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a quick few …..

i got this book from a friend for christmas.
i have put it in my cart several times….at the store and my virtual cart…but always put it back.
obviously God wants me to read it.
i am really excited.

i went to see this with craig last night.
he asked if i wanted to and i said "i don't want to see a western"
then i hung up and looked up the trailer…..matt damon is in it.
i called him back.


this was what my dad got me.

based off of this….i got three calls in walmart the night the grammies were on….saying i was on tv.
i look like her.
or we looked very alike at the the time ….i had long dark brown hair then too.

it is pretty freaky watching her sing.
it was like looking in a mirror!

funny gift right?
my dad is a character.

but….i have been told i look like carly simon too! 
i have a big mouth and big eyes.  :)

last week i was told i look like rachel mcadams…. Images

maybe i look like an OLD rachel mcadams…like her grandma.
ha ha ha.


i have a MOMent Maker post with Sara Lee on my other blog today.

we are were getting crafty.
come by and check it out and enter a comment to win sara lee products.



crystal beutler - You are in good company friend!!!! All beautiful women.
I used to look like Cheryl Ladd on Charlies Angels. Little kids used to come up to me and ask me for my autograph. Now, not so much. πŸ™‚

usa online casino - going to check your other posts. thanks.

kathy b - I just downloaded a sample of Hole in the Gospel on to my Kindle. Haven’t purchased it yet. If I read it I will be accountable to do!!!. I have to take that step. Gulp.
I get afraid of failing.
Happy New Year. If I had to pay to read your blog I would. It is that good! Well…up to a limit I guess. Please keep it up. I have followed you since Annie was “naughty baby” drawing on walls.
Kathy b

Gemma - You do kinda look like that lady singing….kind of!!
Gemma x

Logan - Just wanted to wish you a very Happy New Year! Your blog always brings a smile to my face, so thank you for that. And I continue to enjoy my Wet n Wild lip gloss. Ha Ha!

Hannah H - the book “the hole in our gospel” is incredible. get to reading, and be prepared for God to break your heart for what breaks His!! i really enjoy your blog!

Trina Curran - I just happened upon your blog via eighteen25 and I love it. Such candid and in depth writing and photos…so neat to read! Funny about the phone calls in WalMart…yes, you do look like her! πŸ™‚

DevremΓΌlk - i like to read your posts. thanks for this one.

Sandy Cooper - The Hole in Our Gospel is one of the most life-changing books I’ve ever read. It would go on my top 5 list of books I now recommend to others.
Found you through Clover Lane…

amanda - Now that you showed that picture, you kind of do look like her! That photo of your daughter is too cute. Happy New Year!

Sugar Mama - I really want to see True Grit. As a kid I watched a lot of western movies with my dad and always enjoyed them. When they are made well they are my favorites. Was it good?

Lorilee - One of my kindergarteners once told my I looked like the “lady in Twister” a.k.a. Helen Hunt. I was thinner than I am now, wore my hair longer and straighter with and had on a sleeveless mock turtleneck. It was a reach, but I was flattered!

ruthi - I vist here everyday and just wanted to say how much I enjoy your blog. Your creativity is inspiring and your perspective on life is refreshing. Thanks for sharing with us. Be blessed in 2011!

Sarah - Yes, the Dixie Chick girl is you TOO!
I loved True Grit…although I covered my eyes during the gory parts.

Kat - Lets face it Meg, you are just gorgeous πŸ™‚
Love The Dixie Chicks and yes I can see how you look similiar with her hair dark.
Its new years eve here in Australia, so happy new year to you Meg and your family.
Thanks for your wonderful and inspiring blog and most of all, for KEEPING IT REAL!! I love that about you and your blog.

Holly - I think you will really be touched by The Hole in Our Gospel. Great study….we just read it as a small group study. So powerful!
Love your blog!

Julie J. - I LOVED The Hole in Our Gospel. I couldn’t even sleep many nights while reading the book because it made me think so much. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

Sandra - meg, your blog is just TOO funny!! i stumbled over here a few weeks ago and have been lurking around and thoroughly enjoying your daily posts and pouring through your archives ever since. time to come out of the lurker’s closet and say thank you for sharing these snippets of your life. your creativity and your passion for making a difference in the lives of your children and children in africa have been inspiring. you have given me a lot to think about as i start to ponder my 2011 goals.(i hate the word resolution)
and, YES, you DO look like Natalie! and to Stephanie and purejoy…i was once told in college(only 14 years ago)that i look like Bea Arthur…yup, that one hurt!

Mindy - I want to hear your review of “The Hole Our Gospel” I just finished “Forgotten God” by Francis Chan and they compliment one another really well…Next is “A Million Arrows” Raising Our Children To Change The World. by Julie Ferwerda

becky lee - That book is phenomenal!!! I have read it (and reread it!), and given it to many people. Ah-mazing!

Rhonda - you’ll love the book. I did. πŸ™‚

Jodi - WOW!! You really do look a lot like Natalie!
My husband tells me I look like Renee Zellweger (not sure of the spelling)… But I don’t see it.. May be in my younger, less pudgier days! ha!!

sarah - meg, i read that book and it rocked my world! prepare for tears…but the good kind that mean God is doing something in your heart. it truly has changed the way i understand what it means to follow Jesus.
happy new year! xoxo sarah

Leslie @farm fresh fun - So NOT a grandma. Love Natalie! You DO rock! Going to look up that book asap… Enjoyed all your family sharing. I cry. Not Christmas Eve. That’s when it’s FINALLY all worthwhile. I so enjoy the day. And the week after. Just not the lead up. Now it’s time to look forward to a NEW YEAR!
Wishing you and your family all good things,

Ruth - Annie is hilarious!
Think I might check out that book. I love your recommendations… but that sidebar of happy links… that is dangerous. So much beautiful stuff – and there goes my afternoon!

evan - Natalie Maines is from Lubbock, TX… where I have lived all my life! She doesn’t like Lubbock much anymore now πŸ™ Did you know she shaved her head recently?? But she’s so stinking talented! btw, I have a crush on Matt Damon too πŸ™‚ Ha!

Jenny B. - Your dad sounds like a fun guy, and yes, with her hair and make-up like that, she does look like you! Did you see that your guest/play room re-do was featured over on today? Ashley Ann’s nursery was on there too! Fun, fun!! πŸ™‚

Jennifer D - I so appreciate your blog. love hole in our gospel…powerful book and perfect way to start the year. my husband read first…then me after he wouldn’t stop talking about it. we just adopted our 2nd foster child and although this book is not about adoption — it somehow started it all.

Tess S - hole in our gospel… update us on what you think of it!

Holly - when I was younger I was always compared to Wednesday from the Adams family……..I hope I dont really look like her! Ha!
We have an old drafty house also. Is it way warmer upstairs during the summer in yours too?

purejoy - i was told when i was about 20 that i looked like angela landsbury. i think i cried. i’d rather look like mrs. fillpots from beauty and the beast… not the chick from murder she wrote!!
your dad is too funny. but he’s right. you do look like natalie. i hope you’re nicer! ; )
i have about a million books i want to read. that is one of them. if only i didn’t require sleep.

Joanna W. - I’ve thought more than once that you also look like Sara Groves. And you’re both favs!

Tanya @ Life in 3D - Love the shirt from your dad. Dad’s are so funny…lol πŸ™‚

mandy friend - I LOVE Westerns. Hmmm…maybe I should point out to my hubby how lucky he is tonight after seeing all the other comments;) And Stephanie’s comment-LOL!!! Meg, I can’t ever see the videos you post, so I’m not even sure who you were being compared to! Not sure why I seem to be the only one???

Tonya Lynn - I love The Hole in Our Gospel. I can’t think of a book that I have ever read that has changed the way I view life: my Christianity, giving, love of others more. I have read it several times and each time I get more from it.

Iris Brown - Did you like the movie? I loved 3:10 to yuma and I’m not a western girl either. Wanted to get a woman’s perspective on movie. You capture such great moments. Annie’s pic made me smile.:)

katey - I wish we could “like” comments like on facebook and I would like Stephanie’s and her husband saying she looks like a lego character. Funny stuff! The movie was good!

Melanie - Fun post! I won’t go see that movie. I am not a western girl:) Love that Annie didn’t want to get dressed BUT has a coat on. LOL!

betsy - You DO look like her!
On a side note, I L-O-V-E that song. It makes me cry every time I hear it. If I have daughters, I want to raise them to be strong & speak their mind like those women. It’s so moving … right?

Amanda - How was the movie??

Stephanie - my father in law thinks I look like Giada De Laurentis. I wish. my mother in law thinks I look like Rene Zellweger. No.
my husband thinks I look like a lego character. Not even kidding.

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