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a couple of things….

i keep forgetting to tell you that Layla featured me on her before and after post last week!

it's cool over at layla's!
she makes your pictures do this presto-chango thing and then voila! it's a whole new room
just by clicking your mouse!
go see her other before and afters too.
her site is FULL of loveliness.


water for christmas.

please read this post if you are interested in making items to donate to the etsy shop.

the water etsy shop will close on jan. 15 but will continue to accept items to sale.
in the summer it will reopen  for Christmas in July.

we can keep giving clean water all year round! 




this came in my mailbox yesterday!
it's so cute.

i met the artist/shop owner mary at the kane county flea market in may. 
i was shopping in her booth…her booth was always one of my favorite booths years ago when i lived in IL.
she has LOTS of furniture painted white.  gorgeous furniture.  
she said "are you Meg Duerksen?  i love your blog."
i about died.
i was states away from home….and at the moment i was all alone…no one was there to hear her ask! 

i texted my husband "i just got recognized from my blog at the flea market"  
he wrote back "of course you did….those are your peeps!"
it was FUN.
she was busy with everyone buying everything in her booth but i grabbed her card.
went home and looked up her blog.
it's so pretty.  
she does miracles with a can of white paint!  she is my hero.

and she just opened an etsy shop.
so i grabbed an M for me.
it's fabulous. 


i got my baby fix.


i enjoyed photographing one of the most calm content babies last week.
she would be looking at me….engaged….then close her eyes for a 10 minute nap….just like that.
on her own.
no rocking or pacifiers or shhh shhh shhhhhhhh in her ear.  (my babies LOVED that) (also loved the football hold)

miss betsy baby was a DE-light.

and so is her mom.  :)

Jenn - off to check out the link loveliness you shared. 🙂
That baby picture-oh, how sweet is she?
And I love your fabric/happy mail, too. How fun. Glad you’ve had some good days and have documented them, too.

Mary G. - PLEASE put me in touch with the mother of that adorable baby… I MUST have the pattern for that adorable crocheted hat!
If the mom didn’t make it, maybe she can tell me who did (hopefully it wasn’t a flea market find!) and I can get pattern instructions.

Rebekah Brummel - You are a rock star in Kendall County too. . . . posted a link to your blog on Facebook once and was surprised how many people I know read you blog, . . . . . I’ve been going to the Kane County Flea Market with my mother since I could walk. . . . once a month we ditched church for a holy experience in St. Charles. . . have you tried the pastries from the french nuns? Yum. . . . . the Sandwich Antique Mart is great too, better quality stuff, big trees = nice shade in the summer, but smaller size flea market

Dandy - OMG is that your room?! I bookmarked that on ohdeedoh ages ago. Its in my inspiration file. Love

aubrey - just come to utah again and i’ll say the same thing to you–and i’ll bring my friend that also loves your blog so we can both go ga-ga. because we will. you’re awesome.

Cara @ Twice Lovely - Megan… I found your blog from Layla’s feature–lucky you to be featured! I want to do my playroom in a similar style, but I know it’s going to take lots of scavenging on my part. Wish me luck. Wanted to let you know I’m so in love with your blog. Will be coming back often to visit! A pleasure to meet you.

Katie - Congrats on being featured on Layla’s! I LOVE the bathroom…I have been collecting silver not sure what to do with it…now I know!
Also my son loves to read and I showed him the room and he thought it was great…maybe someday we can do something like that for him!

Rachel / cREaTe - your husband’s comment made me laugh!!!! totally sounds like something mine would say since the flea market types would definitely not be HIS peeps. 😀 sounded like an awesome time! love your “M” necklace. and what an awesome photo of baby betsy. LOVE all the COLOR!!! and of course she’s PRECIOUS all in her slumber.

shelley - meg…wow that little one is adorable !!! i miss my babies..

Janelle - I think that is my all time FAVORITE professional photo you have shared on your blog. WELL DONE. =) Adorable baby.

Mindy Harris - also i just ordered an “m” necklace, too.

Mindy Harris - THE BABY!!!!! that’s one gorgeous little girl. i wish i knew how to knit so i could make beanies like that.
i talk about your blog all the time. “how can mine be cool like meg’s?”

Stacia - I just love your posts. That baby is darling…makes me want just one more.

Jenny B - I just clicked on Mary’s blog, and before it was even finished loading, I starting saying, “ooooh!” 🙂

Anessa - Just went back and went through each of those blog posts and room redos. So enjoyable. Just wanted to say Thank You for your blog. I read and look forward to it everyday. Wish I ran into you at a flea market I would probably act like I ran into someone famous! or be to shy to say anything and then be mad I didn’t say Hi. Hopefully one day… Thanks again for a great blog.

Tracy Fisher - Can you please refresh me on what I do to donate to your Etsy/Water shop. I’d love to help. Thank you, Tracy Fisher ( or
p.s…. That baby makes me wish I could have more. Age 46 is too old/ too worn out/ too tired/ too jealous of youth! I can’t wait to become a grandma some day though. 🙂

Courtney Walsh - I love that playroom/guestroom so so much.
I really like color, and I love that you use it everywhere!! 🙂

Kathi - Love the pictures of the baby, your style, your blog. Read it every day. I ordered 3 of those awesome letters for Christmas presents. Loved them.

sarajane - LOVED the picture of betsy kate! Thanks so much for taking them. I have looked at this picture many times today…it’s very calming when betsy is fussy and the other 2 are running crazy 🙂

Mary - Awwww….Meg…you are the BEST! Thanks for lovin’ my M, and lovin’ my crazy white booth! Ok, so what is so funny is that I was on my phone texting everyone I knew…that knew you…saying “OMG! Meg was just in my booth! And I couldn’t even stop to talk to her!”
Fun times. Lets do it again. Soon. Only this time lets say more than 5 words. ;o)
You are awesome, my friend.

Cherish Stockdale - love that baby picture! so cute & love the polka dots!! 🙂

Tara - determined to learn to take pictures like you….
mad skillZ.

cecilia - hi meg!
love your blog! I also love the leaded glass over your mantle…where did you find that ? was it salvaged from your house?

Heather - that M is so super cute!
but that baby…in that hat, well, she’s kinda making my ovaries hurt cause she looks so sweet. - Just came across your blog. You are so inspirational to me as I try to write my own! Thank you for being so caring about others.

Melanie - Love the M and love your hubby’s response:)

Erin - I love your room that Layla featured! That is how I found your blog and I’m so glad I did. I am a mom with a big family too (4 kids ages 9,7,4, and 11 months). You are an inspiration.

amy jupin - ok, ok, i admit it.
i have baby fever.
whew. it feels good to get that off my chest. 🙂

Dani - That baby is PRECIOUS! Sweet little nose! Makes me miss the baby stages. Mine are growing so fast!

Kate - Yay for Betsy Kate! Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures! 🙂

Melissa - Your house is so bright and cheerful I love it. I also love that you let the kids mess it up. Great mom!

sarah - oh what a sweet baby! i love your redos as well! thanks for inspiring me.

jeannett - oh. my heart. it stopped for a moment. oh. my.
you’re coming to cali in early september right? right. because you NEED to take pics of my babe. need. the bright colors kill me.
and, um, you have officially made it meg.
getting recognized at a flea market AND making layla’s blog???!!! holy smokes girl. i should probably get your autograph now before you get too big!

Lori - I just spent the better part of the 7:00 a.m. hour perusing your redo’s. LOVE them all.

happygirl - Love your room re-do. And..loved that thing with the mouse and the changing pic. That’s a fun feature. You are so inspiring to me, Meg. Please stop by my blog and say hi.

Gemma - Hi Meg!
The baby is adorable!! I love your job : )
Gemma x

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