know…)
Hey, I’ve got some kick butt photos to send you… of you.
I consider myself blessed to have spent time with and learned from you and the group last weekend.
Check yer emails.
All the best,

AshleyAnn - Wahoo….I’ve been waiting for this post. I am a bit distracted by your awesome haircut! I can’t wait to see where all this leads for you…good times.

Jaala Allen - Thanks for the Emperor’s New Groove reference. One of my all time fav movies. Thanks for sharing these! How fun! What part of CA were you in??

Rebecca - You hair looks AWESOME, very good cut for you! keep up the great blog!

lisa - emperor’s new groove is THE best most quotable movie in our house. and it’s not because of our 11 month old … i have loved that movie for YEARS!
beautiful pics … awesome trip! luckeeeeeee!!

Katy Frame - Great pictures, as always. Glad to see that you’re back safely and that you had a blast. 🙂
I found a couple of things out in blogland today that reminded me of you..

Lindsay - What a fun adventure! And as a side note, love your new haircut!!!

Sugar Mama - Meg,
My heart is full FOR you. I was overwhelmed with emotion reading this, especially when you wrote that you felt you had found your true purpose. That tells me that we can ALL have that… we just might have to put ourselves out there.
What an incredible experience for you. Thank you for sharing it with all of us and reminding people like me that we CAN feel full from the things we love in life.

Elizabeth - Okay – this has absolutely not one little thing to do with photography (sorry!) but i am dying to know just where you got that shirt you’re wearing in the last pictures?!? the cream colored one you’re wearing over the green?!? I am in LOVE!!! It looks so beautiful on you!!! please do share…

CathyC - Meg, you look So Happy!! I’m glad you had a wonderful time. And your hair Rocks!!! 🙂 - Thanks to your first blog post about this I found their site and asked if they could come to Paris and they said YES!!! We are getting our family photos with them and I’m beyond excited!

Jen - Firstly, I love your hair do. It’s my favorite do on you of those you’ve had since I started reading your blog! It’s always nice, but this one is especially so and the color suits you so well.
I am so pleased to hear that you had a great time! How wonderful it looks.
I am still going on and on about having family snaps by Wendy & Tyler down here in Melbourne, Aus in a little over a month. When you do your world tour, I’ll book in too 🙂

Rachel - GAH! That sounds like an AMAZING experience!!!
And I am kinda laughing at myself for trying to figure out what those flying saucers were in the first ocean picture! hee hee!

Courtney - I’ve already noticed an improvement in your work and I mean that in the absolute nicest way! I hope that’s read as a compliment 🙂

Heather - I love that you had that opportunity. What a beautiful setting! I already think that your photos are absolutely top notch. But being better is always so fun! I can’t wait.

Rebekah - I’ve been reading your blog for awhile… maybe commented once. Then a few days ago I read your story about getting married young, five babies in ten years, etc. Now to read about your new experiences in figuring out your style (love the MJ clothes, too), a passion in photography, having the opportunity to learn/travel…. I am so happy for you! You’ve found your “sweet spot” as Max Lucado would say. 🙂 Congrats and blessings.

karen - So great Meg!! FYI..your shots are great!
Love that red neckalace. You look super in dark hair..go black!!

Janet - Yay! I am so happy for you that you got to go, enjoyed it, learned some things and had fun!

Kris - Wow….what a wonderful opportunity! I hopped over from my friend Holly’s blog, and found myself going back, and back and back to read as much of your blog as I could. On the photography, I love it too, and so does my daughter. In fact, she got way into it, and has taken a few online classes, and is now doing some photo sessions for friends. She would have loved to do this workshop. We are near San Diego too!!!
I love your blog. So fun. I will be back.

the.mrs - So fun!! And Wendy’s bag!! You could do a giveaway of that bag with this entry as the only entry and I would not be angry!! 😉

amanda - Such great pictures! And the sky .. wow, it is really blue!

Heather - Glad you had a great time, but I am posting because I can’t get over how good this haircut is on you! 🙂

Laura Phelps - you under estimate your talent my dear friend
you are in a league of your own
this is beyond fabulous

melissa stover - i think that’s incredible. i’d love to be able to do something like that.

Kacey - Sooo thrilled for you, Meg! I know it was absolutely fabulous. We just loved Wendy when she did our family photos – I bet she is an amazing teacher.
Thanks for letting us live vicariously through you. Some day I will go to a GoPro workshop!

crystalbeutler - I am laughing my head off at “pay back” I look INSANE!! Sadly, I think I look like that most of the time. 🙂
My favorite comment all weekend was “I have news for you, he already knows he’s short! No surprise there!” So funny.
It was super awesome spending the weekend with you!! Hope we can do it again sometime. Like at some cool craft retreat . . . hummmm still trying to figure out how we can make that one happen.

Cari - The beach. Sigh….
So glad you had a wonderful time. Your joy is spilling over.

Shayne - So glad you had a wonderful time!
Love your new cut, btw.

mel - So fun!!!! What an amazing opportunity!
I would LOVE to do something like that one day!
So happy for you & can’t wait to see even more awesome photos from you! 🙂

Kimberlee J. - Do you know how happy I am for you?! I love it that you got to go there. I love it that you learned the way you need to learn. I love it that the people you lived with for the weekend weren’t Sleeping with the Enemy Weird AND I love it that I will get to see you put it into practice here. Shine on.

Kelly - Love, love your hair, Meg. Such a fun weekend. So glad you got to go. Kelly

Cory - Oh my goodness! This looks stinkin’ amazing!
P.S. It’s super awesome that you added a link to Libby’s story under your happy things!

Carolyn Dewey - Looks like a really fun time. I am SOOOO homesick for California. LOVED your photos of the BLUE sky and ocean and I’m stuck here in Kansas! Kansas has its moments, but there’s NO place like Southern California!

Renae - Hey Meg, looks like a fantastic time was had by all! I wanted to share a site of a photog friend of mine whom I think is amazing and does beautiful and amazing work. She works out of Fremont, Nebraska so we have a lot of the same types of settings (though nothing like the bridge) that you probably have in Kansas! I thought you might get some inspiration from her!!

happygirl - Either every person you photographed is GORGEOUS or, YOU REALLY ARE TAKING AMAZING PICTURES!! I wish I could look as great as the folks in the pics you took. I LOVE IT.

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - What an amaaaazing experience!
I am so happy for you!
I’m so jealous you got to meet Trish! One of my favorite bloggy friends.
And now, after seeing your photos I am totally geared up for my trip home in two weeks!!! (I’m making Cindy’s yummy quiche one of the mornings.)
Now, please teach us everything you learned 🙂

Lena K. - hey, you were 4 miles from my house! You passed my house off the 76 to get to the old bridge! Glad the rain wasn’t too crazy.

Sara - I am so proud of you for going, and by the way, LOVE the haircut. Its SOOOO cute. Sassy even. Heh heh.

Maria - Looks like such a Fun weekend! I love your new do! So cute!

Tricia - Your trip sounds amazing! I’m glad that you were able to have that experience. Love your new hair cut!

Karen Gerstenberger - I’m rejoicing with you – at God’s goodness and love for each of us, exactly as He made us. This is another proof of that, to me. Thanks for sharing the joy with us!

Hoosier at Heart - What an amazing opportunity for you. I’m so happy for you that you were able to go, learn and enjoy yourself so much. Keep sharing with us and don’t forget about us little people when you’re all famous and everything.

Mary - haha, I laughed out loud when I read “in da club in my cardi”. Only because that’s me…and I’m only 21.
I’m so happy you had a wonderful time, Meg! I love your blog!

Holly Cox - I’ve got a question…SOMEONE ANSWER because it’s driving me nuts….
Is the girl in this pic : (long dark hair in the middle)
one of the girls from the Eighteen25 Blog, in this pic:
(long dark hair in the middle)
If not, they could so be twins! - First of all you are totally rockin’ that new haircut. So glad that your expectations were over and above what you had hoped. Go Meg!

shauna reed - um.
i want to steal that necklace in those last photos.
if i was there i might just rip it right off.
SO glad you had a good time meg!

kat - Lucky, lucky, LUCKY girl!!! That sounds amazing on every possible level!

Shannon - I was in San Diego last week! It is a fantastic place! So beautiful. The fact that people get to live like that everyday makes me so envious! I was actually kinda depressed when I got back. Glad you got a chance to enjoy the beauty. To bad it was cold….brrr!

georgia - Sounds like a supeR cOol weekend!
I see they are in london, if only I was wedding saving I wud be there in a blink of an eye!

Trish - lovely 🙂 i’m going to pull out my photos tonight and see what i have too. my brain hurts. 🙂

Ryanne - wow, i was kind of jealous when you first posted about your go pro weekend. but now i am so happy for you. congratulations and keep up the good work. and thanks for the 411 on the tummy trimming leggings. totally trying them.

Courtney Walsh - so so awesome.
i mean, learning new things in a creatively conducive environment is so inspiring!! so so fun. 🙂

Holly - very cool! Looks like you had an awesome time!

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my current fave…

since i have had plenty of airport time…..
i have decided this is my favorite song on my kings of leon playlist.
i love the beginning.
i wish i was a rock star.


or that i could play a guitar like that.

but that would be ridiuclous.

gotta board my plane now.


Danielzim - I can’t wait till than I have a few people I want to intive so if there is limited space please let me know and is there going to be a cost or do we need to bring something with us?

Annika - I LOVE that song! Got the whole album for Christmas last year! - I am so in love with Kings of Leon…my daughter took me to their concert when I didn’t even really know who they were. Now I’m hooked and they totally rock!

Rachel J - I love them too! Just recently starting hearing things from them. I bet you like them because they sound like U2 🙂

Carla - Silly copyright laws won’t let me watch it. Am taking my business to youtube 🙂 Hope you had a nice welcome home 🙂

Toni :O) - Very cool song and LOVE this group! The lead singer’s voice is just awesome!!! Oh, and Girl…YOU ARE A ROCKSTAR…when it comes to being a Mom and a crafty gal!

deborah@applesinwonderland - i love when i hear the influence of others in music. this is a rocking song, but it is 6:18 am here and the rest of the fam is asleep. so i’m playing it itty-bitty. it’s not the same. rock stars need volume. and cool guitars. my husband is a rock star around here. i’m a lucky girl.

Debbie Smallie - Love the song. Have a safe trip. Hope you arrive home to an even cleaner house, ALL laundry done and put away, fridge and pantry stocked…is that too much to ask?!!

Shelby - I am a little sad to say I have this song but have never listened too… i actually only just realized I have all their CD’s. sometimes idk wk where i get all my music.
totally have to start listening

danielle - love me some kings of leon

Rebecca - Love, love, love this song! Saw them twice in concert. They’re the definition of rock n’ roll.

Nicole - I am so in love with Kings of Leon, no matter how old you are it’s okay to love art…lol. My hubby and I took the kids to see Justin Beiber’s new movie, it was actually really interesting and being with our children made it ok. LOL

happygirl - <3 Kings of Leon. I'm not allowed to say, though...'cause I'm old.

Shauna Howington - Good choice! The entire new album is great!

Tonya - they also remind me of needtobreathe…love them!

Hoosier at Heart - Have a safe flight! If you visit my post today you may just see something familiar. Please forgive me. Love you!

Andrea R. - The guitar at the beginning reminds me of U2 ~ I bet that may be one reason you like it so much. 🙂

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i am HERE.

and it's awesome.

sooooo AWESOME.

i have learned so much.  
and it's only day one!

it's great.
today halfway through i thought "man….i wish all my blog readers could be learning these things!!"

so in love with the set up and the style of learning.
it's like a dream course.
just perfect for my brain….perfection.

i traveled all day yesterday.
two planes and i got a rental car all on my own….alone.
i drove it with three other ladies who also flew in for goPro with the gps and it was not graceful.
BUT i did it.
it doesn't sound like a big deal….but it was. 

first time ever for this mama to be out on her own.

i wore these with a skirt.
IMG_9398 IMG_9399

they are called sweet nothings tummy toner leggings and i got them at walmart.
and yes i wear an XL.
it's ok…i'm curvy….i am ok with that.
but these are these softest most fabulous piece of shape wear i have ever owned.
crazy soft.
no weird tightness……nothing uncomfortable at all.
i want to wear them everyday for the rest of my life.
this is not a paid advertisement.
i promise.
they rock.
order them for yourself….you will be so happy.  
for $12 how could you NOT order them?!

this is my room at the beach house.  
pay no attention to the sump pump alarm….it's fine….look at the window!
that is the ocean in the window.
the chairs are on sand.
can you believe this???

i am amazed.

and i got a haircut before i left kansas.
and i love matilda jane clothing for women.…a lot. 
i feel like i finally found MY style.

it only took 35 years….

time for bed for me……it's 1:43 AM in kansas.
much much more learning to do tomorrow.

i have smiled today more than i have in quite awhile.
and i have unlocked a little part of me that i didn't know was missing.

{happy sigh}

Zansma - Cute hair! I ran to Walmart twice this week and no sweet nothings at my store. I will have to drive to next town’s Walmart.

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt - hahaha! Someone commented on MJ’s FB page about meeting you wearing MJ and I’d been to your blog before so it just tickled me – had to come see. 🙂 LOL. (I think it’s a clothing cult, yes?)

katie p - love your hair! the color and cut is awesome on you!

Kirsten J - Oh bliss! And you are brave – while there is so much I’ve done, and traveled here and there…I’ve never gone like that all on my own – cute hair, btw!!!

The BabbyMama - Oh man, I so want some of those leggings now!

Tiffany - You hair looks young and hip! and also mom appropriate.

Andrea T - your happiness is contagious! I will start my day with a huge smile! i really needed that post ps loooove the haircut;)

jennyonthespot - CUTE. Hair. Sounds like your time away was deelightful… can’t wait to learn from what you learned! 🙂

Sheryl M - LOve the hair.
I also bought the leggings today!;)

evelyse - i love the haircut! and also, i love coming to your blog..always fun, funny, interesting…and i will check out those tights…or whatever they’re called 🙂

Andrea - Must you look fabulous in every cut? And that clothing line… wow.

karen - you tease!
so happy your enjoying yourself!!

danielle - um.. i love this post. i love your words! you’re so beautiful, enjoy your time – i am SO jealous. get to that ocean and get me me some of those leggings!

Deb Meyers - oh meg, have a great time!
And…Walmart Sweet Nothing control tank tops beat Spanx. Stayed put better, didn’t jump up in a roll around the rib cage. Just about $12 too.
deb meyers

rachel / - love the leggings – will be getting some PRONTO, in every color they carry. thanks for introducing! and your cardigan! i had NO idea matilda jane had a line for ladies!!! the cardigan you got & the navy one with the ruffle [i just saw on their site] … are perfection. glad you had fun. glad you got to see the beach. 😀 yay for you.

Lindsey - I’ve been wearing those leggings for almost a year now, I have them in every color!! Best leggings ever – I tell everyone about them! They sell them at Target as well. 🙂

kim sisto robinson - Very hip hair-cut…wish i could try something new! xx

Kat - You have THE most amazing eyes!! Gorgeous.
I too would love to see more of your haircut, looks great.
You sound very happy and proud of yourself. Go Megan!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Ok so first off…love your hair. Secondly, althought Ive gotten a few girls’ dresses(off Ebay, 2nd hand) Ive never purchased anything for myself from MJane. Can you tell us how their sizing runs? Id LOVE to get a couple pieces for my birthday but hate ordering online when I have no clue what the sizing is like.
Actually, I just remembered they only do trunk shows right? Do you know someone who does them? HELP!

Debbie - Oh Meg, I’m still smiling (can’t stop)
Love your hair!
Love that Dress, it’s you!
Love that pair of leggings, I want them too!
Love that killer room with a view!
Love that you introduced Wendy and Tyler to me!
Love that this workshop has me smiling too!
Love that I had the privilege of meeting you!
I’m just feeling lots of LOVE and I have you to thank for it…Thank you Meg, from the bottom of my heart, thank you!

steph - waaaaaaaaaaaah!!! why can’t i be a budding photog to come to the gopro?!?!
i hope you’re having tons of fun!
you look gorg, as usual. and what?! i had no idea matilda jane sold adult clothes? i came across them one time a while ago (prolly from a mormon blog) with their kiddies clothes. their adult stuff is super duper fun!!! i love that skirt that they paired with the sweater you’re wearing (ooops… i wrote swearing instead of wearing and backspaced TWO times!!!! ha ha! although maybe you are swearing while wearing that sweater?!?).
can’t wait to hear all about your w/e… and see all of wendy and tyler’s pics too!!! eeek!

Lynette - so glad you re enjoying, i love the hair!!!

Heather - love all of this times a million!!!

Chris - Love your hair!! Have fun! Can’t wait to hear about your weekend!!

Kori - it makes me soooo happy to know that you’re enjoying yourself so much. it’s always so awesome to do something for yourself and realize it’s long overdue..and i know what you mean about renting a car, etc. being a big deal. it would be for me too.
k. i’m off to check out the leggings and the other link…i forgot it’s name already. durr.
HAVE A BLAST!!!!!! 😀

christi - i am so glad you are in socal meg! i know the rain is coming and going, sorry i did a little dance hoping you’d get the incredible weather we had in january. anyhow … if you have time, stop into a world market (cost plus world market, do ya’ll have them?), the have a HUGE rainbow selection of all things. candles. tea lights. mugs. plates. measuring spoons. i walked through the store the other day and thought about you! thanks for the constant inspiration and honesty! enjoy the beach!

Lina - Gorgeous!! have the same leggings, delish, not sure how you wear them with a skirt….send pics please…. can you email me your address?? have to send you some beautiful things my cousins in colombia sent…. Mind you they think I am the same size of Lauren, hence the gift will be for her not for you or I…..skinny witches in colombia…Yes, I have not been 110 pounds since middle school…. great…Anyways, I hope you are having a wonderful time and can tell us all about it soon. I am sure you are missing your children dearly but I am also sure they miss you and all you do for ALL of them, plus you always need YOU time!!!! enjoy…

Heidi - I thought about you today when it was POURING rain and just now it started hailing. I wish the weather would have cooperated! 🙂 I can picture the driving/GPS thing- I live here and driving anywhere near the airport freaks me out! 🙂
So glad to hear you’re having a fabulous time! That room looks amazing! And I love the haircut!!!!!

Gemma - Glad your enjoying yourself!
Gemma x

Kristin S - So glad you are having fun!
I wish I knew your voice because I just love this post and would love to hear you speak it. Yes, I’m weird.
And while I’m a medium in everything else I choose XL for leggings! Who cares?!?!? I just might have to go check those out with your endorsement.

candace - cute hair. i hope you did a happy dance ~ in your cardigan 🙂

sue - Go say Hi to my sister-in-law.She lives there. have fun !!!!!

Aimee - You sound SO happy! Have a great time. 🙂

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - YAY! I am so happy for you!! Smile on, friend!

sara's art house - I checked out those clothes- super cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love your shirt. Their ruffle pants are adorable!

kat - Meg, you are so adorable! Love the new cut and color and the outfit too. Sounds like a fabulous workshop. Would love to be there!

Routhie - I should be cleaning and cooking–dinner party in 2 hours, but I have to say you look stunning. The darker hair suits. 🙂

jayne Barbour - This post made my day-that you are having such a great time! I recently started reading your blog and have enjoyed it so much. You’re real! And I’m LOVING your new hair cute and your cardigan! LOVING IT! Have fun!:)

Jenny B. - YEA! I’m so happy for you!!! 🙂 Oh, and I would be wearing the XL too. AND I would be very proud of myself for riding two planes and getting a rental car by myself… this 35yo has never done either of those things either! ENJOY YOURSELF! 🙂

Terrie - Love that you are THAT close to the ocean!! I miss it! Over-the-moon happy for you!

amy - Love the hair cut, and I am definitely going to go check out my Walmart for those leggings. I bought a pair of the Danskin ones there and they are so tight around my tummy I can’t stand to wear them!

Maria - Sounds like you are having so much fun…love that beach view…can’t wait to hear more!

Shauna - Teach us everything you learn..ha ha. Your haircut is cute and I LOVE the clothes on that website. I think I need a few skirts…

Jennifer - Your hair looks fabu! And I love that you don’t care about your XL leggings. You are the shiznet Meg.
I hope you have a wonderful rest of the trip.

jes - k…..your hair looks soooo cute.
i need tummy toners NOW.
your room at the beach house looks FAB.
matilda jane clothing??? um hello! cutest ever! and i had never heard of them! where have i been? not paying attention, apparently…
enjoy your time away. :))

shauna reed - you are the cutest ever.
just meg.
your own big girl self.
non of the loud crowd always surrounding you (i know you love them, buuuut…..)
this is so amazing for you friend.

Nicole Q. - LOVE the hair – you look fabulous!! Have a blast!!

Cathy - Very happy for you! So glad it’s everything you dreamed of and more! Show more hair… AND…. your eyes look spectacular in that pic. HAVE FUN!

Tammy - Enjoy every moment!!

Von - Gorgeous hair AND makeup! I’m just getting to know you through your blog and feel very excited that you have this chance to flex your artistic muscle. Look forward to the results!

annalea - how exciting! your hair looks amazing, that sweater is uber cute and it is such a cool thing to be doing it all by yourself. (and thanks for the tip on the leggings!)

Heather - your hair is so cute!! so happy that you are finding out new things about yourself. you are lovely!

Jacci - You’re so great. Really.
And, I’d like to say that I really, really love your hair BROWN 🙂 You always look super cute, but my favorite look is your natural hair color. And the new cut is both stylish and flirty. I bet Craig likes it 🙂
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!

Toni :O) - You look fab, haircut is awesome and I love how real you are…there’s a reason why I keep coming back to your blog, it makes me truly so darn happy!!! Have a wonderful time out there and savor every moment, you certainly deserve it chicka!!! God bless!

Leigh - I love your haircut!

Krista - What a happy post, I SO enjoyed reading it, can’t wait to hear more about your adventure! Your haircut looks great!

Geli - Looks like, you’re somewhere on Mission Beach. So sorry that it’s raining today, but the sun should be out tomorrow.

Leah - I’m so excited for you and I can’t wait to see all the photos and things you’ve learned. Too bad it’s stormy and rainy today in San Diego. And oh yeah, I’m an XL too and proud!

Robyn Farmer - This makes me so happy for you. Enjoy it and soak up all that info and then share what you learned with us. We love you!

debbie - Way to go!!! Driving in a different city is SCARY! Enjoy the ocean and beach, and your class sounds so awesome. And if you wear an XL, I must wear an XXXXXXXXL. 🙂

stacie - You look great and sound great! I love that. I also just love how very, very real you are. I wish I was with you!!

Cory - Ok those leggings look awesome! Glad that you’re having a wonderful trip!

Lisa - Go Meg!!! Enjoy and soak in every minute! 🙂 Safe travels!

Shayne - So happy for you. Love the line about how long it took you to find a style that felt like you. I’m still on that journey. 🙂
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

Jenny Joy - I’m going to live vicariously through you while you’re there. Mkay?
You sound so happy! Go you! 🙂
And I can’t wait to see more of the hair! Crazy cute from what I can tell!

Suzanne - Your hair looks great! I live in San Diego & feel so bad that it’s raining. I’m sure that you’ll still have an amazing time, though.

Kimberly - Traveling alone is so liberating.

Lisa - Have a great time. Looking forward to hearing about your trip.

Anne @ Baking Me - How fun! Enjoy your trip! Love the hair and the Matilda Jane Clothing and the leggings! Cute! Cute! Cute!

Jennifer - LOVE the hair!!!!
I’m going to Walmart to look for those leggings!

Andrea - Your hair looks awesome! Makes you look even younger. You sound soooo happy and it makes me happy to think another mom has “found her happiness”. Can’t wait to find mine! I’ll just keep praying I know He has a purpose for me.
Keep us posted on the rest of the week! So jealous of the BEACH!


Danielle - It looks AMAZING!
On the Matilda Jane deal, PLEASE become a trunk keeper then I can shop for my little girl!!
I can’t wait to see the mad skills you are learning come to life on your blog!

Laura Phelps - YOU ARE SO BRAVE!
I am HAPPY for you!
discovering a new piece of ourselves is THE BEST

Stephanie - I am so excited for you to be there… you look and sound so happy. Can’t wait for you to share about the rest of your trip. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!
Gotta get those leggings:)

jodi @ back40life - Yea! – love the new do!

Danielle H. - LOVE your hair! Let’s see the back of it!!! Thanks for sharing your favs! Have fun!

Amber - soooooo wish i was at gopro too!!!! might have to start saving for that…or a new lens. 🙂 LOVE the hair, and can’t.wait. to get those leggings!
ps hair is fab

Michelle - GO MEG!! Sounds like you’re off to a fabulous start, I hope you’re weekend only gets better and better!

Myriah Mae - So happy for you that you are having such a great time!! I LOVE your haircut, it looks AMAZING! And I’m thinking I’m gonna have to order those leggings (I’m an XL too, LOL I think us curvy girls are way hotter anyways, LOL). Thanks for taking the time to post while you are on your AWESOME adventure.

Rachel J - Hey Meg!
So glad you are enjoying yourself! Sounds like Meg got her groove back?! 🙂
Love the hair! Have a great time!

kristiina - I am so excited for you!!
(and not that you asked, but am loving your hair sans highlights–you look so much more striking!)
can’t wait to hear more about your adventure…

Angel/TaDa!Creations - Your hair is gorgeous! Have fun on your trip and learn lots. Hope the weather is great for you too.

RLG - I get it. All of it.
I’m so happy for you, Meg.
Enjoy the adult time. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Sarah - So glad you are having fun!

Renae - So happy you’re having a great time! Nothing beats the coast in the winter, especially when we’re newly covered in snow here (I assume KS is too anyway). Love the post about the leggings and your admission of XL. It’s nice to know that someone out there embraces her curves…I hate mine. LOVE the new haircut!
Blessings to you!

Ann R. - This is crazy leaving 3 comments in three minutes but I just realized something. Seeing your header on the way out of your site I wanted to let you know before I forgot that in the Winter edition of Cloth Paper Scissors, I saw a great idea for your bolts of fabric and sew (ha!) easy too. She just had 3 plain white shelves perfectly measured one after another on the wall to perfectly fit her bolts of fabric. You probably already have a totally cool way of keeping those, but if not thought I’d pass along!

Carrie - You just made me cry a little. To read about what you are discovering about yourself is amazing. I am so happy for you that you were able to be a part of this.
You hair is awesome!
I think I need a Matilda Jane Shopping spree!

Ann R. - Just reread my comment and of course that was supposed to be SAHM, not SAWM! And yes kudos on doing all that stuff on your own – I can totally relate – this is for YOU so relax, enjoy and let your creative juice go!

Kimberlee J. - You sound happy. And you look stunning!

Ann R. - Am so happy for you! That does sound like a SAWM’s dream come true. You look super cute and YES we want to see lots of pics of your fab weekend and more pic of your new do! That room looks like its the best. Have fun – already looked into the leggings and a skirt by MJ.
Take care and keep us VERY updated!

Jen@thecottagenest - You put on your big girl panties and did it! I’m so excited for you. I totally get what a big deal all of that was. You look fab. Love that you claim your curves. I hope you have the happiest of weekends. It sounds like you are well on your way.

happygirl - Looking out at the ocean from your bedroom window. Perfect! Have a GREAT time. I love San Diego. Learn everything and share with us. That would be such a gift. and eat some REAL tacos. You’ll never go back to Taco Bell again.

tami - Have fun chica! xoxo

Heather - Tummy control leggings? What?!?! Walmart this morning I tell you!
Hair rocks. You’re so pretty.

Janie Fox - 1. Fab hair!
2. I am ordering the leggings, You know it!
3. That beach, those chairs… awesomeness.
4. 2 planes, rental car and you driving…I think you are a grown-up. I am not sure I could do that!
5. Enjoy it!!

Irene - Looking fab!

georgia - You sound like your having alot of fun!
If i was in a room that close to the beach, i wouldnt leave it, i would be on the beach jumping over the waves like a kid and squishing the warm sand between my toes… 🙂
Oohhhh your so lucky to be there!!!! 🙂
Have an amazing time! xx

Rebecca - Want to see more hair!
Because it looks tres, tres cute on you.

Carla - Sounds so fun, enjoy the view. I booked a session with these guys when they come to
Ireland, very excited 🙂 I hope you’re allowed share some tips when you’re done. Doing the rental car bit on your own…I completely get why that’s a big deal, I shudder at the thoughts!! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Enjoy every second!!

Sonia - i want to see the skirt!! i love skirts, but just don’t know how to wear them anymore? that doesn’t make sense, i know. but my way of dressing has changed as i’ve “grown up”

Ali - You sound very happy – enjoy the rest of your trip!

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random thoughts.

i wish i didn't have to do it.
i know i don't HAVE to but yeah….i kinda do.
i wish that all of the women in the world would unite and say NO MORE.
and then in turn all the men would say "i love your hairy legs….it's hot"
and my problem would be solved. 

28 yards of pom pom trim.

remember i bought all that?
remember i went out in a blizzard to buy it?
actually i have bought over 40 yards of it and i had a bunch before i bought that.
well….it's gone.
i have sewn over 40 YARDS of pom pom trim to pillows.
i am a weirdo.

my etsy shop….will open….in march.
let's say probably

monday march 7.


did i mention that parenting is really hard?
i did ?
ok…just wanted to remind you that i don't have it all together and it's HARD.
and i am feeling….
overwhelmed and under qualified. 

i am on the desk top computer here….so i have the OLD iPhoto library.
here was february 2007:


playing simon says in the NEW kitchen…no furniture yet.

and little talby…

 can't quite tell what the top line says but the second sentence is "the boy is eating breakfast"

then february 2008:


Photo 1
jenny and lisa were visiting this weekend in 2008!  i miss you girls!
AND…i am currently wearing that exact same sweatshirt at this very moment!!!!  oh my.

little laurney.
her 13th birthday night.

then here is february 2009:

looks the same now….but more mature/old.


very close up of our cat emily taken by lauren.

and finally february 2010:

wrestling with dad….and waffle.
waffle always starts barking and jumping around when the kids wrestle with craig….so funny.


i finished my list yesterday.
and took more pictures of oranges.
and watched parenthood.
it was GOOOOOD.

now…i am off to california to be filled with so much RAD photo knowledge that i hope my head won't explode.
YAY for blue lily.
YAY for GoPro.
YAY for beach houses.
YAY for no laundry for four days.


Felipe - I think so too. I have watched all of the seosans 4 times, and i really think that they ended it on a cliff hanger. What about jess? i mean i know he is in heros, but i hope they make a new season of gilmore girls. Ok well i totally agree with you… bye.

Pangeran - I have been hearing that there isnt a sesoan 8 just that ABC Family is showing the sesoan 7 and that they are calling it new because its new to ABC Family which is going to make alot of people mad I know it already has made me mad. I was so excited now someone has pulled a lucy on me. “Pulling the football out before I go to kick it”

Carlos - hiii im maggie me and my siestr watch every season about 15 times we can lip the words im sooo pist off because they say that they arnt making another season what if theres a cancer paitent out there who wants there to be an 8th season huhh??? and she could end her life at any minute and her on wish was for them to make a season 8 like seriously they dont care there just some rich celebertys that they dont give a shit what others think soo they better read this and if they do then it will make them think that other people want this and that the world doesnt revolve around them

lazer-cosmetics - Lovely thoughts shared here. I like all. There are few lovely families which are live together and shared happiness in between. I am apart of such family.

Lauri Hersh - You’ve got a wonderful family! I know parenting can be stressful sometimes, but one cute smile from them can make you feel brand new again. And girl, try to cope up with the beauty innovation. Stop shaving! Don’t you ever hate hair ingrown on your skin? Go, try some laser hair removal!

kristen - i’ve been following your blog for quite some time now & i feel bad because i actually thought out loud…”she has a cat?”. Maybe I need to pay closer attention to things…
parenthood makes me laugh & cry & question everything all at once. I’m talking about the show & real life.
i love love love that show.

Kara Janzen - Megan! The one picture of Sean is from Kindergarten and he would have done that drawing and writing with me! My goodness that brought back some memories! Also, I’m pretty sure the first line says something along the lines of “The boy is going out” and then the second line is maybe “with ____ a date.” I LOVED watching that kid draw in Kindergarten! Can’t believe how big your kids have gotten!

sandy toe - I am having a giveaway with Shabby apple…giving away a cute little girls dress…come over:)!
Sandy toe

Kristin S - ENJOY this time learning and learning and playing and playing.
As for shaving. Well, I bought a Groupon for laser hair removal. The “do not bleach or pluck for weeks before” is quite possibly the meanest thing anyone has ever done to/for me. Who knew I’d have a full beard within two weeks? She said “just shave”. SHAVE MY FACE??? Yep. Whole new world of ridiculousness.
I’m a month from 40 and do NOT want a mustache or beard thank you very much.
Hope it is all worth it…
Again, enjoy!

Michelle Price - You said you were having a hard time with parenting. I heard this quote yesterday that totally applies. I feel that way too – on a daily basis.
“Raising children is like trying to eat Oreos and brush your teeth at the same time.”
Have a great day!

Alycia (Crowley Party) - great post! excited to see your etsy shop! - Enjoy your time in California and let us know how it goes.

Suzette - I think it’s, “The boy is going out on a date.” How cute! My son thinks girls and dates are creepy!

Valerie Page - First, I just want to tell you I look forward to reading your blog each day. It’s kind of like a pick me up for me. I enjoy using your craft ideas with my 3 daughters and they enjoy it too. I show them your blog all the time. My 9 year old, Leila loves seeing photos of your girls and what they are wearing. If my Leila could wear Dorothy shoes from Wizard of Oz everywhere, she would… (even to P.E.).:) Parenting is definitely hard work. I have been in my house for 3 days with 2 sick kids. The good thing about it is that we got to watch a lot of movies while they got well:)

Christy - Finally got around to watching Parenthood last night, too. Amazes me how well Amber and Drew “fight.” They are incredible actors. Whoever is writing the scripts over there must be eavesdropping/spying on real families because they nail it every week. BTW, have a great time in CA!

kristine - wait, you have a cat?!!?
have fun in CA! wish i could be with you!!

Kari - Such fun pictures! Our dog loves to get right in the middle of all the wrestling.
Parenthood is one of my very favorite shows! I swear I laugh out loud and cry at every episode. It’s just so good.

marnie scott - lets blame the moon. i had a rough day yesterday too. weird how silly little parenting thoughts can make you cry. AND its a good thing we are the only ones that hear these little thoughts…..(until you burst into tears after yoga class in a little sandwich shop) CRAZY LADY! i will tell you what my friends told me…your children are SO lucky to have you~you’re going to hear this waaaaaay down the road. i am glad you have your blog for an outlet…WE are grateful for you. your words make me feel like i’m not alone~thanks. really really.

mary beth - If I was going to CA I would shave my legs too! I’m on a no shave jag myself..what else is winter good for, right? It keeps your legs warmer…whatever…have fun girlfriend and come back with lots of tales to regale us with!

Diana Gibbs - Hmmm…the hair on my legs is so long I could probably braid it…just sayin’…although when the weather gets warmer and the jeans come off and the shorts go on, I’ll have to get out that danged old razor and shave.
Love your blog!

Terrie - I had the same thoughts on shaving yesterday!! Hate it with a passion!
Sooooo JeaLouS that you are going to San Diego! My old stomping grounds! Miss it very much! Also wishing I was going to learn more about photography! I love it…have lots to learn! If you need an assistant any time…Call ME!! Have a great time while you are away and don’t think about the laundry that is piling up in your absence! LOL!!..sorry…I just had to go there! Pay back for the die cut? You ARE LaUgHinG aren’t you?! Hugs! Terrie

Christina - No shaving? I’m in. I’m already two weeks in. 🙂
Have a great trip!

Jenny Joy - I have to speak on shaving legs. I have a 5 foot rule. If the hair on my legs isn’t noticable within 5 feet, then I don’t need to shave. My husband doesn’t care either way. Besides, if you aren’t married to me, and I didn’t give birth to you, you have no business trying to scope out whether I have hairy legs or not.
*stepping off my shaving cream box*

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - Last night I was laying in bed, and I could hear Kevin crying to Parenthood and mumbling “Oh, this is so powerful!”
(he’s kinda girly)
so I watched it as soon as I could today! SOOO good! 🙂

Megan Bellomo - Bring warm clothes! It is freezing over here, it might even snow in LA, WHAT??

Jenny B. - Have a GREAT time! I hope maybe you’ll share a few pointers when you come back. 🙂 Oh, and I think it says, “The boy is going out on a date.” He’s spelling the -ing sound e-a-n-u (gooeanu = going, eat eanu = eating) and he put the rest of “out” on the 2nd line ou…wt. Yup. That’s it. 🙂

elisa - I so wish I was going with you.
I am having issues. Issues with everything.
Parenting is hard. I need a break.
I want to move but I don’t want to move.
I don’t know what I want.
Enjoy your trip, I am gonna live through you!!!

Tracy Fisher - Have a blast! I am jealous…. NO laundry… for 4 days!
Tracy Fisher

Lina - ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!! YOU deserve this weekend and I am sure you will have a total blast, can’t wait to hear about it when you come back…..and can’t wait for the shop to open….I am so in love with those pillows with the yellow sunflowers and turquoise background….I am going to send you some pictures of my room and living room, to see what you think might go nicely, I have to introduce some nice color to this house full of boys, they will kill me if I do pink all over, but our new house the granite is kinda of orangy… anyways…will send you some pics to see if you can make me some super beautiful groovy pillows!!!!! HAVE A FANTABULOUS TIME!!!!Lina 😉

Karen Gerstenberger - Bon voyage, traveling mercies and God bless you! May this workshop open many doors of joy for all who participate.

Staci - Have an awesome time Megan!!!!! And that bit about hairy legs….well, there HAS to be a SNL about that 🙂 Annnd, our little dog does the same thing…starts barking when we wrestle…but generally, he then tries to attack (for fun) the person who is needing the help the most????!!! Crazy dog 🙂 Can’t wait to hear all about your trip!!!!

Karly Meeks - I love your blog and have been following it for a few months now. You have such a beautiful family and are such an inspiration to me. I like how “real” you are about everything. I don’t have kids yet but aspire to be as good of a mother as you are.

Mindy Harris - you have a cat? have a blast in cali. can’t wait to see pics.

Kate - I only have one word for you: CROSBY!!!???

Kat - You really do capture your world/life beautifully in photo’s, so how great that you get to go and extend your knowledge even further in photography.
Sounds like you need the break away. Hm, parenting is HARD.
Enjoy the time away and the head space.
I too love Parenthood and I love looking back at old pics of how much the kids have grown.
Do you get all teary/sentimental when you see how little they once were?
I am going through that this week and oh I just want to press rewind and do it all again.

Southern Gal - *post
I don’t know what a poat is…sorry.

Southern Gal - You’ve got to see the Should You Shave Your Legs chart on this poat:
Some of the others are hilarious, too. Have fun in California!

Kate - Girl, you don’t have to shave!
I stopped shaving about a year ago, and it’s been the MOST liberating thing ever. And ya know what? I’m still hot. And everyone knows it. The hair thing is such a ridiculous societal issue started by MEN in fashion. Same thing with high heels. I could go on and on but if you want to stop, I swear: it’s not bad. It’s actually so much fun.

sue - Have fun !!!!

hannah - i didn’t get the manual for mothering either. love your honesty. does that say “the boy is going out on a date?” (my teacher instinct had me trying to figure it out!) Question…. do you all have TV? or watch TV? how have you encouraged your children to have a love for art work and participate in your Thurs crafts? love your ideas!

danielle - enjoy! so jealous!

Nicole Q. - Have a blast!

Sugar Mama - I don’t think I’m qualified to parent TEENAGERS. I’m a pretty decent parent to children 12 and under. Anything over that is becoming too much for me to handle.
And I have yet to watch a single episode of Parenthood and not cry. Even the happy episodes make me cry. I relate to so many of the characters. A beautifully written script.

deborah@applesinwonderland - a laundry vacay sounds pretty good. i’m easy-peasy. shaving your legs for the state of california? i might shave mine for hawaii. or cleveland. whatev. have a blast!!!!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Im amazed at how quickly my girls(5 & 7) are growing up and love to look back at their old photos. And the pic of your kitty is a great shot.
Im curious to know if you’ve ever done a post about a house tour? I love that your photos are really large on your blog and Ive loved what Ive seen so far but just wondered if you have it documented anywhere in s certain spot? Id love to see it:)

Kate Cupps - I think “The boys is going out on a date.”
So cute.

Tess S. - all your talk about PARENTHOOD made me start watching it. i watched every episode from this season in like 3 days. i have a 3 month old and she still gets up late at night to eat. the only problem with watching an entire season in 3 days and being completely caught up… is being caught up. i now have to wait a full week to watch another episode. addicted. aaaaaaaddicted.

Sara - Have a great time!!!!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - Girl. Are you boozing it up while you’re scraping wallpaper?? What a fantastic idea!
Have fun where it’s warm.

Kim - Enjoy your laundry hiatus (I’m soooo envious!!!)
I am beyond excited for your shop to open. I hope there are more of your adorable t-shirts for little girls- my daughter refuses to stop wearing the t-shirt I bought for her last year even though it is starting to resemble a belly shirt….

Kori - have fun in ca! wish i still lived there right about now…it’s still snowing in my ‘hood. please bring back a pic or two to share of my old homeland!! pretty please?

Amber - “The boy is going out on a date”. ?
Love random posts.
Happy Thursday! Enjoy Cali! That’s where I’m at, it’s wonderful, of course. 🙂
♥ Amber
Silver Lining

Sarah - I love that you are drinking a beer while stripping wall paper. That is something I would do too. Have fun is sunny california.

jeana - the boy is going out on a date? I love the pictures and the memories. Parenting is hard. Very. Have a wonderful trip Meg. Enjoy yourself! (random comments to you random thoughts)

Beth - I love looking back at past photos–it’s so good to remember how the kids (and the dogs!) have grown.
Have a GREAT trip!! CAn’t wait to see pics from it and to hear what you learned.

happygirl - Yay!!! for finishing the list. Have a great trip and share the knowledge, if you don’t mind.

Dana D@BoysMyJoys - Parenthood made me get all teary-eyed.
(Big surprise there- what doesn’t make me cry?)
Have fun in Cali!!!
Now, I can’t get “I’m going back to Cali, Cali, Cali- I’m going back to Cali- I don’t think so.” out of my mind!

jodi @ back40life - I know – isn’t Parenthood the best? we devour it every week!
have a fab time in Cali – we’ll miss you 🙂

Jennifer P. - Funny how I remember all of those pictures you shared. Your photography is like a good, unforgettable movie 🙂

Nicole - omg – Leah?? So jealous right now…

Lorelei Eurto - Give Kelley Wenzel a big hug for me when you see her there!

Geli - Pack some warm clothes, it’s cold here in San Diego and it’s supposed to rain Saturday/Sunday.

steph - i love seeing how your kids have grown and matured… although thinking about it, you probably don’t like it?! then you can really tell that they are indeed growing up. 🙁
lovin’ the pic of you pulling down wallpaper with a beer in your hand. ha ha ha ha! i should put up the picture of me laying sod at our house with a beer in my hand. seems like we enjoy the same things? booze while we do manual labor?! ha ha!
enjoy GoPro. man, oh man! i would LOVE to do something like that… not enough of a pro on the camera though. just play around all the time. i hope you have a blast. i’m super jeal. laugh lots with tyler and wendy for me, please?! they seem so hilario!

Jana Moore - Would love to be going with you to GoPro…..have fun!!!
Jana from Kansas too!

Gemma - Have fun in Cali!! I hope to see lots of pictures when your back 🙂
Gemma x

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to-do list.

i have too much to do before tomorrow.
when i am stressed about getting stuff done….my natural instinct is… do something unrelated.
like sew four pillows for my couch.

i just HAD too.

is that circley colorful fabric not THE most amazing?!!  i bought a ton of it because i love it so much!
(it's by alexander henry…it's called Boule.)

i have issues.

i am sure it has a name and a therapist or a doctor could talk to me about it….prescribe me something perhaps?

so many things to get done but instead i take pictures of my coffee cup.

isn't it fun? 

so graphic.


instead of using my time while annie is playing….i stop and take pictures of her playing!
this is definitely a problem.


IMG_8188 IMG_9180

just a quick lamp makeover with spray paint and a vintage tablecloth and hot glue.
you know….cause i don't have a page long to-do list.

oh wait….i DO!


ok….i have to get stuff done today.

things like……pack for my trip.
feed my family.
clothe my family.
clean my home.
make cupcakes.
put clothes away.
make arrangements.
fill in schedules.
make phone calls.
watch parenthood.
sew four more pillows…..just kidding. 

if you have emailed me….i hope to get back to you.
i am super behind on email response.
because i am very busy.

(taking pictures of oranges) 


Lisa Palmese - Love the Pillows But I adore that lamp.
It is Gorgeous
thanks Lisa

Luciane - Hi Karin,I wish I could splurge on cutosm Alluminaire lighting and matching throw pillows (which I love)! I happen to have a “Heartfelt Award” for you at my blog, since you were one of the blogs that inspired me to start my own. You can pick it up .

Shahd - Oh wow, that would be awesome if you were on the hunt for sotnehimg you’ve already got pictured in your mind.But then again, this is why I wouldn’t want a custom house built. What if they build/make it EXACTLY like I asked and then I hate it?! Ack. I am much better at tweaking and remodeling. :)Can’t wait to see what you come up with though!

Naomy - spa owner, did you know that there are so many different and fun gadgtes you can get to compliment your spa experience? did you know that there are many little gadgtes out there on the pool and spa market that make your soak a little more excellent? not

Vanessa - your business opoitaren hours by using productive use of your order-taking answering services. while you and your own employees are still asleep, your answering service staff can still be taking orders-getting more sales and boosting your earnings! your order-taking answering service would give you th

Muhazi - it be the gas heating units. their fuel tanks are alctaluy placed on their bases so despite the strong wind, they remain steady. start looking for the right gas heaters now and feel free to get portable types.these gas patio heaters are really efficient during winter. they help

Ruth Baumgartner - I L.O.V.E. this, because when the pressure is on this is exactly how I roll. I could have authored this post. So glad to know I am in WONDERFUL company.

Stacey - You are too funny! I just have to follow you! Love your style and your humor! Have a blessed day!
Stacey of Embracing Change

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andiejaye - i love love love the idea of arranging books by color!!! i tried it and loved it!!! thanks for sharing the idea with us! i put 4 links of your picture and blog on my blog post about it. (it’s little i have 8 followers) i hope that’s ok. if not, let me know and i’ll remove them. i just think you’re fabulous! blessings, andie


Sarah - I am also a crazy color junkie and I love love love those color-coordinated kids books!

Heather aka moreygirl - I’m the same way about not doing what’s on my list and sewing something fun instead! Love this blog!

Kristin S - Annie’s facial expressions are absolutely classic. You’ll be so glad someday when that sweet baby face morphs to teenager that you have so many great photos.

Lolli - wait, can you paint brass?

amy jupin - the lamps look FAB.
all capitals.
the pillows are so you.
love them.
i suffer from the same problem–procrastination!
hate it.
one more thing, i hope you have a great time on your trip!

Lorie S. - You seriously just made me laugh out loud. Such is my day, everyday. The list of things I need to do and the list of things that I want to do. Feel so much better on the days that I do the things I want to do. So since today is a rainy day, I think I will read, sew, play, and make cupcakes!!! =)

Kat - Meg, you are SOOOO inspiring! Thank you! LOVE the lamp and the pillows. Okay, i am a beginning sew-er, seamstress, whatever…i know this is a DUMB question. But would you mind telling me…do you use pillow inserts for your pillows, or just stuffing?
Would you mind telling me what size you make them (20×20?)…i love the size of yours? I am DYING to sew but FEAR is overwhelming me…fear of messing up. But you have inspired me. Thank you! 🙂

Katie - I would buy a print copy of the orange photo! Just saying!

Corinne - Love the pillows, love your blog, love your spirit.
I was on another site
and saw these
and thought of you…thought you might enjoy.
Have a great day!

Leah - Those are great photos. I don’t think you’re wasting any time. By the way, do you really arrange your books in the order of rainbow colors? I’m impressed!

Katy Frame - Because I am very busy.
(Taking pictures of oranges)
LOL! You are hilarious, Meg! 🙂 I hope you have a fun time on your trip! You so deserve it. And for me complimenting you I deserve a cupcake, right?? It was worth a shot! But seriously, have fun!

Crystal Swoverland - I can’t find Alexander Henry anywhere in my area! I LOVE that fabric! I need some of those pillows, no, not want…NEED!!! I am remodeling and those are my colors!!! HOW can I get this fabric??? THanks for the wonderful post, you always brighten my day!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - 1. Hey – is today Annie’s birthday? 😉
2. Did I miss the part where you told us where on earth you’re headed?
3. I have the very same affliction.
4. Must know how you did that tablecloth lampshade thing. I’m way impressed.

Tracy Fisher - fabulous fabric… and great use of time… i think many of us relate… i was outside today taking photos of my kids snowboarding (because it snowed today… and my son insisted on wearing his creapy hat he got in Mexico… that scares the neighborhood little kids)… all the while avoiding the same list as you have apparently.. minus the cupcakes..hehe.
Tracy Fisher

Marcella - I so know the feeling!
And there must be a lot of people like me commenting on this post! Which it is a relief that I’m not the only one out there that operates like this.
I bet it does have something to do with being a creative person….

Nicole - I am the SAME exact way! The longer my list is, the more I can find to do that is NOT on the list it seems. Procrastination is my forte!
And I LOVE your new pillows! Color Color COLOR! Happy 🙂
Good Luck with your list!

Lin - Haha. I feel so much better about myself after reading this post and the comments. I am NOT alone. Yay! I will go so far out of my to avoid “chores” it’s crazy. When I run out of time to get things done, and am tired I tell myself I’ll get up early and do it in the morning. I even go so far as to set my alarm early, but then the snooze button always win.

Lisa - I want one of your pillows! I need someone to teach me to sew. I’m so lame when it comes to that stuff. Love that you were avoiding your long to do list. I do that occasionally too! 🙂

Penny - I am glad Parenthood is on your list. I love that show, I always feel a little let down when it ends though. I also love your blog and get excited when you have a new post. Makes my day! Love the photos. One Easter I was having 25 family members for dinner and I sat down with my girls and colored 2 hours before dinner. It relaxed me and everything turned out fine!

Tanya H - that’s what I’m doing reading your blog right now. Ignoring my enormous list. drat.

jenna - I couldn’t help notice the bicycle runner on the table.
I have to have that fabric! Or I would love a pillow!
Where did you find it?

Jen - You DO have to watch Parenthood! Whew… it’s loaded.

Gretchen DeMoss - You make me smile.

shauna reed - lampshade=ahhhhmazing.
email me if you need anything in socal.
i will be like 45 min away if you need anything 😉
like a bell or some marshmallow milk….whateves
ps i am gonna be shopping with julie while you are soaking up photography brilliance on sat.
if you get mad at the class and ditch (ha ha) you can come with us…..

FeFe - I hope you moved watching Parenthood to the top. It was good!

Tanya - I just showed my sister this post and said “See, there ARE people like us”. Then I asked her “And who looks at a white lampshade and SEES THAT final outcome?” To which she responded “I do”. And I said “Oh yah”. It’s me who sucks.
I love your pillows.

Georgia - The first photo makes me so happy, them pillows are so bright and cheery, so summertime! woo love them!! 🙂
When i need to be busy i just cant do it. i read somewhere once that if you dont feel like doing something then DONT, only do it when you feel like it…
Happy middle of the week day!

Kelley - Excellent pillows! They absolutely needed to be made. Needed.
Safe travels tomorrow

Vanessa at He Gives Hope - have you done a post on your coffee table? did you make it? b/c i am in LOVE.

Keli Cook - I love your new pillows and the makeover of your new lamp!

Anna - I love that picture of Annie and the pets. Super cute.

becky@oursweetpeas - Ahh, I think we are long lost sisters. I am blog reading instead of: cleaning my house, unloading the dishwasher, etc., etc., I did take all 3 kids to the dr.’s and McD’s AND library today so I think I’ve earned a little Parenthood on Hulu too. 🙂 Thanks for the idea.
yeah, I have a problem too.

Stefanie Arnold - someday I hope to say I was so distracted because I was sewing new pillows for my couch. Someday… for now, my creativity is confined to drawing stick figures and cutting out snow flakes 🙂

Shana - I have diagnosed you with ‘Procrastination’ – not otherwise specified.
I would give you therapeutic advice but I have blogs to stare at, books to read, and coffee to drink.
Cute mug.

Kari - You are hilarious.
My in-laws are scheduled to be here in less than two hours for the weekend and I have a HUGE list of things to do, girls are both napping soundly… but instead I updated my facebook status (is says: “Please keep me in your thoughts … I have lost my TO DO LIST!”) and decided it was imperative I check your blog before getting back to looking for my to do list.

Michelle - haha, this is awesome. i so feel ya! i have a super long to-do list as well, and i’m sooo procrastinating! you’ve inspired me! maybe i will go take pictures of oranges too! ha! by the way, i LOVE those pillows! where do you get the fabric???

Karina - Lovely lamp, lovely kitchen, lovely bathroom, lovely pictures…
At least you are not eating to make up for the stress…you are taking pictures instead and that HAS to be less fattening than what I usually do when I feel paralyzed by my to-do list…I have been known to eat sweetened condensed milk from the can…and finish the can in one sitting!! Maybe I should buy myself a camera…

julie h - this made me laugh, that is so very much myself…can you explain that i am not the only one that does this to my hub?

Jenny B. - OH WOW!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new couch pillows!!! And the little chairs at the coffee table!? AWESOME!!! Those may have been there the whole time, and I just now noticed them, but still… SO cute! Thank you for helping me get over my fear of decorating my home with primary colors. I’m serious. For the past 11 years, I have looked longingly at deocrative items with lots of bright colors, and thought, “oh, I like that, but it just wouldn’t go in my house.” Now, I have a brightly painted alphabet canvas that was destined to be on the wall of a little boy’s room as the centerpiece on my mantel, and it’s my favorite thing to look at every day. I can’t wait to do more! Whee!! 🙂 You inspire me!

Aimee - Oh my, I think I have the same syndrome. Miles-long to do list = do something nowhere near ANYthing on said list.
I like to call it Head-In-the-Sand-itis.

Kori - apparently your condition is a nation-wide epidemic! i have it too and i’m in washington.
love the pillows (more for the pom-poms than the fabric, although it is great!) and the lamp…too cute!

Dawn - Love the pillows and the prints are awesome. Your rooms are so colorful I love it.

Kirsten P - I love how the aqua in the’circley colorful fabric’ makes the aqua mirror just pop!
I love the children’s books arranged by color!
Parenthood was great last night. And the previews for next week – can’t wait.
Will you get a chance to go to the ocean and listen to the music of the waves? Enjoy it for me, too.(if you do)

Esther Dee - don’t know about your to-do-list but I do know that those pillows are to-die-for!!!! so pretty and happy 😉

Mrs. Wonder - I do the same thing! Therefore, I’m several days behind on my list. LOVE the lamp, marking this for ideas, we’re house hunting and I’m excited to decorate!

wendy, NJ - OMG! I love you! You are so funny and such an inspiration! Whenever I’m feeling a bit blue I look to your blog as I know it will always be colorful (literally) and in content!
And can I just say I love the fact that you are able to leave markers out in an open bin on your white table…My 3 yo would have a field day if I do that!
Thanks again for such inspiration! Keep it coming!

Kara - love it all but especially your lamp makeover! if you are still wanting to put off your to-do list you should post a tutorial 🙂 lamp shades scare me a little bit, yours looks awesome!

Rach - Yeah. I do the same thing. I’ll find myself mid project and be like “how did I get here? wasn’t I supposed to be doing something else. Must stop…. can’t stop.” But hey, life’s short right!

gina f. - fun photos! Now that you have a happy heart i am sure you will fly thru your to do list! love how your books are arranged in rainbow order and the lamp makeover is super!! have a great trip!

Courtney Walsh - Good lord, I am sooo behind too and yet here I sit doing important things like reading blogs!!! lol
I agree with the person above me. soooo many houses are showing a neutral palette these days, but COLOR is soooo inspiring. Love that you arranged your dang books in rainbow form!! lol awesome.

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - You are doing NOTHING wrong, but everything RIGHT!

Elizabeth Walters - I LOVE how colorful your house is! I always stick with neutral… b/c I am boring like that. 🙂

Anne @ Baking Me - I love that lamp, very cute. I have issues with lamps. I am always on the hunt for a great lamp at a great price, no such luck yet but I keep trying 🙂

Trina McNeilly - Love this… love all the pictures. The lamp and pillows are fab. sometimes distractions are good 🙂

Jen Brandt - You rock.

jennifer - Oh good! I thought I was the only one with this issue. So glad to know I’m not alone!

Ana - Meg, I can totally relate. I have like 20 things to do and yet I get into a catatonic state of denial hoping they will all go away. However, that strategy never works out… 🙁

Leah - How did you make that lamp shade?!? Please share! It looks amazing!

blu - …or if you are me you are in front of the computer while the laundry, children, dishes, and bathrooms are calling for you 🙂 I’ll get to all of them immediately, just let me post a comment first…Meg you are way cool please keep doing ALL that you do!!

Jocelyn Stott - LOVE the lamp! It looks great!

Jessica Johnson - the colors in this post? FAB to the ULOUS. seriously. the books? arranged by color??! genius.

asnipofgoodness - I soooooo get this, I do the very same exact thing, for some reason the need to get something done, causes me to get other things done….I just don’t get it! I mean I get that you do it, cuz I do too, but I don’t get the why, cuz it just never makes much sense!
I LOVE the pillows, and the lamp, OMGoodness, so extraespecially colorful!I just LOVE the glimpses of your style that turn up on your blog!
I have a HUGE lamp shade that I picked up at restore, and that is just the perfect solution to a less than desirable funky stained cover! Now I need an oversized lamp base to hold it up!
Oh, and I read “your story” just the other day, and I really loved your unapologetic honesty! What a wonderful picture of God’s redemption! Thank you for that!
I almost never comment, but I ALWAYS read, thanks!

Joy - You and I, we were seperated at birth. I call it piddling…and I love that the books on the bookshelf are arranged by color. It made my heart smile.

Lindsey - Alexander Henry has some of the most amazing fabrics ever!

Maeva - Where can I find the bicycle fabric in the last photo?!

Mindy Harris - your pillows and buntings are going to sell out on etsy in 5 seconds. i can’t get anyone to even LOOK at my stuff. hehe. i’m not complaining, i promise. etsy’s FUN! i hope you get everything done you need to. it’s okay to take photo or craft breaks. i do all the time.
and, safe travels!

Andrea - Just read comment above mine. Yea, I was intrigued by the color coordinated bookshelf too. Made me smile – was totally you.

Andrea - LOL!! I do that too. My husband says I only operate on crisis mode! Have many, many projects that need finished – need to set my own deadline.

ajdked - Ehh, I have a huge to do list today. Instead I’m still in my pj’s drinking coffee, blog hopping, totally intrigued by your color coordinated book shelf. I have a pile of laundry looming over me. I think I will stay in my pj’s for a half hour longer, then get moving!

Shannon - it’s okay to waste time taking pictures because we all love coming to your blog to see them so really you are just doing it for us which makes you so thoughtful 🙂

deborah@applesinwonderland - i have no idea what you are talking about here. how can you not make pillows with that kind of *look at me* fabric poking at you? and how can you not take adorable pictures of annie in the tub? i say, you have to do those things. xoxo–a partner in crime:)

Trish - ha 🙂 my list is a mile long too, but here I am reading your blog about the stuff you are doing… i believe we have what is called a mix between procrastination and ADD 🙂
can’t wait to meet you tomorrow 🙂

purejoy - dude. if you have issues, i have I.S.S.U.E.S!!
love the fabric. the cup. love bathtime fun. great coffee mug. love your kid’s books are arranged by color.
you complete me.
lists be damned!

Sara @ Happy Brown House - I just love how bright and happy your house is! I love that you embrace color!

sara @ it's good to be queen - love all these fun pictures. LOVE that lamp!!

Kelly - Did you put the tablecloth over the existing shade? Love the lamp and pillow fabric!

Cory - I have a TON to do today as well. Clearly I’m just reading your blog instead. Thanks for the distraction! Love all your pretty pics 🙂

Jenn Shock - I should be studying for my first Survey of Fashion test that is tonight, yet somehow I ended up here. When I stress about getting something done, I always tend to find something else to do, even if it means cleaning! Weird.

Michelle Whitlow - btw, LOVE the pillows!!

Michelle Whitlow - oh my gosh, I’m the EXACT same way!!! hehe We’re moving from GA to WA in just a couple months. There is SO much around the house to do. Oh, and did I mention that I’m 5 mos pregnant?? Yeah, I have a list a mile long. And what am I doing?? Reading blogs…and maybe I’ll go scrapbook something after that 🙂

Courtney Henson - I have the same affliction! It is hard, very hard for me to do something like clean the house for company or a party when I have a chalkboard wall to paint in my kitchen or pillows to sew for my couch! (All this I did last week getting ready for family to come stay for a few days..!) Oh, how I relate! But I love your pillows and really love, love that lamp makeover! And you rainbow hued kid’s books all organized by color! So, so pretty!

Vicki - Loved this! Those pillows are to-die-for! And your happy, colorful pictures are the best. Good luck with that to-do list!

Molly - I have things to do too….but you know what I am doing tonight…re-arranging the books in the bookshelf so they make a rainbow! Love that!

Jessica - I’m new to your blog… so I’m not really sure of your kids ages but I have a 4 yr old and there is NO way I could have a white table, an white-ish sofa, and a JAR OF MARKERS all within arm distance of each other! How do you keep those from getting marker on them?
I’m asking bc I’m jealous :/

Dana @ Bungalow'56 - Megan,
I am in complete denial…absolute denial, that I will be on a plane tomorrow. Nothing packed, nothing ready. It’s how I deal with stress, ignore the situation. Which of course leads to copious amounts of stress over a very short few hours when I have to do whatever I’ve been putting off.
There will be lot’s of excitement at our house this evening. It makes for an roller coaster life : )

Amanda - I love how “watch parenthood” is on your to-do list. It’s on mine too!

AshleyAnn - I love that lamp so much!!!
Have fun on your trip…

Carrie - I am like you, except I start the to do list but on the way to the bedroom to put away laundry I stop in the kitchen to put dishes and then end up in the living dusting. So while it may seem productive, everything ends up only half finished. Ugh!
Have fun this weekend. I am JEALOUS!!! (in a nice healthy way though. lol)

Kathi - LOL! This is why I check in everyday, love your attitude! Have a great day.

Keri - If I were to be a stay at home wife and we had our own house, I’m sure I would be the exact same way… Do everything else that is not on the list…Those are great pics though!

Heather - i have that same disorder! and lamp envy. that lamp and lampshade you worked your magic on are a-mazing!

Sarah @ Handbags*N*Pigtails - Oh my gosh you’re not the only one! Whenever I have custom orders to get done, I end up “rebelling” and making a different bag for no one in particular. Its almost like I cant do the things I need to until I do something I dont need to. Maybe its something about being creative. Yes, we’ll blame it on that.
BTW, when will your shop open? (No pressure, Im just curious)

Janie Fox - Love your pics … mine are so bad I should just post stick figures with my text. Blathering is my claim to fame. Picture taking I want to learn, but I am too busy talking! Safe travels!! xoxo

Laura Phelps - you need TISSUES for parenthood. I cried for HOURS.
I LOVE this post
the colors
and sunshine
and brightness
and all of it…
it makes me HAPPY
so if you put “make Laure happy” on your list,
it is like you DID do something you were supposed to do
and now, even better, you can cross it off of your list!
see how much you got done today?

happygirl - I LOVE your pictures. PLEASE don’t change. Then your blog will be boring, like mine. (my blog isn’t really boring, I just don’t have all the beautiful pictures) Your children won’t go to college and your daughters will be single the rest of their lives. PLEASE don’t change. I think the circle fabric is GORGEOUS. Have a GREAT trip.

candace - watch parenthood first. and don’t stop taking pictures – looking at them is MY distraction from the impending “get-to-do” list! ha!

Sugar Mama - When I have a long to do list I get anxious. First, I’ll bite my fingernails. Then I’ll have a panic feeling wash over me. Then I distract myself with something completely unrelated (usually that involves eating)…. and ONLY then do I try to work on the list.
Those pillows I must have.

Stephanie@Geezees - OMG! All of that color is making me giddy 🙂 Love those throw pillows.
Hope you have a good day Meg 🙂

Kimberly Dial - If I took pictures as lovely as yours, I’d have a hard time stopping too! Your pillows are ‘fantabulous’! You never fail to make me smile — thank you! Now …. get busy girl 😉

Kimberly Dial - If I took pictures as lovely as yours, I’d have a hard time stopping too! Your pillows are ‘fantabulous’! You never fail to make me smile — thank you! Now …. get busy girl 😉

Heather - There is nothing that paralyzes me like a long to-do list. What is up with that?

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Heehee! Loving your cushions : )
The sight of your kitchen makes me giddy…so jealous!
Gemma x

rachel / - i just laughed out loud with each new funny close up photo & your coordinating comment. AND THE LAMP! 😀 absolutely hysterical [but it looks awesome, i’m not laughing at IT]. we have the exact same ‘problem’ so if you get help, a diagnosis or some meds, just let me know so i can help myself. randomness & procrastination central, here [going 34 years strong]. hopefully now that you got ‘other things’ out of the way, you can be productive! [that’s always my hope at least] 🙂 GOOD LUCK!

Katy - I love your house! That first picture of your beautiful pillows in your living room with your kitchen in the background, perfection!
PS – Oh, and I am the same way. My eldest is at preschool, my youngest is napping, my bed is unmade, my kitchen is a mess, and I have a ton of laundry. What am I doing? Checking your blog while waiting for the pictures that I just edited to upload for my blog. I am losing it…

Jen W. - Laughing so hard! I love that you are busy taking pictures of oranges. That’s awesome!

Candy - we were just talking at MOPS yesterday about how important it is to take pictures, even of the normal everyday life, because you can’t get those years back when life was hectic and your kids were little, but at least you will have the pictures!

Ana M - love ya….
your posts make me happy…

Kim - I do the exact same thing. I had a giant list of things to do yesterday-but not before I decoupaged book pages to the top of my coffee table. That is a must-do before preparing dinner and getting ready for a gathering at my home last night-don’t you think! I think it’s called “avoidance”.

Beth - GREAT lamp! good luck getting stuff done today!

Nicole Q. - That is exactly how I handle my to do list!!! LOVE those pillows!!! Have a great trip!

tracy dickinson - ha! i just finished watching parenthood this morning! i have a TON of things to do, but couldn’t wait any longer. it was SO good. good luck getting everything done!

alyssa - that’s hilarious. I do the same exact thing when I’m busy. I have a long to-do list and I just keep finding other things to do! I feel your pain.

katie - i am exactly the same way. i drive myself crazy like that: when i’m stressed about things to be done, i always catch myself doing other things that don’t need to be done…creative or fun things alot of the time. as i’m doing the not-necessary, probably fun thing, i’m thinking: “what the heck am i doing right now?!”

Tracy - LOL I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pillows AND the graphics on your coffee cup – TOO CUTE! I love all things circles and polkadot type stuff anyway! 🙂 Good luck with your to do list and have fun on your trip! Thanks for sharing your goodies today. Also, one more thing – could you add to the “bottom” of your to do list perhaps – to do a tutorial for your fabulous lamp makeover (not the spray paint part obviously), but the fabric part with the hot glue – I have a lamp in my daughter’s room that I want to do the same thing to. You’re so awesome and I always love coming to see what you and the family are up to each day. Have a great day, Meg! xoxoxo

Miranda - hahaha funny stuff – I get most of my list done when I am in a time crunch then run around like a mad woman!

ashley jensen - Ha! My daugter does the same thing with her little toys, takes them into the bath tub and lines them up. But there is nothing wrong with getting distracted with the things that make you happy!

Shivaun - If you’re crazy, then I’m crazy! That’s helpful now, isn’t it?
You make me laugh…and I need to because my 2-yr.old has the stomach flu and I have 6 others who I know will start any second. Laughter is good 😉
I’m busy, too. Reading blogs.

kimberly - love those pillows! i mean LOVE!

Amy - I think you have mastered smelling the roses…don’t change a thing;)) Happy Wednesday!

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big sister


happy birthday lorel.


you have always been an awesome sister.


i love you.

a whole bunch.

have a great day.

thanks for taking me dancing……even though i wore a cardigan.

who ever said good hip hop doesn't come from omaha? 

Jill - Happy Birthday to your sister. Omaha, I live in Omaha. LOVE your blog! I love that your you and that’s that! I am fairly surprised to see how many people who live in Omaha have commented on this. Omaha LOVES Hip Hop! Where did you go in Omaha? Just curious. Caridigans… Lol! Have a good day! Jill from Omaha 🙂

meghan - aaaaahhhhhhhh. gotta love the older sisters. I love being the younger one myself 🙂
And you can totally pull off dancing to hiphop with a cardigan on.
you just got to bring it.

Tracy Fisher - Love your sister photos. I miss my sister a lot. Made me go get out some old photos and look through them. Priceless! I think we all had the same hair styles too. And by the way, if my sister was still with us… my mom would make her wear a “cardigan” too. Didn’t know anyone else used that word. Whenever we go on any sort of outing, my mom tells me to make sure to bring a cardigan…then she laughs… because she knows I am rolling my eyes. Inside joke for years! I will have to blog about it one day.
Tracy Fisher

Kari - Who’d you see – 311? Are they considered Hip Hop? I’m live in Omaha…. I wish I had a sister 🙁

Jamie - This NE mom knows hip hop! Not only (foot)ballers come from NE. 🙂

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - Sisters Rule! There’s nothing better than your best friend being your sister. You are blessed.

Gemma @ Musings of a gem - Hope you had a great day!
Gemma x


Kat - Having a sister is wonderful, especially when you are close like you two are.
Sisters are that link with childhood and beyond. I love it!
I hope Lorel has a beautiful b’day.

jennifer delossantos - My computer is REALLY slow, so at first all I could see is the title “big sister”. I just knew it was going to be a picture of Annie announcing she was going to be a big sister:) Oh Well! Happy Birthday to your sister!

Kelly - I was wondering if you were going to say that Annie was going to be a big sister. 🙂 Kelly

Kate @ Songs Kate Sang - Happy birthday, Lorel! Meg ~ Annie looks so much like you!

Mary Beth - It’s my birthday today too! Lorel, did you have any George Washington Themed parties like I did?!!!!! (yuckers.)

lauren - haters sthat’s who. east coast west coast haters. the good stuff is coming straight from the middle. 😉 like i know. i have not been up to date on hip hop since approximately 2002. but living in nebraska i appreciated the shout out. 🙂

lorel - Thanks Megan. I had so much fun hanging out with you on Sat nite. I think it ranked up there with the Sand Bar night for fun and hilarity. I have not laughed that hard in a long time. I love you to pieces.

Sara - Love that Sister of yours!!!!!!!!!!!! Jealous of dancing in cardigans. Actually, “Dancing in Cardigans” sounds like a good novel…hmmmmm..

Southern Gal - Happy Birthday to your sister! Reminds me of me and my sister who is 4 1/2 years younger than me. While I’m dark skinned, black headed, dark eyed, she was the fair skinned, blonde headed, blue eyed one of the family. You wouldn’t know we were sisters. I used to tell her she was adopted. I know. I was horrible.

georgia - Your so lucky to have a older sister!!
Happy birthday lorel!!!

happygirl - So jealous!! I always wanted a sister and all I got were brothers. And 3 of them at that.
Mid-west represent represent, now put your hands up
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh Oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh

Molly Pearce - Sisters are the best! Happy birthday Lorel!
~Molly P

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girls day.

i took four of my kids to visit my parents.

my dad took sean to the bookstore and the car wash.
sean got to wash the whole car by himself!
and then they went to subway and sean said it was "one of his top four favorite restaurants".
he thought it was awesome.

all the girls went for pizza and a little shopping.




my sister and her girls were with us too.


my mom let annie pick something at the toy store….she chose a brown baby boy.
she named him ethan.


talby got to chose a treat….fingerless animal gloves from urban outfitters.

annie found this little beauty too…it was at her eye level and she could not avoid it.
we did not buy it.
snooki's bobble head says "i'm not that trashy…except when i've been drinking."
oh snooki…you never disappoint.


after shopping we stopped at the natural history museum.
they have been there so many times they were just running around but….it kept them busy.




fun girls days.

later my mom watched all the kids so my sister and i could go out for her birthday.
i wore a cardigan.
i looked very mom-ish.
it was my joke all night "could you watch my cardigan?"  "oh…i better button up my cardigan"

we met up with our cousin and partied like rock stars.
(or like 30 somethings who finally got to go out together and not have to be back for a sitter)

like as in……i was out for last call!


my legs are sore from dancing.

i wish i could do that every weekend!   

Denise - your eldest daughter is stunning; she should be a model! I have great sisters, too; they’re such a blessing!

lindsey patrick - Wow, Lauren looks just like your sister!

Jennifer - I don’t think I have ever left a comment….but I adore your blog. This post cracks me up….loved what your girls picked out. I have one sister and she is my best friend. I could just imagine us doing the same thing you did with your sis. Memories that will last forever. Thanks for always uplifting me with your posts…they are the best!

Kayla - I am glad you were able to resist the siren call of Snooki! It sounds like my kind of girls day – time spent with the “little girls” and alone with with the “big girls”!
BY the way, I awarded you the Stylish Blogger award on my site.

Michelle - The last time I was out ’till last call was two nights past my baby’s due date. He still didn’t show up for another 48-hours. (My darling husband and I love live music. Maybe we should have gone dancing instead?) Baby is seven months now and totally delish. P.S. Lauren’s beautiful and cardigans RULE!

Katie - I think my cardigan is my security blanket…not bold enough to wear an outfit without it…4 kids under 6 years old…not the same body. I too had a mom’s night out Friday night…I drank so much Cherry Coke that I couldn’t fall asleep…LAME!!!!

Gray - Looks like a fun girls’ weekend! I’ve never seen a Snooki bobble-head doll before, but then again for the first couple of months that Snooki’s name was in the news I didn’t know if Snooki was a male or female. We don’t have cable TV, so I’d never seen her picture. I laugh when I think back to those few months of wondering about the gender of this “Snooki” person! Then I recently saw that Saturday Night Live impersonates Snooki with a male actor–ha!

Gemma - Hi Meg!
Sounds like a great day in my books : )
Lauren is beautiful !
Gemma x

Valerie @ Chateau A La Mode - I just had to say your picture of your little cutey patooty under the polar bear is my favorite. Love that you had a girls night and a girls day.

Kerri - Last call? Haven’t been there in 5 years (my oldest is 5). I can’t even stand up well after 8:30pm – you give me hope! LOL 😉

Kara Lloyd - I’m sure you rocked your cardi! 🙂 So fun. I’m heading out for a girls weekend away (bliss! is it too early to start packing??) this weekend…and I’m sure I’ll be chuckling while I pack my cardigans, sweaters, and leggings. Ah, momwear.
I LOVE the “rap” from the poster “Flower Patch Farmgirl”–and we don’t give a **bleep** cause it’s yo birthday! So funny!
Glad you had a great time visiting your mom!

Kat - Love having a sister, love going dancing (doesn’t happen very often) and hanging with family for a girls weekend.
It all sounds like such fun!

Valerie Page - My daughter, Leila would love those gloves! I am SO JEALOUS of you getting to go dancing. I live in Las Vegas and I never get to go dancing anymore. It’s hard to find a group of other moms to go dancing with. I used to go dancing all the time before I had kids. Now I have 3 daughters that keep me and my hubby so busy. My mom can’t stay up past like 10:00 pm to watch my girls. So now I just dance Wii at home:)

Flower Patch Farmgirl - We gonna party like it’s yo birthday.
We gonna wear a cardi like it’s yo birthday.

Molly - I love that you went out with your sister and cousin! My sister and my cousins are my best friends! We are going out in 2 weeks….actually we are going to a concert…Nelly…it’s crazy…does a mother of two really do these things:) So fun!

Michelle from Australia - My son is Ethan. Well done on the doll naming Annie!

Lisa - The fact that you went dancing just made me like you that much more! 🙂

Emily Zimmerman - Sounds like you had a great time! I have to comment on your “cardigan story”. I went out with my friend this weekend and we saw the movie “Just Go with It”. Jennifer Aniston plays the receptionist at Adam Sandler’s plastic surgery office. Anyway he takes her out shopping to glam her up. Her “frumpy” outfit she wore shopping was the same one I had on!! Jeans, flats, top and the same purple cardigan!!! And to think I got DRESSED UP to go have lunch and hang out with a friend! And I’m THIRTY! Ugh! That’s what staying at home with two sick kids all week will do to you!! I’m so out of touch with fashion! 🙂

Whitney - Papa Keno’s! THAT is one of my top four favorite restaurants. 🙂 What a beautiful Sunday to be in Lawrence!

Rach - Do you realize how much your eldest and your sister look alike? It’s so cool to see.
The whole blog makes me wish my family lived a bit closer. How fun!!

happygirl - Dancing until last call. Gee, I can’t remember the last time I did that. Sisters with sisters and mom’s with sisters. I always envy those sister relationships. I only had brothers. Love the day out with girls. Thanks

danielle - jealous of your dancing times i wish i joined in! and snooki bobble head bahhaha i have no words. happy monday, pretty lady!

Tara - laughed at this post…the part about your cardigan
AND the part about you being out until last call.
oh lord. when was the last time i was out until last call?

betsy - Papa Keno’s … YUM! I haven’t been to Lawrence in a few years. I need to go and just walk up & down Mass Street. What’s better than that? Not much 🙂
Where did you girls party like rock stars?

Georgia - I love the photo of Annie and the HUGE polar bear!! her face is brilliant! haha
is this really sad, but for a 23 yr old i should be saying my legs hurt from partying like a rockstar, but mine hurt from 2 hours of cleaning yesturday! haha
Party Party! wooo

nicole pope - A group of my girlfriends went out for a Girl’s Night Out and seriously,6 out of the 7 of us had on cardigans!
We started referring to them as our “Clubbing Cardigans”

Ashley - So glad you had such a great time!! Annie’s little face is the ABSOLUTE CUTEST THING I HAVE EVER SEEN! You better show that one at her graduation AND wedding 🙂 It made my day!

AshleyAnn - And that is how frogs should be.

Jenn - Does Lauren realize how beautiful she is?

Tracey @7294cottageway.blogspot - Fun times!

stodd - Yummy… Papa Keno’s… it’s my kids’ favorite. I need to make a little trip there and to Sarah’s… I miss it.

Lydia S - Meg! I’m so happy I got to meet you at U.O.! Such an awesome surprise! I’m glad you all had so much fun this weekend.

pam - Wow, your oldest daughter looks so grown up in that last picture….beautiful. And I SO DO NOT GET the whole Jersey Shore thing…. Now that our nest is empty we talk about going out to dance and think about last call….but then we’re so tired just thinking about it that we’ve never done it. We’ve also thought it would be fun to have a place for 40-60 year olds ONLY….who can still remember what it felt like to dance and have fun when they were 20….

Staci - Glad you got a girl’s night out with your sister 😉 FUN!!!! 2 of my 3 sister’s birthdays are coming up (as is mine 🙂 and I am hoping to have a little fun soon too!!!! Talby looks really old in that last pic of her ;( Getting big 🙁 booooo

Lina - Meg, out of curiosity when are you putting stuff for sale in your etsy shop….dying to see and maybe get some of your gorgeous pillows….One more question, in your guest room the one with the READ letters, did you make those pillows??? or where did you get them…..Greetings from Florida, I hope you all are staying a bit warm….LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!!! Lina 😉

Erin Leigh - I know, I hate to say it meg, but talby looks… older. like growning out of her little girl self older. i loved that you said being a mom is hard because it is and it makes me feel better to hear other people say that it is hard too.

deborah@applesinwonderland - but if you did it every weekend, snookie should let you borrow her *bump-it*. my boys also number their favorites–like superbowl sunday is my oldest’s 5th favorite day of the year–if it was held in the summer it would be moved to his 3rd favorite. i get it. have a wonderful week.:)

Jennifer - I will be giggling about the “cardigan’….all day. “Can you watch my cardigan….” We should be friends. 😉

Molly Pearce - Oh that sounds like a fun fun weekend! I haven’t been dancing in like 7 years, ha ha! Love the bobble heads my sister would want Snookie’s ha a hahahahah! Hope your having a great Monday friend!
~Molly P

Maggie - When I first found your blog I loved it for your colorfulness, as I have gotten to know you through your blog I love that you are authentic and real. I read your love story and was touched….things do not always go as we plan but we are comforted with knowing that things happen just as God has intended for his purpose. Know that you are an inspiration to many of us, we are thankful for your story.

Heather - Girls day and babysitters are the best, you throw a Snooki bobble head in and it is a triple threat!

Sarah - Love girls weekends. I especially love Annie’s face with the polar bear. too cute!

Trina McNeilly - Looks like you guys had a great time!!!!!! And why didn’t you buy that awesome snooki bobble head.. hahah!

Jodi - The last time I was out late enough for last call was… ummm… at least over 10yrs ago… :o)
I’m lovin Annie’s expression w/ the polar bear!
Looks like a fun, much needed girls day and girls night out! lucky!

becky - i didn’t get to comment earlier… but a. i loved that you shared your perfectly imperfect love story. it’s absolutely beautiful. b. thank you SO much for being honest about mommyhood. i’m glad i’m not the only one that thinks this job bugs sometimes. {and i only have two!!} c. you are so fun. and awesome. and i just wanted to share.
happy monday, meg!

Bailey - Girls nights out are such fun – I’m jealous. Love that picture of Annie and the polar bear!

debbie - Talby’s animal mitts are so cute!!! Cardigans are for us cool mamas! I haven’t been out dancing since 1991….sounds FUN!

ashley jensen - Um it all depends on how you wear the cardigan. You are a mom so rock the cardigan like a hot stylish mom and not a grandma.

Bethany {3SonsPlus1} - Sounds like fun! I bet you looked like rock stars. 🙂

Beth - Funny that you mentioned going out in your cardigan. My friends still tease me because I wore a cardigan to a bar one night. To be fair it’s a restaurant that turns into a bar after hours. We were just stopping by to visit friends. I didn’t realize we’d be “clubbing” (he he, I love that word!). On our way out of the bar that night, my friend bumped into a lady that had had way too much to drink and she mouthed off at us. We stood up to her (and then got out of there as fast as we could). We still laugh about getting into a bar fight (okay, not really) while wearing a cardigan. I bet the drunk lady was scared of us mommies! Cardigans rule!

Jill - having been wearing a sweatshirt at home for the past week with sick family, a cardigan sounds fawncy! 🙂
i love the picture of annie and the bear! too cute!

Sarah - Papa Keno’s?? So yummy…..

Laura Phelps - TALBY! She looks…(OK, I know you don’t want to hear this) but she looks..BIGGER (sorry!)
Love her gloves..she reminds me so much of my Belle
and tell Annie that I have a brown baby too
I bought bitty baby twins at AG before me moved
and I picked one white and one brown
I felt very” Angelina Jolie”
and I run around asking the kids “where is my brown baby???”
I love him
his name is Max
it is helping with my baby cravings…
a little

Peggy in TN - How fun for everyone! You need to take Sean out more if he considers Subway in his top 4. 🙂 Rock on!

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