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hello beautiful snow!

we finally got some snow.
we have waited and waited.

after all day of cleaning out closets with movies running in the background….i picked up my kids from school.

all they could talk about was playing in the snow.

the girls set to work on building a snowman right away.

sean wanted to build a snow fort.

snow angel break!


then they all trudged inside dripping wet ready for hot cocoa with marshmallows.

what a great life! 

i love this snow… long as i am inside watching it in my slippers drinking my hot coffee.  

Kelly - Great pictures! looks like fun! Kelly

Breeanna @ a brilliant melody - awesome snowman! No snow for us here in Southern California.

crystal beutler - You have got such an amazing eye. I seriously can’t wait to see what you do when you get out of automatic mode and use photoshop. You have the gift my friend. I wish I had the gift. 🙂 It’s just not happening for me at the moment. Are there classes on “learning to see??” You should teach that class.

Mary - Pretty cute snowman indeed!

Melanie - I like it to as long as I can stay inside:) I just don’t like the ice that has come with this storm.

Gina - Beautiful! We’re wishing for more snow in our area too-we’ve only gotten enough to tease us. Enjoy it! (and the cocoa!)

Logan - We had snow in SC this week too, for the 2nd time this year. I love your pictures. The colors show up so well and tell Annie that I just love her gloves! I had huge gloves on yesterday too when my husband and I were walking in the snow on the golf course behind our house with our Golden Retrievers.
How deep is your snow, Meg? Looks like you got a lot! We had nine inches and that is a lot for SC.

Lucylu ~ - Aaaahhhhhhhhh cute snowman! we have FIVE inches sooooo cold!

Traci - Great photos. Wish we had snow! instead we’ll drive 2 hours this Saturday to visit it.

The Lazy Dazy - Ahhh! Awww! So Jealous!
Hope to see it here in West Texas before winter leaves us.
Looks like a blessed day.

Transparent Mama - This California girl loves the snow too. Now that we live in Montana, we get to enjoy it all the time. This reminds me that I actually need to get out of the house and take some snow pics of my kids.

Kim - Funny you guys got lots of real snow and your kids still go to school..We get a few inches here in good ole Alabama and EVERYTHING closes down yes even Walmart for 1 whole day ;)…2 days out of work and school and working on #3…funny funny….but we sure do enjoy it…

Courtney Walsh - We got tons of snow here too, Meg and I am loving it…from inside the house with a cup of hot tea!! lol 🙂
This morning, when I dropped the kids at the bus stop, I was cursing it because I got stuck in a snow bank. How embarrassing. Geesh. I had to call my husband to explain to me how to get out!!
I feel so manly that I did it. 🙂 Hope you’re doing well. By the way…thank you so much for listing me as one of your favorite blogs. I am NEVER on those lists…and that was super sweet of you. AND…the feeling is oh-so-mutual!

Janine - I hate the snow. And we are hunkering down tonight for a good 12-15″ of it. That’s on top of the 20″ that hasn’t melted yet from the Christmas blizzard. I can’t wait till summer!

simply stork - I love the snow…when it snows around here I get to stay home :o) in a world full of teenagers and tweenies…that, in and of itself, is a rarity :o)
Enjoy your snowy days of goodness!

Missy - That’s funny that you just now got snow… here in Fargo we have 50 inches already- 30 inches more than normal for this time of year! (much to my dismay)

Dani - We got 8 inches! That was more than I have ever seen here in Mississippi! I, unfortunately, have a cold-hearted boss that made me work. My kids enjoyed it the red-neck way with fishing boats pulled behind tractors, tire inner tubes down steep hills, and some garbage can lids pulled with a 4 wheeler! Too bad I was too busy doing NOTHING at work to enjoy it with them!

Lisa utu - Love the snowman! That’s exactly what my kids snowmen look like too! I think snow is beautiful… I especially love how quiet it is as it snows. Well the snow is quiet, not my kids or house! 🙂

MGF - I have a love/hate relationship with the snow.
But it finally snowed in my neck of the woods recently too

Ali Richardson - That pretty white snow looks magical to this SoCal girl. I know there is soe hassle that comes along with the snow, but from inside looking out (or from my blog looking at yours), it looks dreamy 🙂

elisa - I am watching the snow fall, sipping coffee, reading your blog. Perfect!

Julie - My poor kids have never touched snow. Ever. Your backyard looks like paradise to me right now. It’s probably way more romantic to think of snow when you don’t have to actually deal with the snow part… but I’d love some, if just for a day.

Jodi - I’m NOT a fan of snow… we don’t get it much at all in South GA, thank goodness. I think everyone should experience it just once though. Especially kids! They can make just about anything fun. :o)

HEATHER R. - Snow day #2 here. Sledding, dripping clothes, dryer, repeat. But it is good fun to watch. Hot coffee mug “clink”. 🙂

Nicole Q. - We got the snow too! Played yesterday but today the windchill is -20. Oh my!! Dangerously cold!! AHH!! Thanks for linking me on your last post. I got some serious traffic – ha! Wondered where they were all coming from until I read your post!! I won a blog makeover from “Blessed Little Nest” in the Water Giving Drawing – how fun! Have a great snow day!

sarah @ Perpetual Blind Date - Its not snowing here (did that yesterday) but burr is it cold… a whole 8 degrees. Hello Oklahoma weather. Hot Chocolate and marshmellows sound delightful!

Jessica Johnson - lucky, lucky, lucky! we wimpy Californians are just freezing with no snow. have fun! 🙂

Mindy Harris - talby looks like a gap model in the last picture. 🙂

Heather @ Cookie Mondays - I love snow from the inside too 🙂

debbie - Nothing cuter than kids bundled up in coats and hats and mittens! We have lots of snow predicted for later today. Hope I can stay inside in my slippers drinking coffee 😀

danielle -!!

Katy - Oh, what I would give to be in the snow! We live in Florida and it hasn’t snowed here since the 80’s! With the exception of last year, which was only enough to leave a slight layer of it on the top of our car.. 🙁 My girls are 2 and 3 and I know they’d love it! I think I need to plan a trip somewhere up north so they can see it!
Love the girls’ coats and Talby’s scarf. I was born in KC. 🙂

Tammy - I cannot stand the snow, but my son loves it! I love watching him play in it. So fun. I don’t understand how they can stay out in it for so long. HeHe. . . I freeze my butt off. =)

AshleyAnn - Wow you got so much more than we did. My kids played a little in it..then the 2 year old started crying because the snow is cold. And the fun was over.

Andrea T - Our 3rd snowstorm is looming over our heads tonight! We are at 30 +”s so far this winter. Needless to say I have a countdown to spring on my chalkboard…..68 days 😉 ENJOY

Holly - we have had a ton of snow this winter so far and we are in Tennessee!

Tara - i sat at my computer this morning and realized that you left a comment over at my blog. i don’t know how you found my it, but i am so, so, so glad you did. 🙂
love the pictures of your littles playing in the snow. we’re in orlando, so there’s no snow for us, but my family back in north georgia has about 6 inches!!! wishing we were home right about now.

angela - Funny that you had all that snow and your kids went to school. In NC we get a THREAT of snow and they close school. Promise. Yesterday we never saw one flake until 4:00 PM….but schools were closed ALL DAY!

Shayne - Love the snowman!
So glad to hear you say that you enjoyed it from the inside with coffee. My kids asked me to come out the other day and it was Just Too Cold! I sent their father instead…
Enjoy the winter wonderland. 🙂

Gemma - Haha Yeah I like snow for a day or so then it can all go away…We had ours before Christmas and it was icey EVERYWHERE. Not great!
Gemma x

se7en - Would you just look at all that snow!!! We dying of heat and crawling in and out of the pool all day long… enjoy the coolth!!!

Kirsten J - Ha! Here in the Seattle area, they keep promising snow….and….nothing. Cold, damp, a little drizzle….and *maybe* tomorrow night….

Tiffany - We got the second highest snowfall on record here yesterday – 10 inches!! I know for most people, this is not an issue – but in Tennessee, it brings the world to a standstill – the closed schools before the first flake fell. 😀
Needless to say – sledding, snowball fights, snowman building, snowangel making, downhill racing and anything else snow related took place from sun up to sun down at our house today!
Glad your crew had fun today! Nice pics – how did you do that in your slippers from inside the house. I tried that…and got roped into a snowball fight…

Trish - I love snow too! but by April I’m ready for it to be all gone. Who am I kidding, by late February I’m ready for it to be all gone and by April I’m ready to move away from Alaska!
Glad you guys were able to enjoy it!

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