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my friend.

i don't know edie in real life….yet.
but i know her.

you read Life In Grace i am sure….and you have heard of Edie's tragic house fire just before christmas.
leaving them with only their pajamas and their family.
nothing else.
i cannot even begin to imagine what that feels like.

i cannot imagine the emptiness she feels.

today is her birthday.

what must that feel like?

all over blogland women are writing birthday wishes for Edie and we are posting them on her blog for her to have all in one place….YOU are invited to join….and link it for her to read.
let Edie know how special you are to her today.


you are a shining star in my world.
you bring Light to my days when i read your blog.
the way you point me to God in every post is beautiful.
i respect your words and know it is truth.
i enjoy coming to "visit" you knowing what i will see and hear will be pleasing to my soul.
you are a strong woman for the Lord.
i cannot wait to meet you someday.
it will be amazing.
i wish your birthday to be filled with truly the most important of things…
love and glory to God.


"God is our refuge and strength,

an ever-present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear…."

Psalm 46:1-2 

happy birthday.
even though it will be like no other.
do not let it be ruined.
Give God all the glory…like you always have…He loves you and created you for a purpose.

i am so glad HE did.

Laura R. in MS - i never knew about edie’s blog until your post, but i stayed up reading the past 6 months worth. what an amazing warrior for Christ! she and her family are definitely on my prayer list now. thanks for the heads up and pointing us to her blog.

elisa - what did we do before we had the internet to make new friends.

Emma - Hello! I really love your blog. I have been popping in on occasion ever since I saw one of your comments on my cousin’s blog. Seeing as how this is my first comment here, I could make it really long and go on about all of my favorite little details in your craft projects, inspiration, and sense of humor. Unfortunately, (insert here: work/kids/time/general hubbub) is not allowing me that luxury right now! =) Suffice to say, I just really love your blog. Thanks! And Happy Birthday to Edie, whom I have just “met” through your sweet post. Wow! What a woman. Have a wonderful day!

edie - i will not adequately put into words how ‘knowing’ you has changed me. i see things differently. i see color differently. i am a woman blessed, by your creative life, by your love and by your friendship. you have that something special that is gifted to very few people and i am full of thankfulness to know you meg.
this darkness that i am in feels heavy and permanent. i know it’s not. i know that God will do what only He does. restore, rebuild, renew. so i will wait and know that until then, he will teach me things that i can only ‘hear’ in this place. this ‘waiting’ for restoration will not be time lost to him. his work will go on, he will plow the field, tear it up completely, so that beautiful, bountiful precious fruit will finally grow again.
thank you for this. love you.

Jenny B. - Wow. I have never read Life In Grace before, but I am so glad you shared about her today.

Southern Gal - Love this.

Christine Ishmael - thanks for posting that Meg..I needed the perspective…

Kerri - SO sweet of you all to support a blog friend! God is Good!

J - Edie and her family are indeed fortunate to have their lives, and even more fortunate to be able to realize that’s really all that matters.
I live in Tornado Alley and have known the loss of material things, but not quite in that way. There is nothing quite like the loss from a fire.
I can tell you, and her, this: it’s not all bad. Good things can come from momentous change. A tornado, over a decade ago, brought us a clean slate, in some respects; new neighbors (so much better than the previous ones!); and a necessity of learning to work together in a new way. Our marriage was stronger for it. So Edie, if you read this: do your grieving. Do your crying. After that, you can’t even take it one day at a time – that’s often too much. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. That’s all you can do. You’ll get there, and when you get there, you’ll have the gift of strength: if you got through this, what’s life going to throw at you that you can’t handle???? (P.S. Cut yourself plenty of slack. If you find yourself throwing a hissy fit over something small, forgive yourself and don’t waste energy on being embarassed. That stuff just goes with the territory.)

Mrs. B. - A year ago this week my family lived through a house fire. It was a terrifying experience that will forever change my life! Praise God our family got out quickly and our home was able to be saved, but I still have nights that I have trouble sleeping. The worry is always there….
My heart is heavy for Edie!
Mrs. B.

jennibell - Thank you. What a beautiful post. You “introduce” me to the most incredible women!!

Tiffany - Beautiful words for such a beautiful soul!

mrs. may - Gorgeous picture of the two of them!

Staci - Beautiful….just….beautiful!!!!!!!

Margaret Ritchie - Beautiful and inspiring…

Courtney Walsh - I hadn’t heard about this, Meg. I’ve been away from the internet for a couple of weeks… catching up now! Beautiful post…

Rebecca Kriner - Meg- this is so uplifting! Thanks for sharing with us!

tara - “you bring light to my days…..”
said perfectly.
love her with you.

1 Funky Woman - Beautiful picture, beautiful post!

Flower Patch Farmgirl - That verse with that photo? Perfection.

laura - edie is such an inspiration to me:)….glad you honored her!

Melanie - Happy Birthday Edie. I don’t know her either but I have been praying for her since the fire.

Jodi - Thank you for bringing this to light and for giving us the opportunity to pray for Edie and her family.

Kristi~The Slipcover Girl - gorgeous post.

emily - I love that photo! Beautiful post.

Sherman Unkefer - Lovely and perfect! happy new year!

patty - perfect, meg!

sandy - just beautiful ! I couldn’t have said it better 🙂

lindsey - the pleated poppy - amen to that!

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