Masthead header


you asked if i liked TRUE GRIT….i did.
it was a classic western…with matt damon in a ginormous moustache.
but i liked it.
i am glad it wasn't clooney though.
i don't know if i could watch it with that….i am not a fan of the moustache.


i still have a stack of 20+ plus christmas cards to mail.
better late than never…..right?


have i told you how much i love MAD MEN?

i was late to get in on this show.
way late.


everyone said to watch.
everyone said it was great.
i didn't get it.


we tried it once and i was irritated.
then another night we tried it again and i was hooked.


we watched season 4 first and then started back at the beginning with the help of netflix.
we are half way through season 2….it comes in the mail today and i can't wait!
i am LOVING it.
all of it.
thank you chicago jen for telling me to try it again.


this is the last day of winter break. 

i have a craft in the cabinet….and another if that is not enough….i hope they will watch a movie….and not fight…..i am hoping for the thank you cards to get finished….i am needing some peace……i am just so ready for the regular routine again tomorrow…

even if it's laundry…i just want normal.

i had a dream last night that i was watching a newborn baby for a friend.
it was so real.
i didn't have the right sized diapers.
i just kept looking at him and i could feel him in my hands….it was such a vivid dream.
so familiar.
i was sad to wake up.

i ordered this picture from the canvas people and it came on friday!

i don't want to forget.
i want to see this everyday.
i love this moment in my life.
i want to be there again.

i am looking for some things in my HAPPY THINGS list. (on the right sidebar)
instead of going through link by link and copying & pasting i decided to just show them all on the side.
almost all.
i put 500 of the past 800 links i have shared on my happy things list…..for ME.

i thought you might like it too.

it won't stay that way forever.
i know that probably some of the links don't work anymore….and most of the etsy stuff would be sold…
but now if you have an extra three or four hours you can just click through there.




in case you didn't see my sara lee post.
enter to win sara lee dessert products over here….
and see our marshmallow snowmen too. 


Vera - I’m SO glad you expanded your Happy Things list… your Happy Things make ME happy, and there were some from months and months ago that I had wanted to bookmark and never got around to, so today I spent like two hours on your blog clicking through all of them again and bookmarking what I wanted. Thanks for making me HAPPY 🙂

Cathy M~ - I am a Mad Men junkie, too! luv your blog!! hugs, cathy

Julie - Just wanted to tell you that we made RAINBOW CAKE for NYE!! We ate it at midnight after we toasted with our sparkling cider. Such a fun way to bring in the new year!

Judy - LOVE Mad Men. Shut the door.

Tracey Garcia - Never did get the Christmas cards mailed. I think I am going to just go with Valentine cards this year instead. It makes it more special if it is unexpected, I think. 🙂
Started reading Crazy Love last night on your recommendation.
I am passing the “stylish blogger” award on to you. I love your blog and look forward to visiting each day.
PS–you can grab the award button at my blog I got so excited I forgot to mention that!

Breeanna - I think I watched Mad Men for 10 minutes and was so lost that I never looked back. Now that you’ve reminded me of it, I might get it on Netflix. Oh how I love Netflix. We use that instead of having cable.

Jody - Megan,
I had a dream last night that you invited me to come look at something in your house (I think it might have actually been boots, or some art??). I remember thinking you were so generous, and kind. And then, I asked if I could just buy something from you, and you got real serious and said, “No. You’ll have to buy my stuff through Amy.” (your neighbor with the kids- [smile]) I got mad and as I walked through your house with a sour taste in my mouth, you were sweet and kind. And then I left, walked through the snow to get to my house which was behind your’s, and decided to only have a business relationship with you.
I know you are a good person.
Not sure why I had that dream.
Thought it was funny when I woke up.
🙂 JC

Krystina Montemurro - i remember wanting to see madmen when it first started, but don’t have cable. still want to watch it!!!!

Ky - Love, love, love, love, love Mad Men!!! Cannot wait til season 6 starts.

Janie Fox - I am a Mad Men lover since the beginning. Hate to see each season end! Loved True Grit too. I’ll be working on your happy list! THX

Shairee - THANK YOU THANK YOU MEG!! for posting your HAPPY THINGS list! Also, thank you for being here every day – you’re the best!!

Kimberly - HAHA! I am slow to join the Mad Men train, too. I watched it once and didn’t get it – but I WILL rent the series and try again.
I also just ordered a canvas from the Canvas People. I am so excited to get it!!!

Lora - Thanks for the tip about Mad Men. We watched 2 episodes today….and waiting for the kids to go to bed to watch more!! Pretty sure I’m hooked……..

Robin - Meg, your blog is a real blessing to me and I just wanted you to know that! All of the color, the love of family, the honesty, and your desire to glorify God are truly refreshing! Thanks!

Valerie @ Chateau a La Mode - I totally relate to being late to the party for Mad Men. Loving it now too. My daughter got me hooked and we’ re still on the first season…but loving it.

Sugar Mama - All I wanted to say is my heart is breaking that the regular schedule is about to kick in. I’m not ready to go back to work, but more than that, I’m not ready for my kids to go back to school. Our days filled with pancakes and board games have been awesome.
Counting down until summer vacation!!!

crystal beutler - Loved your post,
Loved True Grit!!
Love your happy list
Love that photo you ordered.
I just love you!! You are one amazing woman.
I’m so with you, I just want normal.

Mindy Harris - Shawn and I saw True Grit NY Eve and really liked it. Just an all around good story.

kristen - I will have bags under my eyes tomorrow, but after the kids are asleep, I will click through your amazing Happy Things List! Thanks for posting it!

se7en - HAY… Can you comment twice on a post? I was wandering through your awesome list… click sigh, click – wow, click wonderful… click, click, click… and there we were!!! How weird is that!!! How weird is that!!! Thanks for the thumbs up!!!

RLG - My MIL gave us a fill-in-the-blank $100 check for the charity of our choice this year. We gave to charity:water. Great cause, Meg. I’m so happy 100% goes to people in need. xoxo

melissa stover - i love mad men. i also started with season 4 and am just now going back to the beginning. i’m on season 3 which saddens me because it’s over too quickly. i’ll have to wait patiently for season 5. it is the best show on television right now. love it.

Liz M - Excellent choice for a canvas. I don’t want to forget that, either. Thanks for taking us along.

Leah - I hear you on being glad the kids go back. My little one went back today. Needless to say, we were both thrilled. Next year, I’m scheduling my work vacation after she goes back to school so I can have a few days of breathing room and alone time.

Angie - We just started watching Mad Men, too. We are finishing up season 3 tonight! We started in late Nov and have watched 2-3 episodes each free night that we have. That’s a lot of martinis and lucky strikes at once!;) We love love love it, though! My new favorite for sure.

Jessie - Thank You THaNK YoU! for the Happy List. I think it is my favorite part of your site!!

Heather - I am a failure at Mad Men. Started at the beginning and lost interest early in season two. I kept hoping, every episode, that Pete Campbell would die or be fired- I hate him so much!! But hearing from you that the rest is good might help me push through being stuck. 🙂

nicole i - mad men is my new addiction too…i have one more episode left in season 3 and then i am caught up. brilliant writing and a perfect time suck.
happy new year. - Your Happy Things list is my favorite!!!

Tiffany - A Happy Things list…I LOVE IT!! I am going to add that to my “to-do” list for myself for 2011.
And I am totally hearing you on being ready for the kids to go back to school. My crew is going stir crazy, nit-picking at each other to no end…ugh! I love being a mom – but I seriously love the quiet when they all are at school. 😀

Michelle Rotner - SOOOOOO glad you posted all of your “like” things. Just last night, I said to my hubby, “I wish she archived all this this. Her favorite things are my favorite things.” Fun stuff. And today, volia…you posted 500.
Thank you.

Kirsten J - Ha! I noticed your sidebar first thing – girl, I do not need any time wasters today!!!

amber - i need to find somewhere to put my favorite things….good idea Jen. I am sure I will have several hours to look through your links today. reality starts for me tomorrow too

katie - soo…you had a dream you were holding a newborn baby and it felt super real. i had a dream that you and i were super good friends in real life and it felt real. like so real that i had to talk myself out of it when i woke up. 🙂 i felt like such a dork for dreaming about you, much less for dreaming that we were super great friends instead of strangers meeting for the first time or something like that. and now i’m even more of a dork because i just told you all of that. 🙂

Amanda-ThriceBlessed - Another Mad Men lover here! If you have AMC you can also watch the episodes On Demand. My sweet hubby bought me the DVDs for Christmas so I can get my Don Draper fix whenever I want. I know I’m in the minority here but I also love Betty Draper, her mothering skills are seriously lacking but she is so darn pretty to watch!

kasey - omg…i’m on mad men as well. just finished season one last night.
now all i need is a ciggie to smoke;-)

Betsy - Mad Men is absolutely wonderful. In a tv funk now as it is over (but may rewatch the seasons via Netflix-thx for idea.) I guess the box set of the seasons was really cheap on Amazon awhile ago–a friend told me after the fact! Watch Boardwalk Empire (it will be available soon on DVD). It is fab as well! THX Meg for a great blog!!!

Staci - I’ve never even heard of Mad Men….guess I am missing out!! Gotta try it!!! In case I haven’t told you today….I love your blog soooo much!!!!! My kids are on their way out the door for school today….I am ready for some normal too! Happiest of New Years Megan!!!!

Bliss - Hello Meg!
Wow. I have been looking for your blog for the longest time >> like all of 2010. Lol. & I found it tonight. I used to subscribe in mac mail but lost all of my rss feeds! I occassionally googled *random* words i could think of (annie, dog, rainbow, mom, photography, home, cushions etc 😉 in an attempt to find you & I have no idea what i added tonight but somehow it worked. Big YAY!
I can’t wait to follow your adventures again & see your beautiful photos. have you blogged about which camera & lenses you use? I’m a mama who is returning to photography roots & diving into the purchase of my first digital SLR. Eeeeek. I’d love to know what you use 🙂

Karen - LOVE your random posts!

regina - totally random question (which i think i may know the answer to???): do you have a kindle or the nook? i think you may be one of those people that loves books and the way that they feel but on one of your posts where yall were traveling you had these gadgets pulled up in your car so I was toatlly and completly curious:)

tami - The wardrobe stylist deserves a round of applause on Mad Men.I love the styling on that show!

traci - Pretty much hate the show mad men to the core.

se7en - I simply love and adore your canvas art… it feels like yesterday you blogged it… but time does indeed pass!!! And I mailed my Christmas cards on Friday… beat ya!!! Well except for the three I haven’t written that I squashed under my laptop in the hopes that they will write themselves and post themselves!!!

Kat - Enjoy your return to school tomorrow Meg. What do you have planned (other than laundry) to celebrate some “me time?”
We have 8 weeks of summer holidays here in Australia.
Thank goodness I am married to a teacher who is also on holidays or I do not know how I would survive/fill in those 8 weeks on my own!
Love your random thoughts.

Mary Beth - I call the first day back to school in January the “Best Day Of the Year” and I have a private little party. Just Me. I STILL do. Because the holidaze are TERRIBLE on the Moms.
So, declare A BEST DAY OF THE YEAR and make it YOUR day.
(I usually sit on the couch and watch movies and eat Campbell’s Soup and Crackers.) 🙂

PaisleyJade - Love the picture – soooo good. Can’t wait to see that movie too!

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